effective data management to attract more …...effective data management to attract more funding...

Effective Data Management to Attract More Funding and Grow Operational Capacity Ken Tallman 6512 Consulting Group www.6512consulting.com

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Page 1: Effective Data Management to Attract More …...Effective Data Management to Attract More Funding and Grow Operational Capacity Ken Tallman 6512 Consulting Group Agenda •Review challenges

Effective Data Management to Attract More Funding and Grow Operational Capacity

Ken Tallman

6512 Consulting Group


Page 2: Effective Data Management to Attract More …...Effective Data Management to Attract More Funding and Grow Operational Capacity Ken Tallman 6512 Consulting Group Agenda •Review challenges


• Review challenges associated with data management• Specifically address the impact on fundraising and operational efficiencies

• Review options for managing your data, including:• Spreadsheets, desktop or online• Shared online repositories• Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools

• For each option, consider:• Data management issues, sharing, donor segmentation, donor history, security and


• Summary and Q&A

• What else do you want to cover?

Page 3: Effective Data Management to Attract More …...Effective Data Management to Attract More Funding and Grow Operational Capacity Ken Tallman 6512 Consulting Group Agenda •Review challenges

Data Management Challenges• What types of data do you need to track?

• Donors• Funding organizations• Donation history• Services delivered• Constituents• Marketing outreach• Interactions

• What is Your Primary Data Source?• Paper files• Spreadsheet• Shared drive• CRM• Other?

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Data Management Challenges (more)

• Dirty data (duplicates, typos, missing data, old data)

• Manage & segment sponors – treat big donors differently

• Identify dormant donors

• Identify trends and anomalies

• Manage your grant applications & deliverables

• Tracking & reporting on services delivered

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Data Management Challenges (more)

• Reporting to board and licensing agencies

• Marketing outreach - avoid spamming your constituents

• Operational inefficiencies• Too many manual processes?

• Too much time spent trying to find/update/analyze data?

• Missed follow-ups / deadlines?

• Too many fire-drills?

• What other data-related problems are impacting your organization?

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Data Management Options

• Paper files

• Desktop spreadsheet

• Online spreadsheet

• Shared drive


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Desktop Spreadsheet

• Who’s using some form of this model?

• Very popular. Many of my clients start here

• Common tools include:• Microsoft Excel

• Ability Office

• LibreOffice

• NeoOffice

• OpenOffice Calc

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Desktop Spreadsheet Pros/Cons• Pros:

• Easy to use tools; small learning curve

• Fairly easy to get aggregate info like total donations this year

• Pivot tables for data segmentation / aggregation / analysis

• Good starting point for single user nonprofit

• Cons:• Many don’t support multiple users

• Data analysis is limited

• Backup / disaster recovery either manual or purchase 3rd party tools to automatically backup your data to recover from accidental / nefarious loss of data

• Difficult to track additional details about each contact (donation history, interactions, events attended, etc.)

• Software cost, although some are free

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Desktop Spreadsheet Considerations

• Data Entry/Mgmt: Limited• Easy data entry, but data cleansing can be a challenge; How do you handle duplicates?

• Sharing Data: Limited• Need to pass file around; Who has the latest data?

• Donor Segmentation: Reasonable• Pivot tables can get you groupings by donation size/date/geography

• Security: Limited• You can put a password on your file, but no way to track if copies made or if file is forwarded

• Donor History: Limited• You can enter a separate row/column for each donation, but difficult to leverage

• Reporting: Limited• No easy way to automate reporting and identify anomalies in the data

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Spreadsheet Tips & Tricks

• Working with your data• Keep each data element in a separate column (first name, last name,

salutation, suffix, nickname, street, city, state, zip, interactions, donations, etc.) • First names useful for marketing; supports pivot tables; needed for importing into a CRM

• Identify phones & emails (e.g. personal vs. business)• Use formal names wherever possible (e.g. Susan vs. Sue) to help de-dupe

efforts• Add preferred name or nickname field if needed

• Use standardized street address format, e.g. PO Box vs. P.O. Box or ST vs. Street

