election special

BUILDING A BEMER BOURHHMOUTH LOOKING TO THE FUTURE... By working to ,.Build a Bet{er Bournemouth,, your Conservative Gouncil wants Bournemouth t" b";-;; place to live in both now and well into the future- YYe're proud of our town-and will make it even better by concentrating on these key areas orui i-rr. next four years: Spending your money wisely _ uonservative Councils manage your money responsibiy. This protects the services you need. Never giving up on efficiency - There are always new ways to make the Council even more efiicient. We've saved our taxpayers over L2O million in the last four years, with €9 million more to come this year. Protecting front line servicqs _ Let's be clear - this Conservative Council will support the services you value. Whether it's care for vulnerable adults, keeping lollipop people or not closing libraries, we.re preventing cuts. What's more, with careful budgeting, we see this protection lasting for another four years and beyond. Keeping Oouncil Tax down _ Y.es, Council Tax is a bill that nobody likes to receive. But we've frozen it this year and we'd like to repeat that next year too. A,fret'l't a,^A d4^a,,ei/. tp.a,t,tt _ !M oT*Sq a-ntt' oa*laa*+U,r++r, P f!'f". ,w.re Win'tot Eo+t's vo1,c.e q hta,rd at +1,L2 Taw-u- HalL Ct'^+it\rr;/a4 W 1'z4"* -, . CLlr Nt4eL C'o\N+ul offws.^4 w.qto4 +o +ne ha!t2'r\)*+1/\t& tt^i';* 1o'r zoLL. Promoting our wonderful town _ We've built a fabulous all_weather attraction at pavilion Dance and plan an lce Stadium at Kings park. We,ve brought Europe's largest Air Festival to Bournemouth and we,ve now got control and will re_develop thJated lmax. Stopping antsocial behaviour _ We'll not hesitate to use ail the powers we have to deal with anti_social behaviour. Working with Dorset potice, we'll make sure that Bournemouth,s night time economy is safe for all. Getting the "titUe things" dght _ We'll continue to target extra money to keep our streets clean, fix our roads and pavements and guarantee weekly collections of household waste. We'll also keep our free gr+f-fiSi-re n+ c';e I s e i.v i c e. Bournemouth West Conservatives, I 35 Hankinson Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH9 I HR email: contact@bou rnemouthwestconservatives.com telephone: 0l 202 533553 web: www.bournemouthwestconservatives.com , Conservatives

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Post on 27-Mar-2016




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Mini Manifesto


Page 1: Election Special


LOOKING TO THE FUTURE...By working to ,.Build a Bet{er Bournemouth,, your ConservativeGouncil wants Bournemouth t" b";-;; place to live in bothnow and well into the future-YYe're proud of our town-and will make it even better byconcentrating on these key areas orui i-rr. next four years:

Spending your money wisely _uonservative Councils manage yourmoney responsibiy. This protects theservices you need.

Never giving up on efficiency -There are always new ways to makethe Council even more efiicient.We've saved our taxpayers over L2Omillion in the last four years, with€9 million more to come this year.

Protecting front line servicqs _Let's be clear - this ConservativeCouncil will support the services youvalue. Whether it's care forvulnerable adults, keeping lollipoppeople or not closing libraries, we.repreventing cuts. What's more, withcareful budgeting, we see thisprotection lasting for another fouryears and beyond.

Keeping Oouncil Tax down _Y.es, Council Tax is a bill that nobodylikes to receive. But we've frozen itthis year and we'd like to repeatthat next year too.

A,fret'l't a,^A d4^a,,ei/. tp.a,t,tt _!M oT*Sq a-ntt' oa*laa*+U,r++r,P f!'f". ,w.re Win'tot Eo+t'svo1,c.e q hta,rd at +1,L2Taw-u- HalL

Ct'^+it\rr;/a4 W 1'z4"* -, .

