effective cv writing

Effective CV Writing Bibaswan Ghoshal Teaching Assistant, ALES 204 Graduate Student Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Sciences University of Alberta 1

Post on 20-Sep-2014




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Effective CV Writing

Bibaswan GhoshalTeaching Assistant, ALES 204

Graduate StudentDepartment of Agriculture, Food and

Nutritional SciencesUniversity of Alberta


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2Image on left: CV, URL:” http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8NEuWoLjHYrd2hrmoZocuIVUNiWRfh50QotiOBp1Kf9LyPKmeFQ”, Feb 12, 2012 Image on right: Business man and woman, URL:” http://snobtopia.com/files/2011/11/business-man-and-woman.jpeg”, Feb 12, 2012

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3CV Purpose, URL:"http://www.gradjobsuncovered.com/img/gju_employer_registration_engagement.jpg", Feb 12, 2012

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Curriculum Vitae

 A CV is a written description of your work experience, educational background and skills

Curriculum Vitae (CV) means "course of life" in Latin

A CV is a typically a "living document" which will reflect the developments in a professional's career

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Purposes of a CVMarketing tool: First impression is the one

which lasts

Request for an interview: We are always looking for jobs

Your “big picture”: A detailed snapshot of your professional and academic life

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CV FormatsChronological


Chrono-functional /Combinational/Combined

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chronological orderWidely used for

corporate sectorMainly used by

individuals withSolid work historyFew or no gaps

between jobs

Chronological CV, URL:"http://img.docstoccdn.com/thumb/orig/22708087.png", Feb 12, 2012

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Functional CVFocuses on the skill

set of an individualMainly used by

individualswith significant gaps

in employmenta mixed employment

backgroundvery short work


Functional CV, URL:"http://img.docstoccdn.com/thumb/orig/44419483.png", Feb 12, 2012

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Chrono-Functional CVSpecific work

experienceSpecific skills and

talentsUsed mainly by

individualsFreshly graduated

from schoolWith uninterrupted

work historyApplying for specific

jobsCombined Resume, URL:"http://www.resume-resource.com/Examples/functional-resume-sample.gif", Feb 12, 2012

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Functional TypesAcademic

Used for academic applications (graduate student applications, scholarship applications)

Usually more detailedFocuses mainly on academic achievements, Relevant projects and courses mentioned

CorporateUsed for getting jobsSpecific to the needs of the employerFocuses mainly on work experience and relevant

academic affiliations

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CV FormatHeaderObjectiveEducationHonors/ActivitiesWork ExperienceResearch Experience/Projects

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Header SectionName

Must be the first line of resumeBoldLarger than the largest font used in body

AddressCurrent address preferable

Email AddressUse professional email addresses preferably with

namePhone number

Preferably use both home and cell phone numbers

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Phone NumberEmail Address

Image Source: Personal

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Objective SectionOptional but highly recommendedStatement must be clear, concise and to the

pointBad: “I want to get a job”Weak: “To attain an internship in livestock

industry.”Good: “To attain an internship in the livestock

industry with detailed insight into genomics and bioinformatics.”

Avoid being over specificTarget the company’s perspective

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Education SectionEducational qualifications from highest to lowestDo not use high school details once you have

graduatedMust include years in school

Image Source: Personal

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Work Experience Section

Experience should be listed in reverse chronological order

POSITION TITLE, ORGANIZATION NAME, CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, DATES EMPLOYED (Include months unless this shows big gaps of unemployment )

Describes specific roles in bullets

Image Source: Personal

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Research Experience SectionFocus on relevant research experienceMust include graduate level researchIn reverse chronological order

Image Source: Personal

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Honors/Activities Section

This section should scream “I am a leader”Must contain all academic and

professional awardsMay include extra-curricular awards Include a brief description if not self-

evident from titleDon’t include hobbies or activities not

related to the job or your storyGood to include leadership positions

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ReferencesOne of the most crucial thingsFollow the requirementIf not mentioned, then “On Request/demand”Ask referees beforehandUse the best ones

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Additional SectionsProfessional Certificates/LicensesSpecialized ExperiencePublications/ThesesAdditional Training/AssistantshipsMembership/AffiliationsVolunteer Experience/Community ServiceLanguage or Computer SkillsContinuing Education

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Types of CV






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Electronic CVsScannable

Best to use black color fontsUse proper font type (do not try anything fancy)Many companies scan paper resumes into their


Email AttachmentCurrently the most widely used delivery methodPDF most widely used formatEasily convert your Microsoft Word CV to PDF using

various online resources (www.pdfonline.com)

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HTML ResumeEase of accessShows your creativityEasily available and free of cost from many

service providers like googleLink to different sections of your CVVery detailedYou can add forms of social media like

twitter, facebook pages and personal/professional blogs

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Tips Use Action Words

List of Action Words, URL:"http://www.my-easy-resume.com/image-files/action-words.gif", Feb 12, 2012

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Do’sProfessionalismOne page only (for corporate CVs)Stick to the truthFocus on achievements and resultsMaintain a consistent writing styleAvoid the use of “I” or “my”Modify your CV according to requirement

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Do’sUse easy-to-read languageGet grammar and punctuation correctFollow the instructionsProofreadSpell CheckUpdate your CV regularly

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Harder to readAvoid whitespace

Actually avoid using border linesInclude a picture of yourself

It’s not the cover of a fashion magazineUse extremely professional image when asked by employer

Use several fonts to catch their attentionCreates a “ransom effect”Use Times New Roman or Arial

Focus on you and your needsEmployers are not interested on who you are but what you

can do

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Don’tsUse templates to construct your resume

Don’t use fancy onesYou have got other ways to show your creativity

Use superlatives to emphasis your workInformative and stick to the basic facts

Use long flowing sentencesShort, concise and to the point

Print your resume on “day glow” paperIt is not going to an art workshop

Illogical Order UseUse relevant information at the beginning

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Bad Resume Examples, URL:"http://img.docstoccdn.com/thumb/orig/22467385.png”, Feb 12, 2012

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Bad Resume Example, URL:" http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ViJKBVHeG3U/SMau560W8BI/AAAAAAAAFns/BC-Hb9gPB8M/s400/bad-resume-sample-page4.jpg”, Feb 12, 2012

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CV is a marketing tool or

advertisement of a person:

Sell yourself properly