efficient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching

Ecient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching Simon Lucas Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, Colchester CO4 3SQ, UK Abstract This paper describes a novel method for applying dictionary knowledge to optimally interpret the con®dence-rated hypothesis sets produced by lower-level pattern classi®ers. This problem arises whenever image or video databases need to be scanned for textual content, and where some of the text strings are expected to be strings from a dictionary. The method is especially appropriate for large dictionaries, as might occur in vehicle registration number recognition for example. The problem is cast as enumerating the paths in a graph in best-®rst order given the constraint that each complete path is a word in some speci®ed dictionary. The solution described here is of particular interest due to its generality, ¯exibility and because the time to retrieve each path is independent of the size of the dictionary. Synthetic results are presented for searching dictionaries of up to 1 million UK postcodes given graphs that correspond to in- sertion, deletion and substitution errors. We also present the initial results from processing real noisy text images. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Dictionary search; Text image indexing; Graph search 1. Introduction Contextual knowledge is of critical importance in most pattern recognition applications. Examples of the type of knowledge that can be applied to improve recognition accuracy include dictionary, grammatical, arithmetic, logical or database type knowledge. See Schurmann et al., 1992) for a discussion on the im- portance of context in document image analysis. Note that where applicable, dictionary type knowledge is an extremely tight form of constraint. The work described here was originally funded by The Post Oce UK) in order to develop more robust and ecient mail address and form reading software, but also has applications in many related areas, such as optimal retrieval of vehicle registration numbers from video image databases for example. The system described here is a graph-based version of a dictionary search system originally reported in Lucas, 1996) and subsequently extended to cope with other kinds of contextual information Downton et al., 1997). The original system showed that best-®rst retrieval could be done in a way that did not get www.elsevier.nl/locate/patrec Pattern Recognition Letters 22 2001) 551±562 E-mail address: [email protected] S. Lucas). 0167-8655/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 8 6 5 5 0 0 ) 0 0 1 1 7 - 3

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Page 1: Efficient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching

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Page 2: Efficient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching

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Page 3: Efficient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching

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Page 4: Efficient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching

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Page 5: Efficient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching

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Page 6: Efficient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching

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Page 7: Efficient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching

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Page 8: Efficient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching

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Page 9: Efficient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching

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Page 10: Efficient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching

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Page 11: Efficient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching

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Page 12: Efficient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching

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