electronic resources management: functional integration in technical services

Electronic Resources Management Functional Integration in Technical Services George Stachokas Purdue University

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Page 1: Electronic Resources Management: Functional Integration in Technical Services

Electronic Resources Management

Functional Integration in Technical Services

George StachokasPurdue University

Page 2: Electronic Resources Management: Functional Integration in Technical Services

Changes in information use

ARL library statistics* Median circulation of print materials in 1991 =

509,673 Median circulation of print materials in 2009 = 414,

482 Median number of students in 1991 = 18,290 Median number of students in 2009 = 23,303 [Circulation per student in 1991 = 27.9] [Circulation per student in 2009 = 17.8]

*Kyrillidou, M. & Morris, S. (2011). ARL Statistics, 2008-2009. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries.

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Changes in Library Budgets ARL libraries spent around $1.3 billion

on library materials in 2008-2009*.

56.33 percent* of library materials budgets was spent on electronic resources during this period.

*Kyrillidou, M. & Morris, S. (2011). ARL Statistics, 2008-2009. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries.

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University of Washington Library

Print initial circulation 2007/2008 = 711,833 2011/2012 = 511,877

Successful full text downloads 2007/2008 = 5,445,094 2011/2012 = 6,047,758

User Population Teaching faculty in 2007/2008 = 3,728 Teaching faculty in 2011/2012 = 3,841 Graduate students in 2007/2008 = 9,555 Graduate students in 2011/2012 = 11,276

Retrieved from https://www.lib.washington.edu/assessment/stats/default on November 8, 2013.

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Summary of Problem I

Print usage is in continuous decline in most academic libraries.

Electronic usage continues to increase in most libraries.

The majority of the materials budget in most academic libraries is now spent on electronic resources and continues to increase.

Library technical services is still mostly organized to manage print resources.

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Summary of Problem II

Cloud based systems and other changes in technology reduce the overall number of personnel required for technical services.

Work will increasingly shift to professional and student staff and away from clerical or support staff.

The degree of local customization of service is more important than collection size for determining the need for local technical services positions.

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Electronic Resources Management

Replace current technical services organizational structure with integrated electronic resources management Content Management User Support Licensing Acquisitions/Payment Processing

Metadata (included or closely coordinated)

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Electronic Resources Management

Combine remaining clerical or support staff personnel who manage print resources into a Print Resources Unit.

The Print Resources Unit will be phased out over time as the overall usage and size of the print collection continues to decline.

Clerical or support staff could also be reassigned to regional shared print repositories if positions are available.

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Major Functional Areas in Electronic Resources Management (ERM) Unit

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Responsibilities of ERM Units I Acquisitions/Payment Processing

Processing invoices and financial data entry into ILS/ERM/LMS

Preparing standardized reports for collection analysis, including cost-per-use and overlap analysis

Licensing Negotiating license agreements with vendors Assistance with collection analysis

Metadata Creating, enhancing, and correcting metadata

records for electronic resources Batch processing of metadata records

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Responsibilities of ERM Units II Content Management

Activating electronic resources in knowledge base(s) used by the library

Managing e-resource management tools including link resolver and proxy server

Configuring and branding electronic resource platforms Gathering COUNTER compliant usage statistics and managing

SUSHI harvesting client User Support

Troubleshooting access problems to electronic resources Functionality testing of electronic resource platforms and electronic

devices used to access electronic resources Print Resources

Acquiring and receiving print and other physical materials, including government documents

All copy cataloging for print and other physical materials.

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Integration of Work within ERM and across Units

Routine work should be completed entirely within the Electronic Resources Management (ERM) Unit whenever possible to maintain a high level of efficient and competent service.

Work that cannot be completed entirely by ERM should be integrated formally with other units by plotting out general processes in advance whenever possible.

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Example I: General Process for Troubleshooting Access Problems

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Troubleshooting Access Problems: Areas of Responsibility by Unit

ER User Support▪ Broken Links▪ Proxy Server Configuration▪ Knowledge Base Configuration▪ Payment Problems ▪ Vendor Support

Metadata▪ Incorrect or missing metadata

Library IT▪ Library system applications▪ Library IT infrastructure (including user account/privileges)

Institutional IT▪ University IT infrastructure (including user account/privileges)

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Example II: Functionality Testing of Electronic Resources

Usability testing is increasingly common in libraries and is usually managed by specialized librarians or IT professionals

Libraries also need to explore functionality testing such as the routine testing of electronic resource platforms and the accessibility of eBooks, online journals, databases, and streaming media using various electronic devices

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Why testing is important? Electronic resource platforms are

constantly changing – testing is required to ensure correct configuration and branding.

Finding major problems before users do, by no means easy, helps to protect the library’s reputation as a reliable information service provider.

Information about malfunctioning platforms and/or poor technology support provided by vendors is useful for collection development.

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Functionality vs. Usability Testing

ER User Support tests functionality Routine functionality testing to determine how an electronic

resource platform is actually working Routine functionality testing to determine how an electronic

device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) accesses library eBooks, streaming media, and other online content

Identify and refer available configuration options to other library personnel without making any recommendations

Library IT, specialized librarians, or other professional library personnel test usability Advanced testing of how users actually identify and make

use of electronic resources and devices Make recommendations for how an electronic resource

platform or electronic device should be set up by the library

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Functionality Testing: Downloading an eBook to selected mobile device

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Change can be made in stages if no other option is available.

Use attrition, changes in library systems or management tools, or other reorganization efforts in the library as excuses to experiment with developing new ERM positions. Individual positions can later be reorganized into new units.

Offer retraining opportunities to clerical and support staff and evaluate their potential for new work.

Be honest with personnel about opportunities in technical services.

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Electronic Resources Management

The exact size, skill sets, and organizational structure of technical services will continue to vary greatly among libraries, but electronic resources management is the appropriate focus for technical services in contemporary libraries, not print.

The only constant in managing electronic resources is change.

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Thank you!

George StachokasHead, Resource ServicesPurdue University [email protected]