effectively & professionally communicating with coaches & players

Effectively & Professionally Communicating with Coaches & Players Peggy Schaefer August 2014

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Effectively & Professionally Communicating with Coaches & Players. Peggy Schaefer August 2014. BASIC PRINCIPLES. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Effectively & Professionally Communicating with Coaches & PlayersPeggy SchaeferAugust 2014You and your opponent are one. There is a coexisting relationship between you. You coexist with your opponent and become his complement, absorbing his attack and using his force to overcome him. - Bruce Lee


To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the highest skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the highest skill. - Sun-Tzu


In order to achieve victory, you must place yourself in your opponents skin. Tsutomu Oshima

What does this mean?


The best officials are like chameleons.BASIC PRINCIPLES


How do we communicate?7 10 % are the actual words we use30% is our vocal nuance60% is our non-verbal, body language, proxemics, movement, stance, eye contactHow well do you communicate?BASIC PRINCIPLES

If you cant control whats going on inside, you cant control whats going on outside.


To err is human, to forgive, divine.As officials, we must recognize that we and our partners will make mistakes during a game, and we have to get past it and get ready for the next point.BASIC PRINCIPLESMany officials benefit from a framework that can help them remember how to effectively communicate.P A V O + PP A V O + P

PERSPECTIVEYOU must stay aware of YOUR point of view, what actions YOU clearly saw.

YOU must also try to understand what YOUR partner saw or failed to see.

To stay ahead, YOU must figure out - What did the coach see? What information does the coach need from YOU?

AUDIENCEWho is the audience?

The coaches, the players, YOUR partner, the spectators. YOU are always being watched.On every level, the game and activities are taken very seriously.

They expect US to take itseriously as well.

VOICEVoice is the tone in which YOU convey information, YOUR verbal personality.

Are YOU pleasant?Are YOU approachable?Are YOU in control?Are YOU paying attention to the game?Are YOU angry or defensive?Are YOU scared?Are YOU even responding?

ORGANIZATIONOrganization is the way in which YOU choose to present or structure communication.

YOU must choose when to talk and how much to say. What words are you using to explain the situation? Study the language of the rules and use it.

+ PURPOSEPurpose is YOUR goal or end, whether it be an explanation, providing simple information (time outs, sub #), calming the situation or awarding a sanction.

Voice and purpose should be in harmony.

Quickly determine what YOU need to do to get the game moving again.

Effective match communication starts with pre-game activitiesArrive on time check net as soon as possible.Be on court on time, ready to work.Conduct the coin toss, be quick, pleasant and professional with players.This sets the stage for your match.What should you talk about?4 hitsWho touched it last? Point to the side.The Big Eye lookSanctionsWhen back is turned or hand is upBack row attack helpBall down signalBe sure to bond with your partner before match starts

BriefMeeting with Captains & CoachesInformativeProfessional

Meet with Captains & Coaches17Probably one of the easiest ways to establish a professional tone or rapport with coaches is to be aware of how we as officials conduct ourselves when we greet them. How many times have you dreaded or wondered, What am I going to say to this coach?

We are going to fix this now and give all of you a script that you can follow to achieve uniformity when talking to coaches while keeping the conversation Brief, Informative and Professional.

Remember, weve talked to a number of coaches about this and as much as we think we are brilliant communicators and have lots to say, in reality the coaches dont want to spend a lot of time with idle chatter. They want to watch their teams warm up and decide who will be in the lineup or see how the other teams star player is warming up. With that in mind, lets get this pre-game talk down.Pre-Match Meeting with Captains and Coaches: R1 : Hello everyone, my name is Peggy Schaefer. Ill be the first referee, this is my partner_______ and hell be the second referee. R1: There are some special ground rules to be aware of. The surface is flat and uniform, so your players can go up to the bleachers to play any ball. We do have low hanging backboards within the playable area, so if the ball contacts a backboard, there will be a judgment replay. Do you have any questions about the playable area or new rule changes?

ScriptR1 : Please introduce yourselves to each other. 18CLICK TO MAKE EACH BOX APPEAR:

R1:Hi, coach, my name is Anne Pufahl or say your name. Ill be the first referee, this is my partner_______ and hell be the second referee. (Based on your pre-match meeting, you can also have your partner introduce themselves.)Coach: respondR1:There are some ground rules to be aware of. The surface is flat and uniform, so your athletes can go up to the bleachers to play any ball. We do have low hanging backboards within the playable area, so if the ball contacts a backboard, there will be a judgment replay. Do you have any questions about the playable area or new rule changes?Coach: respondR1:Did your captains tell you that you will be serving?Coach: respondR2:Coach, do you need a line-up sheet?Coach: respondR1:Good luck or Have a good match

Follow the script for the opposing coach. Do not spend more time with one coach than the other, and be aware of how your body language might appear to a fan or administrator during your conversation with Coach A versus Coach B.

This is all you need to say. Nothing more. For rookies and less experienced officials, this should be easy. Veteran officials, you need to follow this script. You dont get to ad-lib just because youve been around. If we all follow the script, our professionalism will remain intact and all the coaches across the country will be expecting the same thingNo Surprises.Pre-Match Meeting with Captains and Coaches: R1: Is everyone properly equipped to include NOT wearing ANY jewelry? Captains, please check your players for this.

