elenco completo riviste bats - unicalbats.unical.it/cataloghi/riviste batscompleto2010.pdf ·...

Elenco completo riviste BATS N. SIST. N.progr. Titolo Casa editrice Biblioteca NOTE A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A A.A.A.A.A.A . 260644 1 AAM Terra nuova AAM Terra nuova M 146480 2 AAPG bulletin dal 2009 solo on-line version American Ass. Petr. Geol. TER ABBON. 204028 3 Abhandlungen des meteorologischen und hydrologischen Akademie Verlag TER M 234739 4 Abitare Editrice Abitare Segesta Spa PIA M 182917 5 Abstracts of papers presented to the A.M.S. A.M.S. MAT M 81182 6 Abstracts with programs Geological Society of America TER ABBON. 234521 7 Acciaio Siderservizi STR M 29029 8 Accounts of chemical research dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON. 215327 9 ACI materials journal dal 2009 solo on-line version A.C.I. (American Concrete Institute) STR ABBON. 215333 10 ACI structural journal dal 2009 solo on-line version A.C.I. (American Concrete Institute) STR ABBON. 276041 11 ACM Ada letters A.C.M. DEIS M 34968 12 ACM Computing surveys dal 2009 solo on-line version A.C.M. DEIS A+M mat 34971 13 ACM sigplan notices. Programming languages A.C.M. MAT-DEIS M 51427 14 ACM transactions on computer systems (Tocs) A.C.M. MAT-DEIS M 216500 15 ACM transactions on database systems (Tods) dal 2009 solo on-line version A.C.M. DEIS ABBON. 234611 16 ACM transactions on graphics (Tog) A.C.M. DEIS M 229675 17 ACM transactions on information systems (Tois) A.C.M. DEIS M 232797 18 ACM transactions on mathematical software (Tomas) A.C.M. DEIS M 59691 19 ACM transactions on progr. lang. & syst.(Toplas) A.C.M. MAT-DEIS M 208154 20 Acqua Federgasacqua DIF M 204031 21 Acqua (L') Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana DIF A+M ter 20960 22 Acqua e aria Be Ma Editrice DIF-MEC-PIA M 67408 23 Acque sotterranee Geo-Graph DIF ABBON. 82731 24 ACS Single article announcement American Chemical Society CHI M 51429 25 Acta arithmetica dal 2009 solo on-line version Intl. Publ. Service MAT ABBON. 60954 26 Acta chemica scandinavica A Chemical Society CHI M 288419 27 Acta chemica scandinavica B Chemical Society CHI M Pagina 1

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Elenco completo riviste BATS

N. SIST. N.progr. Titolo Casa editrice Biblioteca NOTE


260644 1 AAM Terra nuova AAM Terra nuova M146480 2 AAPG bulletin dal 2009 solo on-line version American Ass. Petr. Geol. TER ABBON.204028 3 Abhandlungen des meteorologischen und hydrologischenAkademie Verlag TER M234739 4 Abitare Editrice Abitare Segesta Spa PIA M182917 5 Abstracts of papers presented to the A.M.S. A.M.S. MAT M

81182 6 Abstracts with programs Geological Society of America TER ABBON.234521 7 Acciaio Siderservizi STR M

29029 8Accounts of chemical research dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.

215327 9 ACI materials journal dal 2009 solo on-line version A.C.I. (American Concrete Institute) STR ABBON.215333 10 ACI structural journal dal 2009 solo on-line version A.C.I. (American Concrete Institute) STR ABBON.276041 11 ACM Ada letters A.C.M. DEIS M

34968 12 ACM Computing surveys dal 2009 solo on-line version A.C.M. DEIS A+M mat34971 13 ACM sigplan notices. Programming languages A.C.M. MAT-DEIS M51427 14 ACM transactions on computer systems (Tocs) A.C.M. MAT-DEIS M

216500 15ACM transactions on database systems (Tods) dal 2009 solo on-line version A.C.M. DEIS ABBON.

234611 16 ACM transactions on graphics (Tog) A.C.M. DEIS M229675 17 ACM transactions on information systems (Tois) A.C.M. DEIS M232797 18 ACM transactions on mathematical software (Tomas) A.C.M. DEIS M

59691 19 ACM transactions on progr. lang. & syst.(Toplas) A.C.M. MAT-DEIS M208154 20 Acqua Federgasacqua DIF M204031 21 Acqua (L') Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana DIF A+M ter

20960 22 Acqua e aria Be Ma Editrice DIF-MEC-PIA M 67408 23 Acque sotterranee Geo-Graph DIF ABBON.82731 24 ACS Single article announcement American Chemical Society CHI M51429 25 Acta arithmetica dal 2009 solo on-line version Intl. Publ. Service MAT ABBON.60954 26 Acta chemica scandinavica A Chemical Society CHI M

288419 27 Acta chemica scandinavica B Chemical Society CHI M

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29030 28Acta crystallographica. A : foundations of crystallog. dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell CHI ABBON.

29031 29Acta crystallographica. B : structural science dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell CHI ABBON.

29032 30 Acta crystallographica. C : crystal structure commun. Munksgaard Int. Pub. CHI M60949 31 Acta crystallographica. D : biological crystallography Munksgaard Int. Pub. CHI M72581 32 Acta electronica Lab. Elect. Phys. Appl. DEIS-TER M

288455 33 Acta embryologiae et morphologiae experimentalis Halocynth Association ECO M288279 34 Acta endocrinologica Scandinavian University press BIO M204035 35 Acta geodaetica, geophysica et montanistica Akademia Kiado TER M204037 36 Acta geographica Societè de Geographie TER M288627 37 Acta geologica academiae scientiarum hungaricae Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia TER M204038 38 Acta geologica hungaricae Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia TER M204042 39 Acta geologica polonica Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe TER M204045 40 Acta geophysica polonica Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe TER M

72580 41 Acta informatica Springer DEIS M57601 42 Acta mathematica dal 2009 solo on-line version Inst. Mittag-Leffler MAT ABBON.34973 43 Acta mathematica hungarica Akademia Kiado MAT M34974 44 Acta mechanica Springer MAT-STR M29033 45 Acta metallurgica University of Toronto Press CHI M

204047 46 Acta palaeontologica Polonica Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe TER M204051 47 Acta technica/Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia TER-STR M209257 48 Acta theriologica ZBS PAN ECO ABBON.146521 49 Acta vulcanologica Accademia Editoriale TER ABBON.

144205 50Advanced engineering informatics (Già: Artificial Int. In Eng.) dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier MEC ABBON.

72582 51 Advances in applied probability Appled Probability Trust DEIS M202899 52 Advances in botanical research Elsevier ECO M229578 53 Advances in ecological research Elsevier ECO M

67894 54Advances in engineering software dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier MEC-DIF ABBON.

203901 55 Advances in geometry dal 2009 solo on-line version Walter de Gruyter MAT ABBON.288283 56 Advances in geophysics Academic Press TER M202854 57 Advances in insect physiology Academic Press ECO M

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230581 58 Advances in marine biology Academic Press ECO M

34975 59 Advances in mathematics dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press MAT ABBON.288282 60 Advances in microbial ecology Plenum Press ECO M288291 61 Advances in microbial physiology Elsevier ECO M288292 62 Advances in optical and electron microscopy Academic Press ECO M288294 63 Advances in physics Taylor & Francis FIS M

67897 64Advances in water resources dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier DIF ABBON.

288278 65 AEI automazione energia informazione A.E.I. DEIS M212613 66 AEIT A.E.I.T. DEIS M

34976 67Aequationes mathematicae dal 2008 solo on-line version Birkhauser MAT ABBON.

208159 68 Aes rivista dell'antinquinamento Eris DIF M146963 69 Agrartechnik Veb Verlag Technik MEC M

72418 70 Agricultural engineering American Soc. of Agricult. Engineers MEC-DIF M204056 71 Agricultural meteorology Elsevier TER M

67901 72Agricultural water management dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier DIF ABBON.

72412 73 AIAA journal dal 2009 solo on-line version A.I.A.A. STR A+M mec72585 74 AICA association internationale pour le calcul analog. A.I.C.A. DEIS M29036 75 Aiche equipment testing procedure A.I.C.H.E. INGCHI M29034 76 Aiche journal dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley INGCHI ABBON.83235 77 AICHEMI mod. instr. A A.I.C.H.E. CHI M

289019 78 AICHEMI mod. instr. B A.I.C.H.E. CHI M289020 79 AICHEMI mod. instr. C A.I.C.H.E. CHI M289021 80 AICHEMI mod. instr. D A.I.C.H.E. CHI M289024 81 AICHEMI mod. instr. E A.I.C.H.E. CHI M289025 82 AICHEMI mod. instr. F A.I.C.H.E. CHI M289028 83 AICHEMI mod. instr. G A.I.C.H.E. CHI M

34977 84 Algebra universalis Birkhauser MAT M204062 85 Alpen Bulletin Schweizer Alpen Club TER M204057 86 Alpes. Revue (Les) Club Alpin Suisse TER M

72583 87 Alta frequenza A.E.I. DEIS-TER M

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289034 88 Alta frequenza. Rivista di elettronica A.E.I. DEIS-TER M72211 89 Alternatives Institute for world order PIA M

250546 90 Aluminium international today DMG World media MEC ABBON.212660 91 Ambiente e sicurezza sul lavoro E.P.C. DEIS ABBON.

67409 92 Ambiente salute e territorio Loffredo ed. ECO-DIF M204066 93 Ambio Unitersitetshor laget TER M

72421 94American ceramic society / Bulletin dal 2009 solo on-line version American Ceramic Society MEC ABBON.

1172 95 American economic review American Economic Association PIA M

202959 96American journal of botany dal 2009 solo on-line version Botanical Society of America ECO ABBON.

16935 97American journal of human genetics dal 2009 solo on-line version Cell Press / Elsevier BIO ABBON.

34978 98American journal of mathematics dal 2009 solo on-line version Johns Hopkins Univ. Press MAT ABBON.

6252 99 American journal of physics American Institute of Physics FIS ABBON.

16871 100American journal of physiology endocrinology and metaboloism dal 2009 solo on-line version American Physiological Society BIO ABBON.

81184 101 American journal of science Kline Geol. Lab. Yale University TER ABBON.34979 102 American mathematical monthly M.A.A. MAT ABBON.59880 103 American mineralogist (The) Mineralogical Society of America TER ABBON.

220362 104 American paleontologist (Alleg. a "Bull. of amer. pal.") Paleontological Research Inst. TER OMAGGIO72584 105 American programmer Cildren's Computer Co DEIS M

144203 106 American society for testing and mater.: proceedings A.S.T.M. MEC M144202 107 AMJ: Agricultural machinery journal IPC Agricultural Press MEC M

83231 108 Ammonia plant safety & relat. facilities A.I.C.H.E. INGCHI M204067 109 Anales del Instituto de Geofisica Universitad Nat. Autonoma Mexico TER M289189 110 Analysis Basil MAT M

34980 111 Analysis: int. math. j. of analysis and its appl. R. Oldenbourg MAT M112 Analyst On line Version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.

29045 113 Analytica chimica acta Elsevier CHI M114 Analytical abstracts (Database) On line Version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.

29046 115 Analytical biochemistry Academic Press BIO-CHI M

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29047 116 Analytical chemistry dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.289211 117 Anatomical record (The) The Wister Institute Press ECO M

16870 118 Andrologia dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell BIO ABBON.

29048 119Angewandte chemie international edition dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley CHI ABBON.

204068 120 Angewandte meteorologie Akademie-Verlag TER M289259 121 Aniacap informazioni Ist. Auton. Econs. PIA M289260 122 Animal blood groups and biochemical genetics Blackwell BIO M

16872 123 Animal genetics Blackwell BIO M204072 124 Annalen der hydrographie und maritimen meteorolog. Mittler TER M204074 125 Annalen der meteorologie Deutschen Wetterdienstes TER M

34981 126 Annales acad. scientiarum fennicae.Series A I. Mat. Akateeminen Kirjakauppa MAT M244242 127 Annales acad. scientiarum fennicae.Series A I. Mat.Diss. Akateeminen Kirjakauppa MAT M204077 128 Annales d' astrophysique CentreNationale de la Recherche Sci. TER M

9490 129 Annales de geographie A. Colin ECO-TER M51435 130 Annales de la societe scientifique de Bruxelles Societe scientifique de Bruxelles MAT M

34982 131Annales de l'Institut Fourier dal 2009 solo on-line version University of Grenoble MAT ABBON.

51431 132Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré : analyse non linéaire dal 2008 solo on-line version Gauthier-Villars MAT ABBON.

289370 133 Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré : B : calcul des proba Gauthier-Villars MAT-FIS M51432 134 Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré : phys. theor. Gauthier-Villars MAT-FIS M51433 135 Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré : probab. et stat. Gauthier-Villars MAT-FIS M

289857 136 Annales des P.T.T. P.T.T. DEIS M289856 137 Annales des Ponts et Chaussees Imprimerie Nationale STR M289855 138 Annales des sciences naturelles-Botan. et biol. veg. Masson et Cie ECO M

59909 139 Annales economies societes civilizations A. Colin ECO-TER M

6253 140Annales geophysicae (GIA': Annales de geophysique) (il 2009 è stato on-line) Copernicus Gesellschaft / EGU FIS-TER M

72212 141 Annales I.T.B.T.P. I.T.B.T.P. DIF-PIA-STR M

34983 142Annales Polonici Mathematici (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) Intl. Publ. Service MAT M

51434 143Annales scientif.de l'Ecole normale supérieure Paris dal 2008 solo on-line version Societe Mathematique de France MAT ABBON.

156695 144 Annales tectonicae C.N.R. TER M

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51436 145 Annales Univ. Marie Curie-Sklodowska. Sec. A Math Nakladem Uni. M. Curie-Sklodowskiej MAT M1181 146 Annali della pubblica istruzione Le Monnier MAT ABBON.

204079 147 Annali dell'osservatorio vesuviano Stabilimento Tipografico G. Genovese TER M34984 148 Annali dell'Università di Ferrara Università di Ferrara MAT M

209264 149 Annali di architettura Electa STR M29049 150 Annali di chimica Società chimica italiana CHI M

288334 151 Annali di geofisica Editrice Compositori TER M

57649 152Annali di matematica pura ed applicata dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.

164699 153 Annali idrologici - Bari Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato TER M164702 154 Annali idrologici - Bologna Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato TER M164703 155 Annali idrologici - Cagliari Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato TER M166277 156 Annali idrologici - Catanzaro Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato TER M166280 157 Annali idrologici - Napoli Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato TER M166291 158 Annali idrologici - Palermo Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato TER M166292 159 Annali idrologici - Parma Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato TER M166293 160 Annali idrologici - Pescara Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato TER M166302 161 Annali idrologici - Pisa Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato TER M166281 162 Annali idrologici - Roma Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato TER M166294 163 Annali idrologici - Venezia Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato TER M

9491 164 Annali Scuola Normale Sup. Pisa : classe di sci. Annali Sci. Scuola Norm. Sup. MAT ABBON.202947 165 Annals of botany dal 2009 solo on-line version Academic Press ECO ABBON.146522 166 Annals of geophysics = Annali di geofisica Editrice Compositori TER ABBON.

16873 167 Annals of human genetics dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell BIO ABBON.34985 168 Annals of mathematics Princeton Univ. Press MAT ABBON.

290226 169 Annals of nuclear energy Pergamon Press FIS M290328 170 Annals of nuclear science and engineering Pergamon Press FIS M

6251 171 Annals of physics dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press FIS ABBON.51438 172 Annals of pure and applied logic North-Holland MAT M72213 173 Annals of Regional Science Springer PIA M34986 174 Annals of science Taylor & Francis MAT M61063 175 Annals of the association of american geographers Association of American Geographers ECO-TER M

215827 176 Annual book of ASTM standards A.S.T.M. MEC M

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290566 177 Annual bulletin of transp. statistics for eur. United Nations PIA M178 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry A On line VeRoyal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.179 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry B On line VeRoyal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.180 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry C On line VeRoyal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.

72586 181 Annual review in automatic programming Pergamon Press DEIS M

224424 182Annual review of biochemistry dal 2009 solo on-line version Annual Reviews BIO ABBON.

224429 183Annual review of biophysics dal 2009 solo on-line version Annual Reviews BIO ABBON.

290567 184 Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular structure Annual Reviews BIO M

226659 185Annual review of cell and developm. biology dal 2009 solo on-line version Annual Reviews BIO ABBON.

230650 186 Annual review of cell biology Annual Reviews ECO M290797 187 Annual review of ecology and systematics Annual Reviews ECO M

64221 188 Annual review of fluid mechanics Annual Reviews FIS M

227457 189 Annual review of genetics dal 2009 solo on-line version Annual Reviews BIO ABBON.

226103 190Annual review of genomics and human genetics dal 2009 solo on-line version Annual Reviews BIO ABBON.

224417 191Annual review of immunology dal 2009 solo on-line version Annual Reviews BIO ABBON.

226098 192Annual review of microbiology dal 2009 solo on-line version Annual Reviews BIO ABBON.

290802 193 Annual review of nuclear science Annual Reviews FIS M

224400 194Annual review of physiology dal 2009 solo on-line version Annual Reviews BIO ABBON.

16878 195

Annual review of plant biology (Già: Annual review of plant physiology and plant molecular biology) dal 2009 solo on-line version Annual Reviews ECO ABBON.

290804 196 Annual review of plant physiology Annual Reviews BIO-ECO M290809 197 Annual survey of organometallic chemistry Elsevier CHI M

34987 198 Applicable analysis Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. MAT M60989 199 Applicando : la rivista per Macintosh Editoriale JCE MEC A+M fis

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200 Applications of surface science North-Holland FIS M61086 201 Applicazioni componenti elettronici Elcoma FIS M16882 202 Applied and environmental microbiology American Society for Microbiology BIO M

29050 203 Applied catalysis part. A dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier INGCHI ABBON.

238726 204 Applied catalysis part. B dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier INGCHI ABBON.

215335 205Applied composite materials dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) STR ABBON.

34462 206Applied magnetic resonance dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer FIS ABBON.

72587 207 Applied mathematical modelling Butterworths DEIS M72588 208 Applied mathematics & optimization Springer STR-DEIS M34988 209 Applied mathematics and computation North-Holland MAT M

72415 210 Applied mechanics reviews A.S.M.E. MEC-STR-DIF M34461 211 Applied optics Optical Society of America MEC-FIS-TERM

290928 212 Applied physics Springer FIS M59863 213 Applied physics A Springer FIS M

290929 214 Applied physics B Springer FIS M6255 215 Applied physics letters dal 2009 solo on-line version American Institute of Physics FIS ABBON.

61084 216 Applied solar energy Allerton Press FIS M29051 217 Applied spectroscopy Society for Applied Spectroscopy CHI M29052 218 Applied spectroscopy reviews M. Dekker CHI M

6256 219 Applied surface science North-Holland FIS M208029 220 Aqua : Journal of water supply research and tech. I.W.A. Publ. DIF ABBON.

67907 221 Aqualine abstracts Pergamon Press DIF M165208 222 Archaeometry dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell TER ABBON.

51439 223 Archimede Le Monnier MAT ABBON.219335 224 Architects journal EMAP STR M

72217 225 Architectural record McGraw-Hill STR-PIA M 72218 226 Architectural review EMAP STR M 72219 227 Architecture and urbanism a°E ande ya°u PIA M60108 228 Architecture d'aujourd'hui Edition Jean-Michel Place STR-PIA M 72216 229 Architecture, mouvement, continuitè A.M.C. STR-PIA M

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60109 230 Architektur + wohnwelt A. Koch PIA M9505 231 Architektur innenarchitektur technischer BDIA PIA M

291174 232 Architetto C.N.A. PIA M34989 233 Archiv der mathematik Birkhauser MAT M72589 234 Archiv fur elektrotechnik Springer DEIS M

204085 235 Archiv fur meteorologie, geophysik und bio. Ser. A Springer TER M204084 236 Archiv fur meteorologie, geophysik und bio. Ser. B Springer TER M291187 237 Archiv fur technisches Messen R. Oldenbourg TER M291189 238 Archiv fur technisches Messen und industrielle Messt. R. Oldenbourg TER M

34990 239Archive for history of exact sciences dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.

34991 240Archive for rational mechanics and analysis dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT A+M str

72470 241 Archive of applied mechanics (Già: Ingenieur Archiv) Springer MEC-STR M216763 242 Archives of mechanics Polish Scientific Publishers STR M

9790 243 Archivio di studi urbani e regionali F. Angeli PIA ABBON.72419 244 Archiwum budowy maszyn Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN MEC M

291434 245 Argomenti Esso Esso Italiana MEC M204090 246 Arkiv for astronomi Almquist & Wiksell TER M204091 247 Arkiv for fysik Almquist & Wiksell TER M204092 248 Arkiv for geofysik Almquist & Wiksell TER M

51440 249 Arkiv for matematik dal 2009 solo on-line version Inst. Mittag-Leffler MAT A+M ter217181 250 Arkos: scienza e restauro Nardini Ed. TER M147058 251 Art du sol officiel des rev. (Già:offic.des rev.) S.C.E.E.P. MEC M

58753 252 Artificial intelligence Elsevier DEIS M

291448 253

Artificial intelligence in engineering (Già:International j.for artificial intelligence in engin.) (Poi:Advanced Eng. Inf.) Elsevier MEC M

216764 254 ASCE Publications abstracts A.S.C.E. STR M72417 255 ASE alternative sources of energy Alternative Sources of Energy MEC M72573 256 ASHRAE journal A.S.H.R.A.E. MEC M59616 257 Asterisque Societe Mathematique de France MAT ABBON.

204151 258 Astronomical journal (The) American Inst. of physics TER M

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60796 259Astronomy and astrophysics dal 2009 solo on-line version IOP FIS ABBON.

204152 260 Astrophysica norvegica Instit. of theoretical astr. TER M6258 261 Astrophysical journal dal 2009 solo on-line version IOP FIS ABBON.

61032 262 Astrophysics and space science North-Holland FIS M291566 263 At & T Bell laboratories technical journal At & T DEIS M

72591 264 At & T technical journal At & T DEIS M72409 265 ATA Ing. automotoristica A.T.A. (Assoc. Tec. dell'Automobile) MEC ABBON.

