elkhorn slough tmrp: surface and subsurface and …elkhorn slough tmrp: surface and subsurface...

Subsurface properties and settlement potential at MHM 8/5/16 1 Elkhorn Slough TMRP: surface and subsurface properties and settlement potential at Minhoto and Hester Marsh Ivano W. Aiello Summary During the initial phase of the Elkhorn Slough Tidal Marsh Restoration Plan, about 45 acres of subsided marshes, intertidal mudflats and tidal channels at Minhoto and Hester Marsh (SA) will be restored to a ‘healthy’ elevation for marsh growth by sediment addition (the MHHW datum (1.76m or 5.8 ft NADV88). For the success of this restoration project it is essential that the final elevation (10+ years later) of the new marsh settle very close to the targeted elevation. However, adding sediments to an existing soil has mechanical and sedimentological implications that are dependent upon the thickness, extent and weight of sediment added, the relief of the area, the hydrology, and the geotechnical/physical characteristics and the thickness of compressible sediments that will be subjected to the increase in lithostatic stress caused by the overburden. Through a combination of field, analytical, and modeling exercises, this study addresses four main questions, which are critical to the success of the restoration project. Note that the values provided by the model are for the M2, M3 and H1 subareas (~27 acres fill area; ESA, 2014) of the MHM (~36.4 acres) and that the phase I restoration also includes M1 (an additional 9.5 acres): 1) What is the subsurface lithology/stratigraphy of MHM? Using a combination of sedimentological/physical properties analyses of core samples, field surveys using a modified dynamic cone penetrometer and available geotechnical reports and science literature, the subsurface of MHM can be described as a 4 layer system laying on a ‘basement’ which forms the bottom of the paleo-valley. From top to bottom: 1) a ‘slurry’ layer at the very top (~0-0.6m thick) that has high water content (>>~55%) and is above the Liquid Limit; this layer is thicker in lower relief habitats; 2) a ‘plastic’ layer (~0-0.6m thick) which is more cohesive and thicker in higher relief habitats; 3) a ‘stiff’ layer (~2m calculated thickness) which is the remnant of the previously dried marsh; 4) a normal consolidated layer which thickness is not known but was predicted using different modeling exercises. 2) What is the accommodation space currently occupied by the slurry? The MATLAB model created for this project calculates the volume of sediments needed to fill the elevation between the uppermost cohesive surface (top of the plastic layer) and the target elevation (MHHW) based on 136 sites surveyed with a modified penetrometer and a Terrestrial Laser Scanner and extrapolating the results to the SA. The total volume of accommodation space in SA, if the slurry layer was to be completely removed, is 23,375 m 3 (33,967 cy) (Table 1).

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Subsurface properties and settlement potential at MHM 8/5/16


Elkhorn Slough TMRP: surface and subsurface properties and settlement potential at Minhoto and Hester Marsh 

Ivano W. Aiello


During the initial phase of the Elkhorn Slough Tidal Marsh Restoration Plan, about 45 acres of subsided marshes, intertidal mudflats and tidal channels at Minhoto and Hester Marsh (SA) will be restored to a ‘healthy’ elevation for marsh growth by sediment addition (the MHHW datum (1.76m or 5.8 ft NADV88). For the success of this restoration project it is essential that the final elevation (10+ years later) of the new marsh settle very close to the targeted elevation. However, adding sediments to an existing soil has mechanical and sedimentological implications that are dependent upon the thickness, extent and weight of sediment added, the relief of the area, the hydrology, and the geotechnical/physical characteristics and the thickness of compressible sediments that will be subjected to the increase in lithostatic stress caused by the overburden.

Through a combination of field, analytical, and modeling exercises, this study addresses four main questions, which are critical to the success of the restoration project. Note that the values provided by the model are for the M2, M3 and H1 subareas (~27 acres fill area; ESA, 2014) of the MHM (~36.4 acres) and that the phase I restoration also includes M1 (an additional 9.5 acres):

1) What is the subsurface lithology/stratigraphy of MHM?

Using a combination of sedimentological/physical properties analyses of core samples, field surveys using a modified dynamic cone penetrometer and available geotechnical reports and science literature, the subsurface of MHM can be described as a 4 layer system laying on a ‘basement’ which forms the bottom of the paleo-valley. From top to bottom: 1) a ‘slurry’ layer at the very top (~0-0.6m thick) that has high water content (>>~55%) and is above the Liquid Limit; this layer is thicker in lower relief habitats; 2) a ‘plastic’ layer (~0-0.6m thick) which is more cohesive and thicker in higher relief habitats; 3) a ‘stiff’ layer (~2m calculated thickness) which is the remnant of the previously dried marsh; 4) a normal consolidated layer which thickness is not known but was predicted using different modeling exercises.

2) What is the accommodation space currently occupied by the slurry?

The MATLAB model created for this project calculates the volume of sediments needed to fill the elevation between the uppermost cohesive surface (top of the plastic layer) and the target elevation (MHHW) based on 136 sites surveyed with a modified penetrometer and a Terrestrial Laser Scanner and extrapolating the results to the SA. The total volume of accommodation space in SA, if the slurry layer was to be completely removed, is 23,375 m3 (33,967 cy) (Table 1).

