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MI N ISTERU L EDUCATI EI NATIONALE Crislina Mircea Elena Sliclea , ""j''i \,D ijijJii irlojpj '.'('I)r' )r -./,Booklet Bucuregti, 2019

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Crislina MirceaElena Sliclea

, ""j''i \,D ijijJii irlojpj'.'('I)r'


-./,BookletBucuregti, 2019

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uNrT l. HELLO, EVERYBODy!.................9 UNrT 8. AT THE 2OO...........................65Greeiings . Numbers I -,l0 . lntroducing Wild onimols . Activities . Expressingo person: nome ond oge obilities. Giving shorl onswers tol.l. 1.3. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 3.1. quesiions: Where is/ore? Whol's your

fovourite onimol?uNrT 2. WELCOME TO RATNBOW l.l. 1.3. 2.1. 2.4. 3.1.scHooL! .......................17School obiects . Asking (WHERE) ond UNIT 9. lN TOWN................................73poiniing lhe ploce: on, in, under Nomes of ploces in town o Position ofo Colours. Commonds buildings in lown. Giving shortl.l. 1.2. 1.3. 2.1. 2.4. 4.1. onswers: ihe toy shop is ...

UNIT 3. My FAMtLy ........25 l'l' 1'2' l'3' 2'1' 2'3' A'1'

Greeiings. Fomily members, Numbers, UNIT r0. I GET TO SCHOOL BY BUS....8lOpposites: hoppy/ sod, beoutiful/ ugly eic. Toys' Numbers 'l -'l 0'Meons of lronsporlLl. 4.1. l.l. 1.2. 2.3. 2.4.

3.1 . 4.1.uNrT 4. MY HOUSE ........33Rooms . Obiects of furniture . Asking UNIT f I. A DAY lN THE GARDEN ........89(WHERE) ond pointing the ploce: on, in, Leisure octivities. Fomily membersunder. Expressing ocfions . Asking ond giving short onswers1 .2. I .3. 2.1. 2.4. 3.1 . o Expressing obilities . Expressing octions

l.r. 1.3. 2.1. 2.3. 2.4.UNIT 5. MY FAVOURTTE TOY...............41 3.1. 4.1.Toys. Opposites: toll/ short, fotl slimo Colours o Shopes UNlf 12. FUN ACT1V1T1ES....................971.2. l 3. 2.1. 2,2. 2.3. 2.4. 4,1 . Fun ociivities . Moments of the doy

. Expressing octionsuNlT 6. MY BEAUTTFUL HAtR...............49 l.l. 1.3. 2.1. 2.4. 3.1. 4.1.Humon body . Opposiles . Commonds'r.1. r.3. 2.2. 3.r. FtNAt REVTSION r............................105

uNIT 7. AT THE FARM............ .....,........57 FINAT REVISTON 2 ............................108

Domestic onimols . Opposites. Colours pROJECTS..... . . ... ..... ... . . I I l

. Counting onimols. Position of obiectsin spoce. Expressing octions TAPESCRIPTS """""""'116l.l. 1.2. 1.3. 2.1. 2.4. 3.r. 4.1.

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.l,lr.. ;i, ', i,i i'j

t't[j u.,!, 1.,"; ;]'iYBfr E]YB

Look, listen qnd point:

6 v'66^':@€l












1,, @@ _.-- f,6ng*@@-

Hello, everybody!I'm Chrisiie.I'm Tommy. This is Jenny.Nice to meet you.

Jenny: Eyel


0Look ogoin. Soy the nqmes of the children;

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D tvtqtch the pictures to the words:

I Goodbye!

a Hello!

2 Nice lo meel youl 3 This is Ben.

5 l'm Lisq.



Write lhe correct word:

I Nice lo meet you.

2 Whol's



Tqlk ro your friend:Exomple: Nice 1o meel you.

Whol's your nome?

I om Christie.

-meel is

a This




to meet you.


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,Il Look, listen ond point:

+/i?,'.iChristie: lt's my birthdoy todoy.Jenny: How old ore you?

Christie: l'm 8 iodoy.Jenny: Hoppy birthdoy!€hrislie: How old ore you?

Jenny: l'm 9.

Christie: GreotlTommy: Wow, look!Blip Blop: Hellol l'm Blop.

Zl listen qgqin. Soy ond write:@ Chrirti" is _ yeors old.


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Il Counr from I ro l0! Write the missing numbers:

1_ _4 6 I 10

pl Morch

J\\ / lhree:

I SeVefl I

lhe words to lhe numbers:

: eight '

nine four,


Look ond soy:


You: How old ore you,Mike?Mike: l'm three.

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B Fill in the missing numbers. Then" soy the words:

Write the numbers in the boxes:

fou r

E Wrile the missing words:Exomple:5+3-8Five ond lhree is eight.

t 2+4-6Two ond

- is six.

2 5+4:9ond four is nine.

3 I + 9 = l0ond nine is ten.

4 2 + 8 - l0ond eight is ten.

5 3+7:lOThree ond is len.


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pl Moke o "Hoppy Birthdoy" cqrd:


Let's sing!/t


One little, two little, three little condlesFour little, five little, six little condlesSeven little, eight little, nine little condlesTen little cqndles on my cokel

Ten liltle, nine little, eight little condlesSeven little, six little, five little condlesFour little, three little, wo little condlesOne liltle condle on my coke!



'i !


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El Put the lines of the song in order:

One little condle on my coke!

Four little,lhree little, two little condles,

Seven little, six little, five little condles,

Ten little, nine little, eight little condles,

E Ploy with your friend:

Exomple: Simon soys... Drow 2 condles.You drow 2 condles.

Fill in the missing number. Then, soy the sum:

B Tongue twister!


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D fitt in rhe missing lefiers:

leight ls_x It__e_2 Circle the mistqkes:


l. How old6h)you?

Reqd qnd motch:

I A, H"ttotB: Hellol

I nr rhit is Joson.B:

I s-v-- I

2, I ore three.

3. This ore Ben.

4. How old is you?

5. lt's my birthdoy yesterdoy.



h's my birthdoy todoy!

How old ore you? I A: Goodbye, everyonelB:


How I lhink I'm doing: @a @n @a