electricsense...l l oyd : h e l l o a nd w e l c om e . m y na m e i s l l oyd b urre l l . m y m i...

ElectricSense EMF Experts Solutions Club Lloyd Burrell Interviews James Templeton © MMXIXI ElectricSense

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EMF Experts Solutions Club

Lloyd Burrell Interviews

James Templeton © MMXIXI ElectricSense

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Lloyd:Hello and welcome. My name is Lloyd Burrell. My mission is finding and sharing solutions and raising awareness that we can all live a happy and healthy life in our electromagnetic world. Today, I’m thrilled to have as my guest, author, James Templeton. A fifth generation Texan, James Templeton tapped into his fighting spirit and became an over 30-year cancer survivor. That’s to say he had cancer 30 years ago and he healed himself from a terminal diagnosis with the use of alternative medicine and healing modalities. As a visionary founder of UNI KEY Health systems and the Templeton Wellness Foundation, James has since used his wisdom and experience to help others achieve optimum health and wellness. His latest book, I Used To Have Cancer: How I Found My Own Way Back To Health, is his memoir, chronicling his amazing journey back to health. He’s also the co-author of Your Body Knows Best and is now resident of the Pacific Northwest. James dedicates much of his time to living a healthy life and inspiring others to do the same. So today, we’re going to be talking about James’ great book, I Used to Have Cancer and what he did to beat cancer. So diet, lifestyle, and of course, electromagnetic fields, what role did they play and did they play a role. The interesting thing here is we’ve got this 30-year time-lapse. James really has a lot to share here, which is really clear from reading his book. You can contact James Templeton through his website, www.templetonwellness.com.James, welcome to the program.

James:Lloyd, it’s great to be with you today. Thank you for having me.

Lloyd:It’s great to have you on. Thank you for accepting. So let’s talk about your story. Boy, what a story. Cancer, I can only try and imagine what that is when doctor says those words and you have to try and

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comprehend that, what it means to your life. It must have been awful. How did this all happen?

James:Well, I’ll tell you, you’re right. When you’re told you have cancer, it’s probably the worst three words you can hear in your lifetime because it’s not something we want to hear. I was living in Texas and I was a very successful, young businessman. I had everything going for me. Life was really good. I had a wife, I had a young daughter that wasn’t even two years old yet. I had these three successful businesses. I just thought life was great. I thought I had life by the tail. I thought that everything was just going wonderful. I even thought I was very fit. I was running a lot and working out a lot, exercising a lot. I was doing this basically because my father and his father both died at young ages from heart attacks. I had a lot of death in my family as a young person. My mother passed away before I was even two years old. I had a brother that died at the age of eight. So I had this kind of thing in the back of my head that I might not make it to 30 unless I start to find some way to stave this early death sentence off and started to exercise, started to run a lot. I started to get into tremendous shape. At least I thought I was. I was watching my diet. I got in to eating a kind of a vegetarian diet. I was following this and probably not supporting myself properly. I didn’t take any supplements back then. I was just running. Everywhere you go you’d see me running down the road somewhere. People would say, “This guy’s in tremendous shape.” But one thing I noticed, I started to feel flu-like a lot and just didn’t feel as well. I’d get sick a lot. Every time I’d turn around, I’d get the cold or a flu. I had all these sinus problems going on. It just seemed to be worse and worse as I got older and I just rode it off, thinking, “I’m over 30 now. I guess that’s the way it is.” It’s a stupid-sounding thing but that’s how I felt. I felt I just had to push myself harder. It’s crazy but I pushed harder and harder to make

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myself make up for this thing that was going on. Other than that, I was in great physical, running shape. But I was a fan of a guy back then and his name was Jim Fixx. He was this exercise guru. He was an avid runner. He wrote a book called The Complete Book of Running. I read this book and it was about this fellow that got into running because his father died of a heart attack at an early age, just like mine. He got into running and he found that the running really helped him. He thought his heart was in good shape, he thought he was in good shape. But I went to my office one morning, early in the morning. I went in, I put my feet up on the desk and I grabbed the morning paper. The first thing I saw was Running Guru Jim Fixx Passes Away From Heart Attack While Running. Here’s this guy, 52 years old and here’s this guy that I looked up to, thinking that he had the answers. I was so shocked after seeing this, I thought, “My God, how could this happen to this guy?” So here’s what did. I said, “I got to do something. I got to rethink all this. What if the things I’m doing aren’t working for me, just like him?” I heard about these cardio stress test. So I decided to go to a specialist that dealt with these kind of things. I had an appointment and I went in. He got me on the treadmill and it’s like this test where they get you on the treadmill. I don’t know what they do in this day and time because I haven’t had one since. But it was a treadmill test. It got my heart rate up faster and faster, and he would see how quick I would recover and he would get me back up. He said, “My gosh, you are in tremendous shape. You broke the all-time record, I believe, in my office. I don’t think anybody’s done this well before.” Who knows how many people went in there. But anyway, he was impressed and he told me, “You’re going to go a long way because your heart is in good shape. Just keep doing what you’re doing. It’s working for you.” He gave me a full exam and the last thing he said to me

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was, “There’s only one thing I would be concerned about, but it’s probably nothing. There’s a mole on your back. This mole looks a little suspicious to me. It looks a little different. I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you but why don’t you just get it checked out just to see what it is? Just to make sure.” So I didn’t think much about it. A few weeks later, I decided to go get it checked out. I go to the dermatologist office and he says, “Well, let’s take off your shirt and see what we’ve got here. You say it’s a mole, right?” I said, “Yes sir, it’s a mole. It’s on my back.” He says, “Let me take a look.” So he looks at it and all of a sudden, he just jumped up almost and started saying, “Oh my God, oh my God!”

