edx 3270 literacy slideshow w0099703

Leah Drury Student Number - W0099703 EDX3270 – Literacy Education Course Examiner – Stew Riddle Annotated References

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Anstey, M., & Bull, G. (2006). Teaching and learning multiliteracies: changing times changing literacies (pp. 56-81). Newark, DE: International

Reading Association.

Anstey and Bull provide implications of multiliteracies on pedagogy and list ways educators can adapt to assist learners in becoming multiliterate. The authors list several points to guide the development of a multiliteracies curriculum. Anstey and Bull state that delivering content is not sufficient and that becoming multiliterate depends on the pedagogical style of the teacher. Four areas of ‘Productive Pedagogies’ are highlighted for teachers to work towards improving the outcomes of their students in conjunction with ‘The Four Resource Model’ to ensure teachers develop a pedagogy that addresses multiliteracies.

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Asselin, M., & Moayeri, M. (2011). Practical strategies: the participatory classroom: web 2.0 in the classroom. Literacy Learning: the Middle Years, 19 (2), i-vii. Retrieved from Education Research Complete database.

This recently compiled Journal contains significant points for consideration by all educators. The planned implementation of new literacies courtesy of Web 2.0 as learning tools in the classroom helps to develop students critical thinking and encourages participation through the equal contribution of individuals in group settings, helping to build knowledge according to Asselin and Moayeri. Asselin and Moayeri hope to encourage the use of Web 2.0 tools across Key Learning Areas (KLA). Whilst providing detailed examples of the ways in which Web 2.0 tools can be utilized in the classroom to support new literacies, Asselin and Moayeri also raise awareness of ethical, privacy and miscommunication issues that schools need to consider when implementing Web 2.0 tools.

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Beavis, C., & O'Mara, J. (2010). Computer games - pushing at the boundaries of literacy. The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 33 (1), 65-76. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

Beavis and O’Mara call upon the works of many credible authors to reiterate findings in their case studies. This study highlights the opportunities that exist within curriculum guidelines to incorporate the creation and use of digital games in digital formats. Firstly, Beavis and O’Mara report that adolescent boys, who use digital games of personal interest, become more analytical, reflective and critical about texts. Secondly, teenage boys who produce digital games through planning and the creation of resources utilise multiliteracy skills. With support through the pedagogical practices of teachers and curriculum guidelines, students can be educated about ‘the wall-less classroom’ as described by Beavis and O’Mara when making and using multiliteracies.

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Cope, B., & Kalantzis, M. (2009). Multiliteracies: New literacies new learning, Pedagogies: An International Journal, 4 (3), 164-195.

Cope and Kalantzis examine whether the core concepts developed during the mid 1990’s by the New London Group ‘A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies’ remain true. The emergence of new technologies and the speed and mode in which it is delivered have formed new communication practices, the emergence of new literacies, amid the trend of multimodality. Cope and Kalantzis believe the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ of literacy pedagogy show little change to the overall concepts, regardless of major innovations since that time, mostly due to difficulties arising from inability to monitor multiliteracies.

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Healy, A. (2006). Multiliteracies: teachers and students at work in new ways with literacy. In Campbell, R., & Green, D. (Eds.), Literacies and Learners current perspectives (3rd ed., pp. 191-207). Australia: PEARSON

Prentice Hall.

Healy, a multiple print author, clearly states in her explanation of both traditional print text and digital texts that print based literacy is diminishing with the introduction of digital text. The importance of appropriate pedagogies to respond to the role of computers in communication is evident throughout her writing. This chapter looks at literacy as the centre point of curriculum and the shifting text-student-teacher relationships. The author notes teachers’ necessity to balance ‘eye candy’ against engagement in multimedia digital text as a source of information. Healy’s claims that students develop their literacy related knowledge as much from interactive multimedia digital texts as from any other text mode based on her significant research into the teaching of digital literacy.

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Henderson, R. (2008). Mobilising multiliteracies: pedagogy for mobile students. In A. Healy (Ed.), Multiliteracies and diversity in education: new

pedagogies for expanding landscapes (pp. 168-200). South Melbourne, VIC: Oxford University Press.

