effective meeting notes can make your meetings more productive

Effective Meeting Notes Mamie Kanfer Stewart & Tai Tsao

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Effective Meeting Notes Mamie Kanfer Stewart & Tai Tsao

1 /3Of all meetings are unproductive!

Meetings are Everywhere

•  How note-taking can drive productive conversations.

•  The 4 types of meeting notes.

•  Tips for implementing new note-taking techniques in your workplace.

What You Will


•  Drive toward a decision. •  Clarify next steps. •  Create alignment. •  Keep the meeting on track. •  Keep others informed.

The Power of


The Four Types of Notes

1. NOTES Contextual information with minimal future value.

Example The event last week had 12 volunteers, but only 1 was a repeat.

The Four Types of Notes

2. LEARNINGS Insights and big ideas worth remembering.

Example We have over 200 volunteers in our database, but only 18% have volunteered with us more than twice. This is lower than the average 35% for an organization that works with volunteers the way we do.

3. DECISIONS Agreements and their explanation.

Example Decision: Send a survey to all our volunteers to learn about their experience with us and how we might improve our volunteer management.

Rationale: Volunteers are one of our greatest assets. We’d like to retain more volunteers on an ongoing basis – it’s easier to work with people who we’ve worked with before.

The Four Types of Notes

4. TASKS Actions with an owner and due date.

Example What: Create a list of questions for a volunteer satisfaction survey.

Who: Mamie.

When: 6/20/16 The Four Types of Notes

•  Rotate the note-taker role. •  Do a meeting wrap up. •  Share the notes. •  Reference previous notes.


•  Which team, project or meeting?

•  What tools? •  Who do you need to

involve? •  How will you get them on

board? Back at

the Office

•  Check out our software and services at www.meeteor.com

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What is Meeteor Meeteor is a robust solution to address the challenges associated with unproductive meetings. Meeteor helps you leverage your meetings to drive productivity, build a healthy company culture and achieve greater results.

Technology Facilitate the use of meeting best

practices, making it easier to maintain smart ways of working.

Coaching Address the psychological aspects of

technology adoption, behavior and culture change.

Skill-Building Develop capabilities, understanding

and implementation of best practices.

Web and Mobile Apps Plan thoughtful agendas, capture crystallized next steps, and manage effective follow-through.

Pilot Programs, Orientation, etc. Get your team on board quickly and successfully.

Workshops, Blog, etc. Develop individual capabilities to plan, run, and manage meetings effectively.

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