emerging republic chs 8 9

Washington’s Presidency 1789-1796 1.Established precedence: Cabinet, Leadership, White House Pomp & Circumstance; Moderation; Two Terms; Farewell Address 2.Faced with internal disunion between Federalists and Democrat Republicans 3.Faced international conflict between France & England (Genet Affair ; Impressments ; Jay Treaty w/GB 4.Dealt with sobering Whiskey Rebellion 5.Warned nation to refrain from foreign entanglements & political factions OR 6.Retired to Mount Vernon & Freed his slaves in his Will – “First in War, First in Peace, First in the Hearts of his Countrymen.” ~ Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee

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Washington’s Presidency 1789-17961. Established precedence: Cabinet,

Leadership, White House Pomp & Circumstance; Moderation; Two Terms; Farewell Address

2. Faced with internal disunion between Federalists and Democrat Republicans

3. Faced international conflict between France & England (Genet Affair ; Impressments ; Jay Treaty w/GB

4. Dealt with sobering Whiskey Rebellion

5. Warned nation to refrain from foreign entanglements & political factions OR

6. Retired to Mount Vernon & Freed his slaves in his Will – “First in War, First in Peace, First in the Hearts of his Countrymen.” ~ Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee

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Beginning of Fraction/Faction PoliticsThe John Adams Presidency (1796-1800)

1. No one was anymore prepared to hold office than Adams – Immense Potential Why???

2. Suffered from Big Ego, Too Independent, Distrusting of common man – Federalist

3. XYZ Affair showed his strength & his weaknesses as a leader

4. Fear of Republican Public Sphere caused him to sign the Alien Sedition Acts – A flagrant affront to his former self. Why???

5. His last minute Midnight Judge Appointment before leaving office contradicted his predecessor’s wish to remain apolitical – Why???

The Federalists effectively used the slogan "MILLIONS FOR DEFENSE, BUT NOT ONE CENT FOR TRIBUTE" to strengthen their political position. ~ XYZ AffairRepublican Public Sphere: Benjamin Franklin Bache was editor of the Aurora, a Republican newspaper. Bache had accused George Washington of incompetence and financial irregularities, and "the blind, bald, crippled, toothless, querulous ADAMS" of nepotism and monarchical ambition. He was arrested for his activities!!!

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Kentucky Virginia Resolves1. Democrat Republicans Reaction to Alien Sedition Acts2. Drafted by Jefferson and Madison3. The Virginia and Kentucky legislatures passed

resolutions declaring the federal laws invalid within their states. The bold challenge to the federal government offered by this strong states' rights position seemed to point toward imminent armed conflict within the United States.

4. Enormous changes had occurred in the explosive decade of the 1790s. Federalists in government now viewed the defense of their political party as the equivalent of the survival of the republic. This led them to enact and enforce such harsh laws against civil liberties.

5. Madison, who had been the chief architect of a strong central government in the Constitution, now was wary of national authority. He actually helped the KENTUCKY LEGISLATURE to reject federal law.

6. By placing states rights above those of the federal government, Kentucky and Virginia had established a precedent that would be used to justify the secession of southern states in the Civil War during the Nullification Crisis in the Jackson Presidency and Secession threats by South Carolina’s John Calhoun

Under the terms of the ASA over 20 Republican newspaper editors were arrested and some were imprisoned. The most dramatic victim of the law was Vermont REPRESENTATIVE MATTHEW LYON. His letter that criticized President Adams' "unbounded thirst for ridiculous pomp, foolish adulation, and self avarice" caused him to be imprisoned. While Federalists sent Lyon to prison for his opinions, his constituents reelected him to Congress even from his jail cell.

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Election of 1800A Test of Wills

1. The ELECTION OF 1800 between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson was an emotional and hard-fought campaign. Each side believed that victory by the other would ruin the nation.

2. Federalists attacked Jefferson as an un-Christian deist whose sympathy for the French Revolution would bring similar bloodshed and chaos to the United States.

3. On the other side, the Democratic-Republicans denounced the strong centralization of federal power under Adams's presidency. Republicans' specifically objected to the expansion of the U.S. army and navy, the attack on individual rights in the Alien and Sedition Acts, and new taxes and deficit spending used to support broadened federal action.

4. Overall, the Federalists wanted strong federal authority to restrain the excesses of popular majorities, while the Democratic-Republicans wanted to reduce national authority so that the people could rule more directly through state governments.