• Use standard 2-character state and country abbreviations

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Spreadsheet Tips & Tricks

• Working with your data (more)• When doing data cleanup

• First make backup copy

• Save to new name periodically (in case you make a mistake and have to roll back)

• Watch for auto-increment on column fills (e.g. dates, addresses, zip+)

• Put summary calculations at top of page, not bottom

• Add an Assumptions & Instructions tab

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Spreadsheet Tips & Tricks

• My Favorite Excel Features• Select All

• Insert Multiple Columns/Rows

• Insert Cut/Copied Columns/Rows

• Temporarily Hide Columns/Rows

• Filter

• Custom Sort

• Format Painter

• Conditional Highlights

• Auto Fill Row/Column

• Auto Fill Repeating Patterns

• View / Freeze Top Row

• Data / Remove Duplicates

• Data / Text to Columns

• Data / Data Validation / List

• Paste Special / Values

• Insert / Pivot Table

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Spreadsheet Tips & Tricks

• My Favorite Keyboard Shortcuts• <ctrl> X – cut• <ctrl> C – copy• <ctrl> V – paste• <ctrl> Z – undo• <ctrl> arrow – move to the last cell in that direction• <ctrl> <shift> <arrow> - select remainder of row/column in direction of arrow• <ctrl> <shift> <end> - select to the last cell in the sheet (pc keyboard)

• Note: Mac users substitute <cmd> for <ctrl>

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Spreadsheet Tips & Tricks

• My Favorite Text Formulas• CLEAN – removes nonprintable characters

• TRIM – removes extra spaces

• PROPER – capitalize first letter of each word (careful for names like McGee)

• CONCATENATE – combines multiple fields and text literals

• LEFT, MID, RIGHT – extract characters from field

• FIND – finds the starting point of a specific text string in another field

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Spreadsheet Tips & Tricks

• My Favorite Math / Reference Formulas• SUM – add all values in a range

• IF – conditional logic

• COUNTIF – count the number of cells that meet criteria

• SUMIF – sum the cells in one column where a corresponding cell in another column meets criteria

• FIND – find one text string in another string

• VLOOKUP – finds values from one column in another column

• HLOOKUP – finds values from one row in another row

• OR, AND & NOT logicals – combine with IF for complex conditionals

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Desktop Spreadsheet Summary

• Very popular solution for tracking basic data elements

• Small learning curve

• Not the best solution if sharing is important

• Not great for tracking history of your donors/clients

• Reasonable segmentation via pivot tables

• Limited security options

• Make sure you’re doing regular backups

• Additional training / information: • https://support.office.com/en-US/Excel

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Cloud-Based Spreadsheet

• Who’s using some form of this model?

• Becoming more popular

• Common tools include:• Google Sheets• Airtable.com• Apple Numbers• FlySuite.com• Quip.com• Kingsoft Spreadsheet• ThinkFree.com• Zoho Sheet

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Cloud-Based Spreadsheet

• Pros:• Online repository of all your spreadsheet data

• Access from anywhere

• Share spreadsheets with co-workers and partners

• Check in/out documents to prevent data collisions

• Automated backup/restore can be available

• Cons:• May need to learn a new tool (although most are similar to Excel)

• Similar data analysis limitations as desktop spreadsheets• Be cautious with sensitive data (e.g. HIPAA)

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Cloud-Based Spreadsheet Considerations

• Data Entry/Mgmt: Limited• Easy data entry, but data cleansing can be a challenge; How do you handle duplicates?• Look for desktop integration tools to mask the new technology, e.g. Google Drive Desktop


• Sharing Data: Good• Grant access to your file and everyone can see it

• Donor Segmentation: Reasonable• Pivot tables can get you groupings by donation size/date/geography

• Security: Good• Grant access to specific files or folders; password protected

• Donor History: Limited• You can enter a separate row/column for each donation, but difficult to leverage

• Reporting: Limited• No easy way to automate reporting and identify anomalies in the data

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Cloud-Based Spreadsheet Summary

• Increasing in popularity

• Small learning curve

• Provides good sharing between users

• Do you need to track history of your donors/clients?

