eleven says 260 - bergh aptonberghapton.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/eleven-says-260.pdf · if...

ELEVEN SAYS 11 THE NEWSPAPER OF THE BRAMERTON GROUP OF CHURCHES COVERING 11 PARISHES You may send contributions and photos to the Editor by post or by email to [email protected] Faith, Hope and Love If there is one word that is guaranteed to bring a rolling of the eyes, a sigh or a moan at this time it is – ‘Referendum’. As the dust settles it is not perhaps the time to start going over the arguments for and against, but to reflect from a Christian perspective on what the result means for our nation, our relationships with one another within the United Kingdom and, of course, our relationship with our European neighbours. As I have listened to comments from parishioners and the views of the media over the past few weeks since the vote, what has become clear to me is that the over-riding issue has been one of ‘expectation’. I do not believe that either side of the argument – ‘Dave’ or ‘Boris’ really expected the result that emerged. As a consequence, there does not seem to be a clear strategy on how to respond. The Prime Minister has resigned and the government (at the time of writing) is in the process of electing a new leader; there is the possibility of a General Election as a result; Labour, as the main opposition party, are in total disarray; the ‘victors’ in the argument have seen their expectations crumble with Boris Johnson in the wilderness and Nigel Farage standing down from politics; the Scottish National Party are talking once more about devolution from the rest of the UK. Amid all this chaos, the issue of what, when and how we separate ourselves from the European Union seems to have been almost forgotten, even though this was the catalyst for the situation we find ourselves in. A number of people have shared with me that they voted ‘out’ but did not expect that to be the majority view and indeed were disappointed at the result! Who knows, we may yet find ourselves with a new government, a further Referendum and a different result! In his first letter to the Church in Corinth, St Paul concludes that three things abide in our lives – Faith, Hope and Love. Our response to any situation we face can, perhaps, be informed by these three pillars. If we are ‘religious’, we can turn to our faith and ask how it speaks to a particular situation or circumstance. For Christians, we could ask: how do the teachings of Christ inform our response to the result of the Referendum? It is sometimes argued that politics and religion do not mix, but that is not what we see in the Gospels – Jesus spends a considerable proportion of his time discussing political points and encouraging a ‘faithful’ response. AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2016 ISSUE 260 Hope brings us closer to my initial point about expectation. My dictionary defines hope as ‘the expectation of success or fulfilment’. What would be the right path for fulfilment in our relationships following the Referendum? Certainly not to continue to argue, criticise or blame the government, the opposition or our fellow voters. Hope is about the future, and seeking the best, most successful future we can for ourselves and our neighbours. St Paul is clear that Faith and Hope are essential pillars of our lives and our relationship with God and our communities, but they fade into insignificance in comparison to ‘Love’. Love is a unique concept – we know when we feel it for or from other people, but it is almost impossible to define and as such can be quite fragile at times. One of the problems with a Referendum is that it encourages a selfish response. Without necessarily meaning to, we subconsciously ask ourselves “what is best for me?” A loving response would always be “what is best for us?” Our love should be a gift to others, not something we keep just for ourselves. As we move forward from this historic moment in the story of our nation, we must place our faith, our hope and our love in one another and in the future, rather than holding frustrations and resentments about the past. The example of our political leaders in recent days has been one of selfishness and making decisions based on the “best for me” principle. Perhaps now is the time for us to seek a different example from those who represent us. Our system of government would benefit greatly from the guiding principle from St Paul: ‘and now faith, hope and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.’ (1 Cor. 13:13) Yours in Christ, Chris. DB

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You may send contributions and photos to the Editor by post or by email to [email protected]

Faith, Hope and Love If there is one word that is guaranteed to bring a rolling of the eyes, a sigh or a moan at this time it is – ‘Referendum’. As the dust settles it is not perhaps the time to start going over the arguments for and against, but to reflect from a Christian perspective on what the result means for our nation, our relationships with one another within the United Kingdom and, of course, our relationship with our European neighbours. As I have listened to comments from parishioners and the views of the media over the past few weeks since the vote, what has become clear to me is that the over-riding issue has been one of ‘expectation’. I do not believe that either side of the argument – ‘Dave’ or ‘Boris’ really expected the result that emerged. As a consequence, there does not seem to be a clear strategy on how to respond. The Prime Minister has resigned and the government (at the time of writing) is in the process of electing a new leader; there is the possibility of a General Election as a result; Labour, as the main opposition party, are in total disarray; the ‘victors’ in the argument have seen their expectations crumble with Boris Johnson in the wilderness and Nigel Farage standing down from politics; the Scottish National Party are talking once more about devolution from the rest of the UK. Amid all this chaos, the issue of what, when and how we separate ourselves from the European Union seems to have been almost forgotten, even though this was the catalyst for the situation we find ourselves in. A number of people have shared with me that they voted ‘out’ but did not expect that to be the majority view and indeed were disappointed at the result! Who knows, we may yet find ourselves with a new government, a further Referendum and a different result! In his first letter to the Church in Corinth, St Paul concludes that three things abide in our lives – Faith, Hope and Love. Our response to any situation we face can, perhaps, be informed by these three pillars. If we are ‘religious’, we can turn to our faith and ask how it speaks to a particular situation or circumstance. For Christians, we could ask: how do the teachings of Christ inform our response to the result of the Referendum? It is sometimes argued that politics and religion do not mix, but that is not what we see in the Gospels – Jesus spends a considerable proportion of his time discussing political points and encouraging a ‘faithful’ response.


Hope brings us closer to my initial point about expectation. My dictionary defines hope as ‘the expectation of success or fulfilment’. What would be the right path for fulfilment in our relationships following the Referendum? Certainly not to continue to argue, criticise or blame the government, the opposition or our fellow voters. Hope is about the future, and seeking the best, most successful future we can for ourselves and our neighbours. St Paul is clear that Faith and Hope are essential pillars of our lives and our relationship with God and our communities, but they fade into insignificance in comparison to ‘Love’. Love is a unique concept – we know when we feel it for or from other people, but it is almost impossible to define and as such can be quite fragile at times. One of the problems with a Referendum is that it encourages a selfish response. Without necessarily meaning to, we subconsciously ask ourselves “what is best for me?” A loving response would always be “what is best for us?” Our love should be a gift to others, not something we keep just for ourselves. As we move forward from this historic moment in the story of our nation, we must place our faith, our hope and our love in one another and in the future, rather than holding frustrations and resentments about the past. The example of our political leaders in recent days has been one of selfishness and making decisions based on the “best for me” principle. Perhaps now is the time for us to seek a different example from those who represent us. Our system of government would benefit greatly from the guiding principle from St Paul: ‘and now faith, hope and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.’ (1 Cor. 13:13) Yours in Christ, Chris.