R1: Coaches, I will need your rosters before 10-minutes before the match.

ScriptR1 : Lets conduct our coin toss Visiting team will make the call. Who will be the speaking captains? R1: Please remember to be good sports today and remember to cheer into your team.


R1:Hi, coach, my name is Anne Pufahl or say your name. Ill be the first referee, this is my partner_______ and hell be the second referee. (Based on your pre-match meeting, you can also have your partner introduce themselves.)Coach: respondR1:There are some ground rules to be aware of. The surface is flat and uniform, so your athletes can go up to the bleachers to play any ball. We do have low hanging backboards within the playable area, so if the ball contacts a backboard, there will be a judgment replay. Do you have any questions about the playable area or new rule changes?Coach: respondR1:Did your captains tell you that you will be serving?Coach: respondR2:Coach, do you need a line-up sheet?Coach: respondR1:Good luck or Have a good match

Follow the script for the opposing coach. Do not spend more time with one coach than the other, and be aware of how your body language might appear to a fan or administrator during your conversation with Coach A versus Coach B.

This is all you need to say. Nothing more. For rookies and less experienced officials, this should be easy. Veteran officials, you need to follow this script. You dont get to ad-lib just because youve been around. If we all follow the script, our professionalism will remain intact and all the coaches across the country will be expecting the same thingNo Surprises.Pre-Match Meeting with Captains and Coaches: R1: There is 20 minutes on the clock. The home team will have the first five minutes and then the visiting team will follow with their first 5 minutes.

R1: Does anyone have any questions?

R1/R2: Good Luck and Lets have a good match.


R1:Hi, coach, my name is Anne Pufahl or say your name. Ill be the first referee, this is my partner_______ and hell be the second referee. (Based on your pre-match meeting, you can also have your partner introduce themselves.)Coach: respondR1:There are some ground rules to be aware of. The surface is flat and uniform, so your athletes can go up to the bleachers to play any ball. We do have low hanging backboards within the playable area, so if the ball contacts a backboard, there will be a judgment replay. Do you have any questions about the playable area or new rule changes?Coach: respondR1:Did your captains tell you that you will be serving?Coach: respondR2:Coach, do you need a line-up sheet?Coach: respondR1:Good luck or Have a good match

Follow the script for the opposing coach. Do not spend more time with one coach than the other, and be aware of how your body language might appear to a fan or administrator during your conversation with Coach A versus Coach B.

This is all you need to say. Nothing more. For rookies and less experienced officials, this should be easy. Veteran officials, you need to follow this script. You dont get to ad-lib just because youve been around. If we all follow the script, our professionalism will remain intact and all the coaches across the country will be expecting the same thingNo Surprises.

Back row situations:Back row player taking off on or in front of the attack lineIs the setter a front or back row player?Is ball completely above the height of the net?Did the setter block the ball?Was the ball touched bya blocker?What did you see? Expect to explain it to the Coach.

Potential calls that causeCoach/Official conflict

Overlaps/out of position:Be a student of the game and learn the many serve receive patterns.Track the front row hittersPay attention to the liberoWhen a coach is yelling at you to make the call, figure it out, or check with partner on next timeout.Dont make the call if you dont see it.Potential calls that causeCoach/Official conflict

Missing touches on blocks:Zoom in and anticipate the call.Watch for any ball deflectionWatch for finger movementWatch the flight of the ball.R1 watch the ballR2 watch the players and netBefore R1 signals, lookat all officials, someone might be signaling

Potential calls that causeCoach/Official conflict

Ball handling:Know new ball handling philosophyThis is a game of anglesBe consistent between players and teamsR2 anticipate the help R1 may needBe prepared to explain to coach what you saw and what R1saw

Potential calls that causeCoach/Official conflict

Sanctions:Be professional and politeDo not delay game any more than necessaryIYC or IRC to player or coach R1 tells captain, R2 tells the coach.R2 ensures it is recordedGet mind back into the gamePotential calls that causeCoach/Official conflictTime outs/End of games and match:R2 must control time-outs; know the correct procedure.Usher players back onto court, no delaysOfficials quickly sign the score sheet and leave the court at end of match. Avoid malingering around the scorers table.Potential calls that causeCoach/Official conflict

Delay Procedures

Delay Penalty Loss of Rally

R1 Delay Mechanics

Individual Penalitiesfor R2 Mechanics

R1 Penalty Mechanics

R1 calls Capt over to explain the penalty.

What will we do?

What is wrong with this?

PERFECT!!Line judges:Stand behind server and stay on sideline. Try not to move if the ball is served on your sideline

Always give the benefit of the doubt to your partner. You must stay together as a team.How can you help your partner have their best match?Anticipate what information the coaches will need and practice the verbiage in your mind between each call.Be a polite, approachable and professional individual. This will minimize your conflict situations and maximize your communication effectiveness.

Remember this:Effectively Communicating with Coaches & Players
