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  • 7/27/2019 Emap User Guide


    Users Guide For Simple Cycle

    EfficiencyMapTM Performance Monitoring System

    Version 5.0

    Enter Software, Inc.

    Menlo Park & Davis, CA

    Houston, TX

    Graz, Austria

  • 7/27/2019 Emap User Guide















    Copyright 1989-1997

    Enter Software, Inc.

    All Rights Reserved

    EfficiencyMapTM, GateCycleTM, and the OptimizerTM are trademarks of Enter Software, Inc.

    PI System is a trademark of OSI Software, Inc. Windows NTTM and WindowsTM are

    trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

  • 7/27/2019 Emap User Guide



    This users guide provides an overview of the EfficiencyMapTM SimpleCycle Performance Monitoring Software. It is intended to familiarize the

    reader with the various EfficiencyMap software features, serve as a

    reference to key system features, and provide examples on how

    EfficiencyMap is used for performance analysis. It is assumed that the

    reader has a working knowledge of Microsoft Windows NTTM. If any

    problems, questions or comments concerning the software, documentation,

    etc., arise, please contact Enter Software, Inc.

    Enter Software, Inc.

    1490 Drew Avenue, Suite 180

    Davis, CA 95616

    Phone 530/757-1240

    Fax 530/757-1571

    [email protected]

  • 7/27/2019 Emap User Guide



    1. Introduction and Quick Start to EfficiencyMap and EmapView Version 5.0 .... 3

    1.1 Heat Balance Data Validation.................................................................... 4

    1.2 Performance Calculations.......................................................................... 5

    2. EfficiencyMap Calculation Cycle..................................................................... 7

    2.1 Cross Reference Data Processing .............................................................. 7

    2.2 Performance Calculations........................................................................ 11

    2.2.1 Calculated Performance ................................................................. 11

    2.2.2 Expected Calculations.................................................................... 11

    2.2.3 Corrected to Reference Calculations .............................................. 12

    2.2.4 Reference Data................................................................................. 12

    2.2.5 Performance Example....................................................................... 12

    3. EmapView.................................................................................................... 15

    3.1 Emap View............................................................................................. 15

    3.2 EmapView Performance Report and Sensor Report Forms...................... 17

    3.2.1 Performance Report ......................................................................... 17

    3.2.2 Sensor Report .................................................................................. 18

    3.2.3 Error Log......................................................................................... 19

    3.3 EmapView Gas Turbine Data Form......................................................... 19

    4. Application Examples ................................................................................... 24

    4.1 Applying EfficiencyMap.......................................................................... 24

    4.2 Validated Vs. Measured Fuel Flow.......................................................... 24

    4.3 Validated Compressor and Expander Efficiencies .................................... 26

    4.4 Tracking Compressor Efficiency Improvements from Online and

    Off-line Washes ....................................................................................... 27

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    5. Appendices ................................................................................................... 29

    Appendix A. EfficiencyMap File Structure .................................................... 30

    Appendix B. Variable Name Descriptions...................................................... 32

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    1. In t roduct ion and Quick Star t to Simple

    Cycle Eff ic iencyMap and EmapView

    Version 5.0


    Efficiency Maintenance Analysis Program Version 5.0 (EfficiencyMap 5.0) is a data

    validation and performance monitoring software package. EfficiencyMap performs a gas

    turbine heat balance to obtain validated data , from which actual, expected , and corrected

    performance parameters are calculated. The validated data and performance calculation

    help operators and plant engineers to identify poorly measured data and the causes of

    performance degradation. The motivation to account for performance and/or sensor

    degradation is high because fuel costs alone can be $5,000 to $8,000 per hour for an 80

    MW combustion turbine at full load.

    The EfficiencyMap software system includes EmapView, a powerful Windows display

    tool that allows the user to view the current set of plant data online and compare measured,

    validated, expected, and corrected values. In addition to the other features, EmapView

    also contains a Sensor Report and a Performance Report. The Sensor Report identifies the

    gas turbine measured data points from the Distributed Control System (DCS) that deviate

    the furthest from their validated values. The Performance Report sorts the gas turbine

    performance parameters by the difference between their expected and calculated

    performance. These reports are important tools that allow the operator to identify,

    prioritize and correct gas turbine performance degradation.

    Using EmapView

    To start EmapView, go to the Enter Software Program Group in the Windows NT

    Program Manager. In the Program Manager, there will be an icon entitled EmapView.

    Double click on the icon to start the interface. When the interface window appears, there

    will be three (3) pull-down menus entitled File, View, and Window. Pulling down

    the View menu allows the user to select from the different data forms that provide access

    to the current snapshot data within the EfficiencyMap Heat Balance and Performance

    Calculation modules. The Window option allows the user to select among the open

    Windows or view them in a cascade format. The File menu option allows the user to

    print the displayed view and to exit from the EmapView program.

    If your site has multiple gas turbines then there will be multiple EmapView icons (one

    EmapView icon for each site gas turbine) located within the Enter Software Program

    Group. Each EmapView icon is labeled (i.e. Gas Turbine 1, Gas Turbine 2, etc.) to

    correspond to a specific turbine and will display performance data for that gas turbine.

    EfficiencyMap Overview

    EfficiencyMap is a model-based data validation, performance monitoring diagnostic

    system. EfficiencyMap retrieves measured data from a plants Distributed Control System

    (DCS) and performs a least-squares minimization (described below), producing a validated

    set of heat balance data. This validated data satisfies a mass and energy balance of the gas

    turbine, which the measured data is unlikely to do because of transducer error. This

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    method of data validation throws out inaccurately measured data and provides a

    representation of the gas turbine conditions which is more accurate than the raw, measured

    data. Another important advantage is that the validated data provides values for important

    gas turbine parameters which are not directly measured, such as gas turbine air flow and

    turbine inlet temperature.

    Performance calculations which use this validated data are more accurate and morereliable than those based directly on measured data from the gas turbine control system.

    The performance calculations are based on gas turbine correction curves modified to

    produce accurate and consistent results and/or Enter Software correlations in conjunction

    with the validated data to calculate current, expected and corrected performance. All

    results from the validated data and performance calculations are reported back to the user,

    through the online EmapView interface. If you have any problems with your

    EfficiencyMap installation please contact Enter Software Inc.

    The following sections provide more detailed information on the EfficiencyMap heat

    balance data validation approach and the EfficiencyMap performance calculations.

    1.1 Heat Balance Data ValidationEfficiencyMap performs a heat balance data validation with the use of a least-squares, non-

    linear minimization mathematical algorithm.

