emirza uro lbm 6

STEP 1 1. Straining : to push quite hard in the beginning of the micti process 2. Terminal dribbling : some urine still left on the bladder, so when micti there is a drop like a tears 3. Frequent: often to micti 4. Nocturia : a lot of micti in the midnight 5. Suprapubic mass: there is a mass in the suprapubic STEP 2 1. Why the man complaining to the doctor that he couldn’t urinate since morning? 2. Why the old man still felt that some urine still left ? 3. Why the doctor came with conclusion that there was straining , frequent,terminal dribbling , nocturia, suprapubic mass? 4. Why he noticed that had a weak strain whenever he urinate and ha to push quite hard in the beginning ? 5. Why the doctor decided to do catherization and paln to carry out rectal toucher ? 6. DD STEP 3 1. Why the man complaining to the doctor that he couldn’t urinate since morning? Bcoz, may in the urinary tract there is a obstruction or may cause enlargement of phrostat, when a a man getting older there was hormonal changing, testosterone will be changing and convertion to estrogen 2. Why the old man still felt that some urine still left ? 2 symptoms, iritation and obstruction. Obstruction : weak strain, terminal dribbling, had to push quite hard in the beginning. Irritation : hypersensitivity of the m. detrussor, and the micti frequent increased 3. Why the doctor came with conclusion that there was straining , frequent,terminal dribbling , nocturia, suprapubic mass? Straining bcoz of obstruction, bladder give mechanism of compensation ( hyperthrophy of m. detrussor micti frequent increased

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Page 1: Emirza Uro Lbm 6


1. Straining : to push quite hard in the beginning of the micti process2. Terminal dribbling : some urine still left on the bladder, so when micti there is a drop like a

tears3. Frequent: often to micti4. Nocturia : a lot of micti in the midnight5. Suprapubic mass: there is a mass in the suprapubic


1. Why the man complaining to the doctor that he couldn’t urinate since morning?2. Why the old man still felt that some urine still left ?3. Why the doctor came with conclusion that there was straining , frequent,terminal dribbling ,

nocturia, suprapubic mass?4. Why he noticed that had a weak strain whenever he urinate and ha to push quite hard in

the beginning ?5. Why the doctor decided to do catherization and paln to carry out rectal toucher ?6. DD


1. Why the man complaining to the doctor that he couldn’t urinate since morning?Bcoz, may in the urinary tract there is a obstruction or may cause enlargement of phrostat, when a a man getting older there was hormonal changing, testosterone will be changing and convertion to estrogen

2. Why the old man still felt that some urine still left ?2 symptoms, iritation and obstruction. Obstruction : weak strain, terminal dribbling, had to push quite hard in the beginning. Irritation : hypersensitivity of the m. detrussor, and the micti frequent increased

3. Why the doctor came with conclusion that there was straining , frequent,terminal dribbling , nocturia, suprapubic mass?Straining bcoz of obstruction, bladder give mechanism of compensation ( hyperthrophy of m. detrussor micti frequent increased

4. Why he noticed that had a weak strain whenever he urinate and had to push quite hard in the beginning ?Maybe it caused straining, m.detrussor contraction but thre was obstruction In the urinary tract maybe caused enlargement of phrostat and urin flow decreased

5. Why the doctor decided to do catherization and plan to carry out rectal toucher ?Catherization: the function of catherization is removing residual urin in bladder Rectal toucher : to detected of phrostat enlargement and detected another malignant

6. DD1. BPH

Definition: benign phrostat hyperplasi the growth and enlargement of phrostat gland overtime

Etiology: hormonal factor, androgen and testosterone Clinical manifestation

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Hesitancy, nocturia, retensio urin, terminal dribbling, straning, frequent Patophysiology

Bcoz there is obstruction, urinary tract m. detrussor getting hard to work and there is hypertrophy, when it happened in the long time some urin will be trap in the bladder bcoz (phrostat exhausted) , DHT binding with the reseptor of membrane sel and there is signaling process , transduction overgrowth of RNA and DNA , sitoplasma, and overgrowth the sel of phrostat hyperplasi

PrognosisBetter: it can be detected and early treatment. Late: urgency

Risk factorAge, genetic, drug side effect

ComplicationChronic retensio : refluk vesicoureter, hidroureter, hidronefrosis, renal failure

Treatmentmedicamentosa : alfa-reductase inhibitor, example: finastericphyctotherapy: curcubita, alfa blocker

2. CA phrostat Definition: Etiology Clinical manifestation Patophysiology Prognosis Risk factor complication treatment

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Benigna Prostate Hyperplasia(BPH) adalah hiperplasia kelenjar periuretral prostat yang akan mendesak jaringan prostat yang asli ke perifer dan menjadi simpai bedah.3

2. Anatomi ProstatProstat merupakan kelenjar berbentuk konus terbalik yang dilapisi oleh kapsul fibromuskuler, yang terletak di sebelah inferior vesika urinaria, mengelilingi bagian proksimal uretra (uretra pars prostatika) dan berada disebelah anterior rektum. Bentuknya sebesar buah kenari dengan berat normal pada orang dewasa kurang lebih 20 gram, dengan jarak basis ke apex kurang lebih 3 cm, lebar yang paling jauh 4 cm dengan tebal 2,5 cm.5

Kelenjar prostat terbagi menjadi 5 lobus :1. lobus medius

2. lobus lateralis (2 lobus)

3. lobus anterior

4. lobus posterior 5,6

Selama perkembangannya lobus medius, lobus anterior, lobus posterior akan menjadi satu dan disebut lobus medius saja. Pada penampang, lobus medius kadang-kadang tak tampak karena terlalu kecil dan lobus lain tampak homogen berwarna abu-abu, dengan kista kecil berisi cairan seperti susu, kista ini disebut kelenjar prostat.6

Mc Neal (1976) membagi kelenjar prostat dalam beberapa zona, antara lain adalah: zona perifer, zona sentral, zona transisional, zona fibromuskuler anterior, dan zona periuretral. Sebagian besar hiperplasia prostat terdapat pada zona transisional yang letaknya proksimal dari sfincter eksternus di kedua sisi dari verumontanum dan di zona periuretral. Kedua zona tersebut hanya merupakan 2% dari seluruh volume prostat. Sedangkan pertumbuhan karsinoma prostat berasal dari zona perifer.7,8

Prostat mempunyai kurang lebih 20 duktus yang bermuara di kanan dari verumontanum dibagian posterior dari uretra pars prostatika. Di sebelah depan didapatkan ligamentum pubo prostatika, di sebelah bawah ligamentum triangulare inferior dan di sebelah belakang didapatkan fascia denonvilliers.

Fascia denonvilliers terdiri dari 2 lembar, lembar depan melekat erat dengan prostat dan vesika seminalis, sedangkan lembar belakang melekat secara longgar dengan fascia pelvis dan memisahkan prostat dengan rektum. Antara fascia endopelvic dan kapsul sebenarnya dari prostat didapatkan jaringan peri prostat yang berisi pleksus prostatovesikal.6

Pada potongan melintang kelenjar prostat terdiri dari :1. Kapsul anatomis

Sebagai jaringan ikat yang mengandung otot polos yang membungkus kelenjar prostat.2. Jaringan stroma yang terdiri dari jaringan fibrosa dan jaringan muskuler

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3. Jaringan kelenjar yang terbagi atas 3 kelompok bagian:

1. Bagian luar disebut glandula principalis atau kelenjar prostat sebenarnya yang menghasilkan bahan baku sekret.

2. Bagian tengah disebut kelenjar submukosa, lapisan ini disebut juga sebagai adenomatous zone

3. Di sekitar uretra disebut periurethral gland atau glandula mukosa yang merupakan bagian terkecil. Bagian ini serinng membesar atau mengalami hipertrofi pada usia lanjut.

Pada BPH, kapsul pada prostat terdiri dari 3 lapis :1. kapsul anatomis

2. kapsul chirurgicum, ini terjadi akibat terjepitnya kelenjar prostat yang sebenarnya (outer zone) sehingga terbentuk kapsul

3. kapsul yang terbentuk dari jaringan fibromuskuler antara bagian dalam (inner zone) dan bagian luar (outer zone) dari kelenjar prostat.

BPH sering terjadi pada lobus lateralis dan lobus medialis karena mengandung banyak jaringan kelenjar, tetapi tidak mengalami pembesaran pada bagian posterior daripada lobus medius (lobus posterior) yang merupakan bagian tersering terjadinya perkembangan suatu keganasan prostat. Sedangkan lobus anterior kurang mengalami hiperplasi karena sedikit mengandung jaringan kelenjar.5,6

Secara histologis, prostat terdiri atas kelenjar-kelenjar yang dilapisi epitel thoraks selapis dan di bagian basal terdapat juga sel-sel kuboid, sehingga keseluruhan epitel tampak menyerupai epitel berlapis.Vaskularisasi

Vaskularisasi kelenjar prostat yanng utama berasal dari a. vesikalis inferior (cabang dari a. iliaca interna), a. hemoroidalis media (cabang dari a. mesenterium inferior), dan a. pudenda interna (cabang dari a. iliaca interna). Cabang-cabang dari arteri tersebut masuk lewat basis prostat di Vesico Prostatic Junction. Penyebaran arteri di dalam prostat dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok , yaitu:

1. Kelompok arteri urethra, menembus kapsul di postero lateral dari vesico prostatic junction dan memberi perdarahan pada leher buli-buli dan kelompok kelenjar periurethral.

2. Kelompok arteri kapsule, menembus sebelah lateral dan memberi beberapa cabang yang memvaskularisasi kelenjar bagian perifer (kelompok kelenjar paraurethral).9

Aliran LimfeAliran limfe dari kelenjar prostat membentuk plexus di peri prostat yang kemudian bersatu untuk membentuk beberapa pembuluh utama, yang menuju ke kelenjar limfe iliaca interna , iliaca eksterna, obturatoria dan sakral.9

PersarafanSekresi dan motor yang mensarafi prostat berasal dari plexus simpatikus dari Hipogastricus dan medula sakral III-IV dari plexus sakralis.

3. Fisiologi ProstatProstat adalah kelenjar sex sekunder pada laki-laki yang menghasilkan cairan dan plasma seminalis, dengan perbandingan cairan prostat 13-32% dan cairan vesikula seminalis 46-80% pada waktu ejakulasi. Kelenjar prostat dibawah pengaruh Androgen Bodies dan dapat dihentikan dengan pemberian Stilbestrol.

4. Etiologi BPHHingga sekarang masih belum diketahui secara pasti penyebab terjadinya hiperplasia

prostat, tetapi beberapa hipotesis menyebutkan bahwa hiperplasia prostat erat kaitannya dengan peningkatan kadar dehidrotestosteron (DHT) dan proses aging (menjadi tua).7

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Beberapa teori atau hipotesis yang diduga sebagai penyebab timbulnya hiperplasia prostat adalah:1. Teori Hormonal

Dengan bertambahnya usia akan terjadi perubahan keseimbangan hormonal, yaitu antara hormon testosteron dan hormon estrogen. Karena produksi testosteron menurun dan terjadi konversi testosteron menjadi estrogen pada jaringan adiposa di perifer dengan pertolongan enzim aromatase, dimana sifat estrogen ini akan merangsang terjadinya hiperplasia pada stroma, sehingga timbul dugaan bahwa testosteron diperlukan untuk inisiasi terjadinya proliferasi sel tetapi kemudian estrogenlah yang berperan untuk perkembangan stroma. Kemungkinan lain ialah perubahan konsentrasi relatif testosteron dan estrogen akan menyebabkan produksi dan potensiasi faktor pertumbuhan lain yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya pembesaran prostat.

Pada keadaan normal hormon gonadotropin hipofise akan menyebabkan produksi hormon androgen testis yang akan mengontrol pertumbuhan prostat. Dengan makin bertambahnya usia, akan terjadi penurunan dari fungsi testikuler (spermatogenesis) yang akan menyebabkan penurunan yang progresif dari sekresi androgen. Hal ini mengakibatkan hormon gonadotropin akan sangat merangsang produksi hormon estrogen oleh sel sertoli. Dilihat dari fungsional histologis, prostat terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu sentral sekitar uretra yang bereaksi terhadap estrogen dan bagian perifer yang tidak bereaksi terhadap estrogen.2. Teori Growth Factor (Faktor Pertumbuhan)

Peranan dari growth factor ini sebagai pemacu pertumbuhan stroma kelenjar prostat. Terdapat empat peptic growth factor yaitu: basic transforming growth factor, transforming growth factor 1, transforminggrowth factor 2, dan epidermal growth factor.3. Teori peningkatan lama hidup sel-sel prostat karena berkuramgnya sel yang mati

4. Teori Sel Stem (stem cell hypothesis)

Seperti pada organ lain, prostat dalam hal ini kelenjar periuretral pada seorang dewasa berada dalam keadaan keseimbangan “steady state”, antara pertumbuhan sel dan sel yang mati, keseimbangan ini disebabkan adanya kadar testosteron tertentu dalam jaringan prostat yang dapat mempengaruhi sel stem sehingga dapat berproliferasi. Pada keadaan tertentu jumlah sel stem ini dapat bertambah sehingga terjadi proliferasi lebih cepat. Terjadinya proliferasi abnormal sel stem sehingga menyebabkan produksi atau proliferasi sel stroma dan sel epitel kelenjar periuretral prostat menjadi berlebihan.5. Teori Dehidrotestosteron (DHT)

Testosteron yang dihasilkan oleh sel leydig pada testis (90%) dan sebagian dari kelenjar adrenal (10%) masuk dalam peredaran darah dan 98% akan terikat oleh globulin menjadi sex hormon binding globulin (SHBG). Sedang hanya 2% dalam keadaan testosteron bebas. Testosteron bebas inilah yang bisa masuk ke dalam “target cell” yaitu sel prostat melewati membran sel langsung masuk kedalam sitoplasma, di dalam sel, testosteron direduksi oleh enzim 5alpha reductase menjadi 5 dehidrotestosteron yang kemudian bertemu dengan reseptor sitoplasma menjadi “hormone receptor complex”. Kemudian “hormone receptor complex” ini mengalami transformasi reseptor, menjadi “nuclear receptor” yang masuk kedalam inti yang kemudian melekat pada chromatin dan menyebabkan transkripsi m-RNA. RNA ini akan menyebabkan sintese protein menyebabkan terjadinya pertumbuhan kelenjar prostat.5,6,8,10

5. Patofisiologi BPHPembesaran prostat menyebabkan penyempitan lumen uretra pars prostatika dan akan

menghambat aliran urine. Keadaan ini menyebabkan peningkatan tekanan intravesikal. Untuk dapat mengeluarkan urin, buli-buli harus berkontraksi lebih kuat guna melawan tahanan itu. Kontraksi yang terus-menerus ini menyebabkan perubahan anatomik dari buli-buli berupa

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hipertrofi otot detrusor, trabekulasi, terbentuknya selula, sakula, dan divertikel buli-buli. Fase penebalan otot detrusor ini disebut fase kompensasi.

