employee session presentation

Performance Management Training

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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Employee Session Presentation

Performance ManagementPerformance Management


Page 2: Employee Session Presentation

Learning ObjectivesLearning Objectives

•Understand the Performance Management Process and how it works

•Become familiar with the tools

•Using the Webpage

•Understand the Performance Management Process and how it works

•Become familiar with the tools

•Using the Webpage

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Alternate Career Progress

Alternate Career Progress•3.0% for all employees*

•Up to an additional 1.5% based on Performance Evaluations*

•Employees at max for at least one year; increase provided as monthly lump sum installments

•2 year trial period

•3.0% for all employees*

•Up to an additional 1.5% based on Performance Evaluations*

•Employees at max for at least one year; increase provided as monthly lump sum installments

•2 year trial period Rating Score Between 2.00-2.25 = 0.50%Rating Score Between 2.26 – 3.25 = 1.00%Rating Score Greater than 3.25 = 1.5%

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Why do we do Performance Evaluations?

Why do we do Performance Evaluations?

•To Communicate and Share Expectations.

•Your Supervisor can clarify what they expect of you.

•You can communicate your expectations of how you should be managed and what you need to do your job.

•Identify “Gaps” and develop a plan to close the “Gap”.

•To Communicate and Share Expectations.

•Your Supervisor can clarify what they expect of you.

•You can communicate your expectations of how you should be managed and what you need to do your job.

•Identify “Gaps” and develop a plan to close the “Gap”.

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“GAP”“GAP”Actual Performance

(Where you are)

Optimal Performance(Where you want to



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What are the benefits of Performance Evaluations?

What are the benefits of Performance Evaluations?

•For you?

•For your Supervisor?

•For you?

•For your Supervisor?

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BenefitsBenefitsEmployee Supervisors Dept/Organization

Clear sense of what you are to do and why you’re doing it

Capitalize on your strengths

Know what you need to do differently

Understand how you contribute to the department and organization

Recognition and appreciation of your contributions

More engaged in what you do

Are possibly happier at work

Further your career interests

Greater communication

Better employee relations

Awareness of employee career interests and strengths

Determine progression to roles that better utilize skills

Enhanced effort in quality and productivity

Less absenteeism

Have a more unified team

Less costly turnovers

Improved leadership skills

Know what kind of help your employees need from you

Good grasp of workloads

Historical record and comparisons

Better knowledge of talent pool

Coaching, Training, & Development needs

Succession planning

HR planning to achieve University’s strategic goals as they evolve.

Adapt more quickly and easily to change

A more engaged and focused work force

A fair way to link performance to rewards.

Retain top performers

Greater department morale and community spirit

Learn more about the effectiveness of our selection procedures.

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The Self Evaluation ToolsThe Self Evaluation Tools

Performance FactorsPerformance Factors Performance SummaryPerformance SummaryStatement of Statement of

Achievements and Achievements and ResultsResults

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Annual Statement of Achievements and


Annual Statement of Achievements and

Results•List the work (responsibilities/duties, or projects) assigned to you over the past year

•Tell us how you did; be as objective as possible, but honest, if you feel that you did a great job say so!

•List the work (responsibilities/duties, or projects) assigned to you over the past year

•Tell us how you did; be as objective as possible, but honest, if you feel that you did a great job say so!

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Regularly clean office space

Vacuumed & dusted 20 offices, once a week, washed walls and desks once a month.

Process student registration data

Entered data for 30-40 students a day

Provide the delivery of high quality and accurate code in support of the AS system – a combination of code developed in-house and from our vendor SunGard.

My combination of knowledge, experience, and technical analysis were key to achieving these results. I am able to work with users on technical details and get the results the user expects. I was primarily answerable for about 6000 lines of code.



(9 months)

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Points to Discuss with your Supervisor

Points to Discuss with your Supervisor

•How are you doing in your role?

•What could be done to help you improve?

•What where your achievements

•Are there any career goals that you would like to pursue?

•How can your supervisor provide support?

•How are you doing in your role?

•What could be done to help you improve?

•What where your achievements

•Are there any career goals that you would like to pursue?

•How can your supervisor provide support?