291639 266 Atlante. Alla scoperta del mondo De Agostini - Rizzoli Periodici ECO M81199 267 Atomic spectroscopy Atomic Spectroscopy TER ABBON.51442 268 Atti Acc. Naz. Lincei. Memorie Accad. Naz. Lincei MAT-TER M51441 269 Atti Acc. Naz. Lincei. Rendic. delle adunanze solenni Accad. Naz. Lincei MAT M34992 270 Atti del Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. di Modena Seminario Mat. Fis. Univ. Mod. MAT OMAGGIO

204157 271 Atti dell' Istituto di Geofisica Mineraria - Palermo Univ. di Palermo TER M291660 272 Atti della soc. it. di sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat.Milano Società It.Sci.Nat.e Mus. Civ. St. Nat. ECO M156812 273 Atti della Soc. toscana di scienze nat.Memorie A Arti Grafiche Pacini Mariotti TER M156813 274 Atti della Soc. toscana di scienze nat.Memorie B Arti Grafiche Pacini Mariotti TER M

51446 275 Atti Ist.Veneto sci., lett.e arti:clas.sci. fis., mat.e nat. Ist. Veneto Scienze Lett. Arti MAT M291667 276 Atti Ist.Veneto sci., lett.e arti:clas.sci. mat.e nat. Ist. Veneto Scienze Lett. Arti MAT M291728 277 Atti società astronomica italiana SAI TER M209265 278 Auk (the) (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) American Ornithologist Union ECO M

72592 279 Australian computer journal Ass. Business Publ. DEIS M202945 280 Australian journal of botany Csiro e Australian Academy of Sci. ECO M

29053 281 Australian journal of chemistry Commonwealt Sci. and Ind. Res. Or. CHI M291732 282 Australian journal of physics Commonwealt Sci. and Ind. Res. Or. FIS M291731 283 Australian journal of scientific resear. Ser. A Phy. Sci. Commonwealt Sci. and Ind. Res. Or. FIS M

72593 284 Automatica Pergamon Press DEIS M72407 285 Automation and remote control Consultans Bureau DEIS-MEC M72595 286 Automatisme Dunod Gauthiers DEIS M72408 287 Automazione e strumentazione Bias DEIS-MEC M

147113 288 Automazione integrata Tecniche Nuove MEC ABBON.72510 289 Automobile abstracts Automotive Information Centre MEC M

291740 290 Automobilism A.C.I. PIA M

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72410 291 Automotive engineer Mechanical Engineering Publications MEC M72411 292 Automotive engineering Society of Automotive Engineers MEC M72221 293 Autostrade Autostrade Spa PIA M

146481 294 Basin research dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell TER ABBON.291799 295 Bauen+Wohnen Bauen + Wohnen Verlag PIA M208622 296 Bauingenieur (Der) Springer STR-DIF M208634 297 Bautechnik (Die) Springer DIF-STR M291815 298 Behavioural brain research Elsevier ECO M204161 299 Beitrage zur angewandten geophysik Akademische Verlag TER M204168 300 Beitrage zur meereskunde Akademische Verlag TER M204169 301 Beitrage zur physik der atmosphare Akademische Verlag TER M291567 302 Bell system technical journal At & T DEIS M293695 303 Berichte der deutschen chemischen gesellschaft Friedlander CHI M293755 304 Berichte der deutschen chemischen gesellschaft AbteilunFriedlander CHI M293758 305 Berichte der deutschen chemischen gesellschaft AbteilunFriedlander CHI M250908 306 Berichte der deutschen mineral.(suppl. a: European J. of miner Schweizerbart'sche Verlag TER M204171 307 Berichte des deutschen wetterdienstes Deutschen Wetterdienstes TER M293699 308 Berichte des deutschen wetterdienstes der us zone Deutschen Wetterdienstes TER M

72222 309 Berkeley planning journal University of California Press PIA M293702 310 Beton Bundesverbandes PIA M293708 311 Beton und stahlbetonbau Verlag von Wilhelm Ernest & Sohn STR M293723 312 Bibliografia elettrotecnica Enel DEIS M202966 313 Bibliographie geographique internationale C.N.R. ECO M204172 314 Bibliographien der deutschen wetterdienstes Deutschen Wetterdienstes TER M150702 315 Bibliography and index of geology American Geological Institute TER M

16930 316 Biochemical and biophysical Research Commun. Academic Press BIO M16885 317 Biochemical genetics Plenum Press BIO M16883 318 Biochemical journal Biochemical Society BIO M60861 319 Biochemical society transaction Biochemical Society BIO M

293728 320 Biochemical systematics and ecology Pergamon Press ECO M29054 321 Biochemistry dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI A+M bio16884 322 Biochimica et biophysica acta (BBA) Elsevier ECO-BIO M16887 323 Biochimie Societe de Chimie Biologique BIO M60293 324 Bioconjugate chemistry American Chemical Society CHI M

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325 Bioinorganic chemistry Elsevier CHI M16888 326 Biological abstracts BIOSIS BIO M

209268 327 Biological conservation dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier Applied Science Publishers ECO ABBON.293955 328 Biological cybernetics Springer FIS M293957 329 Biological mass spectrometry J. Wiley CHI M

330 Biological reviews Cambridge Univ. Press ECO M331 Biologicke' listy Ustav Molekularni genetiky CSAU ECO M

250523 332 Biology of reproduction Society for the Study of Reproduction Farm-Biol M293958 333 Biomedical & environmental mass spectrometry J. Wiley CHI M

29055 334 Biomedical mass spectrometry Wiley Heyden CHI M1199 335 Biometrics Biometric Society DEIS M

82589 336 Bioorganic chemistry Academic Press CHI M34463 337 Biophysical chemistry dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier FIS ABBON.

6259 338 Biophysical journal + suppl. Biophysical Society FIS ABBON.61031 339 Biophysics Pergamon Press FIS M

340 Biophysics of structure and mechanism Springer FIS M29056 341 Biopolymers J. Wiley CHI M

29057 342

Bioprocess and biosystems engineering (già: Bioprocess engineering) dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer INGCHI ABBON.

343 Bioresearch index Biosciences Information Service BIO M344 Biosystems North-Holland BIO M

60859 345 Biotec Class BIO M

29058 346Biotechnology and bioengineering dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley INGCHI ABBON.

29059 347 Biotechnology and bioengineering symposium J. Wiley CHI M29038 348 Biotechnology progress dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society INGCHI ABBON.74465 349 Bit Gruppo Editoriale Jackson DI-De-T-Me-F M

51485 350BIT Numerical mathematics dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) MAT ABBON.

351 Boletim de geociencias da Petrobras Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. TER M34993 352 Boletin de la sociedad matematica mexicana La Sociedad MAT M

204195 353 Bollettino del comitato glaciologico italiano Comitato Glaciologico Italiano TER M354 Bollettino del comitato naz. it. per la geod. e la geof. R. Scuola di ingengneria TER M

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204199 355 Bollettino del servizio geologico d' Italia Libreria dello Stato TER M356 Bollettino della società entomologica italiana Società Entomologica Italiana ECO M

60485 357 Bollettino della società geografica italiana Società Geografica Italiana TER-ECO M156800 358 Bollettino della società geologica italiana Bardi Editore TER ABBON.

359 Bollettino della società italiana dei naturalisti Società Italiana dei Naturalisti BIO M60487 360 Bollettino della società italiana di biologia speriment. Società Italiana di Biologia Sperim. ECO-BIO M61061 361 Bollettino della società italiana di fisica Editrice Compositori FIS M

156802 362 Bollettino della società paleontologica italiana S.T.E.M. - Mucchi TER ABBON.204225 363 Bollettino della società sismologica italiana Tipografia dell'Unione Coop. Editr. TER M

275773 364 Bollettino della unione matematica italiana (già: Sez. B) UMI MAT ABBON.57684 365 Bollettino della unione matematica italiana A Zanichelli MAT M57689 366 Bollettino della unione matematica italiana B Zanichelli MAT M

147191 367 Bollettino dell'ANCC A.N.C.C. MEC M156803 368 Bollettino di geodesia e di scienze affini Ist. Geografico Militare TER A+M eco146523 369 Bollettino di geofisica teorica ed applicata Oss. Geofisico Sper. TER ABBON.215342 370 Bollettino di legislazone tecnica (tipo F) Legislazione Tecnica Editrice STR M204227 371 Bollettino di oceanologia teorica ed applicata O.G.S. TER M

34994 372 Bollettino di storia delle scienze matematiche Accademia Editoriale MAT ABBON.9526 373 Bollettino di zoologia Unione Zoologica Italiana ECO M

204232 374 Bollettino geodetico dell' istituto geografico militare Istit. geografico militare TER M375 Bollettino geofisico Associazione Geofisica Italiana ECO M

227793 376 Bollettino petrolifero Il Comitato PIA M377 Botanical gazette Univ. of Chicago Press ECO M

216765 378 Boundary elements communications Computational Mechanics Pub. STR M379 Brain research bulletin Pergamon Press ECO M

9528 380 British journal for the philosophy of science (The) T. Nelson and Sons CHI M72599 381 Brown boveri review BBC Brown Bovery DEIS M

144206 382 Building and environment dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press MEC A+M str216766 383 Building sciences Pergamon Press STR M

384 Building sciences - Abstracts Ministry of Public Building and Works STR M385 Bulletin (Izvestya) academy of sci. USSR geo. Ser American Geophysical Union TER M386 Bulletin A.F.C.I.Q. A.F.C.I.Q. DEIS M

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57708 387Bulletin brazilian mathematical society dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.

60579 388 Bulletin de l' association de geographes francais C.N.R. TER-ECO M204238 389 Bulletin de l' observatoire du puy de dome Univ. de Clermont - Ferrand TER M

390 Bulletin de l' Organisation Meteorologique Mondiale O.M.M. TER M391 Bulletin de la dir. des etudes et rech.-electr. de france A-B Houille Blanche DEIS M

204241 392 Bulletin de la soc. belge de geologie Societe belge de geologie TER M393 Bulletin de la soc. botanique de France: actual. botan. Societe Botanique de France ECO M394 Bulletin de la soc. botanique de France: lettres botan. Societe Botanique de France ECO M

29061 395 Bulletin de la soc. chim. de France, 1°ere ptie. Masson et Cie CHI M29062 396 Bulletin de la soc. chim. de France. Deuxieme partie. Masson et Cie CHI M

146482 397 Bulletin de la soc. geol. de France Soc. Geol. de France TER ABBON.51452 398 Bulletin de la soc. mathem. de Belgique (Serie A) Soc. Math. de Belgique MAT M57707 399 Bulletin de la soc. mathem. de Belgique (Serie B) Soc. Math. de Belgique MAT M57696 400 Bulletin de la soc. mathém. de France Societe Mathematique de France MAT ABBON.57698 401 Bulletin de la soc. mathém. de France. Mémoires Societe Mathematique de France MAT ABBON.

402 Bulletin de liaison de la soc. franc. min. et de crist. European Journal of Mineralogy TER M403 Bulletin de liaison des laboratoires Equipement PIA M

165347 404 Bulletin de mineralogie Masson et Cie TER M405 Bulletin des Schweizerischen Elektrotechnischen… SEV Schweizerischer Elektr. Verein DEIS M

34995 406Bulletin des sciences math. dal 2008 solo on-line version Gauthier-Villars MAT ABBON.

216767 407 Bulletin d'information (Beton) Comitè Europèen du Béton STR M408 Bulletin d'Information (Oceanographie) Service hydrographique de la marine TER M409 Bulletin d'information de la Region Parisienne IAURP PIA M

153679 410 Bulletin du B.R.G.M. Geologie de la France B.R.G.M. TER M204258 411 Bulletin du B.R.G.M. Geologie Generale B.R.G.M. TER M

412 Bulletin du B.R.G.M. Hydrogeologie geol. de l'ingen. B.R.G.M. TER M204261 413 Bulletin du centre de racherches de pau Le Centre TER M

51449 414 Bulletin math. Soc. sci. mat. phy. rep. soc. de Roum. Soc. Scien. Mat. Phys. Roumanie MAT M82787 415 Bulletin of the academy of sciences of the USSR Consultans Bureau CHI-TER M51448 416 Bulletin of the american mathematical society A.M.S. MAT ABBON.

204287 417 Bulletin of the american meteorological society American Meteorological Society TER M61034 418 Bulletin of the american physical society American Physical Society FIS M

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204289 419 Bulletin of the astronomical institutes of Czechosl. Czechoslovak Akademy of Sciences TER M

101262 420Bulletin of the australian mathematical society dal 2009 solo on-line version Cambridge Univ. Press MAT ABBON.

63801 421 Bulletin of the belgian math. soc. Simon Stevin. Soc. Math. Belg. MAT M204293 422 Bulletin of the bingham ocean. collect. peab. mus... Bingham Ocean. Laboratory TER M

423 Bulletin of the british museum (Natural History) British Museum TER M29063 424 Bulletin of the chemical society of Japan Chemical society of Japan CHI M

204296 425 Bulletin of the disaster prevention research institute Kyoto University TER M204332 426 Bulletin of the earthquake research institute Tokyo Daigaku TER M204336 427 Bulletin of the int. inst. of seism. and eartheq. engin TER M147196 428 Bulletin of the JSME J.S.M.E. MEC M204341 429 Bulletin of the Kobe Marine observatory Kobe Marine Obs. TER M

34996 430Bulletin of the London mathematical society dal 2009 solo on-line version Oxford Univ.Press MAT ABBON.

204342 431 Bulletin of the nation. geophys. res. inst. Council of Sci. & Indust. Research TER M432 Bulletin of the operations research society of America ORSA DEIS M

34997 433Bulletin of the polish acad. of sci. math. (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) Intl. Publ. Service MAT M

59542 434 Bulletin of the polish acad. of sci. tech. scien. Inst. Math. Polisg Acad. MAT M

146484 435Bulletin of the seismol. soc. of America dal 2009 solo on-line version Seismolog. Soc. of America TER ABBON.

146485 436 Bulletin of volcanology dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer TER ABBON.437 Bulletin signal. Bibl. des sci. de la ter. 120,Geophys. C.N.R.S. TER M

177626 438 Bulletin signal. Bibl. des sci. de la ter. 145,Eldoc. El. C.N.R.S. TER M177558 439 Bulletin signal. Bibl. des sci. de la ter. 22, Sciences C.N.R.S. TER M177200 440 Bulletin signal. Bibl. des sci. de la ter. 220,Miner. G. C.N.R.S. TER M177547 441 Bulletin signal. Bibl. des sci. de la ter. 221,Gisemen. C.N.R.S. TER M204349 442 Bulletin signal. Bibl. des sci. de la ter. 222,Roches C C.N.R.S. TER M204352 443 Bulletin signal. Bibl. des sci. de la ter. 223,Roches S C.N.R.S. TER M177559 444 Bulletin signal. Bibl. des sci. de la ter. 224,Strat. Ge. C.N.R.S. TER M177199 445 Bulletin signal. Bibl. des sci. de la ter. 225,Tectoniq. C.N.R.S. TER M177666 446 Bulletin signal. Bibl. des sci. de la ter. 226,Hydrolog. C.N.R.S. TER M177750 447 Bulletin signal. Bibl. des sci. de la ter. 227,Paleont. C.N.R.S. TER M150732 448 Bulletin volcanologique F. Giannini TER M

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153686 449 Bulletins of american paleontology Paleontological Research Inst. TER ABBON.6321 450 Byte McGraw-Hill DE-F-MEC M

83005 451 C + CA. Ceramurgia + Ceramica Acta Techna MEC ABBON.

72430 452CAD : computer aided design dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier MEC A+M deis

60526 453 Cahiers d' otre mer (Les) Ist. Geog. Univ. Bordeaux TER M

34998 454 Cahiers de topologie et géom. different. categoriques Mme Ehresmann MAT M204460 455 Cahiers oceanographiques Service hydrographique de la marine TER M

72223 456 Calabriaeconomica Il Centro PIA M231047 457 Calcified tissue international Springer BTS M

51455 458 Calcolo dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT A+M deis

51456 459Calculus of variations and partial differentential equat. dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.

147210 460 Calore (Il): energia sicura A.N.C.C. MEC M59185 461 Campo Coop. Campo S.R.C.L. PIA-DIF-TER M91422 462 Campus Calabria Jonia editrice PIA M

67880 463Canadian geotechnical journal dal 2009 solo on-line version National Research Council DIF A+M ter

202960 464 Canadian journal of botany National Research Council of Canada ECO M

29064 465Canadian journal of chemical engineering (The) dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley / Chem. Instit. Canada INGCHI ABBON.

29065 466 Canadian journal of chemistry National Research Council CHI M204599 467 Canadian journal of earth sciences National Research Council TER M

35000 468 Canadian journal of mathematics Soc. Math. Canada MAT ABBON.61062 469 Canadian journal of physics National Research Council FIS-TER M34999 470 Canadian mathematical bulletin Soc. Math. Canada MAT ABBON.

150880 471 Canadian mineralogist + newsletter min. ass.Canada Mineralogical Ass. of Canada TER ABBON.16889 472 Cancer research dal 2010 solo on-line version American Assoc.for Cancer Research BIO ABBON.

209276 473 Cartographica (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) University of Toronto Press ECO M474 Cartography Mapping Sciences Institute ECO M475 Cartography and geographic information systems American Congr. on Surv. and Mapp. ECO M

60548 476 Casabella Mondadori STR M

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257638 477 CasaEnergia Artenergy Publ. MEC M29066 478 Catalysis letters dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) INGCHI ABBON.29067 479 Catalysis reviews M. Dekker CHI M

480 Catalysts & catalysed reactions (Database) On line Versi Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.481 Ce.Re.S.T. Notizie Ce.Re.S.T. PIA M482 Cecles European Space Res. TER M

16891 483 Cell dal 2009 solo on-line version Cell Press Circulation Department BIO ABBON.

16890 484 Cell and tissue research dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer BIO A+M eco

60863 485 Cell biology international dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press BIO ABBON.

214853 486Cement and concrete composites dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier STR ABBON.

83186 487Cement and concrete research dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon INGCHI ABBON.

83023 488 Cemento (Il) Ass. Ita. Tec. Econ. del Cemento STR-CHI M489 Censis (contributi) Censis PIA M

86660 490 Censis (quindicinale di note e commenti) Censis PIA M29040 491 Cep (Chemical engineering progress) A.I.C.H.E. INGCHI ABBON.

492 Cep technical manual A.I.C.H.E. INGCHI M147211 493 Ceramica Acta Centro Ceramico MEC M

29069 494 Ceramics international dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier INGCHI ABBON.495 Ceramurgia Techna INGCHI M

29068 496 Ceramurgia international CHI M497 Cern courier IOP Pub. FIS M

72429 498 Chauffage ventilation conditionnement Pyc Edition MEC M29070 499 Chemical abstract American Chemical Society CHI M

29073 500Chemical and engineering news dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.

29130 501Chemical communication : chemcomm dal 2009 solo on-line version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.

29071 502 Chemical engineering communications Taylor & Francis INGCHI ABBON.83172 503 Chemical engineering faculty directory A.I.C.H.E. INGCHI M29072 504 Chemical engineering journal Elsevier INGCHI M

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29074 505Chemical engineering research & design dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier/Inst. of Chemical Engineers INGCHI ABBON.

29075 506Chemical engineering science dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press INGCHI ABBON.

146486 507 Chemical geology dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier TER ABBON.60340 508 Chemical innovation (Già: Chemtech) American Chemical Society CHI M29076 509 Chemical physics dal 2008 solo on-line version North-Holland CHI ABBON.

29077 510 Chemical physics letters dal 2008 solo on-line version North-Holland CHI ABBON.60328 511 Chemical research in toxicology American Chemical Society CHI M29078 512 Chemical reviews dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.

29079 513Chemical society reviews (Già: Quarterly reviews) dal 2009 solo on-line version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.

29080 514 Chemical titles: current author and keyword. American Chemical Society CHI M

29081 515 Chemie ingenieur technik dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley - VCH INGCHI ABBON.29082 516 Chemische berichte J. Wiley - VCH CHI M

517 Chemistry American Chemical Society CHI M

193467 518Chemistry : an european journal dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley CHI ABBON.

29085 519 Chemistry and industry Society of Chemical industry CHI M29084 520 Chemistry in Britain Royal Society of Chemistry CHI M29086 521 Chemistry letters Chemical Society of Japan CHI M60332 522 Chemistry of materials dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.29087 523 Chimica e l' industria (La) Società de chimica industriale CHI M29088 524 Chimica oggi Teknoscienze CHI OMAGGIO29089 525 Chimie & industrie : genie chimique Societè de Chimie Industrielle CHI M35002 526 Chinese mathematics American Mathematical Society MAT M60865 527 Chromosoma Springer BIO M

528 CI news Ceramurgica CHI M249479 529 Circulation research American Hearth Association Farm-Biol M147212 530 CITO: informazioni per i saldatori Siderotermica Elettrodi Cito MEC M

10593 531 Città e campagna PIA M59193 532 Città e regione Sansoni PIA M

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59194 533 Città e società F. Angeli PIA M216769 534 Civil engineering A.S.C.E. STR M208625 535 Civil engineering hydraulics abstracts B.H.R.A. Fluid Engineering DIF M

536 Civiltà delle macchine Edindustria DEIS M146487 537 Clays and clay minerals Clay Min. Soc. TER ABBON.210257 538 Clinical cancer research (Alleg. a "Cancer research") American Assoc.for Cancer Research BIO OMAGGIO

539 Collective phenomena Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. FIS M29090 540 Colloids and surfaces Elsevier INGCHI M

232769 541 Colloids and surfaces: A dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier INGCHI ABBON.

232693 542 Colloids and surfaces: B dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier INGCHI ABBON.35003 543 Colloquium mathematicum Instytut Matematyczny P.A.N. MAT M

72425 544Combustion and flame : the j. of the comb. inst.dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier MEC ABBON.

29091 545 Combustion science and technology Taylor & Francis INGCHI-MEC M51457 546 Commentari math. Univ. Sancti Pauli Kinokuniya Bookstore MAT M

35004 547Commentarii mathematici Helvetici dal 2009 solo on-line version European Mathematical Society MAT ABBON.

51458 548 Commentationes mathematicae Univer. Carolinae Mathematical Inst. of Charles Univ. MAT ABBON.201999 549 Commentationes mathematicae. Prace mat. Foreign TRD Polona MAT M

51459 550 Commentationes physico-mathematicae Societas Scientiarum Fennica MAT M551 Commercio elettrico Edizioni Stammer DEIS M

159161 552 Communications in algebra Taylor & Francis MAT M35005 553 Communications in mathematical physics Springer MAT-FIS M

216770 554 Communications in num.meth.in eng.(Già:Com.Appl.) Wiley Interscience STR M

1537 555Communications of the A.C.M. dal 2009 solo on-line version A.C.M. DEIS A+M mat

556 Communications on physics Taylor & Francis FIS M

35006 557Communications on pure and applied mathematics dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley MAT A+M str

72603 558 Compel Boole Press DEIS M35007 559 Complex variables theory and application Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. MAT M

560 Composite structures Elsevier Applied Science Publishers STR M

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561 Composites IPC-Science and Tecnologies Press STR M562 Composites engineering Pergamon Press STR M

214855 563Composites part B : engineering dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier STR ABBON.

35008 564 Compositio mathematica dal 2009 solo on-line version Cambridge Univ. Press MAT ABBON.565 Comptes rendus (Doklady) Acad. Sciences URSS TER M

51460 566 Comptes rendus de l'academie des sciences Ser I-II-III Gauthier-Villars MAT M216773 567 Computational mechanics Springer STR M

72604 568Computational optimization and applications dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) DEIS ABBON.

149250 569 Computazione evolutiva Infomedia MAT M215735 570 Computer (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.E. DEIS ABBON.

72614 571Computer & control abstract (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS ABBON.

72574 572Computer aided geometric design dal 2008 solo on-line version North-Holland MAT-MEC ABBON.

51424 573 Computer architecture news A.C.M. MAT-DEIS M72606 574 Computer bulletin Cambridge Univ. Press DEIS M72578 575 Computer communication review - ACM Sigcomm A.C.M. DEIS M

576 Computer environment and urban systems Pergamon Press ECO M577 Computer graphics A.C.M. DEIS M

35010 578 Computer journal (The) dal 2009 solo on-line version Oxford Univ.Press MAT A+M s-de72610 579 Computer languages dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier DEIS A+M mat72611 580 Computer literature index Appl. Comp. Research DEIS M

72431 581Computer methods in applied mechanics and eng. dal 2008 solo on-line version North-Holland STR A+M mec

582 Computer networks and ISDN systems (Già:Comp.net.) North-Holland DEIS M212666 583 Computer programming Gruppo Editoriale Infomedia DEIS M

35012 584 Computer review G.M.L. MAT M72612 585 Computer standards and interfaces(Già:Computers&Stand.) Elsevier DEIS M72613 586 Computer systems science and engineering Butterworths DEIS M35009 587 Computer vision graphics and image proces. Academic Press MAT-DEIS M72616 588 Computers and biomedical research Academic Press DEIS M

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29092 589Computers and chemical engineering dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press INGCHI ABBON.

146488 590 Computers and geosciences Pergamon Press TER M67898 591 Computers and geotechnics Elsevier DIF M

144207 592 Computers and graphics dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier MEC A+M eco-ter72432 593 Computers and industrial engineering Pergamon Press MEC M

72617 594Computers and operation research dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press DEIS ABBON.

144209 595 Computers and structures dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press MEC A+M str35013 596 Computers in biology and medicine Pergamon Press MAT-DEIS M35014 597 Computing dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT A+M st-de34969 598 Computing reviews A.C.M. MAT-DEIS M59201 599 Comune democratico Lega per le autonomie e i poteri locali PIA M

216774 600 Concrete Concrete Society STR M

72619 601Concurrency and comput.:practice and experience dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley MAT A+M deis

72428 602 Condizionamento dell'aria riscaldamento refrigeraz. Peg editrice MEC A+M dif209280 603 Condor (The) (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) Coop. Ornithological Society ECO M

51461 604 Conferenze del seminario matem.dell'Univ.di Bari Aracne MAT M209958 605 Conservation biology dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell ECO ABBON.

606 Construction metallique GM STR M

109546 607Constructive approximation dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.

608 Consulenza informatica Buffetti Jackson DIF M51462 609 Contents of contemporary math. J. A.M.S. MAT M

204642 610 Contributions from the inst. of low temp. sci. Ser A Institute of Low Temperature Science TER M204646 611 Contributions from the inst. of low temp. sci. Ser B Institute of Low Temperature Science TER M204657 612 Contributions of the geophysical institute Kyoto Geophysical Inst. Kyoto TER M

152246 613Contributions to mineralogy and petrology dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer TER ABBON.

72621 614 Control & computers (Già: Automatic control) Acta Press DEIS M72622 615 Control & instrumentation Morgan Grampian DEIS M

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72424 616 Control engineering Technical Pub. DEIS-MEC M213702 617 Controllo di processo Bias DEIS OMAGGIO

9554 618 Controspazio Edizioni Dedalo PIA M619 Cooperazione F.lli Palombi ECO M

29093 620Coordination chemistry reviews dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier CHI ABBON.

