electron bombarded back-illuminated ccd sensors for low light

Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light level imaging applications George M. Williams Jr. and Alice L. Reinheimer, Scientific Imaging Technologies, Inc. Beaverton, OR 97075 Verle W. Aebi and Kenneth A. Costello Intevac EO Sensors, Inc. Palo Alto, CA 94304 Abstract Significantly higher performance, reduced form factor, low light level surveillance cameras relative to present state of the art are critical for many commercial and military applications. To achieve this goal, a new approach to low light level cameras was successfully demonstrated. In a cooperative research and development effort between Scientific Imaging Technologies, Inc. of Beaverton, OR and Intevac EO Sensors of Palo Alto, CA, back illuminated, electron bombarded CCD (EBCCD) sensors were designed and fabricated. Experiments demonstrated the EBCCD's sensitivity and contrast resolution superior to conventional intensified CCD (ICCD) approaches. Low light level signal to noise (STN) and contrast transfer function (CTF) data are presented. A model is derived that describes the performance of the EBCCD and the back-illuminated CCD relative to conventional approaches to nighttime imaging. A design and simulated performance of a video rate 2/3 inch, back-illuminated, electron bombarded CCD currently under development for low light imaging applications is also described. 1.0 INTRODUCTION During the last decade, CCD based camera systems have made great strides in achieving a low light imaging capability. Standard black and white RS-170 security cameras achieve 100% video at 0.01 footcandles faceplate illumination that, with a fast, low f/# camera lens, corresponds to deep twilight scene illumination. The highest performance low light level cameras available utilize a 'Gen-III' image intensifier optically coupled to a standard CCD chip (Image Intensified CCD or ICCD). These camera systems provide usable video at light levels as low as 10 -5 footcandles -- starlight or lower scene illumination. A conventional ICCD sensor is shown in Figure 1. In most high performance ICCD systems, a fused fiberoptic images the output of the image intensifier onto the CCD array. In this approach, a low light scene is imaged on the image tube photocathode generating photoelectrons which are proximity focused onto a microchannel plate (MCP) where they are multiplied. A voltage potential accelerates the amplified electron signal from the MCP output onto a phosphor screen where the image is

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Page 1: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light level imaging applications

George M. Williams Jr. and Alice L. Reinheimer, Scientific Imaging Technologies, Inc.

Beaverton, OR 97075

Verle W. Aebi and Kenneth A. Costello Intevac EO Sensors, Inc.

Palo Alto, CA 94304


Significantly higher performance, reduced form factor, low light level surveillance cameras relative to

present state of the art are critical for many commercial and military applications. To achieve this goal, a

new approach to low light level cameras was successfully demonstrated. In a cooperative research and

development effort between Scientific Imaging Technologies, Inc. of Beaverton, OR and Intevac EO

Sensors of Palo Alto, CA, back illuminated, electron bombarded CCD (EBCCD) sensors were designed

and fabricated. Experiments demonstrated the EBCCD's sensitivity and contrast resolution superior to

conventional intensified CCD (ICCD) approaches. Low light level signal to noise (STN) and contrast

transfer function (CTF) data are presented. A model is derived that describes the performance of the

EBCCD and the back-illuminated CCD relative to conventional approaches to nighttime imaging. A

design and simulated performance of a video rate 2/3 inch, back-illuminated, electron bombarded CCD

currently under development for low light imaging applications is also described.


During the last decade, CCD based camera systems have made great strides in achieving a low light

imaging capability. Standard black and white RS-170 security cameras achieve 100% video at 0.01

footcandles faceplate illumination that, with a fast, low f/# camera lens, corresponds to deep twilight

scene illumination. The highest performance low light level cameras available utilize a 'Gen-III' image

intensifier optically coupled to a standard CCD chip (Image Intensified CCD or ICCD). These camera

systems provide usable video at light levels as low as 10-5 footcandles -- starlight or lower scene

illumination. A conventional ICCD sensor is shown in Figure 1. In most high performance ICCD

systems, a fused fiberoptic images the output of the image intensifier onto the CCD array. In this

approach, a low light scene is imaged on the image tube photocathode generating photoelectrons which

are proximity focused onto a microchannel plate (MCP) where they are multiplied. A voltage potential

accelerates the amplified electron signal from the MCP output onto a phosphor screen where the image is

Page 2: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

converted back to light. A glass fiberoptic element couples the phosphor screen image out of the tube.

Additional fiberoptic elements coherently relay the intensified image to a CCD chip where the optical

signal is converted back to an electrical signal and read out for image processing and display. At each

stage of the process, as light is converted to electrons, back to light, and finally once again to electrons,

image quality is lost .

For the ICCD system described above, the image is sampled at four interfaces: 1) at the microchannel

plate, 2) at the phosphor screen on the fiberoptic output window, 3) at the interface between the image

tube's fiberoptic window and the fiberoptic coupler, and 4) at the interface between the fiberoptic

coupler's output and the CCD. The optical quality of each interface is strongly dependent upon the fiber

size, the orientation, and the position of the fiberoptic array. The combined degradation of the electro-

optics, the microchannel plate, the phosphor screen, and the fiberoptic elements compromises resolution.

Moiré patterns, blemishes, and fiber array discontinuities ('chicken-wire') accumulate in the electro-

optical path and are imaged as 'fixed pattern' noise by the CCD. Moreover, scattering in the optical

interfaces and within the fiberoptic further degrades the modulation transfer (MTF) capability of the

sensor. This leads to 'washed-out', poor quality images.

Figure 1. Cross-sectional drawing of a conventional Figure 2. Cross-sectional drawing a proximity fiberoptically coupled ICCD. focused EBCCD.