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Marbury vs. Madison (1803) page 3021. Before John Adams leaves office he attempts to “pack” the

Federal Courts with Federalist sympathizers2. His secretary of state John Marshall delivers a

appointment to William Marbury.3. When Jefferson assumes Presidency, he refused to honor

Federalist appointment by preventing his secretary of state James Madison from delivering appointment

4. Marbury sues Madison & it goes to the Supreme Court under Jefferson’s cousin John Marshall who rules that the Judiciary Act of 1789 was Unconstitutional.

5. Marshall’s Court actually rules against themselves however Marbury Madison establishes the Supreme Court’s Legitimacy for Judicial Review !!

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Jeffersonian Democracy1. Thomas Jefferson Presidency (1801-

1807), Democratic-Republican2. Many feared Jefferson’s radical views on

government would lead to a National Civil War and anarchy…His Inaugural Speech calmed the nation…"We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists."

3. The Democratic-Republicans believed that government needed to be broadly accountable to the people. Their coalition and ideals would dominate American politics well into the nineteenth century. Can name past and modern Presidents who were influenced by Jefferson?

4. As an Enlightened Man, Jefferson embodied a true Renaissance President – dedicated to Human Reason, Exploration, Sciences, Music, Architecture and Nature.

5. As a politician of democracy, Jefferson led the Nation toward his vision of the American Republic based on "absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the MAJORITY." Stemming from his deep optimism in human reason, Jefferson believed that the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, expressed through elections, provided the most appropriate guidance for directing the republic's course.

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Additional Significant Facts on Jefferson’s Term

1. Jefferson supported an Agrarian Democracy based on affordable land for farmers & his 1787 Northwest Ordinance principles.

2. Jefferson believed that the future of the US must be based on hard working independent rural communities that embodied Liberty

3. Jefferson also encouraged industry to use science and technology to advance US production & international trading.

4. For Jefferson, western expansion provided an escape from the British model of industrial oppression. As long as hard working farmers could acquire land at reasonable prices, then America could prosper as a republic of equal and independent citizens. Jefferson's ideas helped to inspire a mass political movement that achieved many key aspects of his plan.

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The Louisiana Purchase & the Lewis Clark Expedition

Such a Bargain for an Empire“Farmers were the chosen people of

God”Native Americans were apparently

not among the chosen

1. How did Jefferson’s Major Presidential Achievement reflect his historical contradictions?

2. Sent delegates to France to buy New Orleans as a vital commercial port for US

3. Napoleon, in the middle of another French War negotiates for the sale of the entire Louisiana Territory for $15 million ($250 today)

4. In a stroke of his pen Jefferson doubled the size of the nation for 14 cents an acre

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Lewis & Clark Corps of Discovery 1804-1806

1. Jefferson dispatched two fellow Virginians, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, to explore it.

2. They were to conduct scientific and commercial surveys in order to find ways to exploit the region’s resources, develop trade with Indians, and find a commercial route to the Pacific Ocean that could foster trade with Asia (Northwest Passage).

3. With the indispensible help from a Shoshone 15 year old Indian named Sacagawea the Corps of Discovery forged alliances with local tribes along their journey.

4. In two years Lewis and Clark traveled 2000 miles, all the way to the Pacific (reaching it in the area of today’s Oregon- Fort Clatsop) and back.

5. Though they did not find a commercial route to Asia, their success reinforced the belief that America’s territory would one day extend to the Pacific Ocean.

6. It was the greatest achievement of Jefferson’s Presidency.

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Jefferson’s Second Term

Filled with Conflict

1. Barbary Warsa. Jefferson sent Stephen Decatur and the Marines to Tripoli to battle Islamic

Pirates & open Mediterranean Seas to open trading2. Embargo Acta. In order to remain neutral between France & England, Jefferson used his

Presidential powers to shut down foreign trade to pressure nations to end Impressments.

b. In 1808 American exports plummeted to 80%c. Though he moderated it with the 1809 Non-intercourse Act, his Presidential

image was tarred and feathered by those who saw this as an act of Jeffersonian economic piracy!!

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US Moves toward 2nd War with England“Canada, Canada, Canada!!”

1. A group of aggressive political leaders known as the War Hawks pushed for war against England.

2. These new American leaders from western & southern US states such as Henry Clay (Kentucky) & John C. Calhoun (S. Carolina) were a new breed of nationalists.

3. US pride and upholding American honor at all costs in order to expand economic interests were paramount to them.

4. Coupled with heightened tensions between western settlers (1800 – 400K lived W. of App. Mtns) and Native Indians in the Ohio Valley, the War Hawks pushed Jefferson’s successor, James Madison to declare war against England.