CLlr Nt4eL C'o\N+ul offws.^4w.qto4 +o +ne ha!t2'r\)*+1/\t&tt^i';* 1o'r zoLL.

Promoting our wonderful town _We've built a fabulous all_weatherattraction at pavilion Dance and planan lce Stadium at Kings park. We,vebrought Europe's largest Air Festival toBournemouth and we,ve now gotcontrol and will re_develop thJatedlmax.

Stopping antsocial behaviour _We'll not hesitate to use ail thepowers we have to deal with anti_socialbehaviour. Working with Dorset potice,we'll make sure that Bournemouth,snight time economy is safe for all.

Getting the "titUe things" dght _We'll continue to target extra moneyto keep our streets clean, fix ourroads and pavements and guaranteeweekly collections of householdwaste. We'll also keep our freegr+f-fiSi-re n+ c';e I s e i.v i c e.

Bournemouth West Conservatives,I 35 Hankinson Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH9 I HR

email: contact@bou rnemouthwestconservatives.comtelephone: 0l 202 533553 web: www.bournemouthwestconservatives.com , Conservatives

Page 2: Election Special

OUR SURVEYSAYS...Many thanks to all of you whoresponded to our survey ofthousands of residents in Wintonand Charminster.

Unsurprisingly, top concern is thespread of Student Housing. YourConservative Council has pushedthis up the agenda, obtaining an"Article 4 Direction" - which is aPlanning rule that means anyonewho wishes to convert a familyhouse so it becomes a student one

will first need to obtain permissionfrom the Council. That means theCouncil will be in control and stopthe spread of student housingwhich changes the character of ourarea.

Pat Oakley of Winton Forumcommented, "The ConservativeCouncil has done a tremendous jobhere and I would like to thank themfor prioritizing fhr's issue which is soimportant fo us as residents."

Anniina and Johann work with Cllr Dave Smith to reducethe problems associated with Student Housing.


Theo, Johann and Anniina discuss Winton'snew measures to combat Anti-social Behaviour.


Anniina Davieo771L 502204annii [email protected]

Johann Edward01202 243598johann@wi ntoneast,com

Theo Stratton07746 [email protected]

Bournemouth West Gonservatives,135 Hankinson RoadnBournemouth, Dorset, Bt{g lHF

or visit us on the web:wwrv.wintoneast,com

Conservative ccuncillors haveintroduced a host of measures tocombat antisocial behaviour inthe Charminster and Wintonarea.

New CCTV cameras have beeninstalled along CharminsterRoad and dozens of arrests havebeen made as a result.

Additionally, the Council is in theprocess of implementing a 'Nodrinking Zone' across parts ofWinton and Charminster. ThePolice will have the right toconfiscate alcohol from thosedrinking in the street.Charminster resident andConservative Candidate AnniinaDavie said, "This has been veryeffective in the Town Centre andBoscombe and I believe it will besi m i I a rly su ccessfu I h e re."

Theo Stratton added, 'WithFn{arromanl /]ffircrc nartt nn n+l!

Friday and Saturday nights todeal with Noise Nulsance, fhrs lsreally starting to make adifference." lf you are disturbedby late night noise, call 08000281870.


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Graffiti may be a "low-level" crime, butit still devalues our streets and showsa lack of respect f,gr others. That's whyyour Conservdlve council hasintroduced a free service to remove allgraffiti from all property - whethercommercial or residential, private orpublicly-owned. Your Conservativecandidates took advantage of thiswhen they arranged for the old Chubbbuilding on Hankinson Road io becleaned up. Johann Edwardcommented, "Graffiti is unacceptableand can lead to an area becomingneglected. That's why we acted here,and why we want to ensure Winton andCharminster remains a graffiti-freezone."

lf you spot any graffiti you wantremoved, call 451199 to report it. Thereis even a fl 00 reward for anyoneproviding the Council with informationwhich leads to enforcement action orprosecution against anyone caught.

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