elementary kids bible reading plan series: the story, part 2

12 Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY, Part 2 Week 13: The King Who Had It All November 18-22 Recommended version of the Bible to read: New Living Translation (NLT) David was king for forty years, and he did an excellent job leading Israel. He was getting very old, and it was time to hand over the kingdom to his son, Solomon. Before David died, he gave Solomon the plans for the temple and instructions to always obey God. Solomon made his kingdom great by using the wisdom that God had given him. Day 1: Read 1 Kings 3:3-14. What did Solomon ask God for? If you had one wish, what would you ask for? Why do you think God rewarded Solomon with more than he asked for? Day 2: Read 1 Kings 6:1-13. Solomon built a temple for God. What could you build or make to show God how important he is to you? Day 3: Read Proverbs 4:6-7. Why is wisdom so important? What do you think the difference is between being wise and being smart or intelligent? Day 4: Read James 1:5. Do you think God wants to give us wisdom? How do we can gain wisdom? Day 5: Read Proverbs 19:20. Who do you get advice from? Who are the wise people in your life that you turn to for instruction? Is it hard for you to take advice from other people? Why or why not? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you grow in Gods wisdom all the days of your life. Childrens Bible Reading Plan October 7—November 22

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Page 1: Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY, Part 2


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY, Part 2

Week 13: The King Who Had It All November 18-22

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT)

David was king for forty years, and he did an excellent job leading Israel. He was getting very old, and it was time to hand over the kingdom to his son, Solomon. Before David died, he gave Solomon the plans for the temple and instructions to always obey God. Solomon made his kingdom great by using the wisdom that God had given him. Day 1: Read 1 Kings 3:3-14. What did Solomon ask God for? If you had one wish, what would you ask for? Why do you think God rewarded Solomon with more than he asked for?

Day 2: Read 1 Kings 6:1-13. Solomon built a temple for God. What could you build or make to show God how important he is to you?

Day 3: Read Proverbs 4:6-7. Why is wisdom so important? What do you think the difference is between being wise and being smart or intelligent? Day 4: Read James 1:5. Do you think God wants to give us wisdom? How do we can gain wisdom?

Day 5: Read Proverbs 19:20. Who do you get advice from? Who are the wise people in your life that you turn to for instruction? Is it hard for you to take advice from other people? Why or why not? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing:

May you grow in Gods wisdom all the days of your life.





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Overview for Parents: We’re moving on to Part 2 of The Story ! In these next seven chapters we will be covering the stories of Joshua through the life of King Solomon. The Story Bible Reading Plan for children is your opportunity to encounter God in His Word with your family in a meaningful way. Preschool age children will be learning from their Beginner’s Bible. Elementary age kids will read through the basic stories of the Bible that tell the whole story— from beginning to end. Through this series, you and your children will get a bird’s eye view of the Bible. We encourage you to share your own love of God’s Word with your child, and talk with them about what you are learning in your daily reading, on Sunday mornings, and in your group sessions. Allow your child time to freely talk about and ask questions about what is being learned. We hope you are enjoying this experience of being “on the same page” as your children as together you embark on this spiritual journey through the Bible.

Preschool Bible Reading Plan

Series: THE STORY, Part 2

Week 7: The Battle Begins October 7-11

This week read these two stories in The Beginner’s Bible with your child and use them to teach that God can win any battle! Sometimes God uses strange methods, like marching in circles and blowing horns to fight a battle, but He is always right. Explain to your child how important it is to trust God’s plan and to live their lives God’s way. Even if His way seems difficult, God will always help us win the battle in the end. Talk about how God sometimes helps us through other people. Think about someone your preschooler may know that needs help, and decide on something you can do together to help that person. This story is a fun one for kids to act out! Take time to play “knock the wall down” with blocks or other items to reemphasize what they learned from the story!

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Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY, Part 2

Week 12: A King Makes Bad Choices November 11-15

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT)

David tried to do what God wanted him to do, but he made a terrible mistake when he saw a woman named Bathsheba. She was married, but David wanted her to be his wife—so he had her husband go into battle where he was killed. Then David married Bathsheba. David knew what he did was wrong, and repented to God. Day 1: Read 2 Samuel 12: 1-10. How was the story about the lamb similar to what David had done with Bathsheba? Why do you think David couldn’t see that he had done evil? Have you ever had a hard time confessing that something you did was wrong?

Day 2: Read Psalm 51:1-12. How did King David show he was sorry for what he had done? What happens when we are sorry for the wrongs that we do?

Day 3: Read 1 John 1:9. What happens when we confess our sins? Can you think of something you need to ask forgiveness for? Day 4: Read Proverbs 28:13. What happens when we hide our sins? What do you think it means to “turn” from our sin?

