effectiveness of road safety engineering treatments

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  • 7/30/2019 Effectiveness of Road Safety Engineering Treatments




    Effectiveness of Road Safety

    Engineering Treatments

  • 7/30/2019 Effectiveness of Road Safety Engineering Treatments


    Effectiveness of Road Safety Engineering Treatments

  • 7/30/2019 Effectiveness of Road Safety Engineering Treatments


    Effectiveness of Road Safety Engineering Treatments

    Published November 2012

    Austroads Ltd 2012

    This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under theCopyright Act 1968,no part may be reproduced by any process without the prior written permission of Austroads.

    Effectiveness of Road Safety Engineering Treatments

    ISBN 978-1-921991-60-8

    Austroads Project No. ST1571

    Austroads Publication No. AP-R422-12

    Project Manager

    Maurice Cammack, Main Roads WA

    Prepared by

    Blair Turner, Lisa Steinmetz, Adrian Lim, Karen WalshARRB Group

    Published by Austroads LtdLevel 9, Robell House287 Elizabeth Street

    Sydney NSW 2000 AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9264 7088Fax: +61 2 9264 1657

    Email:[email protected]

    Austroads believes this publication to be correct at the time of printing and does not acceptresponsibility for any consequences arising from the use of information herein. Readers should

    rely on their own skill and judgement to apply information to particular issues.

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  • 7/30/2019 Effectiveness of Road Safety Engineering Treatments


    Effectiveness of Road Safety Engineering Treatments

    Sydney 2012

  • 7/30/2019 Effectiveness of Road Safety Engineering Treatments


    About Aust roads

    Austroads purpose is to:

    promote improved Australian and New Zealand transport outcomes

    provide expert technical input to national policy development on road and road transportissues

    promote improved practice and capability by road agencies.

    promote consistency in road and road agency operations.

    Austroads membership comprises the six state and two territory road transport and trafficauthorities, the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure and Transport, the Australian LocalGovernment Association, and NZ Transport Agency. Austroads is governed by a Board consistingof the chief executive officer (or an alternative senior executive officer) of each of its elevenmember organisations:

    Roads and Maritime Services New South Wales

    Roads Corporation Victoria Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland

    Main Roads Western Australia

    Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure South Australia

    Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources Tasmania

    Department of Transport Northern Territory

    Department of Territory and Municipal Services Australian Capital Territory

    Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure and Transport

    Australian Local Government Association New Zealand Transport Agency.

    The success of Austroads is derived from the collaboration of member organisations and others inthe road industry. It aims to be the Australasian leader in providing high quality information, adviceand fostering research in the road transport sector.

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    Effectiveness of Road Safety Engineering Treatments

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    1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 12 METHOD ............................................................................................................................... 22.1 Identifying Gaps in Knowledge ............................................................................................... 22.2 Filling the Gaps Knowledge ................................................................................................... 22.3 Selected Issues ..................................................................................................................... 22.4 Determining Treatment Effectiveness .................................................................................... 33 REVIEW OF LITERATURE ON CRASH TREATMENT EFFECTIVENESS ........................... 54 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................ 14REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 15APPENDIX A PRIORITISING GAPS IN KNOWLEDGE ................................................. 16APPENDIX B REVISIONS TO TREATMENT EFFECTIVENESS FIGURES ................... 19APPENDIX C SUMMARY OF RESEARCH FOR PRIORITY TREATMENTS ................. 25C.1 Guide Posts ......................................................................................................................... 26C.2 Chevron Alignment Markers ................................................................................................. 29C.3 Pavement Markings ............................................................................................................. 31

    C.3.1 Provision of Edge Lines .......................................................................................... 31C.3.2 Provision of Centrelines ......................................................................................... 33C.3.3 Provision of Centreline and Edge Line ................................................................... 34

    C.4 Profile Line Marking ............................................................................................................. 37C.4.1 Profile Edge Lining, Edge Line (Shoulder) Rumble Strip, or Shoulder Grooving ..... 37C.4.2

    Profile Centre Lining, Centreline Rumble Strip ....................................................... 40

    C.5 Signs Regulatory .............................................................................................................. 43

    C.5.1 General: Regulatory Signs at Intersections ............................................................ 45C.5.2 Stop Signs at Three-leg Intersections ..................................................................... 45C.5.3 Stop Signs at Four-leg Intersections ....................................................................... 46C.5.4 Four-way Stop Signs .............................................................................................. 46C.5.5 Give-way Signs ...................................................................................................... 46C.5.6 Stop Sign to Give-way Sign .................................................................................... 46C.5.7 Give-way Sign to Stop Sign .................................................................................... 47C.5.8 U-turn and Right-turn Ban ...................................................................................... 47

    C.6 Traffic Signals ...................................................................................................................... 48C.6.1 New Signals ........................................................................................................... 48C.6.2 Effect of Turn Phases ............................................................................................. 51C.7 Signal Visibility ..................................................................................................................... 56

    C.8 Channelisation at Intersections Splitter and Median Islands .............................................. 59C.8.1 General .................................................................................................................. 60C.8.2 Splitter Islands........................................................................................................ 60C.8.3 Median Islands ....................................................................................................... 60

    C.9 Grade Separated Intersections ............................................................................................ 62C.10 Right-turn Lane Provision..................................................................................................... 64

    C.10.1 All Locations ........................................................................................................... 69C.10.2 Signals ................................................................................................................... 69C.10.3 Unsignalised Intersections ..................................................................................... 69C.10.4 Rural ...................................................................................................................... 70

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    C.10.5 Urban ..................................................................................................................... 70C.10.6 Painted and Physical .............................................................................................. 71C.10.7 X and T-intersections ............................................................................................. 71

    C.11 Extend Right-turn Lane ........................................................................................................ 74C.12

    Left-turn Lane Provision ....................................................................................................... 76

    C.13 Lane Width in Tunnels ......................................................................................................... 79C.14 Overtaking Lanes ................................................................................................................. 80C.15 Superelevation ..................................................................................................................... 83C.16 Impact Attenuators ............................................................................................................... 86C.17 Signs Advisory .................................................................................................................. 89

    C.17.1 Curve Warning Signs ............................................................................................. 89C.17.2 Speed Advisory Signs ............................................................................................ 90

    C.18 Pedestrian Treatments ......................................................................................................... 92C.18.1 Pedestrian Fencing and Barriers ............................................................................ 92C.18.2 Improved Lighting ................................................................................................... 92C.18.3 Marked Crossings .................................................................................................. 93C.18.4 Pedestrian Overpasses .......................................................................................... 94C.18.5 Pedestrian Signals ................................................................................................. 95C.18.6 Refuges.................................................................................................................. 96C.18.7 Roundabouts .......................................................................................................... 97C.18.8 Raised Pedestrian/Wombat Crossings ................................................................... 97

    C.19Transverse Rumble Strips.................................................................................................. 101C.20 Street Closure .................................................................................................................... 103C.21 Street Lighting .................................................................................................................... 105

    C.21.1 New Lighting All Sites ........................................................................................ 109C.21.2 New Lighting Intersections ................................................................................ 109C.21.3 New Lighting Mid-blocks ................................................................................... 109C.21.4 New Lighting Rural ............................................................................................ 109C.21.5 New Lighting Rural Intersections ....................................................................... 109C.21.6 New Lighting Urban ........................................................................................... 109C.21.7 New Lighting Urban Intersections ...................................................................... 109C.21.8 New Lighting Motorway Freeway Interchanges ................................................. 109C.21.9 Railway Crossings ................................................................................................ 109C.21.10 Upgrade Existing Lighting .................................................................................... 110C.21.11 Effect on Different Crash Types and Severities .................................................... 110C.21.12 Time of Day .......................................................................................................... 110

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    Table 3.1: Summary of treatment effectiveness ........................................................................ 6

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    A reliable knowledge base about the effectiveness of different road safety engineering treatmentsallows informed decisions for the development of future road safety programs. This information isused to allocate resources to the most cost-effective projects (i.e. ones that will reduce casualtiesthe most per dollar spent). Inaccurate information on treatment effect may lead to inefficient use oflimited resources. The current project aims to address this issue and to provide updated advice onthe road safety benefit of engineering treatments, based on literature reviews. Previous Austroadsresearch has identified that there is a lack of reliable information regarding the effectiveness ofdifferent road safety engineering treatments.

