ehdi 2016 san diego,ca · communication options: a discussion with amy peters lalios, ma,ccc-a,...

Communication Options: A Discussion with Parents Amy Peters Lalios, MA,CCC-A, LSLS Cert. AVT Director, Therapy Services [email protected] EHDI 2016 San Diego,CA Christine Kometer, M.Ed, LSLS Cert. AVEd Director, Education Services [email protected]

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  • Communication


    A Discussion with

    ParentsAmy Peters Lalios, MA,CCC-A, LSLS Cert. AVTDirector, Therapy Services

    [email protected]

    EHDI 2016

    San Diego,CA

    Christine Kometer, M.Ed, LSLS Cert. AVEdDirector, Education Services

    [email protected]

  • Options are not necessarily common


    � “Families should be made aware of all communication options and available hearing technologies in an unbiased manner.”

    � “Information…..communicated in culturally sensitive and understandable format.”

    � “Informed family choice and desired outcome should guide the decision making process.”

    American Academy of Pediatrics’

    Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (2007)

    Many parents do not get information about options from their audiologist and medical team

    Matthews, et al., 2009;Berg et. al., 200)

  • Why Discuss?

    � Family decision

    Parents in control –

    92% report they are happy with their decision

    Professionals in control-

    7.7% report they are happy with the decision

    *61.5% report they “Don’t know”

    ~Lisa Crawford, Texas H&V (EHDI 2009)

  • Shared priority:All families deserve unbiased, complete information about communication/ language / education options

    � Alexander Graham Bell

    � American Society for Deaf


    � Gallaudet University/ Clerc


    � Hand & Voices

    � Joint Commission on Infant


    � National Association of the


    � National Cued Speech



  • Complex Issue

    � Age of Identification

    � Onset of Hearing loss

    � Degree of Hearing loss

    � Benefit from Hearing Aids

    � Family Dynamics:

    � Siblings & Extended Family

    � Lifestyle

    � Bilingual issues

    � Culture & Values

    � Attitude & Commitment

    � Finances

    � Multiple Issues or Labels

    � Family Support System

    � Urban or Rural

    � Availability of Resources

    � Technology

    � Parents can choose sound

    � Validity of testing

    � Society issues

    � Beliefs about Disability

    � Social Isolation

    � Child’s Innate Abilities: learning style, personality, development, inclinations

    � Peers & Social Outlets

    � Educational Options

    � Long term Goals

    � Validity of information

    � Flexibility and fluidity of choice-making process

    Let the child leadCopyright © 2006 Hands & Voices

  • Where we begin…

    Images: Image:

  • � Brain Architecture video (1 minute , 57 seconds)

    - Center on the Developing Child

    Harvard University

    � Animation depicting synapses in the brain and the basis for neural pathway development. This process is important for all senses

  • Hearing Loss =

    Neurodevelopmental 911!

    • Experience Dependent Plasticity!

    • Take advantage of neuro developmental synchrony so that children can become morphosyntactically competent language users.

  • Early Experiences Matter!

    Source: Corel, JL. The postnatal development of the human cerebral cortex. Cambridge, MA: Harvard

    University Press; 1975.

  • Use it or lose it

    �Connections frequently activated are

    reserved, strengthened & more efficient

    �Connections not consistently activated

    are naturally repurposed or pruned

    allowing active connections to strengthen

    and grow

  • � “Windows of opportunity” are present at birth

    � “The [cerebral] cortex matures in stages/columns and the level of maturity depends on the richness of exposure and experience.” 1

    � Stimulation with sound should occur as early as possible to take advantage of critical periods of neurological and linguistic development 2 ,3

    1. Merzenich, 2010 ; 2. Lennenberg, 1967; Marler, 1970; Clopton and Winfield, 1976; Johnson and Newport, 1989; Newport, 1990: 3. Sharma and Nash, 2009

  • Early experiences

    can have a

    profound effect on

    brain development!