Perubahan struktur pada buli-buli dirasakan oleh pasien sebagai keluhan pada saluran kemih sebelah bawah atau lower urinary tract symptom (LUTS) yang dahulu dikenal dengan gejala-gejala prostatismus.

Dengan semakin meningkatnya resistensi uretra, otot detrusor masuk ke dalam fase dekompensasi dan akhirnya tidak mampu lagi untuk berkontraksi sehingga terjadi retensi urin. Tekanan intravesikal yang semakin tinggi akan diteruskan ke seluruh bagian buli-buli tidak terkecuali pada kedua muara ureter. Tekanan pada kedua muara ureter ini dapat menimbulkan aliran balik urin dari buli-buli ke ureter atau terjadi refluks vesico-ureter. Keadaan ini jika berlangsung terus akan mengakibatkan hidroureter, hidronefrosis, bahkan akhirnya dapat jatuh ke dalam gagal ginjal.7

Hiperplasi prostat↓

Penyempitan lumen uretra posterior↓

Tekanan intravesikal ↑

Buli-buli Ginjal dan Ureter Hipertrofi otot detrusor - Refluks vesiko-ureter

Trabekulasi - Hidroureter

Selula - Hidronefrosis

Divertikel buli-buli - Pionefrosis Pilonefritis

- Gagal ginjalPada BPH terdapat dua komponen yang berpengaruh untuk terjadinya gejala yaitu

komponen mekanik dan komponen dinamik. Komponen mekanik ini berhubungan dengan adanya pembesaran kelenjar periuretra yang akan mendesak uretra pars prostatika sehingga terjadi gangguan aliran urine (obstruksi infra vesikal) sedangkan komponen dinamik meliputi tonus otot polos prostat dan kapsulnya, yang merupakan alpha adrenergik reseptor. Stimulasi pada alpha adrenergik reseptor akan menghasilkan kontraksi otot polos prostat ataupun kenaikan tonus. Komponen dinamik ini tergantung dari stimulasi syaraf simpatis, yang juga tergantung dari beratnya obstruksi oleh komponen mekanik.6

6. Gambaran Klinis BPHGejala hiperplasia prostat dapat menimbulkan keluhan pada saluran kemih maupun keluhan di luar saluran kemih.1. Gejala pada saluran kemih bagian bawahKeluhan pada saluran kemih sebelah bawah (LUTS) terdiri atas gejala obstruktif dan gejala iritatif. Gejala obstruktif disebabkan oleh karena penyempitan uretara pars prostatika karena didesak oleh prostat yang membesar dan kegagalan otot detrusor untuk berkontraksi cukup kuat dan atau cukup lama sehingga kontraksi terputus-putus.

Gejalanya ialah : 1. Harus menunggu pada permulaan miksi (Hesistancy)

2. Pancaran miksi yang lemah (weak stream)

3. Miksi terputus (Intermittency)

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4. Menetes pada akhir miksi (Terminal dribbling)

5. Rasa belum puas sehabis miksi (Sensation of incomplete bladder emptying).

Manifestasi klinis berupa obstruksi pada penderita hipeplasia prostat masih tergantung tiga faktor, yaitu :1. Volume kelenjar periuretral

2. Elastisitas leher vesika, otot polos prostat dan kapsul prostat

3. Kekuatan kontraksi otot detrusor7,10,11

Tidak semua prostat yang membesar akan menimbulkan gejala obstruksi, sehingga meskipun volume kelenjar periurethral sudah membesar dan elastisitas leher vesika, otot polos prostat dan kapsul prostat menurun, tetapi apabila masih dikompensasi dengan kenaikan daya kontraksi otot detrusor maka gejala obstruksi belum dirasakan.8

Gejala iritatif disebabkan oleh karena pengosongan vesica urinaria yang tidak sempurna pada saat miksi atau disebabkan oleh hipersensitifitas otot detrusor karena pembesaran prostat menyebabkan rangsangan pada vesica, sehingga vesica sering berkontraksi meskipun belum penuh.

Gejalanya ialah :1. Bertambahnya frekuensi miksi (Frequency)

2. Nokturia

3. Miksi sulit ditahan (Urgency)

4. Disuria (Nyeri pada waktu miksi)

Gejala-gejala tersebut diatas sering disebut sindroma prostatismus. Secara klinis derajat berat gejala prostatismus itu dibagi menjadi :

Grade I : Gejala prostatismus + sisa kencing <>Grade II : Gejala prostatismus + sisa kencing > 50 ml

Grade III: Retensi urin dengan sudah ada gangguan saluran kemih bagian atas + sisa urin > 150 ml.8

Untuk menilai tingkat keparahan dari keluhan pada saluran kemih sebelah bawah, WHO menganjurkan klasifikasi untuk menentukan berat gangguan miksi yang disebut Skor Internasional Gejala Prostat atau I-PSS (International Prostatic Symptom Score). Sistem skoring I-PSS terdiri atas tujuh pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan keluhan miksi (LUTS) dan satu pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan kualitas hidup pasien. Setiap pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan keluhan miksi diberi nilai 0 sampai dengan 5, sedangkan keluhan yang menyangkut kualitas hidup pasien diberi nilai dari 1 hingga 7.

Dari skor I-PSS itu dapat dikelompokkan gejala LUTS dalam 3 derajat, yaitu: - Ringan : skor 0-7

- Sedang : skor 8-19- Berat : skor 20-35

Timbulnya gejala LUTS merupakan menifestasi kompensasi otot vesica urinaria untuk mengeluarkan urin. Pada suatu saat otot-otot vesica urinaria akan mengalami kepayahan (fatique) sehingga jatuh ke dalam fase dekompensasi yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk retensi urin akut.Faktor pencetusKompensasi Dekompensasi(LUTS) Retensi urin

Inkontinensia paradoksaInternational Prostatic Symptom Score

Pertanyaan Jawaban dan skor

Keluhan pada bulan terakhir

Tidak sekali

<20% <50% 50% >50% Hampir selalu

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a. Adakah anda merasa buli-buli tidak kosong setelah berkemih

0 1 2 3 4 5

b. Berapa kali anda berkemih lagi dalam waktu 2 menit

0 1 2 3 4 5

c. Berapa kali terjadi arus urin berhenti sewaktu berkemih

0 1 2 3 4 5

d. Berapa kali anda tidak dapat menahan untuk berkemih

0 1 2 3 4 5

e. Beraapa kali terjadi arus lemah sewaktu memulai kencing

0 1 2 3 4 5

f. Berapa keli terjadi bangun tidur anda kesulitan memulai untuk berkemih

0 1 2 3 4 5

g. Berapa kali anda bangun untuk berkemih di malam hari

0 1 2 3 4 5

Jumlah nilai :0 = baik sekali 3 = kurang1 = baik 4 = buruk2 = kurang baik 5 = buruk sekali

Timbulnya dekompensasi vesica urinaria biasanya didahului oleh beberapa faktor pencetus, antara lain:

Volume vesica urinaria tiba-tiba terisi penuh yaitu pada cuaca dingin, menahan kencing terlalu lama, mengkonsumsi obat-obatan atau minuman yang mengandung diuretikum (alkohol, kopi) dan minum air dalam jumlah yang berlebihan

Massa prostat tiba-tiba membesar, yaitu setelah melakukan aktivitas seksual atau mengalami infeksi prostat akut

Setelah mengkonsumsi obat-obatan yang dapat menurunkan kontraksi otot detrusor atau yang dapat mempersempit leher vesica urinaria, antara lain: golongan antikolinergik atau alfa adrenergik.7

2. Gejala pada saluran kemih bagian atasKeluhan akibat penyulit hiperplasi prostat pada saluran kemih bagian atas berupa gejala obstruksi antara lain nyeri pinggang, benjolan di pinggang (yang merupakan tanda dari hidronefrosis)., atau demam yang merupakan tanda dari infeksi atau urosepsis.3. Gejala di luar saluran kemih

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Tidak jarang pasien berobat ke dokter karena mengeluh adanya hernia inguinalis atau hemoroid. Timbulnya kedua penyakit ini karena sering mengejan pada saat miksi sehingga mengakibatkan peningkatan tekanan intraabdominal.7

7. Diagnosis BPHa. Anamnesis : gejala obstruktif dan gejala iritatifb. Pemeriksaan FisikPemeriksaan colok dubur dapat memberikan gambaran tentang keadaan tonus spingter ani, reflek bulbo cavernosus, mukosa rektum, adanya kelainan lain seperti benjolan di dalam rektum dan tentu saja teraba prostat. Pada perabaan prostat harus diperhatikan :1. Konsistensi prostat (pada hiperplasia prostat konsistensinya kenyal)

2. Adakah asimetris

3. Adakah nodul pada prostate

4. Apakah batas atas dapat diraba

5. Sulcus medianus prostate

6. Adakah krepitasi

Colok dubur pada hiperplasia prostat menunjukkan prostat teraba membesar, konsistensi prostat kenyal seperti meraba ujung hidung, permukaan rata, lobus kanan dan kiri simetris, tidak didapatkan nodul, dan menonjol ke dalam rektum. Semakin berat derajat hiperplasia prostat, batas atas semakin sulit untuk diraba. Sedangkan pada carcinoma prostat, konsistensi prostat keras dan atau teraba nodul dan diantara lobus prostat tidak simetris. Sedangkan pada batu prostat akan teraba krepitasi.

Pemeriksaan fisik apabila sudah terjadi kelainan pada traktus urinaria bagian atas kadang-kadang ginjal dapat teraba dan apabila sudah terjadi pielonefritis akan disertai sakit pinggang dan nyeri ketok pada pinggang. Vesica urinaria dapat teraba apabila sudah terjadi retensi total, daerah inguinal harus mulai diperhatikan untuk mengetahui adanya hernia. Genitalia eksterna harus pula diperiksa untuk melihat adanya kemungkinan sebab yang lain yang dapat menyebabkan gangguan miksi seperti batu di fossa navikularis atau uretra anterior, fibrosis daerah uretra, fimosis, condiloma di daerah meatus.

Pada pemeriksaan abdomen ditemukan kandung kencing yang terisi penuh dan teraba masa kistus di daerah supra simfisis akibat retensio urin dan kadang terdapat nyeri tekan supra simfisis.c. Pemeriksaan Laboratorium

Pemeriksaan laboratorium berperan dalam menentukan ada tidaknya komplikasi.1. Darah : - Ureum dan Kreatinin


Blood urea nitrogen

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)

Gula darah

2. Urin : - Kultur urin + sensitifitas test

Urinalisis dan pemeriksaan mikroskopik


Sedimen urin diperiksa untuk mencari kemungkinan adanya proses infeksi atau inflamasi pada saluran kemih. Pemeriksaan kultur urine berguna dalam mencari jenis kuman yang menyebabkan infeksi dan sekaligus menentukan sensitifitas kuman terhadap beberapa antimikroba yang diujikan.

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Faal ginjal diperiksa untuk mengetahui kemungkinan adanya penyulit yang mengenai saluran kemih bagian atas. Sedangkan gula darah dimaksudkan untuk mencari kemungkinan adanya penyakit diabetes mellitus yang dapat menimbulkan kelainan persarafan pada vesica urinaria.d. Pemeriksaan pencitraan1. Foto polos abdomen (BNO)

BNO berguna untuk mencari adanya batu opak di saluran kemih, adanya batu/kalkulosa prostat dan kadangkala dapat menunjukkan bayangan vesica urinaria yang penuh terisi urin, yang merupakan tanda dari suatu retensi urine. Selain itu juga bisa menunjukkan adanya hidronefrosis, divertikel kandung kemih atau adanya metastasis ke tulang dari carsinoma prostat.2. Pielografi Intravena (IVP)

Pemeriksaan IVP dapat menerangkan kemungkinan adanya:1. kelainan pada ginjal maupun ureter berupa hidroureter atau hidronefrosis

2. memperkirakan besarnya kelenjar prostat yang ditunjukkan oleh adanya indentasi prostat (pendesakan vesica urinaria oleh kelenjar prostat) atau ureter di sebelah distal yang berbentuk seperti mata kail atau hooked fish

3. penyulit yang terjadi pada vesica urinaria yaitu adanya trabekulasi, divertikel, atau sakulasi vesica urinaria

4. foto setelah miksi dapat dilihat adanya residu urin

3. Sistogram retrogradApabila penderita sudah dipasang kateter oleh karena retensi urin, maka sistogram retrograd

dapat pula memberi gambaran indentasi.4. USG secara transrektal (Transrectal Ultrasonography = TURS)Untuk mengetahui besar atau volume kelenjar prostat, adanya kemungkinan pembesaran prostat maligna, sebagai petunjuk untuk melakukan biopsi aspirasi prostat, menentukan volume vesica urinaria dan jumlah residual urine, serta mencari kelainan lain yang mungkin ada di dalam vesica urinaria seperti batu, tumor, dan divertikel.5. Pemeriksaan SistografiDilakukan apabila pada anamnesis ditemukan hematuria atau pada pemeriksaan urine ditemukan mikrohematuria. Sistografi dapat memberikan gambaran kemungkinan tumor di dalam vesica urinaria atau sumber perdarahan dari atas bila darah datang dari muara ureter, atau batu radiolusen di dalam vesica. Selain itu juga memberi keterangan mengenai basar prostat dengan mengukur panjang uretra pars prostatika dan melihat penonjolan prostat ke dalam uretra.

