emma: chapter 5 part 2


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“She will not come out, Mrs. Whedon.”

“Oh, dear .”

“At least it appears as if she‟s actually taken the tea. So she‟ll not


“Well of course she took her tea, dear; she‟s not gone mad.”

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I need to get out of this place.

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“Hold still, Woodhouse.”

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I shall be so, so reprimanded for this.

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Leonora had heard the sound of hooves on gravel on her way up to

ed. As she opened the front door to investigate she was accosted with

he sight of a dirty Mary Jane and a rather large, black horse.

“Why MJ, how positively shocking of you.”

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“Might I stay here for the night?”

“I would demand it of you had you not planned to. You look a fright.

ome in and we will talk in the morning, yes? I‟ll get a man to take your



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“I am in love with Francis.”

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“Oh Thank. The. Lord.”

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“At least half of the family has been taking bets on when you would figure that ou

y dear.” 

“Lovely! How positively…fabulous…”

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Leonora frowned at her friend‟s discomfort. “Drink your tea. You‟ll

el better.”

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“I should actually like some wine—”

“Tea,”  Leonora commanded.

“Very well.” Mary Jane raised the cup to her lips grudgingly, but once

he scent of it caught her nose, she drained it at once.

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“Somehow I knew you would come around. Now. Tell me what has

appened that is so horridly horrid that you took a horse from your schoond rode all the way from Simdon by yourself . I know it does not take long

ut good heavens.”

“Did I not just tell you that I love Francis? How is that not sufficiently horrid?” 

“There must be more to it than that, dearest…” Leonora prompted.

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Mary Jane‟s face dropped. “Kitty loves him too. It is TRAGIC.”

“Oh dear.”

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“I hope this brother advises him to be careful! After all, we know 

othing about her parents! They could be pirates!”

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 At this Leonora actually snorted. “My dear, I like Kitty very much as, I

ight remind you, do you! But remember, her feelings are evidence of her

elings only. Nothing can be known until Francis makes his move.”

“I long for it and fear it at the same time. I shall not know how to

ehave when I see him!”

“Let his behavior be your guide.”

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“But oh, dear! If he seems happy than I know that he has decided to

arry Kitty, and I will not, I know I will not be able to let him tell me, I

ould not bear to hear the words. But if he seems sad then I shall know 

hat Benjamin has advised him not to marry Kitty. I love Benjamin!”

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“Or! He may seem sad because he fears telling me that he is going to

arry my friend! How could Benjamin let him do that? I hate Benjamin!”

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Leonora shook her head. “My dear, nothing can be done until he

hooses it, and until he does, you must try to put him out of your mind.

an you do that?”

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“You see how this works? I feel so much better.”

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Leonora smiled. “Yes. You are lucky Lucy likes you so much.”

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“Of course she likes me, I am her godmother! Am I not, Lucy? Am I

ot your lovely godmother? Yes!”

“Hee! Mare- JAY!”

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“Raphaelle finally gave birth to her child just the other day, you know,”

eonora said conversationally.

Mary Jane frowned and clutched Lucy tighter. “Indeed? I am surprised

e did not have word at M. Bennet‟s.

Leonora gave her friend a level look. “I‟m sure you did, only you were

o busy brooding alone in your room to be told.”

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Mary Jane heaved a sigh in Lucy‟s hair as she snuggled her. As Lucy 

ggled, Mary Jane wondered aloud, "I told you how she was flaunting her

ondition all over that garden party?”

“Yes, several times. Also, I was there.”


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“She had a son, I am sure you are dying to know.” 


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“Ezra Cornell Howard.” 

“She and Benjamin must be very happy.” 

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“They are. I should think you would be too.” 


“Mary Jane, it is a baby.”

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“…Yes, I suppose there is that. Is he terribly adorable?”

“I’m afraid so, my dear.” 

“Well then. I shall have to go and pay my respects to the infant.”

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“I think that would be nice, yes. And before you ask, no you cannot

ke Lucy with you.”

“Blast,” Mary Jane murmured under her breath, but not quiet enough

or Lucy to miss it.

Lucy giggled. “BLAST!”

Leonora rolled her eyes. “I‟ll thank you not to corrupt my daughterurther today. I say more tea is required, what do you think?”


