effects of resource based sovereign wealth funds on … · 2016. 11. 23. · budget deficits and...

EFFECTS OF RESOURCE BASED SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUNDS ON FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE USING OLS AND QUANTILE REGRESSIONS ABSTRACT This paper employs Pooled OLS and Quantile Regression methods to investigate the association between natural resource based sovereign wealth funds and financial development. Supplementary model in the form of Barro-regression is used to validate the use of financial development as measurement factor for economic growth. The Barro-regression results indicate that financial development is critical for economic growth regardless of resource endowment and resource dependence. The Pooled OLS and Quantile regression results reveal that there is statistically significant but negative association between resource funds and financial development. This is contrary to few recent literatures in support of resource funds, but supplements the overall position of mixed views on their uses and effectiveness. The results suggest that more detailed studies may reveal as to why such negative relationship exists. It may also be helpful for governments to directly channel resource revenues to policies aimed at developing their financial system for the benefit of long term economic growth, rather than concentrating resource revenues in one central location. The results also indicate that resource funds may need to adapt more transparent operating practices as apparent lack of quality data on resource funds presents considerable challenges for investigating their socio- economic implications. Keywords: Resource fund, financial development, natural resources, developing

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    This paper employs Pooled OLS and Quantile Regression methods to investigate the

    association between natural resource based sovereign wealth funds and financial

    development. Supplementary model in the form of Barro-regression is used to

    validate the use of financial development as measurement factor for economic

    growth. The Barro-regression results indicate that financial development is critical

    for economic growth regardless of resource endowment and resource dependence.

    The Pooled OLS and Quantile regression results reveal that there is statistically

    significant but negative association between resource funds and financial

    development. This is contrary to few recent literatures in support of resource funds,

    but supplements the overall position of mixed views on their uses and effectiveness.

    The results suggest that more detailed studies may reveal as to why such negative

    relationship exists. It may also be helpful for governments to directly channel

    resource revenues to policies aimed at developing their financial system for the

    benefit of long term economic growth, rather than concentrating resource revenues

    in one central location. The results also indicate that resource funds may need to

    adapt more transparent operating practices as apparent lack of quality data on

    resource funds presents considerable challenges for investigating their socio-

    economic implications.

    Keywords: Resource fund, financial development, natural resources, developing


  • 2

    Table of Contents

    I. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 4

    II. LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................... 8

    1. Resource Curse ......................................................................................................... 8

    2. Resource Funds ....................................................................................................... 11

    3. Financial Development ........................................................................................... 12

    III. METHODOLOGY AND DATA ............................................................................... 14

    a. Rationale and Criterion .......................................................................................... 15

    b. Testing and Robustness .......................................................................................... 16

    c. Pooled OLS .............................................................................................................. 18

    d. Quantile Regression ................................................................................................ 19

    e. Supplementary Barro-regression ........................................................................... 21

    f. Data and Variables ................................................................................................. 22

    g. Comparative Analysis on Sample Data .................................................................. 27

    IV. RESULTS ................................................................................................................ 29

    a. Pooled OLS and Quantile Regression..................................................................... 29

    b. Barro-regression ..................................................................................................... 45

    V. CONCLUSION AND POLICY IMPLICATIONS ................................................... 48

    BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................... 52

    APPENDICES ................................................................................................................... 56

  • 3

    List of Tables and Figures

    Figure 1: The Research Question ........................................................................................ 7

    Figure 2: Institutional Quality and Resource abundance (Mehlum, Moene and Trovik

    2006) .................................................................................................................................. 11

    Figure 3: Quantile regression coefficients for the sample of resource rich countries ...... 58

    Figure 4: Quantile regression coefficients for the sample of global set of countries ........ 58

    Table 1: Selection of resource funds around the world ....................................................... 6

    Table 2: Description of variables ....................................................................................... 22

    Table 3: Sources of explanatory variables ........................................................................ 26

    Table 4: Resource fund and financial development using Pooled OLS (global sample) .. 31

    Table 5: Resource fund and financial development using Pooled OLS (resource rich

    sample) ............................................................................................................................... 32

    Table 6: Private Credit and Resource Fund using Quantile Regression (global sample) 39

    Table 7: Private Credit and Resource Fund using Quantile Regression (resource rich

    sample) ............................................................................................................................... 40

    Table 8: Liquid Liability and Resource Fund using Quantile Regression (global sample)

    ........................................................................................................................................... 41

    Table 9: Liquid Liability and Resource Fund using Quantile Regression (resource rich

    sample) ............................................................................................................................... 42

    Table 10: Market Capitalization and Resource Fund using Quantile Regression (global

    sample) ............................................................................................................................... 43

    Table 11: Market Capitalization and Resource Fund using Quantile Regression

    (resource rich sample) ....................................................................................................... 44

    Table 12: Financial Development and Economic Growth controlling for resource

    dependence ........................................................................................................................ 46

    Table 13: Summary statistics for the sample of resource rich countries ......................... 56

    Table 14: Summary statistics for the sample of global set of countries ........................... 56

    Table 15: Correlation matrix for the sample of resource rich countries .......................... 57

    Table 16: Correlation matrix for the sample of global set of countries ............................ 57

    Table 17: Sample of global set of countries ....................................................................... 59

    Table 18: Sample of resource rich countries ..................................................................... 59


  • 4


    Natural resources sector is one the most commercially volatile industries in

    the world while being economically significant to many countries. Prices of

    energy products such as oil and gas, and bulk commodities including coal and

    iron ore change on an almost daily basis. The financial and socio-economic

    impacts of these boom-bust cycles may lead to adverse circumstances as

    evidenced by the current state of matters in Venezuela, Mongolia and many

    other countries that depend on natural resources. Yet, price volatility is just one

    of many issues faced by countries that are endowed with natural resources. It

    has been empirically proven that countries ―blessed‖ with abundant natural

    resources perform poorly, turning the ―resource blessing‖ into a ―resource curse‖

    (see Prebisch, 1950; Sachs and Warner, 1995 and T. Beck, 2010 among others) as

    the commodity sector increasingly became volatile with unpredictable cycles and

    price fluctuations. Consequences of such boom-bust cycles are particularly

    noticeable for developing nations with exhaustible natural resources such as

    fuels, ores, minerals and metals. Common explanations to the resource curse

    include resistance to economic diversification, concentration of control over

    natural resources through state owned enterprises, increased corruption and

    misallocated revenues. More specific accounts such as (Corden 1984) argues that

    abrupt windfall gains from sudden discovery of large natural resource deposit

    leads to short-term appreciation in commodity prices which results in excess

    inflow of foreign currency and supressing of non-resource sectors through

    appreciated local currency. While (Richard M Auty 1998) suggests that intense

    concentration of human and financial capital to the resource sector deteriorates

  • 5

    the non-resource sectors thus negatively affecting growth in other manufacturing


    Equally high number of literary sources investigated possible solutions for

    resolving the ―resource curse‖ offering solutions such as special taxation regime,

    sustainable extraction practices, and allocation of resource revenues (see for

    instance Hotelling, 1931 and Hossain, 2003 ). Among these is the relatively new

    approach of establishing special purpose sovereign wealth funds (resource fund)

    using the excess revenues from natural resources sector. Such resource funds, in

    almost all cases, are managed and owned by the government. Purposes of

    establishing resource funds are generally within the framework of managing

    budget deficits and ensuring macroeconomic stability (Andrew Bauer 2014).

    Majority of these funds were established during the past few decades, but

    regardless of their short history resource funds control over US$ 7.2 trillion in

    assets spanning over 30 countries as of December 2015 (Sovereign Wealth

    Center 2016). However, literary evidence on the performance and usefulness of

    these resource funds are rather mixed. Findings by (Jeffrey Davis 2001) suggest

    that resource funds lead to duplication of government expenditures and further

    states that proper fiscal policies may as well replace the functions of resource

    funds. On the other hand, arguments in support of resource funds include

    positive correlation between resource funds and institutional quality as

    evidenced by (S. Tsani 2012) while (Tsalik 2003) finds that resource funds are

    helpful in implementing good revenue management based on evidences from

    funds in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Table 1 summarizes a selection of

    sovereign wealth funds established exclusively by using funding from natural

  • 6

    resource revenues. Majority of these funds are established within the past 10-20

    years making it a relatively recent approach in managing the ―resource curse‖.

