electronic patients records system based on oracle apex

Electronic Patients Records system based on Oracle Application Express A real life case study

Upload: jan-karremans

Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Electronic Patients Records system based on Oracle Application Express

A real life case study


Who am I Background Challenge Technical Selection The Solution APEX wishlist Recap

Who am I

Jan Karremans Working in IT since 1991 Working with Oracle since v. 7 on Alpha VMS From administration to development From customer to sales / management Oracle SE evangelist around the Globe

I’m on-line

Jan Karremans

[email protected]



Reversed Q&A

Position of Oracle APEX? Standard Edition database? Healthcare background?

Obviously there are more APEX

implementation architectures possible!


VIR e-Care Solutions

Healthcare Software development Complete medical / administrative support Based in and focused on The Netherlands 45 staff and growing 30+ years in business


Dutch Healthcare sector Host based / Client - Server application Small development team Broad operational field

It is called…

The main product, Ecaris is:

A computer system which supports the complete treatment-process of each patient

Primarily arranged for multi-disciplinary working organizations

Arranged for each Healthcare organization

Built from separately available modules


8,000 users total

2 core developers

164 k. clinical tests / year

App. 400 concurrent +100 k. appts. /


€ 395 mio. annualy


Challenge - 1

Create a web based solution

Without big infrastructural (€) changes Easy to maintain Maximum use of system resources

Challenge - 2

Create Oracle Forms like* functionality

* Full keyboard support

Completely functional plan board


Challenge - 3

Retain delivery methodology


Selection - infra


Not an option, to difficult Oracle Enterprise

Even with special terms too expensive Oracle Standard (One)

Strong core, peripherals made to fit

Selection - technique 1


Too limited environment

Still needs lots of additional programming ADF

Does not ‘fit’ PL/SQL environment

Way to ‘intense’

Selection - technique 2


Fit for 60 per cent of environmentNote: this is summer 2010


90% PL/SQL

100% fit to technical requirements


This is an APEX session

This is an APEX solution!

Demo plan board

All mouse-clicks are also function keys

1. Show plan board

2. Mouse-over’s (no function keys, obviously)

3. Appointment contents (with warning)

4. Appointment change history

5. Changing plan board layout

6. Move appointment

Demo plan board


Core architecture

“Zero Footprint”

Core System

Monolithic, secure application core

Oracle database Standard Edition One Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache Backbase BXML Ajax Toolkit

– Replacement under investigation

Core System

Specific settings

Rule Based Optimizer“If you have developed OLTP applications using Oracle version 6, and if you have tuned the SQL statements carefully based on the rules of the optimizer, then you might want to continue using the RBO when you upgrade these applications to a new Oracle release.”


Core System

Default system

HP rx2600 w. HPUX 11i R3 2 CPU w. 2 cores 12 GB RAM


Oracle Reports Server Awkward licensing Knee fall to architecture, why?

Alternate solution PL/PDF or iAdvise Doxxy

Disaster proofing

Standby database critical in Healthcare Oracle Data Guard not available

Alternate solution Dbvisit Standby

Federated authentication

Web application needs single sign on Support from application core

Alternate solution Dell now Quest One Quick Connect


Healthcare informatics is comprised of numerous individual systems

Standard messages HL7 (http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/HL7)

Open source broker

Alternate solution Mirth connect

Offloading and BI

Operational BI Management BI Optimization settings Second database required

Alternate solution Dbvisit Replicate

Microsoft Office integration

Actually just xml Legacy ODBC connections

not possible with SaaS delivery

Alternate solution iAdvise Docufy


Weakest link Under surveillance

Alternate solution Nagios


Application Performance Monitoring Analyse and compare performance Get numbers to feeling

Gartner APM Conceptual Framework


Lowest TCO possible Super fast Rock stable

Looks like a lot of work…

Many systems Much configuration But isn’t this always so? “Setup and forget”

APEX Wishlist

Active Directory integration Connection driven background image Zero Footprint Reporting FOEX Connect to the community

Key points (recap)

Oracle Application Express is a valid choice for core systemsYes!

Oracle Database Standard Edition is a valid choice for core systemsYes!

There are valid alternatives to the Oracle Red StackYes!

Q & A

The End…

Jan Karremans

[email protected]