    During the first stage of this project, a number of treatments or road safety features for which theknowledge base was inadequate were identified. The assessment was based on literature reviewsas well as stakeholder priorities. Given the large number of gaps, and the time and budgetavailable for this project, the knowledge gaps were prioritised.

    A summary of the crash reduction effects for each of these treatments is provided, along with anassessment of the level of confidence in the figure (based on factors such as consistency of resultsfrom various studies and number of studies). Where possible, information on the crash reductionfor different severity outcomes and crash types is provided. However, information on these factorsis relatively scarce.

    The project has identified crash effectiveness for 57 treatment types and 126 crash effectivenessvalues have been derived for these. Compared to an earlier study on this topic (Austroads 2010a),there is now more information available on treatment effectiveness (126 values compared to 104).

    The project has also led to an increased level of confidence in knowledge about treatments; overhalf of the values are now allocated a medium or high level of confidence.

    Although this project has improved the reliability of information on the effectiveness of treatments,a number of knowledge gaps remain that can be filled by further reviews of literature andexperimentation. During the course of this project, links were developed with an OECD initiative toaddress crash reduction effectiveness of different treatments. This initiative has led to theestablishment of an international collaboration to improve information on the crash reductioneffectiveness of treatments. There is great merit in Australian and New Zealand road safetyprofessionals contributing to the international collaboration once key gaps have been identified andprioritised by the international OECD group.


    The authors would also like to acknowledge the input of the project steering group. This group ismade up of representatives from Australian road agencies, the NZ Transport Agency, the FederalDepartment of Infrastructure and Transport and AAA/AusRAP. In addition, the authors would alsolike to acknowledge the input of the Safety Task Force who provided comments on the document.

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    Effectiveness of Road Safety Engineering Treatments

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    Previous Austroads research (Austroads 2010a) identified that there was a lack of reliableinformation regarding the effectiveness of different road safety engineering treatments. The

    effectiveness relates to the expected reduction in crashes from the use of treatments in differentcircumstances. The effectiveness of a treatment can be expressed as a Crash Modification Factor(CMF). This represents the relative change in crash frequency due to a specific change in theroad or its immediate environment (Austroads 2012, p49). Effectiveness in Australia and NewZealand has traditionally been presented using Crash Reduction Factors (CRFs), which presentsthe expected percentage reduction in crashes. The term CMF is now used more widely overseas,although both terms are used in this current report1. This information is used to allocate resourcesto the most cost-effective projects (i.e. ones that will reduce casualties the most per dollar spent).Inaccurate information on treatment effect may lead to inefficient use of limited resources.

    This work is one component of a large program of research. The Austroads National RiskAssessment Model project has three main objectives. The first is the development of a risk

    assessment model, intended to be used nationally as a way of identifying crash risk. The secondtask involves the development of a national program for risk assessment with associatedguidelines. A third task involves improving information on the crash reduction effectiveness ofvarious road safety treatments. This included the development of a stand-alone report on astandard approach for evaluation of treatment effectiveness for adoption by road authorities. Thiswork has been published asAn Introductory Guide for Evaluating Effectiveness of Road SafetyTreatments (Austroads 2012). An associated task, and the subject of this report, involvesimproving knowledge on the road safety benefit of engineering treatments.

    During the first stage of this project, treatments or road safety features were identified for whichthere were significant gaps in knowledge in terms of crash reduction effectiveness. The work alsoidentified a method for prioritising each of these issues. That process is outlined in Section 2 ofthis report. Section 3 provides information on local and international literature on each of thepriority issues identified. For completeness, the section also provides information from previouswork on this topic (Austroads 2010a) so that the sum of current knowledge on crash reductioneffectiveness for engineering treatments is provided in this report. The final section (Section4)provides concluding comments and recommendations.

    1A Crash Reduction Factor indicates the expected percentage reduction in crashes following the introduction of a

    treatment. A Crash Modification Factor is a proportion that represents the relative change in crash frequency due to a

    specific change in the road or its immediate environment (Austroads 2012).

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    Effectiveness of Road Safety Engineering Treatments

    Aust roads 2012


    2 METHOD

    2.1 Identifying Gaps in Knowledge

    During the first stage of this project, a number of treatments or road safety features were identifiedwhere knowledge of effectiveness in reducing crashes was not adequate. This assessment wasbased on literature reviews (Austroads 2010a, 2010b) as well as stakeholder priorities(Austroads 2009)2. For each of these issues it was identified that there was a lack of sufficientresearch on the crash reduction effect, or that the research which did exist was not considered ofsuitable quality. The identified gaps in knowledge were then prioritised. Appendix A provides theresults of this assessment.

    2.2 Filling the Gaps Knowledge

    Two main options were identified to address the gaps in knowledge identified above. The mostcost-effective method to address gaps in knowledge is typically through review of previously

    published research. Often research will have been conducted somewhere in the world that eitheraddresses a gap in knowledge, or goes part way in addressing this gap. New studies areconducted every year, and the knowledge base is continually being updated and expanded.Although extensive literature reviews have been conducted by Austroads on many issues relatingto the effectiveness of road safety engineering treatments, there is still a need to assess any newknowledge which has been generated. It was recommended that any future research to fill gaps inknowledge reassess the available literature before embarking on empirical research.

    If a gap in knowledge is deemed important enough to require further research, and adequateinformation cannot be obtained from existing literature, then a trial of the treatment will typically berequired. Austroads (2012) provides guidance on methods for evaluating the effectiveness of roadsafety treatments.

    Given the cost associated with trials of treatments, and the timeframe required (three to five yearsof data is typically required after the treatment is installed), this current project focuses on literaturereview to fill gaps in knowledge.

    2.3 Selected Issues

    Based on the existing gaps in knowledge, and the prioritisation of the tasks, the treatments listedbelow were assessed:

    In 2010/11:

    grade separation of intersections

    guide posts

    lane width in tunnels

    overtaking lanes

    pavement markings edge line

    pavement markings centreline

    pedestrian treatments

    2Engineering research priorities were identified in a previous project (Austroads 2009) via a survey of Austroads Road

    Design Review Panel and Traffic Management Review Panel members.

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    signs advisory

    street lighting

    In 2011/12:

    superelevation signs regulatory

    delineation continuity lines, marking in wet conditions

    channelisation at intersections splitter and median islands

    impact attenuators

    intersection right-turn lane provision

    intersection extend right-turn lane

    intersection left-turn lane provision

    intersection signal visibility line marking profile edge lines

    street closure

    traffic signals.

    It should be noted that some other treatments were identified that had a higher priority than theones identified above (e.g. clear zones and vegetation). However, since extensive research iscurrently being conducted on them within Australasia, these topics were not reviewed as part ofthis project. The crash effectiveness for these will be updated once this work is complete.

    The treatments assessed as part of this project (listed above) complimented previous work whichsummarised research from 2004 to 2009 (Austroads 2010a, Road Safety Engineering RiskAssessment: Part 6: Crash Reduction Factors).

    2.4 Determining Treatment Effect iveness

    A literature review was conducted for each of the topics listed above. Given the large number oftopics, and the limited time and budget available for this task, each review was limited in scope andcould not be considered exhaustive. The main focus was on recent research since 1999, and onresearch conducted in Australia and New Zealand. However, other key references have also beenassessed and included where relevant. Only research that contained information about the crashreduction benefit from treatments was included in the review, and this greatly reduced the numberof relevant publications.

    Much of the research presented crash reductions for all crash severities (including propertydamage only). In many cases, treatment effectiveness for casualty crashes was also available.Where information was available, effectiveness values were based on casualty crashes.

    Often for any one issue, a variety of treatment effectiveness values were identified. In general, anaverage crash reduction value was taken across all studies that were considered methodologicallyrobust. It would have been preferable to use a weighted average based on robustness (suchprocedures exist), however due to limited budget a more simplistic approach was taken. Outlierswere often excluded, however they were considered on a case by case basis. In some cases,logic checks were used to help refine a figure.

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    Given the limited budget available for this work, a qualitative indication on the level of confidencefor each of the factors provided was estimated. This was based on the number of studies thatprovide crash reduction information, the consistency of the results, methodological robustness, theage of the research, and the country in which the research was conducted. For instance, where

    four or more studies were available, each of which provided reasonably consistent results and hadrobust methodologies, a high level of confidence was assumed. This same approach was used inAustroads (2010a).

    Section 3 provides a summary of the results from a review of literature on each of the topics listedas high priority.