    Table 1: Selection of resource funds around the world

    Source: Sovereign Investor Institute, National Resource Governance Institute, Funds’ individual websites

    Country Funds based on resource revenues Est. Source

    Assets Under



    USD Billion

    Algeria Revenue Regulation Fund 2000 Oil 34.7

    Azerbaijan State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan (SOFAZ) 1994 Oil 33.6

    Bahrain Future Generations Reserve Fund 2006 Oil 0.4

    Botswana The Pula Fund 1993 Diamonds,

    Minerals 6.9

    Brunei Brunei Investment Authority 1983 Oil 40

    Canada Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund 1976 Oil 16.4

    Chile Social and Economic Stabilization Fund 2007 Copper 15.2

    Pension Reservation Fund 2006 Copper 7.0

    Gabon Fund for Future Generations 1998 Oil 0.38

    Iran National Development Fund of Iran 2011 Oil 54

    Iraq The Development Fund for Iraq (DFI) 2003 Oil 18


    The National Fund of the Republic of

    Kazakhstan (NFRK) 2000

    Oil, gas,

    metals 68.9

    National Investment Corporation of

    National Bank 2012 Oil 20

    Kuwait Kuwait Investment Authority 1953 Oil 410

    Libya Libyan Investment Authority 2006 Oil 65

    Mauritania Mauritania National Fund for

    Hydrocarbon Reserves (MNFHR) 2006 Hydrocarbons 0.3

    Mexico The Oil Revenues Stabilization Fund of

    Mexico 2000 Oil 6

    Mongolia Mongolia’s Fiscal Stability Fund 2011 Minerals 0.3

    Nigeria Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority 2011 Oil 1

    Norway The Government Pension Fund (GPFG) 1990 Oil 818

    Oman Oman Investment Fund 2006 Oil 6

    Oman State General Reserve Fund 1980 Oil & Gas 8.2

    Qatar Qatar Investment Authority 2005 Oil & Gas 170

    Russia Russia National Welfare Fund 2008 Oil 88

    Russia Reserve Fund 2008 Oil 86.4

    Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency 1974 Oil 675.9

    Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Petroleum Fund 2005 Oil & Gas 14.6

    Trinidad and


    The Heritage and Stabilization Fund

    (HSF) 2000 Oil 5.0

    Turkmenistan Foreign Exchange Reserve Fund 1995 Hydrocarbons N/A

    United Arab


    Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) 1976 Oil 773

    Emirates Investment Authority 2007 Oil 10

    International Petroleum Investment

    Company 1984 Oil & Gas 65.3

    Investment Corporation of Dubai 2006 Oil 70

    USA Alabama Trust Fund 1985 Oil & Gas 2.5

    Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation 1976 Oil 46.8

  • 7

    Financial development is considered a critical factor for long-term economic

    development (see Goldsmith, 1969 and Levine, 1997 among others).

    Sophisticated financial systems support economic growth, reduces income

    inequality and poverty rates, provide access to financial source for industries

    (Beck, Demirguc-Kunt and Maksimovic 2005) (Panicos O Demetriades 1996).

    Deepened financial systems also help countries better allocate resources rather

    than inefficient concentration of capital. While it is of no surprise that majority

    of highly developed countries have sophisticated and well established financial

    sectors, as pointed out by (T. Beck 2010), most resource rich developing countries

    have poor financial sectors.

    Summarizing the relationships between several socio-economic factors

    involving resource rich countries, employment of resource funds and financial

    development, the following crude association can be produced as a ―big picture‖

    based on the existing literature:

    Resource endowment

    Financial Sector Development Long Term Economic Growth

    Existence of Resource Funds Institutional Quality,

    Governance and Rule of Law

    ( + )*

    ( - )**

    ( + )

    ( + )


    ( - )

    Figure 1: The Research Question

    ( + )

    ( - )

    *positive association **negative association

  • 8

    As indicated in Figure 1, there is limited literary evidence exploring the

    direct relationship between resource funds and financial development. Given the

    growing footprint of resource funds in the global financial sector and the

    subsequent socio-political implications, investigating the relationship between

    resource funds and financial sector development may lead to important policy

    measures and further studies on the uses and effectiveness of resource funds.

    This paper is organized in a top down approach. Part 2 lays the conceptual

    framework and literary review on the various concepts and theories related to

    resource curse, resource funds and financial development. Part 3 explains the

    methodology and data used in analysing the relationship between resource funds

    and financial development using Pooled OLS and Quantile Regression methods

    as well as the relationship between financial development and economic growth

    using Barro-style growth regression. Part 4 presents the empirical results

    derived from these analysis, and Part 5 concludes the paper and provides

    potential policy implications for countries with resource funds.


    1. Resource Curse

    Poor economic development in resource rich countries is a well-studied

    phenomenon with numerous sources explaining its cause and effect. It is often

    referred to as the ―Dutch disease‖ relating to Netherlands’ discovery of large gas

    fields in the North Sea in the 1960s resulting in positive revenue shock, but an

    appreciation of the Dutch guilder and the subsequent suppression of the local

    manufacturing sector. Now the term Dutch disease may refer to any adverse

  • 9

    situation resulting from sudden excess income, foreign direct investment and

    foreign aid. Earlier studies including (Prebisch 1950) indicates that resource

    rich countries face sluggish economic growth due to declining trade and low

    elasticities of demand for resource based goods, and a general tendency for slow

    growth compared to resource poor countries. (Corden and J.P.Neary 1982) with

    further elaboration in (Corden and Max 1984) state that a booming-sector (i.e.

    sudden discovery of natural resources, or sudden increase in price of a particular

    commodity) supresses the economics of other traded goods by directly taking

    resources away while imposing upward pressure on the exchange rate.

    Additional study by (Richard M Auty 1998) finds that resource rich countries

    have relatively high rate of trade volatility which could result in inconsistent

    growth rate, but the causal relationship between trade-volatility and growth

    were not significant. Another influential study on the same topic is by (Sachs

    and Warner 1995), in that an empirical study on the association between GDP

    growth and resource abundance is conducted while controlling for other variables

    affecting economic growth, and statistically significant, negative association

    between resource intensity and growth were found. They explained the negative

    association within the framework of endogenous growth favouring tradable

    manufacturing to natural resources sector. Other explanations include resource

    industries having lower linkage effects than manufacturing sector, or the

    resource sector attracts capital, skilled labour and investment from the

    manufacturing sector, which in turn makes the economy dependent on boom-

    bust cycle of commodity sector.

  • 10

    Literature to date suggest several ways to overcome or to cure the ―resource

    curse‖ including classic approaches such as ―Hotelling rule‖ which proposes

    optimal pricing of non-renewable resources in order to maintain equal capital

    gain between resources and non-resources sector (Hotelling 1931). Another

    proposed solution is to impose special tax on natural resources sector which is a

    common policy in almost all resource exporting countries through mineral

    royalty taxes. The special taxation is imposed to prevent economic imbalance

    caused by booming resource sector. (Dixit and Newbery 1985). Recurring theme

    in the topic of curing for resource curse are institutional quality, rule of law and

    corruption. Figure 2 produced by (Mehlum, Moene and Torvik 2006) provides a

    visual representation for the association between resource abundance and

    institutional quality showing that bad institutions result in negative correlation

    between resource dependence and GDP growth with the potential implication

    that improved institutional quality may as well be the cure for resource curse.

  • 11

    Figure 2: Institutional Quality and Resource abundance (Mehlum, Moene and Trovik 2006)

    2. Resource Funds

    Relatively recent approach in addressing resource curse is the establishment

    of special purpose wealth funds that are based on windfall revenues from natural

    resource exports, and almost all of these funds are owned and managed by the

    governments1. According to (Bacon and Tordo 2006) resource funds are

    established with wide range of objectives including managing of government

    expenditures, saving of natural resource revenues for future generations,

    maintain budgetary stabilization and precautionary saving against price

    1 It is important to distinguish between sovereign wealth funds that are strictly based on natural resource revenues from funds that are based on foreign currency reserves, pension reserves or any other financial resource. There are notable differences in terms of transparency, governance and financial performances among the various funds with natural resource based funds mostly lacking in most of these indicators which in itself is another symptom of the resource curse.

  • 12

    volatility. Some funds are established with the sole purpose of generating

    additional income through investment in financial and non-financial assets.

    Regardless of their purpose, resource funds became a common policy tool among

    resource rich countries with the presence of at least one resource fund in every

    country with natural resources comprising 40% or more of total merchandise

    export. Certain literary evidence finds that resource funds may help achieve

    optimal allocation of resource rents, or employed as fiscal tools to combat budget

    deficits and volatility for achieving macroeconomic stabilization (S. Tsani 2012).

    However, the literature to date draws mixed results on the usefulness of

    resource funds. For instance, the case of Botswana and its overall management

    of its resource revenues is a successful implementation of resource funds in a

    developing economy. Despite high earnings associated with equally high price

    volatility, Botswana maintained strict expenditure controls while increasing its

    foreign exchange reserves from US$75 million to US$5 billion from 1976 to 1996

    through its state run Pula Fund (Sarraf and Jiwanji 2001).

    3. Financial Development

    Positive relationship between financial development and long-term economic

    growth is a well evidenced subject. Related studies go as far back as (Bagehot

    1873) explaining the benefits of the financial system to (Goldsmith 1969) and

    (Levine 2004) all pointing out that financial systems’ development is an

    inseparable part of long term economic development despite short term issues

    such as recessions. Also, as (Levine 1997) concluded, there are number of factors

    shaping the financial industry such technological advancements, monetary and

    fiscal policies, and political changes and national institutes. Following this

  • 13

    relationship, there is notable difference in financial development across countries

    with economically advanced countries having more sophisticated banking and

    capital markets (Monshin S Khan 2000). In contrast, (Panicos O Demetriades

    1996) concludes that there is little evidence in supporting the view that financial

    development is a leading factor of economic development.

