elena sartorius - portfolio

Des mots Pourquoi des mots? Words Why words? Elena Sartorius Rédactrice / Writer Bilingue français/anglais Bilingual English/French [email protected]

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Elena Sartorius - Portfolio

Des motsPourquoi des mots?

WordsWhy words?

Elena SartoriusRédactrice / Writer

Bilingue français/anglaisBilingual English/French

[email protected]

Page 2: Elena Sartorius - Portfolio

Elena Sartorius


Rédactrice et auteur bilingue (français/anglais), poèteet parolière à mes heures, je collabore avec des organisations, des médias et des particuliers, principalement dans les domaines du social, de la santé, du développement et de la culture.

Je traduis aussi. Du français à l’anglais, ou de l’anglais et de l’espagnol au français.

Voici un aperçu de mon travail.

Quelques mots pour me présenter

A few words about me

Bilingual (English/French) writer and author, poet and lyricist at times, I work with organizations, the media

and individuals, mostly on social, health, development and cultural issues.

I also translate., from English and Spanish to French, or French to English.

Here is a sample of my work.

Sommaire Contents

Articles (p.3-5)


Contenu Web (p.6-7)

Web content

Publications d’organisations (p8-10)

Organization publications

Livres (p.11-12)


Audiovisuel (p.13)


Chansons et poèmes (p.14-16)

Lyrics and poetry

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ArticlesArticlesArticlesArticlesMagazine Magazine Magazine Magazine NewsNewsNewsNews

“ Des reportages, des interviews, des portraits, des billets d’humeurtouchants, amusants, informatifs, dansun style affirmé ”

“ Compelling, funny, and /or informative stories, interviews, portraits or columns in a personal style “


Elena Sartorius


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Elena Sartorius



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Elena Sartorius


La Côte

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Besoin d’un article? Une description?Une biographie? Une traduction?

Elena Sartorius

ContenuContenuContenuContenu WebWebWebWeb ContentContentContentContent

Need a story? A description?

A bio? A translation?



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Elena Sartorius

Contenu originalet/ou traduction

Original contentand/or translation


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Des témoignagesdu terrain

Des descriptions de projetspour votre rapport annuel

Stories from the field

Project descriptions for your Annual Report

Elena Sartorius


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Elena Sartorius



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Elena Sartorius

“An example of self-improvement for the entire country” is how the Honduran pressdescribed Josec Ruiz, after he regained his title of Central America and theCaribbean featherweight champion, last October in Colombia. Humble and natural,this 20-year old boxing athlete is true to himself in spite of a dazzling career, andnot ashamed of revealing where he comes from. For Josec Ruiz had to fight it thehard way, from the streets of his Caribbean hometown, to the ring, after an initiatoryjourney through foster homes, where he learnt the meaning of ‘survival of the fittest’.

It was Sister Leonarda, a nun determined to keep children away from becomingdrug mules in the northern port of Limón, who brought the starving ten year oldstreet urchin to her orphanage. When he turned 14, she drove him to the capital,where she left him in the hands of Casa Alianza’s educators. “I was a rebel in theorphanage, and used to fight a lot”, he explains. At the new foster home, hereceived a warm welcome from the staff. “They seemed happy to have me thereand treated me well”, he remembers. “I was surprised, because no one had donethat before”.[…]The expression in Josec Ruiz’s eyes changes instantly from gentle to fierce, as soon as he stands on the ring, ready to fight. Something deep,painful and powerful fills his chest, arms, legs and mind. That inner rage that triggers the deadly sting which earned him the surnameEscorpión, “the Scorpion”, and left the Colombian champion flat on the ground. The thought of the streets, and the misery, and the hunger,and the humiliation, and the gangs, which each punch and each victory keeps him away from. For Josec Ruiz, to lose would mean having togo through that hell all over again. The Garifuna boxer strikes a merciless blow. In her grave, Sister Leonarda might forgive him for choosingto exorcise his demons with his fists and his gloves, although she wasn’t particularly pleased when he started to train at the age of 16: “Ibrought you to Tegucigalpa to study”, she scolded him, “not to fight!”

JosecJosecJosecJosec ““““EscorpiónEscorpiónEscorpiónEscorpión” Ruiz, 20” Ruiz, 20” Ruiz, 20” Ruiz, 20

“I spent the best moments of my life in the Scouts, where I was treated like a son, a “I spent the best moments of my life in the Scouts, where I was treated like a son, a “I spent the best moments of my life in the Scouts, where I was treated like a son, a “I spent the best moments of my life in the Scouts, where I was treated like a son, a brother, a friend”brother, a friend”brother, a friend”brother, a friend”



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Livres Livres Livres Livres BooksBooksBooksBooks



Biographie de l’auteurRésumé


Author bioSummary

Elena Sartorius


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Elena Sartorius


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Confie-moi tes imagesJe te donnerai mes mots

Elena Sartorius


Lend me your images I will give you my words

English: https://vimeo.com/107808648

Français: https://vimeo.com/113372095

I am I am I am I am ---- Reaching out to those living and working with mental illnessJe Je Je Je suissuissuissuis ---- A ceux qui vivent et travaillent avec la maladie mentale

Texte, narration et traduction Text, narration

and translation


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LyricsLyricsLyricsLyricsPoetry Poetry Poetry Poetry

Elena Sartorius 14

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How about a poem to enhance your pricelist?


Elena Sartorius


Page 16: Elena Sartorius - Portfolio

How about a poem for your pricelist?


Elena Sartorius

Et pourquoi pas un poème pour humaniser votre liste de prix?