    The form of the least-squares optimization is:

    ( )


    ( )


    Subject to

    1) Mass and Energy Balances

    2) Simple Constraints



    measured value validated value



    i i



    percent uncertaintyi

    reference measurement



    [ ]

    Each measured value obtained from the gas turbine control system is assigned a variable name

    (measured value) that remains constant for each calculation cycle. Typical measurements for

    a frame gas turbine are as follows:


    Fuel Flow

    Fuel Temperature

    Compressor Inlet Temperature

    Compressor Discharge Temperature

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    Compressor Discharge Pressure

    Steam/Water Injection Flow

    Steam/Water Injection Temperature

    Steam/Water Injection Pressure

    Inlet Pressure Drop

    Outlet Pressure Drop

    Exhaust Temperature

    For this gas turbine measurement set there are enough equations and constraints to calculate

    the gas turbine exhaust flow and validate the gas turbine fuel flow (or one other measurement

    if there is high confidence in the gas turbine fuel flow measurement). The goal of the

    optimization is to find the best set of validated values (exhaust and fuel flow) that deviates

    from the measured values as little as possible while still satisfying the mass and energy

    balances that model the gas turbine. Finding this set of validated values minimizes the aboveobjective function.

    1.2 Performance Calculations

    The accuracy of performance calculations is greatly improved by the use of the validated data.

    Gas turbine correction curves provided by the vendor and/or Enter Software correlations are

    used to compute expected and corrected values for important plant parameters. The

    calculations also compare current performance to expected performance and corrected

    performance to reference condition performance. These deviations are then reported to the


    EfficiencyMap executes the performance calculations using both measured and validated data

    after running the least-squares heat balance data validation routine. The performance

    parameters calculated by simple cycle EMAP include:


    Heat Rate (using validated fuel flow)

    Exhaust Flow

    Exhaust Temperature

    Fuel Flow

    Inlet Pressure Drop

    Outlet Pressure Drop

    Compressor Efficiency

    Expander Efficiency

    Turbine Inlet Temperature

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    Expected, corrected, and deviation calculations are also performed on the performance

    parameters (not including turbine inlet temperature). In total, there are six (6) primary

    categories of performance calculations, as indicated in Table 1.2.1 (using heat rate as an


    Performance Calculation



    Measured Heat Rate Heat rate calculated from measured gross power and

    measured fuel flow

    Validated Heat Rate Heat rate calculated from validated gross power and

    validated fuel flow

    Expected Heat Rate Expected heat rate calculated from current and reference

    conditions using engine performance curves

    Corrected Heat Rate Validated heat rate corrected to reference conditions

    Corrected Heat Rate


    Difference between reference heat rate and corrected

    heat rate.

    Heat Rate Deviation Difference between expected heat rate and validated heat


    Table 1.2.1. Descriptions of performance calculation categories.

    From Table 1.2.1, it is clear that the reference conditions used for the expected and

    corrected performance calculations are important since they provide the baseline against

    which current performance is measured. A reference conditions data set contains a consistentset of gas turbine performance data.

    The performance calculations are more accurate (and more valuable) if the reference data is

    accurate and consistent. Reference data usually comes from vendor guarantee data, but it

    could also be a data set that the EfficiencyMap user believes to be a highly accurate

    representation of the gas turbine conditions for a given point in time. Reference data for the

    gas turbine is stored within the turbine.ref file located in the model subdirectory. This

    data can be edited using a simple text editor.

    The performance calculations are discussed further in Section 2.2 and in conjunction with the

    EmapView interface (Section 3).

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    2. Eff ic iencyMap Calculat ion CycleAn EfficiencyMap calculation cycle begins when measured data is retrieved from the gas

    turbine control system and concludes when EfficiencyMap writes the results to its database

    structure. Currently, depending on the computer hardware and processor availability, this

    calculation cycle takes about 15 to 30 seconds for each gas turbine. Unit conversions, thermalproperty calculations, data validation, and performance calculations are the major activities

    that take place during this calculation cycle, with many intermediate steps between the actions.

    In general, each step has a designated executable program that works with a file or set of files

    that reside in the EfficiencyMap working directories. For each step to proceed correctly, the

    working files (a complete listing of which is contained in Appendix A) must be set up

    correctly. This task is performed by a performance engineer before installation of

    EfficiencyMap at the plant. The following section describes the files made available for

    configuring the operation and outputs of EfficiencyMap1.

    2.1 Cross Reference Data Processing

    The cross-reference file controls data inputs, outputs, unit conversions, range checking, and

    other data processing features.

    The cross-reference file name is turbine.csv and typically resides in the

    f:\unit#\emap\history subdirectory. Normally, no changes to the values within the cross-

    reference file should ever be required. However, understanding the cross-reference file will

    lead to a greater understanding of how EfficiencyMap is configured to model a gas turbine.

    The cross-reference file specifies to the EfficiencyMap software system:

    1. Measured values to be input to EfficiencyMap

    2. Output calculated values to be stored in the database

    3. Units conversions on measured data

    4. Range checking on measured data

    5. Averaging of measured values to produce EfficiencyMap input data.

    6. Unit conversion of output calculated values

    1 Upon installation, all configurations were set up for the users plant. If any modifications are made, be

    sure to always back up the file prior to making those changes. If you need assistance and/or reassurance,

    please call Enter Software, Inc.

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    Figure 2.1.1 Cross-Reference File

    The file is comma-delimited and can be most conveniently viewed from within a spreadsheet

    program or the codewright file editor. Figure 2.1.1 shows the top-left entries of a typical

    cross-reference file.

    The cross-reference file contains a horizontal row for every input and output variable (i.e. each

    variable that is read in from the plant historian and each calculated variable that is written

    back to the plant historian). Each column in the cross-reference file contains information that

    controls a feature for a row variable. The following sections describe the seventeen columns

    that contain data in the cross-reference file.

    Column A (Variable Name), Column B (Tag Name) and Column L (Average Tag)

    Column A contains the variable names used within EfficiencyMap while Column B

    contains the corresponding tag gathered from the gas turbine control system.

    EfficiencyMap variables typically use a from component-to-component notation. For

    example, the inlet air temperature comes from the inlet and goes to the gas turbine

    component; therefore, a typical variable that appears in the cross-reference file is

    INLET1_GT1_TEMP. Measured values are distinguished from validated or calculated

    values by adding an _M to the end. For example, INLET1_GT1_TEMP_M is the

    measured ambient air temperature, while INLET1_GT1_TEMP is the validated value. It

    is not uncommon for the measured value to equal the validated value.

    When measured tags are averaged together and the result is placed in one EfficiencyMap

    measured variable, the variable names for all but one of those tags are set to ~ (a tilde).All tags to be averaged must be assigned the same tag number in Column L. (Thus, all

    tags with tildes in Column A and with the same average tag flag number (the same number

    appearing in Column L) are averaged together and assigned to the variable name for that

    set in Column A. Averaged tags need not be listed consecutively in the cross-reference file

    but are done so to avoid confusion. Note that each set of tags that are averaged together

    have a unique number designation in Column L.)