Day 5: Read Isaiah 43:25. Does God bring up our past sin after he has forgiven us? Do you still feel guilty for things you have asked forgiveness for? Remember that God doesn’t hold those things against you. Weekly Faith 5 Blessing:

May you repent from your sin and find freedom in God’s forgiveness!

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Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY, Part 2

Week 11: From Shepherd to King November 4-8 Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT) God knew who he wanted to be the new king of Israel, so he sent Samuel to Bethlehem to secretly anoint the new king. When Samuel got there, he couldn’t believe who God had picked—not a tall, strong man, but a young shepherd named David! Even though David was young and small, God used him to defeat a mighty giant named Goliath. David fought in God’s strength, and God can give us courage when we face giants in our life as well!

Day 1: Read 1 Samuel 16:1-13. What does God tell Samuel in verse 7? Why do you think God cares more about our hearts than what we look like?

Day 2: Read 1 Samuel 17:1-11. What was Goliath’s challenge to the Israelites? Would you have been afraid if you had to fight against a 9 foot tall giant? Think of a time you have been afraid of something. How did you handle it?

Day 3: Read 1 Samuel 17:32-37. Why does David think he can beat Goliath? What tools has God given you to defeat the things you are afraid of? Day 4: Read 1 Samuel 17:41-47. Why wasn’t David afraid? Have you ever used God’s promises to fight against the scary things in your life? Do you trust God to save you when you face the giants in your life?

Day 5: Read 1 Samuel 17:48-51. Who won the battle? Do you think David could have done that if God wasn’t on his side? Do you know that God is on your side even when things look bad? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing:

May you know that God will give you courage to face tough situations and conquer your fears.


Preschool Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY, Part 2

Week 8: A Few Good Men & Women October 14-18 This week read these three stories with your child and use them to show that even when we make wrong choices, God still loves us and will rescue us from trouble when we turn back to Him and ask for help. Show how God used Deborah and Gideon to help the people win a battle once they turned to Him. Talk about what happened to Samson when he chose not to listen to God and began doing things in his own strength. Show that in the end Sampson made the right choice to turn back to God, and God helped Samson when he called. Think about times when you and your child may need to ask God for help, like when you’re tired, angry, rejected, etc.

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Week 9: Two Kind People October 21-25 This week read this story a few times with your child, each time focusing on a different part of the story. First, read the story and talk about Naomi and what happened in her life. Read it again focusing on Ruth, and how she showed loving kindness to Naomi. And then read it and talk about Boaz and how he showed kindness to both women. Discuss ways you and your child can please God by showing kindness to others (including at home!) and make plans to do some of those things. Taking food, especially different types of grain like rice and oats, to a pantry will help reinforce the story.

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Preschool Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY, Part 2

Week 10: Messages From God October 28-November 1

This week read these two stories with your child and talk about how Hannah prayed to God and Samuel listened to God so that your child will understand that God answers and talks to us when we pray, too. Help your child understand that no matter what age we are, we can dedicate ourselves to the Lord. We can always find ways to serve Him, just like Samuel. We can show our love for Him by giving our lives to serving the Lord. Talk about ways you and your child can serve God at home, at school, and at church.

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Week 11: From Shepherd to King November 4-8

This week read these three stories with your child and share that God gives all of us the power to do great things. Even when we are small, we can accomplish big jobs with God. Just like little David defeated Goliath, we can do big important jobs, too. Talk about the truth that God looks at what is in our heart, whether or not we love Him enough to trust and obey Him. How we look on the outside doesn’t matter to Him. Saul started out a good king, but his heart changed and then God anointed David as the next king. Through the story of David and Goliath, we learn that total trust in God brings great courage. Have your child tell you about a time when he or she was brave, then tell your child about a time when you were brave. Do this five times: once for each of the five stones David used! Page 164 Page 168 Page 173


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY, Part 2

Week 10: Messages From God October 28-November 1

Recommended version of the Bible to read: New Living Translation (NLT)

Hannah’s husband loved her very much. But she was always sad, because she couldn’t have a baby. So Hannah went to God’s house to pray and ask him to give her a baby. God answered her prayer, and Hannah dedicated her son Samuel to the Lord. Samuel grew up hearing from God and listening to his voice. God always hears our prayers, and we can hear from God when we pray, too! Day 1: Read 1 Samuel 1:1-8. Have you ever wanted something so badly that you became upset when you didn’t get it? What did you want but not get? How did you resolve your problem?

Day 2: Read 1 Samuel 1:9-11. Hannah took her sadness to God and asked him to help. Think of a time in your life when you have brought your sadness to God and asked him to help.

Day 3: Read 1 Samuel 1:19-20. God answered Hannah’s prayer and gave her a son. Why did Hannah name her son Samuel? What does your name mean? Day 4: Read 1 Samuel 2:1-2. How did Hannah respond to God’s faithfulness? How do you respond when God answers your prayers?