    Number of authors investigated if poorly developed financial system is a

    result of natural resource endowment, which in turn relates to an entire array

    literature on the popular topic of resource curse. The general conclusion is that

    resource rich countries tend to have poorer financial systems. For instance, (T.

    Beck 2010) argue that due to supply constraints in the financial sector in

    resource based countries there is an overall lower level of financial development.

    (Hassan 2013) concluded that more levels of resource endowment results in

    lower level of insufficient credit for the private sector due to lack of motivation in

    developing non-resource sectors such as the financial sector. Another set of

    literary evidence defines the ―resource curse‖ as deterioration of governance and

    institutional quality (Mehlum, Moene and Torvik 2006), (James A Robinson

    2006). An overarching conclusion is that concentrated ownership in natural

    resource lead to rent-seeking behaviours within the small group of political elite

    that tend to over-extract natural resources. Using this power, they influence the

    shape of the political system degrading the quality of proper institutional

    controls and transparency. This phenomenon is evident in many of the resource

    rich countries around the world with significant portion of the nation’s mineral

    resources are in the hands of few state owned enterprises. For instance, the

    ―Minerals Law of Mongolia‖ the main legislation of the its mining sector defines

  • 14

    some 15 large mineral deposits as ―Deposits of Strategic Importance‖ all of which

    are to be owned by the state owned ―Erdenes-Mongol LLC‖. On a similar note

    (Menzue D Chinn 2006) and (Siong Hook Law 2008) conclude that institutional

    quality significantly enhance financial development, especially banking sector

    development. Therefore, one may conclude that resource endowment may trap

    countries in a limbo state of poor institutional quality and less developed

    financial system that result in slow economic growth. Interestingly, (S. Tsani

    2012) finds that establishment of resource funds is positively associated with

    governance and institutional quality.


    This section describes the empirical models and the data set used to analyse

    the relationship between 1) resource funds and financial development and 2)

    financial development and economic growth. However, the emphasis is on the

    effects of resource funds on financial development. According to existing

    literature, there are mixed views on the uses and effectiveness of resource funds

    in general, and investigating its impact on the financial sector might lead to

    important policy implications. In order achieve this with certain degree of

    robustness, I use two methods – Pooled Ordinary Least Squares and Quantile

    Regression both of which largely expands the model used in (S. Tsani 2012). In

    order to justify the use of financial development as measurement for

    investigating the effectiveness of resource funds, and as measurement for

    growth, I analyse how financial development affects GDP growth, while

  • 15

    controlling for resource endowment and resource dependence. Another reason is

    to confirm the wide array of literary evidence on the positive correlation between

    financial development and economic growth. It is done by using Barro-style

    growth regression. I largely expanded on (T. Beck 2010) which investigates

    symptoms of ―Dutch disease‖ in financial development for resource rich


    a. Rationale and Criterion

    According to (N. Beck 2001) there are notable differences between time-

    series cross-sectional data and panel data. Especially for studies in economics

    and political science discipline, time-series cross-sectional data concerns limited

    number of rather fixed samples (i.e. countries) rather than random chosen

    samples in panel data. Panel data also ignores individuality of the samples, but

    for time-series cross-sectional data it is the opposite (i.e. we are in fact interested

    in country specific effects. Also panel data is assumed to have small number of

    observations (small T) while having many subjects (large N). Considering these

    factors, time-series cross-sectional data is used in this paper that covers longer

    periods of time (large T) spanning 1981 to 2013 with fixed number of subjects

    (i.e. countries) which is consistent with most political economy studies. Due to

    these characteristics certain literature recommends the use of OLS with panel-

    corrected standard errors (see N. Beck, 2001 and Agung, 2014 for more details).

    Another common issue with using both panel and time-series cross-section data,

    despite the benefits, is the problem of unobserved heterogeneity and the related

    challenges in controlling for it. The reason I am explaining all this is to validate

    the using of Quantile Regression in addition to Ordinary least squares in this

  • 16

    paper. The reason I use Pooled OLS is that I am largely following (S. Tsani

    2012). However, when Pooled OLS regression model is used on panel data there

    is no regard for the individual effects of each subject / country, which gives rise to

    independent, not identically distributed (i.i.n.d) observations (Woolbridge 2010).

    Pooled OLS assumes homogeneity among all subjects, which is clearly not an

    accurate assumption to apply for different countries around the world. Several

    methods exist for resolving unobserved heterogeneity including hierarchical

    linear models such as Fixed and Random effect models, but since our most

    important variable is a dummy variable (ofd_dum), employing Fixed Effects

    model would remove the effects of the dummy variable. As for Random Effects

    model, (Western 1998) argues that random effects model is important if we are

    interested in each individual coefficients βi that is more relevant for comparative

    political studies, which is not the case for this paper. The reason for using

    Quantile Regression becomes clear after the following section.

    b. Testing and Robustness

    Common issue with using Pooled OLS regression is that its errors may

    contain time or cross-sectional specific effects. Although, residual diagnostics on

    all of the models I use return favourable results on fulfilling the

    homoscedasticity and independence assumptions, it does not guarantee that

    errors are in fact heteroskedastic and serially correlated. The statistics software

    I use (EViews) do not have a built-in Heteroscedasticity testing for panel

    data. Therefore, in addition to using ordinary least squared method, in order to

    improve the robustness of the regressions I employ few alternatives of coefficient

    covariance methods to see if there are any substantial differences.

  • 17

    First, in order to attain "robustness" I run the regressions with White cross-

    sections, which handles clustering by cross-section (White 1980). White cross-

    section method assumes that errors are contemporaneously (cross-sectional)

    correlated (period clustered) and the method treats the pool regression as a

    multivariate regression (with an equation for each cross-section), and computes

    robust standard errors for the system of equations (Startz 2015).

    However, according to (S. Tsani 2012) "robust" errors may show poor results

    in the presence of large serial correlation and small sample size, and White

    cross-section technique does not consider cross-sectional correlation. Therefore,

    in order to control for contemptuous correlation of errors, panel corrected

    standard error (PCSE) technique is also employed for the regressions. Beck and

    Katz (1995) used Monte Carlo simulation to find that the PCSE method produces

    accurate standard errors compared to Feasible General Least Squared

    (FLGS) method. However, employment of these alternative methods does not

    result in significant differences in the coefficients of the models. Thus, the

    results sections only deals with the results from the Pooled OLS method only.

    Even so, I am still not convinced with the results of the Pooled OLS method and

    concerned with the robustness of this model. Given the limitations posed by

    Pooled OLS and the presence of a dummy variable, Quantile Regression method

    might improve the robustness of the analysis. The main idea of Pooled OLS is

    that it gives summary of the averages of distributions of the independent

    variables, but gives an incomplete picture just as a mean gives incomplete

    picture of any distribution (Tukey 1977). For this reason, as introduced by

    (Koenker and Basett 1978), quantile regression estimates the linear relationship

  • 18

    between the regressors to certain quantile of the dependent variable. The main

    benefit of employing quantile regression is that it gives broader set of

    explanations on the conditional distribution compared to conditional mean

    analysis which is Pooled OLS. Also quantile regression ―does not require strong

    distribution assumptions, which offers a robust method of modelling

    relationships‖ (Startz 2015).

    c. Pooled OLS

    Expanding on (S. Tsani 2012), the following slightly modified Pooled OLS

    model is used to investigate the association between resource funds and financial


    where FDi,t is a measure of private credit and liquid liability as financial

    development indicators for country i at year t. is the intercept term, and is

    a set of j explanatory variables of financial development and economic growth.

    is the dummy variable for existence of a resource fund taking value of 1

    if it exists in country i in year k = t - 10 and if not the value is 0. The usual error

    term captures all other factors that are not explained by this model. The

    results mainly focus on the values of and as coefficients for the explanatory

    variables and the resource fund dummy variable respectively. Even though

    Pooled OLS model assumes homogeneity among the countries, the value of at

    least shows the general association between resource funds and financial

    development which is adequate for the purposes of this analysis.


  • 19

    d. Quantile Regression

    The Quantile regression model to extend the results of the Pooled OLS

    regression is as follows:


    where represents a set of financial development indicators for country i in

    year t,

    represents set of j explanatory variables including the dummy

    variable ofd_dum with as an unknown vector of coefficients that is associated

    with the θth quantile and is the error term. In terms of calculating the

    standard errors, EViews provides several options within its quantile regression

    option including Ordinary (IID) covariance, Huber-Sandwich method and

    Bootstrap resampling. (S. Tsani 2015) recommends the use of Bootstrap method

    as it provides better results with small samples and it is valid in most forms of

    heteroscedasticity. Among the four different approaches of Bootstrap available in

    EViews include residual bootstrap, XY pair, and two versions of Markov Chain

    Marginal Bootstrap, I use XY-pair as most natural form of bootstrap resampling

    (Startz 2015). The model works to increase the value of quantile value from 0

    to 1, and the distribution of GIQi,t conditional upon xj,i,t can be estimated for each

    quantile. I use 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 custom quantile values. In this manner

    the quantile regression enables the observation of the effects of the variables at

    different locations in the conditional distribution.