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anie! I am sorry!”

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“No, no, I was lost in my head. How  — how are you ?” Mary Jane asked.

he was giggling but she scrutinized him closely, trying to determine

hether he was going to propose to Kitty through his expression.

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Francis laughed nervously . “Er, happy to see you, as always.”

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“Oh! Erm, I… am on my way home. With a stolen horse.”

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“I…indeed? I was just there, speaking with your father.” Francis


“ Ah. And how did you find him?”

“Oh, he was moderately irritated, but mostly jovial. In other words, his

sual state. Listen, Janie —”

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 Afraid he was about to break the terrible news that he was in love with

er best friend, Mary Jane interrupted. “SUCH SHOCKING NEWS


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“Mm, oh, about my brother and Miss Bohemian-Fitzhugh? Yes, I

gree; it was shocking to hear of their engagement. I thought surely he

vored you, and he himself must have given you this impression. But…”

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Francis looked pained, Mary Jane noted, but she could not work out

hy. “But I firmly believe that time will heal your wound.”

 That threw her. “Wound? No, I thought your brother may have shown

preference to me but I learned long ago not to trust you Howards. He

as not wounded me, though he certainly would have had I been as stupid

he hoped I was.” Mary Jane was indeed wounded, for at that point she

ad convinced herself that Francis loved Kitty. She had deployed her

efense mechanism of wickedness.

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“…Oh. Well. I am glad to hear it, for I do not, ah, ever wish for you t

e hurt in any way. Now, Janie —”

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“I see,” Francis huffed. “I will bid you good day, then, I suppose.” He

owed his head briefly and turned away.

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Francis pretended not to hear. Having his heart so systematically 

omped on not two minutes before, Francis was not above being rude.

“Francis! Wait. Please .”

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“Hmm?” was all Francis trusted himself with.

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“But — but please! Please, I know I have been a horrid person,

pecially to poor Elle, but I have changed! I really, really have, Francis. I

m trying so very hard to be the person I should be! I want to be good! I

ant to be good enough for…for…”

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Francis seized Mary Jane‟s hand. The fact that he was not hearing 

nything like what he had expected made him mildly hopeful. “For?”

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Mary  Jane looked at her toes. “For you,” she said almost inaudibly.

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Francis took the opportunity to beam madly while Mary Jane was still

xamining her feet. He controlled himself at once and said, “If that is the

ase then I cannot be your friend, Janie.” His face was grave when she

oked at him again.

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Mary  Jane nodded sadly. “And so you will propose to Miss Fitz.”

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Francis gawped. “Er, what?”

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Francis chuckled softly and took Mary Jane‟s hand again. “Janie, I

annot be your friend because I wish to call you something markedly more

recious.” He stared into her eyes wearing a wide smiles as he waited for

er to understand.

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“Oh, no? And what of my faults?”

“ You have no faults. You are Francis.”

“ Janie, I have argued with you at every opportunity! I have scolded you

nd even treated you like a child that must be trained! That was very, very 

rong of me.”


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“I love you.”

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“I cannot.”

“You really are very frustrating…”

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“Marry me,” Francis breathed.

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“I shall think of that as a yes?”

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“No! I cannot marry you!”

“Why ever not?!” 

“What of Kitty? She…and my father! He only has my ridiculous twin

rother to care for him and Elle doesn‟t understand just how special…I

annot abandon him!”

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Francis laughed and took her hands. “Miss Fitz is a sensible lady, and

rong. She will understand, though it may be hard at first. And Janie, I

m not taking you to Simchina. My house is half a mile from Blickling.”

“Oh. It is, isn‟t it?”

Francis nodded patiently. “Yes. And we can visit as much as you like.”

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“I…” Mary Jane could not think of what to say, for there were a

housand words going through her mind at that moment. Finally, she

ttled on four of them. “I love you,” she said. “Yes.”

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“Wait. There is one thing we must do now, before we can celebrate

roperly,” Mary Jane sighed.

“ What is that?”

“ We must tell Miss Fitz.”

But neither of them were frowning, and probably would not for a long 

me to come.


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Kitty had been in the garden for hours. Mary Jane and Francis, at least

ad had the good sense to leave her be. She needed her space, and she‟d

ad it for weeks at this point. She looked at the innocent wedding 

vitation in the gravel, willing herself not to cry.

She was furious, sad, everything unpleasant, all at once. She‟d given up

he one person she thought she truly loved, been jilted by a man she had

lked herself into loving…

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Now once again she was disappointed in love and he was marrying her

earest friend. She supposed this time it was her own error, her own

ishful thinking that got her into the mess, but the wedding invitation did

ot allow her to be rational.

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Her drooping head perked up at the sound of a door opening. She did

ot turn to look, but assuming it was her headmistress come to scold her

or being outside at that late hour, she said, “I shall be there in a moment,

Mrs. Whedon.”

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“Mrs. Whedon is, thankfully, asleep.”

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Kitty‟s heart skipped a beat.

“Mr. Legacina! Who let you in?!” She couldn‟t believe it for she‟d spen

o much time trying to forget him, but the moment her eyes found Oz

anding there, she felt extreme warmth and happiness and rightness fill her

om head to toe.

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“Er…should— should I leave? Miss Munster let me in. She — she is th

ece of my good friend, and —do you want me to leave?”

“Not at all!” 

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Kitty‟s eyes grew wide as she watched Oz slump awkwardly to the

round and clutch his guitar.

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Oz cleared his throat. “G— good because there is something I should

ery much like to, ah…ask, er, say. Well…ask. Say.”

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“While everybody else is getting out of bed 

I'm usually getting in it 

I'm not in it to win it 

 And there's a thousand ways you can skin it 

 My feet have been on the floor 

Flat like an idle singer 

Remember Winger 

I digress I confess…you are the best thing in my life 

But I'm afraid when I hear stories 

 About a husband and wife 

There's no happy endings 

 No Henry Lee But you are the greatest thing about me” 

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“If it's love 

 And we decide that it's forever 

 No one else could do it better 

If it's love 

 And we're two birds of a feather 

Then the rest is just whenever 

 And if I'm addicted to loving you 

 And you're addicted to my love tooWe can be them two birds of a feather 

That flock together 

Love, love 

Got to have something to keep us together 

Love, Love That's enough for me” 

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“Took a loan on a house I own 

Can't be a queen bee without a bee throne 

I wanna buy ya everything 

Except cologne 

'cause it's poison 

We can travel to Simspain where the rain falls 

 Mainly on the plain …side and sing 'cause it is we can laugh we can sing 

Have ten kids and give them everything 

Hold our cell phones up in the air 

 And just be glad we made it here alive 

On a spinning ball in the middle of space I love you from your toes to your face” 

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“If it's love 

 And we decide that it's forever 

 No one else could do it better 

If it's love 

 And we're two birds of a feather 

Then the rest is just whenever 

 And if I'm addicted to loving you 

 And you're addicted to my love tooWe can be them two birds of a feather 

That flock together 

Love, love 

Got to have something to keep us together 

Love, Love That's enough for me” 

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“You can move in 

I won't ask where you've been 

'cause everybody has a past 

When we're older 

We'll do it all over again 

When everybody else is getting out of bed 

I'm usually getting in it 

I'm not in it to win it I'm in it for you 

If it's love 

 And we're two birds of a feather 

Then the rest is just whenever Then the rest is just whenever” 

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“If it's love 

 And we decide that it's forever 

 No one else could do it better 

 And if I'm addicted to loving you 

 And you're addicted to my love too

We can be them two birds of a feather 

That flock together 

Love, love Got to have something to keep us together 

Love, love 

Got to have something to keep us together 

Love, love 

That's enough for me…” 

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Kitty clapped enthusiastically and beamed.

“You are exceptionally talented, but that was THE oddest song I think

ave ever heard, Mr. Legacina. Who is Henry Lee? I do not think I am

cquainted with the Lees.”

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“I‟ll introduce you sometime.”

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“It is. For me. Since w -we first met, really. I k-know it is not exactly 

roper of me to ask this of you a second time, but…I…you know perhap

ought t-t-to have sent another l-letter.”

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Kitty stood up and took the guitar from Oz‟s hands before setting it

own next to the long-forgotten wedding invitation.

Oz squeaked slightly at the thought of his guitar being placed in the


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Smiling still, Kitty hesitantly reached out and took Oz‟s hands, smiling 

him encouragingly.

“It is all right. I am listening,” she told him.

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Encouraged, Oz relaxed ever so slightly. However, as soon as his next

ords left his mouth, he froze.

“Miss Catherine Fitz, will you…”

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Oz groaned softly and took a step back.

He told himself that if there was any moment that he needed to

ompletely let go of his inhibitions, it was then. He‟d made it through the

ntire song after all, and Kitty wasn‟t laughing at him…

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“Miss Catherine Fitz. Will you please, please mend my love-wrecked

oul and…a-and marry me?”

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“What is the world coming to…?”


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 To the ladies‟ utter surprise, it was Kitty. Nobody had seen her in two

eeks; though she‟s left a letter for Mrs. Whedon saying that she was going

way for a time, it had given no clue as to her whereabouts.

“Erm…. Good day, Mrs. Legacy, Miss Legacy, Mrs. Blackthorne…Mis

lackthorne,” Kitty murmured with a nod to each of the women.

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“Kitty!” Mary Jane cried.

Leonora stifled a laugh and nodded hello to Kitty as Elle sighed,

uttering that she‟d “never get the hair finished now.”

 Without taking her eyes off Kitty‟s face, Mary Jane asked the others,

Would you three give us a moment?”

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Leonora picked up her daughter and instructed Elle to follow them out

“Her hair is the least of our problems, dear,” she whispered as they 


Elle sighed. “Yes but I am the one who will be taken to task for it.

ood heavens…”

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“…It is good to see you.”

“And you, Miss Blackthorne.”

“We‟ve all been very  worried. Where have you been all this time?”

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“Well I…I stayed away at first, hoping that distance would ease the pain

felt at Mr. Howard choosing you over me.”


“No, do not think of it, all is well! I, well, I have some news which I


ill upset you, but I have not been happier in all my life.”

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Mary Jane smiled encouragingly. “Nothing you could say will ever upse


“I imagine this  will.”


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“Ohhh, I knew you would be upset. But please, Miss—”

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“It is? I mean to say—yes, it is! You are not displeased?”

“Not at all! What I said before about Mr. Legacina…it was unkind of 

e. Very, very wretched, and I am ashamed of myself for pushing him

way from you when he clearly loves you so. I was wrong, horribly wrong

nd I hope you can one day forgive me.”

“O-of course I can! There is nothing to forgive. Had I not let myself 

e swayed I might have married him ages ago.”

“Yes, but you have him now. Oh, Kitty, I am so happy for you! Is he

ere with you?”

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Mary Jane laughed as she hugged her friend close. “You forget that I

m to be married in half an hour.”

“Not with your hair looking like that . Come, I‟ll help you.”

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“I‟ve got bags !”

“What bags? Where?”

“Under my eyes! ”

“Don‟t be ridiculous.”

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Mary Jane stood up slowly. She could feel herself shaking, and assume

hat the act of fainting would be following immediately.

“I cannot do this.”

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Kitty thrust the fragrant bouquet of roses at her teetering friend. “Yes

ou can. Remember, you love him. And Lucy is downstairs.”

“Oh yes…oh yes, thank goodness for Lucy.”

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 The Lucy in question was indeed downstairs, attempting to inhale and

unch on her rose at the same time.

“Noooom nom…”

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“Lucy! You‟ll sneeze your way down the aisle, little one! And roses are

ot for eating.”

“Woses aw fow eating, silly mama!” Seeing her lovely godmother com

ward her, Lucy giggled and added, “BLAST!”

Leonora groaned. “Thank you for that,” she said over her shoulder.

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“It is nearly time to go out, my dear,” Mary Jane‟s father announced.

“Yes papa. Lucy, wish your god mama luck? That she does not trip on

er way past the guests?”

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“You‟re beautiful, today,” Ham said as he grabbed his sister for a hug.

Mary Jane pinched him. “Today? What of every other day?”


“William! Go outside . Everyone will be waiting on your sister and I,

nd I am in dire need of a good nap. And a large bowl of gruel, I feel an

cer coming on.”

“Of course, papa. Sister, you are beautiful every day…but today I shall

ave to warn Francis of it. We can‟t have our groom fainting.”

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Ham made his way out to the garden where the guests were seated and

enjamin, the newly affirmed reverend, and his brother Francis stood


He extended his hand. “Are you ready, Francis? Do try not to fall

nconscious at the sight of her, won‟t you?”

Francis cringed. “Oh, lovely.  And my palms are already sweaty.”

“Yes, I am aware,” Ham joked, and wiped his own hand on his trousers

Benjamin merely glared at them both.

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How do I love thee?

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I love thee to the depth, 

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and breadth and heigh …

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…my soul can reach…

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...when feeling out of  sight.

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For the ends of Being and ideal Grace…

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I love thee to the level o  every day's…

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…most quiet need, by  sun and candlelight.

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I love thee freely…

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…as men strive for  right…

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I love thee purely…

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…as they turn from   praise…

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I love thee with the   passion put to use…

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…In my old griefs, and

 with my childhood's   faith…

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…with my lost saints—

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—I love thee with the  breath…

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Smiles, tears, of all  my life! 

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And, if God choose…

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I shall but love thee  better after death.

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“I nearly thought she was going to push it up his nose!”

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“Is it true Lady Charlotte made this cake herself? Shocking, if so.”

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“Are you happy, my love?”

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“Happy? Hm, how to explain just how happy I am…?”

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 Throughout the early afternoon, Mary Jane and Francis entertained

veral rounds of congratulations. They were all relatively similar, though

he final one of the day would turn out to be extremely interesting.

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George and Georgiana Haggerty had just returned from their long 

oliday to Simireland.

“Your uncle and I so happy we came back when we did! To think!

We‟ve missed SO much lately, though of course Georgie has tried to keep

s acquainted with the happenings within the family. I still have yet to

roperly congratulate your brother and his lovely new wife, though I did

peak to her for very brief moment.”

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Mary Jane nodded. “Yes, my new sister-in-law is a wonderful lady, you

ill like her immensely.”

Francis added, “And may I say how happy I am that you were able to b

ere? We are so pleased you have returned safely.”

“We are indeed. And thank you for your congratulations.”

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Mary Jane‟s eyes moved to the very pale young woman situated between

er aunt Haggerty and Lucy Munster.

Seeing this, Georgiana exclaimed, “Oh! Forgive me, but you have not been 

roperly introduced. This is our new ward, a distant cousin of George’s through his 

Haggerty family in Simireland: Lady Emma Bingham, daughter of the Earl of 

imlucan. We have brought her back with us so she may have the opportunity to see 

ore of Simland.” 

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 Though wary at the idea that she was Simirish, the new Mrs. Howard

miled kindly at the young lady, determined not to make any assumptions.

“It is our pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Emma. Welcome


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“Erm, thank you, madam. I like it very well indeed, and it is very kind

f my cousins the Haggertys to bring me here. There is not much room

or me at home with five older brothers, you know. You have so many dog

ere. My father and older brothers, five mind you, always said that the

mlish have so many dogs because they cannot understand actual

ffection. I should like to test…that…theory— though obviously you and

our husband prove it false! …I am sorry, my words get away from me


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Georgiana laughed quietly. “And of course you know my future

aughter-in-law, Miss Munster.”

Mary Jane blinked. “Daughter -in-law?! Miss Munster, I did not know you 

ere engaged, and to my cousin George!” 

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Lucy grinned widely as George Haggerty II looked at her lovingly.

“Yes. Though we met when I first arrived in Simdon, Mr. Haggerty 

nly proposed recently. After your brother‟s wedding, in fact. We will be

nding out an announcement shortly.”

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“Oh! Well! Congratulations to you both!” Mary Jane said happily.

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“Miss Blackthorne— forgive me, Mrs. Howard ,” Kitty began, appearing 

ext to the group with her husband in tow. “Forgive my intrusion, but

our father begs me to ask you to have the cake taken away. He insists

our guests have had more than enough.”

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Francis laughed as his wife nodded and said, “Of course he does. I‟ll

e to it in a moment.”

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Mary Jane smiled at Oz. “Sir, it is lovely to see you again,” she said wit

quick dip of her head.

“And you, ma‟am. Congratulations on your nuptials.”

