ei - makeup courses catalog 2009 - 2010

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  • 8/14/2019 EI - Makeup Courses Catalog 2009 - 2010


  • 8/14/2019 EI - Makeup Courses Catalog 2009 - 2010



    Introduction/ School History

    Mission and Philosophy, Accreditation Information, Campus Amenities

    EI Campus Information/ Campus Holly wood Information


    Ieaioal Admiio & Veea Bee

    Financial Aid/ Clock Hour & Credit Hour Conversion

    SFX (Special Effects) Makeup Program

    Studio Makeup Artist Program

    Artistry of Makeup Program

    Fees & Tuition

    Class Schedule & School Calendar

    Student Academic Progress (SAP) Grading Policy, Transcripts, Attendance Policy

    Leave of Absence, Making Up Missed Classes, Student Records

    Student Rules of Conduct


    Student/ Career Services & Housing

    Refund and Cancellation Policy Complaint policy

    Alumni Accomplishments








    Welcome to Ei, Elegance internatonal; he chool of pofeioal makep i he Wold. We pide oeo exaodia de, aff, ad ciclm. We will povide o wih he kowledge ad codece o a pofeioal i he amazig bea ad podcio id. O gadae ae wokig hogho he womakep diciplie.

    HIstOryEi began in 1966 with a faculty comprised of makeup professionals and is still providing students with the most comprehad pofeioal aiig available. thee pofeioal povided he mch-eeded Makep Ai aiig i a choo

    eviome o coa he em of appeicehip paciced a ha ime. I Jaa 1972, he school expaded i f

    peoel ad pogam. the chool ha bee boh coiol liceed b he sae of Califoia, ad accedied b

    Accediig Commiio of Caee school ad College of techolog (ACCsCt). Gadae have bee omiaed w

    fo Academ Awad, wiig hee ime. seveal gadae have bee omiaed fo a Emm ad ma have wo (b

    ad pime ime awad). yo ma d a deailed li of o gadae achieveme o o webie www.Ei.eu.

    In 2005 Ei iceaed i coe offeig b addig coiig edcaio fo all pofeioal makep ai. I 2007 wew pogam; sdio Makep Ai ad sFX (special Effec Makep), wee added o he chool ciclm. Ei now owokhop fo he geeal pblic. All wokhop fo all level of ai ca be fod o o webie. www.Ei.eu.

    Accredited by: ACCSCTApproved by:

    Depame of Veea Affai I-20 M-I ViaApproved for:

    tile IV Fiacial Aid saffod Loa sEOGFedeal PELL Fedeal Wok sd

  • 8/14/2019 EI - Makeup Courses Catalog 2009 - 2010



    CLAssrOOMsAll classrooms are designed with individual

    workstations, lighted mirrors, practice heads, audio-

    visual equipment, training videos and a variety of

    pecial iem. some of hee iem ae; hackle,

    curling ovens, air brush machines, spray booths,

    mixe ad moe a eeded fo aiig.

    DIsCOuntsWith the EI Student ID, discounts are available to

    students for concerts (at MI), theatrical productions

    (a tOA) ad a makep ad a cee

    throughout Southern California(smah Box, MAC, sephoa, naimie, nigel,

    Cae-sexo, ec).

    THE CAMPUSThe EI campus is centrally located in the heart of

    Hollywood, just one block south of the famous Hollywood

    Bolevad ad Highlad Avee ieecio. the Kodak

    Theatre, the Hollywood Museum at the Max Factor

    Building, Paramount Studios, the Pantages Theatre, the

    Hollywood Wax Museum, movie theaters, cafes, a large

    variety of shopping and restaurant experiences are all

    wihi a ho walkig diace. the Hollwood/Highlad

    Meo op ad b evice ae j oe block awa.

    The school covers more than 5,400 square feet on the

    ecod oo of i Camp Hollwood bildig. EI hoe

    a lobby, student store, student lounge, library, fouradmiiaive ofce, ve lage fll-eqipped claoom

    ad a pecial effec lab.

    tHE LIBrAryThe school library houses relevant makeup books,

    magazines, periodicals and reference materials, along

    wih lm ad eleviio how o DVD ad VHs. the

    liba i ope o de dail. time ae available o

    hoe who iqie wihi.

    Ho of OpeaioModa - thda 8:00a o 7:00p

    TrainingMonday -Thursday 10:00a to10:00p

    Fida Ol8:00a to 4:00p


    O miio a EI i o povide de wih compeheive aiig i all apec of pofeioalmakep ai wih a emphai o pofeioal ad aiic kill. We ive o povide o dewih dail moivaio ad ppo. O goal a EI i o povide de wih a m ad igeviome i which o ma develop o pofeioal kill.

    m be evalaed.) the VA o he ae-appovig agec

    ma impoe vaig eollme limiaio. Veea ae

    advised to obtain appropriate enrollment materials well

    i advace of aig cla. Poblem elaig o veea

    eollme hold be dieced o he egioal ofce of he

    Veea Admiiaio. thi appoval i fo o-degee

    programs, and applies to the Professional Artistry ofMakep pogam of d. thi appoval i give ol fo

    he pogam ad o fo idividal clae.