    Literature to date provide mixed views on capturing the timing effects of

    resource funds to socio-political factors. For instance, (S. Tsani 2012) argues that


  • 20

    resource funds may create ―shocks‖ on the host country’s governance and

    institutional qualities. But since these factors are usually resistant to changes,

    longer period of time should be used to capture the real effects and as a result,

    a10 year lag is used as in k = t – 10. Similarly, (Sugawara 2014) uses t – 5 in

    order to capture the effects of stabilization funds on government spending. In our

    case of capturing the effects of resource funds on financial development, I use k =

    t – 10. There are several reasons to choose relatively longer lag periods.

    Financial sectors around the world are heavily regulated and monitored,

    resulting in regulatory changes taking longer time take effect. Resource rich

    countries are heavily affected by the boom-bust cycles of the commodities

    industry, which required longer periods for recovery. Also according to (S. Tsani

    2012), 10-year period is considered adequate for political and constitutional

    changes to be recorded. The longer period also gives room for the resource funds

    to build-up notable financial position and capital adequacy.

    Given the existence of resource fund as a dummy variable with no time

    varying component Fixed Effect Regression model do not produce favourable

    results. In fact, any statistical program would drop the effects of the dummy

    variable from the equation. According to (Woolbridge 2010), I can resort to

    Random Effects model in order to capture the effects of the resource fund

    dummy. However, Hausman Fixed/Random Effects testing reveals that it is not

    appropriate to use the Random Effects Model. Therefore, the results are based on

    the Pooled OLS Regression in Equation (1).

  • 21

    e. Supplementary Barro-regression

    For analysing the relationship between financial development and economic

    growth in resource rich countries, I run the following pooled OLS regression

    model spanning years 1980 – 2011 for the Global data of 82 countries. It is a

    Barro-type regression model that explains long term economic growth in the

    context of ―conditional convergence‖ such that if certain parameters are held

    fixed all countries converges to similar rate of labour performance, and standard

    of living (R. J. Barro 1991). The model is as follows:

    where Gi,t is growth of Gross Domestic Product per capita as dependent variable

    for country i in year t covering the period of 1980 - 2011. On the right hand side,

    β1 captures the long-term relationship between economic growth and financial

    development represented by prvcrdt or Private Credit to GDP. and are

    control variables measuring the differential effects of a country relying on

    natural resources by using orexp which is value of ores and minerals as

    percentage of merchandise export. Xi is a set of explanatory variables for

    economic development including log of initial real GDP per capita to control for

    convergence, inflation rate, log of government consumption to GDP, and log of

    trade to GDP following (R. J. Barro 1991). The above equation largely follows (T.

    Beck 2010) which uses the average of all explanatory variables for the purposes

    of avoiding heterogeneity. Although the results in (T. Beck 2010) show

    significant correlation between economic growth and natural resources export as

    percentage of merchandise export, I find that there is no significant correlation


  • 22

    between the two despite using all control variables. Even doing stepwise

    regression does not help finding the correlation. Therefore, I transformed the

    equation into Pooled OLS with log transformation on all explanatory variables

    except for the initial GDP, which results in Equation (1)2.

    f. Data and Variables

    This paper uses cross-sectional time-series data. Besides becoming more

    accessible, cross-sectional time-series data provides number of advantages

    including more accurate prediction on model parameters with higher degrees of

    freedom and sample variability (Hsiao 2014). Data used in this paper is divided

    into three main categories. First category involves data for explaining financial

    sector development, second category includes indicators for resource dependence

    and mineral rent, and the last category includes explanatory variables that are

    related to institutional qualities that might affect financial development in

    resource rich countries.

    Table 2: Description of variables


    Financial sector:

    Private Credit to GDP % prv_crdt

    Liquid Liability to GDP % liq_liab

    Market Capitalization to GDP % mkt_cap


    2 Cross country, finance and growth regression within the framework of (R. J. Barro 1991) has

    the general form of:

    ( )

    Barro-regression explains growth as a function of an initial variable (i.e. constant initial GDP) that results in global convergence when controlled for variables such as human capital, government spending and inflation.

  • 23

    Economic growth:

    Inflation % inflation

    GDP per capita US$ gdp_pc

    Government expenditure to GDP % govt_cons

    Foreign direct investment (net inflow) US$ fdi

    Trade to GDP % trade_gdp

    Population density per sq.km pop_dens

    Years of schooling years yrs_sch

    Natural Resources:

    Ore to export to GDP % ore_to_exp

    Fuel to export to GDP % fuel_to_ex


    Mineral rent to GDP % min_rent

    Resource Fund

    Dummy variable binary ofd_dum

    Financial Sector Variables

    While GDP per growth is a widely used gauge for measuring economic

    development, choice of measurements for financial development varies. Majority

    of existing literature conforms to four categorical measurements to assess

    financial sector development including 1) depth 2) access 3) efficiency and

    stability (A. D.-K. Thorsten Beck 1999). All financial sector variables are

    obtained from the Global Financial Development Databased compiled by the

    World Bank (The World Bank 2016). Based on existing literature the following

    measurements are most commonly used all of which are used for the purposes of

    this paper as well.

    Private Credit to GDP: Formally defined as Private credit by deposit money

    banks and other financial institutions to GDP (%), this is a value of available of

    financial resources to private sector by local banks as percentage of GDP. Local

  • 24

    banks include banks and other banking institutions that accept transferrable

    deposits and demand deposits (GlobalBanking.org 2016). In other words, it

    measures the strength and coverage of the financial intermediaries connecting

    those who possess excess capital and those in need of capital. PRCD is probably

    the most important and most commonly used statistics for financial


    Liquid Liability to GDP: Liquid Liabilities to GDP, also known as broad moneys

    (M3) to GDP, are the measure of sum of currency and deposits in the central

    bank (M0) represented by percentage of GDP which is a widely used

    measurement for financial depth.

    Market Capitalization to GDP: Local stock market capitalization to GDP (%) is

    the measure of total value of all listed shares in a stock market as a percentage

    of GDP. Besides the banking sector, capital markets development is an

    important indicator for mature economy. For instance, countries such as

    Mongolia has a stock exchange valued at a mere US$2.3 billion while the

    Toronto Stock Exchange total market capitalization is over US$ 1 trillion.

    Although direct comparison of these numbers may be irrelevant, when

    controlling for GDP, market capitalization is an important gauge for capital

    market development.

    Resource endowment variables

    It is important to distinguish countries that are rich with natural resources

    as opposed to countries that are dependent on natural resources. Some of the

    most economically advanced economies in the world such as United States,

  • 25

    Canada and Australia are also rich with natural resources but do not necessarily

    depend on natural resources. Therefore, focusing on countries that are resource

    dependent (only) might result in endogeneity issues. In order to avoid this, two

    sets of samples will be used which is explained in detail in Sampling. Also not all

    resource rich countries have resource funds, but majority of countries that have

    resource funds tend to be resource dependent. Therefore, following existing

    literature, following variables are used for natural resource endowment.

    Mineral Rent: Measuring country’s natural resource wealth by directly valuing

    its mineral deposits underground can be very ambiguous and misleading given

    extraction costs, frequent volatilities in commodity prices as well as geological

    and geopolitical factors. According to (The World Bank 2016) natural resources

    rent is calculated by the differences between the averages of extraction cost and

    selling cost of natural resource products. This gives an accurate view on exactly

    how much a country is entitled to resource rents for the given year.

    Ore export to GDP: Based on existing literature the most commonly used

    criteria for resource richness is the share of sum of exports of ores, minerals and

    metal divided by total value of merchandise export. This is different from fuel

    and petroleum based products to export. It is important to consider and control

    for the distinction between mainly oil exporting countries mostly based in Middle

    East and North Africa in comparison to countries that mainly export minerals

    and ores such as iron ore, copper, etc.

    Fuel export to GDP: Majority of resource funds around the world are based on

    excess incomes originated from exporting what is officially defined as Mineral

  • 26

    fuels, lubricants and related materials. This is an important measure of not only

    resource endowments but also resource dependence as the average fuel to

    percentage of merchandise export is at 55% for the resource rich countries.