The transmission loss of the fiberoptics, the inefficient collection by the fiberoptic of the near-lambertian

phosphor output of the intensifier tube, the inefficient of image tube phosphor, and the mismatch between

the spectral emission from the phosphor and the CCD spectral responsivity all decrease the sensor gain.

These losses require that the image intensifier operate at high gain. Operating the image tube at high gain

reduces the STN performance of the tube and increases the scintillation noise or 'snow' which degrades

image quality under low light conditions. Another ICCD sensor limitation is that, due to unreliable



Page 3: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

adhesion of the glass fiberoptic element to the CCD surface, the fiberoptic element may delaminate from

the CCD .

An Electron Bombarded CCD (EBCCD) eliminates the complicated image transfer chain by inserting a

thinned back-illuminated CCD into the image intensifier tube. Figure 2 shows a drawing of an EBCCD

sensor. The back-illuminated CCD forms the anode of the EBCCD sensor. It replaces the MCP, the

phosphor screen, and the fiberoptic coupler found in conventional image intensifier tubes.

The photoelectrons emitted from the EBCCD photocathode are proximity focused directly onto the

electron sensitive CCD, the silicon dissipates the incident photoelectron energy in the form electron-hole

pairs, and electron bombarded semiconductor (EBS) gain occurs. The EBS process is significantly lower

in noise than the electron gain obtained using a MCP. By imaging the electrons from the photocathode

directly with the CCD, the EBCCD avoids the inefficient and image degrading process of converting

visible light into electrons at the photocathode, back into light at the phosphor screen and then back into

electrons in the CCD. Due to the reduction in the number of image conversion steps and the significantly

greater signal to noise performance (STN) the EBCCD has higher contrast and resolution than does the


Eliminating the fiberoptic couple of the image intensifier tube to the CCD reduces the EBCCD sensor size

and weight. Excluding the weight of the high voltage power supply, a typical 25 mm ICCD weighs in

excess of 110 grams. In contrast, the 25 millimeter EBCCD typically weighs 39 grams. Whereas the

EBCCD requires only a single voltage supply (approximately 1.8 kV) to operate, the ICCD requires three

high voltage supplies (approximately 0.9 kV, 0 to 1.2 kV, and 7 kV). When one considers the weight of

each sensor's high voltage power supply, the benefits of the EBCCD's reduced weight and size are further

advanced. Figure 3 communicates the reduction in size and weight of the EBCCD over the ICCD


EBCCD sensor tests demonstrated significant advantages over standard intensified CCD sensors. These

advantages include:

1. Increased sensitivity that allows for greater resolution under low light conditions;

2. Superior contrast and resolution that allow for better target identification;

3. Increased dynamic range that allows for better contrast and less blooming;

4. Reduced size and weight that allow for more covert imaging and helmet mounting;

5. Increased mechanical integrity and reliability allow for longer lifetime; and

6. Lower cost.

Page 4: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

The term EBCCD is commonly used to describe the detector that embodies the image tube and the back-

illuminated CCD as well as to describe the back-illuminated CCD in the image tube vacuum. Whenever

possible the authors use the term 'EBCCD' or 'EBCCD sensor' to describe the hybrid consisting of the

image tube and the back-illuminated CCD, and have used the term 'electron-bombarded CCD' or 'back-

illuminated CCD' when referring to the actual CCD array.

Figure 3 . Photograph showing the advantages in form factor available to the 25mm EBCCD approach over the conventional 25mm ICCD approach.


The EBCCD achieves nearly 'ideal', noiseless gain through the electron bombarded semiconductor (EBS)

cascade process. Electron gain in an EBCCD sensor results when a high energy primary electron

dissipates its energy in the silicon of the CCD. Every 3.6 eV of energy lost by the primary electron

generates approximately one electron-hole pair. Diffusion in the silicon separates the electron-hole pairs.

The substrate connection collects the holes. The potential wells formed by the applied gate voltages

Page 5: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

collect the amplified signal electrons. To the first order, the signal gain in the EBCCD is proportional to

the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons prior to their impinging on the CCD back surface. This

mechanism provides a convenient mean of controlling the overall gain of the tube by varying the

acceleration potential. Figure 4 displays an energy loss profile for the back-illuminated CCD [1].

In order to maximize the EBS gain, the 'active' material must dissipate the energy from the incident

electron and the CCD pixel must efficiently collect the electrons. To obtain EBS gain in the active

material, it is necessary for the photoelectron to enter the pixel from the back surface of the CCD -- away

from the gate structures that dissipate the electron energy. The back surface is typically thinned to a

thickness of 10 to 15 microns to optimize signal electron collection efficiency. Because the back surface

contains only a thin layer of epitaxial silicon and no device structures, the incident electron is able to enter

the active material with sufficient energy to allow high EBS gain.

Critical to the performance and stability of the device is the recombination phenomena at the back

surface. Proper back surface passivation (accumulation) is required to increase the collection efficiency

and to prevent 'surface trapping'. Figure 4 illustrates that below 2 keV a majority of the incident electron

energy is dissipated within a tenth of a micron from the back surface. To prevent recombination from

interfering with the gain process, it is critical that the surface be properly accumulated.

Penetration depth (um)


















0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

4 keV

6 keV

8 keV

10 keV

Figure 4. Incident high energy electron energy loss profile as a function of distance from the back surface of a back-illuminated CCD [1].

At acceleration voltages sufficient to overcome the surface 'dead-layer', the back surface region where a

majority of electron-hole pairs recombine, the following equation approximates the EBS gain:

Page 6: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

Gb Vacc Vdl

( )( )



3 6 (1)

where: Vacc is the accelerating voltage applied to the tube between the photocathode and the CCD; Vdl

is the voltage equivalent of the loss due to electron-hole pair recombination in the CCD back surface dead

layer; and b is the proportion of back scattered electron energy. The average energy required to create an

electron-hole pair in silicon is about 3.6 eV. In practice, 6 kV accelerating voltages obtain gain greater

than one thousand. For accelerating energies less than about 1 keV, the dead voltage model breaks down

and EBS gain is no longer linear. In fact, non-zero gains are measurable at virtually all accelerating

voltage potentials [1].