    ACCrEDItAtIOnEI is accredited by the Accrediting Commission

    of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology


    VEtErAns BEnEFItsEI is approved under the provisions of Title 38,

    uied sae Code fo Veea. sdewho wih o eceive Veea bee m

    submit a statement of previous training

    o he chool fo coideaio. sde

    with previous training in the course to

    be pursued must submit transcripts

    fom peviol aeded iiio.

    Credits allowed will be recorded on the

    enrollment record and the length of the

    coe hoeed popoioael. I

    addition, the student and the VA shall

    be oied. (nOtE: All pio aiig

  • 8/14/2019 EI - Makeup Courses Catalog 2009 - 2010


    The enrollment process for students in all courses of study is:

    Complee he sde Applicaio Fom

    Complee he sde refeece Fom

    Be a lea 18 ea of age

    sbmi poof of high chool gadaio/ diploma

    sbmi a $75.00 o-efdable egiaio fee

    Demoae willige o wok had ad be dedicaed

    T mlete te admissins ess, andidates must submit a signed ageement and suting

    duments t te Admissins Deatment i t enllment, and meet wit te Admissins Diet.

    some cadidae m alo be eqied o be ieviewed b he school Dieco. sde who do o have

    a high chool diploma ma bmi a GED o ake he Baic skill te, he Wodelic. sde ca make

    aageme wih he Admiio Ofce o have a ahoized age fo he Wodelic admiie he e.

    Students must achieve a Verbal Comprehension of 305 and a Quantitative score of 235 to be successfully

    eolled io he pogam a EI. Eollig de m alo ake he eace exam, he pe-ceeig

    qeioaie ad qiz.

    Pio aiig ma aif ome peeqiie eqieme fo applica i he advaced level coe.

    Evaluating prior experience and knowledge can only be achieved on a case-by-case basis, and admission

    i deemied b he academic ad chool dieco. the egiaio fee m be paid pio o eollme

    ad all iio aageme m be made i advace pio o eollme wih he Fiacial Aid Dieco.

    Appoime fo egiaio ca be made i advace b callig he Admiio Ofce.

    O he week pio o he mohl a dae,

    new students must attend an orientation where

    they will; review student rules, career goals, and

    mee he de ppo aff. the oieaio

    provides an opportunity for new students to ask

    questions, meet instructors and review materials

    ad pplie he will eed fo cla.


    EI is part of a large group of schools centered on entertainment arts-education called CampusHollwood. Camp Hollwood i compoed of fo chool ha ae media ad eeaimeelaed compaie. I addiio o EI he ohe chool ae: Micia Iie (MI) ad LoAgele Mic Academ (LAMA) ae boh chool of coempoa mic.

    MI i locaed j aco he ee fom EI ad LAMA i i Paadea. EI de ma aedcoce ad pecial mic eve held hee. the Ieaioal Dace Academ (IDA),theae of A (tOA), a pofeioal chool of acig, ae locaed wihi walkig diace oEI. All chool offe coe i acig, voice, dace ad age pefomace. EI de aewelcome o aed all pefomace.

    Ohe Camp Hollwood compaie iclde EsP, schece Gia, ad uied televiio

    Boadcaig (utB), he Japaee boadcaig aio i Lo Agele (chael 18.2).

  • 8/14/2019 EI - Makeup Courses Catalog 2009 - 2010



    We welcome all ieaioal de a EI. All af f ad facl ae eage o help ieaioalde adj o life i sohe Califoia.

    International students only attend morning classes and attend an extra nine hours each week for labime. the lab ime i o be ed fo eeach i he liba ad/o wokig o ad compleig pojec.Ieaioal de ae o aage hei exa ho wih he Dieco ad Academic Dieco. Allieaioal de who appl fo he I-20 m have poof of acial abili i ode o eolli he pofeioal makep ai pogam. Ieaioal de ma bmi a iqi wih heAdmiio Ofce fo all ecea papewok. EI ca ie he I-20, M-1 de via o qaliedstudents, and I-20 documentation can only be provided for the student at the time the student isegieed i chool.

    EI i able o offe acial aid aiace o hoe who ae qalied. Fiacial aid i available i hefom of fedeal de aid, he Fedeal PELL Ga, sEOG, he Fedeal saffod Loa ad FWs (FedealWok sd). Fiacial aid i available fo boh he special Effec Makep (sFX) ad Ai of Makeppogam.