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During Review MeetingDuring Review Meeting

•Discus the achievements and progress you have accomplished over the past year.

• Identify ways you want to further develop your professional performance, including training, assignments, new challenges, and so on.

•Discus areas of agreement and disagreement and reach consensus.

•Discus the achievements and progress you have accomplished over the past year.

• Identify ways you want to further develop your professional performance, including training, assignments, new challenges, and so on.

•Discus areas of agreement and disagreement and reach consensus.

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Performance FactorsPerformance Factors

•Tries to measure your actions and conduct: HOW you do your work

•8 Performance Factors:1.Quality and Quantity2.Attitude and Reliability3.Working Relations4.Communication5.Knowledge and Versatility6.Planning and Initiative7.Judgment and Problem

Solving8.Supervision and


•Tries to measure your actions and conduct: HOW you do your work

•8 Performance Factors:1.Quality and Quantity2.Attitude and Reliability3.Working Relations4.Communication5.Knowledge and Versatility6.Planning and Initiative7.Judgment and Problem

Solving8.Supervision and


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All of the random checks of my areas last year were positive, they were clean and met the standards

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All of the random checks of my areas last year were positive, they were clean and neat. I am committed to the quality of my work and there have never been any problems with quality

I have a good grasp of serials binding, receiving, basic map cataloguing, and general services desk responsibilities. After my initial training sessions in monograph cataloguing in May I have started to learn and develop those skills. I know that there are still things that I don’t know how to do but I am working on them.

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I complete all of my assigned tasks, and I am committed to the quality of my work. I have never missed a deadline and there have never been any problems with quality I have a good grasp of serials binding, receiving, basic map cataloguing, and general services desk responsibilities. After my initial training sessions in monograph cataloguing in May I have started to learn and develop those skills. I know that there are still things that I don’t know how to do but I am working on them.

I uses the materials provided (backpack vacuums, new micro fibers), and am interested in any equipment (Vanquix sponge for stain removal, Brill Squeegee…) that is faster or more efficient.

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I complete all of my assigned tasks, and I am committed to the quality of my work. I have never missed a deadline and there have never been any problems with quality I have a good grasp of serials binding, receiving, basic map cataloguing, and general services desk responsibilities. After my initial training sessions in monograph cataloguing in May I have started to learn and develop those skills. I know that there are still things that I don’t know how to do but I am working on them.I make the most of my workday. I uses the materials provided (backpack vacuums, new micro fibers) very effectively and I am interested in, and even requests any equipment (Vanquix sponge for stain removal, Brill Squeegee…) that is faster or more efficient.

This was a busy year and I completed all of the 3 projects I was working on and my supervisor commented on what a good job I did. Things should get easier for me now that I am familiar with the new machine, and I should be able to take on some extra projects this year

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Row is 2 (meets expectations) 2Row is 1 (needs improvement) 1Row is 3 (exceeds expectations) 3Row is 2 (meets expectations) 2

Total rating 8Total rating 8 divided by 4 rows = 2.00

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Row is 2 (meets expectations) 2Row is NOT APPLICABLE --Row is 3 (exceeds expectations) 3Row is 2 (meets expectations) 2

Total rating 7Total rating 7 divided by 3 rows = 2.33

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Performance SummaryPerformance Summary•Total Performance Factor rating.

•Variable weighting based on job relevance.

•Summarize strengths and weaknesses.

•Plan for next year.

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•Not a requirement •Weighting based on significance to position•Your Supervisor will use this section to place importance on factors that are critical to your performance.

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•Use this section for any additional comments.

•Sign and date your self evaluation and give to your Supervisor.

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Performance FactorsPerformance Factors Recommendations and Recommendations and Performance PlanPerformance Plan


Supervisor Supervisor BenefitsBenefits

Organization Organization BenefitsBenefits

Employee Employee BenefitsBenefits

Statement of Statement of Achievements and Achievements and


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Performance Evaluation Process

Performance Evaluation Process

Set a reviewdate

Review all Documentation

and Notes

CompleteSelf Evaluation

and give to Supervisor

Supervisor completesEmployee evaluation


Meeting andDevelopment


Exchange feedback


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The Performance Management Webpage

The Performance Management Webpage



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