eloquent captains table 180618...roi is only achieved with sales and marketing alignment 9. direct...


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Page 1: Eloquent Captains Table 180618...ROI is only achieved with sales and marketing alignment 9. Direct response copywriting is a skill your recruiters MUST have Broad awareness strategies
Page 2: Eloquent Captains Table 180618...ROI is only achieved with sales and marketing alignment 9. Direct response copywriting is a skill your recruiters MUST have Broad awareness strategies

The Team

Sean Withford, DirectorOne of the founding employees of LinkedIn Australia.6 years at LinkedIn designing and executing digitalstrategies for 1,000+ recruitment agencies acrossAPAC. Previously worked with Hays for 6 yearsprogressing from Consulting into Management.Started career with global ad agency working onMicrosoft, MasterCard, Coca Cola and other brands.

Richard Rowe, Director10+ years at Michael Page in digital marketing, last 3years as Global Digital Director. Responsible for thedesign, development, delivery and results of the digitalmarketing strategy for Michael Page across 3 brands,34 countries and 60+ websites. Ran global digitalteams of 30+ marketing specialists including content,design, website, SEO, social, paid traffic, and more.

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Clicks Are Nice. Customers Are Better.

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What you are going to learn1. How brand awareness works – and why it doesn’t

2. Why you need to build for one and scale to many

3. Why content is hard now

4. If content is king, then distribution is queen

5. Email and paid traffic to content with intent is marketing’s fastest path to ROI

6. Find what works – and amplify it

7. Social media is largely pay-to-play now for any effective awareness

8. ROI is only achieved with sales and marketing alignment

9. Direct response copywriting is a skill your recruiters MUST have

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Broad awareness strategies can be effective - if you have broad distribution, long timeframes, and deep pockets

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Open to opportunities

This is why your branding & awareness didn’t workYour addressable market

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BullseyeYour addressable market


Open to opportunities

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Build For One, Scale To Many

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Meet JaneJane is your ideal candidate

Jane’s busy being successful.

She isn’t browsing job boards.

She didn’t return your voicemail, or the follow up email.

BUT Jane might move for something great – most people will.

How do we get in front of Jane?

I’ll tell you what won’t work:-

• Posting stuff on your LinkedIn Company Page that Jane doesn’t follow• Posting a weekly blog on your website - that Jane doesn’t read• Writing “7 tips to dressing for success at your next interview” – and

posting it anywhere• Emailing Jane lists of “This weeks hot jobs”

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G oals & Values

Com petitive in nature. Tends to be poised .

Finds enjoym ent in the intellectua l stim ulation and the level of p restige involved in Law .

Can enjoy help ing others. L ikes being right.

A im s to provide favourab le outcom es for c lients.

W ants p rom otion, $$$ and a good interna l reputation.

Q uote: “The com petition in m y fie ld is

fierce but I enjoy the challenge. It m otivates m e and a llow s m e to utilize m y skills. The

hours can be long and ted ious but the pay packet is w orth it and if I w ork effic iently I

can m ainta in a good w ork/life ba lance”

O ccupation : Legal

Education : Law D egree

Age: 34

G ender: M ale & Fem ale

M arita l Status: S ing le

K ids: 0

Location: Sydney, M elbourne

Salary: $150k +

Sources O f In fo rm ation

Law W eekly, tends to pay attention to business

literature rather than legal new s, AFR etc.

Referencing partners at b ig firm s.

Inform ation is based on extensive experience w ithin the ro le rather than actively seeking out new career resources

B logs, industry pub lications etc.

w w w .bucketorange.com .au

Challenges & Pain Po ints

Long b illab le hours, ted ious w ork, perform ing to

high expectations.

W ants to be m ore effic ient to atta in better w ork/life ba lance

D islikes repetitive w ork.

N ot a lot of m easured feedback.

O bjections in chang ing ro les

Risk & uncerta inty of m oving to a d ifferent

business w here the opportunity is unknow n and w ould have to rebuild reputation.

Long estab lished socia l re lationships w ithin the

current em ployer that are va lued.

D on’t w ant to deal w ith recruiters as they’re looked dow n upon.

Judge Jane

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Effective Marketing Led Customer Acquisition

Email Paid TrafficRetargeting

WebsiteSocial media


Marketing automation

Face to FacePhoneEmailInMail

Content (White paper, resource)



Audience Conversation Conversion

Client MeetingCandidate

RegisterClient Job

Candidate Apply


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We may have reached peak content

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We’ve reached peak content“Publish & Pray”Most blogs are unresearched and not backed with any research or data – “I’ve got a cool idea for a blog!”

Noisy MarketYou are being told to blog more to get stand out – just like everybody else. You aren’t competing against other recruiters. You are competing against every brand that wants your prospects attention.

Lightweight400 word “7 tips to dress for success at your next interview” are both prolific and generic

Weak DistributionMost articles are posted onto corporate blogs – to the accompanying sound of crickets.

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We’ve reached peak content1 in 10 shot1 in 10 content assets are compounding, meaning that their organic search increases over time

Pareto Principle at workCompounding content makes up less than 10% of posts – while generating over 40% of all traffic.