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####### ALL WELCOME #######

Wednesday Fellowship A Meeting on the second Wednesday of the month 2-4pm at Alpington and Yelverton Village Hall. Christian and secular speakers followed by tea, cake and fellowship. All welcome.

September 14th - ‘Our trip to India, speaker Ruth Everett.

October 12th - ‘A haven of peace’, speaker Tony Escritt For more information please contact: Jo Threadgold, 492657 or Pat Barter, 493570.

Gentlemen, you are cordially invited to a

Mid-Day Mardle

An opportunity for men to quench their thirst for good company and conversation, share good food and, perhaps, to enjoy a glass of something. New members are always given a

warm welcome.

The Ferry House, Surlingham Wednesdays: August 3rd, September 7th and October 5th

Anytime between 12:00 and 14:00 Any questions, please contact

David Fairbourn on 01508 538437,

St Mary’s Church, Rockland St Mary The church has a tapered tower, Tudor windows and a Victorian interior. Inside is a bronze memorial to those who served and died in World War I.

Eleven Says contribution appeal Eleven Says costs about £5 per household per year to produce and we deliver the magazine free. If you would like to make a contribution towards production we would be grateful for your donation. Please make cheques payable to Eleven Says. Envelopes can be posted or delivered to the Treasurer or given to your local collector. Village Name and Address Alpington & Yelverton Christopher and Christine Kemp, 3 St Mary’s Close, Yelverton

Bergh Apton Shirley Rimmer, Hazeldene, Threadneedle Street,

Framingham Pigot Mrs Edna Welham, Cottage on the Beck, Fox Road

Claxton Paul and Sarah Carter, Birches, The Street

Bramerton Angie Yeomans, 15 Bramerton Lodge, East Hill Lane

Rockland St Mary Rev Mandy Ansell, 44 The Street, RSM

Surlingham Mrs Gladwell, Craven Cottage, The Green

Thurton Rev Chris Ellis, The Rectory, 29 Ashby Road,

Treasurer John Everett, Applebee, Rockland St Mary

Yare Valley Filling Station 4 Sharing Yare Valley Filling Station has recently held its fourth evening celebration meeting at Alpington School’s new hall, reports Kevin Gotts. This fourth Filling Station in Norfolk is about sharing an informal way of expressing the Christian faith. Guests received another warm welcome and enjoyed homemade cakes and coffee. Following a real life story of her life from Rachel, the band led contemporary worship. Guest speaker was Rev Paul Wilkinson from Ashill supported by his wife Colette. Paul spoke of his early life in Northern Ireland during the “Troubles” and how later in his early 20’s found faith in Jesus. A massive impact on Paul was the receiving of power (Acts1 v8) where God’s Spirit transformed his faith and life. He said, “The Holy Spirit is here for all of us and we are called to participate and engage in things God is doing. Increasingly Christians are going out in pairs, praying and offering healing, and sharing the gospel of Jesus.” He shared of writing a year ago of prophetic words about a forthcoming revival, where Christians would “empty” themselves of selfish ambitions, turn and pray seriously to God. From this, spiritual growth would come, believers would work together in unity, and take the story and truth of Jesus into the world where the sick would be healed, and oppressed, and broken people freed and renewed. Paul concluded, “Be encouraged, God gave his son just to have you back, and this message is for your neighbours, family and children. It is time to speak up, let people know God is here, blessing us.” The Filling Station, which was born out of the Church of England in the West Country, has grown exponentially in terms of venues opening all over the United Kingdom. It continues to serve and refresh both Church leaders, congregations and more importantly to open the eyes of those who are seeking answers to the meaning of life through the Christian faith. The Filling Station is helping to bring unity amongst believers from across the whole Church spectrum. www.thefillingstation.org.uk/yare-valley


Ladies’ organisations Ashby & Thurton WI First Thursday each month at 7.30pm Alpington, Bergh Apton & Yelverton TWIG First Wednesday each month at 7.30pm

Rockland St Mary WI Second Tuesday each month at 7.30pm Surlingham WI First Thursday each month at 7.30pm

August 3rd – A party of members will be visiting Johnny Crickmore (the Cheese Maker) at Bungay. Hopefully there will be a tasting! August 10th - By kind invitation, the Annual Garden Meeting will take place in the garden of Sofie Hale. September 7th - The Speaker this month will be Sally Moore. She will be talking on Hearing Dogs for the Deaf The Craft Group will not meet again until September.

Alpington, Bergh Apton & Yelverton TWIG

Loddon Flower Club

6th September Jacquie Aldous - That’s entertainment - Act 2 4th October Pat Barton - Tints, Tones and Textures The competition this evening will be the same title. 11th October AGM in the ‘Classroom of the Future’ at the school

1st Tuesday of every month from 7.30pm at Hobart High School, Loddon. All welcome.

We have our garden meeting on August 9th at the home of one of our members and in September we will be entertained by Jean Clark with `Laughter and Face Yoga` In October we will pay a visit to the Norwich Magistrates Court. Hope they don`t keep us in! Meetings are held in the Margaret Mack Room on the 2nd Tuesday in the month at 7.30pm. All welcome.

Rockland St Mary & District WI

Thurton, Ashby St Mary & District WI Members were welcomed to our May meeting by President Olga Salm who introduced Brenda Packman who is to be our representative at the annual AGM. After the minutes of the last meeting had been signed members were reminded that there were to be two tables at the Autojumble, one for craft items and one for the tombola. As this was the resolution meeting there followed a discussion on the two resolutions to be presented at the AGM. Olga welcomed members to our June meeting and introduced Daniel Scott whose talk was about bees and beekeeping. He told us how he started beekeeping and some of the stories associated with bees. We were then able to buy some of his produce and it was altogether a most enjoyable evening. The Afternoon Tea in June was very successful and over 70 members and guests enjoyed a wide array of sandwiches, scones and cakes, all served on pretty china and lovely decorated tables. Our speaker for the afternoon was The Chocolate Lady Madame Deroubaix who entertained us with a talk on the growing and making of chocolate as well as providing everyone with a ‘taster’.