    EI offe aiace i acig i he fom of mohl pame, o em ageed po b he dead admiiaio. thee i a qalifig pocede, ad de m mee wih he chool FiacialAid Dieco. Poeial de ma log oo he EI web ie (www.ei.edu) o appl o lie.

    rEQuIrEMEnts Poof of acial abili

    Dow pame of 1/3 of he oal co of he pogam of which eolled

    $75.00 o-efdable egiaio fee

    A coe of 80 o he *tsE

    Complee he chool applicaio fom

    18 ea of age o olde

    Poof of high chool gadaio

    A og deie o become a pofeioal makep ai

    *An inteview wit te Sl Diet may be nduted in additin t te TSE. Tit le IV, Fedeal Finanial Aid

    is nt available t intenatinal students. E I ffes instutin in Englis nly and des nt ffe Englis as a

    Send Language instutin.

    FiNANCiAL Aid

    CLOCK HOur COnVErsIOn:1CrEDIt unIt =

    20 hours of coursework

    1CLOCK HOur =50 minutes

  • 8/14/2019 EI - Makeup Courses Catalog 2009 - 2010



    Pe-paiig Appliace

    sclpig techiqe

    Baic Aibhig techiqe

    rig silicoe

    Caig Bod Pa

    Hai Effec

    Poheic Applicaio

    Caig Facial Expeio

    silicoe Mold & Piece


    rig Foam

    Mli-Piece Moldig

    Fial Pojec Peeaio

    PrOGrAM OVErVIEWThe SFX makeup program is a full-time course of study

    and is of fered four days a week, Monday - Thursday, from

    9:30 a.m. o 5:00 p.m. thi pogam i compoed of 500

    clock hours of instruction, with 25 credit units and is taught

    ove 5 moh.

    OVErALL OBJECtIVEsTo prepare students for entry-level positions in shops and

    companies that caters to the special effects industries

    fo lm, eleviio, pi media, commecial ad video


    COursE COntEntThis course offers students the full range of training

    necessary to begin a career in the special effects industry,

    oabl pecial effec lab wok. some of he pecic

    areas of training include:

    Life Caig (fll head)

    Baic Makep techiqe & Paiig

    Mold Makig

    Deigig techiqe

    Foam rbbe Caig

    Grades are determined by:

    attendance, completion of project

    aigme, qizze, al pojec

    ad wie al exam.

    stuDIO MAKEuP ArtIst PrOGrAM sMA-200thi pogam ha bee deiged pecicall fo he de who i

    ieeed i he bea ad fahio apec of he makep id.

    sFX (sPECIAL EFFECts) MAKEuP PrOGrAM sFX-300thi pogam of d i pecicall deiged fo hoe who deie o

    wok i he pecial effec id.

    ArtIstry OF MAKEuP PrOGrAM MA-100Artistry of Makeup is t he program of study leading students to a

    complee caee i he makep id.

    SpEcIALIzED WorkShopSEI offers specialized and individual workshop classes in all areas of makeup for the makeup professional

    ad hoe lookig o become a pofeioal. A li of pecic coe ca be fod o o webie


  • 8/14/2019 EI - Makeup Courses Catalog 2009 - 2010


    This program of study includes:

    Salon Makeup: all aspects of beauty and corrective

    makeup including day/evening applications

    Photographic Makeup: high fashion concepts, designs,

    applications, black and white, color theory and applications,

    pi media ad clie cocep.

    The Wedding Business:makeup applications for a variety

    of settings and situations, wedding parties, bride, mother-

    of-the-bride considerations, bridesmaid considerations and

    adviig eio.

    Airbrushing: choosing your machine and the right

    cosmetics, application considerations and designs,

    aigme coideaio. Hair Styling: appopiae do ad do, hai fo he clie,

    peiod hai, haipiece ad wig, e of all io.

    Psychology of Beauty: yog gil wa o look olde,

    women of a certain age want to look younger, and all

    women have visions of themselves that may not match what

    he ee i he mio. How doe he pofeioal makep

    artist make all women feel good about themselves and their

    appearance? This course provides answers to this question,

    aiig he makep ai o bee eve all clie.

    Salon: Beauty and Corrective Makeup Students

    learn all the fundamentals of the face including:

    shape, condition, corrective techniques and day and

    evening applications, with special emphasis on the

    eleme of he face: ee, oe, lip, cheek, ec.

    Theatrical/Live Performance Makeup: Training

    in intimate, mid-range and long-range theatrical

    podcio, deig ad developme of pecic

    character studies, including: analysis of a character

    together with environment, heredity, health,

    peoali, cicmace a he iece

    chaace appeaace, age ad facial hai.

    Students in this course also attend a one-daysession at the Barnsdall Gallery Theatre for

    hands-on instruction in theatre etiquette and

    backstage set-up and lighting designs from BGT

    staff, along with instruction in how lighting affects

    makep deig ad colo.

    High Fashion Photographic Makeup: Trainingincludes: lighting for black and white and colorprint, the study of color with all the uses ofcolor, expanded and reinforced creativityand imagination, the understanding and useof non-conventional elements in fancifuldesigns, how to promote products throughmakeup design, studio etiquette and thee of lm ve digial phoogaph.