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    There are instances in which it is desirable to create a fictitious measured variable when

    the measurement does not exist. This is generally the case with a variable like oil fuel

    temperature. The data validation is more accurate to assume a reasonable temperature for

    the fuel than to assume there is no sensible energy addition to the combustion process. In

    these cases, a constant default value is designated through the range checking procedure,

    and a ` is placed in Column B for the non-existent measured tag so that EfficiencyMap

    will know not to look for a measured tag value.

    It is possible to comment out rows in the cross-reference file by making the first character

    of the EfficiencyMap variable name in Column A a #. For example, Row 20, #****G1

    TAGS**** (Figure 2.1.1) is actually a comment because of the placement of the # at the

    start of the line. Commented-out lines are ignored by EfficiencyMap.

    Column C (Unit Multiplier), Column D (Unit Offset), Column E (Multiply/Offset

    (M/O) Flag), and Column M (Ambient Pressure Flag)

    Unit conversions are necessary in order to produce a consistent unit set within the

    EfficiencyMap calculations. The multiplier, offset, and multiplier/offset order flags of

    columns C, D, and E respectively, control this operation.Column C contains the value that is multiplied by the measured value when the value is

    brought into EfficiencyMap. Note that input tags are multiplied by the multiplier during

    input operations and output tags are divided by the value in Column C during output

    operations. In this way, the same value can be used in Column C for both input and

    output variables of the same units. If no conversion is to take place, a 1 appears in

    Column C.

    Column D specifies the offset applied for unit conversion. Similar to the value in Column

    C (the multiplier), the offset is added to input values and subtracted from output values. If

    no offset is needed, a 0 is placed in Column D.

    Column D also indicates to EfficiencyMap whether or not a pressure offset is to be appliedto a pressure variable. Gauge pressures that come into EfficiencyMap are made absolute

    by placing a 99 in Column D. This adds the ambient pressure (specified by a 1 in

    Column M) to the measured gage pressure. To convert to absolute from vacuum, a 99 is


    Column E is used to indicate the order of multiplier/offset operations. A 0 indicates

    that the multiplication operation will occur first, while a 1 indicates that the offset

    operation occurs first.

    Column F (Range Lower Limit), Column G (Range Upper Limit), Column H (Range

    Check Flag), and Column I (Default Value)

    The values in these columns control measurement range checking. Columns F and G,respectively, contain the lower and upper limits which define the allowable range for that

    variable. Column H is the range check flag, which dictates the action EfficiencyMap will

    take for an out-of-range measured variable:

    0: no range checking (range checking disabled for the variable)

    1: use default value always (the default value is placed in Column I)

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    2: an out of range value causes a fatal error (the EfficiencyMap calculation cycle is


    3: use lower limit if the measured value is below lower limit (value in Column F)

    4: use upper limit if the measured value is above upper limit (value in Column G)

    5: use lower limit if the measured value is below lower limit, use upper limit if themeasured value is above upper limit

    6: leave out of objective function if out of range

    >6: Range check flags greater than six designate variables that control the on/off

    status of a gas turbine. The range checking functionality for these variables is

    obtained by subtracting seven from the value listed.

    In order for the EfficiencyMap calculations to function properly, gas turbines that have

    been shut down must be detected as being off. Therefore, before each calculation cycle,

    the variables that indicate the on/off status for the gas turbine are checked. If all of the

    variables that control the status of a gas turbine are out of range, then that gas turbine is

    determine to be shut off. Generally, the power is used by EfficiencyMap for this purpose.If EfficiencyMap determines that the gas turbine is off or part-loaded, EmapView will

    display O for all performance parameters.

    Column J (State Point) and Column K (State Point Type)

    The values in these columns designate state points within the plant that require the online

    calculation of thermal properties. These points are determine by Enter Software engineers

    while developing the data validation model. Normally, the state points are designated by a

    temperature and, if needed, a corresponding pressure variable. The required variables are

    identified by a unique number or number pair that appears in Column J. For example, if

    the specific heat of a gas is needed at a flow location, Column J will identify the

    temperature and pressure variables needed for the specific heat look-up with the same

    number. The next state point receives a different number or number pair. Column K must

    contain the state point flag for the variables that are used to calculate thermal properties.

    The state point type identifies the type of flow that is expected for the state point:

    1: gas (temperature and pressure required)

    2: saturated liquid water (temperature only required)

    3: saturated vapor (temperature or pressure required)

    4: superheated vapor (temperature and pressure required)

    5: oil (temperature only required)

    There are many energy balance equations involved with the EfficiencyMap data validationprocess; therefore, specific heats and enthalpies are needed for gas, steam, and fuel flows.

    In order to calculate the gas properties, the composition must be known. This information

    is obtained by tracing the gas flow path, component by component, and calculating any

    changes in composition that occur along the way. Generally, gas turbine combustors and

    duct firing are the two locations where composition will change. Once the compositions

    have been determined, the measured temperatures are used to calculate the specific heats

    and/or enthalpies. The gas composition routines are based on the JANNAF tables.

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    Column N (In or Out)

    Column N simply, yet critically, designates a variable as an input variable or an output

    variable. An I indicates an input variable, an O indicates an output variable.

    Column O (MES Section)

    The flags in this column control whether or not measured data will be validated. These

    values are set by Enter Software and can not be manipulated. The definitions of the

    allowable values are as follows:

    0: put in objective function

    1: set the value in validation calculations

    2: do not include in validation calculations

    3: put in objective function if greater than zero

    Column P (Enthalpy MES Section)

    This column controls whether enthalpies, calculated from measured temperatures and/orpressures are placed in the objective function and validated. The allowable values are:

    0: put in objective function

    1:set the value in data validation calculations

    Column Q (Comments)

    This column is used to place any comments that are desired.

    2.2 Performance Calculations

    The performance calculations in EfficiencyMap calculate the current condition and

    performance of various plant components. Gas turbine expected power, heat rate corrected tostandard day, and exhaust flow deviation are all examples of the kind of information produced

    by the performance module. As previously discussed inSection 1.2, there are five (5) primarytypes of performance calculations for each performance parameter: the calculated

    performance based on measured and validated data, expected, corrected to reference,

    deviation, and corrected deviation. Most performance calculations are performed in a set for

    each of these five types of calculations. By studying the resulting values, the performance of a

    component can be monitored over time for specific problems and general degradation.

    2.2.1 Calculated Performance

    The calculated performance in most cases is simply the validated or measured value of a

    particular variable (e.g., gas turbine gross power). In some cases, the calculated performance

    is not directly measurable (e.g., gas turbine heat rate) and therefore is calculated directly from

    measurements or validated data.

    2.2.2 Expected Calculations

    The expected performance calculation represents the value that would be produced by a new

    and clean component at the current ambient and operating conditions. The expected value is

    obtained by taking the reference value (for more on reference values, see Reference Data

    section below) and correcting it to the current operating conditions. For example, a gas

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    turbines power output will be lower on a hot day. However, it is not obvious to a plant

    operator whether the lower power production is solely due to the hotter weather or a

    combination of the ambient air temperature and gas turbine performance degradation. The

    expected power removes the effect that the current ambient conditions have on output and

    provides information that can be used for diagnosis. The expected deviation is the difference

    between the expected value and the validated value. A large deviation can indicate a serious

    performance problem.

    2.2.3 Corrected to Reference Calculations

    Technically, a Corrected to Reference calculation is the inverse of the expected value

    calculation. The component performance is determined from validated and/or measured data

    and then this performance is corrected back to reference conditions. Returning to the gas

    turbine example above, the Corrected to Reference value would be the result of taking the

    validated power produced at the current ambient temperature and then correcting the power to

    the cooler reference temperature. The result is an additional indication of component

    degradation. If the component functions as new, the Corrected to Reference value should be

    very close to the reference performance and not vary much over time and changing conditions.

    However, as the component ages, the Corrected to Reference value will decrease, indicating adrop in performance.

    The performance functions use a variety of information to carry out their calculations. In

    every case though, current and reference values are required. The current values can be taken

    from either the DCS measured values or, preferably, from the EfficiencyMap validated data

    set. Often, the same functions are performed with each of these data sets in order to observe

    the effects of the data validation.

    2.2.4 Reference Data

    As discussed previously, the reference data are vitally important to the accuracy and value of

    the expected and corrected performance calculations. The reference data are stored in a file

    named TURBINE.REF in the MODEL sub-directory. The file contains a header named

    [HEAT BALANCE] under which the reference data set is recorded. The data associates the

    reference value with its EfficiencyMap variable name. It is important to note that this is a

    consistent set of data, meaning that the data represents the gas turbine at a specific operating

    condition. Typically the reference operating condition is the guarantee data provided by the

    vendor. Changes should not be made to this file without consulting Enter Software.

    2.2.5 Performance Example

    Most performance calculations are performed through the application of a series of correction

    factors. These correction factors come from vendor curves and correlations developed by

    Enter Software. The general format of a typical set of performance functions can be illustrated

    by calculating a gas turbines power: expected, Corrected to Reference (CREF), and deviation.

    For simplicity, assume that the gas turbine power is only a function of the air inlet temperatureand pressure. The required input data are:

    GT reference power = 100.0 MW

    reference air inlet temperature = 59.0 oF

    reference air inlet pressure = 14.696 psia

    current GT power = 102.0 MW

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    current air inlet temperature = 35.0 oF

    current air inlet pressure = 14.3 psia

    From this information, the correction factors can be obtained from vendor curves or other data.

    Figure 2.2.1 is an example of vendor correction curves.

    Figure 2.2. 1 GT Correction Curve

    For this example, the correction factors would be as follows:

    correction factor for the reference air inlet temperature = 1

    correction factor for the reference air inlet pressure = 1

    correction factor for the current air inlet temperature = 1.08

    correction factor for the current air inlet pressure = .97

    The three gas turbine performance power values would then be:

    GT expected power = (reference power) * (current CF) / (reference CF)

    GT expected power = 100 * (1.08 * .97) / ( 1.0 * 1.0 * 1.0)

    GT expected power = 104.8 MW

    GT power deviation = expected power - validated power

    GT power deviation = 104.8 102.0

    GT power deviation = 2.8 MW

    GT power CREF = (validated power) * (reference CF) / (current CF)

    GT power CREF = 102 * (1.0 * 1.0) / (1.08 * .97 )

    GT power CREF = 97.4 MW

    The corrected deviation calculation shows that for this set of circumstances

    Gas turbine power correction for inlet temperature

    Air Inlet Temperature (F)

    correction factor

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    GT power CREF Dev= (reference power) - GT power CREF

    GT power CREF Dev= 100 97.4

    GT power CREF Dev=2.6 MW

    that this particular gas turbine has degraded 2.6 MW from its guarantee reference conditions.

    Some performance calculations use general engineering equations to obtain their results. Thegas turbine compressor and turbine efficiency functions use the isentropic efficiency definitions


    compressor efficiency = (inlet enthalpy - outlet enthalpy) / (inlet enthalpy - isentropic exit


    turbine efficiency = (inlet enthalpy - isentropic exit enthalpy) / (inlet enthalpy - exit


    EfficiencyMap enthalpies are accurately calculated using routines based on JANNAF tables.

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    3. EmapView

    3.1 EmapView

    The EmapView program is a graphical interface that allows the user to view the current

    snapshot of measured, validated, and performance data that lies within EfficiencyMap. Thissection will introduce the data forms available in the interface, provide an overview of their

    general features, and give some advice on how to interpret the information presented.

    It is important to note that the standard Simple Cycle EfficiencyMap will display zeros for all

    performance calculations if the gas turbine is not operating on its baseload control curve.

    EfficiencyMap can be configured to calculate performance values for partload operation. If

    you desire this enhancement please contact Enter Software Inc.

    Figure 3.1.1 shows the EmapView main window. This window is activated by double-clicking

    on the EmapView icon in the EfficiencyMap program group box within the Windows NT

    Program Manager. The interface functions like other windows in that it can be minimized,

    restored, closed, moved, and resized.

    Figure 3.1.1 EmapView Main Window

    The status bar at the bottom of the interface contains two information boxes that provide

    critical information. The box on the left displays the message Mode: Online. indicating that

    the current operating mode of EfficiencyMap is Online. The middle box contains the current

    time stamp associated with the EfficiencyMap calculation cycle. This timestamp indicates the

    moment when the measured data was retrieved from the DCS and therefore the moment to

    which all the validated and performance data applies.

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    All of the EmapView data forms are accessed via the View pull down item. Pulling down

    View, as shown in Figure 3.1.2, reveals that there are four options available:

    Components, Performance Report, Sensor Report and Error Log. Selecting the,

    Performance Report or Sensor Report option will bring up a form of the same name. The

    last option, Error Log, will start a text window that displays the EfficiencyMap Error Log.

    Figure 3.1.2 "View" Pull Down MenuThese forms are described in detail in the following section. Selecting the Components

    option will cause the gas turbine component sub-menu to appear (Figure 3.1.3).

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    Figure 3.1.3 Components Sub-menu

    3.2 EmapView Performance Report and Sensor Report

    FormsThe two summary form options available under the View pull-down menu are the

    Performance Report and Sensor Report. These forms display EfficiencyMap summaryinformation and are important diagnostic tools.

    3.2.1 Performance Report

    The Performance Report displays and sorts the validated and expected performance values for

    selected parameters (Figure 3.2.1). The Performance Report sorts the information by either

    the parameter description or the percent deviation between the validated and expected

    performance for the particular parameter.

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    Figure 3.2. 1 Performance Report

    This report allows the user to quickly determine which parameters vary from their expected

    values the most. By viewing the percent deviation of the parameters validated value from its

    expected value, one can quickly determine problem areas in gas turbine performance. This

    report highlights the most deviant plant parameters by sorting the percent deviations of the

    parameters in descending order. The list of parameters may also be sorted by description toallow for quick location of a parameter and its data.

    3.2.2 Sensor Report

    The Sensor Report form (Figure 3.2.2) presents a sorted comparison between gas turbine

    measured data and the EfficiencyMap validated values. It is helpful in diagnosing measured

    tags that for various reasons (e.g., malfunctioning transducers) are not functioning properly.

    All of the gas turbine values that are validated by EfficiencyMap are displayed.

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    Figure 3.2. 2 Sensor Report

    Each row in the Sensor Report contains a description, tag name, units, the percent uncertainty

    assigned to this measurement, the measured and validated values, and the percent deviation

    between the measured and validated value. The rows may be sorted by the parameters

    description, percent uncertainty, or by the percent deviation. The sensor report is valuable in

    that it allows one to quickly pinpoint faulty plant measurements. Parameters which show asignificant deviation between the measured and validated values may indicate a problematic

    measurement, due to a faulty or miscalibrated sensor. If the measured value and the validated

    value are exactly the same, then the data validation model has been configured to use the

    measured value directly in the gas turbine heat balance model.

    3.2.3 Error Log

    This last option under the View pull-down menu starts a display box that loads the current

    EfficiencyMap error log file. The error log records any errors or warnings that occur during

    the EfficiencyMap calculation cycle. The display box also allows the user to erase the current

    information in the error log by clicking on the Erase button.

    3.3 EmapView Gas Turbine Data FormThis section discusses the features of the EmapView Gas Turbine form.

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    Figure 3.3. 1 Gas Turbine Design & Thermal Data

    When GT1 (note: even with multiple gas turbines at the site, the gas turbine component

    selection is always GT1) is selected from the View pull-down menu, the component form

    automatically comes up with the first page of Performance Data displayed. The Gas Turbine

    component form actually provides access to several forms that can be split into three

    categories: Design and Thermal Data, Performance Data, and Heat Balance Data. For each

    plant component, there is one Design and Thermal Data form. There can be several

    Performance Data and Heat Balance Data forms. The Gas Turbine Design & Thermal Dataform is shown in Figure 3.3.1. Note that at the top of the form there is a frame containing

    option buttons for switching between the Design and Thermal Data form, the Performance

    Data forms, and the Heat Balance Data. This frame appears at the top of all the component

    data forms and allows the user to toggle between the data displays. Clicking on an option

    button next to a form name selects that form and makes it active.

    The information presented in the Design and Thermal Data form (Figure 3.3.1) is broken into

    Design Parameters and Thermal Data. The Design Parameters are important constants

    used in the heat balance model. The thermal data consists of thermodynamic property data,

    such as enthalpies and specific heats, calculated from the measured plant data.

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    Figure 3.3.2 Gas Turbine Performance Data (I)

    Figure 3.3.2 shows the first of three Performance Data forms that exist for the gas turbine

    component. This form displays the results from the performance calculations and also some of

    the validated and measured data. The emphasis is to provide information for comparison. The

    row names indicate the calculated variable and its units. In the case of Figure 3.3.2, the gas

    turbine Gross Power, Gross LHV Heat Rate, Fuel Flow, Compressor Efficiency, and

    Expander Efficiency are presented. The number of rows on a Performance Data form may

    vary depending on the component and Performance Data form number (some components aremore complex, others less, which affects the amount of information available to display).

    There are always seven identically named columns presented on a Performance Data form as in

    Figure 3.3.2. The following list defines the column names.


    This column contains the reference value for the parameter.


    This column contains the measured (or calculated from measured) value obtained from

    the DCS for the particular parameter.


    This column contains the heat balance validated value for the parameter.


    This column contains the expected value for the parameter. This is the parameters

    expected value given the current validated operating conditions, and uses the reference

    value adjusted to current conditions. Operating conditions for the gas turbine are

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    defined as ambient temperature, pressure, and humidity, and guide vane angle


    Corrected to Ref.

    This column contains the corrected value for the parameter. The corrected value is the

    validated value corrected to reference conditions. This calculation indicates the

    parameter value that would be expected if the plant, in its current state, were to

    operate at reference conditions.

    Current Dev

    The Current Deviation column contains the calculated deviation between calculated

    expected value and the calculated validated value. Ideally, the heat balance results

    would equal the reference parameter values. The Current Deviation calculation,

    therefore, is an indication of how closely the plant or component is meeting expected


    CREF Dev

    The Corrected Deviation column contains the calculated deviation between thecorrected value and the reference value. Ideally, the current heat balance results, when

    corrected to reference conditions, would equal the reference parameter values. The

    Corrected Deviation calculation is an additional check that summarizes how closely

    current plant or component performance is to the reference performance.

    For a more detailed discussion on performance parameters, please see Section 2.2

    Performance Calculations.

    There is also a color code associated with the results displayed on the data forms. There are

    four possible colors for the table entries on the Performance Data and Heat Balance Data


    1. A grayed out table entry.

    If there is no value for a particular calculation, measurement, reference value, or

    uncertainty, the table entry is grayed out (for example, the measured expander

    efficiency in Figure 3.3.3).

    2. A black number or variable name.

    All numbers and variable names on the Component Diagram and Design and Thermal

    Data forms are black. In addition, all reference values on the Performance Data forms

    and all uncertainty entries on the Heat Balance Data forms are colored black. Black

    indicates values that are relatively static in the model (i.e., normally they do not change

    from one EfficiencyMap calculation cycle to the next).

    3. A blue number.Blue numbers occur on the Performance Data and Heat Balance Data forms. Blue

    numbers represent measured and calculated numbers. Blue values typically change

    from run to run and are dependent on plant operation and environmental conditions.

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    4. A red number.

    Red numbers can occur for any measured values on the Performance Data and Heat

    Balance Data forms. A red number indicates that a raw measured value did not pass

    the range checking test and was replaced with a default value.

    The final type of component data form used to view the current snapshot within EfficiencyMap

    is the Heat Balance Data form. In the case of the gas turbine, there are three data forms.

    Figure 3.3.3 shows the first form (Heat Balance Data (I)).

    Figure 3.3. 3 Gas Turbine Heat Balance (I)

    The Heat Balance Data form displays five columns of information for each parameter listed.

    The five columns summarize the vital information that is associated with the current heat

    balance calculation. The first column lists the measured value for the parameter. This is the

    measured value the EfficiencyMap has brought in from the DCS. The second column is the

    uncertainty percentage assigned to the measured value. The next two columns are the

    optimization simple constraint values. The minimum value provides the lower bound that a

    heat balance validated parameter value may take. The maximum value provides the upper

    bound. The final column lists the heat balance validated value for the parameters. Note that a

    grayed out entry (as discussed previously) indicates that there is no value for that field, for that

    parameter. If the measured value field is gray, then the parameter has no measurement fromthe DCS. If any uncertainty field is gray, then the parameter was not validated in the heat

    balance model, and thus, its validated value will equal the measured value. A gray field for the

    range values (Minimum and Maximum) indicates that the parameter does not need any simple

    bounds within the validation model.

    This review of the Gas Turbine Component forms has covered the characteristics of the data

    forms that are used for the gas turbine and the other components. There are four Gas Turbine

    Component forms that have not been shown in this user guide: the Performance Data forms

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    (II) and (III) and the Heat Balance Data forms (II) and (III). Time should be taken to view

    these forms so that the user can become familiar with the locations of each of the component

    parameters that are displayed.

    4. Appl icat ion Examples

    4.1 Applying EfficiencyMap

    This Section contains examples of EfficiencyMaps application in analyzing and diagnosing

    gas turbine and bottoming cycle performance. These examples provide guidance in applying

    the program by showing how EfficiencyMap has been used and the benefits of its application.

    This section displays several plots that were created using the techniques discussed in the

    previous section.

    4.2 Validated Vs. Measured Fuel Flow

    Performance parameters computed from the heat balance validated data are more complete and

    more accurate than parameters computed from measured data.. Figure 4.2.1 compares

    measured and validated engine heat rate data for a generic gas turbine engine.

    Measured and Calculated Heat Rate vs Power













    33 34 35 36 37 38 39

    Power (MW)





    Figure 4.2.1 Heat Rate data for a generic gas turbine engine. Measured data taken at 15

    minute intervals over a five day period. Fuel sensor has been recalibrated

    The measured heat rate (HRmes) on Figure 4.2.1 was calculated by dividing the measured fuel

    flow by the measured power. The calculated heat rate was calculated by dividing the

    EfficiencyMap validated value for fuel flow by the validated power. Note that the validated

    heat rate has a smaller scatter than the measured heat rate. It appears that the measured heat

    rate has a spread of approximately 150 Btu/Kw-hr, while the heat balance heat rate shows a

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    spread of only 25 Btu/Kw-hr. The conclusion is that even when fuel flow and power are

    measured quite accurately (this plant had recently recalibrated the fuel flow sensors),

    EfficiencyMap is able to improve the accuracy of the data by using mass and energy balance


    It is easy to understand how the validated fuel flow can be more accurate than the measured

    fuel flow. It is possible to calculate fuel flow from the EfficiencyMap gas turbine equationsusing inlet temperature, inlet pressure, compressor discharge temperature, compressor

    discharge pressure, exhaust temperature, exhaust pressure, and power as inputs. These

    measured parameters typically are accurate to within one percent. The measured fuel flow,

    however, is often accurate to only three percent or worse. Thus, fuel flow calculated from the

    measured temperatures, pressures, and power may be more accurate than the measured fuel


    In effect, though, EfficiencyMap uses both the measured fuel flow and the other measured

    parameters in its determination of validated fuel flow. For example, if the measured fuel flow

    is greater than the fuel flow that would be calculated from the other engine data (measured

    temperatures, pressures, and power), EfficiencyMap could only change the measured fuel flow

    downward until the EfficiencyMap validated value for fuel flow exactly matches the fuel flowvalue that would be calculated from the other engine data. However, in reality, the validated

    fuel flow is free to decrease and the other parameters (e.g., power and exhaust temperature) are

    free to increase in order to achieve a heat balance.

    The amount that EfficiencyMap adjusts the fuel flow relative to the adjustment in the other

    parameters (such as exhaust temperature) depends upon the relative uncertainties assigned (by

    the user) to each measured parameter. If fuel flow has an uncertainty of 10% and exhaust

    temperature has an uncertainty of 1%, the adjustment in fuel flow will be larger than the

    adjustment in exhaust temperature.

    If sufficient redundancy exists in the plant measurements, EfficiencyMap is fully capable of

    diagnosing which measurement is not accurate. For example, if fuel flow is measured too high

    and all the other measurements are accurate, EfficiencyMap will apply almost all of theadjustment to the fuel flow because to change some other parameter (such as exhaust

    temperature) would cause further errors in the heat balance calculation. If exhaust

    temperature were increased instead of fuel flow being decreased, then an error in the HRSG

    energy balance would be introduced. This would force EfficiencyMap to change other HRSG

    measurements such as stack temperature and steam flows.

    Fortunately, the optimization techniques in EfficiencyMap forces the analysis to make the

    minimum changes necessary to achieve an energy balance. Changing a single parameter such

    as fuel flow is preferred over changing many parameters (e.g., exhaust temperature, steam

    flows, and stack temperature), unless the user forces the analysis not to change fuel flow by

    inputting a very low fuel flow uncertainty relative to the uncertainties in the other


    This method is very useful for correcting poor measurements as well as for improving good

    ones. Figure 4.2.2 shows a comparison of measured and validated heat rates for the same

    generic engine illustrated in Figure 4.2.1. However, this data was taken over a two day period

    before the fuel sensor was recalibrated. Notice that the measured heat rate values do not

    change in the expected manner in relation to power and show a scatter of nearly 700

    Btu/kWhr. The validated heat rate values agree with the data of Figure 4.2.1 to within 50

    Btu/kWhr and show a scatter of approximately 50 Btu/kWhr.

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    Measured and Calculated Heat Rate vs Power









    33 34 35 36 37 38 39

    Power (MW)




    Figure 4.2.2 Measured and calculated heat rates

    4.3 Validated Compressor and Expander Efficiencies

    The value of expander efficiency is a sensitive indicator of the accuracy of the heat balance

    fuel flow, air flow, firing temperature, and power values. This value is computed by

    EfficiencyMap. Expander efficiency is a sensitive parameter because it depends upon an

    EfficiencyMap heat balance expander inlet gas temperature (turbine inlet temperature). Thissensitivity is further caused by the dependency of the turbine inlet temperature upon heat

    balance and validated values of engine air flow, power, and fuel flow2. If any of these

    calculations are incorrect, the turbine inlet temperature will be inaccurate, in which case the

    expander efficiency (which is expected to remain fairly constant) will show unexpected


    2 Here, the name heat balance is used to distinguish EfficiencyMap variables that appear in the heat

    balance equations from those that appear in the heat balance equations and have measuredcounter parts.