• May offer improved security tracking

• May not be appropriate for sensitive data

• You might still need to do your own backups

• Additional training / information:• https://gsuite.google.com/learning-center/products/sheets/

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Cloud-Based Sharing Site

• Who’s using some form of this model?

• Facilitates document sharing

• Some offer check-out/-in features and history tracking

• Common tools include:• Google Drive

• Box

• DropBox

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Cloud-Based Sharing Site

• Pros:• Online repository of all your documents• Access from anywhere• Great for sharing information both inside and outside of your organization• Ability to protect files with passwords

• Cons:• New technology to learn • Just file sharing; no analytics or reporting

• Things to consider:• Look for desktop integration tools to mask the new technology

• E.g. Google Drive Desktop App

• Download it here: g.co/getdrive

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Cloud-Based Sharing Site Summary

• Increasing in popularity

• Provides good sharing of files between users

• Access files from anywhere

• Security typically very good; watch out if you have HIPAA data

• Additional training / information: • https://gsuite.google.com/learning-center/products/docs/get-started/

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Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

• Who’s using some form of this model?

• Which product?

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Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

• Definition

• Features

• Market Leaders

• Pros / Cons

• Things To Consider

• Leveraging Salesforce to address data management challenges

• Examples of Use

• Salesforce.com demo

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CRM Definition

• Customer relationship management (CRM) is an approach to managing a company's interaction with current and potential customers {donors/constituents}. The primary goal of customer relationship management systems is to integrate and automate sales, marketing, and customer support. This has the ability to increase customer {donor} loyalty and usage behavior and reduce customer complaints and the likelihood of customer defection.

Source: Wikipedia

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CRM Features

• Sales Force Automation (SFA)• Contact & company database (e.g. donors, partners, constituents, volunteers)

• Opportunity/Donor/Grant management

• Track interactions with clients and donors

• Track services delivered

• Identify trends and anomalies

• Merge duplicate contacts

• Reports / Dashboards

• Marketing Automation

• Customer Support Automation

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CRM Products

• Salesforce.com• Freshworks• HubSpot• Pipedrive• ProsperWorks• Nimble• Zoho• SugarCRM

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CRM Pros

• Online repository of all your data and documents

• Access from anywhere

• Real-time updates

• Customizable to your specific requirements

• Custom reports & dashboards

• Mobile access to your data from phones and tablets

• Track donor/client interactions

• Data automatically backed up by vendor; excellent disaster recovery• Might be fees associated with data


• Get reminders of scheduled activities

• Can get automatic notifications of data anomalies

• User experience generally very good

• Many include marketing automation tools

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CRM Cons

• Can be expensive, but some are free/discounted for nonprofits• E.g. Salesforce.com provides 10 free licenses to qualified nonprofits (a $15K/yr value)

• Systems can be very complex

• Setup/configuration can be difficult

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CRM Things to Consider

• Can the CRM integrate to other 3rd party tools (open model), or is it a closed system?

• Do you need basic donor/donation tracking or more sophisticated data tracking?• Some systems are flexible enough to allow you to track everything you do in one

place, such as manage programs, services, donations, volunteers, and supporters

• Do you have data security requirements where some people can view data, others can edit, and others can’t see it at all?• Do you have HIPAA security requirements

• Do you need to track changes to your data?• Do you need content management?• Consider doing your own incremental backup

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Data Management Challenges (reminder)

• Dirty data (duplicates, typos, missing data, old data)

• Manage & segment donors – treat big donors differently

• Identify dormant donors

• Identify trends and anomalies

• Manage your grant applications & deliverables

• Marketing outreach - avoid spamming your constituents

• Tracking & reporting on services delivered

• Reporting to board and licensing agencies

• Operational Inefficiencies

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Salesforce.com Identify Duplicates

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Salesforce.com Duplicate Contact Merge

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Data Cleansing Tools

• Data.com - Contact & company data enrichment for Salesforce

• CRMfusion - De-dupe & normalization tools for Salesforce

• Oceanos - Contact data enrichment and de-dupe

• DataCleaner - De-dupe & normalization

• DataLadder – Contact data enrichment and de-dupe

• MelissaData – Contact data enrichment & address verification

• Note: These are just examples of a vast set of tools in this area

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Segment Large Donors

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Identify Dormant Donors

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Tracking Donor History

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Manage Grant Details

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Track Marketing Outreach & Response