6. MRI atau CT jarang dilakukanDigunakan untuk melihat pembesaran prostat dan dengan bermacam – macam potongan.

e. Pemeriksaan Lain1. Uroflowmetri

Untuk mengukur laju pancaran urin miksi. Laju pancaran urin ditentukan oleh : - daya kontraksi otot detrusor tekanan intravesica

resistensi uretra

Angka normal laju pancaran urin ialah 10-12 ml/detik dengan puncak laju pancaran mendekati 20 ml/detik. Pada obstruksi ringan, laju pancaran melemah menjadi 6 – 8 ml/detik dengan puncaknya sekitar 11 – 15 ml/detik. Semakin berat derajat obstruksi semakin lemah pancaran urin yang dihasilkan.2. Pemeriksaan Tekanan Pancaran (Pressure Flow Studies)

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Pancaran urin melemah yang diperoleh atas dasar pemeriksaan uroflowmetri tidak dapat membedakan apakah penyebabnya adalah obstruksi atau daya kontraksi otot detrusor yang melemah. Untuk membedakan kedua hal tersebut dilakukan pemeriksaan tekanan pancaran dengan menggunakan Abrams-Griffiths Nomogram. Dengan cara ini maka sekaligus tekanan intravesica dan laju pancaran urin dapat diukur.3. Pemeriksaan Volume Residu Urin

Volume residu urin setelah miksi spontan dapat ditentukan dengan cara sangat sederhana dengan memasang kateter uretra dan mengukur berapa volume urin yang masih tinggal atau ditentukan dengan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi setelah miksi, dapat pula dilakukan dengan membuat foto post voiding pada waktu membuat IVP. Pada orang normal sisa urin biasanya kosong, sedang pada retensi urin total sisa urin dapat melebihi kapasitas normal vesika. Sisa urin lebih dari 100 cc biasanya dianggap sebagai batas indikasi untuk melakukan intervensi pada penderita prostat hipertrofi.3,6,8,10,11

8 Diagnosis Banding1. Kelemahan detrusor kandung kemih

1. kelainan medula spinalis

2. neuropatia diabetes mellitus

3. pasca bedah radikal di pelvis

4. farmakologik

2. Kandung kemih neuropati, disebabkan oleh :

1. kelainan neurologik

2. neuropati perifer

3. diabetes mellitus

4. alkoholisme

5. farmakologik (obat penenang, penghambat alfa dan parasimpatolitik)

3. Obstruksi fungsional :

1. dis-sinergi detrusor-sfingter terganggunya koordinasi antara kontraksi detrusor dengan relaksasi sfingter

2. ketidakstabilan detrusor

4. Kekakuan leher kandung kemih :

Fibrosis5. Resistensi uretra yang meningkat disebabkan oleh :

1. hiperplasia prostat jinak atau ganas

2. kelainan yang menyumbatkan uretra

3. uretralitiasis

4. uretritis akut atau kronik

e. striktur uretra6. Prostatitis akut atau kronis3,11

9. Kriteria Pembesaran ProstatUntuk menentukan kriteria prostat yang membesar dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara,

diantaranya adalah :1. Rektal grading

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Berdasarkan penonjolan prostat ke dalam rektum : derajat 1 : penonjolan 0-1 cm ke dalam rektum

derajat 2 : penonjolan 1-2 cm ke dalam rektum

derajat 3 : penonjolan 2-3 cm ke dalam rektum

derajat 4 : penonjolan > 3 cm ke dalam rektum

2. Berdasarkan jumlah residual urine

derajat 1 : <>

derajat 2 : 50-100 ml

derajat 3 : >100 ml

derajat 4 : retensi urin total

3. Intra vesikal grading

derajat 1 : prostat menonjol pada bladder inlet

derajat 2 : prostat menonjol diantara bladder inlet dengan muara ureter

derajat 3 : prostat menonjol sampai muara ureter

derajat 4 : prostat menonjol melewati muara ureter

4. Berdasarkan pembesaran kedua lobus lateralis yang terlihat pada uretroskopi : - derajat 1 : kissing 1 cm

derajat 2 : kissing 2 cm

derajat 3 : kissing 3 cm

derajat 4 : kissing >3 cm6

10. KomplikasiDilihat dari sudut pandang perjalanan penyakitnya, hiperplasia prostat dapat menimbulkan

komplikasi sebagai berikut :1. Inkontinensia Paradoks

2. Batu Kandung Kemih

3. Hematuria

4. Sistitis

5. Pielonefritis

6. Retensi Urin Akut Atau Kronik

7. Refluks Vesiko-Ureter

8. Hidroureter

9. Hidronefrosis

10. Gagal Ginjal11

11. PenatalaksanaanHiperplasi prostat yang telah memberikan keluhan klinik biasanya akan menyebabkan

penderita datang kepada dokter. Derajat berat gejala klinik dibagi menjadi empat gradasi berdasarkan penemuan pada colok dubur dan sisa volume urin, yaitu:

- Derajat satu, apabila ditemukan keluhan prostatismus, pada colok dubur ditemukan penonjolan prostat, batas atas mudah diraba dan sisa urin kurang dari 50 ml.

- Derajat dua, apabila ditemukan tanda dan gejala sama seperti pada derajat satu, prostat lebih menonjol, batas atas masih dapat teraba dan sisa urin lebih dari 50 ml tetapi kurang dari 100 ml.

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- Derajat tiga, seperti derajat dua, hanya batas atas prostat tidak teraba lagi dan sisa urin lebih dari 100 ml- Derajat empat, apabila sudah terjadi retensi urin total.Organisasi kesehatan dunia (WHO) menganjurkan klasifikasi untuk menentukan berat gangguan miksi yang disebut WHO PSS (WHO Prostate Symptom Score). Skor ini berdasarkan jawaban penderita atas delapan pertanyaan mengenai miksi. Terapi non bedah dianjurkan bila WHO PSS tetap dibawah 15. Untuk itu dianjurkan melakukan kontrol dengan menentukan WHO PSS. Terapi bedah dianjurkan bila WHO PSS 25 ke atas atau bila timbul obstruksi.3,11

Pembagian derajat beratnya hiperplasia prostat derajat I-IV digunakan untuk menentukan cara penanganan. Derajat satu biasanya belum memerlukan tindakan operatif, melainkan dapat diberikan pengobatan secara konservatif.

Derajat dua sebenarnya sudah ada indikasi untuk melakukan intervensi operatif, dan yang sampai sekarang masih dianggap sebagai cara terpilih ialah trans uretral resection (TUR). Kadang-kadang derajat dua penderita masih belum mau dilakukan operasi, dalam keadaan seperti ini masih bisa dicoba dengan pengobatan konservatif.

Derajat tiga, TUR masih dapat dikerjakan oleh ahli urologi yang cukup berpengalaman biasanya pada derajat tiga ini besar prostat sudah lebih dari 60 gram. Apabila diperkirakan prostat sudah cukup besar sehingga reseksi tidak akan selesai dalam satu jam maka sebaiknya dilakukan operasi terbuka.

Derajat empat tindakan pertama yang harus segera dikerjakan ialah membebaskan penderita dari retensi urin total, dengan jalan memasang kateter atau memasang sistostomi setelah itu baru dilakukan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut untuk melengkapi diagnostik, kemudian terapi definitif dapat dengan TURP atau operasi terbuka.3,11

Terapi sedini mungkin sangat dianjurkan untuk mengurangi gejala, meningkatkan kualitas hidup dan menghindari komplikasi akibat obstruksi yang berkepanjangan. Tindakan bedah masih merupakan terapi utama untuk hiperplasia prostat (lebih dari 90% kasus). Meskipun demikian pada dekade terakhir dikembangkan pula beberapa terapi non-bedah yang mempunyai keunggulan kurang invasif dibandingkan dengan terapi bedah. Mengingat gejala klinik hiperplasia prostat disebabkan oleh 3 faktor yaitu pembesaran kelenjar periuretral, menurunnya elastisitas leher vesika, dan berkurangnya kekuatan detrusor, maka pengobatan gejala klinik ditujukan untuk :1. Menghilangkan atau mengurangi volume prostat

2. Mengurangi tonus leher vesika, otot polos prostat dan kapsul prostat

3. Melebarkan uretra pars prostatika, menambah kekuatan detrusor 7,11

Tujuan terapi pada pasien hiperplasia prostat adalah menghilangkan obstruksi pada leher vesica urinaria. Hal ini dapat dicapai dengan cara medikamentosa, pembedahan, atau tindakan endourologi yang kurang invasif.

Pilihan Terapi pada Hiperplasi Prostat Benigna7

Observasi Medikamentosa Operasi Invasif Minimal

Watchfull waiting

Penghambat adrenergik α

Prostatektomi terbukaTUMTTUBD

Penghambat reduktase α


Endourologi1. TUR P


3. TULP (laser)

Strent uretra dengan


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Terapi Konservatif Non Operatif1. Observasi (Watchful waiting)

Biasanya dilakukan pada pasien dengan keluhan ringan. Nasihat yang diberikan adalah mengurangi minum setelah makan malam untuk mengurangi nokturia, menghindari obat-obatan dekongestal (parasimpatolitik), mengurangi minum kopi, dan tidak diperbolehkan minuman alkohol agar tidak sering miksi. Setiap 3 bulan lakukan kontrol keluhan (sistem skor), sisa kencing dan pemeriksaan colok dubur.5

2. MedikamentosaTujuan terapi medikamentosa adalah untuk:

1. mengurangi resistensi leher buli-buli dengan obat-obatan golongan blocker (penghambat alfa adrenergik)

2. menurunkan volume prostat dengan cara menurunkan kadar hormon testosteron/dehidrotestosteron (DHT)

Obat Penghambat adrenergik Dasar pengobatan ini adalah mengusahakan agar tonus otot polos di dalam prostat dan leher

vesica berkurang dengan menghambat rangsangan alpha adrenergik. Seperti diketahui di dalam otot polos prostat dan leher vesica banyak terdapat reseptor alpha adrenergik. Obat-obatan yang sering digunakan prazosin, terazosin, doksazosin, dan alfuzosin. Obat penghambat alpha adrenergik yang lebih selektif terhadap otot polos prostat yaitu α1a(tamsulosin), sehingga efek sistemik yang tak diinginkan dari pemakai obat ini dapat dikurangi. Dosis dimulai 1 mg/hari sedangkan dosis tamzulosin 0,2-0,4 mg/hari. Penggunaan antagonis alpha 1 adrenergik untuk mengurangi obstruksi pada vesica tanpa merusak kontraktilitas detrusor.

Obat-obatan golongan ini memberikan perbaikan laju pancaran urine, menurunkan sisa urine dan mengurangi keluhan. Obat-obat ini juga memberi penyulit hipotensi, pusing, mual, lemas, dan meskipun sangat jarang bisa terjadi ejakulasi retrograd, biasanya pasien mulai merasakan berkurangnya keluhan dalam waktu 1-2 minggu setelah pemakaian obat.Obat Penghambat Enzim 5 Alpha ReduktaseObat yang dipakai adalah finasterid (proskar) dengan dosis 1x5 mg/hari. Obat golongan ini dapat menghambat pembentukan dehidrotestosteron sehingga prostat yang membesar dapat mengecil. Namun obat ini bekerja lebih lambat daripada golongan alpha blocker dan manfaatnya hanya jelas pada prostat yang sangat besar. Salah satu efek samping obat ini adalah melemahkan libido dan ginekomastia. 3,4,12

FitoterapiMerupakan terapi alternatif yang berasal dari tumbuhan. Fitoterapi yang digunakan untuk pengobatan

BPH adalah Serenoa repens atau Saw Palmetto dan Pumpkin Seeds. Keduanya, terutama Serenoa

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repens semakin diterima pemakaiannya dalam upaya pengendalian prostatisme BPH dalam konteks “watchfull waiting strategy”.

Saw Palmetto menunjukkan perbaikan klinis dalam hal: frekuensi nokturia berkurang

aliran kencing bertambah lancar

volume residu di kandung kencing berkurang

gejala kurang enak dalam mekanisme urinaria berkurang.

Mekanisme kerja obat diduga kuat: menghambat aktivitas enzim 5 alpha reduktase dan memblokir reseptor androgen

bersifat antiinflamasi dan anti oedema dengan cara menghambat aktivitas enzim cyclooxygenase dan 5 lipoxygenase. 4,5

3. Terapi OperatifTindakan operasi ditujukan pada hiperplasi prostat yang sudah menimbulkan penyulit tertentu, antara

lain: retensi urin, batu saluran kemih, hematuri, infeksi saluran kemih, kelainan pada saluran kemih bagian atas, atau keluhanLUTS yang tidak menunjukkan perbaikan setelah menjalani pengobatan medikamentosa. Tindakan operasi yang dilakukan adalah operasi terbuka atau operasi endourologi transuretra.1. Prostatektomi terbuka

a.1. Retropubic infravesica (Terence Millin)Keuntungan :

Tidak ada indikasi absolut, baik untuk adenoma yang besar pada subservikal

Mortaliti rate rendah

Langsung melihat fossa prostat

Dapat untuk memperbaiki segala jenis obstruksi leher buli

Perdarahan lebih mudah dirawat

Tanpa membuka vesika sehingga pemasangan kateter tidak perlu selama bila membuka vesika

Kerugian : Dapat memotong pleksus santorini

Mudah berdarah

Dapat terjadi osteitis pubis

Tidak bisa untuk BPH dengan penyulit intravesikal

Tidak dapat dipakai kalau diperlukan tindakan lain yang harus dikerjakan dari dalam vesika

Komplikasi : perdarahan, infeksi, osteitis pubis, trombosisa.2. Suprapubic Transvesica/TVP (Freeyer)

Keuntungan : Baik untuk kelenjar besar

Banyak dikerjakan untuk semua jenis pembesaran prostat

Operasi banyak dipergunakan pada hiperplasia prostat dengan penyulit : batu buli, batu ureter distal, divertikel, uretrokel, adanya sistostomi, retropubik sulit karena kelainan os pubis, kerusakan sphingter eksterna minimal.