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The Rebel Shawnee Bros: Tecumseh & Tenskwatawa “The Prophet”

1. Natives could either attempt to assimilate into American culture as Cherokee Chief John Ross his people should do or…

2. Reject all “White Ways” like the Shawnee Leaders Tecumseh & Tenskwatawa urged and fight for their people traditional culture.

3. Tenskwatawa, a prophet, argued that whites were the source of all evil and that Indians should completely separate from everything European.

4. In 1810, Tecumseh organized attacks on frontier settlements. In 1811, William Henry Harrison destroyed the militants’ village at the Battle of Tippecanoe.

5. The Shawnee Bros were emblematic of the future erosion of Indian culture as more white settlers entered their natural domain.

6. Hunting grounds, bison, fishing and grass lands that had been indispensible to their culture were now disappearing in lieu of the entrance of whites.

Parody Cartoon of British incited Indian Atrocities against American

William Henry Harrison, Tecumseh, Tenskwatawa

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War of 1812 Becomes a State Mate1. The declaration of war by Congress in 1812 reflected a divided

nation:2. Federalists and Republicans representing northern states, where

mercantile and financial interests were concentrated, voted against the war.

3. Southern and western representatives voted overwhelmingly for it. Deeply divided, the U.S. lacked a large navy or army, lacked a central bank (since the Bank of the United States’ charter expired in 1811), and northern merchants and bankers refused to loan money to the government.

4. England held the upper hand for much of the War of 1812, defeating American navy in early sea/lake battles and even invading the capitol In 1814, and captured Washington, D.C., burned the White House, and forced the government to flee (Dolly Madison saved George’s painting by Stewart).

5. The United States had a few victories, including the defense of Baltimore at Fort McHenry, an event that inspired the song that became the national anthem, the “Star-Spangled Banner.”

6. However, under military commandeers like Commodore Perry, William Henry Harrison, and Andrew Jackson they began to remove the Indian threat and win decisive victories at sea and on land.

7. The Treat of Ghent ended the War however Jackson’s impressive victory with a militia of misfits over the British at New Orleans provided a patriotic push and lent great measure to his military political aspirations.

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Transforming America in the 19th Century

Chapter 9“Rugged Individualism &


1. In 1800, America was undergoing not one, but two revolutions: one political, the other economic.

2. 1801, when Jefferson became President, the U.S was a new, underdeveloped country of just over 5 million.

3. Most of the pop. Hugged the Atlantic Ocean – 10% lived in rural areas – not in cities – most remained within 20 miles of their homes – America was a rural agrarian nation in 1801 – But this was going to change….In 100 years when T.R. took office – the US was a different nation. How???

4. Industrialization – Immigration – Urbanization – Class/Race/Gender Roles – Transportation/Settlement

5. The big question is how the United States emerged into such radical changes over only a century & what movements drove these changes during the course of the 19 th Century????

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T.R. in 1901

1. Electricity 5. Factories - Unions 9. Abolition of Slavery

2. Telephone 6. Urbanization10. Women suffrage (states)

3. Refrigeration 7. Immigration11. West is Conquered

4. Locomotive 8. Imperialism 12. Within 6 years – planes, cars,

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The Mountain Men1. The mountain men were beaver trappers and

explorers who lived in the wilderness of the Rocky Mountains between 1810 to the 1840s. Initially began by French trappers during the 17th & 18th Century – Americans entered fur trapping following the Lewis and Clark Expedition. John Colter remained in the Rockies

2. Mountain men epitomized the enterprising independent adventuresome spirit of early America because they not only lived in the wilderness while trading but marketed their lucrative beaver pelts.

3. They forged healthy positive relationships with local Indian tribes like the Blackfeet, Shoshone, Crows, and Cheyenne Indians

4. They were instrumental in opening up the various Emigrant Trails (widened into wagon roads) allowing Americans in the east to settle the new territories of the far west by organized wagon trains traveling over roads explored and in many cases, physically improved by the mountain men and the big fur companies originally to serve the mule train base inland fur trade.

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Jedediah Smith1. Worked for William Ashley Company2. Always carried a bible with him3. Was scarred from a terrifying encounter with a Grizzly Bear in

1824.4. Rediscovered the South Pass the lowest point in the Rockies

where Pioneers later used.5. Led a trapping expedition into California in 1826 to be the first

Americans to enter California overland…Helped by Missionaries at San Gabriel Mission and then arrested by Mexican authorities. They released him if he promised to immediately return to US….he broke his promise and headed toward Northern California.

6. Traveled back to California in 1831 and was later killed by a Comanche ambush on the Santa Fe Trail. The movie Jeremiah Johnson staring Robert Redford is based on Smith.