    Resource Fund Dummy variable: The effects of resource fund are observed by a

    dummy variable with a value of 1 if resource funds exists in country i at

    time k. Given majority of resource funds were established in late 1990s, studying

    the relationship between resource funds and any other factor is constrained by

    the short timing. Although it is better to use variables that are more descriptive

    on resource funds instead of a dummy variable, quantitative variable on resource

    funds is due to lack of information on resource funds in general. However, this is

    a common approach used by many of the existing literature on resource funds (

    (Sugawara 2014). In order to obtain reliable information, I first referred to the

    official websites or the particular fund’s own information source. However, many

    of these resource funds tend not to publicly disclose information. I used

    information obtained from the (The Natural Resource Governance Institute

    2016), and (Sovereign Wealth Center 2016), although most of the more useful

    data are not free of charge from these sources. Number of explanatory variables

    for explaining financial and economic development used to control for their

    effects as detailed in Table 2.

    Table 3: Sources of explanatory variables

    Potential determinant of

    financial development Definition / Notes Source

    GDP per capita growth Average real GDP per capita growth for the period

    1980 – 2011

    (The World Bank


    Inflation Inflation for the period 1980 - 2011 (The World Bank


  • 27

    General government final

    consumption expenditure

    Value of purchases of goods and services by the

    government divided by GDP in percentage for the

    period 1980 – 2011

    (The World Bank


    Foreign Direct Investment Net foreign direct investment in US dollars for the

    period 1980 - 2011

    (The World Bank


    Trade to GDP Sum of exports and imports divided by GDP for the

    period 1980-2011

    (The World Bank


    Population density Number of population per square kilometre as an

    indicator for economic development

    (The World Bank


    Years of schooling Barro-Lee Average years of total schooling, age

    15+ (The World Bank)

    All models used in this paper are applied to two sets of samples. The reason

    to employ two separate samples is to avoid sampling bias and control for the

    effects of natural resource endowment. First sample consists of 27 countries that

    are considered 1) resource rich3 and 2) employ some type of resource fund4 . The

    second set of sample consists of 83 countries which includes Sample 1 (S. Tsani

    2012). The second set not only includes countries such as Singapore and South

    Korea that have low levels natural resources but also countries such as USA,

    China, Russia and Canada that are economically advanced and resource rich.

    g. Sample Data Analysis

    This section provides general analysis and comparison between the two sets

    of data samples used in this paper. Sample 1 consists of 27 resource rich

    countries that are specifically chosen for observing the effects of resource

    endowment and resource dependence. Sample 2 consists of 83 countries (called

    the global sample) that include countries such as South Korea and Hong Kong to

    3 Countries with natural resource based exports comprising 40% or more of total merchandise export 4 A natural resource fund—a type of sovereign wealth fund—is a special-purpose investment vehicle owned by a government whose principal source of financing is revenue derived from oil, gas or mineral sales (Natural Resource Governance Institute)

  • 28

    compare and contrast with resource rich countries. The global sample also

    includes advanced economies that are also resource rich including USA, China

    and Canada.

    As for financial development indicators, resource rich countries have liquid

    liabilities to GDP rate at 0.38 compared to o.54 for the Global Data (sample of 82

    countries), also private credit to GDP rate at only 0.27 in sample countries

    compared to 0.52 in the wider group. Stock market capitalization and stock

    market turnover are both lower in resource rich countries at 0.32 and 0.30

    respectively compared to 0.48 and 0.53 in Global data sample. This is consistent

    with the findings of (Frederick van der Ploeg 2007) in their findings of well-

    developed financial sectors result in less pronounced resource curse.

    In terms of economic development indicators, considering the 1980 – 2011-

    time frame, both samples show similar rates of initial GDP per capita within the

    US$ 5000 range with US$500 difference. However, current GDP per capita is

    almost US$ 3000 less at US$ 6759 for resource rich countries that is US$ 9785

    for the Global data. A striking difference is observable in Foreign Direct

    Investment (FDI), as resource rich countries have current average FDI of US$1.9

    billion, which is 4 times, less than the Global data average of US$ 7.7 billion.

    This is consistent with the conclusions of even though subsoil assets boost

    resource FBD, it supresses non-resource FDI which results in reduced aggregate

    FDI in resource rich countries (Steven Poelhekke 2010). In terms of government

    consumption to GDP, resource rich countries’ governments tend to spend much

    more than that of the Global data average at 116.2% of GDP for resource rich

    countries compared to 47.0% respectively.

  • 29

    In terms resource endowment and resource dependence statistics, resource

    rich countries are notably different from the Global data average. Fuel export as

    percentage of merchandise export is at 55% on average for resource rich

    countries compared to 20.21% for the Global data average. This is an indication

    that Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials comprise large portion of

    global trade volume. As for natural resources, rent resource rich countries stand

    at 25% compared to 13.25% of the Global average. Even for non-fuel based ores

    and metals export to percentage of merchandise exports, resource rich countries

    show higher rate of 14.88% compared to 7.52% for Global average.

    Regarding resource funds, 29 out of the 35 resource funds are established

    using excess income from oil and gas industries. Over half of these funds are

    established after year 2000, and 8 funds or 21% are established before year 1990.

    It consistent with the conclusions by (S. Tsani 2012) that resource funds are a

    relatively new phenomenon with high concentration on the oil and gas sector.

    Summary statistics for the both sample of countries are in Appendix I and II.


    a. Pooled OLS and Quantile Regression

    Pooled OLS and Quantile Regression methods are used for the purposes of

    analysing the relationship between resource funds and financial development. In

    order to avoid sampling bias and bring out the effects of controlling for resource

    rich countries, the models are applied to two sets of samples with one comprising

    only resource rich countries with resource funds, and another a global set of 82

    countries. Both models are estimated on three financial development indicators

    including private credit to GDP, liquid liability to GDP and market capitalization

  • 30

    of domestic companies to GDP as independent variables with set of dependent

    variables and a resource fund dummy variable. In order to attain robustness and

    avoid contemporaneous correlation, White cross-section and Panel corrected

    standard error techniques are applied to the Pooled OLS model. The differences

    in employing these techniques were not significant from the ordinary coefficient

    covariance method. In order to verify the results of the Pooled OLS model and to

    obtain more detailed explanation, a Quantile Regression analysis is employed for

    the same data set. Tables 3 and 4 show the results of the Pooled OLS regression

    model for the global and resource rich samples respectively.

  • 31

    Table 4: Resource fund and financial development using Pooled OLS (global sample)



    Private Credit Liquid Liabilities Market capitalization

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    Inflation -0.110*** -0.108*** -0.086*** -0.075* -0.124*** -0.121*** -0.101*** -0.110*** -0.355*** -0.354*** -0.372*** -0.368***

    GDP per

    capita 0.284*** 0.295*** 0.247*** 0.282*** 0.150*** 0.156*** 0.107*** 0.158*** 0.143 0.101 0.176* 0.102


    consumption 0.731*** 0.704*** 0.673*** 0.880*** 0.405*** 0.383*** 0.410*** 0.406*** 0.049 0.074 0.067 0.078

    Foreign Direct

    Investment 0.054*** 0.064*** 0.088*** 0.084*** 0.028* 0.040*** 0.053*** 0.036*** 0.161*** 0.171*** 0.129*** 0.153***

    Trade to GDP 0.119*** 0.140*** 0.164*** 0.167*** 0.038 0.058** 0.064*** 0.057** 0.160** 0.139* 0.098 0.095


    density 0.082*** 0.062* 0.024 0.090** 0.115*** 0.090*** 0.078*** 0.114*** 0.179*** 0.121** 0.183*** 0.159***

    Years of

    schooling -0.070 -0.123 -0.250* -0.040 -0.068 -0.105 -0.125 -0.081 0.099 0.277 0.197 0.182

    Ore to export -0.003 0.013 0.163***

    Fuel to export -0.040** -0.038*** -0.017

    Mineral rents -0.110*** -0.071*** 0.072*

    Resource fund -0.362*** -0.288*** 0.469**

    Constant -2.324*** -2.400*** -2.120*** -3.759*** 0.619 0.551 0.624 0.347 -2.830 -2.573 -2.242* -2.016

    Observations 331 331 346 254 332 332 347 351 200 200 206 206

    R-squared 0.52 0.53 0.56 0.56 0.48 0.49 0.51 0.50 0.46 0.43 0.45 0.45

    Cross sections 76 76 75 76 75 75 74 75 67 67 67 67

  • 32

    Table 5: Resource fund and financial development using Pooled OLS (resource rich sample)



    Private Credit Liquid Liabilities Market Capitalization

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    Inflation -0.031 -0.040 -0.030 -0.039 -0.074*** -0.062*** -0.069*** -0.063*** -0.230*** -0.432*** -0.430*** -0.406***

    GDP per capita 0.316*** 0.283*** 0.304*** 0.329*** 0.107*** 0.095*** 0.097*** 0.179*** 0.264*** 0.245*** 0.230*** 0.259***


    consumption 0.919*** 0.999*** 0.682*** 0.884*** 0.684*** 0.717*** 0.615*** 0.523*** 0.369** 0.009 0.067 0.024

    Foreign Direct

    Investment 0.029** 0.044** 0.041*** 0.051** -0.003 0.017 0.007 -0.003 0.195*** 0.184*** 0.180*** 0.191***

