el ls notinltl.5.14.12

Meeting the needs of ELL students

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Post on 28-Jan-2015




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Meeting the needs of ELL students

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Who is an ELL student?

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Who is an ELL student?

An EL is a K-12 student who, based on objective assessment, has not developed listening, speaking, reading, and writing proficiencies in English sufficient for participation in the regular school program. These students are sometimes referred to as Limited English Proficient (LEP).

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Who is an ELL student?

• The term English language learners (ELLs) in this report refers to those students who are not yet proficient in English and who require instructional support in order to fully access academic content in their classes. ELLs may or may not have passed English language proficiency (ELP) assessments. The subset of ELLs who have not yet achieved ELP as measured by the particular assessment procedures of their state are often referred to as Limited English Proficient (LEP) students.

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Who is an ELL student?

Students who have passed ELP assessments, however, may still need support in acquiring and using language in the classroom, particularly with the complex academic language that leads to successful high school graduation and higher education opportunities (Francis, Rivera, Lesaux, Kieffer & Rivera, 2006).

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How do we identify ELL students?

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How do we identify ELL students?

CDE Home Language Survey (HLS)

Which Language did your child learn when they first began to talk?

Which language does your child most frequently speak at home?

Which language do you (the parents or guardians) most frequently use when speaking with your child?

Which language is most often spoken by adults in the home?

(parents, guardians, grandparents, or any other adults)

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UCLA Lab School Application

English proficiency: (circle one)

Fluent Speaks fairly well Speaks a little Does not Speak En.

• Spanish proficiency: (circle one)

Fluent Speaks fairly well Speaks a little Does not Speak Sp.

• Languages used in school (previous) ___________________

• Parents (1 & 2) native languages __________ __________

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UCLA Lab School HLS


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Meeting the needs of ELL students,What does the research say?

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What does the research say?

Claude Goldenberg (NLP and CREDE reports)

1.Teaching students to read in their first language promotes higher levels of reading achievement in English

2.What we know about good instruction and curriculum in general holds true for English learners as well

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What does the research say?

Good instruction...

• clear goals and learning objectives

• meaningful, challenging, and motivating contexts

• a curriculum rich with content; well-designed, clearly structured, and appropriately paced instruction

• active engagement and participation; opportunities to practice, apply, and transfer new learning.

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What does the research say?

Good instruction...

• feedback on correct and incorrect responses

• periodic review and practice

• frequent assessments to gauge progress, with re-teaching as needed

• opportunities to interact with other students in motivating and appropriately structured contexts

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What does the research say?

3. When instructing English learners in English, teachers must modify instruction to take into account students’ language limitations.


Clear and modified speech

Oral language development

Specific vocabulary instruction

Use of visuals (pictures, graphic organizers)

Explicit instruction (literacy)

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What do we need to strengthen our capacity to meet the needs of our ELL students?

• Brainstorm...

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How can we do this?

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Next Steps...

Thank you!!!