
Electrocoagulati on PROF. A. K. SAROHA

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Post on 04-Sep-2015




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ElectrocoagulationProf. A. K. SarohaElectrocoagulationElectrocoagulation(EC),radio frequency diathermyorshort wave electrolysisIs a Electricity-based electrocoagulation technology removes contaminants that are generally more difficult to remove by filtration orchemical treatmentsystems, Such as emulsified oil,total petroleum hydrocarbons, refractory organics,suspended solids, and heavy metals.Uses: Technique used for wash water treatment,wastewatertreatment, industrial processed water, and medical treatment.AdvantagesEC requires simple equipment and is easy to operate with sufficient operational latitude to handle most problems encountered on running. Wastewater treated by EC gives palatable, clear, colourless and odourless water.Sludge formed by EC tends to be readily settable and easy to de-water.The EC process has the advantage of removing the smallest colloidal particles, because the applied electric field neutralises any residual charge, thereby facilitating the coagulation.The EC process generally avoids excessive use of chemicals and so there is reduced requirement to neutralize excess chemicals and less possibility of secondary pollution caused by chemical substances added at high concentration as when chemical coagulation of wastewater is used.The gas bubbles produced during electrolysis can conveniently carry the pollutant components to the top of the solution where it can be more easily concentrated, collected and removed by a motorised skimmer.The electrolytic processes in the EC cell are controlled electrically and with no moving parts, thus requiring less maintenance.

ParametersEC time: Increase in EC time provide better results and a thick floc. After sufficient time the separation downs to nearly zero.Current density: Increase in current density provides better results faster. After long residence time, they nearly converge to the same results.Initial pH: If the pH is away from the neutral (7), increase in foam and sediments is observed.Conductivity: It increases the electrochemical activity in the system, and hence increase in the separation process and gas formation.Inter-electrode distance: Increase in the distance increases the EC efficiency. As the distance provides greater probabilities to generate global flocks.In-flow rates, material of the electrodes, and impurity concentrations also affect the process.References:Wikipedia.com for generic interventions!1) Electrocoagulation (EC) science and applications - M.Yousuf A Mollah1, Robert Schennach, Jose R Parga2, David L Cocke2) Electrocoagulation of potable water - Eilen A. Vik1,, Dale A. Carlson2, Arild S. Eikum1,, Egil T. Gjessing13) Influence of operating parameters on electrocoagulation Djamel Ghernaot

Thank youMid-Semester Mini Project PresentationBy: Akshat Singhal2011 CH7 0143