    Trade to GDP -0.177*** -0.205*** -0.098** -0.141*** -0.234*** -0.222*** -0.206*** -0.162*** 0.089 0.171** 0.151** 0.184


    density 0.100*** 0.125*** 0.103*** 0.101*** 0.164*** 0.173*** 0.160*** 0.131*** 0.287*** 0.272*** 0.253*** 0.271***

    Ore to export 0.003 0.018** 0.018

    Fuel to export -0.015 0.008 -0.000

    Mineral rents -0.173*** -0.052 0.149**

    Resource fund -0.174** -0.331*** -0.037

    Constant -2.043*** -2.143*** -1.270*** -2.597 1.491*** 0.920*** 1.616 1.228*** -5.101*** -3.659*** -3.995 -4.116***

    Observations 427 385 463 375 422 382 455 370 223 219 249 244

    R-squared 0.44 0.43 0.40 0.45 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.41 0.67 0.62 0.62 0.61

    Cross-sections 26 26 25 26 25 25 24 25 18 18 18 18

  • 33

    First row of Table 3 shows that there is significant negative correlation

    between inflation and financial development for both sample sets. This is

    consistent with findings of (John H Boyd 2001) in which there is empirical

    evidence of significant, economically important, and negative relationship

    between inflation and both banking and equity market activity. The negative

    impacts of inflation on the equity markets is evidenced by Columns 9 - 12 in

    Table 3. The negative relationship is further evidenced by the results of the

    Quantile regression model for the global sample. As for the resource rich sample,

    inflation enters negatively but insignificantly for both Pooled OLS and Quantile

    Regression models.

    There is positive and significant relationship between GDP per capita and

    financial development across all three measurements. This is consistent with

    numerous literary evidences on positive relationship between the two indicators

    (see for instance Levine, 2004 and Goldsmith, 1969). Quantile regression results

    also show the same significant and positive relationship, but with more

    pronounced results from 30th to 70th quantiles in both global and resource rich

    samples. These results also confirm that financial development positively affects

    economic development regardless of resource endowment.

    The results indicate significant and positive relationship between financial

    development and government consumption as observed in third row of Table 3

    for global set of samples. However, there are mixed views on the association

    between government spending and financial development in existing literature.

    For instance, (R. J. Barro 1988) concluded that there are constant returns to

  • 34

    scale between economic growth and government spending. However, (Pär

    Hansson 1994) on the other hand concludes that there is negative correlation

    between government spending and financial development, except majority of

    government spending is focused on sectors such education. Size of equity

    markets are not explained by government spending as it enters insignificantly

    albeit being positive. However, quantile regressions provide clearer picture on

    this relationship. For the global sample, 70th – 90th quantiles show significant

    results (

  • 35

    Total monetary value of imports and exports as percentage of GDP is also an

    important control variable for economic development and a measurement for

    financial sector capacity. There is statistically significant and positive

    relationship between financial deepening and trade for the global data of 82

    countries. This is consistent with the findings of (T. Beck n.d.) in which he

    concludes countries with better-developed financial system have a higher export

    share and trade balance in manufacture goods. Interestingly enough there is

    negative but statistically significant relationship between financial development

    and trade in the resource rich sample as opposed to the positive relationship in

    the global sample. This confirms to the findings of (Quy-Toan Do 2004) in which

    trade openness results in faster financial development in wealthier countries,

    but associated with slower financial development in poorer countries. These

    results are confirmed by Quantile Regressions as trade value in resource rich

    countries have significant and negative relationship between private credit and

    liquid liability. This is also a symptom of the Dutch disease as natural resource

    export dominates international trade for all 27 resource rich sample, which in

    turn supresses the economy as a whole including the financial sector.

    Population density is statistically and, positively correlated to financial

    development in all three measurements. This relationship is consistent with both

    samples. Quantile regressions generally conforms to these findings but with

    mixed results among some of the quantiles.

    There is mixed results in terms of relationship between percentage of

    minerals and ore to merchandise export to financial development. It is mostly

  • 36

    insignificant for both samples, and negatively correlated to financial

    development for the global sample but positive for resource rich countries. Fuel

    exports enter significantly and negatively for global sample but insignificant in

    the resource rich sample which I find to be odd given the high rate of dependence

    on oil exports among the resource rich countries. However, I assume this is

    probably due to sampling bias, as average fuel to export rate for the resource rich

    sample is at 55.08% with standard error 33.9 while 20% for the global sample

    with standard error of 29.5. Therefore, based on the global sample there is

    significant and negative relationship between financial development and fuel to

    export. This is consistent with existing literary evidence on poorly developed

    financial systems in oil rich countries. The reason for looking at both ore to

    export and fuel to export is control for countries that rely on resources that are

    not oil or gas. For instance, the main exporting product of Zambia, Chile and

    Peru is copper which comprise over 40% of the entire merchandise export.

    However, a more accurate measurement for natural resource dependence is total

    natural resources rent as percentage of GDP given its consideration to a broader

    economic indicator instead of only looking at merchandise exports. Accordingly,

    natural resource rent enters both samples significantly in the regressions. It also

    confirms the literary evidence of negative relationship between financial

    development and resource dependence. Yet, there is contrasting evidence in

    terms of relationship between market capitalization of listed domestic companies

    to GDP and natural resource indicators. Private credit and liquid liability both

    have negative and significant relationship mineral rents. However, market

    capitalization enters positively and significantly for resource rich countries. This

  • 37

    is consistent with (T. Beck 2010) in that countries rely on natural resources do

    not necessarily have small stock exchanges but are significantly less liquid.

    Columns 4, 8 and 12 of Table 4 and 5 show the estimation results for the

    dummy variable for resource funds (i.e. the association between resource funds

    and financial development). The results for both global and resource rich

    samples indicate that an existence of resource fund significantly but negatively

    affects private credit and liquid liability. Association between market

    capitalization and resource fund enters significantly and positively in the global

    sample but negatively and insignificantly in the resource rich sample. These

    results are robust in terms of alternative cross sections of White cross-sections

    and panel-corrected standard error (PCSE), as the models were run with these

    additional specifications in both sets of sample. The White-cross section and

    PCSE versions did not produce significantly different results, thus the ordinary

    cross-section Pooled OLS results are presented here.

    The coefficient for the dummy variable indicates that countries with resource

    funds have negative values for private credit at -0.36, liquid liability at -0.28 but

    positive for market capitalization at 0.46. Results are similar for the resource

    rich sample at -0.17 for private credit, -0.33 for liquid liability, negative but

    statistically insignificant for market capitalization as opposed to positive and

    significant value in the global sample. In all instances of the model, the resource

    fund dummy remains to be significant. Simple data inspection also suggests that

    countries that established resource funds show significantly less developed

    financial sector when compared to countries that do not have resource funds.

  • 38

    Results from the Quantile regressions supplements the findings from the Pooled

    OLS model in that there is negative correlation between private credit and

    resource fund within all five quantiles of the spectrum showing significant and

    negative relationship for the global sample, but insignificant results for the

    resource rich sample which is the same in the Pooled OLS model. Liquid liability

    to GDP and resource funds have negative and significant results in all five

    quantiles in both samples confirming the findings of the Pooled OLS regression.

    There results for market capitalization and resource fund are rather mixed as it

    is insignificant with a mix of positive and negative values for the resource rich

    sample. However, it enters positively and significantly for the 10th and 20th

    quantile for the global sample but given the limited range, these results do not

    hold much value.

  • 39

    Table 6: Private Credit and Resource Fund using Quantile Regression (global sample)

    10th quant. 30th quant. 50th quant. 70th quant. 90th quant. OLS

    Inflation -0.073*** -0.108*** -0.103*** -0.111*** -0.126*** -0.089***

    (0.021) (0.025) (0.018) (0.018) (0.024) (0.016)

    GDP per capita 0.274*** 0.323*** 0.322*** 0.247*** 0.168*** 0.246***

    (0.047) (0.029) (0.022) (0.019) (0.022) (0.019)

    Govt. consumption 0.219 0.071 0.133** 0.342*** 0.443*** 0.364***

    (0.155) (0.096) (0.061) (0.071) (0.112) (0.059)

    Foreign Direct Investment 0.127*** 0.071*** 0.062*** 0.072*** 0.084*** 0.098***

    (0.021) (0.017) (0.012) (0.014) (0.012) (0.010)

    Trade to GDP 0.259*** 0.174*** 0.152*** 0.129*** 0.099*** 0.181***

    (0.018) (0.018) (0.012) (0.014) (0.014) (0.014)

    Population density -0.060* 0.011 -0.005 -0.013 0.052** -0.006

    (0.036) (0.019) (0.015) (0.013) (0.023) (0.015)

    Mineral rents -0.179*** -0.099*** -0.079*** -0.076*** -0.071*** -0.109***

    (0.023) (0.016) (0.014) (0.013) (0.018) (0.011)