The multiliteracies work of The New London Group and the Learning by Design Framework of Kalantzis and Cope guides the planning and development of Henderson’s ‘mobile students’ project. Henderson cites the work of many reputable authors who provide considerable evidence behind the contributing factors of low literacy levels in students who frequently change schools. Technological advancements create new and challenging ways of communicating with students in classrooms and as a society in general according to Henderson. Henderson adds that the New London Groups multiliteracies approach to literacy takes into consideration several aspects of learning that are important to a cultural and linguistic diversity. The author provides detailed, in depth learning opportunities, adaptable across contexts for a multiliteracies problem based project.

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Kinzer, C., & Verhoeven, L. (Eds.). (2008). Interactive Literacy Education. United States of America: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

In this recent publication Kinzer and Verhoeven conclude the inevitability of ICT and literacy merging within curriculum, thus creating a complex learning situation. In chapter one, Facilitating Literacy Education Through Technology, the authors highlight the benefits of multimodal software, in conjunction with specific focused instructions, enables students to become interactive learners. The listed implications and benefits of literacy as a social tool are based on the work of Vygotsky and a series of recent studies. Kinzer and Verhoeven establish at least three components of a technology enhanced environment model.

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Ljungdahl, L. (2010). Multiliteracies and Technology. In Winch, G., Ross Johnston, R., March, P., Ljungdahl, L., & Holliday, M. (Eds.), In Literacy, Reading, Writing and Children’s Literature (4th ed., pp. 399- 422). Australia: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS.

Ljungdahl comments on the increasing number of technologies making their way into classrooms. This recent publication by highly accredited authors looks at similarities between traditional print and digital devices literacies. Ljungdahl states the application of technologies can enhance the curricula creatively and expand our philosophy of literacy. Ongoing training for educators to keep up to date on the most efficient way to integrate technology into learning programs is vital according to Ljungdahl. The author highlights three key points required for technology to be successful within classrooms and discusses the challenges of ICT.

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Swan, K., Kratcoski, A., Schenker, J., & Cook, D. (2007). The Ubiquitous Computing Classroom: A Glimpse of the Future Today. In van ‘t Hooft, M., & Swan, K. (Eds.), Ubiquitous Computing in Education. (pp. 259-285). United States of America: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Swan, Kratcoski, Schenker and Cook provide scenarios taken from ongoing research of real life workings of ubiquitous computing classrooms utilising a myriad of digital devices. Chapter thirteen presents a framework for studying the impact of ubiquitous computing on teaching and learning. The aspect of developing, measuring outcomes, use of a multitude of digital devices and working within ubiquitous classrooms is explained in great detail. Swan et al. findings based on specific research questions, found a direct relationship between student interest and motivation, leading to higher order thinking and that ubiquitous access to digital technologies positively affects the students work.

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Unsworth, L. (2001). Teaching Multiliteracies Across the Curriculum. Buckingham: Open University Press.

This somewhat dated book looks at issues still highly relevant in today’s education system. Unsworth declares that the arrival of digital technology as part of text does not mean the end of page based literacies but rather an extension of it, where multimedia and electronic information compliment conventional literacies. The author explores key features of pedagogic frameworks for the management of multiliteracies to optimize learning. Unsworth believes that if schools are to foster the development of multiple literacies they firstly need to identify and understand it’s diversity before students can be effective participants, through the development of knowledge in meaning making systems and the use of meta language.

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A multiliteracies approach to literacy allows for the insurgence of technology into the classroom contributing to effective literacy teaching and learning. Our daily lives are crisscrossed by the overlapping of traditional text types with digital devices that enhance the way we learn literacy. Asselin and Moayeri (2011) believe the planned implementation of new literacies utilising Web 2.0 tools in the classroom develops critical thinking skills and improves participation. Furthermore, Beavis and O’Mara’s (2010) studies found that boys in particular become more analytical, reflective and critical about text especially when using and developing digital games. Swan, Kratcoski, Schenker and Cook (2007) found a direct link between student interests and motivation leading to higher order thinking and that ubiquitous access to digital technologies positively affects students work.