    PrOGrAM OVErVIEWThe SMA full-time program is offered three days a

    week fom 10:00 a.m. o 5:00 p.m., eihe a MWF o

    ttF chedle. thi pogam i compoed of 30 0

    clock hours, 15 credit units and is taught over four


    OVErALL OBJECtIVEsStudents who graduate from this program

    are prepared to take an entry-level position

    within the beauty makeup industries applying

    makeup to: clients, models, brides and actors

    for beauty applications in spas, salons, photodio, weddig ad pecial eve.

    COursE COntEntOve he coe of fo moh de

    will demonstrate the ability to evaluate

    faces for skin conditioning and coloring,

    facial structure and correction and

    ehaceme of feae. sde will

    receive lectures, demonstrations and lab

    workshops that allow them to practice

    each ad eve apec of he aiig.

    PrOGrAM OVErVIEWthe AOM pogam i offeed dig he da, wice a week,

    MW o tt, fom 10:00 a.m. o 5:00 p.m. o i he eveig

    Moda hogh thda, fom 6:45 o 10:00 p.m. the

    AOM fll-ime pogam i compoed of 600 clock ho of

    aiig, 30 cedi i ad i agh ove 52 week.

    OVErALL OBJECtIVEsThis program prepares students to become complete

    makeup artists with an overall comprehension of what is

    necessary to be a professional, along with the necessary

    skills to become eligible for positions within the

    professional makeup industries and the time andicio eeded o become a ai. the coe

    includes training for positions within salons, spas,

    cosmetic companies, opera, live theatre and ballet

    companies, dance, musical and comedy group

    productions, as well as live non-dramatic entertainment

    peeaio ad commecial, video, lm ad eleviio


    COursE COntEntStudents learn how to create makeup designs for all

    aspects of straight makeup and effects applications as they

    elae o bea, lm, eleviio, heaical/live pefomace

    ad high fahio phoogaphic makep idie.

    Grades are determined by: attendance, completion of

    pojec aigme, qizze, al pojec ad wie

    al exam.

  • 8/14/2019 EI - Makeup Courses Catalog 2009 - 2010


    Beginning Prosthetics - Tech Lab: Training includes: construction of proper and realistic attachments to head

    and face, ventilating and punching hair, bald cap construction, the running of foam latex, gelatin and silicone,

    teeth making, cast and molding of impressions and the development of characters with appliances to be used

    i he lm ad tV coe.

    Television and HDTV Makeup: Training includes: the dif ference between analog and digital TV, the

    achievement of a 20-year increase/decrease in age, using cosmetics only to duplicate realistic diseases,

    ch a mall pox, AIDs, maliio, ec., cip aali, ij ad bie, chaace beakdow, exeme

    corrective makeup for a variety of television presentations, airbrushing and body makeup, application of

    facial hai wok, ad ceaig ad emovig aoo wih makep ol.

    Film Makeup: the al cla i hi ea-log pogam foce o all apec of lm makep icldig:

    e eiqee, chaace developme, bildig he ai pofolio, bald cap applicaio, appliace

    applications, age and character progression and development, horror characters including complex

    ijie, medical deig ad eame, peiod deig ad bdge. Fial exam pojec i he deigad ceaio of a dead bod fo evalaio ad gadig.


    Grades are determined by: attendance, completion of

    pojec aigme, qizze, al pojec ad wie

    al exam.


    stuDIO MAKEuP ArtIst PrOGrAM 4 Months | 15 Units | 300 Clock HoursStudents who successfully complete the Studio Makeup Artist Program receive a certicate upon completion.

    tiio: $7,050.00

    Lab Fee: $200.00

    texbook: $45.95

    Maeial Eimae: $860.00*

    toal Co: $8,155.95

    sFX MAKEuP PrOGrAM 5 Months | 25 Units | 500 Clock HoursStudents who successfully complete the SFX Makeup Program receive a diploma upon completion.

    Finanial aid assistane is ffeed t eligible students w ae enlled in tese gams.

    tiio: $ 11,750.00

    Lab Fee: $650.00

    Maeial Eimae: $1,100.00*toal Co: $13,500.00

    ArtIstry OF MAKEuP PrOGrAM 12 Months | 3 0 Units | 60 0 Clock HoursStudents who successfully complete the Artistry of Makeup Program receive a diploma upon completion.

    Finanial aid assistane is ffeed t eligible students w ae enlled in tis gam.

    tiio: $14,100.00

    Lab Fee: $550.00

    texbook: $90.00

    Maeial Eimae: $1,900.00*

    toal Co: $16,640.00

    Both Salon and Photographic Makeup courses can be taken individually, with Salon as a prerequisite forPhotographic Makeup. The cost for each of these courses is $2,450. * Note: This is an estimate only.