Loddon and District Horticultural Society

The Horticultural Society are holding their 44th Annual Open Show at The Hollies, High Street, Loddon on Saturday 3rd September. There are classes for vegetables, fruit, flower arranging, cookery and children. We will also be holding a competition for the local WI's entitled "Happy Birthday, Your Majesty". Doors open at 1pm and we will have a tombola, plant and cake stalls, and refreshments. Schedules available from Tricia on 01508-520273.

The Rockland St Mary 200 Club Lottery Thank you to everybody who bought tickets for the Rockland St Mary 200 Club Lottery. The lottery, which was launched in October of last year has been very successful and has enabled us to donate the sum of £325 to each of two worthy causes in Rockland, namely, St Mary’s Church and the Parish/Reading Room. We have also distributed eleven cash prizes of £50 up to and including July 2016, with a further two prizes to be allocated in August and September. The Rockland St Mary 200 Club Committee plans to continue the lottery for a second year, starting in October. We shall, therefore, be writing to all existing ticketholders in August asking them to renew their subscriptions. The annual cost of a ticket will be £12 per year, a mere £1 per month. Each ticket is entered into a monthly draw and ticket holders have the chance to win a cash prize of £50 in each of the twelve monthly draws. It should be noted that two winning tickets are drawn in December. After meeting costs, for example the cost of the lottery licence from South Norfolk Council, the income from the sale of tickets is divided equally between the worthy causes and prize money. There are currently 124 tickets in the draw but we remain hopeful of hitting 200 in Year 2, so living up to our name. Obviously, the more tickets we sell the more funds will be available to donate to the worthy causes and the more we are able to distribute as prize money. So we would urge everybody to buy a ticket or two in the knowledge that even if you don’t win a prize your money is helping a couple of really worthwhile causes. And, by the way, you don’t have to live in Rockland St Mary to participate! If you do not currently have a ticket but would like to take part in the lottery please contact Jim Wretham on 01508 538872 or by email at: [email protected] and Jim will provide you with an application form.

The Rockland St Mary 200 Club Committee

Poringland Community Cinema at Poringland Community Centre

We are taking a break for the summer. We will be back in September

so look out for our posters in August.

Dates for your diary:

Friday 9th September, 14th October, 11th November, 9th December

Friends of Thurton Church Thurton Garage Sale, Sunday 11th September 2016, 11 am to 3 pm. With approximately 20 pitches selling everything from plants, books, and bric-a-brac to children's toys and clothes, there will be plenty of bargains to be had at this event. Please collect a map showing the participating houses from Thurton Village Hall, where refreshments will be available. If you live outside Thurton village, but would like to declutter your loft by sharing a pitch (£10), please contact Karen on 01508 480600.

Thurton Street Party The Street Party held on 11th June at St Georges Close was well attended and as a result of the Raffle £30 was sent to the Big C Charity. There was a wonderful spread of food but unfortunately the rain came down with a vengeance and many of us adjourned to Josie’s house. Thanks to those of you who came and for supplying the food, and Keith for providing the music.

From the Registers BAPTISMS 22/05/16 Rupert Stephen James MARSDEN Thurton 04/06/16 Sabrina Amelia Smiki SKEDGE Bergh Apton 05/06/16 Mehdi Hoome-BEHBAHANI Thurton 09/07/16 Digby Alfred UNDERHILL Rockland St Mary THANKSGIVING AND BLESSING 12/06/16 Samuel Caelan STEVEN-JONES Surlingham MARRIAGES 30/04/16 Tom OAKLEY to Victoria HICKS Framingham Pigot 29/05/16 Matthew ELWIN to Emily WELDON Framingham Pigot 25/06/16 Oliver BEST to Sophie INGLESON Surlingham 06/07/16 Declan WOODS to Amy TAYLOR Framingham Pigot FUNERALS , BURIALS, CREMATIONS, INTERMENT OF ASHES 15/04/16 Brian William ROSE (69) Surlingham 07/06/16 John MILLAR (92) Rockland St Mary 10/06/16 Pauline Eleanor CLOUGH (87) Surlingham 10/06/16 Barbara Wendy WEBB (77) Hellington 13/06/16 Dorothy ‘Dot’ Beryl DAWSON (90) Kirby Bedon 29/06/16 Eric ‘Russell’ HINDLE (81) Alpington 29/06/16 Donald WIDDOWSON (89) Framingham Pigot 04/07/16 Linda Joy CLITHEROE (57) Carleton St Peter


Thank you

Shirley Kenny and Mark would like to say thank you to all friends and family for their support and comfort that they gave us of the passing of our very dear dad Brian Rose. It was lovely to see so many people celebrating our dad’s life, and a very big thank you for all the kind letters and donations which are going to Surlingham Church. The amount raised was £1000.

Thank you again, it meant so much to us.

Wedding at Framingham Pigot church Victoria Hicks and Thomas Oakley were married on 30th April.

We had our marriage ceremony at the beautiful St Andrew's Church in Framingham Pigot and we were very blessed to have the Reverend Chris Ellis marry us. It was a wonderful service that was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

The wedding reception was held in a marquee in the garden of the bride's parents house in Rockland St Mary. The weather held out for just the right amount of time so we were able to have a drinks reception on the lawn overlooking the picturesque Norfolk Broads, followed by a seated 3-course wedding breakfast inside the marquee.

The whole day was incredible from start to finish and everything we had hoped for, plus more! Considering we had had bitterly cold snow showers and gale force winds in the week leading up to the wedding, we were very lucky to be treated to some warm weather and sunshine on the day, even if it was broken up by a few April showers! Local wedding photographer, James Powell, didn't miss a moment and did a fantastic job at capturing the day from start to finish. Our wedding day truly was the best day of our lives and so full of precious moments we will cherish forever.

Thurton Little Fish At the end of the summer term we had a mini party (well lots of Lizzie's banana cake!) to say goodbye to Beatrice and newer member Tommy who are both about to start school in September. Beatrice's mum, Lizzie, has been a brilliant supporter of Little Fish over a number of years and we shall really miss her, but hope she'll pop in to see us again from time to time. Little Fish meet at Thurton Village Hall (in the small carpeted committee room) at 10.30am on alternate Wednesday mornings during term time. On arrival the children choose a cuddly toy out of the bag and w e have a short service specially designed for them with songs you can shake shakers to, a bible story and a prayer. Afterwards there's a drink and biscuit for everyone, toys to play with, chatting, sharing and colouring. Future dates are : Wednesday September 14th and 28th, and October 12th. For more information please contact Angie (480477).