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    Table 3.1presents a consolidated summary of treatment effectiveness for a range of treatments,expressed as Crash Reduction Factors (CRFs) and Crash Modification Factors (CMFs). Eachfactor has been rounded (to the nearest 5%). The results have been collated from previous work(Austroads 2010a, which summarised research from 2004 to 2009) as well as this current project(2010/11 and 2011/12). Appendix B provides a summary of treatment effectiveness values thathave been updated since the completion ofRoad Safety Engineering Risk Assessment: Part 6:Crash Reduction Factors (Austroads 2010a). Details of the research conducted in 2010/11 and2011/12, including the literature assessed can be found in Appendix C. Details of research fromearlier work (up to 2008/09) can be found in the appendices to Austroads (2010a).

    It is recognised that the effectiveness of treatments on different levels of severity is also of interest.This is particularly relevant in the Safe System context where there is a focus on reduction in fatal

    and serious injury crash outcomes. There is also interest in quantifying the effect of treatments ondifferent crash types (e.g. head-on). Where this information is available, this is also presented inAppendix C, and in some cases, where the information is robust enough, also in Table 3.1.However, much of the research does not provide a breakdown by severity or crash type, andwhere information does exist it is often based on very small sample sizes and so is quite variable.In addition, some research (e.g. Hauer 2006 & 2009) indicates that it is not technically possible toaccurately determine changes in severity due to the frequency-severity indeterminacy. Thisstates that due to under-reporting of crashes it is not possible to determine whether the frequencyof crashes has reduced, or whether there has been a transference to higher or lower levels ofseverity.

    Table 3.1also provides a measure of confidence in the factors provided. As discussed in

    Section 2.3, this is a qualitative measure that is based on the number of studies that provide crashreduction information, the consistency of the results, methodological robustness, the age of theresearch, and the country in which the research was conducted.

    An indication of the year in which a treatment type was assessed is also provided in Table 3.1.This is of interest as the amount of research on crash effectiveness has increased in recent years.In some cases, new research merely validates that of older studies on the same topic. In othercases, the new research can significantly change the expected crash reduction effectiveness(especially when there was previously a high degree of uncertainty). This information will alsoassist with planning and prioritisation of tasks for investigation in the future.

    Note that the crash reduction figures provided for pedestrian treatments are given for changes in

    pedestrian casualties only. Little information exists for these treatments on changes to all casualtycrashes. Similarly, reductions for street lighting relate only to changes in night-time casualties.Some information does exist on the effect of street lighting at all times of the day, but this was notcomprehensive enough to produce a separate factor.

    Although this report is primarily concerned with road safety engineering treatments, someinformation is provided on the safety implications of changing road design elements (e.g.superelevation). Further information on the safety implications of road design can be found in aseparate report (Austroads 2010b).

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    For a number of treatments that were reviewed, treatment effectiveness was unable to bedetermined. These included:

    Delineation treatments: continuity lines, provision of wide edge lines, marking in wetconditions, provision of word and symbol pavement markings, transverse rumble strips (at

    curves, railway level crossings and intersection approaches). Intersection treatments: extending right-turn lanes.

    Pedestrian treatments: installation of pedestrian signals, installation of a marked pedestriancrossing, converting marked pedestrian crossing to signals.

    Traffic management treatments: closing a street.

    The review identified some evidence for a number of additional treatments. Although thisinformation is of interest (and summarised in Appendix C), there was insufficient evidence todetermine the extent of treatment effectiveness (e.g. provision of edge lines at curves, addition ofyellow reflective tape to signal heads, and channelisation in rural environments). In such cases,

    the relevant appendix often includes a discussion indicating that safety benefits are likely to beassociated with such treatments, although there was insufficient evidence to gauge treatmenteffectiveness during this project.

    Table 3.1: Summary of treatment effectiveness

    Treatment Environmenttype

    Crash r eductionfactor



    Confidence Year mostrecently



    Delineation treatments

    Install guide posts All 5% 0.95 Low 2010/11 Appendix C.1

    Install RaisedReflective

    PavementMarkers (RRPMs)

    All 5% 0.95 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Install chevronalignmentmarkers

    Horizontal curves 25% 0.75 Low 2010/11 Appendix C.2


    Provide edge line 10% 0.9 Low 2010/11 Appendix C.3.1

    Provide centreline 20% 0.8 Low 2010/11 Appendix C.3.2

    Provide combinededge andcentreline

    30% 0.7 Low 2010/11 Appendix C.3.3

    Provide paintedspeed limits

    0% 1.0 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Profile linemarking

    Provide profileedge lines

    20% (all) 0.80 (all) Medium 2011/12 Appendix C.4.1


    0.6 (run-off-road) Low

    Provide profilecentreline

    15% (all) 0.85 (all) Medium 2011/12 Appendix C.4.2

    30% (head-on) 0.70 (head-on) Low

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    Treatment Environmenttype

    Crash r eductionfactor



    Confidence Year mostrecently



    Intersection treatments

    Signs regulatory Install stop sign atT-intersection

    15% 0.85 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.5.2

    Install stop sign atX-intersection

    30% 0.7 Medium 2011/12 Appendix C.5.3

    Install four-waystop sign atX-intersection

    60% 0.40 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.5.4

    Install give-waysign allintersections

    25% 0.75 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.5.5

    Install right-turnban, or U-turnand right-turn ban

    60% 0.40 Medium 2011/12 Appendix C.5.8

    Traffic signals Install trafficsignals

    30% 0.7 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.6.1

    Provision of fullycontrolled right-turns

    35% (all casualty) 0.65 Medium 2011/12 Appendix C.6.2

    60% (rightthrough)

    0.40 Low

    45% (adjacentdirection)

    0.55 Low

    Provision ofpartially controlledright-turns

    10% 0.9 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.6.2

    Change partialcontrol to fully


    70% 0.3 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.6.2

    Linked signals Linking of existingsignals

    15% 0.85 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Signal visibility Replace apedestal mountwith mast armmount signal

    35% 0.65 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.7

    Increase lens sizeto twelve inches

    5% 0.95 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.7

    Provide additionalsignal head

    20% 0.8 Medium 2011/12 Appendix C.7

    Roundabouts Install roundabout rural

    70% 0.3 High


    Austroads 2010a

    Install roundabout urban

    55% 0.45 Medium Austroads 2010a

    Install roundabout allenvironments

    70% (all) 0.3 (all) High Austroads 2010a


    0.4 (pedestrians) Low 2010/11 Appendix C.18.7

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    Treatment Environmenttype

    Crash r eductionfactor



    Confidence Year mostrecently



    Roundabout single versus


    All roundabouts lower risk for

    single lanecompared withmultilane (notethis decision isusually not madebased on safety,but rather oncapacity)

    40% 0.6 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Channelisation atintersections splitter andmedian islands

    Install generalchannelisation

    30% 0.70 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.8.1

    Install splitterislands general

    30% 0.70 Medium 2011/12 Appendix C.8.2

    Install splitter

    islands urban

    35% 0.65 Medium 2011/12 Appendix C.8.2

    Install mountablemedian

    15% 0.85 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.8.3


    25% 0.75 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.8.3

    Grade separationof intersections

    X-intersection 55% 0.45 High 2010/11 Appendix C.9

    Y-intersection 20% 0.8 Medium 2010/11 Appendix C.9

    Install right-turnlane

    Install right-turnlane general

    35% 0.65 Medium 2011/12 Appendix C.10.1

    Install right-turnlane signalised


    30% 0.7 Medium 2011/12 Appendix C.10.2

    Install right-turnlane unsignalisedintersection

    35% 0.65 Medium 2011/12 Appendix C.10.3

    Install right-turnlane ruralunsignalisedT-intersections

    40% 0.6 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.10.4

    Install right-turnlane ruralunsignalisedX-intersections

    30% 0.7 Medium 2011/12 Appendix C.10.4

    Install right-turnlane urban:general

    30% 0.7 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.10.5

    Install right-turnlane urbanunsignalisedT-intersections

    35% 0.65 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.10.5

    Install right-turnlane urbansignalisedT-intersections

    5% 0.95 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.10.5

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    Treatment Environmenttype

    Crash r eductionfactor



    Confidence Year mostrecently



    Install right-turnlane (continued)

    Install right-turnlane urban


    30% 0.7 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.10.5

    Install right-turnlane urbansignalisedX-intersections

    10% 0.9 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.10.5

    Install right-turnlane painted

    30% 0.70 High 2011/12 Appendix C.10.6

    Install right-turnlane physical

    35% 0.65 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.10.6

    Install left-turn lane All 20% 0.80 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.12