The EBS multiplication process exhibits low fluctuations. The gain variance, 2, is expressed as:

2 = F x G (2)

where F, the Fano factor, is 0.12 for silicon [2]. The low noise EBS process allows the EBCCD to obtain

much larger STN than a standard Gen-III image intensified CCD. To describe the degradation in signal-

to-noise attributable to the gain process, one uses the 'noise figure' coefficient, NFC. The ratio of the

input signal STN to the image tube's output STN defines the NFC and quantifies the system signal-to-

noise degradation due to the sensor. A perfect sensor has a 1.0 noise figure and introduces no additional

noise to the input signal. The EBCCD noise figure is expressed as:

NFC = 1 +


1 - b . (3)

As silicon backscatters approximately 16% of the incident primary electrons, a noise figure of 1.09 is

attainable. In comparison, a noise figure of 2.0 or greater is typical for a standard Gen-III image

intensifier [3].

The Gen-III filmed MCP electron multiplication noise dominates the noise figure of a Gen-III image

intensifier tube. By not using an MCP, the EBCCD takes advantage of the high quantum efficiency of

the GaAs photocathode without suffering the degradation in STN due to the MCP. The EBCCD tube has

almost double the STN performance of a standard tube. In fact, for EBS gains greater than 10, the noise

figure will be almost entirely determined by b, the electron backscatter coefficient.

Page 7: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

Because the first stage gain inversely reduces the noise figure contribution of subsequent stages, the first

amplification stage typically dictates the overall noise figure of the system. Low noise CCD amplifiers

exist with noise performance equivalent to as little as 35 electrons per pixel at RS-170 bandwidths. A

first stage gain of 200 will sufficiently eliminate further signal degradation by noise. An EBCCD with

35 electron readout noise and a 200 EBS gain is capable of single photon sensitivity.

Figure 5 shows the EBS gain curve measured on a SITe model SI502AB back-illuminated CCDs using a

Hitachi S4000 scanning electron microscope as an electron source. To optimize the back surface

accumulation process, CCDs manufactured with two different passivation processes were tested. To

calculate EBS gain, the beam currents on a Faraday cup were compared to the currents measured in the

back-illuminated CCDs. Due to the process dependent effects of electron-hole pair recombination at the

back surface, one passivation process shown in Figure 5 has significantly higher gain characteristics than

the other. The better process approaches theoretical gain performance.

Figure 5. SITe SI502AB back-illuminated CCD EBS gain versus incident electron energy measured in a Hitachi Model S4000 scanning electron microscope

The EBCCD gain performance was verified in an operational mode with two EBCCD sensors fabricated

using SI502AB back-illuminated CCDs and GaAs photocathodes. The CCDs' thinned back surfaces were

accumulated using the process shown in Figure 5 to result in higher gain characteristics. The EBCCD

EBS gain was tested using two methods. First, the ratio of the average signal in the electron bombarded

CCD pixel to a calibrated input light signal was used to compute the EBS gain. Second, the EBS gain

was calculated from the ratio of the variance to the mean of the signal in the CCD. The two methods used

to calculated the EBCCD EBS gain are consistent, and demonstrate agreement with the measurements

made using the electron beam of the SEM. Plotted in Figure 6 is the experimental device gain measured

at various acceleration voltages.

Incident Energy (eV)












0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Process 'A'

Process 'B'

Theoretical (350eV dead layer)

Page 8: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

Figure 6. EBS gain measured on EBCCD #B versus acceleration voltage

2.2 EBCCD PERFORMANCE: Resolution and CTF

Three low light imaging sensors were fabricated and tested: 1) A SITe model SI502AB back-illuminated

CCD; 2) An Intensified CCD fabricated using a SITe SI502AF front-illuminated CCD array

fiberoptically coupled with a Schott 1:1 magnification 6 micron pore, type 32A glass window to an

Intevac 45 lp/mm GaAsP photocathode image intensifier tube; and 3) An Electron bombarded CCD

fabricated using a SITe SI502AB back-illuminated CCD separated by a .055 inch spacing from an Intevac

'extended-blue' GaAs photocathode. Experiments were conducted to determine the ability of each sensor

type to resolve various spatial frequency bar targets under photon shot-noise limited performance

conditions. Figure 7 exhibits each of the sensor's responsivity characteristics. Also shown in the Figure

is the responsivity of a high performance scientific grade front-illuminated CCD.

Figure 7. Responsivity characteristics of a SITe SI502AB back-illuminated CCD, a SITe SI502AF front-illuminated CCD, an Intevac GaAsP photocathode, and an Intevac GaAs photocathode.

The experiments used a diffuse 590 nanometer light source to image a 'multi-burst' target on each device.

Availability, rather than experiment design, governed the choice of a GaAs photocathode for the EBCCD

and a GaAsP photocathode for the ICCD. As is seen in Figure 7, although the GaAsP has 65 percent

greater responsivity at 590 nanometers than does the GaAs photocathode, both photocathode materials

Accelerating V oltage









0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000

Wavelength (nanometers)




y (A









350 550 750 950

Front CCD




Page 9: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

have good sensitivity. Although not optimal, 'ease of manufacturing' dictated the 0.055 inch

photocathode to the EBCCD spacing. A closer spacing, less than .018 inches, will result in higher

resolution and modulation transfer characteristics.

