egr 4347 analysis and design of propulsion systems

EGR 4347 Analysis and Design of Propulsion Systems Review

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EGR 4347 Analysis and Design of Propulsion Systems. Review. EGR 4347 - Review. Explain the difference between units and dimensions. Dimensions – physical quantity that can be characterized EX. length, mass Units – arbitrary magnitudes assigned to the dimensions EX. meter, feet. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


EGR 4347 Analysis and Design of Propulsion Systems


April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 2

EGR 4347 - Review

Explain the difference between units and dimensions.

Dimensions – physical quantity that can be characterized EX. length, mass

Units – arbitrary magnitudes assigned to the dimensions EX. meter, feet

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 3

EGR 4347 - Review

Explain extensive and intensive properties.

Extensive depends on system

Intensive is independent of system

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 4

EGR 4347 - Review

Give at least four forms of energy which make up the term total energy, E.

1. Thermal 2. Mechanical3. Potential 4. Electric5. Chemical 6. Nuclear7. Kinetic 8. Magnetic

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 5

EGR 4347 - Review

Give the unit of mass in the SI, Old English and English Engineering system.

SI - kgOld English - lbm

English Engineering - slug

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 6

EGR 4347 - Review

What is gc and how is it used?

Conversion constant - used with mass

What is a simple compressible substance?The only important reversible work mode is volume change or pdv work.

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 7

EGR 4347 - Review

What is the state postulate?

The state of a simple compressible system is completely specified by two independent, intensive properties.

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 8

EGR 4347 - Review

What is a perfect or ideal gas (physical meaning)?No dissociation Intermolecular forces negligibleOccurs at low pressures and high temperatures (compared to critical point)

What is the ideal gas law?P = R T

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 9

EGR 4347 - Review

Explain R in the ideal gas law.Specific Gas Constant-depends on

molecular weight

Give the equation for and define the Conservation of Mass.

dm/dt = 0

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 10

EGR 4347 - Review

Give the equation for and define Continuity.

outin mm..

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 11

EGR 4347 - Review

Give the equation for and define 1st Law for a Control Volume.








April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 12

EGR 4347 - Review

Give the equation for and define the 2nd law for a Control Volume.










April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 13

EGR 4347 - Review

Define adiabatic.No heat interaction.

Define reversible.A process that can be reversed without leaving any trace on the surroundings.

Define isentropic.ds=0

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 14

EGR 4347 - Review

Is an adiabatic, reversible process isentropic?Yes

Is an isentropic process always adiabatic and reversible?No

Is an isentropic, adiabatic process reversible?Yes

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 15

EGR 4347 - Review

Is an isentropic, reversible process always adiabatic?No

What is a calorically perfect gas?cp/cv = constant =

For a calorically perfect gas what is du?du=cvdT

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 16

EGR 4347 - Review

For a calorically perfect gas what is dh?dh=cpdT

What is Gibbs Equation?Tds=dh-vdp=du+pdv

What is specific enthalpy?h=u+pdv

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 17

EGR 4347 - Review

Define total properties.Fluid brought to rest isentropically (or

adiabatically)Write the equation for total enthalpy and total Tt=T+V2/(2gccp)

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 18

EGR 4347 - Review

Explain the concept of isentropic efficiency as it applies to a turbine.




aT hh



April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 19

EGR 4347 - Review

Draw the T-s diagram showing Turbine Isentropic Efficiency.

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 20

EGR 4347 - Review

Derive cp = cv+ R from h = u + pv using the ideal gas law

h = u+pv = u+RTdh = du + RdT +TdR dR=0dh/dT = du/dT + Rcp = cv + R

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 21

EGR 4347 - Review

What is Mach number? V/a where a is the speed of sound

Using Gibbs equation Tds = du + pdv finds = cv ln(T2/T1) + R ln(v2/v1).




2 lnlnvvR








April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 22

EGR 4347 - Review

Find the following in terms of using cp=cv+R

1) R/cv

R/ cv = (cp/ cv) - 1 = - 1

2)R/ cp

R/ cp = 1 - (cv / cp) = 1 - (1/ ) = ( - 1)/

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 23

EGR 4347 - Review

3) (cv - R) / cp

(cv - R)/ cp = (cv / cp) - (R / cp) = 1/ - ( -1) / = (2- )/

4) (cv - R) / cv

(cv - R)/ cv = 1 - ( - 1) = 2 -

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 24

EGR 4347 - Review

Use s = cp ln(T2/T1) - R ln(p2/p1) to find the isentropic relationship for pressure and temperature

cp ln(T2/T1) = R ln(p2/p1) ln(T2/T1) = (R/cp ) ln(p2/p1) R/cp=(-1)/raise “e” to this power(T2/T1) = (p2/p1) (-1)/

April 22, 2023 EGR 4347 25

EGR 4347 - Review

Use Tt=T+V2/(2gccp) to find Tt/T in terms of and Mach numberV = M a where a is SQRT(gc RT)

Tt=T+M2 RTgc /(2gccp)

(Tt/T) = 1 - M2 ( R)/(2cp) R/cp=(-1)/

(Tt/T) = 1 - M2 (-1)/2