effective rehearsal leadership

Effective Rehearsal Leadership Time Management in the Choral Rehearsal JoMichael Scheibe, DMA Chair and Professor Department of Choral and Sacred Music USC Thornton School of Music [email protected]

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Effective Rehearsal LeadershipTime  Management  in  the  Choral  Rehearsal

Jo-­Michael  Scheibe,  DMAChair  and  Professor

Department  of  Choral  and  Sacred  Music          USC  Thornton  School  of  Music                        [email protected]

Definition of Leadership

“Social  influence  on  mission  accomplishment.    Getting  effective  cooperation  of  other  people  and  to  harness  the  resources  provided  by  that  cooperation  to  the  attainment  of  a  goal.”

Definition of “to Conduct”

Conduct  comes  from  the  Latin  word  conducere which  means  to  lead  together.

In  Webster’s dictionary,  the  word  is  defined  as:  “to  direct  the  course  of,  or  to  guide,  to  lead.”

So how do we lead and guide our students?

Goal  Setting-­ SMART:

S  pecific

M  easurable

A  ccountable

R  ealistic  and…

T  imelyKathleen   A.  Foord  and   Jean   M.  Haar,  Professional   Learning  Communities:  An  Implementation   Guide  and   Toolkit (New  York:  Routledge,   2008),   104.

Goal Setting - SMART

• Specific:– Should  be  shared  with  the  choir

– Define  desired  result– Avoid  using  terms  like  “more”,  “better”,  “lots”,  etc.

S    pecificM  easurableA    ccountable

R    ealistic  and…T    imely

Goal Setting - SMART

• Measurable– Quantitative  results– Define  results  that  can  be  measured  by  someone  not  involved

S    pecificM  easurableA    ccountable

R    ealistic  and…T    imely

Goal Setting - SMART

• Accountable– Share  the  goal  with  someone  or  some  group  to  which  you  are  accountable

• Realistic– Make  sure  results  are  attainable

– Challenge  enough  to  encourage  growth

S    pecificM  easurableA    ccountable

R    ealistic  and…T    imely

Goal Setting - SMART

• Timely– Need  for  a  specific  deadline  to  reach  expected  results

– Must  allow  sufficient  time  for  full  realization  of  results S    pecific

M  easurableA    ccountable

R    ealistic  and…T    imely

So  how  do  we  become  

“SMART”er  in  our  choral  rehearsals?

S  pecificM  easurableA  ccountableR  ealisticT  imelyE  valuateR  e-­do

Successful Rehearsals

• Qualities  of  Excellent  Rehearsals:– Appropriate  music  selection– Score  preparation  – Rehearsal  time  is  well  planned– Stimulating,  exciting,  and  creative  rehearsals

It’s All About Organization

Fibonacci Numbers and Golden Proportion in Art, Architecture and Music

4 Distinct Traits of SMART Rehearsals

• Direction• Duration• Maximum  Intensity• Would  be  success

Set TimeDuration  (time)

Direction 61.8%



• A  traditional  60-­minute  rehearsal:– Warm-­ups  (1+2+3  minutes)– First  musical  composition  (5  minutes)– Second  composition  (8  minutes)– Third  composition  (13  minutes)– Fourth  Composition  (21  minutes)– Final  selection  (8  minutes)

• All  of  these  can  be  broken  down  to  their  own  Fibonacci  numbers.

For Further Success

• Have  empathy  with  your  singers• Try  to  solve  problems  with  gesture  rather  than  words

• Plan  those  rehearsals• Be  a  “Team  Leader”1

• Cultivate  “Exemplary  Followers”1

Shirlee  Emmons  and   Constance   Chase,  Prescriptions   for  Choral  Excellence   (New  York:  Oxford  University  Press,  2006),   237.

Motivation  is  the  most  important  part  of  learning.

Twelve Roadblocks to Mutual Learning

•Ordering,  commanding,  directing•Warning  and  threatening•Moralizing  or  preaching•Advising  or  offering  solutions•Persuading  with  logic•Judging,  criticizing,  disagreeing,  blaming

•Praising,  agreeing  (i.e.  phony  praise)•Name-­calling,  ridiculing•Interpreting,  analyzing,  diagnosing•Reassuring  or  sympathizing•Interrogating•Distraction,  Sarcasm  

Thomas  Gordon,   Leadership   Effectiveness   Training  L.E.T.:  The  No-­Lose   Way  to  Release   the  Productive   Potential   of  People   (New  York:  Bantam,   1980),   60-­62.

A Successful Rehearsal…

• Is  treated  as  a  work  in  progress• Has  expectations  or  goals• Will  use  gesture  rather  than  speech  to  solve  problems

• Starts  and  ends  on  time• Has  a  list  of  music  to  be  rehearsed  on  the  board

• Takes  place  in  a  clean  and  organized  room

A Successful Rehearsal…(cont.)

• Is  one  where  the  singer  shares  in  the  responsibility  of  the  rehearsal

• Starts  at  a  level  the  choir  can  attain• Is  one  where  the  conductor’s  body  is  free  from  tension

• Satisfies  and  antagonizes  the  students  to  learn  clear,  positive  goals

• Is  one  where  each  singer  has  a  sense  of  ownership

A Successful Rehearsal…(cont.)

• Go  through  lots  of  music• In  a  church  setting,  do  anthems  more  than  once  to  help  build  perfection

• Make  minutes  count

To Maintain a Rehearsal

• Use  humor• Respect  your  singers• Be  enthusiastic• Score  preparation  -­ DO  IT!• Value  choristers  time  by  being  prepared• Warm  rehearsal  demeanor• High,  attainable  (SMARTER)  goals