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    Compressor and Expander Efficiencies vs Time








    0 100 200 300 400 500 600

    Time Increment (15 min each)




    Figure 4.3.1 Calculated compressor and expander efficiencies

    Figure 4.3.1 shows EfficiencyMap heat balance values for compressor and expander

    efficiencies. The scatter in the data indicates that EfficiencyMap can determine these

    efficiencies to within one-quarter to one-half percent. In particular, note the small variations in

    expander efficiency which indicates that engine validated fuel flow, power, air flow, and firing

    temperature must be calculated accurately.

    4.4 Tracking Compressor Efficiency Improvementsfrom Online and Off-line Washes

    This example is an introduction to the use of EfficiencyMap to track and monitor compressor


    Figure 4.5.1shows the validated and corrected compressor efficiencies for a gas turbine over a

    period of time during which two online water washes and one off-line compressor (crank) wash

    were performed. The corrected compressor efficiency is EfficiencyMaps Performance

    modules estimate of the compressor efficiency if the engine were operating at reference


    Each of the two online washes (performed at approximately 40 and 65 hours on the plot)appears to increase corrected efficiency by a small amount. These increases are not apparent

    in the validated compressor efficiency.

    Both the validated and corrected compressor efficiencies increase approximately one percent

    when the off-line wash is performed at 100 hours into the trend. However, the validated

    compressor efficiency degrades nearly one percent when the weather turns colder after the

    crank wash (starting at approximately 150 hours). If an operator were watching the validated

    compressor efficiency only, he would be in danger of concluding that the improvement due to

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    the wash had lasted for less than 100 hours. However, the corrected compressor efficiency,

    which accounts for changes in compressor efficiency as environmental and operating

    conditions change, does not measurably change over the 100 hour period.

    The engine heat rate improved approximately two percent at the time of the off-line wash and

    remained constant for 100 hours thereafter. Theoretically, one could simply monitor the engine

    heat rate to evaluate compressor efficiency. However, since fuel flow is often measured at lessthan two percent accuracy, the measured engine heat rate is not accurate enough to detect a one

    percent change in compressor efficiency. The compressor efficiency can be calculated more

    accurately than heat rate because it depends upon measured temperatures and pressures, which

    are usually measured more accurately than fuel flows. However, the compressor efficiency

    must be corrected in order to be useful.

    EfficiencyMap accurately reports both corrected compressor efficiency and validated engine

    heat rate so that either one or both may be used to evaluate engine condition.

    Figure 4.4.1 Corrected and Validated Compressor Efficiencies

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    5. Appendices

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    Appendix A. EfficiencyMap File Structure

    There are two main directories that contain the files necessary for EfficiencyMap operation.

    The EfficiencyMap configuration files reside in several sub-directories contained in the

    Unit# directory. The EfficiencyMap executables reside in the EMAP directory that is

    located off the root of the hard drive. The following descriptions outline this file structure in

    more detail.


    DATA : storage location for input and output data files

    ASCII contains both the EfficiencyMap comma delimited input (measured data andconstants) and output (EfficiencyMap) files, respectively named IN.CSV and


    INTERFACE : files used to configure interface and data files for display

    The three interface configuration files are named TRB_GT.CFG (gas turbine

    component form configuration, TRB_PRPT.CFG (performance report form

    configuration), and TRB_SENS.CFG (sensor report form configuration).

    There are also copies of the TURBINE.HB, TURBINE.MES, and

    TURBINE.RAW files. These files are copied from the HISTORY directory at

    the end of each EfficiencyMap calculation cycle.

    MODEL : EfficiencyMap configuration files

    TURBINE.EQN : equation file, contains the mass & energy balance

    TURBINE.HDR : header file

    TURBINE.INT : initial guess file

    TURBINE.MDL : gas turbine model file

    TURBINE.PRF : performance configuration file

    TURBINE.REF : reference values file

    TURBINE.TBL : gas turbine performance tables file

    STDTABL.TXT : standard tables

    HISTORY : data files used for running EfficiencyMap

    TURBINE.HB : heat balance and performance values

    TURBINE.HIS : history mode plant configuration file

    TURBINE.LOG : Lingo output file

    TURBINE.LNG : Lingo input file

    TURBINE.MES : input measured data

    TURBINE.OUT : Lingo output file

    TURBINE.RAW : unprocessed input data

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    TURBINE.UNC : objective function uncertainties

    THERMAL.PRF : used by Perf.exe to calculate GT airflows

    TURBINE.CSV : online mode cross reference file

    EMAP : executables

    Extract.exe : data acquisition

    HtoT.exe : converts enthalpies to temperatures

    Performance.exe : calculates performance functions

    HB.exe : communicates between EfficiencyMap and Lingo

    Emap.exe : online mode executable

    Emapview.exe : EmapView interface executable

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    Appendix B. Variable Name Descriptions