    Resource fund 0.330** -0.178* -0.277*** -0.340*** -0.485*** -0.175**

    (0.144) (0.104) (0.087) (0.080) (0.102) (0.079)

    Constant -3.311*** -1.557*** -1.091*** -0.788*** -0.300 -1.979

    (0.543) (0.451) (0.251) (0.319) (0.386) (0.256)

    Pseudo R-squared 0.42 0.43 0.43 0.42 0.37 0.61

    Observations 1439 1439 1439 1439 1439 1439

  • 40

    Table 7: Private Credit and Resource Fund using Quantile Regression (resource rich sample)

    10th quant. 30th quant. 50th quant. 70th quant. 90th quant. OLS

    Inflation -0.038 0.014 0.03 -0.022 -0.094* -0.007

    (0.038) (0.03) (0.041) (0.041) (0.052) (0.03)

    GDP per capita 0.381*** 0.409*** 0.357*** 0.32*** 0.276*** 0.316***

    (0.056) (0.04) (0.031) (0.046) (0.053) (0.035)

    Govt. consumption 0.67** 0.76*** 0.646*** 0.378*** 0.346** 0.821***

    (0.269) (0.177) (0.174) (0.143) (0.171) (0.13)

    Foreign Direct Investment 0.08* 0.062** 0.055** 0.032 0.05** 0.067***

    (0.043) (0.026) (0.026) (0.02) (0.021) (0.021)

    Trade to GDP 0.000*** -0.059*** -0.06*** -0.018 -0.029 -0.112**

    (0.081) (0.071) (0.066) (0.048) (0.055) (0.047)

    Population density 0.217*** 0.121*** 0.148*** 0.027 0.032 0.123***

    (0.047) (0.039) (0.036) (0.034) (0.032) (0.026)

    Mineral rents -0.349*** -0.271*** -0.186** -0.18* -0.261*** -0.227***

    (0.046) (0.042) (0.077) (0.104) (0.071) (0.054)

    Resource fund 0.122 0.033 -0.02 -0.235* -0.36** -0.113

    (0.095) (0.085) (0.138) (0.142) (0.147) (0.097)

    Constant -0.691*** 0.98*** 1.637*** 2.256 0.821 -2.17***

    (0.362) (0.256) (0.24) (0.203) (0.384) (0.539)

    Pseudo R-squared 0.29 0.34 0.32 0.28 0.29 0.44

    Observations 354 354 354 354 354 354

  • 41

    Table 8: Liquid Liability and Resource Fund using Quantile Regression (global sample)

    10th quant. 30th quant. 50th quant. 70th quant. 90th quant. OLS

    Inflation -0.055*** -0.071*** -0.117*** -0.159*** -0.127*** -0.100***

    (0.017) (0.018) (0.022) (0.022) (0.019) (0.009)

    GDP per capita 0.116*** 0.172*** 0.141*** 0.116*** 0.09*** 0.116***

    (0.025) (0.013) (0.022) (0.019) (0.017) (0.009)

    Govt. consumption 0.434*** 0.173*** 0.12*** 0.122*** 0.387*** 0.364***

    (0.069) (0.044) (0.067) (0.052) (0.078) (0.026)

    Foreign Direct Investment 0.06*** 0.022*** 0.023*** 0.023*** 0.058*** 0.037***

    (0.017) (0.009) (0.01) (0.009) (0.011) (0.006)

    Trade to GDP 0.11*** 0.058*** 0.034*** 0.017*** 0.081*** 0.057***

    (0.015) (0.011) (0.012) (0.01) (0.049) (0.008)

    Population density 0.055*** 0.046*** 0.075*** 0.059*** 0.125*** 0.064***

    (0.027) (0.016) (0.012) (0.009) (0.016) (0.006)

    Mineral rents -0.099*** -0.066*** -0.056*** -0.057*** -0.036*** -0.052***

    (0.011) (0.009) (0.012) (0.01) (0.012) (0.004)

    Resource fund 0.12*** -0.198*** -0.253*** -0.293*** -0.438*** -0.222***

    (0.06) (0.053) (0.073) (0.062) (0.07) (0.024)

    Constant -0.691*** 0.98*** 1.637*** 2.256*** 0.821*** 0.825***

    (0.362) (0.256) (0.24) (0.203) (0.384) (0.133)

    Pseudo R-squared 0.31 0.35 0.33 0.31 0.28 0.49

    Observations 1456 1456 1456 1456 1456 1949

  • 42

    Table 9: Liquid Liability and Resource Fund using Quantile Regression (resource rich sample)

    10th quant. 30th quant. 50th quant. 70th quant. 90th quant. OLS

    Inflation -0.044** -0.028 -0.059 -0.139*** -0.007 -0.06***

    (0.022) (0.035) (0.038) (0.047) (0.053) (0.019)

    GDP per capita 0.243*** 0.189*** 0.165*** 0.101*** -0.016 0.155***

    (0.022) (0.023) (0.024) (0.032) (0.108) (0.023)

    Govt. consumption 0.719*** 0.731*** 0.494*** 0.377** 0.218 0.528***

    (0.133) (0.116) (0.105) (0.152) (0.176) (0.088)

    Foreign Direct Investment -0.008 -0.006 -0.013 -0.001 0.026 0.004***

    (0.019) (0.016) (0.015) (0.021) (0.023) (0.013)

    Trade to GDP -0.207*** -0.224*** -0.166*** -0.149*** -0.105** -0.166***

    (0.048) (0.044) (0.032) (0.041) (0.053) (0.031)

    Population density 0.168*** 0.169*** 0.098*** 0.089** 0.182*** 0.136***

    (0.025) (0.028) (0.025) (0.035) (0.032) (0.017)

    Mineral rents -0.113*** -0.05 0.038 -0.001 0.003 -0.053***

    (0.034) (0.04) (0.043) (0.072) (0.067) (0.034)

    Resource fund -0.049 -0.226*** -0.367*** -0.377*** -0.069 -0.323***

    (0.062) (0.08) (0.088) (0.103) (0.264) (0.062)

    Constant 0.129 0.633 1.629*** 2.682*** 3.022*** 1.418***

    (0.525) (0.5) (0.431) (0.719) (0.9) (0.349)

    Pseudo R-squared 0.32 0.32 0.29 0.21 0.20 0.40

    Observations 349 349 349 349 349 349

  • 43

    Table 10: Market Capitalization and Resource Fund using Quantile Regression (global sample)

    10th quant. 30th quant. 50th quant. 70th quant. 90th quant. OLS

    Inflation -0.371*** -0.295*** -0.254*** -0.273*** -0.215*** 0.046

    (0.058) (0.034) (0.028) (0.031) (0.039) (0.032)

    GDP per capita 0.281*** 0.281*** 0.27*** 0.303*** 0.191*** 0.165***

    (0.067) (0.038) (0.047) (0.029) (0.042) (0.039)

    Govt. consumption -0.453* -0.18 -0.125 -0.056 -0.043 0.58***

    (0.245) (0.144) (0.122) (0.109) (0.197) (0.124)

    Foreign Direct Investment 0.233*** 0.151*** 0.151*** 0.099*** 0.078*** 0.293***

    (0.044) (0.024) (0.025) (0.015) (0.029) (0.02)

    Trade to GDP 0.284*** 0.173*** 0.159*** 0.101*** 0.202*** 0.266***

    (0.048) (0.032) (0.028) (0.015) (0.108) (0.028)

    Population density 0.179*** 0.097*** 0.106*** 0.128*** 0.04*** 0.057**

    (0.061) (0.03) (0.028) (0.015) (0.038) (0.028)

    Mineral rents 0.028 0.027 0.051*** 0.082*** 0.059** -0.068***

    (0.066) (0.021) (0.016) (0.013) (0.026) (0.023)

    Resource fund 0.578*** 0.219** 0.065 -0.16** -0.231* 0.001

    (0.201) (0.105) (0.111) (0.076) (0.141) (0.127)

    Constant -5.503*** -3.039*** -2.613*** -1.418*** 0.389 -7.531***

    (1.073) (0.711) (0.586) (0.427) (1.07) (0.573)

    Pseudo R-squared 0.33 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.15 0.38

    Observations 1219 1219 1219 1219 1219 1200

  • 44

    Table 11: Market Capitalization and Resource Fund using Quantile Regression (resource rich sample)

    10th quant. 30th quant. 50th quant. 70th quant. 90th quant. OLS

    Inflation -0.389** -0.237*** -0.208*** -0.232*** -0.203*** -0.418***

    (0.171) (0.077) (0.051) (0.045) (0.05) (0.108)

    GDP per capita 0.243** 0.276*** 0.314*** 0.313*** 0.268** 0.432***

    (0.102) (0.045) (0.057) (0.091) (0.126) (0.166)

    Govt. consumption 0.217 0.254 0.442*** 0.312* 0.343** -0.027

    (0.397) (0.167) (0.168) (0.19) (0.134) (0.28)