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Track Campaign Effectiveness

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Social Services

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Land Conservancy

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Client Services

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Food Recovery

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Secure Online Payments

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Migrate Data From Other Systems

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Salesforce.com Overview• Navigation / Tabs

• Home, Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, Campaigns• List Views

• Contacts• Fields, Layout• Household Account automatic creation/naming• Donation Totals / Membership Info / Volunteer Info• Related Lists• Duplicates

• Activities

• Accounts

• Opportunities

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Salesforce.com Overview

• Campaigns• Add campaign member / Campaign Hierarchy

• Reports & Dashboards• Scheduled email delivery of critical reports & dashboards

• Custom Fields & Objects, Record Types, Page Layouts

• Workflows and Automation• E.g. notify opportunity owner when donation > $500 is received

• Security Model• Org-wide defaults, Profiles, Roles, Permission Sets, Field-Level Security

• Classic vs. Lightning Interface• 18-year old, 2-column interface, vs. modular design with customizable panels

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Salesforce.com AppExchange

• Salesforce.com is an open environment, supporting many 3rd party product integrations

• Extends functionality of solution with best-of-breed products

• https://appexchange.salesforce.com

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Salesforce.com AppExchange

• Related tools• Email marketing

• Mail Chimp

• Emma

• iContact

• Silverpop

• Online donations• iATS Brickwork

• Square

• Stripe

• Local bank

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Salesforce.com AppExchange

• Related tools• Surveys

• SurveyMonkey

• Qualtrics

• QuestionPro

• SoGoSurvey

• SurveyGizmo

• Online event registration• Assemble Events

• Click & Pledge Events

• Blackthorn Events

• Cvent

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Salesforce.com Summary

• Online repository of all your data and documents

• Customizable to your specific requirements

• Track donor/client interactions

• Can get automatic notifications of future activities and data anomalies

• User experience generally very good

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Salesforce.com Summary

• Mobile access to your data from phones and tablets

• Excellent integration to 3rd party tools

• Robust security model; can support HIPAA data; history tracking

• Additional training / information: • http://www.salesforce.org/

• https://appexchange.salesforce.com/

• https://trailhead.salesforce.com/

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Data Management Summary

• Data management tool options• Get off paper; leverage your historical data

• Desktop spreadsheets good starting point for very small organizations

• Cloud-based spreadsheets useful for basic data sharing

• Cloud-based sharing site used to share multiple types of documents

• CRM products provide robust capabilities, automation, security, improved reporting and can be customized to your specific needs

• Dirty Data • Identify the bad data; clean it up; develop a strategy to keep it clean

• The longer you wait, the bigger the problem will be

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Data Management Summary

• Manage & Segment Donors• Identify and flag big donors; treat them with extra care

• Create marketing campaigns for each donor segment

• Identify Dormant Donors• Leverage pivot tables in spreadsheet, or custom reports in CRM

• Manage your grant applications & deliverables• Identify all grants you intend to apply for throughout the year

• Set reminders in your calendar for Grant application and deliverable dates

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Data Management Summary

• Marketing outreach• Track touches to avoid spamming your constituents

• Track effectiveness of each campaign

• Reporting• Automate reports for board and licensing agencies

• Automate delivery of critical reports & dashboards

• Address Operational Inefficiencies• Analyze the data to find trends and anomalies

• Automate your manual processes

• Automate notifications of anomalies & key events

• Leverage technology to free up your time

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Next Steps

• Determine which strategy is best for you

• Identify resources for implementation and training

• Acquire the tool of choice

• Select a partner• Identify your desired end-state and develop a list of


• Get references!