So that a 'true' comparison could be made between the sensor types, each sensor manufactured for the

experiments incorporated the SITe SI502A family of CCD imagers . The SI502A family is of a 512x512

format with 24 micron square pixels. Multi-burst bar target images were obtained using the SITe model

SMEC SI502 camera electronics. The SME Series of camera electronics is a versatile low noise (10

electrons rms/sample), 100 kHz, 14-bit module that optimally operates all of SITe's CCD products. The

same electronics module tested all three sensors. Figure 8. Measured CTF for an SI502AB back-illuminated CCD, a GaAs SI502AB EBCCD, and a GaAsP SI502AF ICCD

Figure 8 depicts each sensor's measured CTF. So that photon statistics would dominate the sensors' noise,

the measurements in Figure 8 used 'high light' signal levels. The light levels were chosen for each device

to corresponded to 80 percent of the CCD pixel 'full well' and were obtained while operating the device

for maximum sensitivity. As was anticipated, the back-illuminated CCD's CTF is superior to the

EBCCD as well as the ICCD over all spatial frequencies. The EBCCD's CTF is only slightly lower in

contrast than the back-illuminated CCD's CTF and, depending upon the spatial frequency of interest, is

20% to 100% higher in contrast than the ICCD's CTF. At their 'limiting' spatial resolution, unlike

CCDs, MCP image intensifier tubes have very low contrast. Moreover, the image intensifier tube's non-

linear intra-scene dynamic range degrades the contrast of the ICCD system.

Figure 9 contains a multi-burst target image obtained using an EBCCD and an ICCD for 16.67

millisecond exposures and a 6.6*10-7 footcandle faceplate illumination. It is apparent from the images

Spatial Frequency (lp/mm)














0 5 10 15 20 25




Page 10: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

that the EBCCD has much higher signal to noise and higher CTF than does the ICCD. As it is difficult to

determine the absolute contrast range from printed images, the comparative CTF for the EBCCD and the

ICCD for a 6.6*10-7 footcandle faceplate illumination and a 16.67 millisecond exposure is shown in

Figure 10.

The figures show that the superior EBCCD signal to noise characteristics will result in a better contrast

modulation and limiting resolution. In this respect, the low light EBCCD imagery is comparable in

contrast and resolution to daylight CCD imagery, and does not contain the 'washed-out', low contrast

characteristics of ICCD sensors. In particular, the low and medium spatial frequencies, frequencies found

to be critical for nighttime navigation, are dramatically superior in the EBCCD. As previously was

mentioned, a closer photocathode-to-CCD spacing will further improve the EBCCD CTF performance

over that of the ICCD.

The square-wave transfer function of the sensor is a physical property of the information link between the

scene and the observer. Unlike image intensified systems which obtain high resolution information at the

expense of gray level information, the EBCCD has high contrast as well as high resolution information.

Although the psycho-physics of scene interpretation is beyond the scope of this paper, if one considers

the total area beneath the CTF curve as a measure of the amount of scene information transmitted by the

sensor to the user, Figure 10 reveals that the EBCCD has greater than 95% more contrast resolution

information, as defined herein, than does the ICCD. Figure 11 contains a plot of the ICCD's CTF

measured at various exposure levels. Figure 12 contains a similar plot for the EBCCD and shows that at

low light levels the information content advantage of the EBCCD over that of the ICCD is even greater.

Figure 13 depicts the effects of the acceleration voltage on the EBCCD's CTF. For low acceleration

voltages, the electron's radial emission energy is a larger percentage of the acceleration energy. At low

accelerating voltages, the biplanar, proximity focused, electron lens optics dictate a wider distribution of

collected electrons at the back surface of the EBCCD. Increasing the accelerating voltage decreases the

spread of the distribution of accelerated electrons at the back surface and increases the EBCCD's CTF


Page 11: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

A. Electron bombarded CCD B. Intensified CCD

Figure 9. Images of multi-burst target for GaAs SI502AB EBCCD and SI502AB ICCD using a 16.7 millisecond exposure and 6.6*10-7 footcandles faceplate illumination using a 590 nanometer wavelength source. Figure 10. Measured CTF for GaAs SI502AB EBCCD #A (1.8 keV) and SI502AB ICCD using a 16.7 millisecond exposure -6.6*10-7 footcandles 590 nanometer wavelength source.

Spatial Frequency (lp/mm)














0 5 10 15 20 25



Page 12: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

Figure 11. Measured CTF for GaAsP SI502AB ICCD for various light levels (footcandles of faceplate illumination using a 590 nanometer wavelength source)

Figure 12. Measured CTF for GaAs SI502AB EBCCD for various light levels (footcandles of faceplate illumination using a 590 nanometer wavelength source)

Figure 13. Measured CTF for GaAs SI502AB EBCCD for various acceleration voltages @ 1*10-4 footcandles faceplate illumination using a 590 nanometer wavelength source. The CTF for a back-illuminated SI502AB CCD is also shown.

Spatial Frequency (lp/mm)














0 5 10 15 20 25





Spatial Frequency (lp/mm)














0 5 10 15 20 25





Spatial Frequency (lp/mm)














0 5 10 15 20 25

500 eV

1000 eV

1500 eV

2000 eV

CCD (highlight)

Page 13: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light


The accelerated photoelectrons that produce the electron-hole pairs in the CCD also produce soft X-rays

as they bombard the silicon. Although the kilovolt electrons incident on the CCD's back surface do not

travel far enough into the silicon to affect the front surface gate structures (see Figure 4), the gate

insulator may absorb the X-rays and cause the production of fixed charge in that region as well as

'trapping' states at the Si-SiO2 interface. Damage to the gate structure oxide layers from keV level X-rays

will likely result in increased dark current and decreased full-well capacity. The intensity and dose of the

X-rays produced in the CCD are proportional to the number of incident electrons and their accelerating


Because of the X-ray's dependency on the incident electron's energy, a reduction in the accelerating

potential will minimize the intensity of the X-rays produced. However, reducing the accelerating

potential undesirably decreases the sensor's gain and contrast resolution. Similarly, as X-rays produced

further from the gate structure have lower probability of traveling to the gate structures, increasing the

back surface's thickness will result in fewer X-rays reaching the front surface. Albeit, at the expense of

contrast resolution.