Lloyd:That is not the kind of reaction you want when you go to the doctors.

James:I know, and I was shocked, like what’s he going on about back there? He’s like, “Oh my gosh, I think you might have melanoma.” And I’m like, “Melanoma? I’ve heard of it but I didn’t know much about it.” It didn’t sound too good to me. It didn’t sound like a friendly word. I’d heard of melanoma but I’ve also heard from people that said that these moles can get cancer in them sometimes and people die from this. Well, that’s what went through my mind immediately. This guy went on to say, “You could die from this,” right off the bat.

Lloyd:Wow, he was some diplomatic doctor you got there.

James:It was terrible. He said, “You might have to remove a large portion of your back. This is serious stuff we’re looking at here.” He doesn’t even know for sure. He just thought it was. I just did not like his bedside manners whatsoever. He was very, very strange. I’ve never been to a doctor that got excited. You would have thought he had won the

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lottery or something. I don’t know if he had not seen it in a while or never saw it in his office. I don’t know. But he got very, very excited. He tells me all this stuff about, “You got to take care of this really quick. You can’t mess around,” while I told him, “I’ll get back to you in a day or two. I got to think about all this.” I said to myself right then that I’m not going back to this guy. This was just a small-town dermatologist that I didn’t know. I lived in a small town but I didn’t know him. I said no way I’m going back there. I went home. I barely could drive, I was so upset. I lived about 10 miles and I got home, my wife says, “Well, it’s probably nothing. Why don’t you get a second opinion?” I thought that’s a good idea. I couldn’t even think straight. So I got an appointment and went to see another dermatologist. He said, “It doesn’t look suspicious to me. Let’s send you over to a friend of mine. I got a good friend of mine and he is world renowned. He is an oncologist. This guy will know exactly what to do with this kind of thing. It’s probably nothing, but I’m going to send you over here. If you got to go to someone, this is the guy you go to.” So I go to this other doctor, the oncologist. He looks at it and said, “It looks suspicious to me. We don’t know exactly. It just looks suspicious. Let’s take it out and see what it is. I can do it right here in the office. Lay down on this table and let’s take it out.” So he took a two by two inch square plug out of my back. “I’m going to send this to the lab.”

Lloyd:That sounds painful, James.

James:Yes, it was. I’m laying there and numbed up from it, thinking I’m in the best of hands if I have to do this. I was nervous of course. I was frightened. If you’re not frightened about this kind of stuff, there’s something wrong with you. Anyway, he took it out and said, “I’ll call you in a few days. I’ll send it to the lab.” It was like two weeks before I

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got a phone call. He had told me, “Don’t worry,” and all I did was worry, walked in circles, didn’t sleep, and was just stressed out the whole time. And then, he calls me almost two weeks later. I couldn’t believe it was taking so long. That was the worst part of it all, just not knowing. You’re running around and you’re just a nervous wreck. He calls me and he says, “Well, I’ve got some good news and I’ve got some bad news.”

Lloyd:These are just complete jokers. You were unlucky.

James:I know, we’ve all heard people say this, “I’ve got some good news and I’ve got some bad news,” but it’s like a joke. You’re right. So the guy tells me, “The good news is that it’s melanoma.” And I went, “Melanoma is good news?” He goes, “But the good news is we think we got it all around that perimeter of that piece of tissue we took out of you. We don’t see any signs of the melanoma around the edges. So that’s good news. That means that maybe it hasn’t spread anywhere. But the bad news is that it is very deep.” Being this deep like this means stage 4 and stage 4 is something that we measure on something called the Clark’s Scale. I didn’t know anything about that. But he went on to say that it’s very deep. So now we got to really watch it. We got to be very, very cautious because when it’s deep like this. It usually spreads to other parts of the body, other organs of the body, the lymphatic system of the body. We got to be very diligent and we just got to be very on top of things. So anyway, he says, “Come in every three months and let’s check it out. There’s nothing you can do. Live your life, don’t worry, and just get back to a normal life.” That’s not easy to do. When someone tells you to don’t worry and here, you’ve got stage 4 melanoma. Now they got to keep an eye on it because it could spread. All I can do is worry.

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Lloyd:Yes. All this sort of various scenarios and how it’s going to impact your life, your wife, everything, what you’re going to be doing, and the question of how long have you got.