Thurton Explorers A big thank you to all the Explorers for their brilliant efforts to raise some funds for Holiday Club. On Friday 1st July they set up their own stalls at the village hall, with lots of fun (and challenging!) games and managed to raise £52.81. Well done Explorers! A very big thank you too to all who made donations towards the event which resulted in a grand total of £136.81. It will all be put to very good use to make this year's Holiday Club the best ever! Looking forward....a number of our Explorers are moving on to High School in September and we wish them all well. All 7 - 11 year olds are welcome to join Explorers. We meet on alternate Friday evenings (during term time) at the village hall from 7pm - 8.15pm. Explorers have fun together - we play games, have a Bible story which everyone wants to act out, and end with art and craft activities. Future dates: Friday September 16th and 30th, and October 14th. For more information call Angie (480477) or Rosalind (480440).

Lawn Mower Thurton Church needs a lawn mower. Does anyone have a robust power driven machine that is capable of cutting the churchyard? Please contact Tony (480477).

The Fall of Jericho Then the Lord said to Joshua "See I have delivered Jericho into your .hands, along with its king and its fighting men. March around the city once with all the armed men, do this for six days. On the seventh day march around seven times and when the trumpets blast the city will collapse" And Joshua did what the Lord had commanded.


Pleasure Wherry Tour to Norwich

At the beginning of September the wherry built for the Colman family and launched in 1905 will be sailing up the River Yare past our villages. During the Heritage Open Days, 8th -11th September, it will be moored at Pull's Ferry near the cathedral and free to go aboard. There you can hear the story behind its name, Hathor, (pronounced Har-tor) and discover the fascinating Egyptian-themed interior decoration. Or, avoiding Norwich, the wherry will be open to visitors from 4-7pm on Sunday September 4th at Rockland Staithe, from 12 noon to 7pm on Monday September 5th at Surlingham Ferry and from 3-7pm on Tuesday September 13th at Cantley. If you would like to treat yourself, a friend or family member to a leisurely sail aboard Hathor in Edwardian style, a variety of sailings are available. Great Yarmouth to Rockland on Sunday September 4th, for example, costs £45 per person, Rockland to Surlingham on Monday September 5th is £25, Surlingham to Norwich on Tuesday September 6th £30, and short sailings between Pull's Ferry and the Ribs of Beef in Norwich on Wednesday September 7th are £15. For the full programme of opportunities for sailing on, or viewing Hathor and other wherries, pick up a flier at tourist information points, check the calendar of events in The Broadcaster (in our village shops), phone 01603 781475, email [email protected] or check out the website www.wherryyachtcharter.org After the publication of this edition of 11 Says, the first events you might like are the short sailings (£10, not pre-bookable) from Ranworth Staithe on Saturday August 6th and the Bishop of Norwich's annual visit for a service at St Benet's Abbey on Sunday August 7th. Oh, and do come to the Bishop's garden, open in aid of Wherry Yacht Charter on Sunday September 11th. Happy sailing!

WEA Loddon branch - Autumn talks This Autumn, the talks, to be given by Brian Statham, will be about women of influence in the 15th and 16th centuries, including such figures as Elizabeth I, Lucretia Borgia, Diane de Poitiers, and many more. From now on, a series of talks will consist either of 9 talks of 1½ hours or of 7 talks of 2 hours each. This Autumn, there will be seven 2-hour talks on Mondays in the Jubilee Hall Clubroom, starting at 1.45 and finishing at 3.45. The first talk will be on Monday October 3rd. There will be a half-term break on October 24th and the series will end on November 21st. The fee for the series will be £49 (with fee remissions for those in receipt of certain State benefits), but if you are undecided you may come to the first talk free of charge and pay only if you decide to continue. There is ample free parking at the Jubilee Hall and there is wheelchair access from the playing-field side. Everyone is welcome. No prior knowledge is needed.

Poringland and District WEA - Learning for Life!

Autumn Term 2016 - “Cinema and History Part 1”by Brian Statham Perceptions of the past are influenced by films of variable accuracy. The course will explore how film studios have mined European history’s rich seam of characters and events from before Homer to WW2. The first session is free - come along and see if you like it! Starting Thursday 15th September 2016 at 10.30 am at Poringland Community Centre, Overton’s Way, Poringland, NR14 7WB. The course comprises 9 sessions of one and a half hours each, plus a short break for tea/coffee and biscuits. Cost is £47.25 for the course – free to those on certain means tested benefits. No tests or exams! For further information please phone Jane Walker on 01508 494381 or Sue Krey on 01508 492930. Do come along and join us!

Alpington & Yelverton Local History Society

Everyone is welcome to join us for the following


Members are free, visitors £3 at the door

(to include refreshments).

Tuesday 13th September. Michael Trendall -

‘English Country Houses’

Contact Mary Fewster, (Chairman) 01508 492059

or Mary Black (Secretary),

01508 492025 for further details.

Loddon Community Gym Summer Fitness Boot


We are pleased to announce that, due to popular demand, we will now be running TWO weekday evening Boot Camps on

Mondays and Wednesdays between 7pm and 8pm until

September 14th 2016.

(after then we will be trying to find a suitable indoor venue for Winter Boot Camps)

At £4 per session, this is a great fun way to stay fit and meet friends old and new.

Come along to the Old Hockey Field, George Lane, Loddon or call Louise on

07534 946143 for details of this or the Gym.

Please support your only

LOCAL Gym. www.loddoncommunitygym.com


for spinning/weaving/felting available now.

Donations for

Sanyu Baby Home.

Contact Mandy Ansell 01508 538654






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Village News Alpington & Yelverton

Bergh Apton


Friends of St Mary’s

The Beer Festival hosted by Tom and Jan at The Wheel of Fortune, Alpington, is a major event for the community with the additional purpose of helping the Friends to raise as much money as possible for our work in supporting the repair and maintenance of St. Mary’s. There will be a selection of beers on offer and entertainment for all. Come along on Friday, 2nd September from 5.30pm to hear Mark Anthony, a talented singer of soul, jazz, Motown, swing and reggae music. He also plays a variety of percussion instruments, including bongos and rota drums. On Saturday, 3rd September from 2pm the Beer Festival will expand to a family afternoon with activities for the children, plus tombola, stalls, tea room, barbecue from 2pm to 8pm and music from the ever-popular Lee Vasey “big band” between 3pm and 5.30pm.

Before then, we hope to see you at our annual Coffee Morning on Wednesday 10th August 10.30am – 12 at ‘Arenys’, Church Road, Yelverton. £3 admission includes coffee and cake. Also, cakes, tombola, bric-a-brac, books and plants.

For information or to offer help at either of our events, please contact Mary Fewster (Secretary), 4 Priory Road, Alpington, NR14 7PA, 01508 492059.

St Mary’s Church, Yelverton - concert

Celebrate the restoration of the church roof and tower with a concert on Saturday October 15th at 3pm, followed by afternoon tea. We will welcome back Susie Turner and Annette Jude to entertain us with music and song. Further details in the next edition of Eleven Says.

Tickets will be available from: Mary Fewster 01508 492059 or Jo Threadgold 01508 492657

The Queen’s 90th birthday party

Never mind the weather, almost 150 villagers and friends turned out to enjoy a picnic and cream tea on the village recreation ground to celebrate the Queen’s official 90th birthday on 12th June. With great foresight, the Bramerton Society organising committee made sure there were enough gazebos for everyone to stay dry while all enjoyed convivial conversation and live music from Fuelled by Rose and From The Edge. Very many thanks to those who helped organise the afternoon, made scones, supplied bunting, prepared the treasure hunt and erected the gazebos. Thanks too to all who attended, it was a splendid turnout! Many thanks to South Norfolk District Council who generously supported this event.

Student Brush Power

A group of students made a big colourful difference at Alpington with Yelverton’s Play Area.

Led by Chloe Davidson from Alpington, this team of artists took over a day in June to paint a complete facelift of the wooden play tower including an impressive floral based mural. Chloe, with volunteers, intends to continue this artistic repainting of more apparatus within the Play Area, situated behind the Village Hall.

On behalf of the Parish Council, which maintains the Play Area, Kevin Gotts said, “Chloe has made an important contribution by enhancing this well used community facility and we are very happy to support young local talent.”

Party at the pub connects with hundreds

Alpington and Yelverton celebrated the Queen’s 90th Birthday on Saturday 4th June.

The big ‘Party at the Pub’ started at 2pm under a blue, cloudless sky and bright sunshine. Held at the Wheel of Fortune pub and the newly renovated gardens people of all ages joined in with the activities or just relaxed and laughed with friends and family. The organisers and the new landlords, Tom Burke and Jan Finch, are very grateful for sponsorship from South Norfolk Council, FW Properties, John Youngs Ltd, Totally Dynamic and Alpington with Yelverton Parish Council, plus magnificent support from a host of local businesses. Kevin Gotts

Ashby St Mary A successful wine and cheese evening was held on Saturday 25th June 2016 at Holly Arabians, Chapel Lane in aid of St Mary’s Church Funds. Heavy rain fell prior to the event, but luckily a short break in the storms allowed the guests to enjoy a pleasant evening sampling the wine and cheese. Mike and Wendy Carr, with their usual enthusiasm, had laid out their paddock to welcome everyone. We were greeted by a mini-cricket match as we entered, which caused great amusement!

A great evening was enjoyed by all and over £400 was raised towards Church funds. Many thanks to Mike and Wendy Carr for the use of their lovely garden and to all those who helped on the night.

Archery! Bergh Apton Archers meet every Tuesday evening from 6.30pm in Bergh Apton (weather permitting) to practice this ancient sport. If you would like to join us please telephone Bob Kerry on 480661 for more details.



Village News Claxton and Carleton St Peter

Linda Clitheroe It was with great sadness that we heard recently of the untimely death of Linda Clitheroe. Linda had been for many years a stalwart of the communities of Claxton and Carleton St Peter. She actively supported the churches and village hall helping to raise much needed monies towards the maintenance and upkeep of these vital village resources. For many years Linda was the 'Chair' of the Village Hall Committee, and latterly 'Church Warden' of Carleton St Peter Church. Always ready and prepared to seek alternative methods of fund-raisinq, whether sourcing and applying for grants, or collecting aluminium cans for recycling. Linda was a very familiar face at events locally, running raffles or tombolas on behalf of the village hall or church. Her efforts were always much appreciated.

Sarah Carter on behalf of Claxton and Carleton St. Peter Village Hall Committee Loose Ends Linda was a founder member of Loose Ends. She came to me to tell me what they were hoping to do but they were looking for a name. She pointed out that it would be for anyone at a Loose End. I said 'there is your name Linda'. Linda worked very hard filling in forms for funds and was very successful so much so that some of the money raised was used for Claxton and Carleton St Peter village hall to buy chairs and tables and lots of items for the kitchen. She also did car boot sales to raise funds. We have had many outings talks meals and Christmas events which we have been very grateful for. Thank you Linda.

Anne Mundy Church As churchwarden Linda was always working hard, preparing Carleton church ready for us to take the service, especially in the winter. She would go to the church very early to put the heating on, so it was warm for us and the congregation. (remember she had to walk across a muddy field to get there). We will miss her sense of fun and the enthusiasm she brought to her role, no more teasing about long sermons and theological reflections! We will all miss her very much. May she rest in peace.

Rev. Mandy Ansell

Claxton & Carleton St Peter Social Club

Saturday September 24th - AJ

Entertainment evenings are held last Saturday of every month except August. Why not join the Social Club? Membership is only £4 per year. Come along to the village hall at 8.30 pm any Friday evening to find out more. The bar is open Friday evenings as well as the last Saturday of every month.

Carleton St Peter PCC The PCC would like to thank everybody who came and supported the Coffee Morning on 7th May and to all those who gave so generously towards the cakes, plants, bric-a-brac and raffle prizes. A big thank to all the helpers who worked so hard. It was a very enjoyable morning. On 25th June Carleton St Peter Church celebrated the Queen’s 90th birthday with a lovely service taken by Rev Mandy Ansell. To mark this celebration we shared a decorated fruit cake and a glass of sherry. Thank you to Oliver for playing the organ.

Future events - Saturday 8th October - Harvest Supper. Food by Lynton Johnson and entertainment by Ray. Bingo at 7.30pm. For tickets please contact 01508 480325. The PCC are very sad of the loss of our Church Warden, Linda Clitheroe. We will all miss her helping hand and her kind generosity to Carleton St Peter Church. Linda was always there to help with anything that was asked of her. It is so very sad and she will be greatly missed by us all.

Village News

Race Night – a joint event between the Village Hall and Social Club proved to be very popular and a great success. Not only was a good time had by all, but the grand total of £539.59 was raised, £300 of which is to be donated to the East Anglian Children’s Hospice. Our next big event at the Village Hall is The Claxton & Carleton St Peter Late Summer Fete on Sunday September 11th, from 2pm onwards with a theme of “Nature and Creativity”. Central to this will be the exhibition and judging of the wildlife photography competition, which you may have seen advertised around the villages. We are asking you to submit a printed A4 wildlife photograph taken in Claxton or Carleton St Peter to be exhibited in the Village Hall. There will be categories for adults and children under 14. Entries with your details and a brief description of the location of the photo should be sent or delivered to Jo Bissonnet, Duck Cottage, 3 Ferry Road, Carleton St Peter, NR14 7AY. The deadline is 1st August, but late entries will be considered. For more information contact Jo on 07966034036 or [email protected]. Another main element of the fete will be a produce stall. We hope you will all donate your produce - whether fruit, vegetables, cakes, jams, pickles, bread or plants. We also hope to have music, art displays by local artists and a flower arranging demonstration. In addition there will be a children’s craft corner, a raffle, teas, coffees, cakes, bar and all sorts of games and stalls. It promises to be the perfect event to round off the summer! Plus, don’t forget the Community Café is open 10am – 12 at the Village Hall on the second Tuesday of every month with delicious cakes, savouries, teas and coffees, good company and the chance to find out more about what’s happening locally. It would be lovely to see lots of children and young people come to the summer cafes, which are open to all.

Thurton Holiday Club 8th - 14th August at Ashby and Thurton Village Hall If you are aged 5 - 11 (on 31/08/16) and would like to become a Desert Detective and have lots of fun with your friends and make some new ones ... then you are welcome to join us at Holiday Club! For our midweek family outing on Wednesday 10th August we have arranged for a 70 seater coach to take us for our third annual visit to Thetford Forest’s High Lodge Centre - always a popular day out for all ages. To book a place (max 50 places) contact Angie (480477), Ros (480440) or Veronica (480406) for a registration form and other information.


Rockland St Mary

Village News Framingham Pigot Claxton

Kirby Bedon

The Fair on the Yare at Claxton Manor Estate on Sunday, 5th June, was a wonderful day. A big THANK YOU for your support. A fantastic £4,5OO will be donated to Charity. Visitors were treated to an amazing array of stalls and games on the Paddock. Stevie Spud entertained the young at the Circus Workshop, Local Produce, Driftwood Birds and amazing Baskets were there to catch the eye of the visitors. The Fun Dog Show with K9 Capers, ensured every dog and owner enjoyed the classes. All the winners sported a lovely rosette. The Championship prizes were given by Jollyes Pet Superstore in Norwich who so kindly sponsored the Dog Show again this year. The K9 Display Team gave a brilliant display. The Fair wishes to thank the Team for giving up their time to train and perform, their generosity is much appreciated. The place to be was on the Marsh with the Broads Rangers, pond dipping for a multitude of fascinating insects and animals. The South Yare Wildlife Group engaged everyone in the flora and fauna of the Broads. The Master Composters with a fascinating wormery and the Norfolk Non Native Species stand were both very informative and widened our knowledge of the natural world around us. The Gun Dog Display was a wonderful insight into the training of a working dog in Norfolk. It showed the patience and attention given to training gun dogs. This year the Police Wildlife Crime Team attended the Fair. Their stand stimulated much discussion around the display. This part of police work is very important in our rural community. Conservation is at the heart of the Claxton Estate and the Marsh Tractor Tour was the best way to see wildlife. It was a ride not to be missed with deer, marsh harriers, swans, cygnets and much more seen from the trailer. An exciting announcement was made at the Fair this year. The nest box near the Paddock was host to 5 well grown Kestrel chicks. Steps were taken to ensure their welfare on the day. This is testament to the very successful conservation policy that is in place at Claxton Manor Estate under the strict supervision of the Estate Conservation Officer. These chicks have since been ringed prior to fledging into the Yare Valley and the Broads. Teas and delicious cakes, the BBQ cooking award winning Sausages, local Burgers and Bacon rolls from Archers Butchers were enjoyed by the visitors. The Bar served fantastic Pimm’s, Beers and soft drinks, to ensure refreshment for all.

The spectacular finale Air Display performed by Tom Cassells, British Aerobatic Champion, had everyone’s attention, it was breathtaking. The Fair is so fortunate to enjoy this fantastic display executed by such an expert. Many thanks go to the Claxton Manor Estate for being such a generous host to the Fair on the Yare. Thanks go to our Sponsors, Local Businesses and Supporters. Also to Claxton Village for their kind donations and all of our amazing volunteers before and on the day.

Encore ESChoir! At St Andrew's church, Framingham Pigot, on a slightly chilly, but thankfully dry, night in June, a full church was treated to a wonderful evening of song by ESChoir (the Norfolk Emergency Services Choir) and featuring 'Hat Trick' . Their programme showed enormous versatility and ranged from 'Pie Jesu' through songs from Ivor Novello and West End shows to a medley of World War II items which everyone sang enthusiastically as the evening came to a close. Our thanks to everyone who supported us and who helped in any way, especially Brasted's Restaurant who provided many of the delicious refreshments. The proceeds from the concert were divided between EACH's 'Nook Appeal' and St Andrew's church for the provision of a new purple altar frontal cloth.

Kirby Kids Reunion

The Kirby Kids reunion will be held on 25th September in Kirby Bedon Church Hall from 6pm onwards. There will be a buffet and plenty of tea or coffee and also a raffle and tombola. Proceeds will go to ‘Help for Heroes’. If you’ve never been before please do come along. We know that you will enjoy an evening of childhood memories, stories and also see many photos from the past. You can be assured of a warm welcome. For more information, please call Janet Rush, 01603 503526. We were so sorry to hear of little Dot’s passing in May. She will be sadly missed at our reunions. Janet Rush

Afternoon Tea Party Thanks to a generous grant from SNDC nearly 50 Rockland villagers enjoyed an Afternoon Tea Party to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday in the Margaret Mack Hall. It was a great opportunity to bring people together and enjoy a sumptuous tea, all totally free. We had a great response with a wonderful spread of sandwiches, a variety of cakes, strawberries and cream, and jellies, besides gallons of tea!