204661 621 COSPAR information bull. Pergamon Press TER M622 Costruire Abitare Segesta PIA M

61439 623 Costruire in laterizio Faenza Editrice STR OMAGGIO214856 624 Costruzioni metalliche ACAI STR ABBON.747660 625 Costruzioni: tecnica ed organizzazione dei cantieri La Fiaccola MEC M148932 626 Courants Pyc Edition DIF M

627 Courrier du C.N.R.S. C.N.R.S. TER M628 CRESME - Documentazione CRESME PIA M629 CRESME - Notizie CRESME PIA M630 CRESME - Quaderno CRESME PIA M

203010 631 Critical reviews in plant sciences C.R.C. Press ECO M214860 632 Croquis (El) El Croquis Editorial STR M

29094 633 Crystal structure communications Università degli studi di Parma CHI M634 CrystEngComm On line Version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.

29095 635 Cuoio pelli materie concianti : ricer. tec. l'ind.conc. Staz. Sper. Napoli INGCHI ABBON.204664 636 Curator American Museum of Natural History TER M203007 637 Current advances in plant science Pergamon Press ECO M

638 Current contents (diskette) ISI BIO M60866 639 Current contents: life sciences ISI BIO M60825 640 Current contents: physical chemical and earth sci. Thomson ISI FIS-CHI M 16893 641 Current genetics dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer BIO ABBON.21025 642 Current geographical publications American Geographical Society ECO M

643 Current in modern biology North-Holland BIO M72228 644 Current literature in traffic and transportation Library, Tran. Cent. Northwester Univ. PIA M35015 645 Current math. publ. A.M.S. MAT M72623 646 Current papers on computers & control I.E.E DEIS M

148938 647 CVGIP Graphical models and image processing Academic Press MEC - MAT M648 CVGIP Image understanding Academic Press MAT M

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16892 649 Cytogenetics and cell genetics S. Kargen BIO M35016 650 Czechoslovak math. J. Math. Inst. Czech. Academy MAT M

183741 651 D.E. Driade Edizioni Driade STR M82200 652 Dalton transactions dal 2009 solo on-line version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.72624 653 Data & Knowledge engineering North-Holland DEIS M

253003 654 Data business. La rivista per i professionisti dell'inform. VNU Business Publ. DEIS-MEC M204681 655 Deep-sea research Pergamon Press TER M

656 Deep-sea research and oceanographic abstracts Pergamon Press TER M657 Deep-sea research Oceanographic abs. and bibliography Pergamon Press TER M658 Deep-sea research Oceanographic abs. and ocean. Bibl. Sect. Pergamon Press TER M

204693 659 Deep-sea research. Part A Pergamon Press TER M204695 660 Deep-sea research. Part B Oceanographic literat. rev. Pergamon Press TER M

1221 661 Delta Cassa di Risparmio di Puglia PIA M29097 662 Desalination dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier INGCHI A+M mec

214857 663 Detail : zeitschrift fur architektur Inst. Intl. Archtektur Dokumen STR M72229 664 Deutsche Bauzeitung Deutsche Verlags-Ansta Lt. PIA M

204697 665 Deutsche hydrographische zeitschrift Das Institut TER M204722 666 Deutsches meteorologisches jahrbuch Reichsamtes fur wettern. TER M

16894 667 Developmental biology Academic Press BIO M157700 668 Didattica delle scienze e informatica nella scuola La Scuola MAT ABBON.

35017 669 Differential and integral equations Khayyam Publ. MAT ABBON.35018 670 Differential equations dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) MAT ABBON.

51463 671Differential geometry and its applications dal 2008 solo on-line version North-Holland MAT ABBON.

16895 672 Differentiation Springer BIO M673 Diffusion and defect data Trans Tech Publications CHI M

29098 674 Diffusion and defect data. Pt. A+B Trans Tech Publications CHI M675 Diffusion and defect data. Solid state data Trans Tech Publications CHI M

72625 676 Digital design Benwill Pub. Corp. DEIS M72626 677 Digital processes Georgi Pub. DEIS M

678 Dimension NBS United States Dept. of Comm. TER M679 Disaster prevention research institute. Bulletin Kyoto University TER M

72627 680 Discrete applied mathematics North-Holland DEIS M681 Discrete event dynamic systems : theory and appl. Kluwer DEIS M

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682 Discrete mathematics North-Holland DEIS M214858 683 Disegnare idee immagini Licosa STR M

51464 684Dissertationes mathematicae (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) Intl. Publ. Service MAT M

685 Documenti di Italia nostra Tip. Carpenntieri PIA M204725 686 Doklady biochemistry Consultans Bureau TER M204727 687 Doklady biological sciences Consultans Bureau TER M204737 688 Doklady biophysics Consultans Bureau TER M204740 689 Doklady botanical sciences Consultans Bureau TER M

690 Doklady chemical technology Consultans Bureau TER M82633 691 Doklady chemistry Consultans Bureau CHI-TER M35130 692 Doklady mathematics dal 2009 solo on-line version Interperiodica MAT ABBON.82614 693 Doklady physical chemistry Consultans Bureau CHI-TER M

694 Dokumentation zur raumentwiclung TER M21041 695 Domus Editoriale Domus STR M

6262 696 Dr. Dobb's journal Miller Freeman FIS M

35019 697Duke mathematical journal dal 2009 solo on-line version Duke Univ. Press MAT ABBON.

216775 698 Dynamics and stability of systems Oxford University Press STR M234880 699 EAI Report - Energia ambiente innovazione ENEA STR-MEC OMAGGIO205255 700 Earth and extraterrestrial sciences Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. TER M

146489 701Earth and planetary science letters dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier TER ABBON.

702 Earth surface processes J. Wiley TER M205352 703 Earth surface processes and landforms J. Wiley TER M

166566 704 Earth, planets and space dal 2009 solo on-line version Maruzen TER ABBON.

67903 705Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley DIF A+M str-ter

706 Earthquake engineering research center University of California at Berkeley STR M205278 707 Earthquake notes Seismolog. Soc. of America TER M228342 708 Earthquake prediction research Scientific Publishing Company TER M205269 709 Earthquakes & volcanoes U.S. Geological Survey TER M146490 710 Earth-science reviews dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier TER ABBON.

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153688 711 Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae Birkhauser TER M712 Ecological abstracts Elsevier ECO M713 Ecology Ecological Society of America ECO M714 Ecology abstracts Cambridge Scientific Abstracts ECO M

9803 715 Economia & ambiente Centro Ital. Studi Econ. e Amb. MEC ABBON.716 Economia e politica industriale F. Angeli PIA M717 Economia e territorio INEUT PIA M

1237 718 Economia pubblica F. Angeli PIA M1239 719 Economic geography TER M

153791 720 Economic geology: bulletin of the soc. of ec. geol. Economic Geology Publ. Co. TER ABBON.144588 721 Economico (L') ETL MEC M

72231 722 Economics of planning Norwegian Institute of Intern. Affairs PIA M

209979 723Ecotoxicology and enviromental safety dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press ECO ABBON.

214868 724 Edilizia (L') (Già: Prefabbricazione) De Lettera editore STR M219599 725 Edilizia e territorio Il Sole 24 Ore PIA ABBON.

726 Edilizia militare Ministero della Difesa PIA M219611 727 Edilizia popolare Edizioni Edilizia Popolare STR-PIA M

728 Edilizia residenziale pubblica ANIACAP PIA M29099 729 Education in chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry CHI M

165141 730Educational studies in mathematics dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) MAT ABBON.

191562 731 Educazione matematica Educazione Matematica MAT ABBON.732 Ekistics Athens Center Ekistics PIA M

144589 733 Elaborazione automatica (L') MEC M734 Electra Cigre DEIS M

72630 735 Electric technology ussr Pergamon Press DEIS M228459 736 Electrical & electronics abstracts I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS M

72629 737 Electrical communication Alcatel DEIS M72631 738 Electrical construction & maintenance (Già:Electrical eng McGraw-Hill DEIS M72632 739 Electrical engineering in Japan Scripta Publ. Co. DEIS M72729 740 Electrical power & energy systems Butterworths DEIS M72633 741 Electrical world McGraw-Hill DEIS M72634 742 Electromagnetics Taylor & Francis DEIS ABBON.

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743 Electronic components Bannock Press FIS M61064 744 Electronic design Hayden Publishing Co. FIS-TER M72635 745 Electronic engineering Morgan Grampian DEIS M72636 746 Electronics McGraw-Hill DEIS-FIS M

205383 747 Electronics and communications abstracts journal Cambridge Scientific Abstracts TER M72638 748 Electronics and power I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS M72637 749 Electronics letters (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS ABBON.

750 Electronics week DEIS M751 Electronique et appl. Industr. Soc. press. Service DEIS M752 Electronique industrielle automatique & Inf. Soc. press. Service DEIS M753 Elektrotechnik und maschinenbau Munich DEIS M

72640 754 Elektrotechnika Lapkiado Vallalat DEIS M252081 755 Elements Mineralogical Society of America TER OMAGGIO

72641 756 Elettrificazione Delfino DEIS M6263 757 Elettronica oggi Gruppo Editoriale Jackson/VNU Bus. Publ DEIS A+M f-t

205434 758 Elettrotecnica (L') A.E.I. TER - DEIS M759 EMA Elektrische maschinen DEIS M

16896 760 EMBO journal Nature Pubbl. Group BIO ABBON.265655 761 EMBO reports Nature Pubbl. Group BIO OMAGGIO

62107 762 Endeavour Pergamon Press ECO-TER M60867 763 Endocrinology dal 2009 solo on-line version Endocrine Society BIO ABBON.

8825 764 Energia L'Editrice dell'Automobile MEC ABBON.148175 765 Energia & calore C.I.S.G. MEC M193475 766 Energia blu L. & L. Editoria e Comunicazione MEC ABBON.

1887 767 Energia e materie prime Ceep-edizioni scientifiche MEC M67911 768 Energia elettrica (L') A.E.I. DEIS-DIF ABBON.

144590 769 Energia solare e fonti alternative(Già: energia solare) Tecniche Nuove DIF-MEC M72435 770 Energianucleare C.I.S.E. MEC-FIS M72436 771 Energie alternative, habitat, territorio, energia Peg editrice MEC-DIF-FIS M

148849 772 Energie fluide hydra., pneum., asserviss., lubrificat. Union Francaise de Publicat. Techn. MEC M148873 773 Energie solaire et sa maitrise industrielle ESTREL MEC M

60345 774 Energy & fuels American Chemical Society CHI M72440 775 Energy and buildings Elsevier MEC M72643 776 Energy conversion and management Pergamon Press DEIS M

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29041 777 Energy progress A.I.C.H.E. CHI M

72442 778

Engineering analysis with boundary elements (Già:Engineerings analysis) dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier STR A+M Mec

72445 779Engineering applications of artificial intelligence dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press MEC ABBON.

216776 780 Engineering computations Pineridge Press STR M

29100 781Engineering fracture mechanics dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press MEC A+M chi

67899 782 Engineering geology Elsevier DIF-TER M72443 783 Engineering index (The) E.I. MEC M

784 Engineering materials and design IPC MEC M148887 785 Engineering synopses M.E.P. MEC M

786Enquete nationale sur l'etat sanitaire des zones marines cotieres Ministere de la sante ECO M

51465 787 Enseignement mathématique Enseignement Mathematique MAT M148894 788 Entropie: energ.et dynam.des systèm.compl. Editions Entropie de Associations MEC M

72233 789 Environment and planning A-B Pion LMT PIA M205494 790 Environmental geology Springer TER M

205496 791Environmental geology : international j. of geosc.dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer TER ABBON.

146491 792 Environmental geology and water sciences Springer TER M

67896 793Environmental modelling & software dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier DIF ABBON.

794 Environmental policy and law Elsevier PIA M795 Environmental pollution Elsevier ECO M

29042 796 Environmental progress dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley INGCHI ABBON.

29101 797Environmental science & technology dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.

798 Environmental software Computational Mechanics Pub. DIF M72235 799 Environnement et cadre de vie Ministere de Envir. Cadre de Vie PIA M

800 EO News Gruppo Editoriale Jackson FIS M156130 801 Eos American Geophysical Union TER-DIF M

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153860 802 Episodes : International Geos. News Mag. I.U.G.S. (Int. Un. of Geol. Sc.) TER ABBON.803 Equipement logement transports Directions Dept. Equipement PIA M

148905 804 Equipment mecanique C.F.E. MEC M82227 805 Erboristeria domani Studio Edizioni CHI M

206006 806 Erde (Die) TER M21054 807 Erdkunde Ferd. Dummler ECO-TER M72644 808 Ericsson review Ericsson DEIS M

809 Ericsson technics Ericsson DEIS M67042 810 Erodoto (GIA': Herodote Italia) Bertani PIA M21056 811 Espace geographique (L') Doin ECO-TER M21058 812 Espaces et societes Editions Anthropos PIA M

813 Espansione A. Mondadori MEC M62712 814 Esperienze amministrative USPI PIA M82230 815 Essenze derivati agrumari Staz. Sper. Reggio Cal. INGCHI ABBON.68136 816 Esso agricola Esso Italia MEC M

1264 817 Estimo e territorio Edagricole DIF-PIA M818 Estuarine and coastal marine science Academic Press ECO M819 Estuarine coastal and shelf science Academic Press ECO M

206025 820 Estudios geologicos Instituto de Investigaciones Geolog. TER M62333 821 Ethology ecology and evolution Tipografia Latini ECO M72447 822 Etudes du CEMAGREF: technologies de l'agriculture C.E.M.A.G.R.E.F. MEC M72446 823 Etudes du CNEEMA C.N.E.E.M.A. MEC M

824 Euromicro journal North-Holland DEIS M825 European archives of biology Vaillant-Carmanne ECO M826 European biophysics journal Springer FIS M

6264 827European biophysics journal with biophysics letters dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer FIS ABBON.

29102 828 European chemical news Reed Business Pub. CHI M214861 829 European earthquake engineering Patron Editore STR M

1253 830 European economic review North-Holland PIA M16897 831 European journal of biochemistry Springer BIO M

160525 832European journal of combinatorics dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press MAT ABBON.

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16869 833European journal of endocrinology dal 2009 solo on-line version Society of Endocrinology BIO ABBON.

834 European journal of engineering education Carfax STR M146492 835 European journal of environmental & eng. geophys. Geophysical Press TER M

16918 836 European journal of immunogenetics Blackwell BIO M16898 837 European journal of immunology Verlag Chemie BIO M

181637 838European journal of inorganic chemistry dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley CHI ABBON.

146517 839 European journal of mineralogy Schweizerbart'sche TER ABBON.72645 840 European journal of operational research Elsevier DEIS M

169194 841European journal of organic chemistry dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley CHI ABBON.

72646 842 European transact. on electr. power (E.T.E.P.) dal 2009 J. Wiley DEIS ABBON.843 European transact. on electr. power eng. (E.T.E.P.) A.E.I. DEIS M

72647 844 European transact. on telecommunications (E.T.T.) dal 2J. Wiley DEIS ABBON.289042 845 European transact. on telecommunications and relat. tech. A.E.I. DEIS M

846 European water and sewage N & W Litho DIF M6265 847 Europhysics letters dal 2009 solo on-line version IOP FIS ABBON.6266 848 Europhysics news European Physical Society FIS M

849 Evolution Society for the Study of Evolution ECO M206031 850 Experientia Birkhauser ECO-TER M

16899 851 Experimental and clinical immunogenetics Kargen BIO M852 Experimental brain research Springer ECO M

16900 853 Experimental cell research Academic Press BIO M

72439 854 Experimental mechanics dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MEC A+M str

72444 855 Experimental techniques dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell/SEM MEC A+M str

35020 856Expositiones mathematicae dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier MAT ABBON.

857 Extracta mathematicae Univ. de Extremadura MAT M72451 858 F.M.S. magazine: flexible manufacturing systems I.F.S. Publications MEC M

153863 859 Facies dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer TER ABBON.860 Faraday discussions On line Version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.

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29103 861 Faraday symposia of the chemical society Royal Society of Chemistry CHI M29104 862 Farmaco (Il) Società Chimica Italiana CHI M

863 Farmaco (Il) edizione pratica Società Chimica Italiana CHI M864 Farmaco (Il) edizione scientifica Società Chimica Italiana CHI M

72453 865 Fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structur. Pergamon Press MEC M16901 866 Febs letters North-Holland BIO M

867 Fems. Microbiology letters Elsevier ECO M16902 868 Fertility and sterility dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier BIO ABBON.

228848 869 Fisica e tecnologia Editrice Compositori FIS M148926 870 Fluid Apparecchiature idrauliche e pneumatiche Etas Periodici MEC M

72449 871 Fluid flow measurements abstracts Scientific & Technical Information MEC M72450 872 Fluid power abstracts B.H.R.A. Fluid Engineering MEC M

158574 873 Fluid: Trasmissione di potenza Tecniche Nuove MEC ABBON.206062 874 Foldrajzi kozlemenyek Akademiai Kiado TER M206063 875 Foldtani Kozlony Akademiai Kiado TER M

82680 876 Fonderia italiana (La) Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia CHI M72448 877 Fonderia: rivista tec. dei fondit. e fornit. delle fonderie E.T.M. MEC M

878 Fonderie Edition Tech. des indus.de la Fonderie MEC M148929 879 Fonderie: fondeur d'aujourd'hui Edition Tech. des indus.de la Fonderie MEC M

880 Fonti di energia alternative T.I.A. MEC M166945 881 For the learning of mathematics F.L.M. MAT ABBON.

882 Forcesicurezza Editoriale Pucci MEC M1260 883 Foro (Il) amministrativo A. Giuffrè PIA M

206069 884 Forschungen und fortschritte Akademie der Wissenschaften TER M206071 885 Fortschritte der mineralogie E. Schweizerbart'sche TER M208774 886 Fotocinemercato Di Nunno Editore DIF M208939 887 Foto-Voltaici Ed. Artch Pubblishing MEC ABBON.

51466 888 Foundations of physics dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) MAT A+M fis206088 889 Freiberger forschugshefte Akademie Verlag TER M209982 890 Freshwater biology dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell ECO ABBON.

35021 891Functional analysis and its applications dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) MAT ABBON.

35022 892Fundamenta mathematicae dal 2009 solo on-line version Intl. Publ. Service MAT ABBON.

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51467 893 Funkcialaj ekvacioj Kinokuniya Company MAT M250547 894 Furnaces international DMG World media MEC OMAGGIO

1262 895 Futures IPC Bus. Press PIA M72239 896 Futuribles Association Internationale Futuribles PIA M72648 897 Fuzzy sets & systems Elsevier DEIS M

214862 898 Ga : Document Extra A.D.A. STR M35024 899 Gaceta matematica Inst. "Jorge juan" de Mat. R.S.M.E. MAT M

900 Gas separation & purification Elsevier CHI M901 Gazeta matematica Societatea Gazeta Matematica MAT M

101254 902 Gazette of the Australian mathematical society Australian Mathematical Soc. MAT M29106 903 Gazzetta chimica Italiana Società Chimica Italiana CHI M

186778 904 GEA : gestione ed economia dell'ambiente Maggioli Editore Periodici MEC ABBON.60869 905 Gene geography Univ. Tor Vergata BIO M

16904 906General and comparative endocrinology dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press BIO ABBON.

35025 907 General relativity and gravitation Plenum MAT M16903 908 Genetics Genetics Society of America BIO M

909 Genie rural : amanagement et equipement rural Pyc-Edition DIF-MEC M910 Genio rurale estimo e territorio Edagricole MEC M

16905 911 Genomics dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press BIO ABBON.72241 912 Geo abstracts Geo Abstracts Ltd. PIA M

913 Geoacta Dip. Sci. Terra Geolog. Ambient. TER ABBON.153964 914 Geobios dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier TER ABBON.

153970 915Geochimica et cosmochimica acta dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press TER ABBON.

206207 916 Geochronique Bureau de recherches geol. et miniers TER M917 Geodes Edizioni Purana ECO M

146493 918 Geodinamica acta dal 2009 solo on-line version Lavoisier TER ABBON.919 Geoexploration Elsevier TER M920 Geofisica e meteorologia Soc. It. Di Geofisica e meteorologia TER M

206211 921 Geofisica internacional Union Geof. Mexicana TER M922 Geofisica pura e applicata Ist. Geofisico italiano TER M

21084 923 Geoforum Pergamon Press PIA-ECO-T M206213 924 Geofysikalni sbornik Ceskoslovenska Akademie TER M

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206248 925 Geofysiske publikasjoner. Geophysica norvegica Geofysiske Komm. TER M146524 926 Geografia fisica e dinamica quaternaria Comitato Glaciologico Italiano TER M

99680 927 Geografia nelle scuole Associazione It. Ins. di Geografia ECO M

206254 928Geographical journal (The) dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell/Royal Geographical Society ECO A+M ter

21085 929 Geographical review dal 2009 solo on-line version American Geographical Society ECO A+M ter209974 930 Geography Geographical Association ECO M

931 Geologia applicata e idrogeologia CNR - Regione Basilicata TER M932 Geologia tecnica Associazione Naz. Geologi Italiani TER - DIF M

156807 933 Geologia tecnica & ambientale Consiglio Naz. dei Geologi TER ABBON.206257 934 Geologica Bavarica Bayer: Geol. Landes. TER M206271 935 Geologica et paleontologica Univers. Marburg TER M146525 936 Geologica romana Univ.La Sapienza TER ABBON.146494 937 Geological abstracts Elsevier TER M146495 938 Geological journal dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley TER ABBON.154359 939 Geological magazine dal 2009 solo on-line version Cambridge Univ. Press TER ABBON.

150625 940Geological society of America bulletin dal 2009 solo on-line version Geological Society of America TER ABBON.

206280 941 Geologie der meere und binnengewasser Gebruder Borntraeger TER M156183 942 Geologie en mijnbouw - Netherlands journal… Netherland Inst. TER ABBON.206382 943 Geologie. Zeitschrift fur das gesamtgebiet der geol… Akademie Verlag TER M

944 Geologische rundschau Springer TER M206384 945 Geologisches jahrbuch Miedersachsische Lands. TER M150694 946 Geology dal 2009 solo on-line version Geological Society of America TER ABBON.206890 947 Geomagnetism and aeronomy American Geophysical Union TER M156172 948 Geo-marine letters dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer TER ABBON.

35026 949 Geometriae dedicata dal 2007 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) MAT ABBON.206891 950 Geomorphology Elsevier TER M206895 951 Geophysica Geophysical Society of Finland TER M

6267 952 Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. FIS M953 Geophysical journal Blackwell TER M

146496 954Geophysical journal international dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell TER ABBON.

955 Geophysical journal of the R. A. S. Blackwell TER M

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206918 956 Geophysical magazine Japan Meteorological Agency TER M206919 957 Geophysical notes Geophysical Inst. Tokio TER M

154400 958 Geophysical prospecting dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell TER ABBON.204343 959 Geophysical research bulletin National Geoph. Research Institute TER M

146497 960Geophysical research letters dal 2009 solo on-line version American Geophysical Union TER ABBON.

206932 961 Geophysical surveys D. Reidel Pub. TER M154440 962 Geophysics dal 2009 solo on-line version Society of exploration geophysicists TER ABBON.206944 963 Geophysik und geologie Teubner TER M154645 964 Geostandards and geoanalytical research dal 2009 solo Blackwell TER ABBON.

965Geostandards newsletter : J. of geostands and geoanalysis Blackwell TER M

208493 966 Geotechnical abstracts German Nat.Soc.Soil Mec.Fou.Eng. DIF M208779 967 Geotechnical engineering Southeast Asian Geotechnical Soc. DIF M208072 968 Geotechnical testing journal ASTM Customer Service DIF ABBON.208116 969 Geotechnique Thomas Telford Publishing DIF ABBON.208532 970 Geotecnia Sociedade Portuguesa de Geot. DIF M154882 971 Geotectonics American Geophysical Union TER M206972 972 Geotektonische forschungen Stuttgart TER M154646 973 Geothermics dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press TER ABBON.146498 974 Geotimes American Geological Institute TER M206975 975 Gerlands beitrage zur geophysik Akademische Verlag TER M

976 Giornale botanico italiano Societa Botanica Italaina ECO M1265 977 Giornale degli economisti e annali di economia Università Commerciale Boccini PIA M

67909 978 Giornale del genio civile Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato STR M979 Giornale dell' officina (Il) A.S.C.O.M.T. FIS M

148936 980 Giornale di agricoltura R.E.D.A MEC M61067 981 Giornale di fisica Editrice Compositori FIS M

146526 982 Giornale di geologia Giornale di geologia TER M983 Giornale italiano di entomologia Edizioni Il Longobardo ECO M

35027 984Glasgow mathematical journal dal 2009 solo on-line version Cambridge Univ. Press. MAT ABBON.