7. While travelling overland throughout the American West, Jedediah's policy with the Native Americans was to maintain friendly relations with gifts and exchanges. However, if Jedediah felt Indians were being hostile to his party, he would make a demonstration by having one or two Natives killed with a rifle. This was done to discourage any further tribal aggression against him and his party. Smith punished his men for indiscriminately shooting Indians without any perceived threat to his party.

8. Jedediah Smith's explorations were the main basis for accurate Pacific-West maps; all the travels and discoveries of the trappers and fur traders since Ashley went into the map of the western United States he prepared in the winter of 1830–31. This map has been called “a landmark in mapping of the American West”.

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Era of Good Feeling Under Monroe

• A Virginian and Revolutionary veteran, Monroe ushered in a period of national political stability and growth.

• Governor of Virginia, a diplomat who was part of the Louisiana Purchase and Secretary State, Monroe was the last founding father President.

• Wrought with conflicts:• Second Bank of US Panic of

1819• Missouri Compromise of

1820 – “Fire bell in the Night”• Monroe Doctrine – Warning

to Foreign nations to keep out of Western Hemisphere

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Panic of 1819

• A sharp financial disaster known as the Panic of 1819 hit the country in 1819; many blamed the distress on the policies of the Second Bank of the United States (chartered in 1817 with Monroe's support),which was badly managed by William Jones, its first president. Monroe, who considered the bank essential to ensure a sound currency and to control the careless habits of state banks in making loans, succeeded in 1819 in persuading the directors to replace Jones with Langdon Cheves, a former Congressman and a far abler financier. Monroe approved Chief Justice John Marshall's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), which upheld the constitutionality of the banK

• Despite the economic downturn, Monroe remained popular and was reelected in 1820 almost unanimously.

• The economy recovered after 1820. Monroe vetoed an appropriation for road repairs in the Cumberland Road Bill (1822), stating that "congress does not possess the power under the constitution to pass such a law.” With Monroe in the White House, the House rejected most spending bills on internal projects.

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The Missouri Compromise:

The Nation Can’t Ignore its “Fire Bell in the Night”

The U.S. Senate was evenly split during the Monroe Administration: 11 free states and 11 slave states (Delaware and Kentucky were slave states), and admission of a new state threatened the balance. Henry Clay, known as the Great Compromiser, peacefully resolved the difficult dispute over slavery in new states with the Missouri Compromise: admit one free state (Maine) to balance one new slave state (Missouri), and ban slavery above a certain latitude (36 degrees, 30 minutes) in the Louisiana Territory.The Missouri Compromise became a temporary stop gap measure only delaying the pending crisis that would divide the nation regarding the future of slavery in the decades to come.

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The Monroe Doctrine

In his 1823 Presidential Address, a speech written by John Adams son John Quincy Adams, Monroe’s Sec. State, Monroe established the first American Foreign Policy Declaration known as the Monroe Doctrine.Essentially, the Doctrine recognized newly independent Latin American nations and their rights to self-determination without the threat of European powers to attack them. It was a warning to European Powers that if they intervened in the sovereignty of Latin America, the US would see it as a threat to all of the Americas & take any action it deemed necessary to protect these smaller countries and US interests

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The Inventor of the First American Industrial Revolution

1. In 1807, on the Hudson River in New York, the first steamboat, built by Robert Fulton, went into operation.

2. Steamboats made possible upstream navigation and rapid transport across the Great Lakes, and eventually the Atlantic Ocean.

3. In 1825, the Erie Canal in upstate New York was completed. The canal facilitated the settlement of upstate New York and the Old Northwest, and helped foster trade between farmers in the west and manufacturers in the east.

4. While canals only connected existing waterways, railroads opened vast new areas of the interior, while stimulating coal mining, for fuel, and iron manufacturing, for locomotives and rail. Work on the first railroad, the Baltimore and Ohio, began in 1828.

5. By 1860, the nation’s rail network was 30,000 miles long, more than the total in the rest of the world combined.

6. At the same time, the invention of the telegraph in the 1830s by Samuel F. B. Morse allowed for instantaneous communication.

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The American System Connecting Markets

1. Henry Clay believed that the future success of national enterprise must be determined by regional markets controlled by supply and demand economics

2. This American System would connect Northern manufacturing, banking and artisans with Southern agriculture and raw materials. Furthermore, western settlements would provide the North and South with viable future markets.

3. National Roads like the one through the Cumberland Gap, canals, R/R and telegraph would transport goods and information to connect economic regions to one another and strengthen the national economy.