Kerugian :- Memerlukan pemakain kateter lebih lama sampai luka pada dinding vesica sembuh

Sulit pada orang gemuk

Sulit untuk kontrol perdarahan

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Merusak mukosa kulit

Mortality rate 1 -5 %

Komplikasi : Striktura post operasi (uretra anterior 2 – 5 %, bladder neck stenosis 4%)

Inkontinensia (<1%)


Epididimo orchitis

Recurent (10 – 20%)


Ejakulasi retrograde



Deep venous trombosis

a.3. TransperinealKeuntungan :

Dapat langssung pada fossa prostat

Pembuluh darah tampak lebih jelas

Mudah untuk pinggul sempit

Langsung biopsi untuk karsinoma

Kerugian : Impotensi


Bisa terkena rektum

Perdarahan hebat

Merusak diagframa urogenital 3,6,7,8,1011

b. Prostatektomi Endourologib.1.Trans Urethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)Yaitu reseksi endoskopik malalui uretra. Jaringan yang direseksi hampir seluruhnya terdiri dari jaringan kelenjar sentralis. Jaringan perifer ditinggalkan bersama kapsulnya. Metode ini cukup aman, efektif dan berhasil guna, bisa terjadi ejakulasi retrograd dan pada sebagaian kecil dapat mengalami impotensi. Hasil terbaik diperoleh pasien yang sungguh membutuhkan tindakan bedah. Untuk keperluan tersebut, evaluasi urodinamik sangat berguna untuk membedakan pasien dengan obstruksi dari pasien non-obstruksi. Evaluasi ini berperan selektif dalam penentuan perlu tidaknya dilakukan TUR.Saat ini tindakan TUR P merupakan tindakan operasi paling banyak dikerjakan di seluruh dunia. Reseksi kelenjar prostat dilakukan trans-uretra dengan mempergunakan cairan irigan (pembilas) agar supaya daerah yang akan direseksi tetap terang dan tidak tertutup oleh darah. Cairan yang dipergunakan adalah berupa larutan non ionik, yang dimaksudkan agar tidak terjadi hantaran listrik pada saat operasi. Cairan yang sering dipakai dan harganya cukup murah adalah H2O steril (aquades).Salah satu kerugian dari aquades adalah sifatnya yang hipotonik sehingga cairan ini dapat masuk ke sirkulasi sistemik melalui pembuluh darah vena yang terbuka pada saat reseksi. Kelebihan air dapat menyebabkan terjadinya hiponatremia relatif atau gejala intoksikasi air atau dikenal dengan sindroma TUR P. Sindroma ini ditandai dengan pasien yang mulai gelisah, kesadaran somnolen, tekanan darah meningkat, dan terdapat bradikardi.

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Jika tidak segera diatasi, pasien akan mengalami edema otak yang akhirnya jatuh dalam keadaan koma dan meninggal. Angka mortalitas sindroma TURP ini adalah sebesar 0,99%. Karena itu untuk mengurangi timbulnya sindroma TUR P dipakai cairan non ionik yang lain tetapi harganya lebih mahal daripada aquades, antara lain adalah cairan glisin, membatasi jangka waktu operasi tidak melebihi 1 jam, dan memasang sistostomi suprapubik untuk mengurangi tekanan air pada buli-buli selama reseksi prostat.

Keuntungan : Luka incisi tidak ada

Lama perawatan lebih pendek

Morbiditas dan mortalitas rendah

Prostat fibrous mudah diangkat

Perdarahan mudah dilihat dan dikontrol

Kerugian : Teknik sulit

Resiko merusak uretra

Intoksikasi cairan

Trauma sphingter eksterna dan trigonum

Tidak dianjurkan untuk BPH yang besar

Alat mahal

Ketrampilan khusus

Komplikasi:- Selama operasi: perdarahan, sindrom TURP, dan perforasi- Pasca bedah dini: perdarahan, infeksi lokal atau sistemik- Pasca bedah lanjut: inkontinensia, disfungsi ereksi, ejakulasi retrograd, dan striktura uretra.

b.2.Trans Urethral Incision of Prostate (TUIP)Metode ini di indikasikan untuk pasien dengan gejala obstruktif, tetapi ukuran prostatnya mendekati normal. Pada hiperplasia prostat yang tidak begitu besar dan pada pasien yang umurnya masih muda umumnya dilakukan metode tersebut atau incisi leher buli-buli atau bladder neck incision (BNI) pada jam 5 dan 7. Terapi ini juga dilakukan secara endoskopik yaitu dengan menyayat memakai alat seperti yangg dipakai pada TUR P tetapi memakai alat pemotong yang menyerupai alat penggaruk, sayatan dimulai dari dekat muara ureter sampai dekat ke verumontanum dan harus cukup dalam sampai tampak kapsul prostat.Kelebihan dari metode ini adalah lebih cepat daripada TUR dan menurunnya kejadian ejakulasi retrograde dibandingkan dengan cara TUR.b.3.Trans Urethral Laser of the Prostate (Laser prostatectomy)Oleh karena cara operatif (operasi terbuka atau TUR P) untuk mengangkat prostat yang membesar merupakan operasi yang berdarah, sedang pengobatan dengan TUMT dan TURF belum dapat memberikan hasil yang sebaik dengan operasi maka dicoba cara operasi yang dapat dilakukan hampir tanpa perdarahan.Waktu yang diperlukan untuk melaser prostat biasanya sekitar 2-4 menit untuk masing-masing lobus prostat (lobus lateralis kanan, kiri dan medius). Pada waktu ablasi akan ditemukan pop corn effect sehingga tampak melalui sistoskop terjadi ablasi pada permukaan prostat, sehingga uretra pars prostatika akan segera menjadi lebih lebar, yang kemudian masih akan diikuti efek ablasi ikutan yang akan menyebabkan “laser nekrosis” lebih dalam setelah 4-24 minggu sehingga hasil akhir nanti akan terjadi rongga didalam prostat menyerupai rongga yang terjadi sehabis TUR.

Keuntungan bedah laser ialah :

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1. Tidak menyebabkan perdarahan sehingga tidak mungkin terjadi retensi akibat bekuan darah dan tidak memerlukan transfusi

2. Teknik lebih sederhana

3. Waktu operasi lebih cepat

4. Lama tinggal di rumah sakit lebih singkat

5. Tidak memerlukan terapi antikoagulan

6. Resiko impotensi tidak ada

7. Resiko ejakulasi retrograd minimal

Kerugian :Penggunaan laser ini masih memerlukan anestesi (regional).6,8,11

3. Invasif Minimal1. Trans Urethral Microwave Thermotherapy (TUMT)

Cara memanaskan prostat sampai 44,5C – 47C ini mulai diperkenalkan dalam tiga tahun terakhir ini. Dikatakan dengan memanaskan kelenjar periuretral yang membesar ini dengan gelombang mikro (microwave) yaitu dengan gelombang ultarasonik atau gelombang radio kapasitif akan terjadi vakuolisasi dan nekrosis jaringan prostat, selain itu juga akan menurunkan tonus otot polos dan kapsul prostat sehingga tekanan uretra menurun sehingga obstruksi berkurang. lanjut mengenai cara kerja dasar klinikal, efektifitasnya serta side efek yang mungkin timbul.Cara kerja TUMT ialah antene yang berada pada kateter dapat memancarkan microwave kedalam jaringan prostat. Oleh karena temperatur pada antene akan tinggi maka perlu dilengkapi dengan surface costing agar tidak merusak mucosa ureter. Dengan proses pendindingan ini memang mucosa tidak rusak tetapi penetrasi juga berkurang.Cara TURF (trans Uretral Radio Capacitive Frequency) memancarkan gelombang “radio frequency” yang panjang gelombangnya lebih besar daripada tebalnya prostat juga arah dari gelombang radio frequency dapat diarahkan oleh elektrode yang ditempel diluar (pada pangkal paha) sehingga efek panasnya dapat menetrasi sampai lapisan yang dalam. Keuntungan lain oleh karena kateter yang ada alat pemanasnya mempunyai lumen sehingga pemanasan bisa lebih lama, dan selama pemanasan urine tetap dapat mengalir keluar.2. Trans Urethral Ballon Dilatation (TUBD)

Dilatasi uretra pars prostatika dengan balon ini mula-mula dikerjakan dengan jalan melakukan commisurotomi prostat pada jam 12.00 dengan jalan melalui operasi terbuka (transvesikal).Prostat di tekan menjadi dehidrasi sehingga lumen uretra melebar. Mekanismenya :1. Kapsul prostat diregangkan

2. Tonus otot polos prostat dihilangkan dengan penekanan tersebut

3. Reseptor alpha adrenergic pada leher vesika dan uretra pars prostatika dirusak

3. Trans Urethral Needle Ablation (TUNA)

Yaitu dengan menggunakan gelombang radio frekuensi tinggi untuk menghasilkan ablasi termal pada prostat. Cara ini mempunyai prospek yang baik guna mencapai tujuan untuk menghasilkan prosedur dengan perdarahan minimal, tidak invasif dan mekanisme ejakulasi dapat dipertahankan.4. Stent Urethra

Pada hakekatnya cara ini sama dengan memasang kateter uretra, hanya saja kateter tersebut dipasang pada uretra pars prostatika. Bentuk stent ada yang spiral dibuat dari logam bercampur emas yang dipasang diujung kateter (Prostacath). Stents ini digunakan sebagai protesis indwelling permanen yang ditempatkan dengan bantuan endoskopi atau bimbingan pencitraan. Untuk

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memasangnya, panjang uretra pars prostatika diukur dengan USG dan kemudian dipilih alat yang panjangnya sesuai, lalu alat tersebut dimasukkan dengan kateter pendorong dan bila letak sudah benar di uretra pars prostatika maka spiral tersebut dapat dilepas dari kateter pendorong. Pemasangan stent ini merupakan cara mengatasi obstruksi infravesikal yang juga kurang invasif, yang merupakan alternatif sementara apabila kondisi penderita belum memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan terapi yang lebih invasif. 2,7,8,11


3. Sjamsuhidajat R, de Jong W. Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah Edisi revisi, Jakarta : EGC, 1997.4. Majalah Illmu Bedah Indonesia: ROPANASURI Vol XXV, No. 1, Januari-Maret 1997; 375. Anonim. Kumpilan Kuliah Ilmu Bedah Khusus, Jakarta : Aksara Medisina, 1997.6. Priyanto J.E. Benigna Prostat Hiperplasi, Semarang : Sub Bagian Bedah Urologi FK UNDIP.7. Purnomo B.P. Buku Kuliah Dasar – Dasar Urologi, Jakarta : CV.Sagung Seto, 2000.8. Rahardjo D. Pembesaran Prostat Jinak; Beberapa Perkembangan Cara Pengobatan, Jakarta : Kuliah Staf

Subbagian Urologi Bagian Bedah FK UI R.S. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, 1993.9. Cockett A.T.K, Koshiba K : Manual of Urologic Surgery, New York, Springer Verlag, 5, 1979, 125-410. Reksoprodjo S. Prostat Hipertrofi, Kumpulan Kuliah Ilmu Bedah cetakan pertama, Jakarta : Binarupa

Aksara, 1995.11. Tenggara T. Gambaran Klinis dan Penatalaksanaan Hipertrofi Prostat, Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia

volume: 48, Jakarta : IDI, 1998.12. Mansjoer, A., dkk, Kapita Selekta Indonesia, Penerbit Media Asculapius, FK UI 2000; 320-3


2. Anatomy of the Prostate

The prostate is a gland inverted cone-shaped capsule coated fibromuskuler, located next to the inferior urinary vesicles, surrounds the proximal urethra (prostatic urethra) and is located on the anterior rectum. The shape of a walnut with a normal weight in adults less than 20 grams, with a distance of the base to the apex of approximately 3 cm, width of the most distant 4 cm with a thickness of 2.5 cm.5

The prostate gland is divided into five lobes:

1. medial lobes

2. lateral lobe (2 lobes)

3. anterior lobe

4. posterior lobe 5.6

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During development medial lobe, the anterior lobe, posterior lobe would be the one and only called the medial lobes. In cross-section, medial lobes are sometimes not visible because it is too small and the other lobes appear homogeneous gray, with small cysts filled with fluid milk, called gland cysts prostat.6

Mc Neal (1976) divides the prostate gland in some zones, include: peripheral zone, central zone, the transitional zone, anterior fibromuskuler zones, and zones periuretral. Most prostatic hyperplasia found in transitional zones are located proximal to the external sfincter on either side of the verumontanum and periuretral zone. Both of these zones are only 2% of the entire volume of the prostate. While the growth of prostate carcinoma from perifer.7 zone, 8

Prostate has approximately 20 duct which empties into the right side of the verumontanum posterior section of the prostatic urethra. On the right front obtained pubo prostatic ligament, triangular ligament on the bottom and on the back inferior fascia denonvilliers obtained.

Denonvilliers fascia consists of two sheets, front sheet tightly attached to the prostate and seminal vesicles, whereas the back sheet loosely attached to the fascia pelvis and prostate separating the rectum. Between the endopelvic fascia and the capsule of the prostate obtained actual fairy prostate tissue containing plexus prostatovesikal.6

On a cross section of the prostate gland consists of:

1. Anatomical Capsules

As the connective tissue that contains smooth muscles that wrap around the prostate gland.

2. Tissue stroma composed of fibrous tissue and muscular tissue

3. Gland tissue were divided into 3 parts:

1. The outside of the gland called the prostate gland principalis or actually produce raw materials secretions.

2. The middle section is called submucosal glands, this layer also called adenomatous zone

3. Around the urethra is called periurethral glands or mucous glands are the smallest part. This section serinng enlarge or hypertrophy in the elderly.

In BPH, the prostate capsule consists of 3 layers:

1. anatomical capsule

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2. chirurgicum capsule, is due to the actual prostate gland terjepitnya (outer zone) to form the capsule

3. capsules formed from fibromuskuler network between the inside (inner zone) and the outside (outer zone) of the prostate gland.

BPH commonly occurs in the lateral lobe and medial lobes because they contain a lot of glandular tissue, but did not have an enlarged at the posterior than medial lobe (posterior lobe) that is part of a development of the common occurrence of prostate malignancy. While less experienced anterior lobe hyperplasia due to tissue contains little kelenjar.5, 6

Histologically, the prostate glands consist of coated thoracic epithelium and in the basal layer are also kuboid cells, so that the whole looks like epithelial lined epithelium.


Vascularization of the prostate gland from a major yanng. inferior vesical (a branch of a. iliaca interna), a. hemoroidalis media (a branch of a. mesentery inferior), and a. The internal pudendal (a branch of a. iliaca interna). The branches of the artery goes through the base of the prostate in prostatic Vesico Junction. The spread of the arteries in the prostate were divided into 2 groups:

1. Artery group urethra, through the capsule at the postero lateral vesico prostatic junction and give bleeding in the bladder neck and the periurethral glands.

2. Group capsule artery, lateral to penetrate and give some branches memvaskularisasi gland peripheral part (the paraurethral glands) .9

Lymph flow

The flow of lymph from the prostate gland form a plexus in the fairy prostate which then unite to form some of the major vessels, leading to the lymph nodes iliaca interna, iliaca externa, obturator and sakral.9


Secretion and motor from mensarafi prostate plexus of sympathetic and spinal Hipogastricus sacred III-IV of the sacral plexus.

3. Prostate Physiology

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The prostate is a secondary sex gland in men that produces seminal fluid and plasma, with a ratio of 13-32% prostate fluid and seminal vesicle fluid 46-80% at the time of ejaculation. The prostate gland is under the influence of androgens Bodies and may be terminated by giving Stilbestrol.

4. The etiology of BPH

Until now still not known for certain causes of prostate hyperplasia, but several hypotheses mentioned that prostatic hyperplasia is closely related to elevated levels of dehidrotestosteron (DHT) and the aging process (getting old) .7

Some theories or hypotheses are suspected as the cause of prostatic hyperplasia are:

1. Hormonal Theory

With age will change the hormonal balance, which is between testosterone and estrogen. Due to decreased testosterone production and the conversion of testosterone to estrogen in peripheral adipose tissue with the help of the enzyme aromatase, which is the nature of estrogen will stimulate hyperplasia of the stroma, which raised the suspicion that testosterone is necessary for the initiation of cell proliferation but then estrogenlah that contribute to the development of stromal . Another possibility is that changes in the relative concentrations of testosterone and estrogen will cause the production and potentiation of other growth factors that can lead to an enlarged prostate.

In normal pituitary gonadotropin hormones will cause testicular androgen hormone production that will control the growth of the prostate. With increasing age, there will be a decrease of testicular function (spermatogenesis), which will lead to a progressive decline of androgen secretion. This result will greatly stimulate gonadotropin hormone estrogen production by the Sertoli cells. Seen from a functional histological, prostate consists of two parts, namely a central around the urethra that reacts to estrogen and peripheral parts that do not respond to estrogen.

2. Theory Growth Factor (Growth Factor)

The role of this growth factor as a driver of growth in the stroma of the prostate gland. There are four peptic growth factor: basic transforming growth factor, transforming growth factor 1, 2 transforminggrowth factor and epidermal growth factor.

3. Theory of long-life increased prostate cells because the cells are dead berkuramgnya

4. Stem Cell Theory (stem cell hypothesis)

As in other organs, prostate gland periuretral in this case in an adult is in a state of equilibrium "steady state", between cell growth and cell death, the balance is due to the presence of certain levels of testosterone in the prostate tissue that can affect the stem cells that can proliferate. In certain circumstances the number of stem cells can be increased resulting in more rapid

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proliferation. Abnormal stem cell proliferation leading to the production or proliferation of stromal cells and epithelial cells periuretral prostate gland becomes redundant.

5. Theory Dehidrotestosteron (DHT)

Testosterone is produced by the Leydig cells of the testis (90%) and a portion of the adrenal gland (10%) in the blood circulation and 98% will be bound by sex hormone binding globulin to globulin (SHBG). Being only 2% in a state of free testosterone. Free testosterone is what can get into the "target cell" that prostate cells directly through the cell membrane into the cytoplasm, the cell, testosterone is reduced by the enzyme 5alpha reductase into 5 dehidrotestosteron who then met with cytoplasmic receptors become "hormone receptor complex." Then "hormone receptor complex" is undergoing transformation receptors, a "nuclear receptor" that went into the core which is then attached to the chromatin and lead to m-RNA transcription. RNA will cause protein synthesis leads to growth prostat.5 gland, 6,8,10

5. Pathophysiology of BPH

Enlarged prostate causes a narrowing of the lumen of prostatic urethra and will impede the flow of urine. This situation led to increased pressure intravesikal. To be able to eject the urine, the bladder must contract more forcefully to resist detention. Ongoing contraction this causes anatomic changes of the bladder detrusor muscle hypertrophy form, trabekulasi, selula formation, sakula, and diverticular bladder. Detrusor muscle thickening phase is called phase compensation.

Changes in the structure of the bladder is felt by the patient as a complaint on the lower urinary tract or lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) formerly known as prostatismus symptoms.

With the increasing urethral resistance, detrusor muscle into the phase of decompensation and eventually no longer able to contract, causing urinary retention. Intravesikal the higher pressure will be forwarded to all parts of the pot is no exception in both estuaries ureter. Pressure in both estuaries ureter can cause backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureter or vesico-ureteric reflux occurs. This situation if continued will result hidroureter, hydronephrosis, and even eventually fall into kidney failure.

Bladder kidneys and ureters

• detrusor muscle hypertrophy - vesico-ureteric reflux

• Trabekulasi - Hidroureter

• Selula - Hydronephrosis

• diverticular bladder - Pionefrosis Pilonefritis

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- Renal failure

In BPH, there are two components to the occurrence of symptoms affecting the mechanical components and dynamic components. Mechanical components are related to the enlargement of the periurethral glands would urge the prostatic urethra resulting in urinary flow interference (obstruction infra vesikal) while the dynamic components include prostate smooth muscle tone and the capsule, which is an alpha adrenergic receptor. Alpha adrenergic receptor stimulation would result in contraction of prostatic smooth muscle tone or rising. This dynamic component depends on sympathetic nerve stimulation, which also depends on the severity of obstruction by component mekanik.6

6. Clinical BPH

Symptoms of prostate hyperplasia can cause urinary tract complaints and grievances outside the urinary tract.

1. Symptoms of lower urinary tract

Complaints on the lower urinary tract (LUTS) consists of obstructive symptoms and irritative symptoms. Obstructive symptoms caused by narrowing of the pars prostatic uretara as urged by an enlarged prostate, and the failure of the detrusor muscle to contract strongly enough and long enough so that the contraction or disjointed.

Symptoms are:

1. Had to wait at the beginning of micturition (Hesistancy)

2. Arc of micturition weak (weak stream)

3. Micturition disconnected (intermittency)

4. Dripping at the end of micturition (terminal dribbling)

5. Taste was not satisfied after micturition (Sensation of incomplete bladder emptying).

Clinical manifestations in the form of obstruction in patients with prostate hipeplasia still depends three factors, namely:

1. Volume gland periuretral

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2. Elasticity neck vesicles, prostate smooth muscle and prostate capsule

3. Detrusor7 muscle contraction strength, 10.11

Not all of the enlarged prostate will cause symptoms of obstruction, so that although the volume of periurethral glands are enlarged and elastic neck vesicles, prostate smooth muscle and decreased prostate capsule, but if they are compensated by the increase in the detrusor muscle contraction force of obstructive symptoms have not dirasakan.8

Irritating symptoms caused by gallbladder emptying urinary imperfect during micturition or hypersensitivity caused by detrusor muscle due to an enlarged prostate cause stimulation to the gallbladder, so the gallbladder is often contracted though not yet full.

Symptoms are:

1. Increased frequency of micturition (Frequency)

2. Nocturia

3. Micturition hard to resist (Urgency)

4. Dysuria (pain during micturition)

The symptoms mentioned above are often called prostatismus syndrome. In clinical severity of symptoms prostatismus is divided into:

Grade I: Symptoms prostatismus + residual urine <>

Grade II: Symptoms prostatismus + residual urine> 50 ml

Grade III: Urinary retention with existing upper urinary tract disorders + residual urine> 150 ml.8

To assess the severity of complaints in the lower urinary tract, WHO recommends classification to determine the weight of micturition disorders called the International Prostate Symptom Score or I-PSS (International Prostatic Symptom Score). I-PSS scoring system consists of seven questions related to micturition complaints (LUTS) and one question related to the quality of life of patients. Any questions related to micturition complaints were given a value of 0 to 5, while complaints concerning the quality of life of patients rated from 1 to 7.

From the I-PSS score that can be grouped into 3 degrees LUTS symptoms, namely: - Lightweight: score 0-7

- Medium: scores 8-19

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- Weight: score 20-35

LUTS is a manifestation of the onset of symptoms of muscle compensation urinary gallbladder to release urine. At one time, the muscles will undergo gallbladder urinary difficulty (fatigue) that fall into the phase of decompensation are realized in the form of acute urinary retention.

Precipitating factors

Compensation decompensation

(LUTS) Urinary retention

Incontinence paradoksa

Onset of decompensation urinary gallbladder is usually preceded by some trigger factors, among others:

• Volume gallbladder urinary suddenly filled the cold weather, holding urine too long, consuming drugs or beverages containing diuretikum (alcohol, coffee) and drinking excessive amounts of water

• Mass suddenly enlarged prostate, after sexual activity or acute prostate infection

• After taking the drugs that can lower or detrusor muscle contractions that can narrow neck of gallbladder urinary, such as: class anticholinergics or alpha adrenergik.7

2. Symptoms of upper urinary tract

Complaints due to complications of prostate hyperplasia upper urinary tract obstruction in the form of symptoms such as low back pain, a lump in the waist (which is a sign of hydronephrosis)., Or a fever is a sign of infection or urosepsis.

3. Urinary tract symptoms beyond

Not infrequently the patient went to the doctor because complain of inguinal hernia or hemorrhoids. The emergence of the two diseases because of frequent straining during micturition, resulting in increased pressure intraabdominal.7

7. The diagnosis of BPH

a. Anamnesis: symptoms of obstructive and irritative symptoms

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b. Physical examination

Digital rectal examination can provide a snapshot of the state of spingter ani muscle tone, reflexes bulbo cavernosus, rectal mucosa, other abnormalities such as a lump in the rectum and certainly palpable prostate. On palpation the prostate should be noted:

1. The consistency of the prostate (the chewy consistency prostatic hyperplasia)

2. Is there an asymmetric

3. Is there a nodule on the prostate

4. Is the upper limit can be touched

5. Median sulcus prostate

6. Is there crepitus

Digital rectal examination on prostate hyperplasia showed palpable enlarged prostate, prostate chewy consistency like touching the nose, flat surface, right and left lobes symmetrical, not found nodules, and protruding into the rectum. The more severe the degree of prostatic hyperplasia, the upper limit of the more difficult to be touched. While in prostate carcinoma, prostate hard consistency or palpable nodules and symmetric between prostate lobes. While the prostate will be palpated stone crackles.

Physical examination when it happened urinary tract abnormalities in the upper sometimes kidney may be palpable and when it will happen pyelonephritis with back pain and pain in the waist of word. Gallbladder may be palpable urinary retention occur when it is total, the inguinal area should begin to be considered to determine the hernia. External genitalia should also be checked to see if there are other possible causes that can lead to micturition disorders such as stones or urethral fossa navikularis anterior urethral fibrosis area, phimosis, condiloma in the meatus.

On examination the abdomen was found filled bladder and palpable in the supra kistus period symphysis due to retained urine, and sometimes there is a supra symphysis tenderness.

c. Laboratory

Laboratory tests play a role in determining the presence or absence of complications.

1. Blood: - U + Creatinine

• Electrolytes

• Blood urea nitrogen

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• Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)

• Blood Sugar

2. Urine: - + Urine culture sensitivity test

• Urinalysis and microscopic examination

• Sediment

Urine sediment examined for possible presence of infection or inflammation in the urinary tract. Examination of urine culture is useful in finding the type of germs that cause infections and also to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to multiple antimicrobials tested.

Renal physiology examined for the possibility of complications that the upper urinary tract. While blood sugar intended to seek the possibility of diabetes mellitus can cause neurological abnormalities on urinary gallbladder.

d. Imaging examinations

1. Plain abdominal (BNO)

BNO is useful to look for the opaque stones in the urinary tract, a stone / kalkulosa prostate and sometimes can indicate a urinary gallbladder shadow filled up the urine, which is a sign of a urinary retention. It also can indicate the presence of hydronephrosis, bladder diverticular or presence of bone metastases of prostate carcinoma.

2. Pielografi Intravenous (IVP)

IVP examination may explain the possibility of:

1. abnormalities in the kidneys or ureters or hydronephrosis form hidroureter

2. estimate the magnitude of the prostate gland demonstrated by the indentation prostate (urinary gallbladder crowding by the prostate gland) or distal ureter shaped like a fish hook or hooked

3. gallbladder complications that occur in the presence of urinary trabekulasi, diverticular, gallbladder or urinary sakulasi

4. photo after micturition residual urine can be seen in the

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3. Sistogram retrograde

If patients had catheter because of urinary retention, then sistogram retrograde can also give an overview indentation.

4. Transrectal ultrasound (transrectal ultrasonography = TURS)

To determine the volume of the prostate gland or, the possibility of malignant prostate enlargement, as clues to perform aspiration biopsy of prostate, urinary and gallbladder volume determines the amount of residual urine, as well as finding other abnormalities that may be present in the gallbladder such as urinary stones, tumors, and diverticular.

5. Examination Sistografi

Performed if the history was found on examination of urine or hematuria was found mikrohematuria. Sistografi can give the possibility of a tumor in the gallbladder or urinary when the source of bleeding from the blood coming from the mouth of the ureter, or radiolucent stones in the gallbladder. It also gives information about prostate basar by measuring the length of prostatic urethra prostatic protrusion and look into the urethra.

6. MRI or CT is rarely done

Used to see an enlarged prostate and a wide - range of pieces.

e. Another examination

1. Uroflowmetri

To measure the rate of emission of urine micturition. The rate of emission of urine is determined by: - detrusor muscle contraction force

• pressure intravesica

• urethral resistance

Normal rate of urine emission rate is 10-12 ml / sec with peak emission rate of approximately 20 ml / sec. In mild obstruction, the rate of emission fell to 6-8 ml / sec with a peak around 11-15 ml / sec. The more severe the degree of obstruction of the weak emission of urine produced.

2. Inspection Pressure Jets (Pressure Flow Studies)

The radiation weakened urine obtained on the basis of examination uroflowmetri can not distinguish whether the cause is obstruction or detrusor muscle contraction force is weakened. To

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distinguish these two things are done checking pressure jets using Abrams-Griffiths nomogram. In this way it once intravesica pressure and urine emission rate can be measured.

3. Examination of Residual Urine Volume

The volume of residual urine after spontaneous micturition can be determined in a very simple way by putting urethral catheter and measure how much urine volume is still living or determined by ultrasonography after micturition, can also be done by creating a picture post voiding when making IVP. In normal residual urine is usually empty, while the total residual urine urinary retention may exceed the normal capacity of vesicles. Residual urine of more than 100 cc are usually considered to be the limit indication for intervention in patients with prostate hipertrofi.3, 6,8,10,11

8 Differential Diagnosis

1. The weakness of the bladder detrusor

1. Spinal cord abnormalities

2. neuropatia diabetes mellitus

3. post-radical pelvic surgery

4. pharmacologic

2. Bladder neuropathy, caused by:

1. neurologic abnormalities

2. peripheral neuropathy

3. diabetes mellitus

4. alcoholism

5. pharmacologic (sedative, alpha blockers and parasimpatolitik)

3. Functional Obstruction:

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1. dis-synergies detrusor-sphincter disruption of coordination between detrusor contraction with sphincter relaxation

2. detrusor instability

4. Stiffness of the neck of the bladder:


5. Increased urethral resistance caused by:

1. benign prostatic hyperplasia or malignant

2. abnormalities that obstruct the urethra

3. uretralitiasis

4. acute or chronic urethritis

e. urethral stricture

6. Acute prostatitis or kronis3, 11

9. Criteria for Enlarged Prostate

To determine the criteria for an enlarged prostate can be done in several ways, such as:

1. Rectal grading

Based on the protrusion of the rectum into the prostate:

• level 1: protrusion of 0-1 cm into the rectum

• 2nd degree: protrusion of 1-2 cm into the rectum

• level 3: protrusion 2-3 cm into the rectum

• level 4: protrusion of> 3 cm into the rectum

2. Based on the amount of residual urine

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• level 1: <>

• 2nd degree: 50-100 ml

• grade 3:> 100 ml

• level 4: total urinary retention

3. Intra vesikal grading

• level 1: Prostate prominent bladder inlet

• 2nd degree: Prostate prominent among the estuary inlet ureter bladder

• level 3: Prostate stand up to the mouth of the ureter

• level 4: prostate protruding past the mouth of the ureter

4. Under magnification the two lateral lobes seen in uretroskopi: - degree 1: kissing 1 cm

• 2nd degree: kissing 2 cm

• 3rd degree: kissing 3 cm

• degree 4: kissing> 3 CM6

10. Complication

Seen from the point of view of course of their illness, prostate hyperplasia can cause the following complications:

1. Incontinence Paradox

2. Bladder stones

3. Hematuria

4. Cystitis

5. Pyelonephritis

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6. Chronic Or Acute Urinary Retention

7. Vesico-ureter reflux

8. Hidroureter

9. Hydronephrosis

10. Failed Ginjal11

11. Management

Prostatic hyperplasia who have given complaint clinic will usually cause the patient comes to the doctor. Severity of clinical symptoms were divided into four gradations based findings on digital rectal examination and residual urine volume, namely:

- The degree of one, if found prostatismus complaint, found on digital rectal prostate protrusion, the upper limit easily palpable and residual urine of less than 50 ml.

- Second degree, if found the same signs and symptoms as in degree one, the prostate is more prominent, the upper limit can still be felt and residual urine of more than 50 ml but less than 100 ml.

- Degree of three, such as the degree of the two, only the upper limit of the prostate was not palpable anymore and residual urine more than 100 ml

- The degree of four, when it occurs in total urinary retention.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the classification to determine the weight of micturition disorders called PSS World Health Organization (WHO Prostate Symptom Score). This score is based on answers to the eight questions regarding patient micturition. Non-surgical therapy is recommended when WHO PSS remained below 15. For that it is recommended to control by specifying WHO PSS. Surgical therapy is recommended when WHO PSS 25 and up or when arising obstruksi.3, 11

Distribution prostatic hyperplasia severity grade I-IV is used to determine the handling.

• Grade one usually do not require surgery, but conservative treatment can be given.

• Grade two is actually already there are indications for operative intervention, and which is still regarded as a means of trans-urethral resection is elected (TUR). Sometimes two people with

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degrees are still not willing to do the operation, in a situation like this can still be tested with conservative treatment.

• Grade three, TUR can still be done by a urologist who is experienced enough usually to the degree of the three major prostate is already more than 60 grams. If the estimated prostate resection was large enough that will not be finished in one hour open surgery should be performed.

• Grade four first action that must be done is to liberate people from total urinary retention, by the way put a catheter or install sistostomi only then do further tests to complete the diagnosis, then treatment can definitively with TURP or surgery terbuka.3, 11

Therapy as early as possible is highly recommended to reduce symptoms, improve quality of life and avoid complications due to prolonged obstruction. Surgery is still the mainstay of therapy for prostatic hyperplasia (more than 90% of cases). Nevertheless in the last decade also developed several non-surgical therapies have the advantage of less invasive than surgical therapy. Given the clinical symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia is caused by three factors: periuretral gland enlargement, decreased elasticity of the neck vesicles, and reduced the power of the detrusor, the clinical symptoms, treatment is aimed at:

1. Eliminating or reducing prostate volume

2. Reduced neck tone vesicles, prostate smooth muscle and prostate capsule

3. Dilate the prostatic urethra, adding strength detrusor 7.11

The goal of therapy in patients with prostate hyperplasia is the removal of urinary obstruction in the gallbladder neck. This can be achieved by means medikamentosa, surgery, or actions that are less invasive endourology.

1. Observation (Watchful waiting)

Usually performed on patients with minor complaints. The advice given is to reduce drink after dinner to reduce nocturia, avoiding drugs dekongestal (parasimpatolitik), drink less coffee, and alcoholic beverages are not allowed in order not to frequent micturition. Every 3 months did control complaints (score system), residual urine and inspection plug dubur.5

2. Medikamentosa

Purpose of medical treatment are to:

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1. reduce bladder neck resistance to medications blocker group (alpha adrenergic inhibitors)

2. decrease prostate volume by lowering levels of testosterone / dehidrotestosteron (DHT)

Drug adrenergic blockers

Basic treatment is to keep smooth muscle tone in the prostate and the neck of gallbladder reduced by inhibition of alpha-adrenergic stimulation. As is known in the smooth muscle of the prostate and the neck of gallbladder alpha adrenergic receptor is widely available. Medications are often used prazosin, terazosin, doksazosin, and alfuzosin. Adrenergic alpha inhibitor drugs that are more selective for the prostate smooth muscle 1a (tamsulosin), so that the unwanted systemic effects ofα the drug users can be reduced. Starting dose of 1 mg / day dose while tamzulosin 0.2 to 0.4 mg / day. The use of alpha 1-adrenergic antagonists to reduce obstruction in the gallbladder without damaging detrusor contractility.

This class of drugs provides improved rate of emission of urine, lower residual urine and reduce complaints. These drugs are also given complications of hypotension, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and although very rarely retrograde ejaculation, usually the patient begins to feel reduced complaints within 1-2 weeks after taking the drug.

Drug enzyme 5 Alpha Reductase Inhibitors

The drugs used are finasterid (proskar) at a dose of 1x5 mg / day. These drugs can inhibit the formation of dehidrotestosteron that can shrink an enlarged prostate. However, these drugs work more slowly than alpha blocker group and only clear benefits to the prostate is very large. One side effect of this drug is to undermine the libido, and gynecomastia. 3,4,12


Is an alternative therapy that comes from plants. Fitoterapi used for the treatment of BPH is the Serenoa repens or Saw Palmetto and Pumpkin Seeds. Both, especially Serenoa repens increasingly accepted use in BPH prostatisme control efforts in the context of "watchfull strategy".

Saw Palmetto showed clinical improvement in terms of:

• reduced nocturia frequency

• increased urine flow smoothly

• residual volume in the bladder decreases

• symptoms less good in reduced urinary mechanism.

Mechanism of action of drugs allegedly:

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• inhibit the activity of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase and androgen receptor blocking

• is anti-inflammatory and anti-edema by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase 5. 4.5

3. Operative Therapy

Surgery is aimed at prostate hyperplasia which has caused certain complications, such as: urinary retention, urinary tract stones, hematuri, urinary tract infection, abnormalities in the upper urinary tract, or keluhanLUTS who showed no improvement after treatment medical. Surgery is performed open surgery or surgery transuretra endourology.

1. Open prostatectomy

a.1. Retropubic infravesica (Terence millin)


• There is no absolute indication for both a large adenomas subservikal

• Mortaliti low rate

• Direct view prostatic fossa

• Able to fix any kind of neck obstruction pot

• bleeding more easily treated

• Without opening the vesicles thus no need for a catheter when opening vesika


• Can be cut santorini plexus

• Easy bleeding

• Can occur osteitis pubis

• Not able to BPH with complications intravesikal

• Can not be used when other measures needed to be done from within the vesicles

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Complications: bleeding, infection, osteitis pubis, thrombosis

a.2. Suprapubic Transvesica / TVP (Freeyer)


• Good for large glands

• Many worked for all kinds of enlarged prostate

• Operations widely used in prostate hyperplasia with complications: a stone jar, distal ureteric stones, diverticular, uretrokel, the sistostomi, retropubic difficult because abnormalities os pubis, external sphingter minimal damage.


- Requires a longer catheter usage until the wound healed the gallbladder wall

• Difficult in obese people

• Difficult to control bleeding

• Damaging the skin mucosa

• Mortality rate of 1 -5%


• Striktura post surgery (anterior urethra 2-5%, bladder neck stenosis 4%)

• Incontinence (<1%)

• Bleeding

• epididymo orchitis

• Recurent (10-20%)

• Carcinoma

• retrograde ejaculation

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• Impotence

• Phimosis

• Deep venous thrombosis

a.3. Transperineal


• Can langssung the prostate fossa

• The blood vessels appear more clearly

• Easy to narrow hips

• Direct biopsy for carcinoma


• Impotence

• Incontinence

• Can be exposed rectum

• Bleeding great

• Damaging diagframa urogenital 3,6,7,8,1011

b. Prostatectomy endourology

b.1.Trans urethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)

That malalui endoscopic urethral resection. Resected tissue is almost entirely composed of the central gland tissue. Peripheral tissues left with capsules. This method is safe, effective and efficacious, retrograde ejaculation may occur in a minority and may experience impotence. The best results obtained by patients who truly require surgical. For this purpose, Urodynamics evaluation is useful to distinguish patients with obstruction of the patient's non-obstruction. Evaluation is a selective role in determining whether or not to do TUR.

Currently TUR P action is most surgeries done worldwide. Resection of the prostate gland performed by using trans-urethral fluid irigan (rinse) so that the area to be resected remain bright

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and not covered by the blood. The fluid used is a form of non-ionic solution, which is intended to prevent electrical conductivity at the time of surgery. Fluids are often used and the price is quite cheap is sterile H2O (distilled water).

One disadvantage of distilled water is hypotonic so its liquid may enter the systemic circulation through the veins were open at the time of resection. Excess water can lead to hyponatremia relative or symptoms of water intoxication or TUR syndrome known as P. This syndrome is characterized by patients who are getting restless, somnolence awareness, increased blood pressure, and there is bradycardia.

If not addressed, the patient will experience brain edema that eventually fell into a coma and died. TURP syndrome mortality rate was 0.99%. Therefore, to reduce the incidence of TUR syndrome P non ionic liquids used others but is more expensive than distilled water, among others, is fluid glycine, limiting the period of operation does not exceed 1 hour, and suprapubic sistostomi installed to reduce water pressure on the bladder during resection prostate.


• no incision wound

• The duration of treatment is shorter

• Morbidity and mortality of low

• Prostate fibrous easily removed

• Bleeding is easily seen and controlled


• Mechanical difficult

• The risk of urethral damage

• Intoxication fluid

• Trauma sphingter external and trigonum

• Not recommended for large BPH

• Equipment is expensive

• Specific skills

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- During operation: bleeding, TURP syndrome, and perforation

- Post-surgical early: bleeding, local or systemic infection

- Post-surgery information: incontinence, erectile dysfunction, retrograde ejaculation and urethral striktura.

b.2.Trans urethral Incision of the Prostate (TUIP)

This method is indicated for patients with obstructive symptoms but close to normal prostate size. In prostate hyperplasia were not so great and at a young age patients usually do them or bladder neck incision or bladder neck incision (BNI) at 5 and 7. This therapy is also performed endoscopically with the use of instruments such yangg wrenching used in TUR P but using cutting tool that resembles a rake tool, incision begins near the mouth of the ureter until close to the verumontanum and be deep enough to look the prostate capsule.

The advantage of this method is faster than TUR and decreased incidence of retrograde ejaculation compared with the TUR.

b.3.Trans urethral Laser of the Prostate (Laser prostatectomy)

Because of the way the operative (open surgery or TUR P) to remove enlarged prostate is a bloody operation, while treatment with TUMT and TURF can not give as good results with surgery then try the operation way to do almost no bleeding.

The time required for prostate melaser usually about 2-4 minutes for each lobe of the prostate (right lateral lobe, left and medial). At the time of ablation will find pop corn so look through sistoskop effect occurs on the surface ablation of the prostate, prostatic urethra that would soon become wider, which is then followed by the effect of ablation will still follow that would lead to "laser necrosis" over the following 4-24 weeks so the end result will be happening in the prostate cavity cavity resembles that occurred after TUR.

Advantages of laser surgery are:

1. No cause bleeding that is not possible due to retention of blood clots and require no transfusion

2. The technique is simpler

3. Faster operating time

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4. The length of stay in hospital is shorter

5. Does not require anticoagulant therapy

6. There is no risk of impotence

7. Minimal risk of retrograde ejaculation


The use of these lasers still require anesthesia (regional) .6,8,11

3. Minimally Invasive

1. Trans urethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT)

How to heat the prostate to 44.5 C - 47 C was introduced in the last three years. Told by heating periuretral enlarged gland with microwaves (microwave) is a radio wave or capacitive ultarasonik will happen vakuolisasi and necrosis of prostate tissue, but it will also reduce smooth muscle tone and prostate capsule that urethral pressure decreases so that the obstruction is reduced. information about the workings of basic clinical, effectiveness and side effects that may arise.

The workings of TUMT is located on the antennae that can emit microwave catheters into the prostate tissue. Because of high temperatures on the antennae would then need to be equipped with a surface so as not to damage the mucosa costing ureter. With the fencing does not defective mucosa but penetration is also reduced.

How TURF (trans urethral Capacitive Radio Frequency) waves emit "radio frequency" wavelengths greater than the thickness of the prostate is also the direction of the radio wave frequency can be directed by electrodes attached outside (in the groin), so the effects of the heat can penetrate to the deep layers . Another advantage because the existing catheter lumen so that the heater has a heating could be longer, and during warm urine can still drain out.

2. Trans urethral dilatation Ballon (TUBD)

Dilated prostatic urethra with a balloon was originally done by doing commisurotomi prostate at 12:00 by road through open surgery (transvesikal).

Prostate in press became dehydrated so wide urethral lumen. The mechanism:

1. Prostate capsule is stretched

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2. Prostate smooth muscle tone with emphasis omitted the

3. Alpha adrenergic receptors in the neck and prostatic urethra vesika vandalized

3. Trans urethral Needle Ablation (TUNA)

That is by using high-frequency radio waves to produce thermal ablation of the prostate. This method has a good prospect for achieving the objective of obtaining procedures with minimal bleeding, non-invasive and can be maintained ejaculatory mechanism.