James:Well, that’s what you do. Back then, we didn’t have the internet. So I’m not looking on the internet. Nowadays, you look it right up and you know more than you did in 10 hours. But I didn’t know what to do. I was just a nervous wreck, worse than before. I lost my ambition. I was a very ambitious young man. I was successful, so I wanted to go places in life. Now, I’ve lost my ambition. Now, I was starting to get very depressed. I started to feel like my life might be over because I had talked to people that were doctors. They had told me that people unfortunately, that had stage 4 melanoma usually didn’t live much longer than three years. I hear this and I’m like, “Oh my gosh, my life is over.” So I wanted it all to go away I wanted it to be a bad dream, of course. I was miserable. I could not sleep at night and I was not the happy-go-lucky guy that I had been. Little by little, it started to wear on my marriage relationship with my wife. I think it was hard on her. She probably couldn’t deal with the fact that I might be going downhill and she’s going to have to witness me dying. I don’t know. It just didn’t work out. Before I knew it, I wasn’t easy to be around. On one level, it wasn’t meant to be. But she ended up leaving me during the middle of this and moving into town. After that, that sort of like did me in.

Lloyd:Yes, the nail in the coffin. And what about the kids? Did you have kids?

James:Well, I had one daughter and she took her into town. I lived out on a farm. So it was only 10 miles from town. But the thing is after this happened, for a while, I started to not care if I lived or died because it’s an emotional thing. It’s the start of the negativity. I had everything

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holding me down and I was just not a happy camper. So I started to go out and I started to enjoy myself with old friends, drinking. I had to get this off my mind and I started to do everything I could to get it off my mind. I’d get it off my mind for a couple of hours and go home and it’s a bad dream, you know? And the dream wouldn’t go away. After about six months or so, after going to the doctor, getting checked out, everything was okay, about six months or so, I found a lump in my groin area. I was taking a shower and I found this, and it looked like a marble. I went into the doctor. The doctor said, “Well, it’s probably nothing.”

Lloyd:The joker doctor? The good news, bad news guy? You were still going to see him?

James:Oh, yes. He’s world-renowned, right?

Lloyd:Oh, yes. He’s better than the other guy, that’s for sure.

James:He’s the guy that everyone needs to go to if they have cancer, right? So I go to this guy and he tells me, “I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s probably nothing. Go on home. If it gets any bigger, call me up.” I go home and I didn’t know what to do. It started to get bigger and before I knew it, it was thrice as big. I go back in and he says, “Well, we need to check it out and see what this is. Why don’t you check it in the hospital? Let’s go in and see what it is. Hopefully it won’t be anything. You bumped into something and you got an inflamed lymph node or something.” I go in and I knew I was in trouble when I woke up from the surgery because there was all this bandage all around my groin area. I was all out of it but I knew that wasn’t good because this wasn’t some old [inaudible 20:16]. I knew I wasn’t in good shape from the surgery. Before I knew it, that same doctor - he was the

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surgeon, he did it all - he came in and he said, “Well, I’m sorry to tell you that the cancer has spread and it’s in your lymphatic system. We removed all of your major lymph nodes on your groin area, on that side. We’re sorry that this has happened. We’re going to have to do chemotherapy now also. I think that we need to do 80 chemotherapy treatments. This is going to be experimental. We’re going to elevate your temperature and we want to get it up as high as we can without it causing you harm. We’re going to elevate that temperature with a typhoid serum. We’ll do it through IV and once you get to where your temperature is elevated, then we’ll induce the chemotherapy through another IV. That would take about 10 hours a day on the average to do this. First we got to let you recover from this surgery which is going to be two or three weeks. Also, you need to use a lymph drainage pump. This is going to be very important because you don’t have lymph nodes. You have a lot of drainage there. The body has to train itself and reroute itself over time. But for now, you got to elevate this leg and we got to put this pump.” It’s like this big sock with a compressor on it. They would tighten it up and release it. So I had to do that for several hours a day because if I didn’t do it, I could get lymphedema in there and end up losing my leg, according to him. He says, “You don’t want that to happen.” Now, I had to have the surgery. I don’t want to lose my leg. I had cancer that’s spread into my lymphatic system. I asked him - he wasn’t going to tell me - “Doctor, what are my chances here? I need to know what are my chances.” He looked at me and he goes, “Well, it’s not that great. I think you got a 20% chance of surviving three to five years, if you can get through these chemotherapy treatments without dying. It’s tough on you. It’s going to be hard. That’s all I know to do. That’s the only thing we know with melanoma. A lot of the other chemotherapies do not work very well with

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this kind of cancer. This is all I know to do.” He left and boy, I tell you, after that I just really went downhill. I felt like my hope, my life, everything I’d ever dreamed of was going down the drain. Even if I did survive for two or three years, that didn’t seem very good to a 32-year-old guy. So I started to be very, very down and out and depressed, feeling like what’s the use, I’m a goner, all that kind of stuff. I got a phone call and it just came out of the blue. I was laying there in the hospital bed. I was drugged up on morphine because of all the pain from the surgery, just being miserable. The morphine is terrible but it numbs you. After you get a shot of that, you don’t care about too much. So I needed that. But here comes this phone call and it’s from a minister at a church that I went to. He calls me up and he says, “James, I heard you’re in the hospital. I’ve been praying for you. Everyone at the church is praying for you. You have got to fight. You’ve got to really dig in.” I like this guy. I wasn’t a really religious guy, Lloyd. I was just a regular guy. I went to church occasionally, maybe two or three times a month. I was a nice, young man but I wasn’t like a guy that prayed a lot. I probably should have but I didn’t. This guy got my attention because this guy was a runner like me. He was older than me. He was an ex professional baseball player. He was a tough guy but a very nice man. He got my attention because he said to me, “Listen, you have got to beat this SOB cancer.” He didn’t say like that, exactly. He said it the other way. But I’m being nice. The thing is he got my attention. I never heard him talk like that. It shocked me. It got me thinking, “I got to get tough. I got to get stronger. I’m a weak guy laying here, I’m miserable.” So I got to thinking about what he said and I started to pray after that. I started to pray harder than I’ve ever prayed in my life. I don’t know, it’s a weird feeling because I felt like every cell in my body was praying. It felt like there was this