  • 8/14/2019 EI - Makeup Courses Catalog 2009 - 2010


    CLASS SCHEdULE/ CALENdAR 2009-2010 CLASS SCHEdULE/ CALENdAR 2009-2010(Continued)


    EVEnInG CLAssEsEvening classes meet four nights each week for the

    Artistry of Makeup program only:

    Monday - Thursday from 6:45 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

    Workshops are held twice each week in the evening.

    Please inquire within for course start dates

    DAy CLAssEsDay Classes meet twice each week on a

    Mo/Wed o a te/th chedle.

    Mondays & Wednesdays: 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.

    Tuesdays & Thursdays: 10:00 a.m. 5:0 0 p.m.

    stuDIO MAKEuP ArtIst PrOGrAM Please inquire within for course start dates.

    sFX PrOGrAM Please inquire within for course start dates.

    ArtIstry OF MAKEuP Schedule Below

    Day Schedule Start Dates End Dates

    T/TH novembe 3, 2009 Ocobe 28, 2010

    M/W December 2, 2009 novembe29, 2010

    t/tH Jaa 5, 2010 Decembe 28, 2010

    M/W Feba 1, 2010 Jaa 26, 2011

    T/TH March 2, 2010 February 24, 2011

    M/W April 5, 2010 March 30, 2011

    T/TH May 4, 2010 April 28, 2011

    M/W Je 7, 2010 May 2 9, 2 011

    t/tH Jl 6, 2010 Je 30, 2011

    M/W Ag 2, 2010 Jl 27, 2011t/tH sepembe 7, 2010 Ag 30, 2011

    M/W Ocobe 4, 2010 sepembe 28, 2011

    t/tH novembe 2, 2010 Ocobe 27, 2011

    M/W Decembe 1, 2010 novembe 30, 2011

    new yea Da

    Mai Lhe Kig J. Bihda

    Peide Da

    Memoial Da

    4h of Jl

    Labo Da

    thakgivig Da &

    Friday After

    Chima Da

  • 8/14/2019 EI - Makeup Courses Catalog 2009 - 2010


    GrADInG POLICyIn addition to the attendance requirements, students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average

    of 2.0, a C gade, i ode o be coideed a de i good adig. Idividal coe, i compliace wih

    aifaco academic poge will be aeed a he 50% poi of each coe. sde m ccefll

    complee each coe befoe coiig o o he ex oe. Dail gade ae ecoded ad baed o ico

    evalaio. Pleae ee he followig beakdow fo he gadig fomla.

    trAnsCrIPtsTranscripts are issued to graduates upon completion of their training program and additional academic

    acip ae available fo a fee of $7.00. Dplicae diploma ad ceicae ae $12.00 po eqe.

    Fee m be paid i fll fo each poio of aiig fo which he de eqe acip. All fee

    m be paid i fll o eceive a diploma o ceicae. sde academic le ae maiaied a hi

    camp. saifaco academic poge adad ae coiel applied o all de.

    Grade Percentage GradePoint Average

    A= 90 100 4.00B= 80 89 3.00C= 70 79 2.00D= 60 69 1.00F= 59 0 0.00I= Icomplee 0.00


    stuDEnt ACADEMIC PrOGrEsssde Academic Poge (sAP) i a wa o ack de achieveme. Iclded i he chool sAP polic

    ae mo impoal, aedace ad gade. sde ae eqied o maiai aifaco academic poge

    according to the published standards established and enforced by EI and accepted by the Departments

    of Edcaio ad Veea Affai Depame. All de ae moioed o meae developme ad

    poge. Academic ad echical pefomace ae weighed i all coe, ilizig peiodic wie

    examiaio, echical lab evalaio ad adadized mid-em ad al exam. All exam ad ciiqe

    ae gaded b he e of a 10-poi cale. thee poi ae he coveed io gade. I ode o pa, he

    sde m achieve a coe of 70%/C gade o highe. Homewok ad claoom pojec ae gaded ad

    m be compleed ad peeed pio o o o he al cla dae.


    EI is training students to become professional Makeup Artists, and towards this end, EI places enormousemphai o aedace. sde ae expeced o be pomp ad aed eve cla. sde m

    have a miimm of 80% oveall aedace o be coideed a acive de i good adig. sde

    who fall below he 80% aedace ae ae placed o pobaio.

    sde ma o be abe moe ha hee (3) ime i a coe. sde who have hee

    consecutive absences are placed on probation, and students who have four consecutive absences,

    wiho exce ad wiho makep clae, ae emiaed fom he pogam. sde who m

    be unavoidably absent must make-up their classes and projects by making arrangements with the

    dieco of edcaio o do o befoe he ed of each coe. Make-p eio ae all held o

    Fida. (see Makig up Mied Clae o page 20) Abece emai o de pemae

    ecod. Pemae aedace ecod ae exemel impoa a ma podce ad dieco

    ak fo copie of aedace ecod pio o hiig.