4. Urethra Stent

In essence this means the same as installing a urethral catheter, the catheter is placed only on the prostatic urethra. Form there is a spiral stent made of metal mixed with the gold tip catheter installed (Prostacath). Stents are used as permanent indwelling protesis placed with the help of endoscopy or imaging guidance. To install it, prostatic urethra length measured by ultrasound and then selected tools appropriate length and inserted with a catheter device drivers and if the location is right in the prostatic urethra spiral catheter can be removed from the driving. Stenting is a way to overcome obstruction infravesikal is also less invasive, which is a temporary alternative if the condition is not possible to get a more invasive therapies. 2,7,8,11


Carsinoma prostat paling umum terdiagnosis dan merupakan keganasan saluran kemih kedua paling sering dijumpai sesudah keganasan kandung kemih pada pria Amerika. Dari semua keganasan; prevalensi kanker prostat meningkat paling cepat sesuai pertambahan usia. Biasanya keganasan prostat ditemukan pada usia di atas 50 tahun dan jarang di bawah 50 tahun.Di Indonesia belum ada angka yang pasti tentang insiden dan mortalitas karena kanker prostat; tetapi berdasarkan pengamatan para ahli urologi; insiden kanker prostat cenderung meningkat. Penanganan kanker prostat di Indonesia masih jauh dari memadai bila dibandingkan negara maju. Penyebab tersebut oleh karena faktor penderita; pengelola; sarana serta sistem pelayanan. Dan hanya penderita yang didiagnosis dalam stadium dini dan mendapat penanganan yang adekuat yang punya harapan sembuh. Penderita kanker prostat lanjut; baik lokal maupun sistemik penanganannya hanya bersifat paliatif.Angka kejadian kanker prostat secara geografik dan rasial, lebih banyak terjadi pada orang kulit hitam di alamat Country California dibandingkan pada populasi si Shanghai atau Cina (Robin). Orang Amerika-Afrika berisiko lebih tinggi untuk mengalami kanker prostat dibanding orang kulit putib. Selain itu, pria Amerika-Afrika cenderung menunjukkan tahap penyakit lebih parah daripada orang kulit putih (Morton & Terrell). Masalah yang dihadapi pada kanker prostat adalah deteksi dini, oleh karena bersifat “sub clinical” dan kebanyakan didapatkan setelah pemeriksaan autopsy

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dari kelenjar prostat atau prostatektomi pada hiperplasi prostat (Douglas E. Johnson). Banyak peneliti menggunakan pemeriksaan colok dubur, trans ultrasonografi (TRUS) dan pemeriksaan Prostat Spesifik Antigen untuk diagnosis dini kanker prostat. Pemeriksaan ini dirasakan paling baik dan ekonomis.


Prostat merupakan kelenjar berbentuk konus terbalik yang dibungkus oleh kapsul fibro-muskuler yang terletak di inferior dari kandung kemih. Berat normalnya: 18-20 gram, didalamnya terdapat uretra pars posterior yang panjangnya 2,5 cm, ukuran prostat 3,5 cm pada potongan transversal basis dan 2,5 cm pada potongan vertikal dan antero-posterior. Jaringan penyangga prostat di bagian depan adalah ligamentum puboprostatikum dan di sebelah inferior oleh diafragma urogenital. Prostat di bagian belakang ditembus duktus ejakulotorius yang berjalan oblique sampai menembus veromontanum pada dasar uretra pars prostatika, tepat diproksimal dari sfinkter uretra eksterna.Secara makroskopis prostat terdiri dari otot polos dan jaringan ikat, organ ini menghasilkan sekret yang memberikan bau khas pada semen. Bagian-bagiannya :- Apex : bagian terbawah dari prostat, terletak kira-kira 12 cm posterior dari tepi bawah symphisis pubis.- Basis : bagian prostat yang terletak pada bidang horisontal setinggi pertengahan symphisis pubis.- permukaan inferolateral : bagian yang convex yang dipisahkan dari facies superior diafragma urogenital oleh plexus venosus. permukaan anterior: dipisahkan dari symphisis oleh jaringan lemak retro pubic legamentum pubo-prostatikum medialis melekat pada permukaan anterior ini.- permukaan posterior : datar dan berbentuk segitiga dimana terdapat median groove, permukaan posterior ini dapat diraba dengan colok dubur.

Lobus prostatMenurut klasifikasi dari Lowsley, prostat dibagi menjadi 5 lobos, yaitu :- lobus anterior- lobus posterior- lobus medialis- lobus lateral kanan- lobus lateral kirisedangkan menurut Me Neal, prostat dibagi- zona perifer- zona sentral- zona transisional- segmen anterior- zona sfinkter pre prostatikSecara mikroskopis : prostat terdiri dan 30-50 kelenjar tubulo-alveolur bercabang yang mengeluarkan sekretnya kedalam uretra pars prostalika pada saat ejakulasi. Prostat dibungkus kapsul fibro-elastik yang banyak mengandung otot polos, epithel pseudo komplek atau selapis silindris sampai kuboid rendah, tergantung sekresi kelenjar, lamina basalis tipis, dibawahnya terdapat jaringan ikat dan otot polos.

VaskularisasiProstat mendapat darah dari : A.pudenda interna, A.vesikalis inferior yang merupakan salah satu cabang dari A. iliaca intema, masuk kedalam prostat pada perbatasan prostat dan VU, serta A.

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Hemorholdalls medius. Darah vena dialirkan kembali melalui plexus venosus prostaticus yang kemudian diteruskan ke V. iliaca interna.

LympheAliran lympe dari prostat sebagian besar dialirkan ke Inn. iliaca interna, tetapi sebagian ada yang masuk ke Inn iliaca externa. Sebagian kecil masuk ke dalam Inn sacralis.

InervasiProstat diinervasi oleh pleksus nervosus prostaticus.

FISIOLOGI KELENJAR PROSTATProstat adalah suatu alat tubuh yang tergantung kepada pengaruh endokrin. Pengetahuan mengenai sifat endokrin ini masih belum pasti, tetapi jelas bahwa pengebirian menyebabkan kelenjar prostat mengecil. Pada binatang percobaan jika kelenjar hipofise diangkat maka prostat akan mengecil, atropi ini dapat dicegah dengan pemberian testosteron. Percobaan selanjutnya menunjukkan bahwa prostat akan membesar setelah pemberian estrogen pada binatang yang dikebiri. Bagian yang peka terhadap estrogen adalah bagian tengah, sedangkan bagian tepi peka terhadap androgen. Oleh karena itu pada orang tua bagian tengahlah yang mengalami hiperplasi karena sekresi androgen berkurang sehingga kadar estrogen relatif bertambah. Sel-sel kelenjar prostat dapat membentuk enzim asam fosfatase yang paling aktif bekerja pada ph 5. Kelenjar prostat mensekresi sedikit cairan yang berwarna putih susu dan bersifat alkalis. Cairan ini mengandung asam sitrat, asam fosfatase, kalsium dan koagulase serta fibrinolisis. Selama pengeluaran cairan prostat, kapsul kelenjar prostat akan berkontraksi bersamaan dengan kontraksi vas deferen dan cairan prostat keluar bercampur dengan semen yang lainnya.Cairan prostat merupakan 70% volume cairan ejakulat dan berfungsi memberikan makanan spermatozon dan menjaga agar spermatozon tidak cepat mati di dalam tubuh wanita, dimana sekret vagina sangat asam (PH: 3,5-4). Dengan demikian sperma dapat hidup lebih lama dan dapat melanjutkan perjalanan menuju tuba uterina dan melakukan pembuahan.

ETIOLOGI DAN FAKTOR RESIKOEtiologi karsinoma prostat belum diketahui secara pasti, tetapi dengan epidemiologi diduga penyebab terjadinya karsinoma prostat pada seseorang belum sepenuhnya jelas. Beberapa faktor risiko itu diantaranya :1. Faktor genetikDiduga bila pada keluarga misalnya ayah/kakak (first degree relative) dan kakek/paman (second degree relative) didapat karsinorna prostat maka resiko keganasan prostat tiga kali (Robin).Kulit hitam di Amerika Serikat mempunyai mortality rate dua kali dan kulit putih (Douglas E Johnsons).Tetapi apakah faktor lingkungan mempengaruhi juga faktor genetik sukar untuk ditentukan.2. Faktor hormonalAksi androgen pada sel epithel prostat, testosteron yang bebas masuk ke dalam sel menjadi dehidrotestosteron dengan bantuan enzim 5 alpha reduktase. Steroid reseptor kompleks dengan DNA akan niengakibatkan spesifik m RNA dan sintesa protein yang mempunyai efek metabolik dan proliferatif (Ronijn)3. Faktor diet dan lingkunganFaktor diet yaitu diet yang banyak mengandung lemak binatang dan perbedaan insiden kanker prostat pada populasi dengan ras dan lingkungan yang berbeda, sebagai contohnya generasi kedua dan ketiga orang Jepang yang bertempat tinggal di Amerika memiliki insiden yang sama dengan

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orang di Amerika Utara, sedangkan insiden kanker prostat di Jepang hanya 10% dari insiden di Amerika.4. Faktor infeksiDiduga bakteri dan virus dapat mempengaruhi terjadinya ca prostat, tetapi faktor ini masih menjadi perdebatan.Diantara faktor-faktor risiko tersebut, faktor risiko herediter (genetik) dan faktor diet yang telah terbukti sebagai risiko untuk karsinoma prostat. Bila ada salah satu pria hubungan keluarga segaris yang menderita karsinoma prostat, maka kemungkinan terkena karsinoma prostat menjadi 2 kali dan bila ada 2 pria segaris menderita karsinoma prostat maka kemungkinan terkena karsinoma prostat menjadi 5 sampai 11 kali.Untuk faktor resiko diet, yaitu banyak mengandung lemak binatang. Pria Jepang jarang menderita karsinoma prostat, tetapi setelah pindah ke daratan Amerika dan pola konsumsi dietnya berubah maka insiden karsinoma prostat pada imigran Jepang sama dengan masyarakat kulit putih Amerika.

GAMBARAN HISTOLOGISKeganasan prostat biasanya berupa acinus kelenjar kecil yang mengilfiltrasi dalam bentuk irreguler dan tak beraturan.karsinoma yang berasal dari kelenjar prostat yang menjadi hipertropik pada usia dekade kelima sampai tujuh. Agaknya proses menjadi ganas sudah mulai pada jaringan prostat yang masih muda. Karsinoma prostat paling sering (60-70%) terjadi pada zona perifer; sedangkan 10-20% berasal zona transisi dan 5-10% ada di zona central.Derajat keganasan (histopathologizal grading) didasarkan pada sistim yang dikembangkan oleh Gleason .Berdasarkan arsitektur dari jaringan Carsinoma Prostat bukan berdasarkan gambaran sel secara individu. Secara histologik Carsinoma Prostat biasanya menunjukkan 5 pola arsitektur. Skor dari Gleason adalah jumlah pola arsitektur primer dan sekunder yang dominan. Nilai skor ini berkisar 2 sampai 10 contoh 3+4 = 7 . Scor Gleason berkisar 2-10 ini berkorelasi kuat dengan angka survavilitas kasar,survavilitas bebas tumor,survavilitas spisifik-causa dan prediktor terhadap waktu rekurensi setelah prostatektomi radikal


Penderita  kanker prostat gejala bervariasi,tetapi prinsipnya ada :

1. Blader out flow obstruktion(BOO) seperti : frekuensi, hesistensi, pancaran lemah.2. ekstensi lokal dari tumor.

Gambaran klinis sesuai dengan stadium dari Ca prostat :

1.Ca prostat yang masih terlokalisr :

1. asimptomatic2. peningkatan PSA3. pancaran lemah4. sensasi sisa urin5. frekunsi6. urgensi

2.Ca prostat lokal lanjut

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1. Hematuri2. Disuri3. Nyeri suprapubik dan perineal4. Impotence5. Incontinence6. gejala gagal ginjal7. haemospermia.

3.Ca prostat yang sudah metastasis

1. Nyeri tulang atau isialgia2. paraplegi3. pembesaran limfonodi4. anuri5. letargi (anemia,uremia)6. berat badan turun dan caceksia7. perdarahan pada usus dan kulit

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Prostate CA

Prostate carcinoma is the most commonly diagnosed malignancy and the second most urinary tract are common after bladder malignancy in American men. Of all malignancies; prevalence of prostate cancer is increasing most rapidly according to age. Usually prostate malignancy discovered at the age of 50 years and rarely under 50 years old.

In Indonesia there are no exact figures on the incidence of and mortality from prostate cancer: but based on observations of the urologist; incidence of prostate cancer is likely to increase. Treatment of prostate cancer in Indonesia is still far from adequate when compared to developed countries. The cause was due to patient factors; management; infrastructure and service system. And only people who are diagnosed in early stages and get adequate treatment have hope for recovery. Patients with advanced prostate cancer; either local or systemic treatment is only palliative.

The incidence of prostate cancer is the geographic and racial, is more common in black people in the address Country California than in the population of Shanghai or China (Robin). African Americans are at higher risk for prostate cancer than white people putib. In addition, African-American men tend to show a more severe stage of the disease than white men (Morton & Terrell). Problems encountered in prostate cancer is early detection, so are "sub clinical" and mostly obtained after autopsy examination of the prostate or prostatectomy on prostate hyperplasia (Douglas E. Johnson). Many researchers using digital rectal examination, trans ultrasonography (TRUS) and Prostate Specific Antigen examination for early diagnosis of prostate cancer. This examination is felt most good and economical.


The prostate is an inverted cone-shaped gland wrapped by fibro-muscular capsule located on the inferior of the bladder. Normal weight: 18-20 grams, posterior urethra in which there is a length of 2.5 cm, 3.5 cm prostate size on transverse piece base and 2.5 cm in the vertical pieces and antero-posterior. Prostate tissue at the front of the buffer is puboprostatikum ligament and next inferior by the urogenital diaphragm. Prostate in the back penetrated ejakulotorius ducts that run oblique to penetrate veromontanum prostatic urethra at the base, right diproksimal of the external urethral sphincter.

Macroscopic prostate consists of smooth muscle and connective tissue, organ produces secretions that provide a distinctive odor on cement. Sections:

- Apex: the lowest part of the prostate, is located approximately 12 cm from the posterior edge of the symphisis pubis.

- Base: the prostate is located in the horizontal plane as high as the mid symphisis pubis.