    With minor road

    traffic < 15% ofmain road

    35% 0.65 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    With minor roadtraffic 1530% ofmain road

    25% 0.75 Low Austroads 2010a

    With minor roadtraffic > 30% ofmain road

    35% 0.65 Low Austroads 2010a

    Railway level crossing treatments

    From nothing tosignage

    All 25% 0.75 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    From signage to

    lights and bells

    All 50% 0.5 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    From lights andbells to barriers

    All 45% 0.55 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    From signage tobarriers

    All 70% 0.30 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Improve sightdistance

    All 45% 0.55 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Road g eometry and design treatments

    Overtaking lanes All 25% 0.75 Medium 2010/11 Appendix C.14

    Road resurfacingto improve skidresistance

    All 35% 0.65 High 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Sight distanceimprovements

    Ruralenvironments andintersections

    30% 0.7 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a


    AllSD* CMFunction

    < 0.01 1.00

    0.01 to

    < 0.02

    (1.00 + 6(SD 0.01)

    0.02 (1.00 + 3(SD 0.02)

    *SD = Superelevation deficiency

    Low 2011/12 Appendix C.15

    Sealing shoulders All 30% 0.7 High 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

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    Treatment Environmenttype

    Crash r eductionfactor



    Confidence Year mostrecently



    Roadside treatments

    Install impactattenuators

    All 50% (all casualty) 0.5 (all casualty) Medium 2011/12 AppendixC.16

    All 70% (fatal) 0.30 (fatal) High

    Install guardrail All 40% 0.6 High 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Access control(note that this is arelative risk thatcompares withthe level of risk ifthere were noaccess points onan undividedroad. It does notprovide a CRF orCMF)

    Open road 4-lane Relative Risk = 1+(0.02 xresidential/km+0.10 x

    commercial/km+0.20 x minor junctions)x ({0.45 if median-solid or > 3 m}, 1 if

    no median)

    Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Open road 2-lane Relative Risk = 1+(0.01 xresidential/km+0.05 x

    commercial/km+0.20 x minor junctions)x ({0.45 if median-solid or >3 m}, 1 if no


    Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Built up 4-lane Relative Risk = 1+(0.01 xresidential/km+0.08 x

    commercial/km+0.05 x minor junctions)x ({0.45 if median-solid or > 3 m}, 1 if

    no median)

    Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Built up 2-lane Relative Risk = 1+(0.02 xresidential/km+0.10 x

    commercial/km+0.20 x minor junctions)x ({0.45 if median-solid or > 3 m}, 1 if

    no median)

    Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Signage treatments (Advisory)

    Install bridgewarning signs

    All 30% 0.7 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Install curvewarning signs

    Horizontal curves 25% 0.75 High 2010/11 Appendix C.17.1

    Guidance signs All 15% 0.85 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Speed advisory All 40% 0.6 Low 2010/11 Appendix C.17.2

    Vehicle activatedsigns

    All 35% 0.65 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Variable messagesigns

    All 20% 0.8 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Pedestrian treatments

    Install fencing andbarriers

    All 20%(pedestrians)

    0.8 (pedestrians) Medium 2010/11 Appendix C.18.1

    Improved lighting All 60% (pedestriansat night)

    0.4(pedestrians at


    Medium 2010/11 Appendix C.18.2

    Add pedestrianphase at signals

    All 50%(pedestrians)

    0.5 (pedestrians) Low 2010/11 Appendix C.18.5

    Improve signaltiming

    All 35%(pedestrians)

    0.65 (pedestrians) Low 2010/11 Appendix C.18.5

    Install pedestrianoverpass

    All 85%(pedestrians)

    0.15 (pedestrians) Low 2010/11 Appendix C.18.4

    Raised (wombat)crossing

    All 20%(pedestrians)

    0.8 (pedestrians) Low 2010/11 Appendix C.18.8

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    Treatment Environmenttype

    Crash r eductionfactor



    Confidence Year mostrecently



    Refuge All 45%(pedestrians)

    0.55 (pedestrians) Medium 2010/11 Appendix C.18.6

    Rest on red All 50%(pedestrians)

    0.5 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Speed and enforcement treatments

    Speed cameras Mobile overt 40% 0.6 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Mobile covert urban

    20%(1) 0.8 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Mobile covert rural

    20%(1) 0.8 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Fixed overt urban

    30% 0.7 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Fixed overt rural 30% 0.7 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Speed changein speed limit andchange in speed

    Decreases inspeed limit

    2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    From no previousrestriction to anyspeed limit

    20% 0.8 Medium Austroads 2010a

    100 to 80 km/h 15% 0.85 Medium Austroads 2010a

    80 to 60 km/h 20% 0.8 Medium Austroads 2010a

    60 to 50 km/h 20% 0.8 Medium Austroads 2010a

    All reductions inspeed limit

    15% 0.85 Medium Austroads 2010a

    Increases in

    speed limit2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    100 to 110 km/h 25% increase 1.25 Medium Austroads 2010a

    < 90 to > 90 km/h 15% increase 1.15 Medium Austroads 2010a

    Any increase inspeed limit

    15% increase 1.15 Medium Austroads 2010a

    Change in

    operating speed

    and effect on


    Where Speeda =speed after, andSpeedb = speed


    1 2



    Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    All environments 20% 0.80 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Install red lightcamera


    5% 0.95 High 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Provide transverserumble strips

    Intersections 25% 0.75 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.19

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    Treatment Environmenttype

    Crash r eductionfactor



    Confidence Year mostrecently



    Traffic management treatments

    Medians Painted median all environments

    15%(2) 0.85 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Built median urban

    45% 0.55 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Built median rural

    55% 0.45 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a


    Convert bi- touni-directionalcrossover

    30% 0.70 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a


    55% 0.45 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Mid-block turning


    All environments 35% 0.65 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    No overtakingmarkings

    All 35% 0.65 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Parking ban All 20% 0.8 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Parking convertangle to parallel

    All 40% 0.6 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Street closure Internal roads 40% 0.6 Medium 2011/12 Appendix C.20

    Peripheral roads 5% 0.95 Low 2011/12 Appendix C.20

    Street lighting New lighting alllocations

    35% (night) 0.65 (night) Medium 2010/11 Appendix C.21.1

    New lighting


    50% (night) 0.5 (night) High 2010/11 Appendix C.21.2

    New lighting mid-block

    40% (night) 0.6 (night) High 2010/11 Appendix C.21.3

    New lighting rural intersection

    30% (night) 0.7 (night) Medium 2010/11 Appendix C.21.5

    New lighting urban

    30% (night) 0.7 (night) Low 2010/11 Appendix C.21.6

    New lighting urban intersection

    30% (night) 0.7 (night) Low 2010/11 Appendix C.21.7

    New lighting motorway/ freewayinterchange

    50% (night) 0.5 (night) High 2010/11 Appendix C.21.8

    New lighting railway levelcrossing

    60% (night) 0.4 (night) High 2010/11 Appendix C.21.9

    Upgrade lighting 35% (night) 0.65 (night) Medium 2010/11 Appendix C.21.10

    Traffic calming All environments 20% 0.8 Medium 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

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    Treatment Environmenttype

    Crash r eductionfactor



    Confidence Year mostrecently



    Work zones Increase crashrisk with presence

    of road works

    30% increasecompared with

    when no workspresent

    1.3 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Minor treatmentsat work zones(e.g. pavementmarking)

    15% improvementover no treatment

    0.85 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    Major treatments(e.g. barriers,cones, markings,advancedwarning signs)

    45% improvementover no treatment

    0.55 Low 2008/09 Austroads 2010a

    1 Covert speed camera evaluations are typically conducted on an area-wide basis, so cannot be compared to overt evaluations which are conducted at or nearcamera sites.

    2 Austroads 2010a provided a CRF range of 1520% for installation of a painted median. This has been rounded down to 15% to provide a single figure.Notes: Crash Reduction/Crash Modification Factors provided in this table have been rounded to the nearest 5%. Treatments assessed in 2008/09 were evaluated as part of a previous Austroads project, Road safety engineering risk assessment: Part 6: Crash Reduction

    Factors (Austroads 2010a). This summarised research conducted between 2004 and 2009. Details on the studies assessed can be found in the appendices toAustroads (2010a).

