education system in poland providence project meeting poland, 8th – 10th june, 2010

Education Education system system in in Poland Poland Providence Project meeting Poland, 8th – 10th June, 2010

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Page 1: Education system in Poland Providence Project meeting Poland, 8th – 10th June, 2010

EducationEducation system system inin PolandPoland

Providence Project meeting

Poland, 8th – 10th June, 2010

Page 2: Education system in Poland Providence Project meeting Poland, 8th – 10th June, 2010


Page 3: Education system in Poland Providence Project meeting Poland, 8th – 10th June, 2010

Compulsory education Compulsory education Compulsory education starts at the age of 7

and lasts until the end of education in the gymnasium, though not longer than until the age of 18.

Compulsory education is completed by attending a 6-year primary school, a 3-year gymnasium and a post-gymnasium school, whether these are public or non-public institutions.

The requirement to complete compulsory education is also applicable to children with special educational needs.


Page 4: Education system in Poland Providence Project meeting Poland, 8th – 10th June, 2010

Nursery schoolsNursery schools Pre-primary education institutions form a part of the

school education system. They organise care and education.

Pre-primary education is provided for children between the age of 3 and the start of education in the first year of the 6-year primary school. It is organised in nursery schools, which are separate establishments, or in nursery divisions based at primary schools (the so-called “0 classes”).

6-year-olds have the statutory right to receive one year of pre-primary education which prepares them to start primary school education.

The responsibility for ensuring that children may exercise this right rests with local government authorities (the municipality, i.e. gmina).


Page 5: Education system in Poland Providence Project meeting Poland, 8th – 10th June, 2010

Primary schoolPrimary schoolThe 6-year primary school provides

education for children aged 7 to 13. At the end of education in the 6-year primary

school, pupils take a competence test. It covers reading skills, writing skills, reasoning skills, the ability to use information, and the ability to apply knowledge in practice.

This is a national and compulsory test. It is not used for selection purposes, but only as a source of information about the level of pupil achievements.


Page 6: Education system in Poland Providence Project meeting Poland, 8th – 10th June, 2010

The gymnasium The gymnasium The gymnasium (gimnazjum) is as a compulsory general

education school with a duration of 3 years. All primary school leavers continue their education in the

gymnasium. It is designed for young people aged between 13 and 16 years. Education in the gymnasium ends with an examination which

covers knowledge and skills in humanities, mathematics and natural sciences and foreign language.

This examination is compulsory. The result obtained in the examination is given on the final school certificate and is taken into consideration by the post-gymnasium school chosen by the pupil.

Gymnasium leavers are awarded the certificate of completion of education in the gymnasium which provides access to further education in post-gymnasium schools, that means: ◦ 2-3 year basic vocational schools, ◦ 3-year general secondary schools (General Lyceum), ◦ 3-year specialised secondary schools, ◦ 4-year technical secondary schools.


Page 7: Education system in Poland Providence Project meeting Poland, 8th – 10th June, 2010

Basic vocational schoolBasic vocational school These are establishments of the duration of education

not shorter than 2 years and not longer than 3 years. Courses in a vocational school will end with a vocational

examination, confirming the pupils’ vocational qualifications

This school also allows to continue the education in 2-year supplementary general secondary school or in 3-year supplementary technical secondary school.

The main objective of this school is on the one hand, vocational education in accordance with the requirements standards designed for a given group of occupations, and the preparation of its pupils for continuing education. On the other hand this school offers general education enabling to its pupils to continuation their education and to enter for the matriculation examination.


Page 8: Education system in Poland Providence Project meeting Poland, 8th – 10th June, 2010

Post-gymnasium vocational Post-gymnasium vocational schools – schools – 3-year specialized 3-year specialized secondary schoosecondary school l It is a school providing

education in general vocational specializations.

Currently, there are the following specializations: ◦ chemical examination of


◦ economy and administration,

◦ electronic, electronic and technical specialization,

◦ clothes design,

◦ landscape architecture,

◦ forestry and wood technology,

◦ mechanic production techniques,

◦ mechatronics,

◦ food and agriculture,

◦ social science,

◦ transport and dispatching,

◦ services and economy,

◦ information management,

◦ artistic and applied crafts in metal.

The graduates - having passed the maturity examination – will be awarded the maturity certificate of the specialised secondary school . Holders of this maturity certificate may apply for admission to a higher education institution. The graduates who will not take the above mentioned examination will be awarded the certificate of completion of education in the specialised secondary school which is a document confirming the secondary education and general vocational preparation of its holder. However it does not entitled its holder to apply for admission to a higher education institution.


Page 9: Education system in Poland Providence Project meeting Poland, 8th – 10th June, 2010

Post-gymnasium vocational Post-gymnasium vocational schools – schools – 4-year technical 4-year technical secondary schoolsecondary school Pupils may acquire vocational qualifications

at secondary level, complete general secondary education, and obtain the maturity certificate.

Graduates are awarded the title of technician or a different title as defined in the classification of vocational education occupations. Maturity certificate holders may apply for admission to higher education.


Page 10: Education system in Poland Providence Project meeting Poland, 8th – 10th June, 2010

General LyceumGeneral Lyceum It is a secondary school providing general education at the end of

which pupils may be awarded the maturity certificate (świadectwo dojrzałości).

At the end of a 3-year course in the lyceum, pupils may take the maturity examination (matura).

It consists of an internal part taken in a school and an external part organised in a school but assessed in the Regional Examination Commissions. The internal part is an oral examination, covering the Polish language and a modern foreign language. The external part is a written examination which covers three compulsory subjects (the Polish language, a modern foreign language and mathematics) and one subject to be chosen by the graduate.

These graduates who have passed the maturity examination obtain the maturity certificate of the general secondary school.

The graduates who have not taken or passed the maturity examination obtain the certificate of completion of education in the general secondary school which will confer them neither rights to gain access to higher education institutions nor vocational qualifications.


Page 11: Education system in Poland Providence Project meeting Poland, 8th – 10th June, 2010

Post secondary school Post secondary school The completion of these schools enables to

acquire or extend their vocational qualifications on the technical secondary or equivalent level.

The applicants are enrolled on the basis of the certificate of completion of education in secondary schools.

The school provides education of different duration, but not longer than 2,5 years.


Page 12: Education system in Poland Providence Project meeting Poland, 8th – 10th June, 2010

2-year supplementary 2-year supplementary general secondary schoolgeneral secondary schoolIt is opened for the graduates of basic

vocational school, who wish to continue their education on secondary level. After 2-year education its graduates may sit for the maturity examination, and having passed it may be awarded the maturity certificate of the general secondary school, entitling them to apply for the admission to a higher education institution.


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3-year supplementary 3-year supplementary technical schooltechnical schoolAfter the 3-year education its graduates may

sit for the maturity examination and having passed it may be awarded the maturity certificate of the technical secondary school, entitling them to apply for the admission to a higher education institution and having passed the vocational examination – the diploma of vocational title.

Those who will not sit for the maturity examination will obtain a certificate of completion of education in the technical secondary school.


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Higher educationHigher education Vocational education courses - first-cycle (Bachelor’s

degree) programmes which last 3 to 4 years and lead to the degree of „licencjat” or 3.5 to 4 years and lead to the degree of „inżynier” (engineer), depending on the field of study,

Master level complementary courses - second-cycle (Master’s degree) programmes which last 1.5 to 2 years and lead to the degree of magister or an equivalent degree, depending on the field of study

Uniform master level courses - (Master’s degree) which last between 4.5 and 6 years and lead to the degree of magister or an equivalent degree

Doctorate studies - for holders of the Master’s degree, last 3 to 4 years