- Inferolateral surface: convex parts are separated from the urogenital diaphragm facies superior venous plexus. anterior surface: separated from symphisis by fat tissue retro-pubic legamentum pubo prostatikum medial anterior surface is attached.

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- Posterior surface: flat and triangular in shape where there is a median groove, the posterior surface can be palpated by digital rectal examination.

Prostate lobes

According to the classification of Lowsley, the prostate is divided into 5 lobos, namely:

- The anterior lobe

- The posterior lobe

- Medial lobes

- Right lateral lobe

- The left lateral lobe

while according Me Neal, prostate divided

- Peripheral zone

- The central zone

- Transitional zones

- Anterior segment

- Pre-prostatic sphincter zone

Microscopically: the prostate gland composed and 30-50 branched tubulo-alveolur issued sekretnya prostalika into the urethra during ejaculation. Prostate wrapped fibro-elastic capsule that contains smooth muscle, epithelial layer of pseudo complex or kuboid cylindrical to low, depending on the secretion glands, thin basal lamina, underneath there is a connective tissue and smooth muscle.


Prostate blood received from: A.pudenda internal, inferior A.vesikalis which is one branch of A. iliaca intema, into the prostate in prostate border and VU, and A. Hemorholdalls medius. Venous blood flows back through the plexus venosus prostaticus which is then passed to V. iliaca interna.


Lympe flow of prostate mostly channeled to the Inn. iliaca interna, but some have entered into the Inn iliaca externa. A small portion into the Inn sacralis.


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Prostate innervated by a plexus nervosus prostaticus.


The prostate is an organ that depends on the influence of endocrine disruptors. Knowledge of the nature of this endocrine still uncertain, but it is clear that castration causes the prostate gland to shrink. In animal experiments if the pituitary gland removed will shrink the prostate, atrophy can be prevented by administration of testosterone. Further experiments showed that the prostate will enlarge after administration of estrogen in the castrated animals. The part that is sensitive to estrogen is the center, while the edges are sensitive to androgens. Therefore, the parents who are part tengahlah hyperplasia due to reduced androgen secretion so that the relative increase in estrogen levels. The cells of the prostate gland can form acid phosphatase enzyme most actively working on ph 5. The prostate gland secretes a slightly milky white liquid and is alkaline. This fluid contains citric acid, acid phosphatase, calcium and coagulase and fibrinolysis. During discharge the prostate, prostate gland capsule will contract simultaneously with contraction of vas deferen and prostatic fluid out of cement mixed with others.

A 70% prostate fluid volume ejaculate fluid and serves to provide food and keep spermatozon spermatozon not die quickly in the body of a woman, which is very acidic vaginal secretions (PH: 3.5 to 4). Thus, sperm can live longer and can move on to the uterine tube and fertilization.


The etiology of carcinoma of the prostate is not known with certainty, but the suspected cause of the epidemiology of prostate carcinoma in someone not entirely clear. Some risk factors include:

1. Genetic Factors

Presumably when the family such as father / brother (first degree relative) and grandfather / uncle (second degree relative) obtained karsinorna the risk of malignancy of prostate prostate three times (Robin).

Blacks in the United States have a mortality rate twice and whites (Douglas E Johnsons).

But whether environmental factors influence genetic factors are also difficult to determine.

2. Hormonal factors

Androgen action in prostate epithelial cells, testosterone-free entry into the cell becomes dehidrotestosteron with the help of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase. Steroid receptor complex with specific DNA will niengakibatkan m RNA and protein synthesis which has the effect of metabolic and proliferative (Ronijn)

3. Dietary and environmental factors

Dietary factors, namely diet that contains animal fat and prostate cancer incidence differences in populations with different racial and environment, for example the second and third generation Japanese people who live in America have the same incidence of people in North America, while the incidence of prostate cancer in Japan only 10% of incidents in the United States.

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4. Factors infection

Allegedly bacteria and viruses can affect the occurrence of prostate ca, but this factor is still being debated.

Among these risk factors, risk factors for hereditary (genetic) and dietary factors that have been shown to be risk for prostate carcinoma. If there is one man who suffers from a line of family relationships prostate carcinoma, prostate carcinoma then exposed to 2 times, and when there are two men suffering from prostate carcinoma line then the chances of developing prostate carcinoma to be 5 to 11 times.

For dietary risk factors, ie lots of animal fat. Japanese men rarely suffer from prostate carcinoma, but after moving to the mainland United States and diet consumption patterns change, the incidence of prostate carcinoma in Japanese immigrants with white American society.


Prostate malignancy is usually a small gland acinus mengilfiltrasi in the form of irregular and not beraturan.karsinoma derived from the hypertrophic prostate gland at the age of five to seven decades. Seems to have started the process of becoming malignant prostate tissue is still young. Prostate carcinoma most frequently (60-70%) occur in the peripheral zone, whereas 10-20% from 5-10% and the transition zone in the central zone.

The degree of malignancy (histopathologizal grading) is based on the system developed by Gleason. Based on the architecture of the network rather than on picture Carsinoma Prostate individual cells. In histological Carsinoma Prostate architectural patterns usually show 5. Gleason score is the sum of the primary and secondary architectural patterns are dominant. This score ranges from 2 to 10 examples of 3 +4 = 7. Scor Gleason 2-10 range is strongly correlated with the number survavilitas rough, survavilitas tumor free, survavilitas spisifik-causa and a predictor of recurrence after radical prostatectomy


Prostate cancer symptoms vary, but the principle is there:

1. Blader out flow obstruktion (BOO) such as: frequency, hesistensi, poor stream.

2. local extension of the tumor.

Clinical features according to the stage of prostate Ca:

1.Ca prostate still terlokalisr:

1. asimptomatic

2. increase in PSA

3. poor stream

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4. sensation of residual urine

5. frequency of

6. urgency

2.Ca locally advanced prostate

1. Hematuri

2. Disuri

3. Suprapubic and perineal pain

4. Impotence

5. Incontinence

6. symptoms of kidney failure

7. haemospermia.

3.Ca who had metastatic prostate

1. Bone pain or isialgia

2. paraplegi

3. enlarged lymph nodes

4. anuri

5. lethargy (anemia, uremia)

6. weight loss and caceksia

7. bleeding in the intestine and skin

Prostate CA

Prostate carcinoma is the most commonly diagnosed malignancy and the second most urinary tract are common after bladder malignancy in American men. Of all malignancies; prevalence of prostate cancer is increasing most rapidly according to age. Usually prostate malignancy discovered at the age of 50 years and rarely under 50 years old.

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In Indonesia there are no exact figures on the incidence of and mortality from prostate cancer: but based on observations of the urologist; incidence of prostate cancer is likely to increase. Treatment of prostate cancer in Indonesia is still far from adequate when compared to developed countries. The cause was due to patient factors; management; infrastructure and service system. And only people who are diagnosed in early stages and get adequate treatment have hope for recovery. Patients with advanced prostate cancer; either local or systemic treatment is only palliative.

The incidence of prostate cancer is the geographic and racial, is more common in black people in the address Country California than in the population of Shanghai or China (Robin). African Americans are at higher risk for prostate cancer than white people putib. In addition, African-American men tend to show a more severe stage of the disease than white men (Morton & Terrell). Problems encountered in prostate cancer is early detection, so are "sub clinical" and mostly obtained after autopsy examination of the prostate or prostatectomy on prostate hyperplasia (Douglas E. Johnson). Many researchers using digital rectal examination, trans ultrasonography (TRUS) and Prostate Specific Antigen examination for early diagnosis of prostate cancer. This examination is felt most good and economical.


The prostate is an inverted cone-shaped gland wrapped by fibro-muscular capsule located on the inferior of the bladder. Normal weight: 18-20 grams, posterior urethra in which there is a length of 2.5 cm, 3.5 cm prostate size on transverse piece base and 2.5 cm in the vertical pieces and antero-posterior. Prostate tissue at the front of the buffer is puboprostatikum ligament and next inferior by the urogenital diaphragm. Prostate in the back penetrated ejakulotorius ducts that run oblique to penetrate veromontanum prostatic urethra at the base, right diproksimal of the external urethral sphincter.

Macroscopic prostate consists of smooth muscle and connective tissue, organ produces secretions that provide a distinctive odor on cement. Sections:

- Apex: the lowest part of the prostate, is located approximately 12 cm from the posterior edge of the symphisis pubis.

- Base: the prostate is located in the horizontal plane as high as the mid symphisis pubis.

- Inferolateral surface: convex parts are separated from the urogenital diaphragm facies superior venous plexus. anterior surface: separated from symphisis by fat tissue retro-pubic legamentum pubo prostatikum medial anterior surface is attached.

- Posterior surface: flat and triangular in shape where there is a median groove, the posterior surface can be palpated by digital rectal examination.

Prostate lobes

According to the classification of Lowsley, the prostate is divided into 5 lobos, namely:

- The anterior lobe

- The posterior lobe

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- Medial lobes

- Right lateral lobe

- The left lateral lobe

while according Me Neal, prostate divided

- Peripheral zone

- The central zone

- Transitional zones

- Anterior segment

- Pre-prostatic sphincter zone

Microscopically: the prostate gland composed and 30-50 branched tubulo-alveolur issued sekretnya prostalika into the urethra during ejaculation. Prostate wrapped fibro-elastic capsule that contains smooth muscle, epithelial layer of pseudo complex or kuboid cylindrical to low, depending on the secretion glands, thin basal lamina, underneath there is a connective tissue and smooth muscle.


Prostate blood received from: A.pudenda internal, inferior A.vesikalis which is one branch of A. iliaca intema, into the prostate in prostate border and VU, and A. Hemorholdalls medius. Venous blood flows back through the plexus venosus prostaticus which is then passed to V. iliaca interna.


Lympe flow of prostate mostly channeled to the Inn. iliaca interna, but some have entered into the Inn iliaca externa. A small portion into the Inn sacralis.


Prostate innervated by a plexus nervosus prostaticus.


The prostate is an organ that depends on the influence of endocrine disruptors. Knowledge of the nature of this endocrine still uncertain, but it is clear that castration causes the prostate gland to shrink. In animal experiments if the pituitary gland removed will shrink the prostate, atrophy can be prevented by administration of testosterone. Further experiments showed that the prostate will enlarge after administration of estrogen in the castrated animals. The part that is sensitive to estrogen is the center, while the edges are sensitive to androgens. Therefore, the parents who are part tengahlah hyperplasia due to reduced androgen secretion so that the relative increase in

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estrogen levels. The cells of the prostate gland can form acid phosphatase enzyme most actively working on ph 5. The prostate gland secretes a slightly milky white liquid and is alkaline. This fluid contains citric acid, acid phosphatase, calcium and coagulase and fibrinolysis. During discharge the prostate, prostate gland capsule will contract simultaneously with contraction of vas deferen and prostatic fluid out of cement mixed with others.

A 70% prostate fluid volume ejaculate fluid and serves to provide food and keep spermatozon spermatozon not die quickly in the body of a woman, which is very acidic vaginal secretions (PH: 3.5 to 4). Thus, sperm can live longer and can move on to the uterine tube and fertilization.


The etiology of carcinoma of the prostate is not known with certainty, but the suspected cause of the epidemiology of prostate carcinoma in someone not entirely clear. Some risk factors include:

1. Genetic Factors

Presumably when the family such as father / brother (first degree relative) and grandfather / uncle (second degree relative) obtained karsinorna the risk of malignancy of prostate prostate three times (Robin).

Blacks in the United States have a mortality rate twice and whites (Douglas E Johnsons).

But whether environmental factors influence genetic factors are also difficult to determine.

2. Hormonal factors

Androgen action in prostate epithelial cells, testosterone-free entry into the cell becomes dehidrotestosteron with the help of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase. Steroid receptor complex with specific DNA will niengakibatkan m RNA and protein synthesis which has the effect of metabolic and proliferative (Ronijn)

3. Dietary and environmental factors

Dietary factors, namely diet that contains animal fat and prostate cancer incidence differences in populations with different racial and environment, for example the second and third generation Japanese people who live in America have the same incidence of people in North America, while the incidence of prostate cancer in Japan only 10% of incidents in the United States.

4. Factors infection

Allegedly bacteria and viruses can affect the occurrence of prostate ca, but this factor is still being debated.

Among these risk factors, risk factors for hereditary (genetic) and dietary factors that have been shown to be risk for prostate carcinoma. If there is one man who suffers from a line of family relationships prostate carcinoma, prostate carcinoma then exposed to 2 times, and when there are two men suffering from prostate carcinoma line then the chances of developing prostate carcinoma to be 5 to 11 times.

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For dietary risk factors, ie lots of animal fat. Japanese men rarely suffer from prostate carcinoma, but after moving to the mainland United States and diet consumption patterns change, the incidence of prostate carcinoma in Japanese immigrants with white American society.


Prostate malignancy is usually a small gland acinus mengilfiltrasi in the form of irregular and not beraturan.karsinoma derived from the hypertrophic prostate gland at the age of five to seven decades. Seems to have started the process of becoming malignant prostate tissue is still young. Prostate carcinoma most frequently (60-70%) occur in the peripheral zone, whereas 10-20% from 5-10% and the transition zone in the central zone.

The degree of malignancy (histopathologizal grading) is based on the system developed by Gleason. Based on the architecture of the network rather than on picture Carsinoma Prostate individual cells. In histological Carsinoma Prostate architectural patterns usually show 5. Gleason score is the sum of the primary and secondary architectural patterns are dominant. This score ranges from 2 to 10 examples of 3 +4 = 7. Scor Gleason 2-10 range is strongly correlated with the number survavilitas rough, survavilitas tumor free, survavilitas spisifik-causa and a predictor of recurrence after radical prostatectomy


Prostate cancer symptoms vary, but the principle is there:

1. Blader out flow obstruktion (BOO) such as: frequency, hesistensi, poor stream.

2. local extension of the tumor.

Clinical features according to the stage of prostate Ca:

1.Ca prostate still terlokalisr:

1. asimptomatic

2. increase in PSA

3. poor stream

4. sensation of residual urine

5. frequency of

6. urgency

2.Ca locally advanced prostate

1. Hematuri

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2. Disuri

3. Suprapubic and perineal pain

4. Impotence

5. Incontinence

6. symptoms of kidney failure

7. haemospermia.

3.Ca who had metastatic prostate

1. Bone pain or isialgia

2. paraplegi

3. enlarged lymph nodes

4. anuri

5. lethargy (anemia, uremia)

6. weight loss and caceksia

7. bleeding in the intestine and skin