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energy field around me that I never felt before. There was like a feeling that my body had lifted. There was a strange energy. I felt it. I just felt it. I almost left my body there. So I prayed really hard. About 20 minutes after that prayer, I got a knock on the hospital door and it was a friend of mine from college that I hadn’t seen in seven years. I didn’t even know what had happened to the guy. He came into the door, waving a piece of paper. He said to me, “I heard you were in here. An old friend of ours told me about you being here. I was driving around in the area and I needed to come see you. But I didn’t know it was the right time or not. But something just said that I should go for it. I went for it.” He had a piece of a paper where a friend of a friend of his, where he worked, because they were talking about me one day. He said, “It was about a guy who cured himself of a cancer. It was prostate cancer. It was a young man and he cured himself using this diet and lifestyle.” I knew right then I was going to do what that guy did because I just knew there was something inside of me that says, “This is what you’re supposed to do. This is from a higher power. This is from God. This is from the other place that wants to help you.” I got excited because I said to myself, “If this guy can do this diet and this lifestyle and this guy can get well, why can’t I?” This guy was a celebrity, actually. He was a movie star and also a television star. He had written this book because he had this prostate cancer, did it all naturally on his own using something called a macrobotic diet. I never heard of that. Like I said, when you get sick, you go to the doctor. I’ve never heard of anything like this. But I knew one thing, I wanted to know more. So I had my friend run out and get that book for me. He found it and brought it back and I couldn’t put it down. All I did was read this book, even though I was drugged out of my mind. I couldn’t put it down and I was excited because I felt like I related to this guy. He

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was a guy from Montana. He was a rancher. And here I am, a guy from Texas who had cattle myself. I related to the guy. I just felt he had this go for broke, “If it doesn’t work for me, it’s not going to work for anybody” kind of mentality. I felt the same way now. I felt like if he can do it, I’ll do it. I’ll do it and I’ll fight like I’ve never fought in my life. So the next day, I wake up early in the morning, like mid morning. I got a knock on the door and it was from my stepmother. She had a book in her hand. She walks in and a relative of hers gave her this book to give to me. This book was about vitamin C and cancer. It was written by Linus Pauling. He was a guy that had done many, many years of research on a lot of different things, but especially on vitamin C. He had documented all these people that were terminally ill that had cancer. They were giving high doses of vitamin C, they survived much, much longer than people who didn’t receive vitamin C. He also found that some people with high amounts of vitamin C even got well. I got excited. Now, I felt like if these people can do that, I can do that too. So why can’t I? I’m going to take this diet. I’m going to take the vitamin C and I’ll do the chemo, of course. That was because I didn’t know any better at the time. I’ll do it all. If it doesn’t work for me, then nothing’s going to work for me because I’ve got a fighting chance now. So I got very excited. My hope and will started to kick in. The next day, I got another knock on the door. It’s a strange three days, I’ll tell you, Lloyd. It was very, very interesting. It just came out of the blue. I got this knock on the door and here comes the psychotherapist from the hospital. He says, “James, I hear that you’ve been depressed. I hear that you’ve had a rough time of it in the last few days. I wanted to talk to you. Is that okay if I can come and talk to you?” I said, “Sure.” So he comes in and I say to him, “Listen, have you ever heard of macrobiotics?” He says, “Hold on a second,” and he goes

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towards the door. I thought he was leaving, that I must have said the wrong thing. He goes to the door, he shuts the door, and he shuts it tight. He comes back over to me and he says, “Listen, I’ll tell you what I know about this diet. But you can’t tell anyone I’ve told you. You promise that to me. I don’t want to lose my job, my pension, my retirement and all that. I don’t want to lose that because I’ve been here 20 something years. They will not take it lightly if they knew I’m talking to you about this.” So I knew then that I was really onto something. I knew then that if this guy’s going to be that secretive and shut the door and all that, come over here and start telling me about this, I was onto something. He said, “Listen, I’ve seen a lot of good things with this diet. I’ve researched it. I’ve read about it. It’s very exciting because it’s helped a lot of people. I have personally talked to people that it’s helped. They’ve been well for quite a few years because of this diet and lifestyle. I think that it can really work. You don’t seem depressed after all. You seem like you’re ready to do something. I’m surprised. It’s not an easy diet because you have to do a lot of cooking. There’s a lot of things you have to do. It only works for people that do it the right way. There’s a right way and there’s a wrong way. He said, “If you do it the right way, I think that you’re going to really get the benefits and you can do very well with this. I couldn’t do it myself because I couldn’t stick to it. I even tried it. I just don’t have the time. Someone like you that really needs to do this, I think that you can really do well with it.” So I got very, very excited now.

