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    The Transformational Leadership of Ella Baker

    PSC 785

    Isaac Holloway

    February 24, 2013

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    Transformational leadership is a style of leadership in which the leader seeks to influence

    followers in the interest of inspiring them to give more than what would be normally expected of

    them (Northouse, 2010). As a result a transformational leader takes great care in developing the

    motivations, skills, values and performance of their followers. To be successful in guiding

    followers towards a change in values, high performance, and selflessness in service to the

    ultimate goal a leader must make use of charisma and pattern the proposed values in order to

    inspire their followers (Northouse, 2010). Transformational leadership as a theory was pioneered

    by James MacGregor Burns (Northouse, 2010). Burns identiefies transformational leadership as

    as a process where the leader creates a bond that inspires a heightend level of motivation and

    morality in follower. Burns points to figures such as Mohandas Gandhi as an example noting that

    the end result of Transformational Leadership is always rooted in the greater good (Burns, 1978).

    Robert J. House a contemporary of Burns was at the time introducing his theory of charismatic

    leadership. House suggested that charismatic leaders possesed certain traits. Housed identifed

    those traits as dominance, self-confidence, morally secure, and a possessing a strong desire to

    influence others. In addition House notes that charismatic leaders lead by example proving a

    template for followers to emulate (House, 1976). Bass (1985) expanded upon the theoretical

    work of Burns and House suggesting that transformational leadership motivates followers by

    raising their level of awareness about the importance of their goals, transend their selfishness in

    favor of the team or organization. Bass in his 1990 article From Transactional to

    Transformational Leadership: Learning to Share the Vision, writes, Charismatic leaders have

    great power and influence. Employees want to identify with them and they have a high degree of

    trust and confidence in them. Charismatic leaders inspire and excite their employees with the

    idea that they may be able to do great things with extra effort. Zhu, Wang, Zheng, Liu, and

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    Mao (2012) in their study found that personal identification with ones Leader increased the

    innovativeness of the followers, their identification with the organization, and reduced turnover. .

    Ella Baker in her leadership capacities exemplifies these traits. Over decades of work Ella Baker

    patterned a vision of group centered mass action in response to Jim Crow segregation and used

    her skills, extensive activist network, and rhetorical abilities to influence anti-racist organizations

    and develop the skills of those around her towards the goal of local leadership and mass

    engagement irrelevant of class biases championing the idea that strong people do not need strong

    leader (Elliott, 1996) (Payne, 1989). During her time with the National Association for the

    Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC),

    and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Bakers dedication to anti oppression

    and mass action is apparent not only through her actions but also through her protgs, her

    friends and associates, her clashes with organizational policy and the continued persistence of

    her ideas after retirement from active public life (Ransby, 2003).

    Ella Baker was born December 13, 1903 in Norfolk, Virginia and from age seven was

    raised in Littlejohn, North Carolina. It was in Littlejohn where under the strict tutelage of her

    mother and watchful eye of the Baptist missionary societies where Baker began to learn the tools

    and values that serve as her foundation for her exploits as a leader and as an activist. Baker was

    born into a family with a strong tradition of community responsibility and resistance of

    oppression (Ransby, 2003). Both Ransby (2003) and Payne (1989) note that Baker grew up

    listening to the stories of her grandmother whippings at the hands of her former master when she

    refused to marry a man that was selected for her. In addition Baker watched her grandfather

    utilize his relative privilege gained by owning his land rather than sharecropping to help build

    and support other members or the Black community including mortgaging his property to help

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    buy food for the community after a flood. Among Bakers other formative influence was her

    motherand her mothers involvement in the local missionary societies as well as the rural

    character of Littlejohn, North Carolina. Bakers mother, Anna Ross Baker was trained as a

    teacher and was active within the local church. As an educator Anna Ross Baker made sure her

    children we instructed in the areas of writing and grammar before entering a formal school and

    as a middle class Christian woman, Anna Ross Baker made sure that her daughters were equally

    well instructed in ladylike behavior. Anna Ross Baker raised her daughter Ella in the manner

    typical of most middle class black of their day. This combination of class privilege and religious

    adherence insured that Ella Baker and her siblings were constantly instructed on the concepts of

    humility, service to those less fortunate, and the uplift of her race was her responsibility due to

    the privilege that she enjoyed. During this particular period in history it was common for elite to

    middle class black persons to view themselves as the representatives and exemplars of the race

    (Payne, 1989) (Ransby, 2003). It was through creating this example and helping the working

    class and the poor as well as less respectable classes such as drunkards or criminals to achieve

    the respectability and status of the middle class was a worth endeavor for the cause racial uplift.

