education statistics in sweden

Education statistics in Sweden Josefine Lundström Population and Welfare Department: Education and jobs

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Education statistics in Sweden. Josefine Lundström Population and Welfare Department: Education and jobs. Overview. The production of education statistics regarding pre-school , pre-scool class , school- age childcare and adult education Data collection process - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Education statistics  in Sweden

Education statistics in Sweden

Josefine LundströmPopulation and Welfare Department:

Education and jobs

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• The production of education statistics regarding pre-school, pre-scool class, school- age childcare and adult education• Data collection process• Official statistics – Swedish National Agency for


• The use of Education statistics in Sweden• Users• MONA – Microdata ONline Access

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Education Statistics• The Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket) is

responsible for the official statistics concerning pre-schooling, school-age childcare and parts of the adult education

• The Swedish Schools Inspectorate has supervisory responsibility for preschooling, school-age child care, schooling and adult education.

• Statistics Sweden collects the data upon request from The Swedish National Agency for Education.

• The production of the official statistics is process oriented. Because of the secrecy act both individual and group data is collected

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•Owned by the National agency for education (Skolverket) and used both for their administrative needs and our statistical needs.•The basis for all statistical collections in ISCED 0-3•The register is administered and collected by SCB.•Contains all active Schools, divided by school form with unique codes.•Administrative classification; one “School” (building) can have multiple entries in the register (School codes)•One large collection and update per year, sent to all active Organizers (huvudmän), municipal and private.•Running updates round the year.•Modernisation in process to adapt to the new Education Act and the Curricula of 2011•With the school register as a base Statistics Sweden collects data concerning students, grades, costs and the teaching staff

The School register

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Data collection• It takes about 5 month from the beginning of the survey to the publication of Official


• The process that takes the most time is the data collection • Improvement in the service towards the respondent• Tests in the information towards the respondents• Meetings with companies that provides school systems• Participitation in school conventions

• Upper secondary education:• Students: The Swedish National Board of Student Aid (CSN)• Graduates:

Partly from National Agency for Services to Universitets and University Colleges (VHS)

• Systems for data collection:• SIV• Triton• Examples:

• National tests in year 9• Final grades in compulsory school

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Registers on individuals• Compulsory school, leaving certificate, , 1988-• National test, year 3 (2010-), 6 (2012-) and 9 (2003-)• Upper secondary school, leaving certificate, 1973- • Upper secondary school, National test, 2003- (sample)• Upper secondary school, applicants and admissions,

1985-• Swedish for immigrants, 1992-• Register on teaching personnel, 1978-• Students in pre-school class, compulsory school and

leisure time-centers• Students in upper secondary school

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Registers on a group level• Preschool and other pedagogical activities• Compulsory school:

• Special schools• Schools for children with learning disabilities• The Sami school (year 1-6)• Schools with denominational education

• Municipal adult education• Basic adult education• Upper secondary adult education • Post-secondary training courses.

• Adult education for individuals with learning disabilities.

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Data processing• Socio-demographic background variables get linked to the students and the

schools, such as:• Country and city (if in Sweden) of birth

• The biological parents educational level

• Date of immigration

• Principal organiser of the school (municipal, state, county or independent)

• Statistical tables included in the Official statistics of Sweden

• Micro-data registers• Individual (de-identified, serial number used in all student registers)• Group• Derived variables concerning for example:

• If and how students commute• The student’s final grade in compulsory school in the student register for upper secondary school

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+ 181 000+ 21 %

+ 95 000+ 11 %

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+ 91 000+ 29,8 %

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Surveys• Ministry of Education and Research orders every year 2-4

surveys each year from the Population and Welfare Department: Education and jobs at Statistics Sweden

• Adult Education Survey is an on-going international study

• Follow up on students 4 year after they’re graduation from higher education

• Study interest of students in upper secondary school

• PIAAC - Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies.

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• Follow up and analysis

• Researchers

• Planning of economical resources

Municipalities and countiesSchool organizersAuthoritiesMinistryResearchersPublic

The use of Education statistics

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MONA - Microdata ONline Access

• The MONA system provides secure access to micro data at Statistics Sweden from an Internet connection. Here data are processed and analyzed through a rich set of applications.

• Aggregated results are automatically sent to a user’s designated mail account. Users can also store intermediate results on Statistics Sweden servers for future use.

The main goals for the MONA-system are:• to provide a secure system for Statistics Sweden and the researcher, in

which no micro data can leave the system and with a high availability.• to present an easy to use front end for end users built on well known

standardized techniques and software components.• to have instantly upgraded data when needed without any requirements to

produce new sets of disks or tapes for redistribution to external users.• to present a complete system with powerful servers and a rich set of

applications with no requirements on expensive equipment and softwarecosts for end users.

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• Microdata On-line Access (MONA)

• Statistics Sweden's standard tool for making micro data accessible

• For research and statistical purposes after a harm test according to The Secrecy Act

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Goals for access to microdata

• No data leaves Statistics Sweden

• Easy for the user

• Secure system for Statistics Sweden and the user

• Timeliness when changes occur

• Statistics Sweden handles all maintenance (i.e. servers, software, storage etc.)

• Combine your data with data from Statistics Sweden

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MONA system

Log on with app or security card


Individual Windows

remote desktop

Software- SAS- STATA- SPSS- Other statistical software

Data- SQL databases- Files from statistical software-Other formats



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Publications from Statistics Sweden

• Statistical yearbook of Sweden

• Statistical yearbook on Educationin Sweden

• Gender statistics

• Trends and forecasts


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Nationella progress reports

• The progress report by the Swedish National Agency for Education

Part 1 - Descriptive dataPart 2 - Assessment and Conclusions

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International comparisons

• OECD: Education at a Glance


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Documentation for in-depth studies

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Basis for the government assignments

”Skolverket ska genom en urvalsundersökning kartlägga och analysera orsakerna till den låga måluppfyllelsen i kurserna Matematik A och Bi den kommunala vuxenutbildningen, samt föreslå åtgärder för att förbättra resultaten. ”

Andel kursdeltagare med betyget icke-godkänt (IG), %

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Analysis by Swedish National Agency for Education

Statistics concerning how students in secondary school commute

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Difference between the grade in the national test and final grade of year 9 in compulsory school



















0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%














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Andel elever med lägre, lika eller högre slutbetyg jämfört med provbetyg, %