As multi-pinned phase (MPP) CCDs operate in an 'inverted' mode, they are less susceptible to the effects

of ionizing radiation than are standard modes of CCD operation . Operating a CCD in MPP mode does

somewhat compromises the pixel's capacity to hold charge. Using accelerating voltages below 1.8 keV

(K-alpha X-ray producing energy in silicon), using radiation compatible gate dielectrics, and using an

MPP operating mode will minimize the effects of radiation damage in the electron bombarded CCD.

To determine the increase in CCD dark current attributable to high energy electron bombardment, a SITe

model SI502AB CCD, thinned to a less than a 15 micron epitaxial thickness, was tested in a Hitachi

model S4000 scanning electron microscope. Using a 1*10-2 C/cm2 electron dose, the experiment varied

the electron accelerating energies incident on the back-illuminated CCD and measured the resulting

increase in CCD dark current. Figure 14 shows the increase in dark current versus incident electron

energies. On the graph's right y-axis is the sensor's relative lifetime operating with a 1*10-4 footcandle

faceplate illumination. The back-thinned CCD's 'lifetime' is defined, herein, to be a 50 electron per pixel

increase in CCD dark current per 16.7 millisecond integration period. A 50 electron increase in dark

current will result in low light performance limited by the CCD's dark current shot noise and not the

CCD's readout noise and will thus begin to degrade contrast and sensitivity. The experiment

demonstrated that at accelerating voltages below 1.8 keV, the lifetime of both MPP and non-MPP CCDs

will exceed the operation life of military Gen-III image intensified tubes, which is typically specified at

15,000 hours.

Page 14: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

Accelerating Energy, Operating Mode.


k cu


t inc


e (p


























rs o

f O



at 1






Figure 14: Dark current increase versus acceleration energy and operating mode for 1*10-2 C/cm2 electron dose. 1*10-2C/cm2 is equivalent to one year at 1*10-4 footcandles of faceplate illumination assuming 1200 micro-amps/lumen photocathode sensitivity. Also shown is lifetime (hours of operation x 1000) at 1*10-4 footcandles where lifetime is defined by an increase in dark current of 50 electrons per pixel per 1/60th second at room temperature.

Gallium arsenide photocathodes are particularly susceptible to contamination from residual gases within

the tube. Not having to use an MCP for gain removes over 0.240 square meters of surface area from the

image tube vacuum. The SI502AB used in the EBCCD sensor has only 0.00015 square meters of active

surface area. Since the EBCCD image tube has a relatively small volume compared to traditional image

intensified tubes and does not have the MCP's surface area to contend with, the EBCCD's photocathode

will have a far longer lifetime. Optimization and characterization of the EBCCD's lifetime will be an area

of continuing research.

Furthermore, the EBCCD's back surface thinning process must be compatible with high temperature

semiconductor processing. As organic materials degrade image tube lifetime, the adhesive used in the

back-illuminated CCD's supporting structure must contain no organic materials. Until recently, these

requirements have limited the maturation of thinned, back-illuminated CCDs for EBCCD applications.

The EBCCD image tube is inherently easier to process than standard image tubes. Because it does not

require a microchannel plate, a phosphor screen, or fiberoptics, the device is very simple to manufacture.

In addition to the pure material costs, the manufacturing tolerances required for the spacing between these

components increases the complexity and the cost of manufacturing conventional, high resolution, image

tube ICCDs.

Page 15: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light


On the basis of a previously published performance model for ICCD devices [3], a model was derived for

each of the three sensor types. The model uses the modulation transfer characteristics and the signal-to-

noise of the ICCD's components to predict the sensor's low light level limiting resolution. Although CTF,

an optical system's response to a square wave pattern, is easier in practice to measure than MTF, MTF

has an advantage. In the case of components in cascade, the optical chain's MTF response is the product

of each component's MTF. The relationship between the MTF sine-wave response and the CTF square-

wave response is obtained by Fourier analysis.

As ambiguity arises when applying a single-valued isoplanatic MTF value to data from a discontinuous

non-isoplanatic discrete pixel CCD array, a wide variation in experimentally obtained MTF data will

result for small sample sizes. The model approximates the average anticipated value for MTF for large

sample sizes.

When used with visible light, the contrast resolution of large pixel devices, with thin epitaxial layers, is

not degraded by charge spreading at the CCD's back surface. Thus, a Sinc function approximates a back-

illuminated CCD's optimal geometric modulation transfer. A factor, , set equal to 1.6 to approximate

experimentally obtained mean MTF values, was introduced into the Sinc function.

MTF = ccd sin( )

( )

W f

W f


In contrast to visible light which is absorbed near the CCD's depletion region, electrons are absorbed

within several tenths of microns of the CCD's back surface (see Figure 4). The research team anticipated

that the 'electron cloud' resulting from the EBS gain process would have a point spread function larger in

area than the CCD pixel. To test the effect of electron bombarded charge spreading on MTF, difference

frames were obtained by subtracting two uniform 'flat field' images. Difference frames remove fixed

spatial pattern noise from the analysis. The charge from non-overlapping regions of pixels was then

summed to form images of statistically independent 'super-pixels'. For photo-electron shot noise limited

operation, the variance of a difference frame divided by the mean of the difference frame will calculate

the EBS gain. Figure 15 depicts the gain (variance/mean) plotted as a function of the number of pixels

used to form each of the image's super-pixels.