    In addition to Anna Ross Bakers tutelage Ella Baker was engaged alongside her mother in the

    local and regional Baptist missionary societies.

    According to Ransby (2003), These auxiliary associations had been formed,

    Baker explained, in order for the women . . . to be able to have some identity of their

    own. At these meetings she observed not simply ritualistic expressions of faith but also

    the business of applying religious principles, particularly the principle of Christian

    charity, in the real world.

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    In this spirit of charity these womens auxiliary associations participated in numerous activities

    such as providing scholarships, helping the sick and elderly, sponsoring and orphanage as well as

    supporting local grammar schools. Their service was not just limited to intra-community work

    but also extended into the realm of activism through advocating for anti-lynching legislation and

    challenges to segregation. Perhaps more importantly Ella Baker witnessed these organizations

    being led by women. These were women who were creating their own policy, managing their

    own finances, and conducting their own meetings. Witnessing this provided Baker with a sense

    of her potential (Ransby, 2003). Payne (1989) notes that Baker in reflection about her child

    recalls a kind of familial bond that took precedence over class status. A place where sharing and

    informal adoptions were commonplace and where the relationships one forged were more

    important than the money one made. It was this environment where Baker solidified the idea that

    people needed a strong sense of themselves and their own strengths to be healthy and happy

    (Payne, 1989).

    Another critical influence in Ella Bakers childhood was the relative isolation of

    Littlejohn, North Carolina. Ransby (2003) describes Littlejohn, North Carolina as a small rural

    town where Bakers mother, Anna Ross Bakers family was located. This rural isolation is

    significant in that it largely shielded Ella Baker and siblings from the day to day bigotry and

    terror of white persons that was more common when Black communities lived in closer

    proximity to white ones. Ransby (2003) notes that Anna Ross Baker proposed to her husband

    that the family should relocate to Littlejohn, North Carolina from Norfolk, Virginia for this very

    reason in addition to a dislike for the city, health concerns and out of concern for the childrens

    education. In Norfolk as well as other cities across the south at the time of Ella Bakers birth

    cities began to pass ordinance after ordinance severely restricting the rights of Black persons and

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    enshrining anti-black racism into the city institutions. In addition to the social and political

    limitations was always the underlying thread of mob violence. One such example occurred when

    Jack Johnson a heavyweight boxer defeated his white opponent. Angry mobs of white citizens

    took to the streets to terrorize Black citizens in what Ransby (2003) describes as an attempt to

    reaffirm by collective violence the sense of white superiority that had been lost in the ring.

    The close proximity of the city allowed for whites to impose upon, intimidate, and terrorize the

    cities Black population in such a way that the rural isolation of Littlejohn denied. As a result Ella

    Baker and her siblings were largely spared the humiliating indignity of anti-black bigotry helping

    to maintain a positive self-image that was not well adjusted to humbling itself before the power

    of whiteness (Ransby, 2003).

    The next major influence of Ella Bakers values was her presence in the political and

    cultural cauldron of the 1930s depression era New York City. Elliott (1996) describes New York

    City at the time as a the focal point for radical leftist thought, writers, artists, and intellectuals of

    every kind. Given the economic upheaval of the great depression created much discussion

    concerning the state of the world and how it could be changed for the better. It was during this

    time Baker spent time attending lectures and debates on the streets of New York absorbing

    information and considering the merits of various ideologies including socialism and

    communsim as paths for racial uplift (Elliott, 1996) (Ransby, 2003). During this time Baker

    was heavily involved with a variety fo activities. She was on the editorial staff of two

    newspapers focusing on the Black experience. Baker also got her first tastes of activism when

    she worked with George Schulyer to form The Young Negros Cooperative League (YNCL) and

    as she worked with the Womens Day Workers and the Industrial league. The YNCL was

    organized around pooling the buying power of poor black in an effort to help assuage some of

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    the difficulties of the great depression in similar fashion to her grandfather mortaging his land to

    help feed his community. In her work with the Womens Day Workers and Industrial league

    Baker pretended to be a domestic worker to invesitage the conditions these persons had to work

    under (Payne, 1989) (Elliott, 1996) (Ransby, 2003). Bakers undercover work as a domestic

    particularly as an educated woman of the middle class as well as her work organizing the buying

    cooperative for poor blacks demonstrates how Baker solidified her values of service to those less

    fortunate and the importance of all people into praxis. It was in cauldron of thought and ideas

    that was New York City in the 30s and Bakers participation where she met with the firsts tests of

    her activist career (Ransby, 2003).

    In 1941 Ella Baker was hired as an assistant field secretary for the NAACP. In her

    capacity as a field secretary she was tasked with meeting with local NAACP chapters to conduct

    membership drives as well as to help sustain or initiate movement building at the local level

    (Ransby, 2003). It was the orientation of the NAACP at the time that the paramount endeavor of

    civil rights work was litigation and have had success with that strategy. In order to continue

    persuing the litigation strategy the NAACP needed a consistent revenue stream. That revenue

    stream were the dues and fund that local NAACP chapters were able to raise. Payne (1989) notes

    that by 1944 the NAACP had some 400,000 members who had no role in the NAACPs policy

    development which was centralized in the National Headquarters in New York. To Baker this

    was a massive mismanagment of the potential of the local NAACP chapters as well as being

    undemocratic and authoritarian. This was an unacceptabe state of affairs for Baker so as field

    secretary in her recuritment efforts rather than seek out the educated and professional elites as

    was expected of here Baker sought out the masses the every day folk (Elliott, 1996) (Payne,

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    1989) (Ransby, 2003). True to her values Ella Baker wanted to empower people to help

    themselves. In this endeavor Baker sought out the masses where they might be.

    Ransby (2003) writes, Baker wanted to build as large a base for the NAACP as

    she could. She conveyed to Assistant Secretary Roy Wilkins her ideas for increasing the

    Crisis circulation and bolstering my campaign efforts by visiting some of the pool-rooms,

    boot black parlors, bars and grilles, with the aim of having a Crisis made available to

    regular patrons of the business. These forays into traditionally male domains, obvious

    gender transgressions, exemplify Bakers habit of pushing the boundaries of acceptable

    behavior for a respectable, middle-class, married woman during the 1940s.

    In order to successful with interfacing with the regular was necessary for Baker to be aware of

    her class privilege. Ransby (2003) notes that Baker diligently worked to make herself accessible

    in terms of her language and overall availability to the people she sought to recruit to the

    NAACP. According to Ransby (2003) Baker had a favorite story of a woman approaching her

    citing that they had the same dress. This type of personal identification was of paramount

    importance because the people that Baker worked with as assistant field secretary in the

    particularly in the southern states of Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Virginia joining

    organizations such as the NAACP was done at great risk of reprisal by local whites (Elliott,

    1996) (Payne, 1989). Without Baker getting to know and inspiring personal identification it is

    unlikely Baker have been as successful in her recruitment efforts. Baker was not always well

    received however in an organizing trip to the Baltimore chapter of the NAACP, the chapter head

    Lillie Jackson described by Ransby (2003) as a socialite bristled at Bakers disregard forthe

    established traditions of seeking out elites as well as Baker meeting with the rank and file

    members to gain and understanding their grievances with Jackson in what she perceived to be an

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    affront to her authority. Despite this conflict with Jacksons Authoritarianism, Ella Baker

    persisted with her appeals the regular people and in the process built and extensive network of

    activists and friends that would serve her well in her future work with the SCLC and SNCC

    organizations (Ransby, 2003). In 1943 Baker was appointed by NAACP leadership namely, one

    Walter White, to the position of The Director of Branches. The manner of Bakers promotion

    was indicative of the highly centralized authoritarian culture that Baker as an assistant field

    secretary sought to undo. Baker was appointed to the position without notice of any sort.

    Ransby (2003) quotes Baker as saying, The manner in which I was appointed or

    rather drafted as Director of Branches indicated a thought pattern that does not lend itself

    to healthy staff relations. . . At no time had we [White and Baker] discussed the

    directorship either in respect to me or to anyone else. . . . My right to an opinion in the

    matter was completely discounted.

    Despite this undemocratic process and being treated more as a tool rather than a respected staff

    member Baker moved into her new position as The Director of Branches with the hope of being

    in a better position to advocate for empowerment of the local branches. According to Payne

    (1989) in her capacity as the Director of Branches Baker also became a more vocal critic of the

    way the NAACP did business. It was her opinion that the success the NAACP legal success had

    cause the organization to ignore their shortcomings. Payne (1989) quotes Baker as calling the

    organization stale and uninteresting, overly concerned with the approval of whites, overly

    dedicated to middle class respectability, as well as ignoring the merits of mass based direct

    action tactics. In order to correct these things Baker lobbied directly for a more decentralized

    regional and state based structure which was more attentive to local challenges rather than policy

    being based down from the national office (Payne, 1989) (Ransby, 2003). In 1944 the NAACP

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    had some 400,000 members who Baker should have been the focal point of struggle (Payne,

    1989). Thorough her work as the field secretary Baker understood that NAACP branches often

    faltered due to the concentration of power at the national office as well as in the hands of elitist

    branch heads (Ransby, 2003). In an effort to correct these problems in 1944 through some

    resistance initiated a series of leadership conferences. Ransby (2004) writes that The purpose of

    the conference was to emphasize the basic techniques and procedures for developing and

    carrying out programs of action in the branches. These leadership conferences were conducted

    from 1944 to 1946 in 7 cities with more 150 delegates from seventy-three branches and six states

    in attendance. The specific topics of discussion were individual and mass protest, political

    pressure, education and propaganda, legal action, and cooperation and collaboration with other

    groups (Ransby, 2003). By 1946 Bakers criticism and ideological clashing had created

    resentment in the NAACP leadership who found her difficult and abrasive. It is safe to assume

    that the combination Bakers gender, outspoken criticism, and attack on the centralized

    authoritarian structure were the motivations for this criticism.

    Ransby (2003) cites Bakers reasoning for resignation as follows, My reasons

    for resigning are basically threeI feel that the Association is falling short of its present

    possibilities; that the full capacities of the staff have not been used; that there is little

    chance of mine being utilized in the immediate future. Neither one nor all of these

    reasons would induce me to resign if I felt that objective and honest discussion were

    possible and that remedial measures would follow. Unfortunately, I find no basis for

    expecting this.

    The combination of the push back on Bakers agenda from the NAACP leadership a new

    responsibility to care for a nine year old nice caused Baker to resign from the Director of

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    Branches post in 1946. This resignation however this was not the last of Bakers work with the

    NAACP. Baker was also the president of the New York City chapter of the NAACP and

    continued to work centering on equalizing education opportunities for grade school children and

    in 1955 was asked by the mayor to serve on a board centered on school integration (Payne, 1989)

    (Ransby, 2003). Bakers work with the NAACP exemplified her dedication to empowerment of

    the rank and file members of the NAACP. Baker did not allow the centralized and authoritarian

    organizational culture of the NAACP cause her to stray from her values. As an assistant field

    secretary she sought to draw and incorporate regular people defying the politics of respectability

    that dictated that it leadership and control should only be in the hands of the educated and

    professional elite. In this break with the entrenched elitism of the NAACP Baker fostered a

    relatable, accessible personal manner that inspired the less non-elite at great personal risk work

    for racial justice as members of the NAACP. As Director of Branches Baker continued to

    advocate for decentralization of power and a more active local branches in terms of direct action

    and policy input organizing leadership conferences to empower local level activists fight their

    own battles (Elliott, 1996) (Payne, 1989) (Ransby, 2003).

    In the mid 1950s Baker along with Bayard Rustin, A. Phillip Randolph and Stanley

    Levison formed the organization called In Friendship. It was the purpose of In Friendship to

    provide material support and resources to persons undergoing physical and economic reprisals in

    response to their activism (Elliott, 1996) (Payne, 1989) (Ransby, 2003). In Friendships

    formation was catalyzed primarily in response to the Montgomery Bus Boycott. This famous

    protest famously sparked by Rosa Parks planned and tactical refusal to give up her seat on a

    Montgomery Bus. It is worthy of not that Parks attended one of leadership conferences initiated

    by Baker. The 381 day protest generated expenses that In Friendship raised funds to help defer.