    GrADInG POLICy EXAMsExaminations for every course include both a written theory exam and a

    pacical kill e, which eqie de o demoae pociec i he

    kill ad echiqe coveed i each coe. the followig cieia i ed o

    deemie gade a he ed of each coe.

    FIrst HALF OF trAInInG COursEInstructor Evaluation 20% (Includes projects) Class Work 20%

    (50% of he de gade i deemied a hi poi) Mid-tem Exam 10%

    Instructor Evaluation 20%

    sECOnD HALF OF trAInInG COursEClass Work 5% Final Exam 25% Total 100%


  • 8/14/2019 EI - Makeup Courses Catalog 2009 - 2010


    LEAVE OF ABsEnCEExceive abece wok adveel o de ecod, ad if de have a medical o a peoal

    poblem o wok o, he ma ake a leave of abece (LOA), eig ha he ime lo ca be made p

    whe he de e. the peoal poblem fo which de ma ake a leave of abece iclde, b

    ae o limied o: a deah of a elaive, peoal ij o ille o ohe pecial cicmace. Fo peoal

    eao de ma ake p o a wo-moh leave of abece. Fo medical eao, de ma ake p

    o a fo-moh leave of abece. sde m eqe a LOA i wiig. sde ca eqe a LOA fom

    fom he Dieco of Edcaio. sde who e o complee a coe o pogam, fo which he eceived

    a icomplee, hall mee all he adad ecea o eceive a paig gade. upo compleio of he

    eqied adad, de eceive a ceicae o diploma i accodace wih hei oigial compleio


    MAKInG uP MIssED CLAssEssde who mi a cla m make-p each cla eio i ode o ake he al exam ad complee

    each coe. Make-p eio ca be aaged wih he ico ad he dieco of edcaio.

    Students can listen to lecture tapes, attend a make-up class session for lab and practice either in the

    moig o eveig clae; mo Fida ae ope o de o make p cla wok. All pojec ad

    aigme m be ed i pio o a al gade ad/o acip beig ied fo each coe.

    stuDEnt rECOrDssde acial ecod ae maiaied fo e ea afe de have compleed hei a a hi

    chool. Academic ecod ae kep io pepei. All le ae eced i locked, e-poof ad ood-

    poof cabie i a eced locaio afe fom caal coac ad hef.


    PrOBAtIOn AnD tErMInAtIOnIf fo eao of poo academic poge ad/o poo aedace, de ma be placed o pobaio.

    Probation is a measure taken by the school that is designed to help students correct their behavior and/or

    academic deciecie. Pobaio emedie ae mea o help de impove hei pefomace. I i he

    chool epoibili o ideif de deciecie ad ake coecive meae o povide de wih

    the best opportunity to improve their status in school and become successful and prepared to be professional

    makep ai. the aveage pobaioa peiod i hee week o ix cla eio.

    Termination is a measure taken by the school when a student has not successfully met the standards of the

    chool. some eao fo emiaio iclde, b ae o limied o: o impovig pefomace oce placed

    o pobaio, o adheig o he de le give o de a oieaio, beig de he iece,

    consuming, selling or possessing of drugs or alcohol on school premises, possession of a weapon on school

    premises, demonstrating disrespectful behavior to another student, administrators or faculty or for failure tomee acial obligaio.


  • 8/14/2019 EI - Makeup Courses Catalog 2009 - 2010


    the followig le ae o be obeved b de a all ime. thee ae o excepio o hefollowig le. We ae helpig de o eablih ad maiai pofeioal kill hoghoaiig, fo boh aiic ad bie diciplie.

    Aed all clae; if o m be abe, o m oif he chool peoall b callig.

    Alwa be o ime fo cla ad a il cla ha eded.

    Come pepaed; big all pplie, oe pad, pe/pecil, makep, ec.

    Cell phoe ae o o be ed i cla o ae voice-acivaed biligal o elecoic eqipme fo a eao while i

    cla. Meage ca be lef a he fo dek.

    noif he ico if o ae able o aed cla. thee abece fom cla i god fo academic pobaio ad

    fo abece coie emiaio fom chool.

    Adhee o pope codc ad behavio i all clae a all ime. thi iclde codcig oelf i a pofeioal

    ad appopiae mae.

    Compl wih all ico le ad policie a all ime. Complee all aigme, icldig pojec, o ime a eqied b he ico.

    Maiai aifaco academic poge ad o cheaig fo a eao.

    Abide b he chool dg ad alcohol-fee polic.

    Abide b he chool de code: be well goomed fo cla, o viible dewea, o ip- op, o ee-hogh

    clohig, o ho, o ho ki, o wife-beae t-hi ad o mid-dif o avel ae o how a a ime.

    ue he sde Loge a a eig place ad o he lobb/eace.

    Alwa leave he claoom, wok aea ad e oom clea ad ea.

    neve big childe o fied (who ae o model) o chool.

