electrical certification deficiencies report · 2020. 5. 29. · ep_005_f . any deficiencies found...

INTRODUCTION TO SALTWATER FLY FISHING IN SOUTHWEST FLORIDA © by Copyright © 2017 by Backcountry Fly Fishers Naples, Florida. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Backcountry Fly Fishers at P.O. Box 917, Naples, Florida 34106, www.flyfishingnaples.com.

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Post on 02-Feb-2021




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  • Page 1 of 1 Electrical Certification Deficiencies ReportEP_005_F

    Any deficiencies found are noted in the report and have been reported to the Facility Owner/Manager for corrective action. The Electrical Certification Deficiency Form (Insert form number) shall be submitted to the Department of Licenses and Inspections to report any deficiencies requiring correction.

    Signature of Inspector :_____________________________________________ Date:____________________

    Signature of Facility Owner:__________________________________________ Date:____________________

    Deficiency Item Location and Description

    Property Information

    1 Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________


    Name License Number

    Email Phone



    Electrical Certification Deficiencies Report

    Electrical Inspection Agency (if applicable) License Number

    Electrical Inspector

    Deficiency Information

    Declaration & Signature

    Provide a report of any serious or minor deficiencies that cannot be corrected within 90 days

    Provide the address of the facility and name.

    Enter name of electrical inspector licensed by the City of Philadelphia and employed by a licensed inspection agency

    Facility Name: _______________________________________________________________________

    Insert deficiencies that require correction.

    OR Full-time licensed electrician by Owner of the facility

    Enter the name of the electrical contractor or inspector licensed by the City of Philadelphia who is employed on a full-time basis by the owner of the facility

    undefined: Facility Name: Name License Number: undefined_2: Deficiency ItemRow1: Location and DescriptionRow1: Deficiency ItemRow2: Location and DescriptionRow2: Deficiency ItemRow3: Location and DescriptionRow3: Deficiency ItemRow4: Location and DescriptionRow4: Deficiency ItemRow5: Location and DescriptionRow5: Declaration Signature: Date: Date_2: Signature1_es_:signer:signature: Signature2_es_:signer:signature: Text3: Text4: Text5: Text6: Text7: