emotions deep

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Original Poetry collection. Emotional poems.


Emotions Deep

These poems are copyrighted. They may not be used with out permission from the owner of the poetry. All rights reserved.

Brandie FlowersWritten 2014

I want to thank everyone who has been with me on my creative journey. Thanks for coming along with me.

Table of Contents

Endless................................................................................................... 4Moving Life........................................................................................... 5Road....................................................................................................... 7Word Dance........................................................................................... 8Rendered................................................................................................ 10Spy's World............................................................................................ 11Blood...................................................................................................... 12Threes..................................................................................................... 13Love Is.................................................................................................... 14Depression.............................................................................................. 15Let It Go................................................................................................ 16Lady Winter........................................................................................... 18Pretending.............................................................................................. 19Fire Lord................................................................................................ 20Bitch....................................................................................................... 21Do Not................................................................................................... 23Lies......................................................................................................... 25Storms.................................................................................................... 26Forward.................................................................................................. 27Time Runs Out...................................................................................... 29


The last breath exhales from the lungs.
Death stands taking the hand or the paw of the soul.
Leading the way or picking up the not burden.
Death walks the soul back.
Back to where it will rest.
Back where it will make its choice.
To rest.
Or to live again.
This cycle will be repeated until the last soul.
Leaves the last body.
The endless cycle.

Moving Life

Peeking into a life
Looking into what is happening
Cannot decide if it is sane
Or just going in the right-wrong direction
Moving backward to move forward
Wounds that will not close
Wounds that are festered
Not healing
Not changing into the scar
Poking at it
Draining the bad out of it
Little by little
Healing sometimes takes
A long time
Healing does not happen over night
True healing can take years
True healing can take days
It can take any time it needs

Peeking into life
Seeing Death walking amoung the living
His touch on them see able
He is there best friend
He is the truth that people fear
Death is forever
The pale man is timeless
The Grim Reaper cares not for who or what you are
He gathers you to his breast
The angel of death guides you to the gates
He is with you from the beginning
He is there at your ending
Death is always there


The road is long
It is wide
It is not well traveled
Walking and learning
Who to trust
Who to walk away from
Who to laugh at
Who to keep close
Who to love
Who to strongly dislike
The road the journey is the teacher
Learn to love
Learn all the different types of loving
Learn the emotions that flow
What feels good
What is scary
What not feeling a thing is

The road is what is important
The travel
The learning
These are what are important

Word Dance

The words that tumble forth
Words that mean nothing
For the person they come from
Is not one to keep their words
The words become twisted
The words used become abused
The words that they harbor are hate-filled
They twist
They arrange
They lie
They try and paint a different picture
Their story
Your story
The truth of the matter

Words that come forth
To harm
To hurt
To supposedly shame
Have no effect on deaf ears
Bouncing off armor
That is protecting for once
No harm
No hurt
From words ill used.

Words dance about
Healing is happening
Nothing can ruin the serenity
The wounds heal

The spirit remembers how to fly
Remembers how to dance
Hears it's heart's music once more
The beat stirring memory
The dance begins again


It has been brought to pass.
The last button done up.
It has been terminated.
What ever was there is gone used up.
There is nothing any more.
It is done.

Done, the pain still lingers.
The wound is still fresh.
The sickness lingers.
Fighting it is no use.

Drowning from the pain.
Going deeper, becoming something.
Becoming what was not.
The pain transforms.

Demons, Angels dance within.
What will become of the pain?
What will it create?

A demon.
An angel.

Only time and tide will tell.
Who will win this soul's war.

Spy's World

The spook walks down the street.
On the look out the spook treads lightly.
The spook fears the double agent.
The double agent uses the spook.
To gain the information that is needed.
The game has been played out.
No need for the spook.
No need for the double agent.
Both are retired.
Both are meeting their emissary of the dead.
Both were fools that believed.
Believe nothing.
Keep the head down.
Avoid people.
Don't speak.
Or choose freedom.
Speak out.
Fix what is broken.
Do not turn on it.
For what is broken can still harm the fixer.
Be careful.
Make plans.
Always have a way out.


Looking at the blood stained hands.
Feeling the weight of sadness.
Feeling the weight of judgment.
The world falls down.
Crumbling into ruin.
Ruin turning into dust.
Emotions buried.
Deep within or so thought.
Emotions surging, hurt flows.
Sadness flows like an undamed river.
It twists and turns.
It burns.
It hurts.
It drives one mad.
So much blood.
Wounds ripped open.
Not healing.
Never fading, just bleeding.


The power of three
Things come in threes
Three deaths lives ending on the same few weeksThree lives beginning in the same few weeks
Three songs stuck in your head at the same moment
Three lies spoken by those you thought where friends
Three memories that say with you, unforgotten
Three dances with the person you love most
Three arts learning flowing between all
Three cats purring all around you
Three dogs barking at the same time
Three birds singing in unsion
Three storms raging in different parts of the same lands
Three emotions flowing at the same time creating confusion
Three, three, three
Things come in threes

Love is

Love is an emotion
Love is both explainable and unexplainable
Love is a new beginning
Love is an ending
Love is wanting to be with another person
Love is the loved invading thoughts
Love is wanting to be where the loved on is
Love is freeing
Love is a prison
Love is intoxicating
Love is a poison
Love is a dream
Love is also a physical sensation
Love is the speeding up of a heart beat
Love is the sudden intake of breathe
Love is the mind blanking on what to say
Love is sweating
Love is butterflies
Love is the the blush to the cheek
Love is the pressure of a hand on skin
Love is the pressure of lips on lips or skin
Love is a crushing embrace
Love is the soft half embrace
Love is eyes meeting eyes
Love is eyes straying to look away when caught
Love is this and so much more
Love is Depression

Sadness infuses the body
The body feels bruised
Used and unworthy of function
The spirit quakes
Beaten and bruised
The spirit thinks it is dying
The body denies dying
yet the spirits feels dead
The body feels extra tried
Not feeling the point of life
Yet still alive

Let It Go

Let it go
There is no room for it
Let it go
No reason to drink the poison
Let it go it
No longer serves
Let it go
So the wound can heal
Let it go
So the scar can form
Let it go
So the healing can begin on both sides
Let it go
Do not check on what the other is doing
Let it go
You both deserve better
Let it go
War is not the answer
Let it go
Life goes on even if it does not feel that way
Let it go
Let peace grow in your heart
Let it go
Unlock your cage and walk free
Let it go
Dance to your song
Let it go
Write about your experience
Let it go
Talk to others who are not close to the problem
Let it go
Create something new
Let it go
Walking forward into a new path
Let it go
Be happy with the life that is yours
Let it go
Sing the song that is in your heart
Let it go
Happiness will once again be yours
Let it go
Let it go
Let it go

Lady Winter

The leaves have fallen off the trees
Lady Winter walks though the forest
She is inspecting the trees
Touching them she smiles
The trees are ready
She looks at the young man who walks with her
She nods to him
He takes a deep breath and blows
Frost covers everything
She shakes her skirts
Snow begins to fall
Both smile as they walk back to her palace
Her home is made of white stone
She nods to the other beings of winter
They scramble to leave the safety of her home
She watches them leave
The young man with her laughs
She goes to sit on her throne
Looking though her crystal ball
She checks on the part of the world that needs her attention
She smiles the snow and frost where exactly where they needed to be
She was happy with this
Her happiness the snow feel a little more
The snow became deeper in the mountains
That the Lady Winter called home Pretending