207005 985 Gluckauf TER M

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986 Gortania TER M207006 987 Grana Almquist & Wiksell TER M148938 988 Graphical models (già: CVGIP Graphical models … ) dal Academic Press MEC ABBON.

989 Green chemistry On line Version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.

67890 990 Ground engineering + European found. (Supplemento) Business EMAP Communication LTD DIF ABBON.72456 991 Grundlagen der landtechnik Verein Deutscher Ingenieure MEC M

196588 992 GSA today Geological Society of America TER M993 GWF; Wasser, Abwasser Oldenbourg DIF M994 H Revue de l'Habitat Social Union Nationale des HLM PIA M995 Habitat Calabria Associazione Naz. Ing. Sanitar. PIA M996 Habitat international Pergamon Press PIA M997 Habitat news United Nation Centre PIA M998 Harvad espansione A. Mondadori MEC M

72457 999 Heat and fluid flow Mechanical Engineering Publications MEC M149073 1000 Heat and mass transfer dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MEC ABBON.

72460 1001 Heat and technology - Calore e tecnologia Edizioni ETS MEC ABBON.72459 1002 Heat pipe technology NASA MEC M72458 1003 Heat transfer engineering Taylor & Francis MEC ABBON.

144210 1004 Heat transfer recent contents A.S.M.E. MEC M29107 1005 Helvetica chimica acta Velag Helvetica Chimica Acta CHI M

207062 1006 Helvetica physica acta Birkhauser TER-FIS M60870 1007 Hereditas Mendelian Society of Lund BIO M16906 1008 Heredity Oliver and Boyd BIO M

209963 1009 Herpetological review Soc. for the study of Amph. and Rept. ECO ABBON.29108 1010 Heterocycles Japan Inst. of Heterociclic Chemistry CHI M

214883 1011 Highway research news National Res.Coun./Highway Res.Bo. DIF M1012 Highway research record National Res.Coun./Highway Res.Bo. DIF M1013 Hinterland General Promotion S.p.A. PIA M

35028 1014 Historia mathematica dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press MAT ABBON.35029 1015 History and philosophy of logic Taylor & Francis MAT M72575 1016 Holosphere Museum of Holography MEC M67883 1017 Houille blanche (La) dal 2009 solo on-line version La Houille Blanche DIF A+M deis16907 1018 Human genetics dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer BIO ABBON.

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16908 1019 Human heredity dal 2009 solo on-line version S. Karger AG BIO ABBON.208533 1020 Hydro Delft Delft Hydraulics Laboratory DIF M

29109 1021 Hydrocarbon processing Gulf Publ. Co. INGCHI ABBON.208537 1022 Hydrologiai kozlony Hungarian Hydrological Society DIF M208144 1023 Hydrological processes dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley DIF ABBON.

1024 Hydrological sciences bulletin IAHS Press DIF M208636 1025 Hydrological sciences journal IAHS Press DIF M

67889 1026 Hydrology research (Già: Nordic hydrology) I.W.A. Publ. DIF ABBON.1027 Hydrosoft C.M.P. DiF M

72650 1028 Hypermedia Taylor Graham DEIS M216780 1029 IABSE: Periodica I.A.B.S.E. STR M

14801 1030 IBC informazioni Ist. Benia. Cult. Nat. Emilia Romagna PIA M209950 1031 Ibis dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell ECO ABBON.

72651 1032 IBM systems journal I.B.M. DEIS M207077 1033 ICSU review of world science Elsevier TER M

1034 Idojaras Magyar Meter. Tarsag TER M

72652 1035IEE proceed.: circuits, devices and systems (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS ABBON.

72658 1036IEE proceed.: communications (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS ABBON.

1037 IEE proceed.: communications, radar and signal proc. I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS M1038 IEE proceed.: communications, speech and vision I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS M

72659 1039IEE proceed.: computers and digital techniques (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS ABBON.

72657 1040IEE proceed.: control theory and applications (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS ABBON.

72655 1041IEE proceed.: electric power applications (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS ABBON.

1042 IEE proceed.: electronic and communication engineer. I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS M1043 IEE proceed.: electronic circuits and systems I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS M

72653 1044IEE proceed.: generation, trasmission and distr. (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS ABBON.

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72654 1045IEE proceed.: microwaves, antennas and propag. (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS ABBON.

1046 IEE proceed.: microwaves, optics and antennas I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS M1047 IEE proceed.: monograph I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS M

214884 1048IEE proceed.: optoelectronics (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS ABBON.

1049IEE proceed.: physical science measurement and instrumentation management and education reviews I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS M

1050 IEE proceed.: power engineering I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS M1051 IEE proceed.: radar and signal processing I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS M

72656 1052IEE proceed.: radar, sonar and navigation (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS ABBON.

212930 1053IEE proceed.: science, measurement and techn. (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS ABBON.

225115 1054 IEE proceed.: software (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS ABBON.1055 IEE proceed.: solid-state and electron devices I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS M

214885 1056IEE proceed.: vision, image signal processing (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS ABBON.

1057 IEEE antennas and propagation magazine I.E.E.E. DEIS M72660 1058 IEEE circuits and devices magazine I.E.E.E. DEIS M72661 1059 IEEE communications magazine I.E.E.E. DEIS M

102631 1060 IEEE computational science and engineering I.E.E.E. MAT M1061 IEEE computer & applications in power magazine (Non trI.E.E.E. DEIS M

72576 1062IEEE computer graphics and applications (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.E. MEC A+M deis

1063 IEEE control systems I.E.E.E. DEIS M72663 1064 IEEE design & test of computers I.E.E.E. DEIS M72664 1065 IEEE electron device letters I.E.E.E. DEIS M

1066 IEEE engineering in medicine & biology I.E.E.E. DEIS M72665 1067 IEEE expert I.E.E.E. DEIS M

1068 IEEE industry applications I.E.E.E. DEIS M1069 IEEE journal of lightware technology I.E.E.E. DEIS M1070 IEEE journal of quantum electronics I.E.E.E. FIS M

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1071 IEEE journal of robotics and automation I.E.E.E. DEIS M72666 1072 IEEE journal of solid-state circuits I.E.E.E. DEIS M72667 1073 IEEE journal on selected areas in communications I.E.E.E. DEIS M72668 1074 IEEE LTS (Magazine of lightware telecom. systems) I.E.E.E. DEIS M51469 1075 IEEE micro magazine I.E.E.E. MAT-DEIS M72670 1076 IEEE network magazine I.E.E.E. DEIS M72671 1077 IEEE personal communication magazine I.E.E.E. DEIS M72672 1078 IEEE power engineering review I.E.E.E. DEIS M

1079 IEEE robotics & automation magazine I.E.E.E. DEIS M72673 1080 IEEE signal processing magazine I.E.E.E. DEIS M51470 1081 IEEE software magazine I.E.E.E. MAT-DEIS M

1082 IEEE spectrum I.E.E.E. DEIS M1083 IEEE technology & society magazine I.E.E.E. DEIS M1084 IEEE trans. on acoustic. speech & signal process. I.E.E.E. DEIS M1085 IEEE trans. on antennas & propagation I.E.E.E. DEIS M1086 IEEE trans. on applied superconductivity I.E.E.E. FIS M

72679 1087IEEE trans. on automatic control (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.E. DEIS ABBON.

72680 1088 IEEE trans. on bio medical engineering I.E.E.E. DEIS M1089 IEEE trans. on circuit theory I.E.E.E. DEIS M1090 IEEE trans. on circuits and systems I.E.E.E. DEIS M1091 IEEE trans. on circuits and systems I. Fundamental … I.E.E.E. DEIS M1092 IEEE trans. on circuits and systems II. Analog … I.E.E.E. DEIS M1093 IEEE trans. on communications I.E.E.E. DEIS-TER M1094 IEEE trans. on compon. hybrids & manufact. tech. I.E.E.E. DEIS M1095 IEEE trans. on computer-aided des. integr. circ. & sy. I.E.E.E. DEIS M

35031 1096IEEE trans. on computers (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.E. MAT A+M deis

1097 IEEE trans. on control systems technology I.E.E.E. DEIS M

35033 1098 IEEE trans. on education (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.E. MAT A+M deis1099 IEEE trans. on electrical insulation I.E.E.E. DEIS M1100 IEEE trans. on electromagnetic compatibility I.E.E.E. DEIS M1101 IEEE trans. on electron devices I.E.E.E. DEIS-FIS M

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1102 IEEE trans. on energy conversion I.E.E.E. DEIS M1103 IEEE trans. on engineering management I.E.E.E. DEIS M1104 IEEE trans. on fuzzy systems I.E.E.E. DEIS M1105 IEEE trans. on geoscience and remote sensing soc. I.E.E.E. FIS M1106 IEEE trans. on geoscience electronics I.E.E.E. TER M

72693 1107IEEE trans. on industrial electronics (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.E. DEIS ABBON.

1108 IEEE trans. on industrial electronics and control instr. I.E.E.E. DEIS M1109 IEEE trans. on industry and general applications I.E.E.E. DEIS M

72694 1110IEEE trans. on industry applications (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.E. DEIS ABBON.

1111 IEEE trans. on information theory I.E.E.E. DEIS M1112 IEEE trans. on instrumentation & measurements I.E.E.E. DEIS-TER M

72697 1113IEEE trans. on knowledge and data engineering (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.E. DEIS ABBON.

1114 IEEE trans. on magnetics I.E.E.E. DEIS M1115 IEEE trans. on microwave theory & techniques I.E.E.E. DEIS-FIS M

72700 1116IEEE trans. on neural networks (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.E. DEIS ABBON.

1117 IEEE trans. on nuclear science I.E.E.E. FIS M1118 IEEE trans. on parallel & distributed systems I.E.E.E. DEIS M1119 IEEE trans. on parts, hybrids, and packaging I.E.E.E. DEIS M1120 IEEE trans. on pattern analysis & machine intellig. I.E.E.E. DEIS M1121 IEEE trans. on plasma science I.E.E.E. DEIS M1122 IEEE trans. on power apparatus & systems I.E.E.E. DEIS M1123 IEEE trans. on power delivery I.E.E.E. DEIS M

72706 1124IEEE trans. on power electronics (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.E. DEIS ABBON.

72707 1125IEEE trans. on power systems (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.E. DEIS ABBON.

1126 IEEE trans. on reliability I.E.E.E. DEIS M

72709 1127IEEE trans. on robotics and automation (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.E. DEIS ABBON.

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72710 1128IEEE trans. on signal processing (dal 2004 solo on-line version) I.E.E.E. DEIS ABBON.

1129 IEEE trans. on software engineering I.E.E.E. MAT-DEIS M1130 IEEE trans. on systems science and cybernetics I.E.E.E. DEIS M1131 IEEE trans. on systems, man & cybernetics I.E.E.E. MAT-DEIS M1132 IEEE trans. on systems, man & cybernetics part A I.E.E.E. DEIS M1133 IEEE trans. on systems, man & cybernetics part B I.E.E.E. DEIS M1134 IEEE trans. on systems, man & cybernetics part C I.E.E.E. DEIS M1135 IEEE trans. on ultrasonic, ferroelect. & frequen. contr. I.E.E.E. DEIS M1136 IEEE trans. on vehicular technology I.E.E.E. DEIS M1137 IEEE trans. on very large scale integrat. (VLSI) syst. I.E.E.E. DEIS M1138 IEEE/ACM trans. on networking I.E.E.E. DEIS M1139 IEEE/ASME transactions on Mechatronics I.E.E.E. MEC M

35035 1140 Illinois journal of mathematics University of Illinois MAT ABBON.

35036 1141IMA journal of applied mathematics dal 2009 solo on-line version Oxford Univ. Press MAT A+M deis

35037 1142IMA journal of numerical analysis dal 2009 solo on-line version Oxford Univ. Press MAT A+M deis

144213 1143Image and vision computing dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier MEC ABBON.

244543 1144 Immunochemistry Pergamon Press BIO M16909 1145 Immunogenetics Springer BIO M16910 1146 Immunology Blackwell BIO M

287169 1147 Impa Science Editions Solin FIS M149734 1148 Impianti: riv. di prog., realiz. ed eserc. degli imp. ind. Fae riviste MEC M144592 1149 Impiantistica italiana Animp MEC ABBON.154390 1150 Impresa ambiente Il Sole 24 Ore DIF-MEC M287985 1151 Impresa oggi: idee & iniziative per il futuro dell'impresa Etas Periodici FIS-MEC M

35038 1152Indagationes mathematicae dal 2008 solo on-line version North-Holland MAT ABBON.

146966 1153 Independent energy A. PennWell Publication MEC M67885 1154 Indian geotechnical journal Indian Geotechnical Society DIF M35039 1155 Indian journal of math. Allahabad math. soc. MAT M

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35040 1156Indiana university mathematics journal dal 2009 solo on-line version Indiana Univ. Math. J. MAT ABBON.

144591 1157 Indicatore cartotecnico USPI MEC M

207289 1158 Individual studies by part. to the Int. Inst. of Seism…. Int. Inst. of Seismol. TER M83039 1159 Industria conserve Gruppo Editoriale Faenza INGCHI M

287999 1160 Industria dei laterizi Gruppo Editoriale Faenza STR M72246 1161 Industria delle costruzioni Edilstampa PIA - STR M

214869 1162 Industria italiana del cemento Pubblicemento STR ABBON.165207 1163 Industria mineraria (L') S.I.P.I. TER M288000 1164 Industrial and engin. chemistry fundamentals American Chemical Society CHI M

288001 1165Industrial and engin. chemistry process design and development American Chemical Society CHI M

288002 1166Industrial and engin. chemistry product research and development American Chemical Society CHI M

29110 1167Industrial and engin. chemistry research dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.

144214 1168 Industrial automation newletter MEC M82995 1169 Industrial ceramics Techna INGCHI OMAGGIO

1170 Industrial research & development(Già: Industrial res.) Technical Pub. MEC M72464 1171 Industrial robot MCB MEC M

1172 Industrie anzeiger MEC M1173 Infor journal University of Toronto Press DEIS M

72469 1174 Informatica 70 Crogiolo MEC-DEIS M9697 1175 Informatica oggi Gruppo Editoriale Jackson DEIS M

81672 1176 Informatica oggi & unix: la rivista dei sistemi aperti Gruppo Editoriale Jackson MEC-FIS-DEISM1177 Informatica oggi: settimanale indipendente di informatica DEIS M1178 Informatica: quindicinale di politica economia e tecnica EDP DEIS M

72719 1179Information and computation dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press DEIS ABBON.

1180 Information and control Academic Press DEIS M72720 1181 Information and decision technologies Elsevier DEIS M17244 1182 Information and technology E.S.T.E. DEIS M

207290 1183 Information geographique (L') Sedes/ Nathan Abon. ECO-TER M

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72717 1184 Information processing letters Elsevier DEIS M35041 1185 Information sciences North-Holland MAT M72718 1186 Information systems Pergamon Press DEIS M

1187 Informations d'ile de france IAURIF PIA M9701 1188 Informatore agrario Informatore agrario MEC M

1189 Informatore botanico italiano Società Botanica Italiana ECO M149767 1190 Informazione scientifica La Stella MEC M

62815 1191 Informazioni Svimez Svimez PIA M

219685 1192INFORMS journal on computing dal 2009 solo on-line version I.N.F.O.R.M.S. DEIS ABBON.

61069 1193 Infrared physics Pergamon Press FIS M167546 1194 Ingegneria ambientale C.I.P.A. MEC-DIF ABBON.149785 1195 Ingegneria dell'energia & calore Centro Internaz. Studi Giornalistici MEC M149789 1196 Ingegneria elettronica USPI MEC M216760 1197 Ingegneria ferroviaria C.I.F.I. PIA M

72461 1198 Ingegneria meccanica Etas Kompass MEC M67410 1199 Ingegneria sanitaria Maggioli DIF M

1200 Ingegneria sanitaria ambientale Maggioli DIF M208148 1201 Ingegneria sismica Patron Editore STR-DIF ABBON.149772 1202 Ingegneria: rivista di scienza e tecnica Hoepli MEC M208146 1203 Ingenieria del agua dal 2009 solo on-line version Found.para el fom. de la ing. del agua / Univ. Cor DIF ABBON.

72467 1204 INIS atomindex International Atomic Energy Agency MEC M144585 1205 Innovazione: impianti & produzione Fae riviste MEC M

29177 1206 Inorganic & nuclear chemistry letters Pergamon Press CHI M60394 1207 Inorganic chemistry dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.

29111 1208 Inorganica chimica acta dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier CHI ABBON.162099 1209 Inossidabile Grafiche Biessezeta MEC M

29112 1210 Inquinamento Gruppo Editoriale Jackson/VNU Bus. Publ INGCHI-D-M-PM

51480 1211Insegnamento della matematica e delle scienze integrate Centro Ricerche Did. Ugo Morin MAT ABBON.

159830 1212 Installatore europeo C.I.D.A. Editrice MEC ABBON.67403 1213 Installatore italiano Reed Business DIF ABBON.

149832 1214 Installatore tecnico C.I.D.A. Editrice MEC M

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51471 1215 Institut des hautes etudes scientifiques Presses Universitaires France MAT M72721 1216 Instrumentation technology Isa Service DEIS M61078 1217 Instruments and experimental techniques Plenum FIS M72721 1218 Intech Isa Service DEIS M

149838 1219 Integrated manufacturing systems MCB University Press MEC M

72722 1220International abstracts in operations research dal 2009 solo on-line version Palgrave Mc Millan DEIS ABBON.

72482 1221 International building services abstracts (e-mail version) B.S.R.I.A. MEC ABBON.29043 1222 International chemical engineering A.I.C.H.E. CHI M

1223 International civil engineering Jerusalem Academic Press STR M72479 1224 International communic. in heat and mass transfer Pergamon Press MEC M

144208 1225 International j. computers and math. with appl. Pergamon Press MEC M291449 1226 International j. for artificial intelligence in engineering Comp. Mechanics Publ. MEC M

67904 1227International j. for numer. and anal.methods in geom. dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley DIF ABBON.

67902 1228International j. for numer. methods in engineering dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley STR-DIF A+M me-d

207293 1229 International j. of air pollution Pergamon Press TER M

16911 1230International j. of andrology dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell BIO ABBON.

187584 1231 International j. of applied mathematics Academic Publications MAT M

29113 1232International j. of chemical kinetics dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley INGCHI ABBON.

72723 1233 International j. of circuit theory & applications J. Wiley DEIS M

213868 1234International j. of communication systems dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley DEIS ABBON.

72725 1235 International j. of computer & information sciences Plenum DEIS M35042 1236 International j. of computer mathematics Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. MAT-DEIS M72726 1237 International j. of control Taylor & Francis DEIS M

1238 International j. of differential equations and applications Academic Publ. MAT M72727 1239 International j. of digital and analog comm. systems DEIS M

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205325 1240International j. of earth sciences : Geol. Rundschau dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer TER ABBON.

72728 1241 International j. of electrical engineering education University Manchester Press DEIS M61076 1242 International j. of electronics Taylor & Francis FIS M

149989 1243 International j. of engineering science Pergamon Press STR-DIF-MECM150001 1244 International j. of fatigue, materials, struct., compon. Butterworths MEC M

72730 1245 International j. of flexible manufacturing systems Kluwer DEIS M212414 1246 International j. of forming processes Hermes Science Publ. MEC M

72475 1247 International j. of fracture dal 2007 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) MEC A+M str

150232 1248International j. of heat and fluid flow dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier MEC ABBON.

150354 1249International j. of heat and mass transfer dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press MEC A+M dif

72460 1250International j. of heat and technology (Calore e tecnologia) Edizioni ETS MEC M

150265 1251International j. of hydrogen energy dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press MEC ABBON.

72731 1252 International j. of intelligent systems J. Wiley DEIS M1253 International j. of invertebrate reproduction & develop. Balaban Publishers ECO M

72476 1254 International j. of machine tool design & research Pergamon Press MEC M72477 1255 International j. of machine tools & manufacture Pergamon Press MEC M

1256 International j. of man-machine studies Academic Press DEIS M240526 1257 International j. of mass spectr. and ion physics Elsevier FIS M

82241 1258 International j. of mass spectr. and ion processes Elsevier CHI M

102998 1259International j. of mathematics dal 2009 solo on-line version World Scientific Publishing MAT ABBON.

72474 1260 International j. of mechanical sciences Pergamon Press STR-MEC M34469 1261 International j. of modern physics A World Scientific Publishing MAT-FIS M

1262 International j. of modern physics B World Scientific Publishing FIS M1263 International j. of modern physics C World Scientific Publishing FIS M

29114 1264International j. of multiphase flow dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier INGCHI A+M mec

150389 1265 International j. of non-linear mechanics Pergamon Press MEC -STR M

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1266 International j. of non-linear optical physics World Scientific Publishing FIS M72472 1267 International j. of pressure vessels and piping(Già: Res mElsevier MEC M58806 1268 International j. of production research Taylor & Francis DEIS ABBON.

29117 1269International j. of quantum chemistry dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley CHI ABBON.

29115 1270 International j. of quantum chemistry. Quantum biology sympoJ. Wiley CHI M1271 International j. of quantum chemistry. Symposia J. Wiley CHI M

72471 1272International j. of refrigeration dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier MEC ABBON.

72734 1273 International j. of robotics & automation Acta Press DEIS M72733 1274 International j. of robotics research Mit Press DEIS M

214850 1275International j. of robust and non-linear control dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley DEIS ABBON.

67905 1276International j. of rock mech. and mining science dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier DIF A+M ter

67886 1277 International j. of sediment research I.R.T.C.E.S. DIF M

72473 1278International j. of solids and structures dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press STR A+M mec

216779 1279 International j. of space structures Multi-Science STR M72735 1280 International j. of supercomputer applications Mit Press DEIS M

1281 International j. of systematic bacteriology American Society for Microbiology ECO M1282 International j. of systems science Taylor & Francis DEIS M

61095 1283 International j. of theoretical physics Plenum FIS M

153936 1284International j. of thermal sciences dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier MEC ABBON.

1285 International j. of transp. econ. (Già:Riv.Int.econ.trasp.) IJTE PIA M1286 International j. of vehicle design Interscience Publishers MEC M1287 International laboratory Int. Sci. Comm. STR M1288 International logic review Centro Sup. di Logica Scienze Comp. MAT M1289 International metallurgical reviews American Soc. of Metals CHI M1290 International metals reviews American Society for Metals CHI M1291 International review of citology Academic Press ECO M

67881 1292International water power and dam constr. dal 2009 e-mail version IPC / Wilmington Publ. DIF ABBON.

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1293 International water power and dam constr. handbook Red Business Pub. DIF M1294 Internet magazine Future Publisher DEIS M

79462 1295 Internet news Tecniche Nuove MEC- DEIS M248803 1296 Internet. Pro Tecniche Nuove MEC- DEIS M

35044 1297 Inventiones mathematicae dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.210014 1298 Invertebrate reproduction and development Balaban Publishers ECO M

1299 IOP Archivi On line Version IOP FIS ABBON.1300 IPG International power generation International newspapers MEC M1301 Ipotesi Arti Grafiche Bari PIA M1302 Ire trans. on circuit theory Profesional Group on Instr. and Meas. DEIS M1303 Ire trans. on engineering management Profesional Group on Instr. and Meas. DEIS M1304 Ire trans. on instrumentation Profesional Group on Instr. and Meas. DEIS M1305 Iron & steel engineer AISE DEIS M1306 Ironmaking & steelmaking Metal Soc. and Amer. Soc. For Met. CHI M1307 Irrigation and power Central Board of Irrigation & Power DIF M1308 Irrigation and power abstracts Central Board of Irrigation & Power DIF M1309 Irrigation journal Brawtwood Publ. DIF M1310 Irrigazione (L') Edagricole DIF M1311 Irrigazione e drenaggio Edagricole DIF M1312 Isa transactions Isa Service DEIS M1313 Isolare CTA BE-MA Editrice MEC M1314 Isolation, revetements et architecture evolutive MEC M

207299 1315 Israel journal of earth sciences Laser TER M

35045 1316Israel journal of mathematics dal 2009 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.

72466 1317 Italia agricola USPI MEC M1318 Italia nostra (bollettino) Tip. Carpenntieri PIA M

9526 1319 Italian journal of zoology (The) Unione Zoologica Italiana ECO M249690 1320 IUBMB life Taylor & Francis Farm-Biol M

35082 1321 Izvestiya mathematics dal 2009 solo on-line version A.M.S. MAT ABBON.207341 1322 Izvestiya. Academy of sci. USSR. Physics of the solid earth American Geophysical Union DIF-TER M207339 1323 Izvestiya. Atmospheric and oceanic physics American Geophysical Union TER-DIF M

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1324 Japanese journal of applied physics FIS M35046 1325 Japanese journal of math. Math.Soc.of Japan MAT M61089 1326 JETP letters American Institute of Physics FIS M

208342 1327 Journal american water work association American Water Research Assoc. DIF M190473 1328 Journal citation reports on CD-ROM ISI MAT M

35047 1329Journal d'analyse mathématique dal 2009 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.