  • What it Takes: Communication & Language Development

    Children learn language most easily when actively engaged in relaxed, meaningful interactions with supportive parents and caregivers

    Kretschmer & Kretschmer, 1978; Lennenberg, 1967; Leonard, 1991; Ling, 1989; MacDonald & Gilletter, 1989; Menyuk, 1977; Ross, 1990; Estabrooks, 1994

  • What it Takes: Communication & Language Development

    Sensory Pathways�Visual / Auditory

    �Options for amplification technology

    �Sustained effort towards development

  • What it Takes: Communication & Language Development

    Language Input

    �Complete, fluent language

    �Meaningful, relevant� Abundant


    � Repetitive

    � Intentional

    � Developmentally appropriate

  • What it Takes: Communication &

    Language Development


    �Meaningful repetition


    �Access to other users of the language

    �Developmental appropriateness

  • Underlying Assumptions

    � Anything is possible

    � Every option is open to almost every child and family

    � Parents as decision-makers: “Captain of the ship”

    � Team is the “crew”: help you meet your goals for

    your child and family

    � Preferred Option may change

    �Child’s skills and functional abilities can be positively

    influenced by intentional interaction

  • Receptive Communication Continuum

    AVA VA AvV

    Nussbaum, D., Scott, S., Waddy-Smith, B., Koch, M. (2006, abril). Spoken Languageand Sign: Optiminzing Learning for childrenwith Cochlear Implants. Paper presentedat Laurent Clerc National Deaf EducationCenter, Washington, D.C.

    Fully VisualCommunicator

    Mostly VisualCommunicator



    Fully AuditoryCommunicator

    Receptive Communication• V Depends on visual information from signs / ASL

    • VA Depends on signs / ASL; gets some benefit from auditory information• VA Able to understand both signs / ASL and spoken language at high levels of fluency

    • Av Depends on spoken language with some signs or gestures (often for larification)

    • A Depends on auditory information through spoken language

  • Expressive Communication Continuum

    OSo SO OsS

    Nussbaum, D., Scott, S., Waddy-Smith, B., Koch, M. (2006, abril). Spoken Languageand Sign: Optiminzing Learning for childrenwith Cochlear Implants. Paper presentedat Laurent Clerc National Deaf EducationCenter, Washington, D.C.)

    Fully SignCommunicator

    Mostly SignCommunicator

    Mostly Oral Communicator

    Fully Oral Communicator

    Expressive Communication• S Uses signs / ASL only

    • So Uses signs / ASL with some oral communication• SO Able to use both sign and oral communication at high levels of fluency

    • Os Uses spoken language with some signs or gestures (often for clarification)

    • O Uses spoken language only

  • Initial Considerations for Parents

    � How does your child communicate now?

    � How do you envision your child

    communicating in the future?

    �Movement on the continuum is possible.

    Functioning can be positively influenced

    by intentional interaction

  • Considerations for Parents

    �What are your long-term goals for your


    �Do you know anything about any of the

    communication options?

    �What kind of school experience do you

    want for your child?

  • American Sign Language (ASL)

    and English as a 2nd Language

    Cued Speech Total Communication Auditory Oral Auditory Verbal

    “Listening and Spoken Language”

    Also known as Bilingual / Bicultural

    “Bi – Bi”

    Simultaneous Communciation

    “SimCom” or “TC”

    “Oral” “AV Therapy”

    DEFINITION •ASL is the language of the Deaf community and an important part

    of their culture and identity

    •ASL has its own distinct grammar

    and does not match spoken English

    •ASL is a fluid, rich language with

    slang, idioms, etc.

    • A sound-based hand

    supplement to speech


    • 8 handshapes used in 4

    locations (“cues”)

    • Cues are used

    simultaneously while

    speaking to make help

    distinguish sounds that

    look the same on the

    mouth of spoken

    language look visually


    • A philosophy using a

    combination of methods

    including: sign language system,

    finger spelling, body language,

    speech, speech reading, listening

    and amplification.