    Foreign Direct Investment 0.229*** 0.162*** 0.199*** 0.161*** 0.195*** 0.168**

    (0.074) (0.054) (0.041) (0.031) (0.027) (0.068)

    Trade to GDP 0.197 0.11 0.075 0.067 0.071 -0.069

    (0.139) (0.08) (0.063) (0.064) (0.053) (0.287)

    Population density 0.29*** 0.236*** 0.242*** 0.223*** 0.332*** 0.529

    (0.052) (0.062) (0.033) (0.041) (0.069) (0.569)

    Mineral rents 0.249 0.144 -0.053 0.025 0.09* 0.452***

    (0.194) (0.115) (0.098) (0.059) (0.055) (0.174)

    Resource fund 0.182 0.086 -0.062 -0.092 0.004 -0.2*

    (0.328) (0.136) (0.132) (0.146) (0.237) (0.114)

    Constant -7.089*** -4.876*** -5.301*** -4.002*** -4.69*** -5.763**

    (1.695) (1.281) (0.984) (0.787) (0.78) (2.363)

    Pseudo R-squared 0.43 0.45 0.46 0.48 0.47 0.38

    Observations 244 244 244 244 244 1200

  • 45

    In summary, results from the Pooled OLS and Quantile Regression models

    suggest that establishment of resource funds do not help resource rich countries

    improve their financial system. These results are somewhat contradictory with

    (S. Tsani 2012) in that resource funds may be associated with better institutional

    quality, which in turn promotes financial development. These results might

    associate with the common characteristic that many of the countries with

    resource funds are all struggling with poor economic development and low

    financial sector development. On the other hand, I suspect that the results could

    be a potential ―correlation rather than causation‖ issue, but for this exact reason

    two sets of samples are used for all models while controlling for three separate

    resource endowment variables and several financial sector development

    measures based on existing literature. Results from the Pooled OLS model are

    further checked by an additional Quantile regression model as an alternative.

    Despite all these measures, the results are consistent across the board. From a

    methodological point of view, one potential explanation for negative relationship

    between resource funds and financial development might be using of dummy

    variable for resource funds. This is a common issue for all literary work on

    resource funds as there is simply lack of reliable data for resource funds.

    b. Barro-regression

    In order to validate the use of financial development as an indicator for

    growth, the supplementary Barro-regression is employed to answer the question

    of ―Does financial development positively influence long term economic growth in

    resource rich countries?‖ Table 12 Columns 1 – 4 show results of the Barro-

    regression on the global sample of 83 countries in which how financial

  • 46

    development and economic growth interact when controlled for resource

    dependence. The global sample helps us to distinguish the characteristics of

    resource rich countries compared to their global mean.

    There is strong and positive relationship between financial development and

    long term economic growth as indicated by the positive and significant

    association between Private Credit to GDP and GDP growth. Interesting

    observation is made Column 2 when the control variable for resource dependence

    (Private credit * Mineral exports) enters the equation with significant but

    considerably low value of -0.004. This confirms the findings of (T. Beck 2010)

    that natural resource endowment does not affect the positive correlation between

    financial development and economic growth.

    Table 12: Financial Development and Economic Growth controlling for resource




    GDP per capita growth

    (Global data)

    GDP per capita growth

    (Resource rich countries)

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    Initial GDP -0.403*** -0.401*** -0.365*** -0.373*** -0.568** -0.721** -0.569** -0.569***

    Private Credit 0.305*** 0.468*** -0.172 -0.195 -0.103***

    Inflation -0.001*** -0.001*** -0.001*** -0.001*** -0.111*** -0.634** -0.103** -1.535*


    Consumption -0.978*** -0.986*** -1.062*** -1.034*** -1.742** -2.013*** -1.535* 1.821***

    Trade 1.303*** 1.305*** 1.319*** 1.323*** 1.913*** 1.939 1.821*** -0.439

    Years of

    schooling 3.278*** 2.849*** 3.021*** 2.968*** 4.691*** 4.076*** 4.302*** 4.721***

    Mineral exports 0.110* 0.257*** 0.114* 0.467 0.269** 0.275 -0.439

    Private credit *

    Mineral exports -0.004*** -0.023

    Liquid Liability 0.416*** 0.507*** -0.240 -0.490

    Liquid Liability

    * Mineral


    -0.099 0.204

    Constant 1.203 0.710 0.562 0.218 3.073* 6.196** 4.161* 4.161

    Observations 2031 2031 2031 2053 506 475 501 501

    R-squared 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.53 0.48 0.53 0.53

  • 47

    Column 3, further supplements the argument using an alternative

    measurement for financial development - Liquid Liabilities to GDP which also

    shows significant and positive relationship between financial development and

    economic growth. In Column 4, when controlling for resource endowment with

    Liquid Liabilities to GDP * Ore to export the control variable enters the equation

    insignificantly. This further confirms that financial development is important for

    long-term growth regardless of natural resource dependence. As for the other

    variables, inflation is negatively correlated with less significance although with

    high p-value. This is consistent with literary findings on the negative

    relationship between inflation and long term economic growth, despite the effect

    being seemingly insignificant (R. Barro 2013). Total volume of exports and

    imports to GDP (%) has the highest correlation to GDP per capita growth. This

    association supplements numerous literary evidence between the two factors

    including a recent study by (Matthias Busse 2012) as it concludes that trade to

    GDP has positive and highly significant impact on economic growth. Another

    important observation is the insignificant relationship between growth and

    resource dependence. In comparison to (T. Beck 2010), results presented here are

    particularly weaker which is probably due to the different set of samples used in

    this paper.

    Table 12 Columns from 4 to 8 show the same analysis for the resource rich

    sample of the 27 countries. The results from the resource rich sample shows

    significantly different results from the global sample. For instance, financial

    development and economic development do not have significant relationship as

    both private credit and liquid liability do not enter the equation significantly

  • 48

    with negative signs. Given the exact same attributes for the regression but the

    only difference being in the samples, these results are rather odd as financial

    development and economic growth showed positive association regardless of

    resource endowment in the previous model. However, the results are somewhat

    consistent with (Frederick van der Ploeg 2007) in their findings of negative

    correlation between financial development and resource curse. Although I am

    not necessarily assuming all 27 countries in the resource rich sample are

    ―resource cursed‖, majority of them are low economic performers despite having

    large resource endowments. In addition, these findings contradict with the

    conclusions of (T. Beck 2010) that financial development and economic growth

    are positively correlated regardless of resource wealth. Given the regression is a

    Pooled OLS, there could be potential heterogeneity issue within the model, but

    given Barro-regression explains growth as a function of initial income (i.e.

    constant initial GDP) it is not possible to run regression with fixed effects.


    This paper supplements the existing literary evidences on the implications of

    establishing natural resource based sovereign wealth funds for the purposes of

    resolving issues related to ―resource curse‖ – a common economic paradox. It is

    done so by exploring the association between resource funds and financial

    development by employing Pooled OLS and Quantile Regression methods. The

    additional quantile regression model is aimed at validating and further

    explaining the results of the Pooled OLS model as well as studying the

    interactions of the independent and dependent variables at various

    measurement levels. Another motivation to use Quantile Regression is due to

  • 49

    limitations of the dummy variable used for resource funds, such as restrictions

    for using hierarchical models (e.g. Fixed-Effect model) for individual effects. For

    robustness check, White cross-section and Panel-corrected standard error

    techniques are applied for the Pooled OLS model. In order to validate the use of

    financial development as measurement factor for economic growth, a separate

    analysis on the association between financial development and economic growth

    is conducted by employing Barro-style growth regressions. All models are applied

    to two sets of samples of time-series cross-sectional data with one consisting of

    27 resource rich countries and the other 83 countries for the purposes of avoiding

    sampling bias and to observe the implications of resource endowment.

    Two main conclusions can be drawn from the results of the models employed

    in this paper. First, the Barro-regression results show that financial sector

    development is an important factor for long term economic growth in any

    economy regardless of natural resource endowment and natural resource

    dependence. Second, and the main findings of this paper is that the Pooled OLS

    and Quantile Regression results indicate significant negative association

    between natural resource funds and financial development. Several explanations

    for this relationship can be observed from literature do date. For instance,

    existence of resource funds may lead to high concentration of resource revenues

    under government possession that results in exacerbate rent-seeking behaviours

    among the political elite. It is almost as if the resource fund may function as a

    platform for such rent seeking behaviours as strengthened by lack of

    transparency and corruption. However, from a methodological point of view,

    these results should be treated with caution. Given the apparent lack of quality

  • 50

    data on resource funds around the world, especially on their investment

    management practices, it is challenging to conduct reliable analysis. Based on

    the observations made in this paper, following policy measures might benefit

    resources funds and governments that employ them:

    a) For certain countries that have relatively low governance and

    institutional quality, it may be effective to channel resource revenues for

    direct policy measures for sustainable development instead of

    concentrating in one location. This may prevent resource funds to become

    a potential platform for rent-seeking behaviours among policy makers.

    b) Major obst