Subsurface properties and settlement potential at MHM 8/5/16


3) How much settlement will occur after the predicted volume of sediments is added?

The oedometric empirical calculations for the total settlement that will occur after the overburden layer is added depend on the geotechnical characteristics (e.g. Compressibility Index Cc, and the Initial void ratio e0) of the subsurface layers and their thickness. Note that for all the calculation done by the model the thickness of the overburden layer is calculated as the distance between the top of the plastic layer and the MHHW datum.

The geotechnical data available to calculate the settlement were limited and were based on the reports by ENGEO (2013) and Kleinfelder (2002) which analyzed boreholes at the nearby Parsons Bridge area. The Cc values reported by ENGEO were only for the uppermost layers and relative low, so the calculations for settlement presented in this memo are conservative (underestimates). Since the cores collected in the area are very shallow (max 4 m) the total thickness of compressible sediments above the ‘basement’ was modeled with MATLAB using and final target elevation of MHHW datum (1.76 m or 5.8 ft NADV88) and 3 different scenarios that describe different geometries: 1) ‘paleo-valley’, max thickness ~11m below the axis of the main channel; 2) ‘shallow bowl’, max thickness ~7.5 m below the axis of the main channel; 3) ‘shallow flat’, essentially a flat basement surface at a constant depth of 3m (Tables 1, 3 and 4). The average settlement of the 3 models is 21.15 cm and the average loss of volume for the SA is 15,170 m3 (19,720 cy).

What is the total volume of sediment that needs to be added to the surface to attain the target elevation.

This is an iterative process, as the weight of additional overburden will cause additional consolidation of the underlying sediments. See Table 1 for the volume of sediment needed to reach a final target elevation of 1.76 m (5.8 ft) NAVD88 (including slurry and consolidation of underlying soils).

Adding the average settlement of the 3 models for the SA (15,170 m3 or 19,720 cy) to the volume of the slurry layer (23,375 m3) and the accommodation space between MHHW and the top of the slurry layer (73,093 m3) extrapolated from the TLS surveys we obtain a total of 111,638 m3 (145,129 cy), with values of 107,782 m3 (140,117 cy) and 117,238 m3 (152,410 cy) for the lowest and highest settlement estimate, respectively (Table 1).

The bottom of Table 1 also shows how the previous figures would change if the slurry layer is not removed and partially dried from ~70% to ~40% water content. Under this scenario, the slurry would turn into a more plastic layer with a volume of 10,264 m3 (13,424 cy) which can be then subtracted to the previous estimates.


urface properrties and sett

tlement poteential at MHM


M 8/5/16



This dsurface a(Figure 1modelingBridge si

MHMremnant major ch

MHMcentury iaverage sMarsh Resedimentthese are

Figure 1 correspo

urface proper


document deand subsurfac1). This studyg, the resultsite, as well a

M is a ~36.4 alevees. The annel runs n

M has experief we assumesurface elevaestoration Prts to raise maas.

–Overview mapnds to the thickn

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escribes the fce characteriy combine n

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north-south th

enced ~70cme that before ation is 1.09roject (TMRarsh and mu

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field, laboratistics of Min

new collectios geotechnicand additiona

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m of subsidendiking the mcm (see late

RP) to restoredflat elevati

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ential at MHM


tory and modnhoto and Heon of sampleal work doneal material pr

ed marsh, intlevees and bremnant mar

nce after it wmarsh was arr for more de the MHM ons to MHH

of the 136 surve


deling proceester Marsh

es and field me at MHM areviously co

ntertidal mudboth natural arsh (close to

was diked in round MHH

details). The areas is to u

HW and resto

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edures used t(MHM) in E

measuremenand at the neaollected in th

dflats, tidal cand dredged6611300 ea

the first parHW (.1.76m)

overall stratuse imported ore tidal mar

e of the circle at


to reconstrucElkhorn Slou

nts, MATLAarby Parsons

he area.

channels andd channels; thasting; Figure

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and now thetegy of the Tand onsite

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each site

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AB s

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e Tidal



For thnewly adan existinamount (geotechnsubjected


The shusing dif(2013) fo

has virtuamore cohcharacterunderlaidlayer’ (Fibetween that compcolumn ‘unknownThe mod

Figure 2 –showing thcharacterconsolidasedimentsalternatioand homo

urface proper

he success ofdded sedimenng soil has m(thickness annical/physicad to the incre

urface anat

hallow subsufferent types or geotechnic

ally no cohehesive sedimristics. The ld by a 3) oveigure 3). 4) Tthe hard, incposes the bobasement’ a

n thickness adels used for

– Core table phohe lithologic

ristics of the ted to over-cons

s at Minhoto inclons between lamiogenous intervals

rties and sett

f this restoratnts falls very

mechanical and weight) oal characterisease in lithos

tomy at Mi

urface of theof coring to

cal testing.



esion underlament with ‘pl

atter is in turer-consolidatThe sedimencompressibleottom of the and the stiff land physical this study as


solidated luding inated s.