Day 5: Read 1 Samuel 3:1-10. Even though Samuel was just a young boy, he took time to listen to God. When was the last time you took time to hear God’s voice? Do you believe that God will speak to you? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing:

May you know that God always hears your prayers, and wants to speak to you too!

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Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY, Part 2

Week 9: The Faith of a Foreign Woman October 21-25

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT) After a great tragedy, when both of their husbands die, Ruth and her mother in law Naomi travel to Naomi’s homeland of Israel. Although Ruth is a foreigner and not one of Gods people, she is faithful and kind to Naomi. God takes care of Ruth by giving her to a kind man named Boaz, who brings her into his family and God’s!

Day 1: Read Ruth 1:1-18. How did Ruth show kindness and loyalty towards Naomi? What are some ways you can show kindness to other people?

Day 2: Read Ruth 2:1-13. How did Boaz show kindness to Ruth? How has God rewarded you when you’ve shown kindness to others?

Day 3: Read Ruth 2:17-20. Boaz was a redeemer, which means he could take care of Ruth because her husband had died. Who is our redeemer? How does he take care of us? Day 4: Read Ruth 4:13-17. What happens to Ruth and Boaz at the end of the story? Do you think it pleases God when we show unselfish love like Ruth and Boaz did?

Day 5: Read Ephesians 4:32. What does this verse teach us about kindness and how we should treat each other? How can you put this verse into action this week? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing:

May you know that God is pleased and will reward you when you are loving and kind to others!


Preschool Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY

Week 12: King David November 11-15

This week read these three stories with your child and talk about what we can learn from David’s life and his relationship with God and with others. These are good stories to show how important family and friends are to us, how our actions and attitudes impact others, and how our relationship with God influences are choices. King Saul chose do his own thing and not to obey God, and it turned him into a very unhappy, angry and jealous man. David, while not perfect, was a good man who loved God with his whole heart and God watched over him. Share with your child some experiences you have had with friends, good and bad, and what you learned. Spend time looking over Psalm 23 and what it means to be sheep and to know God as our Good Shepherd.

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Week 13: The King Who Had It All November 18-22

This week read this story a few times with your child, each time focusing on a different truth of the story. First, use it to talk about asking God for things we need versus things we want. Solomon could have asked God for riches or fame, but he chose wisdom and God was pleased. God made Solomon a wise leader, and He can make us wise, too. Next talk about how God is the one who gives us all of our gifts and abilities, especially the ability to learn and tell others about God. Solomon is a good example of this; he used his wisdom to serve God. Then read it and talk about what it means and how important it is to worship God. Solomon built the first temple, or place of worship, for God.

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Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY, Part 2

Week 7: The Battle Begins October 7-11

Recommended version of the Bible to read: New Living Translation (NLT)

It was finally time for God’s people to enter the Promised Land. But first, a few strange things happened. God used an unlikely hero named Rahab to help his people spy out the new land. Then, he had the Israelites march around the city until the walls fell down! Sometimes God’s ways don’t make sense to us, but we can always trust that his plan wins the battle every time.

Day 1: Read Joshua 1:5-9. What does God command more than once in this passage? Why is it so important? How can you apply this commandment to your life?

Day 2: Read Joshua 2:1-7. God used Rahab, a woman with a sketchy background, to help his people in a big way. What does that tell you about who God is?

Day 3: Read Joshua 2:8-14. How did Rahab know that the God of Israel was the one true God? How do you know that our God is the one true God? Day 4: Read Joshua 6:1-5. What strange instructions does God give? Has God ever asked you to do something out of your comfort zone? Why do you think he does that?

Day 5: Read Joshua 6:20. What happened when the people obeyed? What happens when we obey God? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing:

May you know that God’s power wins the battle every time!


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY, Part 2

Week 8: A Few Good Men & Women October 14-18

Recommended version of the Bible to read: New Living Translation (NLT)

In the Book of Judges, we see God working through unexpected people over and over again. In the stories of Deborah, Gideon, and Samson, we will see how God uses us when we turn to him for strength. Even if we mess up, he always forgives us when we come back to him! Day 1: Read Judges 4:4-9. Back then, it wasn’t common for women to be leaders or people that conquered armies. But Deborah trusted God and God used her in amazing ways. What is more important—what other people think you can do, or what God thinks you can do?

Day 2: Read Judges 6:11-16. How did Gideon see himself? How did God see him? Do you think God sees you as stronger than you see yourself?

Day 3: Read Judges 13:1-5. What was the special purpose God gave Samson before he was born? What is your special purpose that God has given you? Day 4: Read Judges 16:4-22. What happened to Samson after he finally gave away the secret of his strength? Have you ever been tempted to do something you knew was wrong? What were the consequences?

Day 5: Read Judges 16:23-31. What did Samson ask God? Why do you think God gave him his strength back one last time? Have you ever asked God to help you in a time of need? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing:

May you turn to God to be your source of strength and power!