In the absence of charge spreading, pixels of a difference frame are statistically independent, and the

resulting variance/mean (gain) curves' slopes are flat with respect to the number of binned pixels. The

Page 16: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

curves' offsets along the y-axis are proportional to the acceleration voltage. Analysis reveals that cross-

talk among the pixels due to charge spreading causes an inflection point in the gain curves at

approximately 16 binned pixels -- a 4 x 4 'super-pixel'. For the case of the SI502AB CCD used in the

experiments, this approximates a 96 micron diameter region of correlation in the variance.

Linearity of the curves' slopes below 16 pixels suggests a gaussian distribution of charge spreading due to

diffusion in the epitaxial layer. The inflection point at approximately 16 'binned' pixels on all the curves

is consistent with electron absorption relatively close to the back surface. The shape of the energy

distribution is dependent primarily on the distance between the back surface and the edge of the CCD's

depletion region. The effects of the distance between the back surface and the depletion region, the

acceleration voltage, and the 'dead-region' thickness on EBCCD performance will be items of further


Figure 15. Plot of variance/mean of difference frames obtained from subtracting two 'flat field' images at various acceleration voltages and 'binning' the charge of pixels to form images of 'super pixels'

An exponential, whose curve is primarily dependent on the thinned epitaxial region's thickness with

regard to the depletion region, models charge spreading in the epitaxial layer's effects on the back-

illuminated CCD's MTF. Having quantified the effect of electron charge spreading due to the EBS gain

process, the theoretical EBCCD MTF characteristics are modeled by convolving the exponential term

used to describe the gaussian effects of the EBS electron diffusion in the CCD (the third term in Equation

5), with the MTF of a biplanar electron lens [4] ( the first term in Equation 5), and with the MTF term for

the CCD array (the middle term in Eq. 5):

#pixels binned











1 10 100

300 eV

500 eV

1500 eV

1800 eV

Page 17: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

MTF = e *eebccd (-4 (

VimVs (- ( s-Xd 2

2 22)( ) ) ) ( ) )*

sin( )

( )

fL X fW f

W f (5)

where, Vim is the maximum radial emission energy (eV), Vs is the acceleration voltage (eV), f is the

spatial frequency (lp/m), L is the spacing of the proximity focused diode, W is the linear dimension of the

CCD pixel (m), Xs is the thinned CCD epitaxial layer's thickness, and Xd is the CCD depletion layer


An expression was derived for the MTF of an image intensifier tube by fitting an exponential curve to the

MTF measurements of a high performance 1600 micro-amp/lumen, 47 lp/mm 18 millimeter Gen-III GaAs

image intensifier tube. The first term in Equation 6 shows the resulting correction. The MTF of the

image intensifier convolved with the Bessel function of the first order, used to model the MTF of the

fiberoptic coupler [5], and the CCD MTF term (Equation 4) forms an expression for the ICCD MTF.

MTF = eiccd f( / . ) .

*[( )

( )] *

sin( )

( )2000 1 1 215 2J V f

V f

W f

W f


where: J1 is a Bessel function of the first order, and V is the fiberoptic coupler's core-to-core pitch.

The modeled MTF performance curves are shown in Figure 16, and when expressed as a square wave

response, reasonably approximate the data obtained experimentally. To test the EBCCD model, the

effect of the acceleration voltage on the EBCCD's MTF was modeled. The results plotted in Figure 17

are consistent with the experimental data shown in Figure 13.

Figure 16. Modeled MTF: EBCCD (1.8 keV), ICCD, and back-illuminated SI502AB CCD using the design parameters of those devices manufactured for the above described experiments.

Spatial Frequency (lp/mm)














0 5 10 15 20 25




Page 18: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

Figure 17. Modeled CTF for GaAs SI502AB EBCCD for various acceleration voltages (eV) - 590 nanometer light.

In a 100% contrast square-wave grating the light passes through the white lines without significant

attenuation; no light passes through the black lines. When this pattern is imaged by an optical sensor; the

image contrast transfer Ci is given by


N Ni

w b

w b =


+, (7)

where Nw and Nb are the number of signal electrons from the white and black lines respectively.

Because the contrast loss is caused by the light spread from the white lines into the black lines, the sum

of Nw and Nb is essentially constant for all spatial frequencies . The equation used to represent the signal

from the white lines of an imaged square-wave pattern is:


eGainc s

f = .10 76 , (8)

where: 10.76 is the conversion from ft2 to m2; Ic is the faceplate illumination (footcandles); A is the

detector's pixel area at the focal plane (square meters); Rs is the sensor's responsivity(A/W); Tf is the

sensor's field integration time (seconds); e is an electron's charge (1.602*10-19 C/e); and Gain is the

sensor's electron gain (-).

The signal from a white line of the bar target is expressed as:

S SIG CTF N pixspix f = ( )( )( )( ) , (9)

Spatial Frequency (lp/mm)














0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20





Page 19: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

where: CTF is the sensor's square-wave response; Nf is the number of frames integrated by the eye; and

pixs is the number of pixels imaging the white line.

The equation

Noise SIG Gain N N N N pixspcdk ccdk a f = ( + + + ))( ) ( )( )2 2 2 2 (10)

models the noise of the system. Npcdk is the number of electrons per pixel per frame generated in the

CCD by photocathode dark current (in the case of the unmodified back-illuminated CCD, Npcdk = 0),

Nccdk is the dark current signal attributed to the CCD, and Na is the sensor's readout noise.