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    With the success of the boycott and the Supreme Courts decision to desegregation transportation

    Baker was eager to find ways sustain and spread such militant energy and guide it towards other

    issues. In the afterglow of the Montgomery victory Baker, Rustin, Levison, and the emergent

    Martin Luther King Jr. produced a series of seven working papers entitled Southern Negro

    Leaders Conference on Transportation and Nonviolence. It was from these working papers and

    Bakers connections to Rev. C. K. Steele established during her field secretary days that the

    SCLC was formed (Elliott, 1996) (Payne, 1989) (Ransby, 2003).

    The SCLC was a loose association of racial justice organization with a planning

    committee made up of southern clergy with Baker as acting executive director. It is worth noting

    here that the twice Baker served as acting executive director for the NAACP she was never

    officially installed into the office and this was due to sexism and religious bias. Baker had the

    strategic know how, the motivation and the connections to see to the SCLCs success but due to

    the fact that Baker was not a member of the clergy a fact that her gender insured and that she was

    a woman violating the politics of respectability expected of a woman at that particular time she

    was never treated with the full measure of respect that she earned.

    Elliot (1996) writes that, Her status was also precarious because she found

    herself at odds with the ministers due to their unwillingness to outline job descriptions

    and thereby provide a solid organizational base. In addition, the treatment of female

    staffers was obviously chauvinist. Secretaries were expected to work considerably longer

    hours than were ministers, who were held to a much more flexible work schedule.

    In addition to the sexism Baker also began to clash with the leadership style of SCLCs leader in

    one Martin Luther King Jr. The source of Bakers dissatisfaction with King was his charismatic

    leadership style that it invited and encouraged adulation and worship. This was at odds with

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    Bakers group centered leadership which focused on empowering persons to be their own leaders.

    Ransby (2003) notes that tension within the SCLC was heighten by Bakers harsh criticisms of


    According to Ransby (2003) In Bakers view, the celebrity status that the

    movement afforded King was not an aberration but rather a product of a dominant culture

    that promoted individualism and egocentrismShe argued that activists often

    unwittingly replicate the values and attributes of those they oppose, which becomes a

    detriment to the movement. While many black leaders criticized racial hierarchies in the

    dominant society, they recreated hierarchies based on class, gender, and personality

    within the movement itself.

    Much like the NAACP, the SCLC was entrenched in a middle politics of respectability and

    overly concerned for how they appeared to white audiences. Much of the friction between Baker

    and King is rooted in their leadership styles and the formation of their values in the Black

    Church as an institution. In this particular period of history the church functions not only as a

    place of moral instruction and thus value formation but also a place of skill building. There were

    different values imparted to King and Baker based upon the expectations created by their

    respective genders and as a result shaped how King and Baker implemented their skill sets

    through their leadership. King was born into an elite Atlanta family and was groomed for the

    ministry. Within the Church clergy are often referred to as shepherds alluding to divine authority

    but also a responsibility for their charges. While Baker was also born in to a relatively elite

    circumstance as a woman she was groomed to assume the respectability of a lady and serve in

    quietude and humility indicating a responsibility to others. Though both reared in the Black

    Church and ardent advocates for racial justice the gender expectations formed the values that

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    manifests as Kings charismatic great man and Bakers group centered transformational

    leadership (Barnett, 1993) (Elliott, 1996) (Nance, 1996) (Ransby, 2003). It is important to note

    the sexism that Baker and other women workers with the SCLC and civil rights movement as a

    whole appears to be this glaring oversight however it can also be explained through the gender

    ideology of the Black Church. Barnett (1993) notes thatin the Southern social structure of the1950s, women were expected to adhere to the adage that they should be seen, not heard, and in