6x More EffectiveOver its lifetime, a compounding content will generate 6x more traffic than a decaying post

In depthLong form articles of 2000+ words a significantly more likely to become compounding assets

Source: https://www.hubspot.com/marketing-statistics

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Producing best-in-class content

Hunt The GiantsTake a science based approach to finding the top performing content in your industry verticalusing data insight tools

Stand On Their ShouldersBuild upon top performing content to create “best in industry” assets

Promote It To The Right PeopleDirectly contact sharers, industry influencers, relevant groups and forums, to promote shares and backlinks

Turn leads into conversationsCollect contact details and then follow up leads by a combination of marketing automation and direct outreach by the consultants

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Deep Dive- Hays top performing content

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If content is king, then distribution is queen – and she wears the pants in the relationship

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Sneak peek into our content distribution strategy

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Email and paid traffic to “content with intent” are marketing’s most effective path to lead generation

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Example: Should you start looking for a new job quiz?

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Find what works – and amplify it

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Amplifying what works – a hypothetical funnel with $1000 ad spend

Before Your Next Hire: Creating A Compelling Position Description That Actually Sells The


Ideal Position Description Template Landing Page


Hiring? [EMAIL] / [CALL]

Job On

Job Filled

Content Asset

Landing Page

Combined Follow Up

Job on

15% lead converting into job = 7 jobs on

Average Fee of $18K

= $36K return on $1K ad spend

CPC $10 = 100 clicks

50% conversion = 50 leads

30% fill rate = 2 jobs filled

Job filled

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The ROI is the follow up

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The ROI is in the follow up

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Social media is largely pay-to-play now for any effective awareness

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Inside the dashboard of a client that were in the top 5 for LinkedIn’s most socially engaged awards

Note: Award winning agencies get 2-3% engagement in their social posts – if you have 1000+ followers this equates to maybe 20-30 clicks & shares (including well meaning friends, and all of your team)

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ROI is only achieved with sales and marketing alignment

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Engaged leadsYour

Consultant activity

Why the campaign didn’t show ROI at the endYour addressable market

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Achieving sales and marketing alignment● Do content they are actually proud to share

● ROI won’t happen if your consultant’s aren’t actively following up the leads

● Engage the consultant’s with both the marketing strategy and the content

● Outline the benefits of the marketing, show them outgoing campaigns, and pre-write text they can use when sharing the content AND approaching the leads generated

● Show them the process the lead has gone through to be classified to help them understand the journey and opportunity

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Copywriting is a fundamental skill for recruiters

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Copywriting is a fundamental skill for recruitersEffective job ads, InMails, email follow ups, candidate approaches via email/InMail, job emailers, and

personal brand development are all dependent on the skill of persuasive direct response copywriting

Rich & I hosted 20 Consultants at a full day copywriting intensive workshop in Sydney a week ago – really

well received by the consultants

Sean has completed several copywriting certifications and Rich ran the ad writing training at Michael Page

for several years and split-tested to find the best formula for ads

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Open to opportunities

This is why your branding & awareness didn’t workYour addressable market

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Effective Marketing Led Customer Acquisition

Email Paid TrafficRetargeting

WebsiteSocial media


Marketing automation

Face to FacePhoneEmailInMail

Content (White paper, resource)



Audience Conversation Conversion

Client MeetingCandidate

RegisterClient Job

Candidate Apply


Page 35: Eloquent Captains Table 180618...ROI is only achieved with sales and marketing alignment 9. Direct response copywriting is a skill your recruiters MUST have Broad awareness strategies

What you learned1. How brand awareness works – and why it doesn’t

2. Why you need to build for one and scale to many

3. Why content is hard now

4. If content is king, then distribution is queen

5. Email and paid traffic to content with intent is marketing’s fastest path to ROI

6. Find what works – and amplify it

7. Social media is largely pay-to-play now for any effective awareness

8. ROI is only achieved with sales and marketing alignment

9. Direct response copywriting is a skill your recruiters MUST have

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The Team

Sean Withford, Director0401 032 789 [email protected]

Richard Rowe, Director0414 509 [email protected]

Free 1hr marketing strategy review session – all interested Captains Table attendees (Usually priced at $500)

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Hunt The Giants - Leading & Motivating Teams

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Leading Teams Giants - BuzzSumo researchTitle Link Total


D elegation: The Key To Lead ing D ream Team s https://w w w .linked in.com /pulse/delegation-key-lead ing-dream -team -don-zillioux


Critica l Things You M ust Know Before Lead ing Team s https://w w w .linked in.com /pulse/critica l-th ings-you-m ust-know -

before-lead ing-team -john-eades


Beauty Boss: H ow Sephora CEO Calv in M cD onald Leads Trends,

Team s, And Triatha longs

https://w w w .g lassdoor.com /b log/sephora/ 2.7K

Lead ing Your Team Is The M ost Im portant Part O f Your Role https://socia l.hays.com /2017/04/26/lead ing-your-team / 1.3K

H ow to deal w ith the em otional fa llout of lead ing your team s through change

https://w w w .linked in.com /pulse/how -deal-em otional-fa llout-lead ing-your-team s-through-caro l


The Key M anagem ent Skill For The 21st Century: Lead ing Rem ote Team s

https://w w w .entrepreneur.com /artic le/293085 3.3K

Key Princip les That Lead To H igh Perform ing Eng ineering Team s http ://w w w .hugeinc.com /ideas/perspective/key-princip les-that-

lead-to-high-perform ing-eng ineering-team s


5 T ips O n Lead ing C ross Cultura l Team s https://w w w .insead.edu/m aster-p rogram m es/em ba/insights/tips-lead ing-cross-cultura l-team s


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Deep Dive- Hays top performing content

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Pinterest - Motivating Teams