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    Based on an extensive review of the relevant literature, crash reduction estimates have beendeveloped for 57 treatment types. In total, 126 crash reduction values have been derived for these

    issues, as in some cases, information is available for different environment types (e.g. rural andurban), different crash types (e.g. all crashes and run-off-road) or different crash severities.

    Despite the extensive body of research on treatment effectiveness, there is still a lack of reliableinformation on many of the safety treatments assessed in this study. However, out of the 126crash reduction values, 52% had a high or medium level of confidence. The additional workconducted through this study has increased the level of confidence in the treatment effectivenesscompared to the results obtained in an earlier study on this topic (Austroads 2010a, where 40% ofthe results had medium or high levels of confidence).

    Further research is recommended for those crash reduction values that have a low level ofconfidence, or where there is no existing information. Such research will provide a higher level of

    confidence in the crash reduction estimates. As identified in this report, the most cost-effectiveapproach is to conduct further reviews of literature, although it may be several years beforeadequate information exists. Alternatively, experimentation, or analysis from existing data sources(for instance, crash monitoring databases) will be required. A recommended approach toconducting evaluations using these approaches is provided in Austroads (2012). This guide alsoprovides information to help determine the robustness of evaluations already undertaken, and themethodologies that they employ.

    Combinations of treatments are commonly used to address high risk sites. Very little information isavailable on the combined benefit from using more than one treatment. Previous Austroadsresearch has identified the need to assess the benefits of groups of treatments (Austroads 2012).There is a need to prioritise the most commonly used treatment combinations, and then assess the

    effectiveness of these.

    In addition, ARRB in association with FHWA in the United States, initiated an internationalcollaboration on the development of crash reduction values through the OECD J oint TransportResearch Centre. Involvement in the OECD collaboration has provided access to an internationalpanel of experts with extensive experience in the development of crash reduction values, andaccess to the information that they currently hold. In the longer term this will lead to astrengthened international collaboration on this topic, including the potential for joint projects to fillexisting gaps in knowledge.

    Although confidence in some of the crash reductions provided is not high, these are still the bestestimates available for each type of treatment. In the absence of additional information on crashreduction based on total casualty crashes it is recommended that these figures be considered foruse by jurisdictions when calculating the expected benefits from treatments.

    It is important to continue collaboration with local and international research partners, as well asupdating of information when relevant research is complete (such as current research on clearzones) to develop guidance on the effectiveness of further treatment types, as well as improvingconfidence in the values presented in this report.

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    Austroads 2009, Design, feasibility and application of an instrumented vehicle, AP-T145-09, Austroads,Sydney, NSW.

    Austroads 2010a, Road safety engineering risk assessment: Part 6: Crash Reduction Factors, AP-T151-10,Austroads, Sydney, NSW.

    Austroads 2010b, Road safety engineering risk assessment: part 1: relationships between crash risk and thestandards of geometric design elements, AP-T146/10, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.

    Austroads 2012,An Introductory Guide for Evaluating Effectiveness of Road Safety Treatments,AP-R421-12, Austroads, Sydney, NSW.

    Elvik, R, Hye, A, Vaa, T & Srensen, M 2009, The handbook of road safety measures, 2nd edn, EmeraldPublishing, Bingley, UK.

    Hauer, E 2006, The frequency-severity indeterminacy [unreported crashes],Accident Analysis andPrevention, vol. 38, no. 1, pp.78-83.

    Hauer, E 2007, Kinds of safety evaluation study, Issues in road safety evaluation workshop, 28-29 March2007, Romsey, Victoria, Monash University Accident Research Centre, Clayton, Vic.

    Hauer, E 2009, Speed and safety, Transportation Research Record, no. 2103, pp.10-7.

    Ogden, KW 1996, Safer roads: a guide to road safety engineering, Avebury Technical, Aldershot, UK.

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    During the first stage of this project, a number of treatments or road safety features were identifiedwhere knowledge of effectiveness in reducing crashes was not adequate. This assessment was

    based on literature reviews (Austroads 2010a, 2010b) as well as stakeholder priorities(Austroads 2009). For each of these issues it was identified that there was a lack of sufficientresearch on the crash reduction effect, or that the research which did exist was not considered ofsuitable quality.

    A simple matrix was developed to help prioritise the identified gaps in knowledge, with each issuesubjectively assessed by the project team against the following criteria:

    Frequency (F) How often the treatment is likely to be used: When prioritising the identifiedgaps in knowledge, common treatments were given a higher priority (for example, signs).

    Cost (C) The typical cost of the treatment: It was considered that for high cost treatments,there is generally a greater need to be more certain about the safety benefit compared to a

    low cost treatment. In some cases low cost treatments tend to be very widely used, forexample signs. Although the individual cost of this treatment is relatively low, the sheernumber of signs installed and maintained means that there is a high total cost from the use ofthis treatment.

    Uncertainty (U) The level of uncertainty associated with the known crash reductioneffectiveness of the treatment: Hauer (2007) suggests that there are costs associated withmaking incorrect assumptions about the treatment effectiveness. The likelihood of this errorcan be calculated given the standard error and expected crash reduction.

    For each of these factors a one to five scale was adopted, with one indicating a low value, and fiveindicating a high value. A qualitative approach was taken in the prioritisation of gaps in knowledge,

    based on subjective assessment of each of the above factors. It was noted that a quantitativeapproach could have been adopted (involving development of a benefit-cost ratio for each of thetreatment types, allowing direct comparison between them). However, it was decided that such aquantitative approach would require a number of assumptions, and that therefore the additionalanalysis required was unlikely to produce a more robust result than the qualitative approach.

    The ratings for each were then multiplied to give a total score3. Table A 1 provides the results ofthis assessment.

    Table A 1: Gaps in knowledge priority matrix

    Treatment Frequency (F) Cost (C) Uncertainty (U) Comments FxCxU

    Channelisation at intersections splitter and median islands 2 3 4 Splitter islands mainly from one NZstudy. Median islands based on one USstudy.


    Clear zones 5 5 5 Very high priority, but being addressedthrough ST1427.


    Delineation continuity lines,marking in wet conditions

    4 2 5 No information available. 40

    Grade separation of intersections 2 5 5 Based on one study only (Elvik et al.2009). No Australasian figure available.


    3An alternative prioritisation method was also applied whereby frequency and cost are added together before being

    multiplied by uncertainty. However, the outcome from this analysis was similar to a straight multiplication of each

    element hence the method was not included in this report.

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    Treatment Frequency (F) Cost (C) Uncertainty (U) Comments FxCxU

    Guide posts 5 2 3 Five studies, with one from Australiaand one from NZ. Gap relates toeffectiveness on curves versusstraights.


    Impact attenuators 3 3 3 Two US studies available, butrobustness uncertain. One Australianfigure available, but cannot trace originof this, and so therefore cannot use.


    Intersection extend right-turn lane 2 3 4 Based on two US studies. 24

    Intersection left-turn provision 3 3 3 Three studies, one from Australia. 27

    Intersection red light camera 3 3 1 Delete from list adequate informationon this.


    Intersection right-turn lane 3 3 2 Many studies on this topic, and theoverall CRF is quite reliable. Gaps inknowledge regarding different types ofintersection.


    Intersection signal visibility 3 2 4 Only one US study available. 24

    Lane width tunnels 2 4 5 No information on this topic. 40

    Line marking profile edge lines 2 2 4 Gap in knowledge actually relates tocentreline markings. Only one Canadianstudy available as part of originalreview. There is now more recentliterature on this.


    No overtaking markings 3 2 2 Four US studies available, noAustralasian study. Robustness of USstudies uncertain.


    Overtaking lanes 3 4 3 Adequate information regardingovertaking lane provision. Gaps appear

    when looking at specific lane types.


    Parking ban 2 2 2 Seven studies assessed, but many withlow robustness. No studies fromAustralasia.


    Parking convert angle to parallel 1 2 3 Three estimates provided (two US, Elviket al.). Estimates vary substantiallyleading to low confidence. No estimatesfrom Australasia.


    Pavement markings centreline 5 2 3 Based on six studies, but none fromAustralasia. Also, no information on useat curves.


    Pavement markings edge line 5 2 3 Gap in knowledge relates to provision atcurves.


    Pavement markings words andsymbols

    1 1 4 Several marking types; no Australasianstudies.