    Complee coe wok, pojec ad exam o ime.

    Alwa be epecfl ad coeo o facl, aff ad clamae.


    PrIOr tO GrADuAtIOn

    sde eceive oice of hei poge a he mid-em fo each coe. sde m maiai a paig

    gade of 70% (C), a a miimm, a each level of poge. Gade ae poed a he ed of each coe. sde

    whoe gade fall a 69% o below will be placed o academic pobaio il he ex aeme peiod. If

    students have not improved their grade point average by the next assessment period, they will be suspended

    fom cla. A de who ha bee peded will be allowed o e he ex ime he coe i offeed, a

    pace i available, ad if he de agee o compl wih he chool sAP.

    If a student fails to complete any course or program, for any reason, the maximum time allowed to complete the

    mied eqieme i 1.5 ime he omal daio. Fo example: the Ai of Makep Pogam i 600-clock

    ho, agh ove 96 cla eio, i 48 week (excldig beak). theefoe, a de ha a maximm of 72

    week of chool da o complee he pogam eqieme o eceive a paig gade. Coe of 100-clock

    hours are held over an 8-week period; therefore, a student has a maximum of 12 weeks, in total, to complete thecoe. If a de fail o complee a coe o pogam wihi he 1.5 peiod of ime, ad he de i o

    o a leave of abece, he icompleio hall be coveed o a faile a he ed of he peiod.

    GrADuAtIOn rEQuIrEMEntsIn order to successfully complete training at EI and be eligible for graduation students must achieve the

    following: Have maiaied 80% aedace hogho he pogam.

    Have achieved a oveall gade poi aveage (GPA) of 2.0 (C).

    Have compleed all pojec ad have eceived a al gade.

    Be cleaed fom he Fiace Ofce ad all oadig fee m be paid befoe a de i coideed a gadae

    ad i able o eceive a diploma ad acip fom he chool.

    Have compleed all coe, pojec ad al exam wihi ixee (16) moh of he a dae. (thi exclde

    ofcial Leave of Abece.)

    GRAdUATiON (Continued) STUdENT SERviCES

  • 8/14/2019 EI - Makeup Courses Catalog 2009 - 2010


    Students who successfully complete the Artistry of Makeup Program or SFX Program receive a

    diploma. Ceicae ae gaed fo Mae Clae ad he sdio Makep Ai Pogam.

    The student must make an appointment with the Director of Career and Student Services one week

    afe he gadaio dae i ode o poce he ceicae o Diploma.

    GrADuAtIOn CELEBrAtIOnA he ed of each eio EI hold a celebaio fo gadae ad all aff. Fied ad famil of

    gadae ae alo ecoaged o aed.

    hmestay in LA offe ho-em ad log-em home-a iaio ea EI. Coac Ifomaio at: 310.777.8318 o olie a www.homeaila.com

    USH (Universal Student Housing) povide aiace fo home a iaio fo EI ieaioal de. usHca be eached a t: 310.824.4908, F: 310.824.2412, o olie a www.aih.com.

    Synegy husing povide fll fihed ad acceoized apame. sde ca call oll fee o800-6 00-1115. the copoa e adde i 417 s. Hi ll see , sie 1101, Lo Agele , CA 9 0013.

    GRAdUATiON (Continued)

    stuDEnt sErVICEsEI offers a variety of services to its students and some

    services are shared throughout all of the Campus

    Hollwood chool. thee evice iclde b ae o

    limited to:

    sde B/Meo Pae

    sde ID

    Movie & televiio sdio to

    Coce a Micia Iie (www.mi.ed)

    Podcio a theae of A

    Adviig seio

    Hoig Ifomaio

    Caee sevice

    Pakig Ifomaio

    Dico offeed a pecic Makep Compaie i L.A.

    HOusInGStudents are encouraged to look for housing prior to

    hei a dae. sde ma log oo he chool web

    ie o gai acce o hee hoig povide a www.

    ei.ed ad d addiioal hoig eoce.

    CAREER SERVICESCareer services are available to all students who are

    either enrolled or who have graduated through our

    sde sevice Depame. Appoime ca

    be made in advance with the director of Student

    sevice. the caee poce iclde:

    rem begiig i he alo coe (fo boh

    Artistry of Makeup Program and Studio Makeup Artist

    Pogam ad i he 8 week of he sFX Pogam)

    rem pdaed hogho aiig

    Pofolio begiig i he alo coe, phoo ake

    throughout training and meetings with the placement

    dieco o pepae a job each pla pio o gadaio.

    Dico offeed a pecic Makep Compaie i L.A.

    Tug EI annt guaantee laement, evey efft is

    made t ensue tat students ae assisted in tei jbsearch within all the professional makeup elds.