• Define a phased approach to your end-state – get to value quickly

• Stay closely engaged with your partner to ensure success

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Salesforce.com Consulting

Custom Page Layouts Per


Free Salesforce Licensesto qualified nonprofits

Non-Profit Success


Custom Data Model

Custom Fields


User Roles & Profiles

Custom Reports

Data Conformance

Customization Custom


Permission Sets

HIPAA-Compliant Solutions

Real-Time Visibility

Custom Dashboards

Validation Rules


Required & Optional


Data Governance


Sharing Rules

Field History Tracking

Iterative Development with Fully

Operational Prototypes




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Ken Tallman

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Hands-On Exercises

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Spreadsheet Hands-On Exercises

1. Freeze the top row

2. Only display donations from Denver

3. Sort by city then last name

4. Split first name and last name into separate columns

5. Create a picklist of state values to only allow CO, ID, WA and CA

6. Create new column with combined Lastname, Firstname

7. Find all names with “on” in them (from Lastname, Firstnamecolumn)

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Spreadsheet Hands-On Exercises

8. Highlight in green all donations >= $250

9. Summarize total donations

10.Remove extra characters from name fields and set correct capitalization

11.Add a column and display the ID for all names that match the names in the Reference List tab

12.Create a new list and remove the last 3 characters from the ID column

13.Display the sum of donations per city in a new tab

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Spreadsheet Hands-On Exercise Answers

1. View / Freeze Top Row2. Sort & Filter / Filter / uncheck Select All / check Denver3. Sort & Filter / Custom Sort / check My List Has Headers /

Column = City / + / Column = Last Name4. Insert blank columns after Name / select Name / Data / Text To

Columns5. Create list on new tab / select State column / Data / Data

Validation / Allow List / specify range6. =concatenate(<lastname>,”, “,<firstname>)7. Insert blank column / =find(“on”,C2) / fill down

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Spreadsheet Hands-On Exercise Answers

8. Select column / Conditional Formatting / Highlight Cell Rules / Greater Than / update filter, amount and color

9. Use summation character and specify range. $5,785


11.Insert column / =VLOOKUP(C2,'Reference Names'!A2:B16,2,FALSE)


13.Select all / Insert / Pivot Table / rows = City / Values = Donation Amount / Sum

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Salesforce.com Hands-On Exercises

• Create trial account• http://www.salesforce.org/nonprofit/power-of-us/

• Click on “Try It Nonprofit (30 Days Free)”

• Check your email from [email protected]• Look in spam folder if it’s not in your inbox

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Email from [email protected]

• Note: This email might wind up in your spam folder

• Click the Verify Account button to proceed

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Salesforce.com Hands-On Exercises

• Convert free Salesforce trial to permanent license• http://www.salesforce.org/nonprofit/power-of-us/

• Click on the blue APPLY box

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Salesforce.com Hands-On Exercises

• Get your Salesforce Org ID here:• Setup / Company Settings / Company Information

• You will also need your 501(c)3 eligibility letter

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Salesforce.com Demo

• Create contact• Name = John Smith

• Leave Account blank

• Fill in other fields with dummy data

• Click Save

• Note that the Smith Household was automatically created

Page 74: Effective Data Management to Attract More …...Effective Data Management to Attract More Funding and Grow Operational Capacity Ken Tallman 6512 Consulting Group Agenda •Review challenges

Salesforce.com Demo

• Log a call to John Smith

• Set up follow-up call for next week

Page 75: Effective Data Management to Attract More …...Effective Data Management to Attract More Funding and Grow Operational Capacity Ken Tallman 6512 Consulting Group Agenda •Review challenges

Salesforce.com Demo

• Create business account• Record Type = Organization

• Name = ACME Foundation

• Primary Contact = John Smith

• Fill in other details as you see fit

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Salesforce.com Demo

• Click on John Smith

• Click Related link

• View Organization Affiliations• Notice that he is now associated with both the Smith Household and ACME

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Salesforce.com Demo

• Click on Smith Household• Hover over Contacts

• Add contact = Jane Smith

• Fill in other details as you see fit

• Click on Smith Household• Hover over Contacts

• Add contact = Frank Jones

• Notice how account name automatically updates

Page 78: Effective Data Management to Attract More …...Effective Data Management to Attract More Funding and Grow Operational Capacity Ken Tallman 6512 Consulting Group Agenda •Review challenges