    Southern Baptist churches women's place was in the pew and out ofthe pulpit in addition to

    idea that it was felt women would be less respected by white opposition and less palatable to

    sympathetic white audiences. Nance (1996) offers two suggestions as to why this sexist behavior

    was tolerated by women workers in the civil rights. The first because the women knew that

    without their work the infrastructure if not the movement itself would crumble denoting an

    understanding of the power they wielded even if unacknowledged by their male peers. The

    second is that they sincerely believed that racism was simply the more important battle. Given

    the working conditions which Payne (1989) cites Baker as saying during her tenures as the acting

    executive director of the SCLC she worked out of her purse and phone booth rather than a proper

    office in addition to the SCLC depending upon her network Baker likely reasoned along the

    same lines. In Baker work with the SCLC as Ransby (2003) note she worked to carry out various

    programs around voter registration and establishing respectful treatment in public

    establishments. Nevertheless Baker still managed to form grassroots connections with the

    Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (ACMHR) who had the largest based of poor

    member of any other racial justice organization headed by Fred Shuttleworth a well-known

    militant firebrand, the United Christian Movement (UCM) headed by C.O. Stimpkins in

    Shreveport, Louisiana who also worked closely with working class and poor communities, and

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    the Southern Conference Education Fund (SCEF) an interracial organization working for racial

    justice headed by Carl and Anne Braden. These relationship are significant because they

    represent Baker remaining true to her values of group centered transformational leadership by

    partnering with and lending her skills as an organizer, speaker, and strategist to these grassroots

    organization and their dedication to empowerment (Ransby, 2003). Bakers most clear break

    with the SCLC manifested in a speech on June 5th

    1959 for the ACMHR where Baker affirms a

    basic right to self-defense and questions nonviolence as a tactic in the face of extreme violence

    as was experienced by Black communities in the south. This is significant as this was as King

    was returning from India affirming a practice of nonviolence in the tradition of Gandhi. The

    differing leadership strategies of King and Baker are evident here. Kings embrace of

    nonviolence suited the middle class Christian politic of respectability in which his leadership

    represented. While who was more widely connected to the working class and the poor who bore

    the brunt for racial injustice questioned nonviolence as a tactic in the face of violence and terror

    that middle class persons were less likely to encounter (Ransby, 2003). In a joint venture and

    Bakers last major action as member of the SCLC, the SCEF and SCLC set out to hold a set of

    hearings to pressure the enforcement of the 1957 civil rights act entitled The Voteless Speak.

    the spontaneous decentralized movement that came to the limelight. This movement grew into

    SNCC in which Bakers vision of the transformational group centered leadership would be

    realized (Payne, 1989) (Ransby, 2003).

    In the aftermath of the Sit In movement a highly confrontational form direct action which

    spread from city through networks of friends and family being organized and planned on the

    local level Baker sought to sustain the momentum and energy of the Sit In movement and so the

    Southwide Student Leadership Conference on Nonviolent Resistance to Segregation was

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    organized. Baker, because of her experiences with older racial justice organizations took great

    care to insure that that the students remained uninfluenced. Baker structured the conference so

    that it would private away from the media so that they could not create leaders and

    spokespersons and shield the students from annexation by the NAACP and the SCLC by

    resigning her position from the SCLC and as Ransby (2003) notes reprimanding King and other

    SCLC leaders for what she perceived to be a plot to subsume the student movement. The

    students at the conference formed SNCC with Baker as it advisor. As an advisor Baker used her

    extensive networks of contacts to provide these students with the necessary experience to

    accompany their desire for direct action. As Payne (1989) writes, Baker was also instrumental in

    preventing a split in the organization over whether SNCC should pursue voting registration

    which was indirect action in contrast with the direct action confrontations like the sit ins that

    brought them all together.

    Elliot (1996) writes, Baker was fond of using the Socratic Method. She asked

    questions and the students discovered answers. They debated for hours, and meetings

    could last for days. If someone remained quiet for too long, Baker would engage the

    person in conversation and then announce to the group that he or she had something to

    say. The students trusted her because, rather than dictate policy, Baker guided them to

    solutions. She spoke their language (Dallard, 1990). When the organization debated the

    merits of a voter registration drive versus direct action, Baker suggested that they use

    both tactics. Her knowledge of people and resources was especially helpful to students

    who needed to connect with organizations and families in the South

    Bakers relatable nature and ability to speak the language of the young organizers is impressive

    given that she at his time in the 1960 was many years their senior at nearly 60 years of age. She

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    Works Cited

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