emotionai intelligence handout two - saint luke

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  • 7/26/2019 EmotionaI Intelligence Handout Two - SAint Luke


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    SaintLuke Institute

    Emotional Intelligence &Difficult People

    Rev. Hugh Lagan, SMA, Psy.D.

    May 5, 2015

    SaintLuke Institute

    Facilitator Introduction

    Rev. Hugh Lagan, SMA, Psy.D.

    SaintLuke Institute

    Learning Objectives

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  • 7/26/2019 EmotionaI Intelligence Handout Two - SAint Luke


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    SaintLuke Institute

    Ground Rules I

    You really cannot change anotherperson.

    People only change when they are readyto change.

    Try not to be too hard on people. No oneis perfect.

    Where there is humanity, there isdifficulty.

    You are a difficult person in someoneelses life.

    SaintLuke Institute

    Ground Rules II

    No one can humiliate you without yourpermission.

    No matter what the emotion, your responseis a choice.

    You must want to understand the difficultperson.

    While conflict is inevitable, combat isoptional.

    We dont see things as they are, we see

    them as we are.

    SaintLuke Institute

    Why Are Some People Difficult?

    Because of genetics, early family life,fears, anxiety

    Because their inappropriate behaviorswork for them

    Because others tolerate theirinappropriate behaviors

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    SaintLuke Institute

    We are taught from birth thatwhen we demand nosily

    enough, we get what we wantor need.

    SaintLuke Institute

    The Problem With the Term Difficult

    Labeling individuals as difficult shiftsattention from what the person did towho they are.

    Remember, the difficult behavior isonly part of who the person is;acknowledge the whole person andgive credit for others strengths andcompetencies.

    What makes the desertbeautiful is that somewhere it

    hides a well

    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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    SaintLuke Institute

    Emotions are an internalcommunication that something

    needs your attention, someneed has gone unmet.

    SaintLuke Institute


    Neither good nor bad

    All have a positive intention

    Managing them does not mean

    controlling them

    Meant to help us understand


    SaintLuke Institute

    You must remember that youare the only one who

    determines your emotional and

    behavioral reaction; thus, thechoice in how you feel and how

    you react is yours alone!

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    SaintLuke Institute

    SaintLuke Institute

    Emotionally, we become

    what we eat!

    SaintLuke Institute

    Feelings are like waves, wecant stop them from coming

    but we can choose which one to


    Johatan Martensson

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    SaintLuke Institute

    Emotional Literacy

    Only 36% of people can accuratelyidentify their feelings as they happen.

    When we cannot correctly name whatwe are feeling, we are unable toidentify the needs and thoughts linkedto those feelings in order to changeour emotional state.

    SaintLuke Institute

    Our Amazing Brain

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  • 7/26/2019 EmotionaI Intelligence Handout Two - SAint Luke


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    Fight / Flight / Freeze response

    SaintLuke Institute

    When the amygdala is onhigh alert, it is impossible

    to reason.

    SaintLuke Institute

    While the quick response of theemotional brain is to our

    advantage under threat, it is not

    in our best interests in everydaylife when emotions solely run

    the show.

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    SaintLuke Institute

    EQ skills help us create abalance between the emotional

    and rational brain so as toensure that our thinking is not

    dominated exclusively byemotions.

    SaintLuke Institute

    Practice Becomes Habit

    The more we repeatedly practice EQstrategies, the more the neurons inthe brain build a connecting pathwaybetween both the emotional and therational brains - a process calledneurogenesis. With repeated practice,these behaviors become habits.

    It takes 42 days for a new habit tobecome established.

    SaintLuke Institute

    8 glasses of water

  • 7/26/2019 EmotionaI Intelligence Handout Two - SAint Luke


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    SaintLuke Institute

    EQ skills teach us how to lessenthe intensity of emotions so

    that we can have better accessto the logical brain in order tochoose how to respond in any

    given situation.

    SaintLuke Institute

    Balancing Thoughts & Feelings

    Think of six names of people you havespoken to recently

    Add the numbers on the car numberplate in front of you

    Snap a rubber band worn on your wrist

    Lift your eyes up to look straight ahead

    Run through the alphabet backwards inyour head

    Oxygenized breathing


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    SaintLuke Institute

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    Minimal stress (4-7 days)compromises functioning of hippocampus

    Moderate stress (1-3 weeks)

    reversible damage to neural dendrites

    Prolonged stress (1+ month)

    permanently destroys neurons

    SaintLuke Institute

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    SaintLuke Institute

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    SaintLuke Institute


    SaintLuke Institute

    Anger is an acid that can domore harm to the vessel inwhich it is stored than to

    anything on which it is poured.

    Mark Twain

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    SaintLuke Institute

    If you are angry with someoneelse, you allow them to live rent-

    free in your mind.

    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    SaintLuke Institute

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    SaintLuke Institute

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    SaintLuke Institute

    Behind the Mask

    Bullies are the way they are because other people letthem get away with it

    Their behavior is ultimately self-defeating

    Greatest fear becomes their reality: they end up aloneand with nothing

    Suffer a poor self-image

    Easily threatened and frightened of not making animpression on others

    Assume that no one will ever like them; if someone doesgive them the respect they desire, they often dont knowwhat to do with it

    SaintLuke Institute


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    SaintLuke Institute

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    SaintLuke Institute

    Give yourself permission

    to fail and be patient.

    SaintLuke Institute

    Talking to Difficult People

    1. Im not sure what you mean?


    I really do want to hear you, but your shouting ismaking that difficult.

    3. Avoid saying you always

    4. OK, you say you dont like it when


    When you say [always/never/ever], is that actually true?


    Have you any thoughts about how you might resolvethis issue?


    What would a fair outcome look like to you?


    Can you do that?

    SaintLuke Institute

    Taking Care of Yourself

    Know your hot buttons

    Good fences make good neighbors

    Remind yourself that your self-worthcomes from within

    Ruminating about a difficult person givesthem power

    Avoid internalizing the negativity ofothers

    Lean on trusted others for perspective

  • 7/26/2019 EmotionaI Intelligence Handout Two - SAint Luke


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    SaintLuke Institute

    Be kind, for everyone you meetis fighting a hard battle.


    SaintLuke Institute


    SaintLuke Institute

    Contact Us

    Rev. Hugh Lagan, SMA, Psy.D.

    [email protected]

    Beth Davis, Director of Education

    [email protected]