1330 Journal de chimie phys. et de phy.-chi. biologique Societe' de Chimie Physique CHI M

51475 1331Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées dal 2008 solo on-line version Gauthier-Villars MAT ABBON.

207412 1332 Journal de mecanique et de phys. de l'atmosphere Soc. Meteor. de France TER M34467 1333 Journal de physique Les Editions de Physique FIS M

1334 Journal de physique 1 Les Editions de Physique FIS M60892 1335 Journal de physique 2 Les Editions de Physique FIS M

1336 Journal de physique colloque Les Editions de Physique FIS M1337 Journal de physique lettres Les Editions de Physique FIS M

207419 1338 Journal de recherches atmospheriques Univ. de Clermont - Toulouse TER M

51476 1339Journal fuer die reine und angewandte Mathematik dal 2009 solo on-line version Walter de Gruyter MAT ABBON.

60430 1340Journal of agricultural and food chemistry dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.

72490 1341 Journal of agricultural engineering research Academic Press MEC M207422 1342 Journal of agricultural meteorology Soc. of Agricult. Meter. TER M

35048 1343 Journal of algebra dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press MAT ABBON.

35049 1344Journal of algebraic geometry dal 2009 solo on-line version A.M.S. MAT ABBON.

1345 Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry On line VersionRoyal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.244549 1346 Journal of animal ecology (The) Blackwell ECO M

146499 1347Journal of applied geophysics dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier TER ABBON.

35050 1348 Journal of applied math. and mech. (PMM) Pergamon Press MA-ME-STR M1349 Journal of applied mechanics (A.S.C.E.) A.S.C.E. MEC M

72550 1350 Journal of applied mechanics dal 2009 solo on-line versi A.S.M.E. MEC A+M str 67884 1351 Journal of applied meteorology American Meteorological Society DIF-TER M

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67884 1352Journal of applied meteorology and climatology dal 2009 solo on-line version American Meteorological Society DIF ABBON.

6271 1353 Journal of applied physics dal 2009 solo on-line version American Institute of Physics FIS A+M de-t1354 Journal of applied systems analysis University of Lancaster DEIS M

35051 1355Journal of approximation theory dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press MAT ABBON.

210018 1356 Journal of arachnology (the) American Arachnological Society ECO M1357 Journal of atmospheric & terrestrial physics Pergamon Press TER M1358 Journal of bacteriology American Society for Microbiology BIO M

249806 1359 Journal of biochemistry Nihon Seikagakkai Farm-Biol M1360 Journal of biogeography Blackwell ECO M1361 Journal of biological chemistry American Soc. for Bioc. And Mol. Bio. BIO-CHI M1362 Journal of biomechanical engineering dal 2009 solo on- A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

216784 1363 Journal of biomechanics Pergamon Press STR M253576 1364 Journal of biomedical optics SPIE MEC ABBON.

1365 Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics Academic Press CHI M

214854 1366Journal of bridge engineering dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.C.E. STR ABBON.

1367 Journal of catalysis Academic Press CHI M1368 Journal of cell biology (The) Rockfeller Univ. Press ECO-BIO M1369 Journal of cell science Cambridge Univ. Press BIO M

60871 1370 Journal of cellular physiology Alan R. Liss BIO M1371 Journal of chemical and engineering data American Chemical Society CHI M1372 Journal of chemical education American Chemical Society CHI M

29125 1373Journal of chemical engineering of Japan dal 2009 solo on-line version Society of Chemical Engineers INGCHI ABBON.

1374 Journal of chemical inform. and computer sciences American Chemical Society CHI M

29127 1375Journal of chemical physics dal 2009 solo on-line version American Institute of Physics CHI ABBON.

29128 1376 Journal of chemical research : miniprint Royal Society of Chemistry CHI M

29129 1377 Journal of chemical research : synopsis and micrifiche Royal Society of Chemistry CHI M1378 Journal of chromatography Elsevier CHI M

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1379 Journal of combinatorial theory part A Academic Press DEIS M1380 Journal of combinatorial theory part B Academic Press DEIS M

150608 1381Journal of composite materials dal 2009 solo on-line version Sage Publ. MEC ABBON.

214864 1382Journal of composites for construction dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.C.E. STR ABBON.

1383 Journal of computational and applied mathematics North-Holland MAT M254012 1384 Journal of computational and nonlinear dynamics dal 20A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

34468 1385Journal of computational physics dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press FIS A+M mat

35054 1386Journal of computer and system sciences dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press DEIS A+M mat

208944 1387Journal of computing and information science in eng. dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

214863 1388Journal of computing in civil engineering (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) A.S.C.E. STR M

167606 1389 Journal of convex analysis Heldermann Verlag MAT ABBON.1390 Journal of coordination chemistry Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. CHI M1391 Journal of development economics North-Holland PIA M

35055 1392Journal of differential equations dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press MAT ABBON.

58009 1393Journal of differential geometry dal 2009 solo on-line version International Press MAT ABBON.

72552 1394Journal of dynamic systems measurement and control dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC A+M deis-str

1395 Journal of ecology (The) Blackwell ECO M1396 Journal of educational computing research Baywood DEIS M

216785 1397 Journal of elasticity Sijthoff & Nordoff International Pub. STR M

215555 1398Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications dal 2009 solo on-line version VSP DEIS ABBON.

82593 1399 Journal of electron spectrosc. and related phenomena Elsevier CHI M255939 1400 Journal of electronic imaging SPIE MEC ABBON.244542 1401 Journal of electronic packaging dal 2009 solo on-line verA.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

1402 Journal of embryology & experimental morphology Cambridge Univ. Press ECO M16917 1403 Journal of endocrinological investigation Editrice Kurtis BIO ABBON.

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16945 1404 Journal of endocrinology dal 2009 solo on-line version Society of Endocrinology BIO ABBON.

72560 1405Journal of energy resources technology dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

72564 1406Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

72547 1407 Journal of engineering for industry A.S.M.E. MEC M72548 1408 Journal of engineering for power A.S.M.E. MEC M

72553 1409Journal of engineering materials and technology dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

1410 Journal of engineering mathematics Woltters - Noordhoff STR M

67870 1411Journal of engineering mechanics (Già: J.of the eng. mec div.) dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.C.E. STR-DIF A+M mec

67871 1412Journal of environmental engineering (Già: j.of the env.eng.div.) dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.C.E. DIF A+M pia

1413 Journal of environmental monitoring On line Version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.

219690 1414Journal of environmental quality (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) American Society of Agronomy ECO M

209398 1415Journal of experimental and theoretical physics dal 2008 solo on-line version Interperiodica FIS ABBON.

210021 1416Journal of experimental botany dal 2009 solo on-line version Oxford Univ. Press ECO ABBON.

1417 Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology Elsevier ECO M1418 Journal of experimental zoology Wiley-Liss ECO M

6274 1419 Journal of fluid mechanics dal 2009 solo on-line version Cambridge Univ. Press FIS-DIF A+M mec

72554 1420Journal of fluids engineering dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

146500 1421 Journal of foraminiferal research Cushman Found for Foramin Res. TER ABBON.

248677 1422Journal of fuel cell science & technology dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

1423 Journal of functional analysis Academic Press MAT M1424 Journal of general chemistry of the U.S.S.R… Consultans Bureau CHI-TER M1425 Journal of general physiology The Rockefeller Univ. Press BIO M

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146501 1426 Journal of geodynamics dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press TER ABBON.154895 1427 Journal of geology dal 2009 solo on-line version University of Chicago Press TER ABBON.

1428 Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity Soc. of Ter. Magn. and elec. of Japan TER M35057 1429 Journal of geometry dal 2008 solo on-line version Birkhauser MAT ABBON.

1430 Journal of geophysical research American Geophysical Union Dif-Ter-Fis M

145314 1431Journal of geophysical research A (Space physics) dal 2009 solo on-line version American Geophysical Union FIS A+M dif-Ter

145314 1432Journal of geophysical research B (Solid earth.) dal 2009 solo on-line version American Geophysical Union TER ABBON.

1433Journal of geophysical research C (Ocean and atm.) dal 2009 solo on-line version American Geophysical Union DIF ABBON.

1434 Journal of geophysical research D (Atmosfere) dal 2009 American Geophysical Union FIS ABBON.1435 Journal of geophysical research E (Planets) dal 2009 so American Geophysical Union TER-FIS ABBON.1436 Journal of geophysical research F (Earth surface) only onAmerican Geophysical Union FIS ABBON.1437 Journal of geophysical research G (Biogeosciences) onlyAmerican Geophysical Union FIS ABBON.1438 Journal of geophysics Springer TER M

67872 1439

Journal of geotechnical and geonvironmental engineering (GIA': J. of geot. eng.) dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.C.E. DIF A+M Str

1440Journal of geotechnical engineering (GIA': J. of the geot. eng. div.) A.S.C.E. DIF M

1441 Journal of glaciology Int. Glaciological Soc. TER M1442 Journal of global optimization Kluwer DEIS M

156601 1443 Journal of group theory dal 2009 solo on-line version Walter de Gruyter MAT ABBON.

72549 1444 Journal of heat transfer dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.210022 1445 Journal of herpetology Soc. for the study of Amph. and Rept. ECO ABBON.

1446 Journal of heterocyclic chemistry HeteroCorporation CHI M1447 Journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry Histochemical Society Inc. ECO M

67873 1448Journal of hydraulic engineering dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.C.E. DIF ABBON.

67900 1449 Journal of hydrology dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier DIF A+M ter1450 Journal of immunogenetics Blackwell BIO M

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250089 1451 Journal of immunology American Association of Immunologists Farm-Biol M

214865 1452Journal of infrastructure systems (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) A.S.C.E. STR M

1453 Journal of inorganic & nuclear chemistry Pergamon Press CHI M1454 Journal of inorganic biochemistry Elsevier CHI M

72745 1455Journal of intelligent information systems dal 2007 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) DEIS ABBON.

213880 1456Journal of inverse and ill-posed problems dal 2009 solo on-line version Walter de Gruyter DEIS ABBON.

67874 1457Journal of irrigation and drainage eng. dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.C.E. DIF ABBON.

72747 1458Journal of logic and computation dal 2009 solo on-line version Oxford Univ. Press DEIS ABBON.

1459 Journal of logic programming North-Holland DEIS M72551 1460 Journal of lubrification technology A.S.M.E. MEC M

1461 Journal of magnetic resonance Academic Press CHI M

29136 1462Journal of magnetic resonance (1997) dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press CHI ABBON.

1463 Journal of magnetic resonance A Academic Press CHI M1464 Journal of magnetic resonance B Academic Press CHI M

214866 1465Journal of management in engineering (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) A.S.C.E. STR M

155650 1466Journal of manufacturing science and engineering dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

207448 1467 Journal of marine research Sears Foundation for Marine Research ECO-TER M

82209 1468Journal of mass spectrometry dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley CHI ABBON.

150802 1469Journal of materials chemistry dal 2009 solo on-line version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.

214867 1470Journal of materials in civil engineering dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.C.E. STR ABBON.

153356 1471Journal of materials processing technology dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier MEC ABBON.

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29137 1472Journal of materials science dal 2007 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) INGCHI ABBON.

1473 Journal of materials science letters Chapman and Hall CHI M

35058 1474Journal of math. analysis and appl. dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press MAT ABBON.

6272 1475Journal of mathematical physics dal 2009 solo on-line version American Institute of Physics FIS A+M mat

51477 1476 Journal of mathematics of Kyoto university Kinokuniya Company MAT ABBON.

72559 1477Journal of mechanical design dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

72563 1478Journal of mechanisms, transmissions and autom. in design A.S.M.E. MEC M

276236 1479Journal of medical devices dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

1480 Journal of medicinal chemistry American Chemical Society CHI M

83026 1481Journal of membrane science dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier INGCHI ABBON.

146502 1482Journal of metamorphic geology dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell TER ABBON.

1483 Journal of meteorology American Meteorological Society TER M1484 Journal of microelectromechanical systems I.E.E.E. DEIS M1485 Journal of microscopy Blackwell TER M1486 Journal of modern optics Taylor & Francis FIS M1487 Journal of molecular biology Academic Press BIO M

233586 1488 Journal of molecular catalysis Elsevier INGCHI M

29140 1489Journal of molecular catalysis. Part: A dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier INGCHI ABBON.

232613 1490Journal of molecular catalysis. Part: B dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier INGCHI ABBON.

16920 1491Journal of molecular evolution dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer BIO ABBON.

1492 Journal of molecular spectroscopy Academic Press CHI M29142 1493 Journal of molecular structure Elsevier CHI M

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246556 1494Journal of molecular structure. Theochem dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier CHI ABBON.

155389 1495Journal of molluscan studies dal 2009 solo on-line version Oxford Univ. Press TER ABBON.

1496 Journal of morphology Wistar Institute Press ECO M

29143 1497 Journal of natural products dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society/A.S.P. CHI ABBON.

209174 1498Journal of nonlinear optical physics and materials dal 2009 solo on-line version World Scientific Publishing FIS ABBON.

1499 Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics Elsevier DIF M1500 Journal of nuclear energy Pergamon Press FIS M1501 Journal of nuclear materials North-Holland FIS M1502 Journal of object-oriented programming Sigs DEIS M

72555 1503Journal of offshore mech. and artic eng. dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

35060 1504 Journal of operator theory Theta Foundation MAT ABBON.

72750 1505Journal of optimization theory and applications dal 2007 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) DEIS A+M m-me

29144 1506Journal of organic chemistry (The) dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.

29145 1507 Journal of organometallic chemistry Elsevier CHI M146503 1508 Journal of paleontology + Memoir (supplemento) Paleontological Soc. TER ABBON.

1509 Journal of parallel and distributed computing Academic Press DEIS M1510 Journal of Pascal, Ada, Modula-2 J. Wiley DEIS M

155492 1511 Journal of petrology dal 2009 solo on-line version Oxford Univ. Press TER ABBON.

249809 1512Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics (JPET) American Soc. for pharmacol. & ExperimFarm-Biol M

22678 1513 Journal of physical and chemical reference data American Chemical Society CHI M1514 Journal of physical chemistry American Chemical Society CHI M

213900 1515Journal of physical chemistry A dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.

60827 1516Journal of physical chemistry B dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.

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261318 1517Journal of physical chemistry C dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.

1518 Journal of physics - A Institute of Physics FIS M60864 1519 Journal of physics - B Institute of Physics FIS M

1520 Journal of physics - C Institute of Physics FIS M60877 1521 Journal of physics - D Institute of Physics FIS-MEC M

1522 Journal of physics - E Institute of Physics FIS-MEC M1523 Journal of physics - F Institute of Physics FIS-MEC M

60888 1524 Journal of physics - G Institute of Physics FIS M82771 1525 Journal of physics and chemistry of solids Pergamon Press CHI-FIS M60872 1526 Journal of physics condensed matter (Già: J.of Physics CInstitute of Physics FIS M

1527 Journal of physics of the earth Japan Publ. Trad. Co. TER M16921 1528 Journal of physiology (The) Cambridge Univ. Press BIO-FIS M

6275 1529 Journal of plasma physics dal 2009 solo on-line version Cambridge Univ. Press FIS A+M deis

29150 1530Journal of polymer science. Part A dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley CHI ABBON.

29148 1531Journal of polymer science. Part B dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley CHI ABBON.

1532 Journal of polymer science. Part C J. Wiley CHI M1533 Journal of polymer science. Polymer chemistry ed. J. Wiley CHI M1534 Journal of polymer science. Polymer letters ed. J. Wiley CHI M1535 Journal of polymer science. Polymer physics ed. J. Wiley CHI M1536 Journal of polymer science. Polymer symposia J. Wiley CHI M

72557 1537Journal of pressure vessel technology dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

150704 1538Journal of propulsion and power dal 2009 solo on-line version A.I.A.A. MEC ABBON.

217158 1539Journal of proteome research dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.

1540 Journal of public economics North-Holland PIA M1541 Journal of pure and applied algebra North-Holland MAT M1542 Journal of quantitative spectr. & radiative transfer Pergamon Press FIS M1543 Journal of regional science Regional Science Research Institute PIA-ECO M

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1544 Journal of research of the N.B.S. National Bureau of Standards CHI-TER M1545 Journal of research of the N.B.S.: A National Bureau of Standards CHI-TER M1546 Journal of research of the N.B.S.: B National Bureau of Standards CHI-TER M1547 Journal of research of the N.B.S.: C National Bureau of Standards CHI-TER M1548 Journal of research of the N.B.S.: D Radio propagation National Bureau of Standards CHI-TER M

207639 1549 Journal of research of the N.B.S.: D Radio science Government Printing Office TER M1550 Journal of robotic systems J. Wiley DEIS M1551 Journal of scientific instruments Institute of Physics FIS M1552 Journal of sedimentary petrology S.E.P.M. (Soc. Econ. Pal. Miner.) TER M

146505 1553Journal of sedimentary research dal 2009 solo on-line version S.E.P.M. (Soc. Econ. Pal. Miner.) TER ABBON.

146506 1554 Journal of seismic exploration Geophysical Press TER M

1555 Journal of signal processing systems on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) DEIS ABBON.

67892 1556Journal of soil and water conservation dal 2009 solo on-line version Soil and water conservation societ DIF ABBON.

72561 1557Journal of solar energy engineering dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

1558 Journal of sound and vibration Academic Press STR M1559 Journal of strain analysis (The) Institution of mechanical engineers STR-MEC M

150707 1560 Journal of strain analysis for engineering design Professional Engineering Publishing MEC A+M str1561 Journal of structural biology Academic Press ECO M1562 Journal of structural chemistry Consultans Bureau CHI-TER M

219780 1563Journal of structural engineering (Già: J. of the struct. div.) dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.C.E. STR A+M mec

146507 1564Journal of structural geology dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press TER ABBON.

1565 Journal of structural mechanics M. Dekker STR M1566 Journal of submicroscopic citology Editrice Compositori ECO M1567 Journal of submicroscopic citology and pathology Editrice Compositori ECO M

67875 1568Journal of surveying engineering dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.C.E. DIF ABBON.

1569 Journal of symbolic logic Association for symbolic logic MAT M1570 Journal of terramechanics Pergamon Press MEC M

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72497 1571 Journal of testing and evaluation A.S.T.M. MEC A+M str218824 1572 Journal of the A.C.M. dal 2009 solo on-line version A.C.M. MAT-DEIS ABBON.

1573 Journal of the aerological observatory at Tateno TER M

72495 1574Journal of the american ceramic society dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell/American Ceramic Society MEC ABBON

29155 1575Journal of the american chemical society dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI A+Mbio

216789 1576 Journal of the american concrete institute American Concrete Institute STR M

35064 1577Journal of the american mathematical society dal 2009 solo on-line version A.M.S. MAT ABBON.

29135 1578Journal of the american society for mass spectr. dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier CHI ABBON.

67878 1579Journal of the american water resources ass. dal 2009 solo on-line version American Water Resources Assoc. DIF ABBON.

1580 Journal of the atmospheric sciences American Meteorological Society TER M

35065 1581Journal of the australian mathematical soc. series A dal 2009 solo on-line version Cambridge Univ. Press MAT ABBON.

1582 Journal of the chemical society Royal Society of Chemistry CHI M1583 Journal of the chemical society. A Royal Society of Chemistry CHI M1584 Journal of the chemical society. B Royal Society of Chemistry CHI M1585 Journal of the chemical society. C Royal Society of Chemistry CHI M

82200 1586 Journal of the chemical society. Dalton transactions Royal Society of Chemistry CHI M

1587 Journal of the chemical society. Faraday transactions I Royal Society of Chemistry CHI M

1588 Journal of the chemical society. Faraday transactions II Royal Society of Chemistry CHI M


Journal of the chemical society. Faraday transactions: physical chemistry and chemical physics Royal Society of Chemistry CHI M

82160 1590 Journal of the chemical society. Perkin transact. 1 Royal Society of Chemistry CHI M82162 1591 Journal of the chemical society. Perkin transact. 2 Royal Society of Chemistry CHI M

216790 1592 Journal of the construction division A.S.C.E. STR M1593 Journal of the energy division A.S.C.E. DIF M1594 Journal of the engineering mechanics division A.S.C.E. DIF M

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1595 Journal of the environmental engineering division A.S.C.E. DIF M

72496 1596Journal of the european ceramic society dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier MEC ABBON.

1597 Journal of the Faculty of Sci. Hokkaido Univ. Ser. IV Hokkaido Univ. TER M1598 Journal of the Faculty of Sci. Hokkaido Univ. Ser. VII Hokkaido Univ. TER M

155500 1599 Journal of the geological society Geol. Soc. of London Pub. TER ABBON.1600 Journal of the geological society of Japan Nihon Chishitsugaku Kai TER M1601 Journal of the geotechnical engineering division A.S.C.E. DIF M1602 Journal of the hydraulics division A.S.C.E. DIF M1603 Journal of the indian math. soc. Inadian Mathematical Society MAT M1604 Journal of the institut of mathematics and its appl. Academic Press MAT M1605 Journal of the institution of nuclear engineers The Institution of nuclear engineers MEC M1606 Journal of the irrigation and drainage division A.S.C.E. DIF M

35067 1607Journal of the London mathematical society dal 2009 solo on-line version Oxford Univ. Press MAT ABBON.

1608 Journal of the marine biol. ass. of the U.K. Cambridge Univ. Press TER M

51478 1609Journal of the mathematical society of Japan dal 2009 solo on-line version Maruzen MAT ABBON.

219788 1610Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press STR ABBON.

1611 Journal of the meteorological society of Japan Meteorological Society of Japan TER M1612 Journal of the national cancer institute Oxford Univ. Press BIO M

221936 1613Journal of the north amer. benthological society dal 2009 solo on-line version Allen Press ECO ABBON.

1614 Journal of the operational res. soc. (Già: Oper.res.qu.) ORSA DEIS M249198 1615 Journal of the optical society of America Optical Society of America FIS-TER M

61080 1616 Journal of the optical society of America A Optical Society of America MEC M249196 1617 Journal of the optical society of America B Optical Society of America MEC M

1618 Journal of the physical society of Japan Physical society of Japan FIS M1619 Journal of the power division A.S.C.E. DIF M1620 Journal of the radio res. Lab. Radio Res. Lab. Tokyo TER M1621 Journal of the royal astronomical society of Canada Royal Astronomical Soc. of Canada FIS M1622 Journal of the royal statistical society A: General Royal Stat.Soc. PIA M

58147 1623 Journal of the royal statistical society C: Appl. Stat. Royal Stat.Soc. MEC M

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1624 Journal of the sanitary engineering division A.S.C.E. DIF M1625 Journal of the soil mechanics and foundat. division A.S.C.E. DIF-STR M1626 Journal of the structural division A.S.C.E. DIF M1627 Journal of the surveying and mapping division A.S.C.E. STR M1628 Journal of the urban planning and development division A.S.C.E. DIF M1629 Journal of the waterway, port, coastal and ocean division A.S.C.E. DIF M1630 Journal of the waterways and harbors division A.S.C.E. DIF M1631 Journal of the waterways, harbors and coastal eng. divisi A.S.C.E. DIF M1632 Journal of theorethical biology Academic Press BIO M1633 Journal of thermal analysis Akademiai Kiado INGCHI M

29156 1634Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry dal 2007 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) INGCHI ABBON.

29157 1635 Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer A.I.A.A. INGCHI M1636 Journal of transport economics and policy London school of econ. and polit. sci. PIA M

72565 1637 Journal of tribology dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

72556 1638Journal of turbomachinery dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

1639 Journal of ultrastructure and molecular structure res. Academic Press ECO M1640 Journal of ultrastructure research Academic Press ECO M1641 Journal of vacuum science & technology American Vacuum Society FIS M

6270 1642 Journal of vacuum science & technology A American Vacuum Society FIS ABBON.6269 1643 Journal of vacuum science & technology B American Vacuum Society FIS ABBON.

249363 1644Journal of vibration acoustics, stress and reliability in design A.S.M.E. MEC M

72562 1645Journal of vibration and acoustics dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.M.E. MEC ABBON.

247557 1646Journal of vibration and control dal 2009 solo on-line version Sage MEC ABBON.

1647 Journal of visualization & computer animation J. Wiley DEIS M212711 1648 Journal of VLSI signal processing systems for ... Springer (ex Kluwer) DEIS M

146508 1649Journal of volcanology and geothermal research dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier TER ABBON.

67876 1650Journal of waterway port coastal and ocean eng. dal 2009 solo on-line version A.S.C.E. DIF ABBON.

