eight basic behaviors for intercultural competence

Eight Basic Behaviors for Intercultural Competence

Upload: mardel-del-castillo

Post on 17-Feb-2017




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Eight Basic Behaviors for Intercultural


Is, by large interpersonal in nature. As such as one tip to ensure interpersonal competence is to follow the golden rule mindset which goes, “ Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

Intercultural Communication

The most important mark of cultural competence is the display of respect. Respecting cultural values and beliefs is imperative in intercultural interaction.

1. Display of respect

Orientation of knowledge means determining the context or where the individual comes from that shapes his way of thinking and behavior. In other words, it describes an individual’s ability to recognize and acknowledge that people explain the world around them in different ways with differing views of what is “right” and “true.”

2. Orientation of knowledge

Empathy is the capacity to feel how others feel. It is a conscious effort to know the reality of others, rather than physically sharing their sadness or happiness.

3. Empathy

Interaction management means taking initiative, taking turns during conversation and knowing how to talk to others appropriately and effectively. It includes respecting the local communication formalities and styles and watching for any change in the body language to discern attentiveness, responsiveness, and perceptiveness in the interaction.

4. Interaction Management

Understanding task role behavior is important during intercultural communication, because it leads to group harmony, teamwork and productivity.

5. Task Role Behavior

In intercultural communication, relational role behavior is vey essential. Relational behavior refers to the serious attempt of a person to participate in establishing and preserving a personal relationship that is trusting, harmonious, and supportive to each other.

6. Relational Role Behavior

In intercultural communication , it is an accepted fact that communication and working with people from different countries and cultures are always difficult. Some may be reserved to communicate, while others are open for communication.

7. Tolerance for Ambiguity

For effective intercultural communication to be ensured , understanding emotional expression and interaction is very indispensible. Expression of emotions like joy, anger, sadness, shame, fear, etc. in social behavior develops from culture to culture.

8.Emotional Expression and Interaction Posture