    Pavement markings paintedspeed limits

    1 1 3 Four studies, two from Australia. 3

    Pedestrian crossings 5 3 5 75

    Pedestrian treatment rest on red 1 1 4 One Australian study. 4

    Railway crossing treatments 2 4 3 Three studies Elvik et al. and two fromAustralia. However, Australian studiesdo not provide source.


    Signs advisory 5 3 4 Gaps in speed advisory signs, curvewarning, chevrons, animal warning.


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    Treatment Frequency (F) Cost (C) Uncertainty (U) Comments FxCxU

    Signs regulatory 5 3 4 Gaps relating to installation of stop andgive-way signs. Although there are anumber of studies, each gives vastlydifferent results.


    Staggered junctions 2 4 2 Currently based on Elvik et al.Australian data has been identified.


    Street closure 1 3 5 Ogden (1996) provides an estimate, butbasis of this uncertain.


    Street lighting 4 4 2 Gap in knowledge only appears whenlooking at very specific environments.


    Superelevation 4 3 5 Several studies found, but none thoughtto be reliable.


    Traffic signals 5 3 2 There are several studies on this topic,two significant ones from Australia. Onlyreally low confidence because CRFsare broken down by different types of

    signal installations.


    U-turn bans 2 1 5 One US study plus the Austroads guidewhich makes an estimate.


    Vegetation 4 4 5 Currently being addressed in clear zoneresearch.


    Work zones 3 3 3 Seven studies on increased risk at workzones, and results are consistent. Gapin knowledge lies in severity outcomesfrom different treatments.


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    Table B 1provides a comparison summary of treatment effectiveness values that have been updated since the completion ofRoad SafetyEngineering Risk Assessment: Part 6: Crash Reduction Factors (Austroads 2010a). Austroads 2010a followed the same methodology as the currentproject, and involved literature reviews of 47 treatment types for which 104 treatment effectiveness values were determined. For these, 40% of theresults had medium or high levels of confidence attributed. (Comparatively, for the current project, 126 crash reduction values were derived for 57treatment types, for which 52% had a high or medium level of confidence.)

    Table B 1: Updated treatment effectiveness values

    Original Crash Reduction Factors identified in Road safety engineering risk assessment: Part 6:Crash Reduction Factors(Austroads 2010a)

    Revised descriptions or reductions identified in current project

    Issue Environm ent type % Reduction Confidenc e Treatment type Environ ment type % Reduction Confidence

    Channelisation atintersections

    splitter and medianislands

    Splitter island all environments 40% Low Channelisation atintersections splitterand median islands

    Install general channelisation 30% Low

    Install splitter islands general 30% Medium

    Splitter island rural 35% Low Install splitter islands urban 35% Medium

    Splitter island urban 40% Low Install mountable median 15% Low

    Splitter island T-intersection 45% Low Install non-mountable median 25% Low

    Splitter island X-intersection 40% Low

    Median island mountable 15% Low

    Median island non-mountable 25% Low

    Grade separation ofintersections

    All environments, grade separationof intersection

    50% (all severities) Low Grade separation ofintersections

    X-intersection 55% High

    Y-intersection 20% Medium

    Guide posts Rural 28% (night) Low Install guide posts All 5% Low

    Impact attenuators All 60% Low Install impact attenuators All 50% (all casualty) Medium

    All 70% (fatal) High

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    Original Crash Reduction Factors identified in Road safety engineering risk assessment: Part 6:Crash Reduction Factors(Austroads 2010a)

    Revised descriptions or reductions identified in current project

    Issue Environm ent type % Reduction Confidenc e Treatment type Environ ment type % Reduction Confidence

    Intersection right-turnlane

    All environments 35% Medium Install right-turn lane Install right-turn lane general 35% Medium

    At signalised intersections 35% Low Install right-turn lane signalisedintersection

    30% Medium

    At unsignalised intersections 35% Low Install right-turn lane unsignalisedintersection

    35% Medium

    Urban 30% Low Install right-turn lane rural

    unsignalised T-intersections

    40% Low

    Rural 35% Low Install right-turn lane ruralunsignalised X-intersections

    30% Medium

    Painted 30% Low Install right-turn lane urbangeneral

    30% Low

    Protected 35% Low Install right-turn lane urbanunsignalised T-intersections

    35% Low

    Install right-turn lane urbansignalised T-intersections

    5% Low

    Install right-turn lane urbanunsignalised X-intersections

    30% Low

    Install right-turn lane urbansignalised X-intersections

    10% Low

    Install right-turn lane painted 30% High

    Install right-turn lane physical 35% Low

    Intersection extend

    right-turn lane

    All environments 15% Low Intersection extend

    right-turn lane

    Unknown Unknown n/a

    Intersection left-turnprovision

    All environments 30% Low Install left-turn lane All 20% Low

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    Original Crash Reduction Factors identified in Road safety engineering risk assessment: Part 6:Crash Reduction Factors(Austroads 2010a)

    Revised descriptions or reductions identified in current project

    Issue Environm ent type % Reduction Confidenc e Treatment type Environ ment type % Reduction Confidence

    Intersection signalvisibility

    All environments 25% Low Signal visibility Replace a pedestal mount withmast arm mount signal

    35% Low

    Increase lens size to twelve inches 5% Low

    Provide additional signal head 20% Medium

    Line markings profileedge lines

    Shoulder 23% Medium Profile line marking Provide profile edge lines 20% (all) Medium

    40% (run-off-road) Low

    Centreline 15% Low Provide profile centreline 15% (all) Medium

    30% (head-on) Low

    Line markings profileedge lines

    Transverse Unknown n.a. Provide transverserumble strips

    Intersections 25% Low

    Overtaking lanes All environments 23% Medium Overtaking lanes All 25% Medium

    Tack-on lane 5% Low

    New alignment and passing lane 54% Low

    Pavement markings Centreline 30% Low Pavement markings Provide edge line 10% Low

    Edge line 20% Low Provide centreline 20% Low

    Words and symbols Unknown n.a. Provide combined edge andcentreline

    30% Low

    Painted speed limits 0% Low Provide painted speed limits 0% Low

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    Original Crash Reduction Factors identified in Road safety engineering risk assessment: Part 6:Crash Reduction Factors(Austroads 2010a)

    Revised descriptions or reductions identified in current project

    Issue Environm ent type % Reduction Confidenc e Treatment type Environ ment type % Reduction Confidence

    Pedestrian crossings No reliable reductions determinedfor this issue

    Unknown n.a. Pedestrian treatments Install fencing and barriers 20% (pedestrians) Medium

    Improved lighting 60%(pedestrians at night)


    Add pedestrian phase at signals 50% (pedestrians) Low

    Improve signal timing 35% (pedestrians) Low

    Pedestrian treatment rest on red

    All 50% Low Install pedestrian overpass 85% (pedestrians) Low

    Raised (wombat) crossing 20% (pedestrians) Low

    Refuge 45% (pedestrians) Medium

    Rest on red 50% (pedestrians) Low

    Install roundabout allenvironments

    60% (pedestrians) Low

    Signs regulatory(intersection)

    Install stop sign at T-intersection 20% Medium Signs regulatory Install stop sign at T-intersection 15% Low

    Install stop sign at X-intersection 30% Medium

    Install stop sign at X-intersection 35% Medium Install four-waystop sign atX-intersection

    60% Low

    Install give-way sign allintersections

    15% Low Install give-way sign allintersections

    25% Low

    U-turn bans No reliable reductions determinedfor this issue

    Unknown n.a. Install right-turn ban, or U-turn andright-turn ban

    60% Medium

    Signs regulatory(midblock)

    All environments 25% Low Treatment type omitted, as not considered useful

    Signs advisory Chevron warning signs allenvironments

    30% Low Delineation treatments install chevrons

    Horizontal curves 25% Low

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    Original Crash Reduction Factors identified in Road safety engineering risk assessment: Part 6:Crash Reduction Factors(Austroads 2010a)

    Revised descriptions or reductions identified in current project

    Issue Environm ent type % Reduction Confidenc e Treatment type Environ ment type % Reduction Confidence

    Signs advisory Advisory speed signs allenvironments

    25% Low Advisory signagetreatments

    Install curve warning signs 25% High

    Curve warning signs allenvironments

    25% Low Speed advisory 40% Low

    Street closure No reliable reductions determinedfor this issue

    unknown n.a. Street closure Internal roads 40% Medium

    Peripheral roads 5% Low

    Street lighting Install lighting midblock 40% (night) Medium Street lighting New lighting all locations 35% (night) Medium