    • Signs used are not ASL but rather

    signs borrowed from ASL layered

    over English to follow English

    grammar and word order

    • A therapy approach

    emphasizing teaching child to

    use his/her hearing, speech

    reading and visual cues to

    understand and use spoken


    • A therapy approach which

    guides and coaches parents to

    teach their child spoken

    language through maximal

    development of listening skills

    • Uses natural developmental

    patterns of language learning,

    listening and cognition

    • Requires a certified Auditory

    Verbal Therapist or Auditory

    Verbal Educator

    GOALS &


    • The child learns ASL as his/her

    primary language and learns

    English as a second language

    through reading

    • To appreciate the differences

    between the hearing & Deaf


    • Richer understanding of and

    participation in Deaf culture

    • To access the basic,

    fundamental properties of

    spoken languages

    through the use of vision

    • Has been adapted to 60+

    languages and dialects

    • To use any available tool to help

    the child communicate

    depending on the situation and

    conversational partner

    • To develop listening and

    spoken language skills to the

    child’s best potential

    • To integrate listening and

    spoken language into all

    aspects of the child’s life

    • To promote education in

    neighborhood schools with

    typically-hearing peers



    •Child interacts with other ASL users

    and develops understanding of ASL

    through rich language exposure

    • English is taught as a second

    language after child has strong

    foundation in ASL

    • Child learns to understand

    language using

    amplification and “read”

    speech through cues

    which represent different


    •Child learns to understand

    language (spoken, signed or

    both) through rich language

    exposure to spoken language, a

    formal signed system and speech


    • Child learns to understand

    spoken language through

    (aided) listening and speech


    • Child learns to understand

    spoken language through

    (aided) hearing

    • Does not rely on speech

    reading or visual cues for





    •Written English (or other)

    •Varying proficiency may occur

    within both language systems

    • Spoken language (with


    • Written English (or other)

    • Spoken language

    • Sign language (not ASL)

    • Fingerspelling & written English (or


    • Varying proficiency may occur

    within both language systems

    • Spoken language

    • Written English (or other)

    • Spoken language

    • Written English (or other)



    •Use of amplification is not a

    requirement for success

    • Maximal use of remaining

    hearing is strongly


    • Maximal use of remaining

    hearing is strongly encouraged

    • Early and consistent and

    maximal use is critical

    • Early, consistent and maximal

    use is critical

    WHAT IT TAKES • Parents and family must become proficient in ASL if they are not


    • Access to Deaf and/or hearing

    adults fluent in ASL

    • Parents and family are the

    primary teachers of cued

    speech to their child

    • Parents must cue at all

    times while speaking

    • Must learn to cue fluently

    • Parents and family must learn the

    sign system

    • Parents must encourage full-time

    use of amplification

    • Families should consider a

    language plan to ensure

    adequate exposure to both

    signed and auditory systems

    • Parent and family must

    integrate therapeutic

    techniques and strategies into

    daily routines

    • Parents must encourage full-

    time use of amplification

    • Parents and family must

    integrate therapeutic

    techniques and strategies into

    daily routines

    • Parents must encourage full-

    time use of amplification



    • Bilingual-bicultural approaches are

    most commonly found in residential

    schools for the Deaf

    • Child may require a

    transliterator: a proficient

    cuer who cues what the

    teacher(s) and peers say

    • Placement options vary by district

    • Class would typically be taught

    by Teacher of the Deaf & HOH

    • Placement options vary by


    • Class would typically be

    taught by Teacher of the

    Deaf & HOH

    • Ultimate goal is mainstream

    classroom setting with typically

    hearing peers

    • May continue to receive

    support in and out of classAdapted from NC Beginnings (www.ncbeginorg)

  • Receptive Communication Continuum

    AVA VA AvV

    Nussbaum, D., Scott, S., Waddy-Smith, B., Koch, M. (2006, abril). Spoken Languageand Sign: Optiminzing Learning for childrenwith Cochlear Implants. Paper presentedat Laurent Clerc National Deaf EducationCenter, Washington, D.C.

    Fully VisualCommunicator

    Mostly VisualCommunicator



    Fully AuditoryCommunicator

    Receptive Communication• V Depends on visual information from signs / ASL

    • VA Depends on signs / ASL; gets some benefit from auditory information• VA Able to understand both signs / ASL and spoken language at high levels of fluency

    • Av Depends on spoken language with some signs or gestures (often for larification)

    • A Depends on auditory information through spoken language

  • Expressive Communication Continuum

    OSo SO OsS

    Nussbaum, D., Scott, S., Waddy-Smith, B., Koch, M. (2006, abril). Spoken Languageand Sign: Optiminzing Learning for childrenwith Cochlear Implants. Paper presentedat Laurent Clerc National Deaf EducationCenter, Washington, D.C.)