Lloyd:Before you tell us more about this macrobiotic diet, would you say this is the key to your recovery? Was this one of the foundational element, so to speak?

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James:I would. I think that the macrobiotic diet saved my life. It saved my life and I think the vitamin C along with it saved my life.

Lloyd:I’m just reading what it says on the Internet here, “A macrobiotic diet is a diet fixed on ideas about types of food drawn from zen Buddhism. The diet attempts to balances yin and yang elements of food and cookware. So it’s about energy. It’s about balancing and harmonizing energies on your plate with different types of food. I know because with Chinese medicine, they’ve talked about hot and cold food and stuff like that. We don’t mean temperature but it means how it affects your body. So it’s kind of an energetic approach to nutrition. So yes, tell us how did this work and is this just about cancer here, James, or is it about living a healthy life?

James:Well, it’s about both. The thing about it is after this, I decided that I went ahead and did 10 chemotherapy treatments. I went home for two months, and then five more. I thought I would do it all. When the doctor told me my body wasn’t responding because I was getting so sick and I couldn’t hold anything in my stomach, he said, “You’re not responding and you don’t really have the ability to hold on to this to do any good for you.” I asked him, “Is there something else I could do?” He said nothing else. I asked him, “What would you do for your son or daughter?” He says, “I’d do the same thing.” Then I said, “I’m going to end up dying in here with this stuff. It’s terrible. And he tells me we’re all going to die someday. That made me so mad. I think this is when the real healing started. I got so mad that I raised up in my hospital bed, weak, skinny, thin, and I said, “Listen here you SOB, if I could get out of this bed, I’d tear you apart.” He ran out that door like he’d seen a ghost. Two nights later, I snuck out of the hospital at two in the morning. I really decided right then at that point, I was going to go for it,

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I was going to dig in, I was going to go to war. I was going to battle. If this diet couldn’t work for me, it couldn’t possibly work for anyone else. I was going to set the example and I wasn’t going to cut one corner if it was the last thing I did. I wasn’t going to go down easy. I was going to go down scratching and clawing and kicking and everything else.

Lloyd:Can we learn about this diet in your book? Is that the resource we need to learn about this diet?

James:You can learn about the diet in my book, you can learn about the foods, you can learn why I think it worked so well. It’s very high in cruciferous vegetables which we all know are anti-cancer. They’re cancer fighters. They’re foods that produce sulphur in the body. That basically supports the glutathione in the body which is the mother of all antioxidants. Antioxidants are cheap. Actually, the diet is 50% whole grains. That’s organic. Everything organic. The grain is like detoxifying agent that just goes in there and it feels like somebody’s got a broom inside of you. You really start to detoxify.

Lloyd:Any grains? Organic grains?

James:Organic grains and it’s all whole grains. Back then we used grains at work, especially whole grains. We had a rice hulling machine. We can hull other types of grains also. You get the grain in its natural state and you hull it. It’s fresh like that. When you would eat that, that would be 50% of your daily meals, overall. The next thing we would have is 25% organic vegetables. Like I said before, cruciferous vegetables. Just about every vegetable available except for nightshades that we did not eat. But one thing we also had was about 10% of soups every day. Miso soup was a big part of it. I probably had miso once or twice a day for years. The miso soup is very, very good

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because it creates good flora in your gut. As we know, the gut is probably 80% of our immunity. So we want to build that gut flora up. But it also had other fermented foods in there that we ate a lot of, from sauerkraut, tempeh which is a fermented soy. Tofu’s not really fermented. Tofu wasn’t something we ate. A lot of people think we just eat tofu every day. That’s not the best way to do it. But we also made our own pickles that were from vegetables. We’d pickle them a little bit. But the grains act as a prebiotic. Fibre is a prebiotic in nature. So that’s important. The other thing we ate were 10% of beans. And the beans we ate were the small beans, lentil beans, chickpeas, adzuki beans. We ate other ones but these were the main, staple beans. This is how we got most of our protein.

Lloyd:As opposed to meat. But you are allowed meat and fish.

James:No meat or fish, really, on the macrobiotic. There’s fish, but not a lot of meat on the macrobiotic diet. There’s two types do diets. There’s the one you start when you’re on a healing diet, be it cancer healing or whatever. It’s a very strict diet. It’s a diet where after a year or two, a transitional diet, an everyday type of diet, you can have a little bit more things. Some people do eat a little bit more meat. I didn’t back then. I did fish soup once a week. That was it. But I had sea vegetables every day too which were seaweed. That was about 5% of the diet. We had nuts and seeds. We had walnuts, macadamia nuts were good to have, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds. We also had very healthy oils. We would have sesame oil, olive oil, macadamia nut oil etc. Macadamia nut oil has not been around so long but nowadays, it’s a healthy oil. Even coconut oil is good, and avocado oil. You want to make sure the oils are organic. It’s not tainted oil. It’s not hydrogenated. It’s not trans-fat and hasn’t