    New lighting intersections 50% (night) High

    Install lighting rural 30% (night) Low New lighting mid-block 40% (night) High

    New lighting rural intersection 30% (night) Medium

    Install lighting rural intersection 40% (night) Medium New lighting urban 30% (night) Low

    New lighting urban intersection 30% (night) Low

    Install lighting urban 30% (night) Low New lighting motorway/freewayinterchange

    50% (night) High

    Install lighting urban intersection 20% (night) Low New lighting railway levelcrossing

    60% (night) High

    Upgrade lighting 35% (night) Medium

    Superelevation No reliable reductions determinedfor this issue

    Unknown n.a. Improving/correctingsuperelevation

    All 10% Low

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    Original Crash Reduction Factors identified in Road safety engineering risk assessment: Part 6:Crash Reduction Factors(Austroads 2010a)

    Revised descriptions or reductions identified in current project

    Issue Environm ent type % Reduction Confidenc e Treatment type Environ ment type % Reduction Confidence

    Traffic signals New signals, no turn arrows metro

    45% Low Traffic signals Install traffic signals 30% Low

    New signals, with turn arrows metro

    40% Low Provision of fully controlled right-turns

    35% (all casualty) Medium

    New signals, no turn arrows regional

    75% Low 60% (right through) Low

    45% (adjacent



    New signals, with turn arrows regional

    35% Low Provision of partially controlledright-turns

    10% Low

    Change partial control to fullycontrolled right-turns

    70% Low

    Vegetation No reliable reductions determinedfor this issue

    Unknown n.a. Treatment type omitted (topic is being covered as part of other current research)

    Weather Dry weather, reduction from crashrisk in wet weather

    20% Low Treatment type omitted (topic is being covered as part of other current research)

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    This appendix presents details of the research conducted in 2010/11 and 2011/12. Each appendixincludes a tabulated summary of treatment effectiveness (generally reductions) found in theresearch. Where available, effectiveness for different levels of severity or crash types wereincluded. The main focus for the review was on recent research although in some cases olderresearch is also included. There was also a focus on research conducted in Australia and NewZealand. However, other key references have also been assessed and included where relevant.Only research that contained information about the crash reduction benefit from treatments wasincluded, which greatly reduced the number of relevant publications.

    Note that throughout this appendix many of the references assessed did not contribute anyinformation to the final crash reduction factor. The references are provided for completeness, butmay also provide a useful source of additional information on each treatment type.

    A discussion is included for each which presents the rationale for the treatment effectivenessvalues presented in Table 3.1. The review identified some evidence for a number of additionaltreatments (than those presented in Table 3.1) for which there was insufficient evidence todetermine the extent of treatment effectiveness (e.g. provision of edge lines at curves, addition ofyellow reflective tape to signal heads, and channelisation in rural environments). In such cases,the relevant appendix generally includes a discussion indicating that safety benefits are likely to beassociated with such treatments, although there was insufficient evidence to gauge treatmenteffectiveness during this project.

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    C.1 Guide Posts

    Summary of research

    Study Year Country Environment/Treatment Reduction

    Vincent 1978 Australia Open Corner cube showed 60% reduction in night,only 21% reduction at control

    Bali et al. 1978 USA General (all sites) No treatment: 3.2943(standard error 0.511)

    With centreline: 2.3473(standard error 0.114)

    With centreline & post: 1.3285(standard error 0.080)

    Bali et al. 1978 USA Straight sites No treatment: 3.7740(standard error 0)

    With centreline: 2.2375(standard error 0.169)

    With centreline & post: 1.1323

    (standard error 0.071)

    Bali et al. 1978 USA Curves Centreline and edge line: 2.4925(standard error 0.261)

    Centreline and edge line and post: 1.9306(standard error 0)

    Sanderson & Fildes 1984 Australia(Victoria)

    Open Corner cube 15% decrease at night, but 21%decrease at control sites

    Creasey & Agent 1985 USA Post delineators 20% reduction

    LTSA 1992 NZ 3267% reduction on curves, 1518% onwhole route

    Cairney 1993 Australia(Victoria)

    Open Corner cube delineators (17 before, 6 after)

    65% reduction

    Agent, Stamatiadis &Jones

    1996 USA Recommended 30% reduction in night-time

    Agent, Stamatiadis &Jones

    1996 USA Reported post delineators at curves 23%reduction in all; 30% at night

    Agent, Stamatiadis &Jones

    1996 USA Reported post delineators at tangent1628% reduction in all; 30% reduction in night

    Agent, Stamatiadis &Jones

    1996 USA Reported flexible delineator post 40% reductionin all

    Corben et al. 1997 Australia 27% reduction, but only at one site (notsignificant). Crash costs reduced by 85%, andwere significant.

    Douglas 2000 USA Two-lane roads 30% reduction for delineators on curvesDouglas 2000 UK Undivided roads 67% reduction

    Douglas 2000 UK Divided roads 30% reduction

    Elvik et al. 2009 International All accidents Injury accidents 7% reduction(95% CI -22; +12)

    Elvik et al. 2009 International All accidents PDO 3% reduction (95% CI -27; +28)

    Elvik et al. 2009 International Combined treatment ofedge line, centreline anddelineator posts

    Injury accident 45% reduction(95% CI -56; -32)

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    Effectiveness of Road Safety Engineering Treatments

    Aust roads 2012


    Study Year Country Environment/Treatment Reduction

    AASHTO 2010 USA Installing post-mounteddelineators on ruraltwo-lane undivided roads

    Injury accidents have a CMF of 1.04(caveat observed variability suggests thistreatment could result in an increase, decreaseor no change)

    AASHTO 2010 USA Rural two-lane road Combined treatment

    Edge lines, centrelines and guide posts

    Injury crashes have a CMF of 0.55 (standarderror 0.1)

    Results from older studies have not been used given that new guide post designs now exist andare likely to provide a different benefit. The study by Corben et al. is from Australia, but did notprovide a statistically significant result, although it does provide a useful direction of effect (i.e. apossible positive benefit). The Vincent review is based on older research and was also excluded.

    Elvik et al. and the AASHTO provide more recent results. Elvik et al. suggests a 7% CRF for thetreatment while the AASHTO suggests there is a 4% increase in crashes (although it is observedthat due to variability, this treatment could deliver an increase, decrease, or no change in crashes).

    It appears from more recent research that the benefits from using guide posts on their own mightnot be substantial (and indeed, the US research indicates a possible increase in crashes, mostlikely due to an increase in speed which has been identified in research). However, additionalassessment by Elvik et al. suggests that when used in combination with other delineationtreatments (specifically an edge and centreline) that the benefit is likely to be substantial (a 45%reduction).

    Agent, Stamatiadis and J ones indicate that there is no great difference in the benefit of guide postsat curves versus straights, although the New Zealand research from LTSA indicates that benefits

    are substantially greater at curves when compared to whole routes.

    Given the variability of the results from the HSM, the Elvik et al. figure of a 7% reduction iscurrently recommended (rounded to 5%). The crash reductions provided by Elvik et al. arespecified as all accidents. Some of the research indicates that benefits at night are greater thanchanges in at all times of day for this treatment type, however there is insufficient information toprovide a figure.

    References assessed

    AASHTO 2010, Highway safety manual, 1st edn, American Association of State Highway and TransportationOfficials, Washington, DC, USA.

    Agent, KR, Stamatiadis, N & J ones, S 1996, Development of accident reduction factors, report KTC-96-13,Kentucky Transportation Centre, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA.

    Bali, S, Potts, R, Fee, J A, Taylor, J I & Glennon, J 1978, Cost effectiveness and safety of alternative roadwaydelineation treatments for rural two-lane highways: vol II: final report, FHWA/RD-78-51, FederalHighway Administration, Washington, DC, USA.

    Cairney, P 1993, Current issues in delineation, Road and Transport Research, vol.2, no.2, pp.28-39.

    Corben, B, Deery, H, Mullan, N & Dyte, D 1997, The general effectiveness of countermeasures for crashesinto fixed roadside objects, report 111, Monash University Accident Research Centre, Clayton, Vic.

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    Creasey, T & Agent, KR 1985, Development of accident reduction factors, research report UKTRP-85-6,Kentucky Transportation Research Program, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA.

    Douglas, J 2000, Making the delineation message clear, Roadmarking Industry Association of Australia andNew Zealand Roadmarkers Federation joint conference, 6th, 2000, Canberra, Australian Capital

    Territory, Roadmarking Industry Association of Australia, Rosebud, Vic, 16 pp.