Are you just there, hiding away
Or pretending not to exist in this world of pain
Built a stone wall around you now
People would call you insane
Locked in a prison of cluttered guilt
No way to escape your own reality
You are trapped within your own mind
You are the mason of the walls
That surround you, trying to stop the pain
From reaching you, from reaching your soul
Why are you pretending not to exist
You hide with in a world that is not real
To the outside eye, only inside the mind
You live within an illusion
Dreams are your only friends, your reality
You are pretending not to see
The world around you
Not to see the people who only wish to help you
You turn them away
Call them crazy
Only to surround yourself with those
That praise your madness
Pretending that they are right
Pretending all others are wrong
Just pretending that you are always right

Fire Lord

Ever-changing challenger are you
Breaker of old hurtful patterns
Healer of wounds gone septic
Shatter of long held illusions
Choice chooser
One who breaks stagnation
Uncomfortable one
Lord of all change
Many-faced one
Challenger of long-held assumptions
One who challenges
Creative fire within
Wildfire that cleanses the soul
Lover who loves the broken
Witty word smith
Teacher of hard lessons
Healer if the soul wounded
Fighter who teaches defense
Father figure
Word dancer
This is you, Fire Lord
This is you and so much more



They call you that when you refuse to be a doormat
When you refuse to bow down to them


They call you that when you stand up for yourself
When you fight back against those who wish to destroy you

They call you that when you express your emotions
If they are emotions they have not allowed you to have




Stop listening to them
You are a woman
You have thoughts, feelings, emotions
You have the right to them
You can feel them
You can express them
They are yours
You are strong
You are enough
You are human
Do not let them silence you with


Do Not

Do not feel anything
Unless we give you permission to feel it
We will tell you when you can feel
We will tell you when it is ok to feel what you feel

Do not say anything
Unless we write it for you to say
Or give you leave to speak
Or tell you what you may say

You are nothing but a child
You must always do as we say
You are nothing but a child
Do as we say not as we do
You are nothing but a child
Our manners are better than yours

Children are not allowed to do anything
Not without permission
Without adult supervision

Not to be
Not to seek
Not to feel
Not to express

Not to be


Words appear in front of my eyes
Cannot help but think "Lies"
Who am I to destroy the world of another
There are plenty out there that can do that
Yet there are lies
Untruths that rankle
Falsehoods that curdle the stomach
Words that make me shake my head
Bemusement is my current friend
It just bothers me the lies
Words are indeed twisty things
They do not always mean what they say
People do not always say what they mean
Or they say one thing and mean another
Or they allow words to be used that they
They themselves would never use
Than try and lay blame


The breeze blows though the trees
Birds sing in the air
You can feel the emotion
Brewing in the air
Is it love
Is it hate
Or is it just the storms of fate
The breeze weaves though
Birds dance in the sky
Courting dance for all to see
Song on the winds
Is it love
Is it hate
Or is it just the storms of fate


Here I stand looking forward
I hear them behind me
I move forward
Not looking back
Letting it go
I will not be tethered
I will not dance to this tune any longer
I must learn to heal
I must learn to channel
These negative emotions that come
From wounds that still exist
On my soul
Poking at the wounds that are scarred over
Still causes them to bleed
I must move forward
I do not forget the wounds
I do not forget the pain
I do not forget the people
Who I have loved
Who I now no longer have
In my life
I cannot conceal my feelings
I cannot just stop feeling them
I cannot just pretend my feelings do not exist
Is it worth it letting people in
I am starting to wonder
I am stormy
I am wounded
I bare scars
I am a loyal friend
I will defend you until my last breathe
I do not want to see the bad in others
I do
The powers know I have tried
Time to let go
Time to heal
Time to not worry so much
Moving forward scars and all

Time Runs Out

Time runs out
You had your chance
Now you are done
Time to part ways
Each walking down their own path

Time runs out
It is now done
There is not going back
There is no forgiveness now
There is nothing left to give

Time runs out
No more lies
No more double speak
No more vendettas
No more fighting others wars

Time runs out
Time for peace
Time to heal
Time to grow
Time to move on
Let's go