“Thank you. Oh! Kitty, I do not believe you have been introduced to

y aunt and uncle Haggerty, and their new ward…?”

“No, I have not,” Kitty replied shyly.

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Mary Jane turned back to the Haggertys. “Aunt, Uncle…Lady 

mma…please allow me to introduce—”

But she was interrupted by Georgiana Haggerty‟s gasp.

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“Kitty.” Georgiana announced, knowing her daughter at once. She‟d

now those eyes, that hair, that beautiful complexion…she‟d know them

nywhere. And Kitty had her nose… “My Catherine.”

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“Erm, what ?” Mary Jane was entirely at a loss. “Aunt…you know Mrs.

egacina?” Her head flipped quickly between her friend and aunt, and

ack again.


But now Kitty‟s face was filled with the same odd recognition.

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“I know you. I know your face. You‟re…but you‟re not her…”

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Catherine Fitz

Francis Howard

Mary Jane Blackthorne

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Benjamin Howard

Fulwar Howard

Leonora Trimble

Raphaelle Austen

 William Blackthorne

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Cordelia Whedon

Elle Fitzhugh

Lucy Munster

Oswald Legacina

Requiem Bohemian-Fitzhugh

 Vaughn Fitzhugh

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 Anna Smith

 Apolline O'Leery 

Bleu O'Leery 

Cate Legacy 

Cecilia Legacy 

Charlotte Blackthorne

Henry BlackthorneGeorge Haggerty II

Georgiana Haggerty 

George Haggerty I

Lucy Legacy 

Mary Smith

Stanley Legacy 

 Timothy Legacy 

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Achilles Goodytwoshoes

 Adam Chandler

 Arthur Doran

Billy Fitzhugh

Carew Simself Cee Simself 

Cory Morgan

De Simself 

Elm Langerak 

Fire Simself 

 Jeremy Simself Katy Simself 

Marina Simself 

Nelson Penguino

Phoebe Simself Professor Butters Simself 

Rhys Fitzhugh

Riley Whedon

Rose Simself 

Sophie Simself 

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 Alice Austen

Eliza TrimbleElizabeth Howard

Emma Bingham

Ezra Howard

Frank AustenGabriel Howard

Garrett Surilie

Gwendolen O'Leery Henry Austen

Isaac Trimble

Isabella Austen

 Jamie Simself 

 John Austen Josephine Austen

Lark Simself 

Lucas Austen

Marian AustenOlivet O‟Leery 

Philadelphia Austen

Robert AustenStory O'Leery 

 Thomas Austen

 William Austen

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Bright Star by John Keats

How Do I Love Thee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning 

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Director - Cee Simself  

Executive Producer - T.M.B.

Director of Photography - Cait Simself  

Editor - Rose Simself  

Music Director - Marina Simself  

Casting Agent - Marina Simself  

On Set Art Historian - Jamie Simself  

Legacina Spokesperson - Orikes Simself  

 Austen Authorities - Marina and De Simself  

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I have taken huge, HUGE liberties with Miss Jane Austen‟s wonderful

work of Emma, but I lay no claims on it whatsoever. I have also taken

ome lines from the 1996 film version of  Emma starring Gwyneth Paltrow You see, writing this (which is something like a parody) was a huge

truggle, because there are just some scenes that I could not improve upo

ven 200 years after Miss Austen wrote the original novel. Therefore, afte

much deliberation, I tackled this as if I were a screenwriter creating an

adapted screenplay. I chopped everything up, added a whole lot of my 

own stuff, but stayed very true to the heart of the story by using actualnes from the novel in key scenes. As for what I took from the movie, an

why I chose that one well…that‟s a really great movie. While it may not b

he truest adaptation, it is the most like what Jane might have created had

she lived in our century. It brings Jane‟s modernity to life in the most

rilliant, lovely way. Some of the lines I heard in the movie? It took me a

while to remember that they weren‟t from the book. So, in short…if yousee anything that looks like I borrowed it from Emma (1815 novel) or

Emma (1996 film)…I probably did. Just ask, if you‟re curious!

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•I know a lot of you have been very angry with Mary 

Jane over the course of this project. If so, good! You

were supposed to be. Proof: Before she started writing

Emma, Jane wrote, “I am going to take a heroine whom