tlement pote

tion project y close to theand sedimentf sediment astics and the static stress.


e MHM has bools by MLM

The vibracon 2014 and 2elow the surfohesive top le more coheplastic’ layerxercises a difner and the ahe core colleas ~2.9m. Thastic (toward

haracteristicsith homogenarker, organind ~10-30% ghter-coloredagoon-open woisture conte

1) The upp0-60cm is a oupy mud here referred

‘slurry yer’) which aid by 2) a astic’ rn is ted ‘stiff’ nt column e substratumsediment layer is of properties. ssume that

ential at MHM


it is essentiae targeted eletologically imadded, the re

thickness of

been repeateML’s Geolog

ores collecte2015; Figureface. The vibayer (‘slurry

esive but yet r see below)fference of ~actual lengthected in 2014he portion ofds the top) tos, and prominnous intervalc-rich, laminclay with abd homogenowater). The ent (>50%).



Figure 3thicknessby the w


al that the finevation. Howmplications

elief of the arf compressib

edly investiggical Oceano

ed by MLMLe 2) cored unbracores did y’ layer see b

poorly cons). As a result~1.5m betweh of the core 4 was ~2.8mf subsurfaceo indurated (nently laminls (Figure 2)nated intervabundant rootous biogenic-

latter have tFrom top to

3 – Schematic lits ranges, and re

width). See text fo

nal elevationwever, addinthat are deprea, the hydrble sediment

gated in the lography Lab

L as part of cntil refusal w

not recover below), and solidated layt, during botheen the depthrecovered w

m long, whilee that was rec(middle-bottnated interva, more specials with mait matter (mar-rich clay (~the highest po bottom the

thologic column,elative consolidaor more details.


n reached byng sedimentsendent uponrology, and tts that will b

last few yearand by ENG

class exerciswhich was ~4

the highly nundersample

yer beneath ith coring h reached bywas measurede the one is 2covered prestom) als alternatinifically: 1) nly silt grainrsh depositio

~50%) intervporosities an

layers inclu

, showing ation (expressed

y the s to n the the


rs GEO

ses 4m non-ed t

y the d. 2015 sents


n size on); 2 vals d


Subsurface properties and settlement potential at MHM 8/5/16


layer 4 is normal-consolidated and the thickness has been modeled using 3 different scenarios.

Study goals 

There are many challenges associated with this type of restoration approach, some of which are addressed by this study:

1) This study describes the physical and geometrical characteristics of the ‘slurry’ and ‘plastic’ layers using field measurements with a cone penetrometer, and a MATLAB script that calculates the volume to account for the additional sediment addition needed if the slurry layer is entirely removed and/or dried during restoration. The thickness of the overconsolidated layer (‘stiff’ layer) beneath the plastic layer is estimated based on the amount of pore water loss proportional to subsidence.

2) The addition of a sediment layer (herein referred to as the ‘overburden layer’) will create an excess lithostatic load. According to Terzaghi’s theory of sediment consolidation, in fine soils (silts and clays) with low permeabilities the soil is undrained as the load is applied; slow seepage occurs and the excess pore pressures dissipate slowly, while consolidation settlement occurs. Different MATLAB scripts were created to calculate: a) the depth at which the sediment overburden will produce an excess stress using the Boussinesq equation; b) the amount of sediment settlement (compaction) for each of the layers shown in Figure 2 (using the oedometric formula and the available geotechnical measurements); c) the extrapolation of the amount of settlement and the volume loss caused by the sediment overburden to the entire MHM area based on 3 different model scenarios describing the thickness of sediments above a non-compressible (basement).

Methods and Results 

Field surveys with the Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and data post‐processing 

In order to measure the thickness of the slurry layer and the plastic layer underneath it we used a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and a survey rod with a 360º laser prism modified to be attached to the head assembly of a standard Dynamic Cone Penetrometer without the 8kg drop-weight. A total of 136 survey sites (approximately 1m2) were occupied in the zones M2, M3 and H1 covering different habitats of the Sample Area (SA) area (Figure 1).

At each of the 136 sites three surfaces were surveyed during low (<1m) tides including (Figure 3): 1) the ‘surface’ elevation (top of the slurry layer); 2) the bottom of the slurry layer using the free-fall penetration of the rod+penetrometer, assuming that the slurry layer is frictionless and non cohesive; 3) the bottom of the plastic layer using 'push' penetration, which is how far the operator was able to push the rod+penetrometer assembly before refusal.

A MATLAB code was created to transform the topographic datasets and to identify the 3 surfaces, for each 1m2 window. The MATLAB code uses an algorithm to detect and separate each surface type (all measurements were done continuously) and then places depth and thickness information in three different matrixes with the standard format (NAVD88, m): northing, easting, depth/thickness. Finally, the code calculates the thickness of the slurry and the plastic layer, and calculates various statistical parameters (means, SDs) and plots the measured parameters in histograms and bivariate plots (see results).



To obsurface (tsamples wsizes.


are showand ~80%and ~60%

the PL ra

Hencesamples twhile the


Figure 4 –samples (ocontent thlayer (~25

Figure 5 –between m‘plastic’ s

urface proper


tain samplestop of ‘slurrywere then an

ture content ture content w

wn in Figure 4%. The water%. The differ

anges betwee

e, if we intertested at Pare sediment b

cle sizes 

– The plot shows(o cm) have highehan the samples f5-45cm).

– Plot showing tmean size and SDsamples.

rties and sett

moisture c

s from the upy’) and fromnalyzed in th

was analyze4. The waterr content of rential in wa

en 29 and 42

rpret the samrsons, the ‘slelow is more

s how the ‘slurryer moisture form the ‘plastic

the relationshipsD for the ‘slurry

tlement pote

content and

ppermost sedm below the bhe geology la

ed using a Mr content of tthe bottom s

ater content bbetwee

Althcontentdifferenconsideupper ~layer be

The differena sedimmakes tlimit (Pcan no to the Kpropertthe LL


mples collectelurry’ layer,e plastic bec


A‘sluthe is c(i.eparslur



s and

ential at MHM


d grain size

diment layerbottom of thab at MLML

ettler-Toledthe surface (samples (topbetween ‘slun ~6 and ~1

hough it might between thences in physer the measu~43cm of theelow has 50%

Attemberg lnt consolidat

ment: the liquthe sedimen

PL) is the walonger be de

Kleinfelder (ties determinranges betw

ed at Minhowhich has w

cause water i

The samplesalyzed for paulter LS 13 3ached to an ad a built-in u

All the sampurry’ are verysame mode

clear positivee. the coarserrticle sorting rry samples


e analysis 

rs samples whe slurry (usiL for moistur

do HR83 Mo(slurry) sampp of ‘plastic’urry’ and ‘pl16%, averag

ht seem smae two layersical properti

urement at sae slurry has ~% water.

limits providtion behaviouid limit (LL

nt behave likeater content, eformed with(2002) reportned for Parso

ween 54% an

to using the water contentis ~<55%.

s analyzed foarticle size d320 laser paraqueous modultrasound un

ples analyzery similar (Ta, they are rele relationshipr the less sor

g by hydrauliis generally

were collecteing a plastic re content an

isture Analyples ranges b layer) range

lastic’ layer ge 11.12% (F

all, the differs could accouies. For instaampling site ~67% water

de a tool to dor based on wL) defines hoe a fluid whiin percent, a

hout crumblrt, based on tons Bridge bnd 70% wate

same approts >~55%, is

or water condistribution warticle size andule equippenit.

d for particleable 2, Figurlatively wellp between mrted) possiblyic energy. Thlower (bette


ed from the vliner). The

nd for partic

yzer. The resbetween ~54es between ~samples rang

Figure 4).

rence in watunt for dramance, if we 2 (Table 1),

r while the pl

describe the water contenow much waile the plastiat which a soing. Accordthe physical borehole samer content wh

ach as the s above the L

ntent were alwith a Beckmnalyzer (LPSed with a pum

e size from tre 5): they hl-sorted and

mean size any indicating he SD of theer sorted) tha



sults 4% ~40 ges

er matic

, the lastic

nt of ater ic oil ing

mples, hile


so man-SA) mp

the have

there d SD

e an


the SDs olayer is m

is subjectlayer reflrepresentopened toexperienc


A MAcalculateplastic lafor a heaoverburdand stiff known (Fbased onbasementfinally th

The se

(1) S=


S=totaratio; Cc=Coefficie


The Instudy becpropagat


urface proper

of the samplmore scattere

ted to mixinlects more lotative to the o tidal actionced a larger

dels for se

ATLAB mods the thickne

ayer (which ilthy marsh g

den layer is slayers. Since

Figure 2), thr different bat. Then each

he total settle

ettlement is

= H x [(Cc/(1


al settlement=coefficientent.

ulation of th

nfluence Coecause it define through th

2 – Results of th

rties and sett

les from the ed and thus h

g probably docal changesoriginal marn after desiccamount of re


del was deveess of the ovis the shallowgrowth (1.76set in place, ie the thickneree separate

asement scenh model calcuement.

calculated b

1+e0)] x log

t; dv = overbt of compres

he Influence

efficient (Ip)nes how dee

he sediment c

he particle size a

tlement pote

plastic layerheterogeneou

due to a coms in sedimentrsh surface tcation. The e-hydration,

t calculat

loped to calcverburden laywest cohesiv6m). Then thindependentess of the nomodels wer

narios: 1) v-sulates the se

ased on the

g [(dv+dvi)/d

burden stresssibility; H=

e Coefficien

) is a very imep/far the strecolumn. The


ential at MHM


r. Converselyus (Figure 5

mbination of tation/habitahat has been‘slurry’ laye mixing and

tions: rat

culate the thyer required ve surface) inhe model calctly for each oormal consolre created whshaped paleoettlement of t


dvi] x Ip

s; dvi = initiathickness of

nt (Ip) using

mportant paress produced

e depth of pr


y, the particl).

tides and wiats. The ‘plan re-hydrateder could haved sorting as s

tionale an

hickness of thd to raise the n relation to culates the sof the subsurlidated layer hich predict o-valley; 2) sthe normal-c


al stress (kNf overburden

g the Bouss

rameter in and by a load aropagation an

le size data f

Theobservthe moanalysinterpr‘slurrysedimeLL: hea relatihomoghypercfluid thsample

ind. Conversstic’ layer cod once Minhe a similar osuggested ab

nd assum

he layers. Thelevation of the targetedettlement afrface layers below the sthe thicknesshallow bowconsolidated

N/m^2); e0 =n layer (m); I

sinesq form

ny compactioadded at the nd the decre


form the pla

e previous vations suppooisture contesis and the retation of thy’ being a ent above thence the slurively genous concentratedhroughout thed region whsely the plastould be more

hoto was re-rigin, althou



he model f the top of thd MHHW dafter the including pltiff one is noss of this lay

wl; 3) flat d layer, and

= initial poroIp=Influence


on/settlemensurface willase of stress


ort ent


he rry is

d he hich tic e

ugh it

he atum

lastic ot


sity e

nt l s with


depth areshape of

Ip can

(2) Ip

Figure 7 -propagatecloser is tthickness

urface proper

e proportionathe overload

n be calculate


- The plot showses with depth. Ththe propagated sof compressible

Figure 6 - The pthe addition of athickness of the

For instance, if will generate a ssediments 5m th

rties and sett

al to the forcd’s footprint

ed with the B

(1+(a/z)2)) 3)

s how the stress dhe closer the Inflstress to 100% of

sediments predi

plot simulates tha 100x100m soilcompressible la

f the thickness of similar degree o


tlement pote

ce (mass tim.

Boussinesq f

due to a sedimenfluence Coefficienf the load. The micted for Minhot

e amount of coml amendment. Thayer while the thi

f compressible seof compaction as

ential at MHM


mes gravity) o


nt addition nt Ip is to 1 the

maximum to is about 10m.

mpaction (y-axis)he degree of comickness of the ov

ediments is 10m,s the addition of


of the added

Theused iof the loads twhere(adime(m); z

A Mto calcwith r50m adifferecompr5, 10 a

Thethe stradditiothe cloCoeffi

) of a compressimpaction is mainverburden layer

then the additiof 1m of sediment

load and to

e type of Bos for a ‘simpproblem sinthat have a c

eby: Ip=influensional); a=

z=target dept

MATLAB scculate Ip for radius ranginand to calculent thicknessressible sediand 20m (Fi

e plot in Figress due to a on propagateoser the Influ

ficient Ip is to

ible layer (x-axisly controlled by is less significan

on of 0.1m of sedwould on compr


the area and

oussinesq forplified’ versince it addrescircular shapuence coeffic=radius of cith (m).

cript was crea circular ar

ng between 1ate Ip for 4 s of the ment columgures 6 and

gure 7 showssediment

es with depthuence o 1 the close

s) due to the


diments ressible


rmula ion ses

pe cient ircle

eated rea 1 and

mn: 1, 7).

s how


er is



The corepresentsedimente0, is the compressas pore wwill stay

The Cthe sampthe stiff lcombininKleinfeldbetween follow an

‘Slurrrather thaoedometrthe targetif the moand cohe

Figure 8- colored cusediment aconsolidabecomes mlayer.

urface proper

ficients of c

oefficients ot the degree t with a highratio betwee

sed. The addwaters are sq


Cc reported Eples locationslayer. Thus, ng, at the besder (2002) dathe datasets

nalyze each l

ry’ layer: Sinan of a sedimric formula. t elevation (M

oisture contenesive like the

Idealized cross urves represent das in Figure 6. Ition between themuch larger with

rties and sett


of compressibof compacti

her Cc will seen the initialdition of a vequeezed out (

ENGEO (201s or depths athe Cc and est of our abilata for the Pwhich increlayer in deta

nce this layement, the layIn fact, the vMHHW). Hnt drops belo

e plastic laye

section across Mdifferent thickne

It is obvious howe margins and thh increasing thic

tlement pote

ility (Cc) an

bility (Cc) ison exerted bettle more thl volume of tertical stress (the volume

13) ranges band whether e0 values uselities, the gearsons Bridg

ease the margail:

er is well aboyer was not involume of thowever, it show the LL (<er below and

Minhoto; the diffesses of the overbw the differences he center of the mckness of the ove

ential at MHM


nd initial po

s a fundamenby a uniaxialhan a sedimethe voids andwill producof voids wil

etween 0.2 athe index w

ed in the modotechnical dge boreholesgins of error

ove the LL ancluded in thhis layer washould be not<~55%), the

d present a m

ferently burden in

marsh erburden


stress prosurface loof ~25m ithickness Figure 7; compressMinhoto)essentiallysediment Accordingsettlemen

The plcompactiocenter andarea growoverburde

In othelayer willcenter of result in f

orosity ratio

ntal parametl stress: undeent with a lowd of the solid

ce a proportioll decrease w

and 0.25 butas calculateddels for Eq.

data presentes. There are sr of the calcu

and has the che calculatios added to thted that if thien this layer

more consolid

opagation to oad. For a sein radius andof 10m (purthe maximuible sedimen the stress pry unchangedcolumn, i.e.gly the mod

nt calculation

lot in Figure on differentid the margin

ws as the thicen layer incr

er words, thel be thicker tthe marsh w

further comp

o (e0) 

ter in oedomer the same swer Cc. Theds in the layonal change

while the vol

t the report dd for the slur1 were obta

ed by ENGEseveral discrulations. The

characteristicon for compahe volume neis layer is pacan becomedate behavio


100% of thediment additd a sedimentrple line in

um thicknessnts predictedropagates d throughout Ip=~1. el used for thn uses Ip = 1

8 shows theial between tns of the MHckness of thereases.

e overburdentowards the

which will alspaction.

metric studiesstress field, ae initial void yer to be

in the void rlume of solid

does not specrry, the plast

ained by O (2013) anrepancies e paragraphs

cs of a fluid action with teeded to reacartially driede more plastior.

e tion t

s of d for

t the

he .

e the

HM e



s and a ratio

ratio ds

cify tic or

nd the

s that

the ch d so ic

Subsurface properties and settlement potential at MHM 8/5/16


The volume of the slurry layer calculated by the model for the 136 sites is 29.09 m3, which extrapolated to the SA covered by M2, M3 and H1 is 23,375m3 (33,967 cy) (Table 3). If the slurry layer is not removed and partially dewatered from ~70% to ~40% water content (which would turn the slurry into a more plastic sediment) the volume would become 10,264 m3 (13,343 cy).

‘Plastic’ layer: In the ENGEO (2013) report, this layer is described either: 1) as ‘very soft highly organic clay’ (sample S1@1’-2’ at 1.75 feet), with a moisture content 94.4%, e0=2.636, porosity=~72%; 2) as ‘very soft with visible water’ (sample S3@3’-4.5’ at 4. 5 feet, which is the deepest sample that they have analyzed), with a moisture content 82.7%, e0=2.242, porosity=~69%. If this layer of plastic clay is correlated to Kleinfelder’s (2002) shallowest sample (B-1, 13.0 feet) the compression ratio would be Cc/1+e0 = 0.235. Hence, if we calculate the Compressibility Index Cc for sample B-1 using the value of e0 from the two ENGEO samples we would obtain values for Cc between 0.615 and 0.761 which would result in almost three times more compressible than Cc=2.5 reported by ENGEO. Note that using Kleinfelder’s rather than ENGEO’s Cc values would significantly affect the settlement and volume loss calculations (up to ~3 times larger).

‘Stiff’ layer: Although not clearly explained in the ENGEO’s report, sample S2@0-24” at 1.67 feet (silty, clayey SAND and that has a e0=0.667, and 22.4% moisture), could have been collected from the ‘stiff’ layer since it is much drier than any other sample analyzed. Since the compressibility of this layer is 1 order of magnitude smaller than normal consolidated sediments and to simplify the calculations, the model used here approximates this layer to incompressible.

Normal consolidated layer: this layer, which likely represents the bulk of the sediment between the ‘basement’ and the bottom of the stiff layer, is the least known amongst the layers that make up the sediment column at MHM. Although there is no direct geotechnical information from this depth, the model considers this layer as normal-consolidated and based on the analogy with the ENGEO samples, the value chosen is Cc=2.5 as for the plastic layer.

In conclusion, given the lack of information on the Compressibility Indexes for the different layers at MHM, the model assumes the most conservative and lowest values (i.e. the settlement could be much higher) for both the plastic and normal consolidated layers (Cc=2.5) and no compression for the stiff layer.

To calculate the stress (kN/m2) generated by the overburden layer the model uses the density value for dry clay or=1600 (kg/m3);

Calculation of the thickness of the ‘slurry’ and the plastic layers 

‘Slurry’ layer The ‘slurry’ layer is the layer of non-consolidated material ~>55% water content and above

the LL. The thickness of this layer was obtained by measuring the vertical distance of the free-fall of the rod+penetrometer assembly from the surface. A prominent linear correlation between slurry thickness and surface elevation (top of the ‘slurry) is observed for the western side (M2 and M3) of Minhoto (~39%; Figure 9). However the correlation is less significant for the eastern side (H1; Figure 10; ~25%). In other words, at H1 there are low relief areas where the slurry is relatively thin and highs were is actually thicker.


Potentbetween use practland was

 ‘PlastThe ‘p

and ~<55present aassemblybetween

groups. Tthicknesslayers (>high elevlayer has


To calsubsidenthe soil (hseismic eprecursorone can cof the sti

Let's abased onthe marshover-concorrespon

Figure 9 – c‘slurry’ laye

urface proper

tial explanatM2&M3 vs

tice: M2 and used for agr

tic’ layer plastic’ layer5% water coat the surfacey through thethe thicknes

The group wses which co0.20m) corr

vations. As ss two main m

ulation of th

lculate the thce experienchowever it m

event could hr of the stiff calculate howff layer.

assume that the differenh was at MH

nsolidated samnds to a poro

orrelation betweer and topograph

rties and sett

tions for the . H1 include

d the North ericultural pu

r is the layerntent occurr

e. The thickne sediment uss of the ‘slu

with the thinnoincide with esponds to rhown in the

modes, and th

he thicknes

hickness of tced by the mmust be notehave contriblayer, the to

w much of th

the total subnce in elevatiHHW). The pmple S2 (~2osity of ~40%

een thickness of hy at M2 and M3

tlement pote

different rele different ineast area of Hurposes.

r of partially ring below thness of this launtil refusal. urry’ and the

ner plastic layrelatively lo

relatively thiplots of Fig

he mean thic

ss of the ov

the layer of omarsh prior toed that other uted to subs

otal amount ohe initial soi

bsidence has ion before anporosity of th2 feet) report%.

f the 3.

ential at MHM


lationships bnfluence fromHesters mars

consolidatehe ‘slurry’, aayer was obtThe plot in ‘plastic’ lay

yer (<0.20mow elevationn ‘slurry’ th

gure 11 and ickness of the


overconsolido diking wasfactors such

sidence): byof subsidencil has been o

been 1m (thnd after desihe stiff layerted by ENGE



between elevm agriculturash were duck

ed material walthough in stained by puFigure 11 sh

yers which ar

m) correspondns; a second ghicknesses win Table 3, the slurry is 0.2

ated (stiff) 

dated sedimes entirely cauh as oxidationknowing the

ce, and the poverconsolida

his value, proiccation assur is based onEO (2013) w

gure 10 – correllurry’ layer and

vation and slal runoff andk ponds whil

with plastic csome higher ushing the rohows the comre clearly arr

ds to relativegroup with t

which coincidhe thickness21m (M2, M


ent we assumused by the dn of organice initial poroorosity of thated and hen

obably an ovuming that bn the initial vwhich is 0.66

lation between thtopography at H


lurry thickned different lale the rest of

characteristicrelief areas

od+penetrommparison ranged into

ely thick ‘sluthicker plastide with relatis of the ‘slurrM3 and H1).

me that the desiccation o

c matter and osity of the she stiff layer,nce the thick

verestimate,efore desicc

void ratio for67, which

hickness of the H1.

ess and f the

cs is



urry’ ic ively ry’


soil , then


is cation r the


Then the porosis 2.636, before an

Hencemeters, wwill requbecome a

In consedimentrealistic n


As shoEq. 1) is Figure 6)in the oedthicknesshypothetexample

For eawere calc

Figure ‘slurrydistribu(right).

urface proper

let's assume sity measureand porosity

nd after is a l

e, 1 cubic mewith a reductuire a 3.3m tha 2.1m thick

nclusion, bast and the subnumber, and

al settlem

own previoua very impo

) and is moredometric fors of sedimenical basemenof the MAT

ach of these culated first

11 – Multipanel’ and ‘plastic’ laution of the thick

rties and sett

that the initd by ENGEOy is ~72% (aloss of ~29%

eter of normtion in thicknhick layer of

k stiff layer a

sed on the prbsidence histd this is the th

ment calcu

usly, the thicortant paramee influential rmula, Eq. 1)nts relative tont scenarios:

TLAB model

scenarios thfor the 136 s

l figure from the ayers. Middle rowkness of the over

tlement pote

ial porosity O (2-13) foralmost twice% volume du

mal consolidaness of ~0.3mf sediment beafter desiccat

revious geotetory of the arhickness tha

ulated fo

ckness of cometer in determthan the thic). MATLABo the underly: 1) v-shapedl (model run

e total compsurvey sites

Matlab calculaw is similar to fiburden layer (lef

ential at MHM


of the sedimr the shallow as much as

uring desicca

ated sedimenm. Consequeefore it is drtion (becaus

echnical worrea a ~2m that was used i

r differen

mpressible smining the fckness of the

B models weying incompd valley, 2) s2_4) is repo

paction and tand then ext

tions: top row shigures 7 and 8. Beft) and the total


ment before dwest ‘soft’ sam

S2). Thus, tation and por

nt after desicently, to accried (1m/0.3me of the ~29

rk, the knowhickness for tin the model

nt ‘basem

ediments (Hfinal compace overburden

ere developedpressible ‘basshallow boworted in App

the total volutrapolated to

hows histogramsBottom row showsettlement after

desiccation wample S1; whthe differencre collapsing

ccation becomcount for 1mm). The 3.3m% loss of po

wn physical pthe stiff laye


ment’ mod

H in the oedoction of the sn load (propd to calculatsement’ base

wl, 3) flat baspendix I.

ume loss afteo the areas M

s of thickness disws histograms ofr the overburden


was the samehich void ratce in porosityg.

mes 0.7 cubim subsidence

m layer will orosity).

properties ofer seems a


ometric formsediments (sportional to ‘te the total ed on three sement. A sc

er compactioM2, M3 and H

stribution of the f frequency layer is applied

e as tion y

ic we then

f the

mula, ee dvi’


on H1.




To extH1) we uRestorati3), whichthat the ~accommoslightly hto the ent

Our causing thethe MATrepresentthus are rincludes M1 comp


As expincreasedand the sadding ththe thickn0.89m (n

urface proper

ion area M1 ons of slurry

trapolate theused the infoion Project”.h, according ~103,000 cy odation voluhigher than ttire area.

alculations ae survey rod+TLAB algoritt a 1m2 area.representativM1 (~9.5 acpared to M2

ulation of th

plained befod stress at dehallowest m

he accommoness of the s

n=136). The

rties and sett

was not incly volume or c

e settlement ormation refe. The total fito the ESA figure repor

ume betweenthe one that w

are based on +penetrometthm for each. In this calcuve of the enticres fill area,, M3 and H1


ore the thicknepth) was ob

most cohesivedation space

slurry. As shtotal volume

tlement pote

luded in the compaction

calculationserenced in Tll area of M2(2014) will rrted by ESA n the surface we have calc

an extrapolater and the ch of the threeulation we aire SA. An e, ESA 2014)1), as shown

and volum

ness of the otained by cae surface, i.ee (differenceown in Table obtained fo

ential at MHM


penetrometrfor this area

from the 13able 1 of the2, M3 and Hrequire ~103is the LiDA(top of slurr

culated base

ation of the ronsolidatione basement sassume that textrapolation) was done bin the exam

es used for

overburden lalculating thee. the top of te between Mle 3, the overor the 136 sit


ric surveys aa.

36 surveyed e report ''Elk

H1 is 27 acre3,000 cy of s

AR-based calry) and the Md on the extr

results obtain following tscenarios. Eathe 136 sitesn to the entirby adding 35mples of Tabl

r the conso

ayer (the sede difference the plastic la

MHHW and thrburden layetes (which c

and thus ther

sites to the Skhorn Sloughes (or ~101,2sediment (~7lculation of tMHHW daturapolation o

ined from 13the overburdach site is cos are randomre restoration5.32% (the reles 1, 3 and 4

lidation ca

diment load between the

ayer. This is he surface oer has a meancorresponds t


re are not dir

SA (M2, M3h Tidal Mars265 m2) (Tab78,750 m3).the um. This valf the 136 sur

36 survey sitden calculateonsidered to

mly chosen ann area that elative exten4.


that creates e MHHW da

calculated bf the slurry) n thickness oto an area of


3 and sh ble Note

lue is rveys

tes ed by


nt of

and atum by and

of f 136


m2) is ~1each volu803. A fuadding 3

The catwo phasdistance that accocreated bwith the

The ‘p

This sv-shapedapproximthe deepeelsewher

The ‘s

This sv-shapedModel 1_

The ‘s

This sshallow d

urface proper

19 m3. The ume calculaturther extrap5.32%.

alculation ofses: 1) a firstbetween the

ounts for the by phase 1. A>10 cm of th


scenario descd as for a dromately to the est point is ~re in Elkhorn

shallow bow

scenario descd as for a dro_4. The deep

shallow flat

scenario descdepths (3 m)

rties and sett

ratio betweetion done forpolation to th

f the volumet phase that a top of the pextra burden

As Table 4 shhe first one.

ey’ scenario

cribes the ‘bowned stream

location of ~12m (basedn Slough (Ga

wl’ baseme

cribes the ‘bowned streampest location

t’ basemen

cribes the ‘b).

tlement pote

en surveyed r the 136 sitehe whole rest

e loss do to saccounts for plastic layer an caused by hows, the se

o (Model 2_

asement’ unm valley andthe present d

d on the maxarcia-Garcia

ent scenario

asement’ unm valley but n is ~7.5m.

nt scenario 

asement’ un

ential at MHM


area and SAes can be exttoration area

settlement usthe thicknes

and the targethe sedimencond total se


nderneath thed the deepest deepest tidalimum acouset al. 2013)

o (Model 2

nderneath thewith a much

(Model 2_6

nderneath the


A is ~109,000xtrapolated toa that includ

sing the oedoss of the sedet MHHW e

nt needed to ettlement is

e compressib location of l channel. Thstic basemen, the minimu


e compressibh shallower,


e as flat surf

0 m2/136 m2

o the SA by des M1 can b

ometric formdiment needeelevation; 2) account for only of few

ble sedimentthe basemenhe depth of t

nt depth calcuum sediment

ble sedimentbowl-shape

face which at


2 = ~803. Thmultiplying

be done by

mula was doned to fill the

a second phthe settlemecm compare

ts at Minohont corresponthe basemenulations dont thickness i

ts at Minhotoed profile, th

ttains very

hus by

ne in

hase ent ed

oto as ds

nt at ne s 3m.

o as an in

Subsurface properties and settlement potential at MHM 8/5/16


References Cited 

ENGEO, 2013. Elkhorn Slough Tidal Marsh Restoration Project Watsonville, California: FINDINGS OF LIMITED SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION. 23 pp.

ESA, 2014, Final Elkhorn Slough Tidal Marsh Restoration Project Restoration Plan, July 1, 2014.

Garcia-Garcia, A., Levey M.D, and Watson, E.B., 2013, High resolution seismic study of the Holocene infill of the Elkhorn Slough, central California. Continental Shelf Research, V 55, 108-118.