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1651 Journal of wind engin. and industrial aerodynamics Elsevier MEC M1652 Journal scientifique de la meteorologie Societe Meteorologique de France TER M

67891 1653 Journal water pollution control federation Water Pollution Control Federation DIF M1654 JSME International j. J.S.M.E. MEC M

72492 1655JSME International j. 1 : solid mechanics strength of materials J.S.M.E. MEC M

146332 1656JSME International j. 2 : fluids engineering heat transfer power conbustion… J.S.M.E. MEC M

1657 JSME International j. 3 : vibration control engineering… J.S.M.E. MEC M

1658JSME International j. A : mechanics and material engineering J.S.M.E. MEC M

1659JSME International j. A : solid mechanics and material engineering J.S.M.E. MEC M

1660 JSME International j. B : fluids and thermal engineering J.S.M.E. MEC M

1661JSME International j. C : dynamics, control, robotics, design and manufacturing J.S.M.E. MEC M

180508 1662JSME International j. C : mechanical systems, machine elements and manufacturing J.S.M.E. MEC M

1663 Kenchiku bunka Shokokusha PIA M1664 Konstruktion Springer MEC M1665 Kozlemenyei Szerkesztoseg TER M1666 Lab on a chip On line Version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.

202809 1667 Lamiera Tecniche Nuove MEC ABBON.1668 Lan & telecom Gruppo Editoriale Jackson DEIS M1669 Land economics University of Wisconsin PIA M

60834 1670 Langmuir dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.1671 Large scale systems North-Holland DEIS M

219366 1672 Lattice (the). (Allegato a "American Mineralogist") Mineralogical Society of America TER OMAGGIO160039 1673 Leading edge (Allegato a "Geophysics") Society of exploration geophysicists TER OMAGGIO146509 1674 Lethaia dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell TER ABBON.

61082 1675 Lettera al nuovo cimento della società ital. di fisica Editrice Compositori FIS-CHI M

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163131 1676Lettera matematica Pristem dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.

1677 Letters in applied & engineering sciences Pergamon Press MEC M1678 Letters in heat and mass transfer Pergamon Press MEC M1679 Libertas mathematica A.R.A. MAT M

35069 1680Linear algebra and its applications dal 2008 solo on-line version North-Holland MAT ABBON.

1681 Linear and multilinear algebra Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. MAT M34470 1682 Liquid crystals Taylor & Francis FIS ABBON.

155518 1683 Lithos dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier TER ABBON.1684 Logique et analyse Nauwelaerts Printing MAT M1685 Logistica Tecniche Nuove PIA M1686 Long range planning Pergamon Press PIA M

72257 1687 Lotus Lotus STR M1688 Low temperature science ser. A Physical science Inst. of Low Temperature Scien. TER M1689 Low temperature science ser. B Biological science Inst. of Low Temperature Scien. TER M

144594 1690 Luce Tecniche Nuove MEC ABBON.228887 1691 Luce e design Tecniche Nuove MEC M

1692 MACazine Icon Concepts Corporation MEC M1693 Macchine Editoriale Tecnica Macchine MEC M1694 Macchine automazione & componenti E.T.M. MEC M

144597 1695Macchine e Il giornale dell'officina (Già: Macchine : Automazione e componenti + Gionale dell'officina) E.T.M. MEC M

1696 Macchine e motori agricoli : M&Ma Gruppo Giornalistico Edagricole MEC M224277 1697 Macchine utensili Tecniche Nuove MEC ABBON.

72511 1698 Machine design dal 2009 solo on-line version Penton Pub. MEC ABBON.1699 Machine moderne CFE MEC M1700 Machine outil produire (Già: Machine outil) SEMMO MEC M1701 Machinery Machinery Publications Corp. MEC M1702 Macromolecular reviews J. Wiley CHI M

29158 1703 Macromolecules dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.1704 Macworld: the macintosh magazine PC World Communications MEC M1705 Magazine of digital electronics computer design Computer design Publ. Corp. DEIS M1706 Magazzini & trasporti Logistica Tecniche Nuove PIA M

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1707 Magnetic resonance in chemistry J. Wiley CHI M1708 Magnetohydrodynamics Consultans Bureau DEIS-FIS M

146510 1709 Malacologia Institute of Malacology TER ABBON.1710 Mammal review Blackwell ECO M1711 Mammalia ECO M1712 Management science I.M.S. DEIS M

35071 1713 Manuscripta mathematica dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.1714 Mapping sciences and remote sensing V.H.Winston & Sons ECO M1715 Marine biology Springer ECO-TER M

155539 1716 Marine geology dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier TER ABBON.1717 Marine micropaleontology Elsevier TER M1718 Maschinenbautechnik Veb Verlag Technik MEC M1719 Maschinenmarkt Vogel-Verlag MEC M1720 Masonry international British Masonry Society (The) STR M

214871 1721 Masonry society journal British Masonry Society (The) STR M

29160 1722Mass spectrometry reviews dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley CHI ABBON.

164076 1723 Matematica e la sua didattica (La) Pitagora MAT M

276107 1724Matematica nella società e nella cultura (La) (Già: BUMI A) UMI MAT ABBON.

35072 1725 Matematiche (Le) Dip. Mat. Univ. Catania MAT M1726 Materials and structures Rilem STR M1727 Materials engineering Editeq STR M1728 Materials handling news IPC Industrial Press MEC M1729 Materials science and engineering Elsevier MEC M1730 Materiaux & techniques S.I.R.P.E. MEC M

72504 1731 Materie plastiche ed elastomeri Industria Pubbl. Audiovisivi MEC M1732 Mathematica japonicae Dep. Math. Univ. of Osaka Prefecture MAT M1733 Mathematica journal M. Freeman MAT-MEC M1734 Mathematica slovaca Slovac Academy of Sciences MAT M1735 Mathematical biosciences Elsevier DEIS M

35075 1736 Mathematical gazette Mathematical Association MAT M

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35076 1737 Mathematical intelligencer dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.1738 Mathematical logic quaterly Zeitschrift fuer math. logik MAT M

250181 1739 Mathematical medicine and biology: A J. of the I.M.A. I.M.A. MAT OMAGGIO1740 Mathematical notes of the acad. Consultans Bureau MAT M

35078 1741Mathematical proceed. of the Cambr. Philos. Society dal 2009 solo on-line version Cambridge Univ. Press MAT ABBON.

1742 Mathematical programming Elsevier DEIS M35131 1743 Mathematical reports Editura Academiei Rep. Romania MAT M35079 1744 Mathematical reviews A.M.S. MAT M

1745 Mathematical systems theory Sigs DEIS M1746 Mathematical tables and other aids to computation National research council MAT M1747 Mathematics and computers in simulation Elsevier DEIS M

35080 1748 Mathematics magazine M.A.A. MAT M

35081 1749Mathematics of computation dal 2009 solo on-line version A.M.S. MAT A+M s-f

1750 Mathematics of operations research I.M.S. DEIS M35082 1751 Mathematics of the USSR. Izvestija A.M.S. MAT M

1752 Mathematics of the USSR. Sbornik A.M.S. MAT M1753 Mathematics seminar notes Dep. Math. Univ. of Kobe MAT M

175121 1754 Mathematics teacher N.C.T. MAT ABBON.164782 1755 Mathematics teaching N.C.T. MAT ABBON.231050 1756 Mathematics teaching in the Middle school N.C.T.M. MAT OMAGGIO

1757 Mathematika a J. of pure and appl. Math. Dep. Math. Univ. College London MAT M

35085 1758 Mathematische annalen dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.1759 Mathematische nachrichten Akademie-Verlag MAT M

35087 1760 Mathematische zeitschrift dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.1761 Math-Sci-Net On line Version A.M.S. MAT ABBON.

216793 1762 Matrix and tensor quarterly (The) T.S.G.B. STR M61003 1763 MC microcomputer Technimedia FIS-DIF M72762 1764 Measurement Elsevier DEIS M

1765 Measurement and control I.M.C. DEIS M

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60965 1766 Measurement science & technology Institute of Physics FIS M1767 Mecanique appliquee revuz romaine des scien. tec. Acad. Rep. Soc. Roumanie DIF M1768 Mecanique materiaux electricite journal du GAMI G.A.M.I. MEC M

60992 1769 Meccanica oggi Gruppo Editoriale Jackson FIS M1770 Meccanica pratica Tecniche Nuove DIF M

51483 1771 Meccanica: j.of the it. ass. of theor. and appl. mec. Pitagora D-S-M-MEC M152510 1772 Mechanical engineering A.S.M.E. MEC M

1773 Mechanical handling international IPC Industrial Press MEC M249207 1774 Mechanical systems and signal processing dal 2008 soloElsevier MEC ABBON.251458 1775 Mechanics of time-dependent materials dal 2007 solo on Springer (ex Kluwer) MEC ABBON.

1776 Mechanism and machine theory Pergamon Press MEC M1777 Mediterranee C.N.R. ECO-TER M1778 Medizin-meteorologische hefte Deutschen-Wetterdien. TER M1779 Meerestechnik Deutschen-Ingenieure TER M1780 Memoires abhandlungen publications I.A.B.S.E. STR M

155551 1781 Mémoires de la société géologique de France Soc. Geol. de France TER ABBON.1782 Memoires scientifiques de la revue metallurgie (Les) Editions de la Revue de Metallurgie CHI M

35088 1783 Memoirs of the american mathematical society A.M.S. MAT ABBON.1784 Memoirs of the college of science Kyoto University TER M1785 Memoirs of the fac. of sci. Kyoto ser. Ph. Ast. Ge. Ch. Kyoto University TER M1786 Memoirs of the Kobe marine observatory Kobe Marine Observatory TER M1787 Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society Royal Astronomical Society FIS M1788 Memorie dell' ist. It. di idrobio. Dott. Marco De Marchi Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia ECO M1789 Memorie della società astronomica italiana Società Astronomica Italiana TER M1790 Memorie della società entomologica italiana Società Entomologica Italiana ECO M

156801 1791 Memorie della società geologica italiana Bardi Editore TER ABBON.285681 1792 Memorie descrittive della carta geologica d'Italia Servizio geologico d'Italia TER OMAGGIO146527 1793 Memorie di scienze geologiche Soc. Coop. Tipogr. TER M

1794 Memorie e note dell'istituto di geol. applic. di Napoli TER M150580 1795 Metallurgia DMG Business Media MEC M

1796 Metallurgia italiana (La) Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia CHI M1797 Metallurgical transactions A American Society for Metals CHI M1798 Metals abstracts: Review of metal literature American Society for Metals CHI M1799 Metals and materials Metals Society CHI M

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1800 Metals technology Metals Society MEC-CHI M250888 1801 Metamorfosi Mancosu Ed. STR M

1802 Metaux deformation Pyc Edition MEC M1803 Meteor forschungsergebnisse. Rehie A Gebruder Borntraeger TER M1804 Meteor forschungsergebnisse. Rehie B Gebruder Borntraeger TER M1805 Meteor forschungsergebnisse. Rehie C Gebruder Borntraeger TER M1806 Meteorological abstracts and bibliography American Meteorological Society TER M1807 Meteorological and geoastrophysical abstracts American Meteorological Society TER M1808 Meteorological and geoastrophysical titles American Meteorological Society TER M1809 Meteorological monograph American Meteorological Society TER M1810 Meteorological reports Stationery office TER M1811 Meteorologicke zpravy TER M1812 Meteorologie (La) Soc. Meteor. de France TER M1813 Meteorologische zeitschrift F. Vieweg and Sons TER M1814 Methods in organic synthesis (Database) On line VersionRoyal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.1815 Meyniana Geol. Inst. Univ. Kiel TER M

16946 1816MGG molecular genetics and genomics dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer BIO ABBON.

35089 1817 Michigan mathematical journal Department Math. Univ. Michigan MAT ABBON.1818 Micro & personal computer Gruppo Editoriale Suono MEC M1819 Microbiological reviews American Society for Microbiology ECO M1820 Microelectronics and reliability Pergamon Press DEIS M

250205 1821 Micromath N.C.T. MAT M1822 Micron Pergamon Press ECO M1823 Micron and microscopica acta Pergamon Press ECO M

155580 1824 Micropaleontology Micropaleontology Press TER ABBON.1825 Microprocessing and microprogramming (Già:eurom.j.) North-Holland DEIS M1826 Microscopia elettronica Lo Scarabeo ECO M1827 Microscopica acta S. Hirzel ECO M1828 Microsoftware for engineers C.M.P. DIF M1829 Microtecnic AGIFA Verlag MEC M

212943 1830Microwave and optical technology letters dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley DEIS ABBON.

72766 1831 Microwave journal Horizon House DEIS-FIS M

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51492 1832 Milan journal of mathematics Birkhauser MAT M1833 Mineral wealth Scientific Soc. Min. Wealth Technol. TER M1834 Mineralium deposita Springer TER M1835 Mineralogica et petrographica acta (GIA': …) Istituto di Min. e Petr. Dell'Univ. di Bo. TER M

146511 1836 Mineralogical magazine dal 2009 solo on-line version Mineralogical Society of London TER ABBON.

156431 1837 Mineralogy and petrology dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer TER ABBON.1838 Missili Ed. Italiane TER M1839 Mitteilungen aus dem Inst. fur Geophysik TER M1840 Modern geology Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. TER M

35090 1841 Modern physics letters A World Scientific Publishing MAT-FIS M1842 Molecular and cellular biology Plenum BIO M1843 Molecular and cellular endocrinology Elsevier BIO M

60880 1844Molecular biology and evolution dal 2009 solo on-line version Soc. Molecular Biol. and Evolution BIO ABBON.

272131 1845 Molecular bioSystems Royal Society of Chemistry BIO OMAGGIO1846 Molecular crystals and liquid crystals Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. FIS-CHI M1847 Molecular crystals and liquid crystals bulletin Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. FIS M

250524 1848 Molecular endocrinology Endocrine society BIO OMAGGIO1849 Molecular immunology Pergamon Press BIO M

249707 1850 Molecular membrane biology Taylor & Francis Farm-Biol M249765 1851 Molecular pharmacology American Soc. for pharmacol. & ExperimFarm-Biol M

29167 1852 Molecular physics Taylor & Francis CHI ABBON.1853 Molecular simulation Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. CHI M1854 Monatsberichte der deutsc. akad. der wiss. zu Berlin Academie Verlag TER M

51484 1855Monatshefte fuer Mathematik dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.

208149 1856 Mondo Gis MondoGis DIF M1857 Monitore zoologico italiano Univ.degli Studi, Firenze ECO M

29037 1858 Monograph series A.I.C.H.E. CHI M61040 1859 Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society Royal Astronomical Society FIS-TER M

1860 Monthly weather review American Meteorological Society TER M35091 1861 Moscow Univ. Math. Bull. Allerton Press MAT M

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1862 Motorisation agricole N.E.P.A. MEC M1863 Motorisation et technique agricole N.E.P.A. MEC M1864 MTZ. Motortechnische Zeitschrift Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung MEC M1865 Museum UNESCO TER M1866 Nachrichten der akademie der wissens Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht MAT M

35093 1867Nagoya mathematical journal dal 2009 solo on-line version Kinokunyia MAT ABBON.

1868 National geographic National Geographic Society ECO M1869 Natura Società It. Sci. Nat. Mus. Civ. St. Nat. ECO M1870 Natura bresciana Museo Civ. Storia Naturale TER M1871 Natura nascosta Gruppo Speleol. Monfalconese A.D.F. TER M

214872 1872 Natural hazards review (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) A.S.C.E. STR M1873 Natural product reports On line Version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.1874 Natural product updates (Database) On line Version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.

16924 1875 Nature (dal 2003 al 2009 solo On line version) Macmillan Journals TER-BIO A+M de-c-fis1876 Nature et ressources UNESCO TER M

60883 1877 Nature genetics dal 2009 solo on-line version Macmillan Journals BIO ABBON.1878 Nature. New biology Macmillan Journals BIO M1879 Nature. Physical sciences Macmillan Journals TER M1880 Naturwissenschaften (Die) TER M1881 Naturwissenschaftliche rundschau Wissenschaftliche TER M

159819 1882 Network news Italia Gruppo Editoriale Jackson/VNU Bus. Publ DEIS-MEC M72768 1883 Networks : an international journal J. Wiley DEIS M

1884 Neues jah. fur geologie und palaontologie. Abhandlu. TER M1885 Neues jah. fur geologie und palaontologie. Monatsh. TER M1886 Neues jah. fur mineralogie. Abhandlungen TER M1887 Neues jah. fur mineralogie. Monatshefte TER M1888 Neural computation Mit Press DEIS M

60985 1889 Neural networks Pergamon Press DEIS-FIS M1890 Neuroendocrinology Karger BIO M

231971 1891 Neurology American Academy of Neurology BTS M249480 1892 Neuroreport Lippincott Farm-Biol M

16947 1893New England journal of medicine dal 2009 solo on-line version New England Journal of Medicine BIO ABBON.

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29173 1894New journal of chemistry : njc dal 2009 solo on-line version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.

210285 1895 New phytologist dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell ECO ABBON.1896 New scientist New Science Publications DIF-BIO-CHI M

165296 1897 New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics Royal Soc. of New Zealand TER M1898 Newsletter of the cooperative investig. in the Mediter. I.A.V.C.E.I. TER M1899 Newsletters on stratigraphy TER M

59929 1900NODEA - Nonlinear differ. equat. and applic. dal 2008 solo on-line version Birkhauser MAT ABBON.

225114 1901Nonlinear analysis: real world applications dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press MAT ABBON.

35094 1902Nonlinear analysis: theory, methods and appl. dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press MAT ABBON.

1903 Nonlinearity Institute of Physics FIS M1904 Nord e sud Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane PIA M

67889 1905 Nordic hydrology (Poi: Hydrology research) I.W.A. Publ. DIF M250843 1906 Normativa tecnica Edizioni tecniche STR M

35095 1907 Note di matematica Liguori Editore MAT OMAGGIO182954 1908 Notices of the american math. soc. A.M.S. MAT OMAGGIO

1909 Notiziario anci A.N.C.I. PIA M1910 Notiziario aniacap PIA M1911 Notiziario C.I.S.P. C.I.S.P. MEC M1912 Notiziario del CNEN C.N.E.N MEC M1913 Notiziario dell' ENEA. Energia e innovazione E.N.E.A. MEC M1914 Notiziario della Unione Matematica Italiana U.M.I. MAT M1915 Notiziario economico del mezzogiorno PIA M

35097 1916 Notre dame j. of formal logic University of Notre Dame Indiana MAT M1917 Nouveau journal de chimie Gauthier-Villars CHI M1918 Nubilia Unione Naz. Antigrandine TER M1919 Nuclear engineer (The) The Institution MEC M1920 Nuclear engineer and design North-Holland MEC M1921 Nuclear fusion I.A.E.A. DEIS-FIS M1922 Nuclear instrum.and meth. North-Holland FIS M1923 Nuclear instrum.and meth.in phys.resear. North-Holland FIS M

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6283 1924Nuclear instrum.and meth.in phys.resear., A dal 2008 solo on-line version North-Holland FIS ABBON.

6282 1925Nuclear instrum.and meth.in phys.resear., B dal 2008 solo on-line version North-Holland FIS ABBON.

61036 1926 Nuclear news American Nuclear Society FIS M1927 Nuclear physics A North-Holland FIS M1928 Nuclear physics B North-Holland FIS M1929 Nuclear physics B, Proceedings suppl. North-Holland FIS M

61042 1930 Nuclear science and engineering American Nuclear Society FIS-MEC M72519 1931 Nuclear technology American Nuclear Society MEC M60885 1932 Nucleic acids research Oxford Univ. Press BIO M

1933 Nucleonics McGraw-Hill FIS M82198 1934 Nucleosides & nucleotides M. Dekker CHI M

164085 1935 Numerical functional analysis and optimization Taylor & Francis MAT ABBON.

35098 1936 Numerische mathematik dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MAT A+M str154393 1937 Nuova Elettronica Nuova Elettronica MEC-FIS-TERABBON.

72259 1938 Nuovo cantiere Etas Kompass PIA M1939 Nuovo cimento Società Italiana di Fisica FIS M

34473 1940 Nuovo cimento A Società Italiana di Fisica FIS-CHI M34472 1941 Nuovo cimento B Società Italiana di Fisica FIS A+M chi61006 1942 Nuovo cimento C Società Italiana di Fisica FIS ABBON.61007 1943 Nuovo cimento D Società Italiana di Fisica FIS M

6286 1944 Nuovo saggiatore Società Italiana di Fisica FIS ABBON.1945 Nuovo sviluppo ISRI PIA M1946 Observateur de l'ocde O.C.D.E. PIA M1947 Ocean industry Gulf Pub. Co. TER M1948 Oceanographical magazine Japan Meteor. Agengy TER M1949 Oceanography and marine biology Aberdeen Univ. Press ECO M1950 Oceanography and meteorology Nagasaki Marine Obs. TER M1951 Oceanology international Industrial Res. Inc. TER M1952 Oceanology of the acad. of science USSR American Geophysical Union TER M

146528 1953 Ofioliti Edizioni ETS TER ABBON.210289 1954 Oikos dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell ECO ABBON.

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1955 Oleodinamica-pneumatica Tecniche Nuove MEC M1956 Omega Pergamon Press ECO M1957 Onda verde ACI PIA M1958 Onde electrique S.E.E. DEIS M

281948 1959 Open systems & information dynamics Springer M1960 Operating systems review A.C.M. DEIS M1961 Operational research quarterly ORSA DEIS M

9665 1962Operations research (Già:J.of the oper.res.soc.) dal 2009 solo on-line version ORSA DEIS ABBON.

212690 1963Operations research letters dal 2008 solo on-line version North-Holland DEIS ABBON.

1964 Operations research/management science Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane DEIS M1965 Optica acta Taylor & Francis FIS M

72525 1966 Optical engineering S.P.I.E.(The Society of Photo Optical) MEC M

153925 1967Optics and laser in engineering dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier MEC ABBON.

1968 Optics and laser technology IPC Science and Tecnology Press FIS M82684 1969 Optics and spectroscopy dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MEC A + M Chi Ter

6287 1970 Optics communications dal 2008 solo on-line version North-Holland FIS ABBON.1971 Optics infobase (pack) (On line version) Optical Society of America MEC ABBON.

251196 1972 Optics letters Optical Society of America MEC M72774 1973 Optimization methods & software Intern. Publ. Distributed DEIS M

1974 Optolaser Masson Italia Periodici MEC M1975 Opuscula zoologica Inst. Zoosystematicum et Oecolog. ECO M1976 Orbit Orbit Pub. TER M

72524 1977 Organi di trasmissione Tecniche Nuove MEC ABBON.

238612 1978Organic & biomolecular chemistry dal 2009 solo on-line version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.

201897 1979 Organic letters dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.1980 Organic magnetic resonance Heyden & Son CHI M1981 Organic mass spectrometry J. Wiley CHI M1982 Organizzazione aziendale Etas Kompass MEC M1983 Organometallic chemistry reviews A Elsevier CHI M

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1984 Organometallic chemistry reviews B Elsevier CHI M29174 1985 Organometallics dal 2008 solo on-line version American Chemical Society CHI ABBON.35099 1986 Osaka j. of mathematics Dep Math. Osaka University MAT M

1987 Osservatorio finanziario regionale F. Angeli PIA M

35100 1988Pacific journal of mathematics dal 2009 solo on-line version Pacific J. of Math. MAT ABBON.

146514 1989Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier TER ABBON.

146529 1990 Palaeontographia italica Pacini Ed. TER ABBON.1991 Palaeontographica abt. A Schweizerbat'sche TER M1992 Palaeontographica abt. B Schweizerbat'sche TER M

196694 1993 Palaeontographica americana Paleontological Research Inst. TER M1994 Palaeontographical society monographs Paleontological Soc. TER M1995 Palaeontologia jugoslavica Academie Scient. Artium: TER M1996 Palaeontologia polonica Wydawnictwo-Nauk. TER M

156497 1997 Palaeontology dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell TER ABBON.146512 1998 Palaios dal 2009 solo on-line version S.E.P.M. (Soc. Econ. Pal. Miner.) TER ABBON.

1999 Palaontologische zeitschrift Schweizerbat'sche TER M146513 2000 Paleoceanography dal 2009 solo on-line version American Geophysical Union TER ABBON.

2001 PaleoItalia Mucchi TER M2002 Paleontological contributions article Univ. Kansas TER M2003 Paleontological contributions monograph Univ. Kansas TER M2004 Paleontological contributions paper Univ. Kansas TER M2005 Paleontological journal American Geol. Inst. TER M2006 Paleopelagos + Special Publications Università La Sapienza di Roma TER M

260645 2007 Panda W W F M2008 Papers in meteorology and Geophysics Meteor. Res. Inst. TER M2009 Papers in physical oceanography and meteorology Cambridge - Mass. TER M

35101 2010 Parallel computing North-Holland MAT-DEIS M21272 2011 Parametro Gruppo Editoriale Faenza STR ABBON.