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been messed around with. So it’s in its natural state and hasn’t been cut. So that’s important with that diet. But when you look at it and you see why it works for people, because it detoxifies. It alkalinizes the body. It creates very good delimination. People that have cancer are full of toxins. They’re full of a lot of things, from heavy metals -

Lloyd:Yes, but not many people have got cancer. Most people in the Western world these days have got that high degree of toxins. We’re living in this world which is full of toxins. It’s so hard on our bodies, on our systems. We don’t realize it obviously. We’re just kind of fine. And then one day it’s cancer or it’s some other terrible disease. Diseases can come in many shapes and forms. This is why what you’re saying here is relevant to everybody. It’s not just about having cancer. At the same time, we can’t say one size fits all, can we?

James:No, we can’t. I saw a lot of people doing very well on the macrobiotic diet. And I saw the people who didn’t. But usually, the ones who did the best. I ended up living and working at the main macrobiotic center in America. I worked there for over four years. I saw a lot of things there. People that did well were like me. They dug in. They didn’t cut any corners. That’s the key. When you have cancer, you can’t mess around with it. The first few years, you’ve got to dig in. You have to set aside the steps that you used to do and decide, “Do I want to live or die?”

Lloyd:We said diet and nutrition is important. It is true what you said. It’s not for everybody. Some people, it doesn’t work. But maybe for some people or a lot of people listening, if you are looking to improve your health or you do have issues, maybe this is what you need to be looking at. The other key thing is what you just said, the mind. You had this series of amazing events. The minister from the church, the

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praying experience, the friend that came in 20 minutes after the prayer. Did this not just reinforce everything? Then you talked about the book with this guy you immediately identified with. Was this not like embossed in your mind that this is what you have to do and you’d do it. No matter what, you would beat it.

James:Yes, you do. First of all, you have to find something that you feel is going to work for you. You have to see examples of others. If one person says, “It works for me,” and another person says the time, why won’t it work for you? The thing is 50% of more, I believe, is in your head, in your mind, knowing that, “Hey, I can do this. I believe in what I’m doing. If it doesn’t work for me, it won’t work for anybody else.” You have to have that feeling. None of us know when you’re going through this. There’s a lot of non-negotiable things you can do, in my view, about the healing. But it’s not like one diet is going to do it all for everyone. But there’s certain things you have to do. You got to get the bad stuff out. You got to get all the toxic overload that’s affecting our immune system out. And then you got to rebuild yourself.

Lloyd:Was it just diet for you? No other forms of detox? No metal chelation?

James:Back then, I was just really heavy into the macrobiotic diet and I chewed my food 180 times a mouthful, most of the time. In the diet, they recommended that you chewed 50 times a mouthful. I thought, “50 is good, but what’s better?” So I did 180. I don’t know where I got the 180 but that’s what I would. So I would concentrate. I was living in a place where everyone was eating macrobiotic. I did it on my own for a year. That really got me out of the woods.

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Lloyd:So 180 times. A big piece of meat takes a bit of chewing but we’re talking about vegetables here. You’re saying you chew that 180 times. I mean, it must have took you an hour just to eat a very small meal.

James:It did. It took me a while but what I decided was is that this really makes it easier on your digestive process. It takes a lot of the stress off of your immune system, having to break all this down, your digestive system. But when you chew, you basically chew it in front of your mouth and it becomes liquefied before you swallow each mouthful. It’s so easy and it’s so nutritious. You’re increasing these enzymes when you’re chewing like that, natural enzyme from the amylase that helps break down these carbohydrates and things. What I did with this diet, I ate the diet but every day I did stretching, like yoga-type stretching to keep myself limber and help open up the energy channels in the body because that’s a big part of it. I did a lot of deep breathing, I did meditation, visualization. Nearly every day I would spend time when I had time to visualize. When you visualize, you’re sending the energy from the brain to the immune system of certain areas that you’re trying to focus on and visualizing that you’ve got little soldiers inside of you, fighting and beating these cancer cells. Whatever it is that can really make a big difference in that. There’s been different people that have actually visualized their cancer into remission.

Lloyd:In terms of the visualization that you would do, is there something you can share with us there?

James:What I would do when I was chewing my food, I use that to conquer several different things. I would sit in a chair and it was almost like a meditation for me. I would visualize that I have this

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cancer in my system. I’d visualize this very purified water would come over and just start to cleanse my body. It would just come over me and just melt the cancer cells right out. They would just go right out of my body.

Lloyd:Every time you would eat, three times a day, you would be having that powerful visualization, seeing this purified water being poured over you?

James:Yes, I would do that. And sometimes, I would visualize I had this little soldiers in my body that were going around, hunting for the cancer cells. When they see the cancer cells, they would destroy the cancer cells. It’s strange but I would think of that. You just think of it. Even if it’s only for 10 minutes, it makes a big difference. And then I do deep breathing and think of those things. The oxygen kills cancer.

Lloyd:So what’s your recipe for deep breathing? How do you do that?

