education 4 all

Education is essential for everyone. It is the level of education that helps people earn respect and recognition. In my opinion, it is indispensable part of life both personally and socially. However, the unequal standard of education is still a major problem that needs to be solved. The importance of education is undeniable for every single person. It goes without saying that education has a positve effect on human life. All people need to study. Only with the advent of education can people gain knowledge and enlarge their view over the world. For example, learning by watching TV or reading books gives people a huge amount of information about anything they are interested in such as mathematics, current news, exchange rates, other countries' cultures and so on. Apparently, people may become more useful and civilzed if better educated. In areas where residents are not able to receive an appropriate education, life cannot be as thriving and properous as locations where there is a high standard for education. Secondly, education plays such a rudimentary role on our society that we cannot even imagine a life without it. It is a determined element for the civilization of human society. Not only does It helps us develop healthy surroundings but it also generates an advance community. As a matter of fact, everything we create today is based on the knowledge that we obtain throughout our life by way of education. This assists scientists in inventing equipment and devices, resulting in a high technology nowadays. The more developed life becomes, the more necessary education is for everyone. Although education has a significant influence on life, the average education is not the same in different areas. As a result, strategies are being made to resolve the problems. Without education, life would be disastous and detrimental. Consequently, to this day, we are trying or best to make education global and accessible for everyone particularly the poor and the disabled. There are still some places where the inhabitants are almost completely uneducated, causing a serious lack of knowledge. Addtionally, every child should should be given equal opportunities to learn and study. Because the development

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Page 1: Education 4 All

Education is essential for everyone. It is the level of education that helps people earn respect and recognition. In my opinion, it is indispensable part of life both personally and socially. However, the unequal standard of education is still a major problem that needs to be solved.

The importance of education is undeniable for every single person. It goes without saying that education has a positve effect on human life. All people need to study. Only with the advent of education can people gain knowledge and enlarge their view over the world. For example, learning by watching TV or reading books gives people a huge amount of information about anything they are interested in such as mathematics, current news, exchange rates, other countries' cultures and so on. Apparently, people may become more useful and civilzed if better educated. In areas where residents are not able to receive an appropriate education, life cannot be as thriving and properous as locations where there is a high standard for education.

Secondly, education plays such a rudimentary role on our society that we cannot even imagine a life without it. It is a determined element for the civilization of human society. Not only does It helps us develop healthy surroundings but it also generates an advance community. As a matter of fact, everything we create today is based on the knowledge that we obtain throughout our life by way of education. This assists scientists in inventing equipment and devices, resulting in a high technology nowadays. The more developed life becomes, the more necessary education is for everyone.

Although education has a significant influence on life, the average education is not the same in different areas. As a result, strategies are being made to resolve the problems. Without education, life would be disastous and detrimental. Consequently, to this day, we are trying or best to make education global and accessible for everyone particularly the poor and the disabled. There are still some places where the inhabitants are almost completely uneducated, causing a serious lack of knowledge. Addtionally, every child should should be given equal opportunities to learn and study. Because the development of a country depends vastly on the standard of education, it must do everything in its power to improve it. Although the educational systems of different countries are not similar but they have to share a common goal which is to provide its citizens a suitable and proper learning.

In conclusion, edcation is absolutely beneficial for society on the whole. It is a life-long process to each person that need to be reinforced throughout life. However, we need education system that may eradicate illiteracy and may provide the common man an access not only to basic education but also to higher and technical education.

any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance !

The importance of education is quite clear. Education is the knowledge of putting one's potentials to maximum use. One can safely say that a human being is not in the proper sense till he is educated.

Page 2: Education 4 All

This importance of education is basically for two reasons. The first is that the training of a human mind is not complete without education. Education makes man a right thinker. It tells man how to think and how to make decision.

The second reason for the importance of education is that only through the attainment of education, man is enabled to receive information from the external world; to acquaint himself with past history and receive all necessary information regarding the present. Without education, man is as though in a closed room and with education he finds himself in a room with all its windows open towards outside world.

