emmaus catholic school...emmaus catholic school jesus stay with us ph: 9390 4500 fax: 9390 1700 ......

EMMAUS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Jesus stay with us PH: 9390 4500 Fax: 9390 1700 www.emsydenham.catholic.edu.au Emmaus Catholic Primary School has a commitment to the care, safety and wellbeing of children. Today a letter has gone out regarding Parent/Teacher Interviews and how you can book an appointment online. Parent/Teacher Interviews will take place on Thursday 18th October. Yesterday, Year 5 and Year 6 students participated in a soccer clinic with Melbourne City Soccer Club. Thank you to Mr Purgaric and Miss Hazlett in organising for this to take place. Congratulations to the Emmaus Girls Kanga 8s for reaching the finals of the Sydenham District Interschool Sports Competition. They will be playing in a Round Robin Tournament tomorrow. We wish them and their coach, Mrs Mansour, the best of luck. The Fundraising Committee have organised a Hot Dog day for tomorrow, Friday 21st September. This will also be a FOOTY Casual Dress Day. Wear your footy gear. Dont forget to bring a gold coin donation $1 or $2. Remember to return your SOLD Parish Fair raffle tickets by TOMORROW. Deepest sympathy to Mrs Mary Dennis for the loss of her beloved father, Charlie Farrugia. Ms Kechenovich will be on leave during term 4. She will have some surgery on her feet. We will keep her in our prayers. Ms Kechenovich will return in term 1, 2019. Mr Chris Galea will be teaching 2K in term 4. Ms Kechenovich and Mr Galea have been working together during this last week. On Wednesday 10th October, Year 3 and Year 4 students will take part in a soccer clinic facilitated by Melbourne City Soccer Club. This will also be a Soccer Casual Clothes Day for the whole school. Dont forget to bring a gold coin donation $1 or $2. 2019 Prep Orientation Program will take place. Collections for the Parish Fair will begin. WEEK 1: 8-12th October - GROCERIES On Friday 12th October, students will participate in a Bully Zero incursion. On Wednesday 17th October, the school will have a Pyjama Day. Wear your favourite pyjamas to school. Dont forget to bring a gold coin donation $1 or $2. On Thursday 18th October, Parent/Teacher Interviews will take place. On Friday 19th October, the PE Department have organised an Athletics carnival. Remember to wear your house colours. STUDENTS for doing their best work during the term and for following the school rules. PARENTS for working in partnership with the school and the Parish. EMMAUS STAFF for working tirelessly for our students and Parish community. FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE for your ministry in organising special events for our students. SCHOOL HELPERS for your gift of time and service to our school. PRAYING WORKING SHARING Together SCHOOL FEES REMINDER - The final date for payment of school fees is 23rd September. All fees and levies should be paid by this date unless you are on a payment plan. Thank you to all the families whose fees are up to date. Thursday 20th September, 2018 May you walk with God these holidays in whatever you do and wherever you go. May you talk to God these holidays and every day and in every situation. May you talk with God every day. TERM 3 ENDS 1:00 pm. TOMORROW AFTER SCHOOL CARE FINISHES AT 4.00 pm.

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Page 1: EMMAUS CATHOLIC SCHOOL...EMMAUS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Jesus stay with us PH: 9390 4500 Fax: 9390 1700 ... School Holiday Kids Papercraft Classes Contact Veronika 0409 971 958 ... including


PH: 9390 4500 Fax: 9390 1700


Emmaus Catholic Primary School has a commitment to the care, safety and wellbeing of children.

Today a letter has gone out regarding Parent/Teacher Interviews and how you can book an appointment online. Parent/Teacher Interviews will take place on Thursday 18th October.

Yesterday, Year 5 and Year 6 students participated in a soccer clinic with Melbourne City Soccer Club. Thank you to Mr Purgaric and Miss Hazlett in organising for this to take place.

Congratulations to the Emmaus Girls Kanga 8s for reaching the finals of the Sydenham District Interschool Sports Competition. They will be playing in a Round Robin Tournament tomorrow. We wish them and their coach, Mrs Mansour, the best of luck.

The Fundraising Committee have organised a Hot Dog day for tomorrow, Friday 21st September. This will also be a FOOTY Casual Dress Day. Wear your footy gear. Don’t forget to bring a gold coin donation $1 or $2.

Remember to return your SOLD Parish Fair raffle tickets by TOMORROW. Deepest sympathy to Mrs Mary Dennis for the loss of her beloved father, Charlie Farrugia. Ms Kechenovich will be on leave during term 4. She will have some surgery on her feet. We

will keep her in our prayers. Ms Kechenovich will return in term 1, 2019. Mr Chris Galea will be teaching 2K in term 4. Ms Kechenovich and Mr Galea have been working together during this last week.

On Wednesday 10th October, Year 3 and Year 4 students will take part in a soccer clinic facilitated by Melbourne City Soccer Club. This will also be a Soccer Casual Clothes Day for the whole school. Don’t forget to bring a gold coin donation $1 or $2.