James:Well, I do a lot of walking. I was a runner in the past. I didn’t run much anymore so I did a lot of walking. Every day, whether it was 90 degrees outside or 10 below outside, I would go outside and I would walk. I would walk at least for 30 minutes because that fully activates your lymphatic system. That’s very important, to keep that system activated. I would try to walk for 35 minutes to an hour for every day at least. I would do deep breathing. I would breathe in three to four seconds or as long as I could. I would hold it down, way down into my solar plexus, hold that oxygen and release it. Just breathe it and really exhale it out. I would do that for at least 10 minutes during my walk.

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Lloyd:So you do the breathing exercises when you’re walking?

James:Yes. Even when I used to run I would do it. Later on I’d run a little bit but I don’t run anymore. I would run and hold it in, hold that oxygen in there.

Lloyd:When you hold it in, how long did you hold it in for?

James:I’m like this [inhales for a few seconds and exhales long]. And then I’d do another one. So you get into this rhythm and you start to feel almost like high. The oxygen, it really gets in your body. I found that worked a lot for me because that was my routine. I did a lot of that. I also did something called [inaudible 53:38] where you tapped on different energy meridians in your body. You probably heard of people tapping. So you tap and it basically would move that energy out, get that stagnated energy and keep it moving in the body. In eastern philosophy, they believe in the energy meridians.

Lloyd:To understand how to do that, is that in your book or is there another resource that you can recommend?

James:There’s resources in the back of the book. I talk a little bit about these things in the book. At the back, there’s a resource to where you can find out more about all these things. The book is kind of more like my memoir. It also tells everyone all the things I did and all the things I would do if I would do it over again. After 30 plus years, I’ve learned so many different things. And there’s new things out there now, new research. I learned about supplementation. I learned about more things than just vitamin C.

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Lloyd:So let’s just talk about supplements briefly. That’s an important part of your approach also. Some people are for supplements, some people are against. Give us your top supplements you recommend here

James:Well, the top things I really recommend are vitamin C, of course. I think it was around 2008, there was a study by Linus Pauling by Dr. Matthias Rath. They discovered after a 15 years study, most of the major types of cancer in people, they took these people and put them on vitamin C, lysine, proline which are amino acids, and EGCG which is a green tea extract. They put people on these and after 15 years, they discovered that in most cases, it stopped these types of cancer from spreading. It stopped it from metastasizing. They determined that cancer is a collagen disease, that 90% of the time, it killed people when it metastasized and spread into the different tissues and different organs, kind of like how mine had done. It spreads and then it starts to get into the organs, creating inflammation and all kinds of havoc. But they came up with this study. After I had learned about that study, I started taking lysine, proline and EGCG. The thing about lysine is it’s been shown to kill the enzyme that actually penetrates through the tissues. That’s called nagalase. Nagalase is that particular enzyme. Lysine kills nagalase. Proline is an amino acid that helps build the collagen up. So we want that. The EGCG is very important because it slows tumor growth. It helps to slow that down. But the thing is is that when they found out it’s a collagen disease, then first thing I’ll do is build up that collagen through the vitamin C and other things. And then the other thing I discovered was enzyme therapy. Enzymes are a huge, huge thing because they are the body’s biggest defense mechanism against cancer when you think about it, because the pancreas produces enzymes. We all have cancer cells in our body.

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Cancer cells have a membrane. They produce a membrane. It’s a [inaudible 57:49] membrane around the perimeter of the cells. It protects us from our immune system so our immune system doesn’t recognize a lot of these cells sometimes, especially when they started to create tumors. The idea is that high amounts of enzymes between meals away from food is very important because it starts to strip these membranes off. Now, the immune system can recognize and go after these cancer cells. So there’s been studies from way back in the early 1900s. A lot of this kind of got pushed under the table and didn’t get used a lot until last 20 or 30 years or so. There’s been a lot of success with enzyme therapy. Everyone that has cancer is low in enzyme, in most cases. The enzyme bank that the pancreas hold is usually very low. So we want to get the enzymes up. It’s very, very important. We also want to make sure our intestinal flora is very, very strong. Like I said important. So we need to eat fermented food. We need to get off sugar. Sugar creates all kinds of problems. That’s why the macrobiotic diets need other diets that are so helpful. If you do the right diet, you got to make sure that it’s so low in sugar and glucose-forming substances that you eat. Cancer feeds off sugar. So you got to get the sugar out. You got to make sure that you don’t have parasites. There’s something we didn’t talk about, intestinal parasites which I talk about in the book. It’s part of my story.

Lloyd:We’re not going to have enough time to talk about everything, unfortunately. We’re running out of time. But just very quickly, I want to talk about EMFs before we end. In terms of dosages for what you talked about here, vitamin C and amino acids, is this something we can figure out ourselves or do we need to go to a naturopath, or another doctor, how do we determine this?

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James:That’s something that you can figure out, pretty much. In the back of the book, I give you the resource guide. I also let you know basically what I do on a daily basis and how much I take for preventative measures. I only talk about what I take now for preventative. But there’s resources for people you can talk to. You can go online and figure out how much vitamin C is going to be the best for you. I recommend IV vitamin C.

Lloyd:Okay. So for instance, you today, what do you take right now, in terms of quantity of vitamin C and what form?