    Elvik, R, Hye, A, Vaa, T & Srensen, M 2009, The handbook of road safety measures, 2nd edn, EmeraldPublishing Group, Bingley, UK.

    Land Transport Safety Authority 1992, Guidelines for rural road marking and delineation, RTS 5, NewZealand Transport Agency, Wellington, NZ, viewed 14 J uly 2011,.

    Montella, A 2005, Safety reviews of existing roads: a quantitative safety assessment methodology,Transportation Research Record, no. 1922, Transportation Research Board, Washington, pp. 65-72.

    Sanderson, J T & Fildes, B 1984, Run-off-the-road accidents in rural areas, report TS84/6, Traffic and SafetyDepartment, Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV), Melbourne, Vic.

    Vincent, EN 1978, A trial installation of corner cube delineators: Calder Highway, Gisborne to Woodend,Australian Road Research, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 38-40.

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    C.2 Chevron Alignment Markers

    Summary of research

    Study Year Country Enviro nment/Treatment Reduction

    Agent, Stamatiadis andJones

    1996 USA Not specified Warning signs chevron30% average reduction all crashes(lit review three papers)

    55% average reduction all crashes (statesurvey two states)

    Montella 2009 Italy Divided highways, 4 lanestotal

    46.3% (95% CI -171.5; 78.8). Not significant

    Srinivasan et al. 2009 USA Install chevrons onhorizontal curves rural

    all severities, non-intersection CMF 4%

    all severities, non-intersection, head-on,run-off-road, side swipe CMF 6%

    fatal/serious injury/minor injury,non-intersection CMF 16%

    all severities, night, non-intersection CMF25%

    all severities, night, non-intersection,head-on, run-off-road, side swipe CMF22%

    AASHTO 2010 USA Installing chevron signson horizontal curvesalong urban andsuburban arterials

    appears to reduce crashes of all types.However, the magnitude of the crash effect isnot certain at this time. (p 1366)

    UK-MoRSE website 2010 UK Rural

    Rural but with othersupporting treatments

    Any environment, andwhen used with othersupporting treatments

    35% reduction (95% CI -1.28; 70.87)

    46% reduction (95% CI 21.95; 70.4)

    50% reduction (95% CI 34.88; 64.46)

    A CRF of 25% was selected based on the limited evidence available. This includes a 30%reduction from Agent, Stamatiadis and J ones, a 4% reduction from Srinivasan et al. and a 35%reduction from the UK MoRSE database. There were also non-significant findings from Montellaand AASHTO that this treatment has a positive benefit. There is a low level of confidence in thisfigure.

    References assessed

    AASHTO 2010, Highway safety manual, 1st edn, American Association of State Highway and TransportationOfficials, Washington, DC, USA.

    Agent, KR, Stamatiadis, N & J ones, S 1996, Development of accident reduction factors, research reportKTC-96-13, Kentucky Transportation Centre, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA.

    Andreassen, DC 1989, Strategies for safety problems, research report ARR 163, Australian Road ResearchBoard, Vermont South, Vic.

    Andrew OBrien and Associates 2000, Managing traffic flow on urban freeways: appendix A: literaturereview, Andrew OBrien and Associates, Melbourne, Vic.

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    Effectiveness of Road Safety Engineering Treatments

    Aust roads 2012


    Austroads 2009, Guide to road safety: part 8: treatment of crash locations, AGRS08/09, Austroads, Sydney,NSW.

    Bureau of Transport Economics (BTE) 2001, The black spot program 1996-2002: An evaluation of the firstthree years, report no. 104, Bureau of Transport Economics (BTE), Canberra, Australia.

    Creasey, T & Agent, KR 1985, Development of accident reduction factors, research report UKTRP-85-6,Kentucky Transportation Research Program, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA.

    Donald, D 1997, Be warned! A review of curve warning signs and curve advisory speeds, research report304, Vermont South, Vic.

    Elvik, R, Hye, A, Vaa, T & Srensen, M 2009, The handbook of road safety measures, 2nd edn, EmeraldPublishing Group, Bingley, UK.

    Ewing, R 1999, Traffic calming: state of the practice, report FHWA-RD-99-135, Federal HighwayAdministration, Washington, DC, USA.

    Kneebone, DC 1964, Advisory speed signs and their effect on traffic,Australian Road Research Boardconference, 2nd, 1964, Melbourne, Victoria, Australian Road Research Board, Vermont South, Vic,vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 524-41.

    Kulmala, R 1994, Measuring the safety effect of road measures at junctions,Accident Analysis andPrevention, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 781-94.

    Lamm, R, Zumkeller, K & Beck, A 2001, Traffic safety: the relative effectiveness of a variety of roadmarkings and traffic control devices, Road Safety on Three Continents, 2000, Pretoria, South Africa,VTI Konferens 15A, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, Linkoeping, Sweden,pp. 120-32.

    Montella, A 2009, Safety evaluation of curve delineation improvements: empirical Bayes observationalbefore-and-after study, Transportation Research Record, no. 2103, Transportation Research Board,Washington, pp. 6979.

    Moses, P 1987, Combating the road toll, National Local Government Engineering conference, 4th, 1987,Perth, Western Australia, Institution of Engineers Australia, Canberra, ACT, pp.70-4.

    Srinivasan, R, Baek, J , Carter, D, Persaud, B, Lyon, C, Eccles, K, Gross, F, & Lefler, N 2009, Safetyevaluation of improved curve delineation, report FHWA-HRT-09-045, Federal Highway Administration,Washington, DC, viewed 13 December 2010,.

    UK-MoRSE 2010, UK-MoRSE, Greensafe Foundation, Birmingham, UK, viewed 15 December 2010,.

    Winnett, MA & Wheeler, AH 2002, Vehicle-activated signs: a large scale evaluation, report 548, TRL,Crowthorne, UK.

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    C.3 Pavement Markings

    Summary of research

    C.3.1 Provision of Edge Lines

    Study Year Country Enviro nment/Treatment Reduction

    Jackson in Ogden(1996)

    1981 UK 13% to 32% reduction all crashes

    37% to 42% reduction night crashes

    Willis, Scott and Barnesin Ogden (1996)

    1984 UK Rural roads Inconclusive

    Creasey & Agent 1985 USA Not specified 15% reduction total crashes

    Moses in in Ogden(1996)

    1986 Australia Rural highways Wide edge lining:

    8% reduction all crashes

    34% reduction out-of-control single vehicle

    Nairn in Ogden (1996) 1987 Australia Straight roads 15% reduction straight roads

    45% reduction curves

    Cottrell 1987 USA Not specified 0% no effect for run-off-road crashes

    County SurveyorsSociety in Ogden (1996)

    1989 UK Only effective at sites that experience loss ofcontrol type crashes

    Moses 1990 Australia Curves 25% reduction night time crashes

    5% reduction day time crashes for failing tomake the bend crashes through addition ofRRPMs and edge lining on lower speedcurves

    VicRoads 1990 Australia Curves 10% reduction delineation(does not specify type)

    Miller in in Ogden (1996) 1992 USA 20% reduction (average) all crashes

    Tignor in in Ogden(1996)

    1993 USA 2% reduction all crashes

    25% reduction run-off-road

    Miller 1993 USA and others Not specified 2021% reduction average for delineation

    Edge lines:

    8% reduction USA nationwide

    16.5% reduction Kansas

    14.5% reduction Kansas

    19% reduction Ohio

    21% reduction Illinois

    16% reduction Idaho

    38% reduction Utah

    60% reduction Arizona

    3% reduction Michigan18% reduction East Sussex

    30% reduction South Yorkshire

    26% reduction Cornwall

    12% reduction Northamptonshire

    22% reduction Hertfordshire

    27% reduction Lorraine

    20% reduction Hesse

    25% reduction Lower Saxony

    36% reduction Centreline and edge line(where previously none)

    8% reduction add edge line where alreadycentreline

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    Effectiveness of Road Safety Engineering Treatments

    Aust roads 2012


    Study Year Country Enviro nment/Treatment Reduction

    Moses 1994 Australia(Western


    Not specified 25% reduction fatal out-of-control crashes withprovision of 150 mm edge lines

    Agent, Stamatiadis &Jones

    1996 USA Not specified 20% reduction state survey

    15% reduction lit review

    15% reduction all crashes recommended

    30% reduction off-road crashes