2012 Particle world Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. FIS M83093 2013 Particulate science and technology Taylor & Francis INGCHI M

2014 Pascal environnement cosm. ter. astron.et geol. extr. C.N.R.S. TER M2015 Pascal meteorologie. Meteorology. Bibl. Int. C.N.R.S. TER M

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2016 Pascal sciences de la terre C.N.R.S. TER M2017 Pascal terre, ocean espace C.N.R.S. TER M2018 Pascal thema C.N.R.S. TER M

35102 2019 Pattern recognition Pergamon Press MAT M35103 2020 Pattern recognition letters North-Holland MAT M60995 2021 PC floppy + PC magazine Gruppo Editoriale Jackson FIS M

158800 2022 PC magazine Gruppo Editoriale Jackson MEC A+Mde-f-t2023 PC magazine (New York) PC Communications Corp. DEIS M

69631 2024 PC world Italia IDG Communication Italia DIF ABBON.2025 PC world magazine Gruppo Editoriale Jackson TER M

224284 2026 PCB magazine JCE MEC2027 PCH: PhysicoChemical Hydrodynamics Pergamon Press CHI M2028 PEI - Power Engineering International PennWell Pulising Centre MEC M2029 Performance evaluation Elsevier DEIS M

169268 2030 Periodico di matematiche : organo della Mathesis Mathesis MAT ABBON.146530 2031 Periodico di mineralogia Bardi Editore TER ABBON.

2032 Personal software Gruppo Editoriale Jackson DIF M216794 2033 Perspektiven Compress STR M

2034 Petrologie Doin ed. TER M250812 2035 Pharmacological reviews American Society of Pharmacology Farm-Biol M

35104 2036 Philosophical trans. of the Royal Society of London Royal Society of London MAT-TER M2037 Photochemical & photobiological sciences On line VersioRoyal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.2038 Photogrammetria Elsevier TER M2039 Phycologia Blackwell ECO M2040 Phylosophical Magazine Taylor & Francis FIS M2041 Physica A North-Holland FIS M

61012 2042 Physica B North-Holland FIS M2043 Physica B+C North-Holland FIS M

61021 2044 Physica C North-Holland FIS M2045 Physica D North-Holland FIS M2046 Physica scripta Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences FIS-TER M2047 Physica status solidi A Akademie FIS M2048 Physica status solidi B Akademie FIS M

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82203 2049Physical chemistry chemical physics : pccp dal 2009 solo on-line version Royal Society of Chemistry CHI ABBON.

2050 Physical review American Physical Society FIS M

6293 2051Physical review A : atomic, molecular, and optical... dal 2009 solo on-line version American Physical Society FIS ABBON.

61051 2052 Physical review abstracts American Physical Society FIS-CHI M2053 Physical review and physical rewview letters INDEX American Physical Society FIS-CHI M

6296 2054Physical review B : condensed matter and mat. dal 2009 solo on-line version American Physical Society FIS ABBON.

6294 2055Physical review C : nuclear physics dal 2009 solo on-line version American Physical Society FIS ABBON.

6295 2056Physical review D : particles, fields, gravitation, … dal 2009 solo on-line version American Physical Society FIS ABBON.

150339 2057Physical review E : statistical, nonlinear, and soft … dal 2009 solo on-line version American Physical Society FIS ABBON.

6297 2058 Physical review letters dal 2009 solo on-line version American Physical Society FIS ABBON.2059 Physics - Doklady American Institute of Physics FIS M2060 Physics abstracts I.E.E. FIS M2061 Physics letters North-Holland FIS M2062 Physics letters A North-Holland FIS M

6299 2063 Physics letters B dal 2008 solo on-line version North-Holland FIS ABBON.2064 Physics of fluids A American Institute of Physics FIS M2065 Physics of fluids B American Institute of Physics FIS M

72777 2066 Physics of fluids dal 2009 solo on-line version American Institute of Physics FIS A+M de-t209295 2067 Physics of plasmas dal 2009 solo on-line version American Institute of Physics FIS ABBON.

156499 2068Physics of the earth and planetary interiors dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier TER ABBON.

34480 2069 Physics reports North-Holland FIS M2070 Physics today American Institute of Physics FIS M2071 Physiologia plantarum Scandinavian Society for Plant Phys. ECO M

16926 2072 Physiological reviews dal 2009 solo on-line version American Physiological Society BIO ABBON.16937 2073 Physiologist (The) dal 2009 solo on-line version American Physiological Society BIO ABBON.

2074 Phytochemistry Pergamon Press CHI M2075 Phytomorphology International Soc. of Plant Morpholog. ECO M

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2076 Phytotheraphy research J. Wiley CHI M2077 Piano - Rivista di estimo e governo del territorio Medicea PIA M2078 Pipelines abstracts - BHRA B.H.R.A. DIF M2079 Pitagora Banca Popolare di Crotone PIA M2080 Pixel Il Rostro DIF-MEC M2081 Places Mit Press PIA M2082 Planetary and space science Pergamon Press TER M2083 Planner (The) Royal Town Planning Institute PIA M2084 Planning American Planning Association PIA M2085 Planning and development in the netherlands Van Garcom PIA M2086 Plant and cell physiology Japanese Soc. of Plant Phys. Kyoto ECO M

210290 2087 Plant cell (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) American Soc. Plant Biologists ECO M2088 Plant cell and environment Blackwell ECO M2089 Plant cell reports Springer ECO M

60886 2090 Plant molecular biology dal 2007 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) BIO ABBON.210291 2091 Plant physiology (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) American Soc. Plant Biologists ECO M

2092 Plant science Elsevier ECO M220869 2093 Plant science bulletin (Alleg. a "Amer. j. of botany") Botanical Society of America ECO OMAGGIO

2094 Plant science letters Elsevier ECO M2095 Plant/Operations progress A.I.C.H.E. CHI M

210288 2096Planta : an international journal of plant biology dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer ECO ABBON.

2097 Planta medica Thieme CHI M2098 Plasma physics Pergamon Press DEIS-FIS M

60957 2099 Plasma physics and controlled fusion Institute of Physics FIS M157237 2100 Plinius (Alleg. a: "European j. of mineralogy") Societa' Italiana di Mineralogia e Petr. TER OMAGGIO

16928 2101Pnas : Proceedings of the National acad. of scien. … dal 2009 solo on-line version Nat. Acad. of Sci. BIO A+M chi

2102 Policy sciences Kluwer PIA M2103 Politica ed economia Editori Riuniti PIA M2104 Polyhedron Pergamon Press CHI M2105 Pompe & Pumps C.I.D.A. Editrice MEC M2106 Porti mare territorio Giuffre' PIA M

35105 2107 Portugaliae math. Sociedade Portuguesa de Matematica MAT M

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2108 Potere (Il) locale Lega per le Autonomie e i Poteri Locali PIA M29178 2109 Powder technology dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier INGCHI ABBON.

2110 Power McGraw-Hill DEIS M2111 Power engineering Penn-Well Publ. DEIS-MEC M2112 Power farming Agricultural Press MEC M

216795 2113 Prefabbricazione (La) ITEC STR M2114 Presse medicale Masson TER M2115 Principaux resultats scientifique et techniques TER M2116 Problemi di amministrazione pubblica Il Mulino PIA M

222563 2117 Proceed. Amer.Ass.cancer res.(Alleg. a:"Cancer Res.") American Assoc.for Cancer Research BIO OMAGGIO2118 Proceedings - the Inst. of Civil Eng. Thomas Telford Publishing STR M

35106 2119Proceedings of the american mathematical society dal 2009 solo on-line version A.M.S. MAT ABBON.

2120 Proceedings of the american phylosophical society A.P.S. DEIS M2121 Proceedings of the Cambridge Phil.Soc.Già:Math.Pr. Cambridge Univ. Press STR M

35107 2122 Proceedings of the Edinburgh math. soc. Oxford Univ. Press MAT M2123 Proceedings of the Glasgow mathematical association Glasgow mathematical association MAT M2124 Proceedings of the IEE I.E.E.-Inspec DEIS M

35030 2125 Proceedings of the IEEE I.E.E.E. MA-DE-F M2126 Proceedings of the Instit.mech.eng. M.E.P. MEC M2127 Proceedings of the Instit.mech.eng.(Part. A,B,C,D,E) M.E.P. MEC M2128 Proceedings of the IRE IRE DEIS M

35108 2129 Proceedings of the Japan acad. Japan Academy MAT M35111 2130 Proceedings of the Konin. Neder. Akad. Wet. Ser. A North-Holland MAT M

167159 2131Proceedings of the London mathematical society dal 2009 solo on-line version Oxford Univ. Press MAT ABBON.

2132 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Acad. Sect. A Figgis & Co. TER M2133 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Acad. Sect. B Figgis & Co. TER M2134 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Royal Society of Edinburgh MAT M2135 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Royal Society of London STR M

35110 2136 Proceedings of the Steklov Inst. of Math. A.M.S. MAT M

29044 2137 Process safety progress dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley INGCHI ABBON.

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2138 Proces-verbaux des sc. de l'ass. de meteor. II. Mem.. U.G.G.I. TER M2139 Proces-verbaux des sc. de l'ass. de meteor. III. Rapp… U.G.G.I. TER M2140 Produrre: Mensile sui sistemi avanzati di prod. man. F. Angeli MEC M

154405 2141 Progettare Gruppo Editoriale Jackson MEC ABBON.154439 2142 Progettista industriale (Il) Tecniche Nuove MEC ABBON.204947 2143 Progetto Alice Pagine MAT ABBON.

2144 Programmed learning and educational technology Kogan Page PIA M2145 Progress in botany Springer ECO M2146 Progress in energy and combustion science Pergamon Press MEC M2147 Progress in materials science Pergamon Press MEC M

29346 2148Progress in nuclear magnetic reson. spectr. dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier CHI ABBON.

2149 Progress in oceanography Pergamon Press TER M2150 Progress in physical geography E. Arnold ECO M2151 Progress in planning Pergamon Press PIA M2152 Progress of theoretical physics + Suppl. Physical Society of Japan FIS M2153 Protec-Progresso e ambiente: Inquin., energia, territ. Gruppo Editoriale Publi & Consult MEC M

202942 2154 Protoplasma dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer ECO ABBON.2155 Przeglad geofizicny Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe TER M2156 Przeglad meteorologiczny i hydrologiczny Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe TER M2157 Public transport international UITP PIA M2158 Public. de l'Inst. Math. Nouvelle serie Beograd Publ. de l'Inst. Matematique MAT M

51486 2159 Public. du depart. de math. Univ. Claude Bernard Universite Claude Bernard Lyon MAT M51487 2160 Public. of the depart. of math. Univ. Ljubljana University of Ljubljana MAT M35113 2161 Public. of the research Inst. Math. Scien. Research Inst.Math.Scien.Kyoto Univ. MAT M

2162 Publications - Atti del Dipartimento Politecnico di Torino STR M2163 Publications of the Inst. of geophysics Warszawa A Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe TER M2164 Publications of the Inst. of geophysics Warszawa B Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe TER M2165 Publications of the Inst. of geophysics Warszawa G Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe TER M

156504 2166Pure and applied geophysics dal 2008 solo on-line version Birkhauser TER ABBON.

2167 Pure and applied optics. Part A Institute of Physics FIS M2168 Quaderni del museo di paleont. e sci. nat. di Voghera TER M2169 Quaderni della regione Lombardia - Istruzione Giunta delle regione Lombardia PIA M

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2170 Quaderni della rivista giuridica della circ. e dei trasp. LEA PIA M250196 2171 Quaderni di geologia applicata Pitagora DIF M

2172 Quaderni di informatica pubblica Gruppo Editoriale Jackson DIF M2173 Quaderni di Italia nostra Tip. Carpenntieri PIA M2174 Quaderni sardi di economia Il Banco PIA M2175 Quaderni silani Comunità Montana Silana PIA M2176 Quality control & applied statistics Executive Sciences Institute DEIS M

72782 2177 Quality progress A.S.Q.C. MEC A+M deis51488 2178 Quarterly journal of mathematics MAT M51489 2179 Quarterly journal of mechanics and applied mathem. Claredon Press MAT-STR M

51490 2180Quarterly of applied mathematics dal 2009 solo on-line version A.M.S. MAT A+M str

210311 2181Quarterly review of biology (The) (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) University of Chicago Press ECO M

2182 Quaterly journal of the royal astronomical society Blackwell TER M2183 Quaterly journal of the royal metereological society Royal Meteorological Society TER M2184 Quaternaria E. A. Blanc TER M

156814 2185 Quaternario (Il) A.I.Q.U.A. TER ABBON.156510 2186 Quaternary research dal 2008 solo on-line version Academic Press TER ABBON.

2187 Quaternary science TER M2188 Quaternary science reviews Pergamon Press TER M2189 Quattroruote Editoriale Domus PIA-MEC M2190 Queste istituzioni Gruppo di Studio su Società e Istituz. PIA M2191 Queveing systems Baltzer Science Pub. DEIS M2192 Radiation and environmental biophysics Springer FIS M2193 Radiation effects Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. FIS M

60962 2194 Radiation effects and defects in solids Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. FIS M2195 Radiation effects bulletin Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. FIS M2196 Radiation effects letters section Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. FIS M

207641 2197 Radio science dal 2009 solo on-line version American Geophysical Union DEIS A+M ter216759 2198 Rail international Inter. Railway Congress Association PIA M

51491 2199 Rairo theoretical informatics and applications Gauthier-Villars MAT M2200 Rairo: analyse numerique numerical analysis Dunod DEIS M2201 Rairo: automatique systems analysis & control Dunod DEIS M

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2202 Rairo: automatique-productive-informatique industrielle(GDunod DEIS M2203 Rairo: informatique computer science Dunod DEIS M2204 Rairo: informatique theorique Dunod DEIS M2205 Rairo: informatique theorique et applications Dunod DEIS M2206 Rairo: mathematical modelling and numerical analysis Dunod DEIS M2207 Rairo: recherche operationnelle Dunod DEIS M2208 Rairo: technique et science informatiques Dunod DEIS M

29181 2209Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM dal 2009 solo on-line version J. Wiley CHI ABBON.

2210 Rapport de Recherche (Suppl. di Bulletin de Liaison..) PIA M2211 Rapports et proces-verbaux des reunions Commiss. Int. Explor. Sci. TER M2212 Rassegna delle poste, dei telegrafi e dei telefoni Istituto Poligrafico di Stato DEIS M2213 Rassegna economica Banco di Napoli PIA M2214 RCA review RCA Corporation TER M

29182 2215Reaction kinetics and catalysis letters dal 2007 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) INGCHI ABBON.

2216 Reactor science and technology Pergamon Press FIS M35114 2217 Real analysis exchange Michigan State Univ. MAT M72789 2218 Real-time systems dal 2007 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) DEIS ABBON.66413 2219 Recherche (La) + Suppl. Société d'Editions Scientifiques FIS ABBON.

2220 Records of oceanographic works in Japan + New ser. Sci. Council of Japan TER M2221 Recuperare - Edil. Design Impianti PEG PIA M2222 Recycling - Demolizioni & Riciclaggio… Edizioni PEI MEC M2223 Regional science & urban economics North-Holland P-DE-T M2224 Regional science association papers Morgan PIA M2225 Regional studies Cambridge Univ. Press P-E-DE-T M2226 Regioni (Le) Il Mulino PIA M2227 Rendiconti annuali A.E.I. A.E.I. DEIS M

35115 2228Rendiconti del circolo matematico di Palermo dal 2009 solo on-line version Springer Verlag Italia MAT ABBON.

2229 Rendiconti del semin. mat. e fis. di Milano Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. MAT M51495 2230 Rendiconti del semin. mat./Univ. Padova Cedam MAT OMAGGIO51493 2231 Rendiconti del semin. mat./Univ.e Polit.di Torino Levrotto & Bella MAT A+M fis

2232 Rendiconti della società geologica italiana Società Geologica Italiana TER M

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2233 Rendiconti della società ita. di mineral. e petrol. (GIA':.. ) Società It. di Mineralogia e Petrologia TER M

51474 2234Rendiconti dell'Ist. lombardo di scienze e lettere. Classe di scienze matematiche Ist. Lombardo Acc. Sci. e Let. MAT-TER M

2235Rendiconti dell'Ist. Lombardo di scienze e lettere. Scienze biologiche e mediche B Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere TER M

51494 2236Rendiconti dell'Ist. Mat. Univ. Trieste (prendere anche in sala) Ist. Mat. Univ. Trieste MAT M

35116 2237 Rendiconti di mat. e delle sue applic./Univ.di Roma E.S.I.A. MAT ABBON.

156797 2238Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e applicazioni. Ser. IX dal 2009 solo on-line version European Mathematical Society MAT-TER ABBON.

51443 2239 Rendiconti Lincei. Sci. Fis., Mat. Nat. Ser. 8^ Accad. Naz. Lincei MAT-TER M

156699 2240Rendiconti Lincei. Sci. Fis., Mat. Nat. Ser. 9^ dal 2009 solo on-line version Springer MAT-TER ABBON.

2241 Rendiconto dell'Accademia delle scienze fis. e mat. Liguori MAT M

72538 2242Renewable energy : an international journal dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press MEC ABBON.

35117 2243 Reports on mathematical physics Pergamon Press MAT-FIS M2244 Reports on progress in physics The Physical Society TER-FIS M2245 Res mechanica Applied science publ. MEC M

241169 2246 Research in engineering design dal 2008 solo on-line verSpringer MEC ABBON.214876 2247 Research in nondestructive evaluation Taylor & Francis STR M

2248 Research journal of the water pollution control fed. Water Pollution Control Federation DIF M2249 Resources policy Butterworths PIA M2250 Resume princip. result. sci. tech. serv. geol. National (NOB.R.G.M. (NON TROVATA) TER M

6306 2251Review of scientific instruments dal 2009 solo on-line version American Institute of Physics FIS A+M de-t

2252 Reviews of geophysics and space physics American Geophysical Union TER M

156591 2253 Reviews of geophysics dal 2009 solo on-line version American Geophysical Union TER ABBON.

6307 2254Reviews of modern physics dal 2009 solo on-line version American Physical Society FIS ABBON.

2255 Revista de geofisica Instituto National de Geofisica TER M35118 2256 Revista de la union mat. Argentina Inst.de mat.Univ.Nac.Del Sur.-Bahia B. MAT M

146515 2257 Revista espanola de micropaleontologia Instit. geol. y minero de Espana TER M

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2258 Revue de cytologie et de biologie veget. H. Couderc (et al.) ECO M2259 Revue de cytologie et de biologie veget. Le botaniste H. Couderc (et al.) ECO M2260 Revue de geographie alpine Inst. de Geographie alpine TER M2261 Revue de geographie physique et de geologie dyn. Masson TER M2262 Revue de geologie dynamique et de geographie phys. Masson TER M2263 Revue de l'institut francais du petrole Edition Technique TER M2264 Revue de metallurgie Ed. de la Revue de metallurgie CHI M

146516 2265Revue de micropaleontologie dal 2008 solo on-line version

Elsevier/Maison de la Geologie/EDNS Sci. & Medical TER ABBON.

2266 Revue de physique appliquee Societè Francaise de Physique MEC-FIS M2267 Revue de physique appliquee: energie solaire Societè Francaise de Physique MEC M2268 Revue economique Fondation nationale des scienc. polit. PIA M2269 Revue francaise d'autom., inform., rech., operation. Dunod DEIS M

67913 2270 Revue francaise de geotechnique Press.de l'Ec. Nat. Des Ponts et Cha. DIF ABBON.2271 Revue francaise de l' electricitè Sodel DEIS M2272 Revue generale de botanique Librairie Gen. Ensegnement ECO M2273 Revue generale de thermique Elsevier MEC M2274 Revue generale des Routes et des aerodromes Jean Lefebure PIA M2275 Revue geographique des pyrenees et du sud-ouest Universite de Toulousse PIA M2276 Revue hydrographique internationale Bureau Hydr. Int. TER M2277 Revue internationale d' oceanographie medicale Centre Etudes Rec. Bio. Ocean. Med. ECO M

51496 2278 Revue roumanie de math. pures et appl. Ed. Acad. Rep. Soc. Roumania MAT M51497 2279 Revue roumanie des scien. techn. ser. des mec. appl. Ed. Acad. Rep. Soc. Roumania MAT M

2280 RGE revue generale de l' electricitè Soc. francaise electricitè DEIS M2281 Ricerca (La) - Matematiche pure ed applicate Guida Editori STR M2282 Ricerca in clinica e in laboratorio (La) Hoechst Italia S.p.A. ECO M2283 Ricerca operativa Fae riviste DEIS M2284 Ricerca scientifica (La) C.N.R. STR-ME-DE M2285 Ricerca scientifica ed il progresso tecnico (La) C.N.R. TER M2286 Ricerche di automatica Klim DEIS M

35119 2287 Ricerche di matematica Univ. Napoli MAT ABBON.167465 2288 Rifiuti : Bollettino di informazione normativa Edizioni Ambiente MEC M

2289Riscaldamento refrigerazione condizionamento idrosanitaria isolamento Tecniche Nuove DIF M

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72535 2290 Rivista dei combustibili (La) Arti Grafiche Stefano Pinelli INGCHI-MEC M2291 Rivista dei cuscinetti SKF Industrie S.p.A. MEC M2292 Rivista dei Lavori pubblici SAIE PIA M

70492 2293 Rivista del nuovo cimento Editrice Compositori FIS ABBON.237838 2294 Rivista della stazione sperimentale del vetro Mazzanti Ed. MEC M

2295 Rivista della strada (La) La Fiaccola MEC M2296 Rivista dell'agenzia del territorio Soc. Ed. Colombo 2000 S.p.A. PIA ABBON.

154508 2297 Rivista delle tecnologie alimentari Miller Freeman MEC ABBON.2298 Rivista di economia agraria Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria PIA M2299 Rivista di fisica, matematica e scienze naturali NON TROA. Nappa (Tipografia) BIO M2300 Rivista di informatica A.I.C.A. DEIS M

67413 2301 Rivista di ingegneria agraria (La) Edagricole MEC-DIF M51498 2302 Rivista di mat. Univ. Parma Università di Parma MAT OMAGGIO

2303 Rivista di meccanica ETAS-Kompass MEC M, 2304 Rivista di meteorologia aeronautica Servizio Meteorologico Areonautico DIF M

35120 2305 Rivista di storia della scienza Ed. Theoria MAT M2306 Rivista FINSIDER Soc. FIN.SID MEC M2307 Rivista geografica italiana La Nuova Italia ECO-TER M2308 Rivista giuridica del Mezzogiorno Il Mulino PIA M

72282 2309 Rivista giuridica di urbanistica Maggioli Editore Periodici PIA M2310 Rivista internazionale di economia dei trasporti Rom PIA M2311 Rivista italiana della saldatura Istituto italiano della saldatura MEC M

82349 2312 Rivista italiana delle sostanze grasse (La) Arti Grafiche Stefano Pinelli INGCHI M2313 Rivista italiana di geofisica e scienze affini C.N.R. TER M2314 Rivista italiana di geotecnica Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane PIA M2315 Rivista italiana di ornitologia Officine Tipografiche F.lli Bruschetta ECO M2316 Rivista italiana di paleontol. e stratigrafia. Memorie Tipografia Editoriale Idos TER M

156815 2317 Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia Univ. di Milano TER ABBON.2318 Rivista tecnica Selenia SELENIA MEC M

154356 2319 RMO: Rivista di meccanica oggi (Già: Rivista di meccanica) Gruppo Editoriale Jackson MEC A+M fis Str2320 Rock mechanics Springer DIF M

67906 2321Rock mechanics and rock engineering dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer DIF ABBON.

35121 2322 Rocky mountain journal of mathematics Rocky mountain math. consort. MAT M

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221927 2323 Routes roads A.I.P.C.R. PIA ABBON.147881 2324 RS - Rifiuti Solidi + suppl. C.I.P.A. MEC-DIF ABBON.

2325 Russian Academy of Sciences. Sbornik Mathematics A.M.S. MAT M2326 Russian chemical reviews British Library Lending Division CHI M2327 Russian journal of inorganic chemistry British Library Lending Division CHI M2328 Russian journal of physical chemistry British Library Lending Division CHI M

35122 2329Russian mathematical surveys dal 2009 solo on-line version British Library MAT ABBON.

51499 2330Russian mathematics (IZ. VUZ.) dal 2009 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.