2019 Prep Orientation Program will take place. Collections for the Parish Fair will begin. WEEK 1: 8-12th October - GROCERIES On Friday 12th October, students will participate in a Bully Zero incursion. On Wednesday 17th October, the school will have a Pyjama Day. Wear your favourite pyjamas

to school. Don’t forget to bring a gold coin donation $1 or $2. On Thursday 18th October, Parent/Teacher Interviews will take place. On Friday 19th October, the PE Department have organised an Athletics carnival. Remember

to wear your house colours.

STUDENTS for doing their best work during the term and for following the school rules. PARENTS for working in partnership with the school and the Parish. EMMAUS STAFF for working tirelessly for our students and Parish community. FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE for your ministry in organising special events for our students. SCHOOL HELPERS for your gift of time and service to our school.


SCHOOL FEES REMINDER - The final date for payment of school fees is 23rd September. All fees and levies should be paid by this date unless you are on a payment plan. Thank you to all the families whose fees are up to date.

Thursday 20th September, 2018

May you walk with God these holidays in whatever you do and wherever you go. May you talk to God these holidays and every day and in every situation.

May you talk with God every day.


Page 2: EMMAUS CATHOLIC SCHOOL...EMMAUS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Jesus stay with us PH: 9390 4500 Fax: 9390 1700 ... School Holiday Kids Papercraft Classes Contact Veronika 0409 971 958 ... including

School Holiday Kids Papercraft

Classes Contact Veronika 0409 971 958

Emmaus Italian Day was featured in the Italian Newspaper, il Globo last Thursday.


21 Footy Day - Hot Dog Lunch Order

21 Last day Term 3. School finishes at 1pm.


TERM 4. $1.00 EACH.

NOVEMBER 2018 5 School Closure

6 Public Holiday - Melbourne Cup

9 Mini Fair

18 Parish Fair

23 School Closure - Report Writing Day No School for students

OCTOBER 2018 8 Term 4 Begins

10 ‘Soccer’ Casual Clothes Day

12 Bully Zero Australia Incursion

17 Pyjama Day - Fundraising Committee

18 Parent/Teacher Interviews - School Closure

19 Athletics Carnival

20/21 Years 5 & 6 Blessing Mass

23 Sacraments 2 - Reconciliation at Cana

24 Sacraments 2 - Reconciliation at Emmaus

24 Coin Trail for Catholic Missions

25 Sacraments 2 - Reconciliation at Sacred Heart

27/28 Prep - 2 Blessing Mass

Page 3: EMMAUS CATHOLIC SCHOOL...EMMAUS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Jesus stay with us PH: 9390 4500 Fax: 9390 1700 ... School Holiday Kids Papercraft Classes Contact Veronika 0409 971 958 ... including

Top 10 cyber safety tips

By eSmart in News

Care about the Share

Social media wants you to share as much as you can bear! But the share should be rare. NEVER share: passwords, private/personal information, your location.

Privacy Matters If you care about the share, you’ll protect your privacy, no matter what. Regularly check your privacy settings on social media, and always think before you post. It’s amazing where data ends up – usually all over the internet.

Respect the Privacy of Others Treat others’ privacy as you would your own. Ask for your friends’ permission before uploading photos and videos of them. It’s not all about you, amiright?

Keep Everything Updated Any idea what causes the most security breaches on the internet? Software that isn’t up-to-date. Seems crazy simple, but it’s true! Be vigilant about updating software, including apps, anti-virus and even the humble browser.

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spammidy-spam Even with the best anti-spam and malware software – that’s up-to-date – spam is the modern version of junk mail. It’s everywhere! Learn how to tell the difference between real emails and messages, and dodgy things with dodgy links. Sometimes they don’t look so dodgy...always be suspicious of hyperlinks in emails.

Control the Troll Within There be trolls out there – beware! Don’t feed them, don’t give them what they want: an angry response. Block/Report the trolls. But also: resist the inner troll. If you’re not adding something to the debate online, don’t bother. Don’t be part of the problem.

Cyberbullying and Harassment If you’re being targeted by this kind of behaviour, know what you can do, and where you can get help. Visit the National Centre Against Bullying website and the Office of the eSafety Commissioner's website.

Keep Your Friends Close and Strangers at Arm’s Length Do you know how many true friends most people have? Three. Yup, those four thousand and fifty-two Facebook ‘friends’ are a combination of acquaintances, people-you-met-once, people-you-can’t-remember-meeting-once, and probably, some ‘randoms’. They don’t need to know what you had for breakfast, or what concert you went to last night, do they?

Feel the Flow – Keep Your Life in Balance Technology is incredible. Gaming, networking, apps…online shopping! But make sure you take time out and find the right balance for you. Too long on tech can put the world out of whack.

Have Fun, Friend Always remember to chill out and keep things in perspective. There’s too much information online to take it all in! Focus on each moment, and enjoy.

Page 4: EMMAUS CATHOLIC SCHOOL...EMMAUS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Jesus stay with us PH: 9390 4500 Fax: 9390 1700 ... School Holiday Kids Papercraft Classes Contact Veronika 0409 971 958 ... including