I would like to thank everyone for coming and also the wonderful team of volunteers, Mike, Liz, Debbie, Jean, Pete and Matthew, who decorated the hall and served friends and neighbours on the day. Special thanks must go to Margaret Albury. All her enthusiasm and hard work did so much in making it a very successful afternoon.

Rev Mandy Ansell

Thurton Tea Afternoon

The next Thurton Tea Afternoon is on Monday 26th September, 2 - 4.30pm at Ashby and Thurton Village Hall. We look forward to seeing everyone again after a little break over the summer. If you are thinking of coming for the first time...do give us a try... we are there with the kettle on, there are home-made cakes to enjoy and friends to catch up with, all in a friendly atmosphere. Younger families join us after school and we provide drawing and colouring activities for the children. There is no charge, but donations go towards covering our costs and any surplus is given to Thurton Church. Contacts for more information (or to receive offers of cakes) are: Angie (01508 480477) and Rosalind (01508 480440).



Village News Rockland St Mary & Hellington Surlingham

Rockland St Mary Gardening Club On August 25th we go to Elm House in Saxlingham Nethergate.

Our speaker on September 22nd will be Ian Limmer who will tell us what goes on behind the scenes at Peter Beales Roses. We meet in the Parish Room at 7.30pm for talks and in the adjacent car park at 6.30pm for outings on 4th Thursday in the month. All welcome.

Parish Council News

Community Speed Watch Team - Your help is needed!! A number of parishioners have contacted the Parish Council to express concern about the speed of traffic through the village. The Parish Council takes these concerns very seriously and the Clerk has been in touch with South Norfolk Council and Norfolk Constabulary. The Parish Council are now recruiting volunteers in order to set up a Community Speed Watch Team. Training for this will be provided. Please, if you can help in this way, do contact the Team Co-ordinator Monica Armstrong on 01508 537025 or email [email protected] and she will be able to give you further information. Parking on Pavements - Concerns have been voiced about vehicles being parked partly on pavements in Rockland. This often leads to pedestrians having to walk in the road which could lead to accidents. This is a particular problem for the elderly, the disabled and for people who push prams and buggies. Please do take care when parking your car on the side of the road. The Parish Council has produced some notices which will be placed on the windscreens of offending vehicles asking politely for drivers not to park on pavements. Green Lane Playing Field - Thank you to those who completed and returned the questionnaire about the future of the Green Lane Playing Field in Rockland St Mary. The Parish Council received a total of twenty-one responses which contained some very interesting information and ideas which will help shape the Parish Council's thinking on the future of the Playing Field. Councillor Jim Wretham's detailed analysis of responses and recommendations can be viewed on the Parish Council website www.rocklandstmary.org.uk It was agreed at the June meeting that a preliminary working group should be formed, comprising Councillors Stephanie Ross-Wagenknecht and Jim Wretham. The initial task for the preliminary working group will be to consider all the land ownings in the vicinity of Green Lane and to develop a strategic plan for the area. The preliminary working group will report back to the Parish Council at the July Parish Council meeting. The Parish Council sees this very much as a first stage in the project. Parishioners will be consulted about specific plans and proposals about the future of the Playing Field.

Parish Council Meetings - All meetings are open to the public and are held at the Parish Rooms on the second Monday of each month at 7.30pm (except in August). Do please come along and see what is happening in your village. If you have any concerns or wish to raise any matters with the Parish Council, please contact the Clerk, Monica Armstrong by email [email protected] or telephone 01508 537025. Parish Website - Please look on the Parish website to keep up to date with all the news, www.rocklandstmary.org.uk

Monica Armstrong, Clerk to Rockland St Mary with Hellington Parish Council

Surlingham Church has been given over £1000 by the friends and family of Brian Rose in his memory. This is a very generous and helpful sum of money. Brian had spoken about painting the chancel window which is near where he and Christine are buried and that seems an appropriate way to use the bequest, so a very big thank you. The Queen’s Birthday was celebrated on 11th June with a tea party at the Ferry Pub, thanks to a council grant, a great deal of baking and Sonia’s hospitality and despite some torrential rain. There was some rain too for the School Fete on 2nd July but there was a lot of fun and over £1000 was raised. Preparations are now underway for the Village Festival on Saturday, 10th September. A new piece of equipment has been installed in the play area at the allotments. Sadly Sally Barham has died. It is hard to believe as she contributed so much to Surlingham, and was so full of energy and inclusiveness. We were fellow Church Wardens, our names are together inscribed on the millennium tenor bell. She instigated the annual Progressive Supper and the preparations for the church extension. She organised Christian Aid Collections and so many things beside. She was always supportive and a good friend to many. She was an enthusiastic player of tennis and golf and a sailor, altogether a very special person and our sympathy goes to Simon, and Lucy and Tom and their families.

Pippa Thurlow

Thurton Primary School news Mrs Williams, the Head, is sadly leaving Thurton Primary at the end of the school year to take up an Executive Principal post for three large schools in Ipswich. The whole school community wishes to thank her for her determination to make sure that everyone embraces the ethos of “doing their best, being their best and trying their best.” Mr Barber, the Deputy Head, will take on the role of acting Head in September for at least a year. Mr Barber won the Norfolk Innovation Awards 2016 for the ‘Most Inspirational Junior School Teacher in Norfolk’! These awards recognise achievements in education in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and we are really proud of Mr Barber for being recognised for his hard work in these subjects. At the end of the term Year 5/6 children had a fabulous time on their residential visit to London. They visited the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, St Paul’s Cathedral, the National Gallery, the Natural History Museum and the Churchill War Rooms. They even had a Chinese meal in China Town and saw a West End show! We are really looking forward to another exciting and challenging year at Thurton in September, welcoming our new Reception class. We would also like to wish our Year 6 pupils the best of luck moving up to High School!

Enjoy, Achieve, Believe. www.thurton.norfolk.sch.uk

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Products and services advertised in this publication are not necessarily endorsed by the Eleven Says editorial board.