    Fully SignCommunicator

    Mostly SignCommunicator

    Mostly Oral Communicator

    Fully Oral Communicator

    Expressive Communication• S Uses signs / ASL only

    • So Uses signs / ASL with some oral communication• SO Able to use both sign and oral communication at high levels of fluency

    • Os Uses spoken language with some signs or gestures (often for clarification)

    • O Uses spoken language only

  • American Sign Language (ASL)

    � ASL is a full, complete language with its own syntax

    and grammar system

    � Provides access to the Deaf community

    � Requires parental knowledge of and fluency in ASL

    � No written form

    � ASL users learn written English as a second language

    � Bilingual / Bi-Cultural specialized programs exist, including most state schools for the Deaf

  • Total Communication /

    Simultaneous Communication

    � Philosophy involving the use of a signed language system and spoken English simultaneously

    � Requires parental knowledge of and fluency in signed system

    � Child asked to process two sensory stimuli simultaneously

    � May provide the child the opportunity to be bilingual

    � In school:

    � Variability exists in implementation of TC/SimComprograms

    � Classmates generally have hearing loss and use same mode

  • Cued Speech

    � Handshapes are used as symbols to clarify phonemes that look the same on the mouth when produced

    � Not a language but rather a symbolic system of speech phonemes

    � Requires family members learn to cue� Can be a supplement to residual hearing and use of amplification

    � Widely used in some areas of the country and hardly used in others

    � In school:� May need staff who can cue to facilitate comprehension in classroom

    � Peers and classmates may or may not cue for themselves

  • Auditory Oral Approach

    � Promotes listening skills and spoken language

    � A therapy approach emphasizing teaching child to use his/her hearing, speech reading and visual cues to understand and use spoken language

    � Speech reading, natural gestures and facial expressions are also promoted

    � In school

    � AO classrooms promote listening skills and spoken language; classmates often also have hearing loss

    � Teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

  • Auditory-Verbal Therapy

    � Promotes development of spoken language and communication skills through listening

    � Uses optimal amplification to guarantee access to sound

    � A developmental, comprehensive therapeutic approach coaching caregivers / parents

    � Parents become the primary facilitators of their child’s spoken language development

    � Providers hold LSLS certification designated as


    � In school:

    � Goal: mainstream classroom with typically hearing peers

  • Complex Issue

    � Age of Identification

    � Onset of Hearing loss

    � Degree of Hearing loss

    � Benefit from Hearing Aids

    � Family Dynamics:

    � Siblings & Extended Family

    � Lifestyle

    � Bilingual issues

    � Culture & Values

    � Attitude & Commitment

    � Finances

    � Multiple Issues or Labels

    � Family Support System

    � Urban or Rural

    � Availability of Resources

    � Technology

    � Parents can choose sound

    � Validity of testing

    � Society issues

    � Beliefs about Disability

    � Social Isolation

    � Child’s Innate Abilities: learning style, personality, development, inclinations

    � Peers & Social Outlets

    � Educational Options

    � Long term Goals

    � Validity of information

    � Flexibility and fluidity of choice-making process

    Let the child leadCopyright © 2006 Hands & Voices

  • Parent / Family Opportunities

    � FamilyLink Activities

    � Monthly outing

    � Pizza Party Orientation

    � Community Partnerships

    � Annual Events for current and past families

    � Program Specialists

    � State GBYS

    � State Deaf Mentor Program

    � Wisconsin Families for Hands & Voices

    � Wisconsin chapter of AG Bell

    � Wisconsin Statewide opportunities via WESPDHH Outreach

  • Ultimate Goal for ALL


    � Well-adjusted, self confident child who uses

    language to successfully interact with others

    � Child with the necessary foundational skills to be

    ready to learn at school entry