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Overview/Synthesis cont.

Healy (2006) claims that students develop their literacy related knowledge as much from interactive multimedia digital texts as from any other text mode. Multimedia and electronic information compliment conventional literacies according to Unsworth (2001). It appears he is not the only one, Freebody and Gilbert (1999) as cited in Henderson (2008) state the complex concept of literacy exists due to new approaches to literacy teaching coexisting with old ones. New literacies are not confined to schools, teachers and their students, they have infiltrated society, thus a need to develop student’s skills in multiliteracies in order to live and work in a multiliterate world. Kinzer and Verhoeven (2008) concede the inevitability of Information Computer Technology (ICT) and literacy merging within the curriculum, creating what they describe as a complex learning situation.

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Overview/Synthesis cont.

Teachers need to be aware of the way students currently interact with ICT outside of school and set challenging, meaningful tasks that critically engage students in multiliteracies. Ljungdahl (2010) acknowledges the increasing number of technologies making their way into classrooms and believes that through ongoing professional development educators can keep abreast of the best ways of integrating technology into learning programs. Asselin and Moayeri (2011) add their concerns of ethical, privacy and miscommunication issues that can arise from the implementation of Web 2.0 tools. No doubt an ongoing concern shared by members of the wider community. Beavis and O’Mara (2010) believe that students can be enlightened of the far reaching effects of working within a ‘wall-less classroom’ through effective pedagogical practice and curriculum guidelines.

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Overview/Synthesis cont.

Kinzer and Verhoeven (2008) highlight the benefits of multimodal software in conjunction with focused instruction enables students to become interactive learners. Kinzer and Verhoeven (2008) go on to list the implications and benefits of literacy as a social tool. Anstey and Bull (2006) provide their implications of multiliteracies on pedagogy and suggest educators follow a ‘Productive Pedagogies’ and ‘The Four Resource Model’ by Luke and Freebody, to develop a pedagogy that addresses multiliteracies. A study conducted in 1996 by The New London Group was revisited by Cope and Kalantzis (2009) to gauge whether the core concepts of their findings remain valid. It is believed that regardless of recent advancements in technology, that have created new literacies, little changes have occurred to the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ of literacy pedagogy. As advancements in technology continue and the way in which it is utilised in classrooms changes so too will the list of implications and benefits on all who use it.

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ICT Reflection

What goal did you set? I wanted to approach the ICT

element of this assessment with a ‘can do’ attitude and to not be intimidated by technology. I had a desire to further develop my skills in a PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) beyond my current knowledge. Vygotsky as cited in Sigelman and Rider (2009) refers to working within this space as the ‘Zone of Proximal Development’. Lack of experience and opportunity has previously restricted me from creating a PowerPoint, something that I had virtually no experience in creating.

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ICT Reflection cont.

What did you learn?

Using technology to create a multimodal presentation requires trial and error, drawing upon knowledge of literacy previously experienced by the user across a myriad of contexts. Despite Healy’s (2006) statement regarding the development of literacy from both digital and written text, I believe it would be impossible to create the presentation without having solid background knowledge in a combination of written text, visual, audio, linguistics and spatial design elements.

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ICT Reflection cont.

What were the barriers to your learning?

I need to visually observe how a task is done, read how it is done and refer back to written text as reference when required. Receiving encouraging, timely feedback regarding progress would have helped to build confidence.

How did you overcome them? I overcome barriers by referring to

other reliable sources available in multiliterate formats. I repeatedly listened to YouTube presentations on the internet while writing notes to refer back to later and watched for visual prompts.

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ICT Reflection cont.

What would you do differently next time?

PowerPoint Presentations can become boring for the reader so it is important for the creator to use interesting, yet minimal amount of slides as possible so the viewer can effectively engage with the content.

How might your experience with this task inform your teaching as a future literacies teacher?

Be aware of what ICT skills and literacy knowledge students bring with them to the classroom. Incorporate technology into everyday multiliteracy rich tasks and allow students to teach others what they know and build upon those skills by providing more challenging tasks.

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Pictures. [Pictures]. (n.d.) Google Images.