    Tagname Description Units Value

    AIR_INLET1_PRES_M Ambient Pressure in Hg 14.59223

    AIR_INLET1_RH_M Relative Humidity 0-100 60.0

    GT1_CDP Compressor Discharge Pressue Validated PSIG 168.9878

    GT1_CDP_M Compressor Discharge Pressure PSIG 0.004070544

    GT1_CDT Compressor Discharge Temperature Validated F 663.9897

    GT1_CDT_M Compressor Discharge Temperature 2 F 663.9897

    GT1_COMPEFF Compressor Efficiency Validated % 88.77342

    GT1_COMPEFF_CSTD Compressor Efficiency Corrected % 11.70192

    GT1_COMPEFF_CSTD_DEV Compressor Efficiency Corrected Deviation % 89.20089

    GT1_COMPEFF_DEV Compressor Efficiency Deviation % -0.697525

    GT1_COMPEFF_EXP Compressor Efficiency Expected % 88.77342

    GT1_COMPEFF_M Compressor Efficiency Measured % 88.77644

    GT1_HRGRSLHV Gross Heat Rate (LHV) Validated Btu/kWh 9968.391

    GT1_HRGRSLHV_CSTD Gross Heat Rate (LHV) Corrected Btu/kWh 10138.89

    GT1_HRGRSLHV_CSTD_DEV Gross Heat Rate (LHV) Corrected Deviation Btu/kWh 1381.106

    GT1_HRGRSLHV_DEV Gross Heat Rate (LHV) Deviation Btu/kWh 1357.882

    GT1_HRGRSLHV_EXP Gross Heat Rate (LHV) Expected Btu/kWh 11326.27

    GT1_HRGRSLHV_M Gross Heat Rate (LHV) Measured Btu/kWh 9968.391

    GT1_IGV_M DEG 84.29836

    GT1_INDP Inlet Pressure Drop Validated in H2O 84.29836

    GT1_INDP_CSTD Inlet Pressure Drop Corrected in H2O 3.598278

    GT1_INDP_CSTD_DEV Inlet Pressure Drop Corrected Deviation in H2O 0.401722

    GT1_INDP_DEV Inlet Pressure Drop Deviation in H2O 0.4689002

    GT1_INDP_EXP Inlet Pressure Drop Expected in H2O 4.2

    GT1_INDP_M Inlet Pressure Drop Measured in H2O 4.2

    GT1_OUTDP Outlet Pressure Drop Validated in H2O 0.55

    GT1_OUTDP_CSTD Outlet Pressure Drop Corrected in H2O 9.615911

    GT1_OUTDP_CSTD_DEV Outlet Pressure Drop Corrected Deviation in H2O 7.628142

    GT1_OUTDP_DEV Outlet Pressure Drop Deviation in H2O -3.312994

    GT1_OUTDP_EXP Outlet Pressure Drop Expected in H2O 6.302917

    GT1_OUTDP_M Outlet Pressure Drop Measured in H2O 9.615911

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    GT1_OUTLET1_FLOW Exhaust Flow Validated KPPH 0.000256962

    GT1_OUTLET1_FLOW_CSTD Exhaust Flow Corrected KPPH 2031.4

    GT1_OUTLET1_FLOW_CSTD_DEV Exhaust Flow Corrected Deviation KPPH 1952.302

    GT1_OUTLET1_FLOW_DEV Exhaust Flow Deviation KPPH -110.4011

    GT1_OUTLET1_FLOW_EXP Exhaust Flow Expected KPPH 1920.999

    GT1_OUTLET1_PRES_M Outlet Pressure Drop in H2O 14.9384

    GT1_OUTLET1_TEMP Exhaust Temperature Validated F 14.9384

    GT1_OUTLET1_TEMP_CSTD Exhaust Temperature Corrected F 1050.759

    GT1_OUTLET1_TEMP_CSTD_DEV Exhaust Temperature Corrected Deviation F 1039.242

    GT1_OUTLET1_TEMP_DEV Exhaust Temperature Deviation F -75.91736

    GT1_OUTLET1_TEMP_EXP Exhaust Temperature Expected F 1039.242

    GT1_OUTLET1_TEMP_M Exhaust Temperature F 1039.242

    GT1_PWRCMP Compressor Power MW 85.56175

    GT1_PWRGRS Power MW 85.56175

    GT1_PWRGRS_CSTD Power Corrected MW 79.07307

    GT1_PWRGRS_CSTD_DEV Power Corrected Deviation MW 73.77074

    GT1_PWRGRS_DEV Power Deviation MW -23.8929

    GT1_PWRGRS_EXP Power Expected MW 55.18016

    GT1_PWRGRS_M Power Measured MW 79.07307

    GT1_PWRTRB Expander Power MW 166.2486

    GT1_TCOMB Combustor Outlet Temperature F 2158.005

    GT1_TFIRE Firing Temperature F 2086.965

    GT1_TIT Turbine Inlet Temperature F 2027.64

    GT1_TURBEFF Expander Efficiency Validated % 2027.64

    GT1_TURBEFF_CSTD Expander Efficiency Corrected % 2027.64

    GT1_TURBEFF_CSTD_DEV Expander Efficiency Corrected Deviation % 89.32154

    GT1_TURBEFF_DEV Expander Efficiency Deviation % 89.32154

    GT1_TURBEFF_EXP Expander Efficiency Expected % 89.2

    GT1_WCOOL Total Cooling Flow KPPH 179.0017

    GT1_WROTOR Rotor Cooling Flow KPPH 81.44579

    GT1_WVANE Vane Cooling Flow KPPH 97.55595

    H2O_GT1_FLOW_M H2O Injection Flow lbm/s 97.55595

    INLET1_GT1_FLOW Inlet Flow Validated KPPH 1988.908

    INLET1_GT1_FLOW_CSTD Inlet Flow Corrected KPPH 1911.465

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    INLET1_GT1_FLOW_CSTD_DEV Inlet Flow Corrected Deviation KPPH -97.23486

    INLET1_GT1_FLOW_DEV Inlet Flow Deviation KPPH -101.1743

    INLET1_GT1_FLOW_EXP Inlet Flow Expected KPPH 1988.908

    INLET1_GT1_PRES_M Inlet Pressure Drop in H2O 14.44103

    INLET1_GT1_RH_M Relative Humidity 0-100 0

    INLET1_GT1_TEMP_M Inlet Temperature 2 F 70.1

    NGFUEL_GT1_FLOW Gas Fuel Flow Validated lbm/s 0

    NGFUEL_GT1_FLOW_CSTD Gas Fuel Flow Corrected lbm/s 0

    NGFUEL_GT1_FLOW_CSTD_DEV Gas Fuel Flow Corrected Deviation lbm/s 0

    NGFUEL_GT1_FLOW_DEV Gas Fuel Flow Deviation lbm/s 0

    NGFUEL_GT1_FLOW_EXP Gas Fuel Flow Expected lbm/s 0

    NGFUEL_GT1_FLOW_M Gas Fuel Flow Measured lbm/s 0

    NGFUEL_GT1_TEMP_M Gas Fuel Temp F 0

    OILFUEL_GT1_FLOW Oil Fuel Flow Validated lbm/s 0.0004

    OILFUEL_GT1_FLOW_CSTD Oil Fuel Flow Corrected lbm/s 42.49225

    OILFUEL_GT1_FLOW_CSTD_DEV Oil Fuel Flow Corrected Deviation lbm/s -8.350939

    OILFUEL_GT1_FLOW_DEV Oil Fuel Flow Deviation lbm/s -8.80032

    OILFUEL_GT1_FLOW_EXP Oil Fuel Flow Expected lbm/s 33.69193

    OILFUEL_GT1_FLOW_M Oil Fuel Flow Measured lbm/s 42.49225

    OILFUEL_GT1_TEMP_M Oil Fuel Temp F 0

    SYSTEM_PAMB_M Ambient Pressure in Hg 14.59223

    SYSTEM_RHAMB_M Relative Humidity 0-100 0

    SYSTEM_TAMB_M Ambient Temp F 70.1