James:Right now, I take about 16 to 20,000 mg vitamin C a day. When I started, I took 20,000 mg a day because the study showed 10,000 mg of oral vitamin C and I thought I’d double it. I never did the IV back then but if I had to do it over, I’d be doing oral and IV because that’s the healthiest type of chemotherapy. Vitamin C, I mean there’s a lot of other things that it does that we haven’t talked about. We talked about it in the book. Vitamin C is your best friend, believe me. There’s a lot of other supplements that are very, very important because of the anti-cancer properties. It’s all in the book. It’s all things that I did. I think they’re going to find pretty much everything they need in there. Also, practitioners and doctors I recommend, places to go, clinics and such.

Lloyd:Okay, let’s just talk about EMFs if we can, before we close off here. So EMFs, electromagnetic fields, cell phones, WiFi, Bluetooth, all this wired and wireless exposures all around you, we know it’s becoming - some of us know and some of us don’t - clearer and clearer. We’ve got the NTP study which came out recently, $30 million dollar federal study about clear evidence of cancer with radiofrequency exposures, things like cell phones and WiFi. So how did this all fit in?

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Were you open to this? Were you aware of this? Were you avoiding these frequencies? What part did they play?

James:Well, back then I didn’t know a lot about all this. We didn’t have cell phones of course. But one of the things that I did notice is that later on, I had lived around these high-powered power lines. You could throw a rock and hit them from my house, for quite a few years. When I was living in an apartment for about two years, there were these huge lines, I’m talking these major power lines just running literally 30 feet behind my house. So that could have been a big part of it. I don’t know that. There’s a lot of studies that show these are detrimental to your health. Nowadays, I’ve learned so much that I avoid as much as I can using a cell phone. I keep it on airplane mode. I check my emails but you don’t want to have it up next to your face or your head. There’s so much information and research that has shown - they tried to cover it up of course, especially in this country. But it’s a big deal because these EMFs, the more you’re exposed, the worse it’s going to be for you. I try to stay away from it. I don’t sleep with my head next to an electrical plug. I don’t have an electrical alarm clock next to my head. I don’t sleep with my cell phone next to my head. I avoid being in front of appliances. A lot of times, people are sitting right next to some big appliance or something all day long. It’s all draining. It all effects our cells. As you know, it can change the cell membrane function.

Lloyd:It can have very, very profound effects on your health.

James:Signal communication, even, things like that.

Lloyd:Exactly, which downstream then manifest these diseases. Sometimes it doesn’t but anyway, it’s not got. So let’s just wrap up here.

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You’ve got this foundation, The Templeton Wellness Foundation. So just 30 seconds on that?

James:I created this Templeton Wellness Foundation because I got sick and tired of seeing my friends, family, and colleagues come down with cancer and even die of cancer. I felt like I had a good story. I wanted to help people as much as I could. So I wrote the book I used to Have Cancer and I created the foundation so that I could really give back. I’m interviewing people that have had late stage cancer, most of them stage 4 that were written off and they survived 10 years or more. They’re basically telling me everything they have done and I’m compiling the common threads together so that I can give people the information that seems to be working the best for most people. That’s my key focus. I also have a restaurant guide for people in the United States that helps people find the healthiest restaurants. When you’re trying to be healthy, it’s hard to eat in most restaurants.

Lloyd:I remember last time it was very difficult, even just to eat a salad [crosstalk 01:06:52].

James:Oh yes, I travel a lot and I want to help people who travel because people think, “I travel, I can’t be eating healthy. Forget it.” It’s all possible. I want to give people hope.

Lloyd:Exactly. And you’ve certainly done that today. It’s so inspiring, your story. I certainly don’t get the impression that you’ve noted out your book in five minutes. It’s obviously a very deep reflection. It’s just an amazing story, the whole thing. The sequence of events and you beating this thing. When the guy said 20% chance of surviving 3 years and here you are 30 years later, going stronger than ever. So,

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well done. Absolutely amazing. Thank you. And your book is available on Amazon, I presume?

James:It’s available of Amazon. If you go to www.iusedtohavecancer.com there’s links to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, all the other book stores. But you can also get three free downloads if you go there. And the downloads are directly for me. They talk about my top favorite supplements, my top ten cancer-fighting recipes for cooking meals, and also my daily regiment, the things I do now, what I do every day and how I start my day and how I end my day, and things I do for prevention. Now it’s just prevention. I’m not as strict as I was when I started but I still know that you got to keep one foot on the path all the time.

Lloyd:James, thank you so much.

James:Thank you Lloyd, very much. I appreciate it. It’s been a pleasure talking to you.

Lloyd:Pleasure is mine, really. And thank you listener, for attending today. If you’re looking for solutions to deal with EMFs and their effect on your health, this interview and all my previous interviews are available in the EMF Experts Solutions Club with full transcripts. Information is on my website. In the next episode, I’ll be interviewing another expert so watch your inbox for details. My name is Lloyd Burrell from ElectricSense.com. Thank you so much. Have a great day. Take care. Bye-bye.

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The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained in this transcript are not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and are not intended as medical advice. Always consult a knowledgeable medical professional about your symptoms. The author encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.

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