2331 Sapere Edizioni Dedalo PIA M35083 2332 Sbornik mathematics dal 2009 solo on-line version A.M.S. MAT ABBON.

156592 2333 Schweizerische mineral.und petrograph.Mitteilungen Staubli Verlag AG TER M2334 Schweizerische palaontologische abhandlungen Birkhauser TER M

29187 2335 Science il 2009 solo on-line version Americ. Ass. for the Adv. of Science TER-BIO A+M chi2336 Science & public policy IPC Business Press PIA M2337 Science and industry Philips Scien. Ind. MEC M2338 Science of computer programming Elsevier DEIS M2339 Science report of the Tohoku Univ. 2 Ser. Geo. Sp. Tohoku Univ. TER M2340 Science report of the Tohoku Univ. 2 Ser. Geology Tohoku Univ. TER M2341 Science report of the Tohoku Univ. Geophysics Tohoku Univ. TER M2342 Sciences de la terre. Annales… Fond. Scien. Geol. TER M2343 Scientia Bonetti FIS M2344 Scientia electrica Birkhauser TER M2345 Scientia geologica sinica TER M2346 Scientific american Scientific American B-C-ME M2347 Scientific and technical aerospace report S.T.A.R. STR M

60879 2348Scienze (Le)

Somedia Spa


213905 2349 Scienze : quaderni Nuova Italia DEIS M29083 2350 SciQuest (Già: Chemistry) American Chemical Society CHI M

146518 2351 Scottish journal of geology Geological Soc. Publ. House TER ABBON.

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2352 Sea technology Compass Pub. TER M156595 2353 Sedimentary geology dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier TER ABBON.

2354 Sedimentology Blackwell TER M146519 2355 Seismological research letters Seismological Society of America TER ABBON.212784 2356 Selezione di elettronica Il Sole 24 Ore DEIS M

2357 Selezione di elettronica e microcomputer J.C.E. DEIS M2358 Semiconductor science and technology I.O.P. Pub. FIS M

35123 2359 Semigroup forum Springer MAT M2360 Senckenbergiana maritima TER M

209292 2361 Sensors and actuators B: chemical Elsevier FIS M

29105 2362Separation and purification technology dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier INGCHI ABBON.

29189 2363 Separation science and technology Taylor & Francis INGCHI ABBON.2364 Serrurerie constructions metalliques GMPerrin STR M2365 Serving science & industry N. V. Philips' MEC M

102349 2366 Set-valued analysis dal 2007 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) MAT ABBON.2367 Short papers from the inst. of geology and paleont. Tohoku Univ. TER M

35124 2368 SIAM journal on applied mathematics S.I.A.M. MAT-DEIS M

72798 2369SIAM journal on computing dal 2009 solo on-line version S.I.A.M. DEIS ABBON.

2370 SIAM journal on control S.I.A.M. DEIS-MAT M

35125 2371SIAM journal on control and optimization dal 2009 solo on-line version S.I.A.M. DEIS A+M mat

35126 2372SIAM journal on mathematical analysis dal 2009 solo on-line version S.I.A.M. MAT ABBON.

35127 2373SIAM journal on numerical analysis dal 2009 solo on-line version S.I.A.M. MAT A+M deis

2374 SIAM journal on optimization S.I.A.M. DEIS M35128 2375 SIAM review dal 2009 solo on-line version S.I.A.M. MAT A+M deis

35133 2376SIAM theory of probability and its applications dal 2009 solo on-line version S.I.A.M. MAT ABBON.

35129 2377 Siberian mathematical journal Plenum MAT M2378 Siemens forschung und entwicklungsberichte Springer DEIS M2379 Siemens review Siemens DEIS M

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35141 2380 Sigact news A.C.M. MAT-DEIS M34970 2381 Sigart bulletin A.C.M. MAT M35142 2382 Sigart newsletter A.C.M. MAT-DEIS M35143 2383 Sigcse bulletin computer science education A.C.M. MAT-DEIS M35145 2384 Sigcue outlook A.C.M. MAT-DEIS M

2385 Sigice bulletin indiv.comp.env.(Già:Sigsmall/PC notes) A.C.M. DEIS M2386 Sigmetrics performance evaluation review A.C.M. DEIS M2387 Sigmicro newsletter A.C.M. DEIS M2388 Sigmini newsletter A.C.M. DEIS M2389 Sigmod record management of data A.C.M. DEIS M2390 Signum newsletter A.C.M. DEIS M2391 Sigois bulletin A.C.M. DEIS M2392 Sigsam bulletin symbolic and algebraic manipulation A.C.M. DEIS M2393 Sigsmall newsletter A.C.M. DEIS M2394 Sigsmall/PC notes A.C.M. DEIS M

29190 2395 Silicates industriels Silicates industriels INGCHI M2396 Simulation Simulation Councils Inc. DEIS-MEC M2397 Simulation Councils Proceedings Series Simulation Councils Inc. MEC M2398 Simulation digest A.C.M.- I.E.E.E. MAT-DEIS M

213692 2399Simulation modelling practice and theory dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier DEIS ABBON.

2400 Sistema Terra Laterza PIA M2401 Sistemi e automazione Edizioni Scientifiche Tecniche Europ. MEC M

9564 2402 Sistemi e impresa + Suppl. Este DEIS M

214875 2403Smart materials and structures dal 2009 solo on-line version IOP STR ABBON.

2404 Smithsonian contributions to paleobiology Smithsonian Institution Press TER M2405 Smithsonian contributions to the earth sciences Smithsonian Institution Press TER M2406 Smithsonian contributions to zoology Smithsonian Institution Press TER M2407 Social Indicators Research Kuwer PIA M2408 Socioeconomic planning sciences Pergamon Press PIA M

259448 2409 Soft matter RSC Publishing CHI M51426 2410 Software engineering notes A.C.M. MAT-DEIS M

2411 Software for engineering workstations C.M.P. DIF M

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2412 Software practice and experience J. Wiley MAT-DEIS M2413 Soil conservation TER M

67895 2414Soil dynamics and earthquake eng. dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier DIF ABBON.

2415 Soil mechanics and foundations eng. Consultans Bureau DIF M2416 Soil science Williams & Wilkins DIF M2417 Soil science society of america journal Soil science society of america DIF M

67888 2418 Soils and foundations (The) Dao Gakkai DIF ABBON.2419 Solar & wind technology Pergamon Press MEC M

6310 2420 Solar energy Gordon and Breach Sci.Pub. DIF-MEC-FIS M2421 Solar energy materials North-Holland FIS M

6311 2422 Solar physics dal 2007 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) FIS ABBON.216797 2423 Solid Mechanics (SM) Archives University of Waterloo & Noorhoff Inter. STR M

2424 Solid state communications Pergamon Press FIS M2425 Solid-state electronics Pergamon Press DEIS M2426 Sols soils Les editions soil soils DIF M2427 Somatic cell genetics Plenum BIO M2428 Soviet astronomy American Institute of Physics FIS M

61092 2429 Soviet atomic energy Plenum FIS M2430 Soviet automatic control Allerton Press DEIS M2431 Soviet electrical engineering Allerton Press DEIS M2432 Soviet energy technology Allerton Press DEIS M2433 Soviet hydrology selected papers Acad. of scien. of the Kazakh SSR DIF M2434 Soviet journal of nuclear physics American Institute of Physics FIS M

61088 2435 Soviet journal of optical technology Optical Society of America FIS M2436 Soviet mathematics. Doklady A.M.S. MAT M2437 Soviet mathematics. Iz. Vuz. A.M.S. MAT M2438 Soviet oceanography American Geophysical Union TER M2439 Soviet physics Doklady American Institute of Physics FIS M2440 Soviet physics: JETP American Institute of Physics FIS M

61087 2441 Soviet Physics: technical physics American Institute of Physics FIS M2442 Soviet physics: uspekhi American Institute of Physics FIS M2443 Sowjetwissenschaft Deutsch Sowjetische TER M2444 Space science reviews Reidel TER M

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2445 Spazio e società Gangemi Editore PIA M2446 Spaziosport C.O.N.I. STR-PIA M2447 Spaziosport mese C.O.N.I. STR-PIA M2448 Spectrochimica acta A+B Pergamon Press CHI M2449 Spectroscopy letters M. Dekker CHI M2450 Stahl und eisen Verlag Stahleisen mbh CHI M2451 Stahlbau (Der) Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn KG DIF M2452 Stato e regione IS. D. RE. PIA M

225559 2453 Strade (Le) La Fiaccola PIA M2454 Strade e traffico NIG PIA M

154326 2455 Strain dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell MEC A + M STR2456 Strasse und autobahn Kirschbaum Verlag PIA M

260940 2457 Stratigraphy Micropaleontology Press TER OMAGGIO216798 2458 Structural engineer (The) Batiste Publication STR M216800 2459 Structural engineering international I.A.B.S.E. STR M

2460 Structural optimization Springer DEIS M2461 Studi e ricerche di geografia Istituto Grafico Italiano ECO M2462 Studi economici F. Angeli PIA M2463 Studi geologici camerti Istituto di Geol. Univ. Camerino TER M2464 Studi Svimez Svimez PIA M2465 Studia geophysica et geodaetica Ceskoslovenska Akademia TER M

51502 2466 Studia mathematica dal 2009 solo on-line version Intl. Publ. Service MAT ABBON.2467 Studia scientiarum mathematicarum hungarica Akademia Kiado MAT M

216801 2468 Studies in applied mathematics Mit Press STR M2469 Studii SI cercetari matematice Editura Academiei Rep. Romania MAT M2470 Sunword International Solar Energy Society MEC M2471 Supercomputer european watch A.S.F.R.A. DEIS M2472 Superconductor science & technology I.O.P. Pub. FIS M2473 Supplemento al Nuovo Cimento Editrice Compositori FIS M

83029 2474Surface and coatings technology dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier INGCHI ABBON.

60910 2475 Surface science dal 2008 solo on-line version North-Holland FIS ABBON.2476 Surface science letters North-Holland FIS M2477 Surface science report North-Holland FIS M

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2478 Surveying and land information systems American Congr. on Surv. and Mapp. ECO M2479 Surveying and mapping American Congr. on Surv. and Mapp. ECO M2480 Sviluppo Carical STR-TER-ME M

268547 2481 Swiss journal of geosciences dal 2008 solo on-line versi Birkhauser TER ABBON.29035 2482 Symposium series A.I.C.H.E. INGCHI M

188697 2483 Synlett dal 2009 solo on-line version Thieme CHI ABBON.

82132 2484Synthesis - Journal of synthetic organic chemistry dal 2009 solo on-line version Thieme CHI ABBON.

2485 Synthesis and reactivity in inorg. and metal-org. che. M. Dekker CHI M2486 Synthetic communications M. Dekker CHI M

51504 2487 System theory research Consultans Bureau MAT M2488 Systematic and applied microbiology G. Fischer ECO M2489 Systematic biology Society of Systematic Biologists ECO M2490 Systematic botany American Society of Plant Taxonom. ECO M2491 Systematic zoology Society of Systematic Zoology ECO M

72811 2492Systems and control letters dal 2008 solo on-line version North-Holland DEIS ABBON.

2493 T Sport USPI PIA M29197 2494 TC News Elsevier INGCHI M

177900 2495 Teaching children mathematics N.C.T. MAT ABBON.2496 Teaching geography Geographical Association ECO M2497 TEC (transport environment circulation) ATEC PIA M2498 Technical news bulletin National Bureau of Standards TER M2499 Technique de l'eau de l'assainissement Perre Julin DIF M

219365 2500 Techniques et architecture Edition Jean-Michel Place STR-PIA M 2501 Techniques et sciences methodes AGHTM DIF M2502 Techniques et sciences municipales AGHTM DIF M2503 Techniques in the life sciences Elsevier Biomedical FIS M2504 Technology reviews Mit Press PIA-STR M2505 Technology reviews. Edizione italiana CSELT PIA-STR M

9438 2506 Technometrics American Society Quality Contr. DEIS M2507 Tecniche dell'automazione & robotica (Già: Tec. Aut.) Etas Periodici MEC M2508 Tecnique des travaux STR M2509 Tecnologie chimiche Stammer INGCHI M

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2510 Tecnologie elettriche Edizioni Stammer DEIS M208942 2511 Tecnologie meccaniche: sistemi per produrre Editoriale Elsevier S.p.A. MEC ABBON.156597 2512 Tectonics dal 2009 solo on-line version American Geophysical Union TER ABBON.156604 2513 Tectonophysics dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier TER ABBON.

2514 Telecommunications Horizzon House TER M2515 Telecommunications & radio engineering Scripta Pub. Co. TER M2516 Telegrafi e telefoni P.P.T.T. DEIS M2517 Teploenergetica Accademia delle scienze URSS MEC M

72546 2518 Termotecnica Bias MEC ABBON.2519 Terra : rivista di scienze ambientali e territoriali Patron Editore DIF-PIA M

156617 2520Terra nova + Terra abstracts (Supplemento) dal 2009 solo on-line version Blackwell TER ABBON.

2521 Terrestrial magnetism and atmospheric electricity J. Hopkins Press TER M82130 2522 Tetrahedron : asymmetry Pergamon Press CHI M29199 2523 Tetrahedron : letters dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press CHI ABBON.29198 2524 Tetrahedron dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press CHI ABBON.

2525 Theoretica chimica acta Springer CHI M214874 2526 Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics Elsevier STR M

2527 Theoretical chemical engineering abstracts Theoretical chemical engineer. abstr. DIF M

29200 2528Theoretical chemistry accounts dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer CHI ABBON.

35132 2529 Theoretical computer science Elsevier MAT-DEIS M2530 Theory and practice of object systems J. Wiley DEIS M2531 Thin solid films Elsevier FIS M

216802 2532 Thin-Walled structures Elsevier STR M2533 Tissue and cell Longman Scientific & Technical ECO M

35134 2534Tohoku mathematical journal (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) Tohoku Math. J. MAT M

111190 2535 Topological methods in nonlinear analysis A.M.S. MAT ABBON.35135 2536 Topology (dal 2008 solo on-line version) Pergamon Press MAT ABBON.

35136 2537Topology and its applications dal 2008 solo on-line version North-Holland MAT ABBON.

2538 Town & country planning PIA M2539 Town planning review Liverpool University Press PIA M

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2540 Tracteurs & machines agricoles. L'officiel du mach. Ed. Pierre Gouy S.A. MEC M2541 Tracteurs et machines agricoles. La fiche Ed. Pierre Gouy S.A. MEC M2542 Tracteurs et machines agricoles. La revue Ed. Pierre Gouy S.A. MEC M

72291 2543 Traffic engineering and control tec Hemming PIA ABBON.2544 Traffico notizie ACI PIA M2545 Tranciatura e stampaggio Editoriale Tecnica Macchine MEC M2546 Transaction of the A.S.A.E.+Index+Microfiche A.S.A.E. DIF-MEC M2547 Transactions of the American Geophysical Union American Geophysical Union TER M

35137 2548Transactions of the american mathematical society dal 2009 solo on-line version A.M.S. MAT ABBON.

61055 2549 Transactions of the american nuclear society American Nuclear Society FIS M2550 Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mech. Eng.. Canadian Soc. Mech. Eng. MEC M2551 Transactions of the I.O.M.C. Institute Measurement Contr. DEIS M

35138 2552Transactions of the moskow mathematical society (il 2009 è stato on-line) A.M.S. MAT M

2553 Transition metal chemistry Marcel Dekker CHI M2554 Transport policy and decision making Martinus Nijhoff PIA M

216758 2555 Transport reviews Taylor & Francis PIA ABBON.72293 2556 Transportation dal 2007 solo on-line version Springer (ex Kluwer) PIA ABBON.

2557 Transportation engineering journal A.S.C.E. DIF M2558 Transportation research Pergamon Press PIA M

115903 2559 Transportation research A : policy and pratice Pergamon Press PIA M

117651 2560Transportation research B : methodological dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press PIA ABBON.

104576 2561Transportation research C : emerging technologies dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press PIA ABBON.

239713 2562Transportation research D : transport and environment dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press PIA ABBON.

239715 2563Transportation research E : logistics and transportation review dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press PIA ABBON.

239717 2564Transportation research F : traffic psychohology and behavior dal 2008 solo on-line version Pergamon Press PIA ABBON.

2565 Transportation research new National Res.Coun./Highway Res.Bo. DIF M208792 2566 Transportation research record National Res.Coun./Highway Res.Bo. DIF M

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72292 2567 Transportation science (il 2009 è stato solo on-line) Institute for operations research.. PIA M2568 Transports Editions Techniques et Econ. PIA M

253854 2569 Trasporti Università di Trieste - I.S.T.I.E.E. PIA ABBON.2570 Trattamenti e finiture Editoriale Tecnica Macchine MEC M2571 Travaux scientif. du Bureau central seism. int. Ser. A U.G.G.I. TER M2572 Travertino romano Dedalo STR M

16938 2573Trends in biochemical sciences dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier Trends Jrn. BIO ABBON.

16939 2574 Trends in biotechnology dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier Trends Jrn. BIO ABBON.

210312 2575Trends in ecology and evolution dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier Trends Jrn. ECO ABBON.

16940 2576 Trends in genetics dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier Trends Jrn. BIO ABBON.210352 2577 Trends in microbiology dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier Trends Jrn. BIO ABBON.

16941 2578 Trends in neurosciences Elsevier Trends Jrn. BIO M2579 Trends in pharmacological sciences Elsevier Trends Jrn. BIO M

210254 2580 Trends in plant sciences Elsevier Trends Jrn. BIO M2581 TreniItalia Tecnoambiente PIA M2582 Tribologia e lubrificazione Stazione Sp. per le Ind. degli Oli e Gr. MEC M2583 Tribology international Butterworths MEC M

250150 2584 TRL research alert Transport research laboratory PIA M2585 TRRL (transport and road research laboratory) Department of transport PIA M

208152 2586Tunnels and tunnelling international dal 2009 e-mail version Wilmington Media DIF ABBON.

215554 2587 Tuttonormel T.N.E. DEIS ABBON.2588 Uitp revue L'Union PIA M

35139 2589 Ukrainian math. J. Consultans Bureau MAT M2590 Ulrich's international periodicals directory Bowker ECO M2591 Umana avventura (L') Jaca Book ECO M2592 Under sea technology Compass Pub. TER M

154617 2593 Unificazione e certificazione Technogroup MEC ABBON.100131 2594 Università e scuola + Notiziario Forum Editrice Univ. Udinese MAT ABBON.

57982 2595 Universitas Associazione RUI DIF-C-MEC-T M2596 Universitas notizie Edium Coopergion DEIS-MEC M

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2597 University of Detroit journal of urban law Univ. of Detroit School Law PIA M26366 2598 Universo (L') Istituto Geografico Militare TER-ECO M

2599 Uomini e computer : come Ed. CISAD DIF M2600 Urban forum Canadian counc. an urb.and reg. res. PIA M2601 Urban land ULI PIA M2602 Urban studies Longman Scientific & Technical PIA M2603 Urbanisme Urbanisme PIA M2604 Urbanismes & architecture PIA M2605 Urbanistica e territorio Pirola PIA M

51505 2606 Ussr computational math. and math. phys. Pergamon Press MAT M2607 Utrecht micropaleontological bulletins Utrecht & Jens TER M2608 Utrecht micropaleontological bulletins Special publ. Utrecht & Jens TER M2609 Vacuum Pergamon Press FIS M2610 Vaisala news American Geophysical Union TER M2611 Vegetatio Kluwer ECO M2612 Veroffentlichungen des deutschen wissen..reihe I ark. Gebruder Borntraeger TER M2613 Veroffentlichungen des geophysikalischen inst. TER M

51506 2614 Vestnik Leningrad Univ. Math. Allerton Press MAT M2615 Via delle merci IKON PIA M2616 Vibrational spectroscopy Elsevier CHI M2617 Videodisc monitor Videodisc Monitor DEIS M2618 Vie e trasporti La Fiaccola PIA-MEC M2619 Vie et milieu Vie et Milieu - Laboratoire Arago ECO M

250140 2620 Virtual reality SALA dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer MEC ABBON.164767 2621 Visual basic & . Net journal Gruppo Editoriale Infomedia DEIS M244547 2622 Visual basic journal Gruppo Editoriale Infomedia TER M

2623 VLDB journal Springer DEIS M214852 2624 VLSI design : an international j. of custom-chip … Taylor & Francis DEIS M

2625 Voci della rotaia Ente Ferrovie dello Stato PIA M2626 Vox sanguinis Karger BIO M2627 Vuoto scienza e tecnologia Patron Editore FIS M

156501 2628 Warme-und stoffubertragung Springer MEC M2629 Wasser + abwasser, bau-intern R. Oldenbourg Verlag DIF M2630 Wasser und energie wirtschaft SWV - VGL DIF M

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2631 Wasser, energie, luft Schweizerischer wasserwirtschaftsverbaDIF M2632 Wasserwirtschaft (Die) Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung DIF - TER M2633 Wasserwirtschaft-Wassertechnik Veb Verlag fur Bauwesen DIF M

153344 2634Waste management and research dal 2009 solo on-line version Sage MEC ABBON.

2635 Water and water engineering Fuel and metallurgical j. DIF M2636 Water pollution control federation highlights WPFA DIF M2637 Water resources bulletin American Water Resources Assoc. DIF M

67877 2638 Water resources research dal 2009 solo on-line version American Geophysical Union DIF A+M ter67887 2639 Water services Industrial Trade Publ. DIF M

154641 2640 Watt Gruppo Editoriale Jackson MEC ABBON.2641 Weather Royal Meteorological Society TER M2642 Weatherwise American Meteorological Society TER M

214873 2643 Werk bauen wohnen Zollkofer AG STR M2644 Westinghouse engineer Westinghouse Electric Co. DEIS M2645 Wetter und leben Der Osterreichischen TER M

208938 2646 Wire - manufacture and processing of wire and cable Meisenbach MEC M2647 Wireless world Electrical Electronic Press DEIS M2648 Wissenschaftliche abhandlungen Springer TER M2649 Wissenschaftliche arbeiten des deutschen meteorol. . Haug TER M

72570 2650 World pumps dal 2008 solo on-line version Elsevier MEC ABBON.2651 World water Thomas Telford Publishing DIF M2652 X - Ray Spectrometry Heyden TER M

214878 2653 X - Y dimensioni del disegno Officina Ed. STR M35140 2654 Yokohama math. J. Dep. Math. Yokohama City Univ. MAT M35146 2655 Zamp zeitschrift fuer angewandite math. und phys. Birkhauser MAT M

204076 2656ZDM Zentralblatt fur didaktik der mathematik dal 2009 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.

2657 Zeitschrift der deutschnen geologischen gesellschaft Enke TER M

165398 2658Zeitschrift für analysis und ihre anwendungen dal 2009 solo on-line version European Mathematical Society MAT ABBON.

2659 Zeitschrift für angewandte geologie Academie Verlag TER M216803 2660 Zeitschrift für angewandte mathematik und mechanik Academie Verlag STR M

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2661 Zeitschrift für angewandte meteorologie Academische Verlag TER M2662 Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine chemie Verlag Johann Ambrosius Barth CHI M2663 Zeitschrift für geologische wissenscaften Geselschaft fur geol. TER M2664 Zeitschrift für Geophysik Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesell. TER M2665 Zeitschrift für instrumentenkunde Haas TER M2666 Zeitschrift für kristallographie kristallgeometrie… Akademische verlagsgesellschaft CHI M2667 Zeitschrift für meteorologie Deutscher Zentral TER M2668 Zeitschrift für naturforrschung. Teil A Verlag der Zeitschrift fur naturforsch. FIS -CHI M

60939 2669 Zeitschrift für naturforrschung. Teil B Verlag der Zeitschrift fur naturforsch. CHI M2670 Zeitschrift für naturforrschung. Teil C Verlag der Zeitschrift fur naturforsch. CHI-FIS M2671 Zeitschrift für physik B: condensed matter Springer FIS M2672 Zeitschrift für physik C: particles and fields Springer FIS M2673 Zeitschrift für physikalische chemie Akademische verlagsgesellschaft CHI M2674 Zeitschrift für physikalische chemie. Nevue folge Akademische verlagsgesellschaft CHI M2675 Zeitschrift für praktische geologie mit… TER M2676 Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen Deutscher Vereine fur … TER M2677 Zentralblatt für geologie und palaontologie Teil I TER M2678 Zentralblatt für geologie und palaontologie Teil II TER M2679 Zentralblatt für geophysik, meteorologie und geodasie Springer TER M2680 Zentralblatt fur mathematik und ihre grenzgebiete Springer MAT M2681 Zentralblatt für mineralogie Teil I TER M2682 Zentralblatt für mineralogie Teil II TER M

51507 2683 Zentralblatt math Dal 2009 solo on-line version Springer MAT ABBON.

2684ZML Zeitschrift für mathematische logik und grundlagen der mathematik

Veb Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften MAT M

216804 2685 Zodiac Rizzoli PIA-STR M2686 Zoologische jahrbucher Gustav Fischer ECO M

210313 2687 Zoomorphology dal 2008 solo on-line version Springer ECO ABBON.

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