The signal to noise ratio is thus given by the equation




pix( ) log = (

1) 20 , (11)

where: NFC is the noise factor due to the gain mechanism ( a value of 1.00 for a back-illuminated CCD;

approximately 1.09 for an EBCCD, and approximately 2.00 for an ICCD).

Equation 1 defines the expression for the EBCCD's Gain, Gain(ebccd). Alternatively the model may use

the experimental EBS gain from the curve in Figure 6. Equation 3 defines the EBCCD's noise figure,

Noise(ebccd), to be approximately 1.09 for acceleration voltages greater than 400 V.

The expression for the gain of an ICCD is:

Gain ICCD G T Va Vo Ep SccdMCP fo( ) ( )( ) = , (13)

where: GMCP is the microchannel plate's electron gain (-); Tfo is the fiberoptic coupler transmission (-);

Va (eV) is the acceleration voltage from the output of the MCP to the phosphor screen (eV); Vo is the

dead voltage attributed to the phosphor screen (eV); Ep is the phosphor screen's efficiency (-); is the

spectral matching factor between the phosphor screen and the CCD (-); and Sccd is the peak quantum

efficiency of the CCD (-). The noise figure of the ICCD is dominated by the microchannel plate's noise

figure and is typically greater than NFC(ICCD) = 2.

For the purposes of simulation, the gain and the noise figure of a standard back-illuminated CCD are

set to unity : Gain CCD( ) = 1 and NFC(CCD) = 1.

Page 20: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

Parameters used to manufacture the SI502AB back-illuminated CCD, ICCD, and EBCCD were used to

test the model against the experimental data. The parameter values used in the simulation are listed in

Appendix A. Figure 18 presents simulated performance curves of a back-illuminated CCD, an ICCD,

and an EBCCD. The curves show signal-to-noise, expressed in decibels, versus spatial frequency,

expressed in line pairs per millimeter, for 6.6*10-7 footcandles of faceplate illumination.

Approximately six decibels (dB) of signal with respect to noise is necessary for the human eye to resolve

a three-bar target [3]. A comparison of the spatial frequency at which each device STN curve crosses the

six dB point with the point that corresponds to three percent modulation (limiting resolution) on the

Figure 10's CTF curve, shows that the model accurately predicts the limiting resolution measured for each

of the three device types. For example, the Figure 18 calculated STN curve for the ICCD crosses over the

six dB point at 13 lp/mm and also crosses the Figure 10 three percent modulation point t 13 lp/mm. The

Back-illuminated CCD achieves limiting resolution at approximately 7 lp/mm for both the experimental

and the simulated data . The EBCCD's Nyquist frequency limits its resolution in both the simulated and

experimental cases. The model was verified at three other light levels, and was found to approximate the

measured device performance.

Figure 18. Modeled signal to noise (dB) versus target spatial resolution SI502AB EBCCD, ICCD, and back-illuminated CCD measured at 6.6*10-7 footcandles of faceplate illumination

Spatial Frequency (lp/mm)


N (









0 5 10 15 20 25





Page 21: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light


A video rate, low light level, EBCCD surveillance camera development effort is in progress. The design

uses a back-illuminated CCD, full frame-transfer architecture consisting of a 652 x 488 pixel array of 13.5

micron square pixels. 'Binning' in the serial register during readout forms a 13.5 micron (H) x 27 micron

(V) pixel. Shifting the binning operation's centriod by a single horizontal line during alternate fields

interlaces the video. As designed, the CCD runs at 13.5 MHz with 35 electrons rms readout noise. The

2/3 inch CCD format allows standard 18 mm image intensifier photocathode, image tube ceramics, and

manufacturing tooling to be used in the EBCCD design.

Figure 19 depicts the modeled performance of a 2/3 inch back-illuminated CCD, a 2/3 inch ICCD, and a

2/3 inch EBCCD, at 1.0*10-4 footcandles -- deep twilight lighting condition, where conventional CCDs

cannot operate. The Figure shows the EBCCD to be superior in STN performance at most spatial

frequencies. Surprisingly, at this light level, at all spatial frequencies the back-illuminated CCD is

superior in STN to the ICCD.

A low light imaging device's performance is proportional to its gain, its modulation transfer

characteristics, its responsivity, and its noise figure. A low light imaging system must embody all of

these factors and cannot maximize one at the expense of another. The modeled performance of the three

distinct devices clearly shows that ICCD's gain is achieved at the expense of MTF as well as at the

expense of the noise figure. The ICCD is ,therefore, limited in its ability to transmit information from the

scene to the user. In fact, the data shows that a back-illuminated CCD, despite an absence of a gain

stage, is a higher performance alternative to an ICCD for moderately low light levels.

Due to nearly ideal gain characteristics and good modulation transfer, the EBCCD is superior to the ICCD

over all spatial frequencies and in all light conditions. Figure 20 illustrates the three sensor types'

modeled performance at 2.2 *10-6 footcandles of faceplate illumination. As is seen in the model, at this

light level the limited number of photons in the target scene requires that a gain stage be used to

overcome the system noise. The back-illuminated CCD is useful only at very low spatial frequencies.

The 2/3 inch EBCCD has useful response almost out to the Nyquist limit, and has more than 60% greater

limiting resolution ( the point at which the curves crosses the 6 dB line) than does the ICCD.