Generally, at the start of a very young age, children learn to develop and use their mental, moral and physical powers, which they acquire through various types of education. Education is commonly referred to as the process of learning and obtaining knowledge at school, in a form of formal education. However, the process of education does not only start when a child first attends school. Education begins at home. One does not only acquire knowledge from a teacher; one can learn and receive knowledge from a parent, family member and even an acquaintance. In almost all societies, attending school and receiving an education is extremely vital and necessary if one wants to achieve success.

However, unfortunately we have places in the world, where not everyone has an opportunity to receive this formal type of education. The opportunities that are offered are greatly limited. Sometimes there are not enough resources to provide schooling. Furthermore because parents need their children to help them work in factories, have odd jobs, or just do farm work.

Since it is not traditional, in some places, to receive a formal education, the one who receives an education is usually envied, praised and even admired by members of the community. Children sometimes look at other children with awe. Just the same way as one child might envy another because he got a new pair of sneakers, and wishes he could have too. There is a sense of admiration but at the same time there is a sense of jealousy as well. Seeing your peer do better than yourself causes some tension and jealousy because of the scarce opportunities available. As a child, it's hard to understand why there is a difference.

Learning subjects in school is not enough. One can learn history, math, science in school, and be "book-smart". In addition, one can learn how to live life by knowing what to say when, acting a certain way in certain situations and be "street-smart". These two types of knowledge are extremely essential to be successful in life. For example, you can have all the "book" knowledge in the world about a certain profession, but if you don't know how to behave with your co-workers and or your superiors, having "book" knowledge won't get you too far.

Page 3: Education 4 All

Essay on Importance of Education

Education is not just restricted to teaching a person the basic academics, say computers, mathematics, geography or history, education is a much larger term. It is really a means to discover new things which we don't know about and increase our knowledge.

The importance of education is undeniable for every single person. It is a rope that can carry us to greatness. It is one of the most important things in life, because without it, you can't contribute to the world or earn money, and do not have knowledge. Knowledge is power, so when you know what you can do, you can go that mile further.

An educated person has the ability to differentiate between right and wrong or good and evil. Education helps you understand yourself better, it helps you realize your potential and qualities as a human being. It helps you to tap into latent talent, so that you may be able to sharpen your skills. It is the foremost responsibility of a society to educate its citizens. A person becomes perfect with education as he is not only gaining something from it, but also contributing to the growth of a nation.

In conclusion, we must realize the importance of education. We must aim to ensure that each citizen of our nation is educated and independent.

But no matter what, education is the key that allows people to move up in the world, seek better jobs, and ultimately succeed fully in life. Education is very important, and no one should be deprived of it.


Education is a social instrument through which man can guide his destiny and shape his future. An uneducated man can not become a part of development.

Islam makes it compulsory for every man and woman to get education. in the modern age, nations desirous of progress spend huge amounts on education. Education occupies a fundamental place in the development of a country.


There is no concept of progress and development without education. All development countries have high literacy rate.

* Education is a big source of evolution. It helps mankind to pass through many stages of evolution and reached to the present age of science and technology.

* It helped the mankind to conquer the forces of nature on he earth and also explored a number of secrets of space.

Page 4: Education 4 All

* It helped the man to understand and protect environment for healthy atmosphere.

* It helps to understand the ideology of a nation and also suggests different measures to strengthen this ideology.

* It creates love for the state and it is also great source of patriotism, which a helps a nation to get progress.

* It is a source of understanding the rights and duties of a citizen, which run side y side and without them society can not run smoothly.

* It is a big source of developing creative abilities of a person for the betterment of societies.

* Economy of any country can not get progress until citizens don’t understand the economic progress of a country. Secondly economy is the base of development and progress.

* Through education, more skilled people can be produced who can make the country developed.

* Mineral wealth of a country contributes a lot for the development of a country. Education helps to explore and use of minerals for national development.