4. Protective Tariffs & Taxes to foster internal improvements would be necessary & a national bank to ensure monetary stability and credit

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Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & CompanyMap 9.1 The Market Revolution: Roads and Canals, 1840

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Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & CompanyMap 9.3 Travel times from New York City in 1800 and 1830

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Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & CompanyMap 9.2 The Market Revolution: Western Settlement, 1800-1820

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Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & CompanyMap 9.4 The Market Revolution : the spread of cotton

cultivation, 1820–1840

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Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & CompanyMap 9.5 Major Cities, 1840

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The American Industrial Revolution Factory Life for Women

Virginia Woolf, in the 1920s, made this point: "It is obvious that the values of women differ very often

from the values which have been made by the other sex. Yet it is the masculine values that prevail" (A

Room of One's Own, N.Y. 1929, p. 76)Definition: A gender role is a set of social and behavioral norms that are generally considered appropriate for either a man or a woman in a social or interpersonal relationship.

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Gender Roles: Past & PresentTalcott Parsons Gender Role Model of 1950s Nuclear Family

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Lowell Mill Girls (1810-1840)WHAT: The "Lowell Mill Girls" (or "Factory Girls," as they called themselves) were female workers who came to work for the textile corporations in Lowell, Massachusetts, during the Industrial Revolution in the United States.WHO: The Factory girls were daughters of propertied New England farmers, between the ages of 17 and 25 (But many were as young as 11 and as old as 40). By 1840, at the height of the Industrial Revolution, the textile mills had recruited over 8,000 women, who came to make up nearly 75% of the mill workforce.WHY: The girls could support their families during the depression of the 1830s; help send their brothers to college; take advantage of educational schools provided by factory employers; gain valuable skills that they would carry into adulthood; develop social relations with other workers

CONFLICT: Factory owners began to abuse the girls by working them longer hours for less pay and under dangerous working conditions.EFFECT: Conditions in the Lowell mills were severe: Lowell girls worked from 5:00 am until 7:00 pm, for an average 73 hours per week. The noise of the spindles were deafening; girls toiled in hot spinning rooms especially during the summer when employers kept windows shut. They breathed in air filled with cloth and thread that led to many coughing up blood and causing respiratory conditions

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The Spatial Empowerment Effect1. Girls lived together in boarding houses that factory

owners built near the factories.2. Despite cramped and menial conditions; these Lowell

boarding homes fostered a close affinity among the girls who saw one another as part of a family.

3. This communal spirit inspired them to demand worker rights as conditions worsened during the 1830s. They organized two strikes in ’34/’36

4. The sense of community that arose from working and living together contributed directly to the energy and growth of the first union of women workers, the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association.

5. Started by twelve operatives in January 1845, its membership grew to 500 within six months, and continued to expand rapidly. The Association was run completely by the women themselves: they elected their own officers and held their own meetings; they helped organize the city’s female workers, and set up branches in other mill towns. They organized fairs, parties, and social gatherings.

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Oh! isn't it a pity, such a pretty girl as I

Should be sent to the factory to pine away and

die?Oh! I cannot be a slave, I will not be a slave,For I'm so fond of liberty,

That I cannot be a slave.

The Lowell girls' organizing efforts were notable not only for the "unfeminine" participation of women, but also for the political framework used to appeal to the public. Framing their struggle for shorter work days and better pay as a matter of rights and personal dignity, they sought to place themselves in the larger context of the American Revolution. During the 1834 &1836 "turn-out" or strikes – they warned that "the oppressing hand of avarice would enslave us,” the women included poems which read:

Let oppression shrug her shoulders,And a haughty tyrant frown,And little upstart Ignorance,In mockery look down.Yet I value not the feeble threatsOf Tories in disguise,While the flag of IndependenceO'er our noble nation flies.

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Transcendentalism 1. In reaction to the factory system and the depersonalized

nature of machines, certain American writers emphasized the individual unique qualities of human nature.

2. They placed value on the natural world and our relationship to it.

3. These transcendentalists reasoned that individual judgment should take precedence over existing social traditions and institutions. Ralph Waldo Emerson defined freedom as an open-ended process of self-realization, in which individuals could remake themselves and their own lives. Henry David Thoreau called for individuals to rely on themselves.

4. In this era the term individualism was first used. Unlike in the colonial period, many Americans now believed individuals should pursue their own self-interest, no matter what the cost to the public good, and that they should and could depend only on themselves. Americans more and more saw the realm of the private self as one in which other individuals and government should not interfere.

5. Thoreau, Dickinson, and Emerson established an credible national literary field that stood on par with European writers.