Articles in this publication do not necessarily express the view of the Church or the Eleven Says editorial board.



Framingham Earl: Beautifully restored Old Rectory. Set in 2 acres of country garden next to St Andrews Church. Further details from Mrs Sue Wellings. Telephone: 01508 493590. Mobile: 07808 125381. Email: [email protected] Web: www.oldrectorynorfolk.co.uk HOLIDAY LET The Barn at the Well House, Rockland St Mary. Recently renovated, 1 bedroom barn available for holiday lets, weekend stays, etc. All amenities. Call Lisa Reynolds, 07939 037743 or 01508 538551 or email: [email protected]. VILLAGE HALLS

Alpington & Yelverton - Main hall. Large committee/club room, Kitchen and dining area. Excellent heating. Car park and children's play area. £9 an hour for regular user groups and private functions. Business and trade £18 an hour. Please contact Denise Wright by email: [email protected]. Mobile 07986 468432 (Bookings) www.alpingtonvillagehall.wordpress.com Ashby and Thurton - Main hall with kitchen facilities and/or committee room available for private hire from hourly rate of £13, complete full day hire from £40. Discounted rates for regular contract bookings. Ideal for meeting groups and social activities. Please contact Booking Clerk Dolly Howes 01508 480043. Bergh Apton – Newly refurbished large hall with stage, small Committee room, fully-fitted new kitchen with crockery and cutlery for 100. New heating and lighting. Car park, gardens and children’s play park. Prices per session from £15. Please contact Hilary Ling on 01508 480439 or email: [email protected] Bramerton - To hire hall, try first Kate Shaw 01508 538179, second, Joan Coles 538455. £3.50 per hour, minimum hire 2 hours. Daily rate on request. Car park.

Claxton & Carleton St Peter - Spacious, fully equipped hall. Ideal for functions and regular users. Disabled facilities. New fully fitted kitchen. Large car park. Fully stocked bar available on request. £8 per hour or by session. Contact Robert Ellis 01508 480914 or 01508 480555. Rockland St Mary - Margaret Mack Hall available evenings and weekends for private parties, meetings and social activities. Rates per hour or per day. Contact after 4pm please, either Mrs Sarah Carter, 01508 480555 or Daphne Howlett, 01508 538553. Rockland St Mary - The Parish Room is available for hire. With kitchen facilities it is ideal for social functions, parties, clubs and meetings. Our hire rates are extremely reasonable. Please contact Jayne Regan, 01508 538087. Surlingham - Parish Hall available for hire at £4 per hour, minimum use two hours. For bookings please contact Phyl Gladwell on 01508 538385.




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Thurton Benefice Rev Chris Ellis The Rectory 29 Ashby Road THURTON NR14 6AX Tel: 01508 484174 Email: [email protected]



ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH OF PORINGLAND AND LODDON Parish Priest Father Padraig HAWKINS, The Lodge, 17 Upgate, Poringland. NR14 7SH. Tel: 01508 492589. Email: [email protected]

Times of Masses Saturday 6pm Loddon Sunday 9am Poringland Daily Mon-Fri 8am Poringland Saturday 10am Poringland Staff days off: Monday John Shaw Wendy Shaw Thursday Mandy Ansell

Eleven Says Editorial Board

Editor: Ruth Everett Tel: 01508 538231 Treasurer, Donations, Advertising and Distribution: John Everett Applebee, Bramerton Lane, Rockland St Mary, Norwich. NR14 7HE. Tel: 01508 538231 Contributions, Page Layout and Design: Angie Yeomans 15 Bramerton Lodge, Bramerton, Norwich. NR14 7EQ. Tel: 01508 538131 (Answerphone) Contributions are very welcome subject to the Board’s discretion and available space. Deadline for all material (“copy”) for the next issue is 10th SEPTEMBER 2016. Email: [email protected] Produced by: Angie Yeomans Printed by: Interprint, County Hall, Martineau Lane, NORWICH. NR1 2DL Tel: 01603 894195

Rockland Benefice Rev John Shaw The Rectory Rectory Lane ROCKLAND ST MARY. NR14 7EY Tel: 01508 538619 Email: [email protected] Rev Wendy Shaw Tel: 01508 537045 Email: [email protected] Rev Mandy Ansell 44 The Street, ROCKLAND ST MARY NR14 7AH Tel: 01508 538654 Email: [email protected]

CODE: HC = Holy Communion; E. Praise = Evening Praise; FC = Family Communion; FW = Family Worship; MP = Morning Prayer; EP = Evening Prayer; PT = Parish Team; VM = Vestry Meeting. * Denotes a Book of Common Prayer service. First Thursday of each month: Holy Communion at Yelverton at 10:30am.

Please note: At Holy Communion, where only two readings are used, the first reading will usually be the Epistle, and the second will always be the Gospel reading. At other services where two readings are used, the first will usually be the Old Testament reading, and the second can be either the Epistle or the Gospel readings.

Bible Readings Sunday by Sunday: August – September 2016

Date Old Testament Epistle Gospel

07/08/16 Isaiah 1.1,10-20 Hebrews 11.1-3,8-16 Luke 12.32-40 or Genesis 15.1-6

14/08/16 Isaiah 5.1-7 Hebrews 11.29 - 12.2 Luke 12.49-56 or Jeremiah 23.23-29

21/08/16 Jeremiah 1.4-10 Hebrews 12.18-29 Luke 13.10-17 or Isaiah 58.9-14

28/08/16 Jeremiah 2.4-13 Hebrews 13.1-8,15,16 Luke 14.1,7-14 or Ecclesiasticus 10.12-18 or Proverbs 25.6-7

04/09/16 Jeremiah 18.1-11 Philemon 1-21 Luke 14.25-33 or Deuteronomy 30.15-20

11/09/16 Jeremiah 4.11-12, 22-28 1 Timothy 1.12-17 Luke 15.1-10 or Exodus 32.7-14

18/09/16 Jeremiah 8.18 - 9.1 1 Timothy 2.1-7 Luke 16.1-13 or Amos 8.4-7

25/09/16 Jeremiah 32.1-3a,6-15 1 Timothy 6.6-19 Luke 16.19-31 or Amos 6.1a,4-7

02/10/16 Lamentations 1.1-6 2 Timothy 1.1-14 Luke 17.5-10 or Habakkuk 1.1-4; 2.1-4