  • 8/14/2019 EI - Makeup Courses Catalog 2009 - 2010


    sde have a igh o a fll efd of all chage, le he amo of he $75.00 egiaio fee, if he de

    cacel he eollme ageeme pio o, o o, he da of icio. the amo eaied b he chool

    will o exceed he $75.00 (eve-ve dolla) egiaio fee. If a de wihdaw fom he pogam afe

    instruction has begun, the student will receive a pro rata refund for the unused portion of the tuition and other

    efdable chage if he de ha compleed 60% o le of he icio. the dae of wihdawal i he

    dae of cacellaio ad i deemied a he dae he de oie he chool of he deciio o cacel o

    he la dae of aedace if he de fail o oif he chool. the de hall be chaged fo all da p

    o ad icldig he dae of wihdawal. F examle (See Below), if the student completes only 50 hours of a

    100-ho coe ad paid $2,000 i iio, he de wold eceive he efd of $1,000.

    EI will alo efd moe colleced fom a hid pa o he de behalf, ch a Veea Bee,

    Title IV, and/or WIA funds, if the school cancels or discontinues the course in which the student is enrolled

    o if he de dop o. If a poio of he iio wa paid fom he poceed of a hid pa, he

    efd will be e o he lede o agec ha gaaeed he fd. A emaiig amo will be

    ed o epa a de acial aid pogam fom which he de eceived bee i popoio

    o he bee eceived. Any emaining amunt will be aid t te student. All efunds ae aid witin

    thirty (30) days of the cancellation of the contract.

    COMPLAInt POLICythe Accediig Commiio of Caee school ad College of techolog (ACCsCt) accedi EI. If

    a student does not feel that EI has adequately addressed a complaint or concern, the student may

    coide coacig he Accediig Commiio. All complai coideed b he Commiio


    must be in written form, with permission from the student complainant/s for the commission to forward a copy of

    he complai o he chool fo a epoe. A cop of he Commiio Complai Fom i available a he chool

    ad ma be obaied b coacig he dieco. Pleae diec all iqiie o:


    2101Wilson Bo ulevard,

    Suite 302

    Arlington, VA 22201

    (703) 247-4212

    EI i alo liceed b he sae of Califoia. A cop of Califoia Complai Fom i available a he chool ad

    ma be obaied b coacig he dieco. sde ma bmi complai o:

    Attn: M. Joae Wezel

    California Department of Consumer Affairs

    Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Information

    P.O. Box 980818

    We sacameo, CA 95798-0818

    Olie: www.bppve.ca.gov

    E-mail: [email protected]

    tOtAL TUiTiONpaid by Student

    tOtAL HOURSIn pgam

    tOtAL HOURScmleted

    tOtAL dUET Sl

    tOtAL dUET Student


    $2,00 0 /100 =50% 50 $1,000 $1,000

  • 8/14/2019 EI - Makeup Courses Catalog 2009 - 2010


    FILMSThe Addams FamilyAi Foce OeAliArmageddonAs Good As It GetsBatman ReturnsA Beautiful MindBladeBoz n the HoodBamoke DaclaBulletproof MonkCaptain AmericaChild Pla 3CocoonCongoDangerous Minds

    Erin BrockovichFlatlinersFoeve yogFriday the ThirteenthFida he thieeh #7Figh nighGhostGodzillaGooniesHalloween

    HannibalHoney I Blew Up the BabyHookHouse of FrankensteinThe Howling

    The Puppet MastersPushing DaisiesRansomRed DragonThe Red ViolinSilence of the LambsSister ActSkinheadssome Kid of MiacleSpace TruckersSphereStarship TroopersSpecies 3Star Trek VStar Trek VISupermanTerminator 2

    Their Eyes Were WatchingGodThinnerTiptoesTitanicVan Helsing 2004VegasWeird ScienceWhite ChicksWho yo Dadd?

    the Whole te yadWolf

    tV/ MusIC VIDEOsBuffy the Vampire SlayerCheers

    I he Hea of he nighInterview with a VampireIlad of D. MoeaJaic PakKighideThe Legend of ZorroLile nickthe Log Ki GoodighThe Long Walk HomeThe Lost WorldLove and WarMalcolm XThe Man Without a FaceThe MaskMaster and CommanderMobstersMonkeybone

    MonstersM. Dobethe negoiaonighmae o Elm see, 2nie Mohnie o FiveThe Passion of the ChristThe Perfect StormPet CemeteryPirates of the Caribbean

    Pirates of the Caribbean:A he Wold EdPirates of the Caribbean:Dead Ma ChePredator

    CSICsI: nyDexterDoogie Howe, M.D.D. Qi, MedicieWomanEverybody Hates ChrisFamily MattersFamily TiesThe FBIGeneral HospitalLA LawLove and WarMichael Jacko VideoMoonlightingMde Me, Mde yoMurphy Brown

    Mde OenCIsnyPD BleOe Da a a timePicket FencesPushing DaisiesSeinfeldTales from the CryptTales from the DarksideThriller

    Untold StoriesWeird ScienceWho he BoWill and Gracethe Wode yeaL