Page 22: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

Figure 19. Modeled Signal to Noise Ratio versus Target Spatial Resolution 13.5 micron x 27 micron 2/3" Video EBCCD, ICCD, and back-illuminated CCD with 1.0*10-4 footcandles illumination Figure 20. Modeled Signal to Noise Ratio versus Target Spatial Resolution 13.5 micron x 27 micron 2/3" Video EBCCD, ICCD, and back-illuminated CCD with 2.2*10-6 footcandles faceplate illumination

Figure 21 illustrates the faceplate illumination level required by each sensor to resolve spatial frequency

targets. The Figure shows the EBCCD's performance to be superior at all spatial frequencies and at all

illumination levels. For targets that exceed a 15 lp/mm focal plane spatial frequency, a bare back-

illuminated CCD is superior in its low light imaging capability to an ICCD. These results suggest that

the EBCCD, in combination with a back-illuminated CCD, will fully span the performance range

previously occupied by video front-illuminated CCDs and ICCDs. Moreover, at moderate light levels,

Spatial Frequency (lp/mm)


N (









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40





Spatial Frequency (lp/mm)


N (









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40





Page 23: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

approximately 1*10-4 footcandles, such is characteristic of many night vision applications, the back-

illuminated and the EBCCD, provide better performance than the ICCD.

Figure 21. low light illumination required to resolve various spatial resolution targets, 13.5 micron x 27 micron 2/3" video EBCCD, ICCD, and back-illuminated CCD.


Although the electron bombarded CCD concept was proposed early in the development of the CCD,

back-illuminated CCDs compatible with image tube vacuums have not been available. The EBS gain of

the SITe SI502AB back-illuminated CCD was successfully characterized in a scanning electron

microscope and in a proximity focused vacuum diode. Tests verified that nearly noiseless gain exceeding

240 is obtainable at acceleration voltages below 1.8 keV. A first stage gain of 240 is sufficient to

virtually eliminate further system noise degradation of the signal and achieve single photon sensitivity.

Achieving adequate gain at acceleration voltages below 1.8 keV avoids generating K-alpha X-rays and,

thus prolongs the lifetime of the EBCCD's back-illuminated CCD. Preliminary lifetime experimental

results show that using radiation hardened gate dielectrics and operating the devices in MPP mode allows

for negligible back-illuminated CCD performance degradation over the operational lifetimes expected of

night vision imaging devices. Experiments demonstrated that superior signal to noise and contrast

transfer characteristics allow the EBCCD sensor (shown in Figure 22) to be more sensitive and higher

resolution than conventional ICCD approaches. In the future, EBCCDs manufactured with closer spacing

of the photocathode to the back-illuminated CCD and optimized back surface passivation will further

advance the benefit of the EBCCD over the ICCD. On the basis of data gained in the experiments, a

model was developed that was shown to predict the low light performance of back-illuminated CCDs,

ICCDs, and EBCCDs. The research team used the model to design and simulate the performance of a

video rate back-illuminated CCD sensor and an EBCCD sensor. The development of these new devices

will realize a new generation of night vision devices.

Spatial Frequency (lp/mm)



te I







, 286


g T










0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35




Page 24: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

6.0 REFERENCES [1] Reinheimer, Alice L. and Blouke, Morley M., "A simple model of electron-bombarded CCD gain" in Charge-Coupled Devices and Solid State Optical Sensors IV, Morley M. Blouke, Editor, SPIE 2172 [2] W. van Roosbroeck, "Theory and yield and Fano factor of electron-hole pairs generated in semiconductors by high energy particles," Physical Review, Vol. 139 No. 5A, pp.A1702-16, Aug. 30, 1965 [3] Williams, George M. , "A high-performance LLLTV CCD camera for nighttime pilotage: in Electron Tubes and Image Intensifiers, C.B. Johnson and Bruce N. Laprade, Editors, SPIE 1655 [4] Eberhardt, E.H. Applied Optics, Vol. 16, No. 8, 2127 (1977)

[5] Eberhardt, E.H. , in ITT Technical Note # 126.

Figure 22. A 25 millimeter SI502AB, 512 x 512, GaAs EBCCD manufactured in a cooperative research and development

effort by Scientific Imaging Technologies, Inc. and Intevac EO Sensors.

Page 25: Electron bombarded back-illuminated CCD sensors for low light

Appendix A.

EBCCD, ICCD, CCD Model Parameters

Rs(CCD) = 5850 (microamps/lumen,2854 deg tungsten lamp) - Back-illuminated CCD responsivity

Rs(GaAs EBCCD, ICCD) = 1600 (microamp/lumen, 2854 deg tungsten lamp) - GaAs photocathode responsivity

NFC(CCD) = 1.00 (-) - CCD noise figure

NFC(ICCD) = 2.00 (-) - ICCD noise figure

NFC(EBCCD) 1.09 (-) EBCCD noise figure

Gmcp = 500 (-) - Electron gain of the microchannel plate

(Va-Vo) = 2,500 (V) - The difference of the phosphor screen voltage and its dead layer voltage

Ep = 0.08 (-) - The phsophor screen's efficiency

= 0.35 (-) - The spectral matching factor between the P-20 phsophor and the CCD

Tfo = 0.75 (-) - The transmission of the fiberoptic

A = 5.76E-10 (meters2) (24 micron square pixels - SI502AB) - Area of pixel

Tf = .0167 (seconds) - The video, field integration time

Nf = 3.5 (frames) - The number of frames integrated by the eye

pixs= 4/(5*f^2)/A (pixels/line-pair) - 1951 Air Force three bar targets.

e = 1.602*10-19 (C/e)

Npcdk(EBCCD) = (100*10-11amps/m2)(A)(Gain(EBCCD))(Tf)/e

Npcdk(ICCD) = (100*10-11amps/m2)(A)(Gain(ICCD))(Tf)/e

Npcdk(CCD) = (0 amps/m2)(A)(Gain(CCD))(Tf)/e

Nccdk = (amps/m2)(A)(Tf)/e 108 electrons/pix/frame (non-MPP)

(amps/m2)(A)(Tf)/e 9 electrons/pix/frame (MPP)

Na= 40 (electrons rms, 13 MHz, 23 deg C) - CCD readout noise