Salesforce.com Demo

• Create Campaign• Record Type = Default

• Campaign Name = Test Campaign

• Select Type and Status

• Check Active box

• Add John Smith to Test campaign• From Campaign or John’s contact record

Page 79: Effective Data Management to Attract More …...Effective Data Management to Attract More Funding and Grow Operational Capacity Ken Tallman 6512 Consulting Group Agenda •Review challenges

Salesforce.com Demo

• Create Opportunities• Smith Household

• Record Type = Donation

• Stage = Pledged

• Primary Contact = John Smith

• Primary Campaign = Test Campaign

• Smith Household• Same parameters except Primary Contact = Frank Jones

• ACME Foundation• Record Type = Grant

• Notice the different page layout

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Salesforce.com Demo

• View All Opportunities• Click on Opportunity tab

• Select List View = All Opportunities• Note Edit capability from this page

• Change Display to Kanban• Drag opportunity to change stage

Page 81: Effective Data Management to Attract More …...Effective Data Management to Attract More Funding and Grow Operational Capacity Ken Tallman 6512 Consulting Group Agenda •Review challenges

Salesforce.com Demo

• Custom Reports – You Can Do The Following:• Create reports combining related objects in a single report

• Filter on fixed or relative date ranges (e.g. Last Month)

• View just your records or all records

• Group reports by individual fields

• Summarize fields

• Filter on any combination of fields in the report type, with any combination of filter logic between fields (e.g. and, or, not)

• Export reports to spreadsheets

• Schedule reports to run on a given frequency and be emailed to you

• Do many more things with reports, but this is a good starting point…

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Salesforce.com Demo

• Customize Existing Report• Go to Reports tab and select All Reports

• Click on Open Opportunities report

• Click Edit

• Change Close Date from All Time to Current FQ

• Drag Opportunity Record Type onto the report

• Click Save As• Name your report Test Opportunity Report

• Save in My Personal Custom Reports

• Click Save & Run Report

• Click Reports Tab to see recent reports

Page 83: Effective Data Management to Attract More …...Effective Data Management to Attract More Funding and Grow Operational Capacity Ken Tallman 6512 Consulting Group Agenda •Review challenges

Salesforce.com Demo

• Create New Report• Go to Reports tab

• Click New Report• Report Type = Contacts & Accounts

• Click Create (lower right corner)

• Show All Contacts

• Created Date = All Time

• Type “Phone” in Quick Find

• Drag Home Phone and Other Phone onto report

• Click Save• Name = Test Contact Phones Report

• Save in My Personal Custom Reports

• Click Save & Run Report

• Click Reports Tab to see recent reports

• Click Edit on your new report• Drag Mailing State into Filter area

• Mailing State = CO

• Click OK

• Click Run Report

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Salesforce.com Demo

• Add dashboard chart to homepage

• Click on Home tab

• Click Edit Page• Drag Report Chart component to top left panel

• Remove NPSP component

• Select report = DASH: Opportunity Pipeline Stage/Month

• Click Activation• Set as default home page

• Click Next / Activate / Save / Back

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Salesforce.com Demo

• Change Account Page Layout

• Click on down arrow on Account tab and select Smith & Jones HH

• Click Edit Page• Drag Related Lists component to right panel

• Click on detail component and remove Related tab

• Drag Potential Duplicates component to top panel

• Click Save

• Click Back

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Salesforce.com Demo

• Change Fields on Contact Page

• Click on down arrow on Contact tab and select John Smith

• Click Edit Page• Click on Contact Details component

• Click Contact Lightning Layout

• Remove Private and Birthdate fields (drag to top or click Remove icon)

• Drag Title to right column

• Click Save

• Return to NPSP app and click any contact to see changes

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Salesforce.com Demo

• Create New Field on Contact Page• Click Setup• Click Edit Object

• Click Fields & Relationships / New• Click New

• Data Type = Picklist• Field Label = Type• Enter Values: Donor, Volunteer, Staff and Partner (one per line)• Check Display Values Alphabetically• Click Save

• Click Next / Next / Save• Return to NPSP app and click any contact to see changes