encounters developing tb finalproofs

SUSAN HOLDEN Developing Teacher’s Book The first edition of this material was produced for learners preparing to receive visitors in Brazil before the 2014 World Cup there. The service encounters used there are repeated here (audio and location photos) as a realistic context for users with similar communication needs in Russia in preparation for the 2018 World Cup and other international encounters.

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Teacher’s Book

The first edition of this material was produced for learners preparing to receive visitors in Brazil before the 2014 World Cup there. The service encounters used there are repeated here (audio and location photos) as a realistic context for users with similar communication needs in Russia in preparation for the 2018 World Cup and other international encounters.

Macmillan Education4 Crinan Street,London N1 9XWA division of Macmillan Publishers Limited

ISBN: 978-1-786-32682-9

Text and audio content © Susan Holden 2013Design and photographs © Macmillan do Brasil 2013

First published 2013 by Macmillan do BrasilThis edition published 2016 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers.

Initial Student Book editing: Ana Gasonato, Carina Guiname Shiroma.Photograph casting and location shooting organization: Gabriela Farcetta.

Design and page make-up: The Write People for Design, Stirling, based on a design by Estúdio Sintonia.Cover: Jill McPherson, The Write People for Design, Stirling, based on a design by Estúdio Sintonia.Cover illustration: James Thew (Shutterstock).Commissioned photographs: Dotta.Packager: Swan Communication Ltd.

Audio recording, mixing and mastering: John Green TEFL Audio, London.

AcknowledgementsWe are also extremely grateful to the following people who have commented on the material at various stages of its development: Marcela Cintra and Vinicius Nobre, (Cultura Inglesa, São Paulo), and to the teachers and students in the Entry branches who piloted some of it, including Adriana Colossio, Amanda Baruchi, André Christaziano, Ariane Garcia, Paula Rossin Fonseca, and Thais Giometti. Their feedback and comments have been invaluable in shaping the material.This Teacher’s Book is dedicated to the memory of Donn Byrne, whose contribution to the development of communicative methodology, and work with teachers in many countries, has been highly influential. His comments on the initial material helped to influence this final version.Whilst every effort has been made to locate the owners of copyright material in this book, there may have been some cases where the publishers have been unable to contact the owners. We should be grateful to hear from anyone who recognizes copyright material and who is unacknowledged. We shall be pleased to make the necessary amendments in future editions of this book.


Introduction Pages 6 to 9


Lessons Focus Page

1: Names and greetings Personal information 10

2: Responding to requests Making and responding to requests 17

3: Asking for and giving help Requesting and responding 25

4: Checking details Checking details 32

5: Suggestions and explanations Making and responding to suggestions 39

6: Places Describing places 47

7: Personal experiences Discussing personal experiences 54

8: Questions and explanations Asking for and giving explanations 62

9: Putting it together Key language functions 69

LANGUAGE COVERAGEStructuralSimple present and simple past: Verbs to be, to have, to like, common irregular verbs – can (permission) - Adverbs of frequency - Wh- question words - will - intention

FunctionalDescribing experiences - Giving explanations- Making requests - Making suggestions - Responding to requests - Stating future intentions

CD1 TRACKSEach lesson contains four tracks, in the same sequence.A Pronunciation PracticeB Socializing SpotC Conversations (full versions)D Conversations (gapped versions to interact)There is no audio for Lesson 9.

Lessons Tracks1 02-052 06-093 10-134 14-175 18-216 22-257 26-298 30-33

13 46-49



Lessons Focus Page

10: Places and directions Checking places and directions 72

11: Comparisons Comparing places and experiences 80

12: Shopping Countable and uncountable nouns 86

13: Fixing appointments Checking details (time) 93

14: Complaints and solutions Making and reacting to complaints 101

15: Past events Discussing past events 108

16: Tourism Checking details 115

17: Problems and solutions Discussing problems 121

18: Putting it together again More language functions 128

LANGUAGE COVERAGEStructuralSimple past (irregular verbs) - Comparative and superlative adjectives - Countable and uncountable nouns (a/an and some) - First conditional

FunctionalDescribing past events - Discussing possibilities - Giving instructions - Making comparisons - Making and responding to complaints - Stating preferences

CD1 and CD2 TRACKSEach lesson contains four tracks, in the same sequence.A Pronunciation PracticeB Socializing SpotC Conversations (full versions)D Conversations (gapped versions to interact)There is no audio for Lesson 18.

Lessons TracksCD110 34-3711 38-4112 42-4513 46-49CD214 02-0515 06-0916 10-1317 14-17



Lessons Focus Page

19: Requests Making and responding to requests 131

20: Instructions and sequencing Instructions and directions + sequencing 137

21: Shopping: making choices Comparing 144

22: Food and drink: checking details Likes and dislikes 150

23: Discussing problems Getting detailed information 157

24: Plans and requests Discussing options 163

25: Putting it together: Plans and problems

Functional review 169

26: Putting it together: Travel and tourism

Functional review 172

27: Communicate in English Communication game 174

LANGUAGE COVERAGEStructuralComparisons: too/less + adjective - How much? / many? - Prepositions of time and time phrases - Sequencing adverbs

FunctionalDescribing sequences - Giving instructions - Making requests - Stating likes, dislikes and preferences - Stating and describing wishes

Cultural notes 175Characters and locations 176

CD2 TRACKSEach lesson contains four tracks, in the same sequence.A Pronunciation PracticeB Socializing SpotC Conversations (full versions)D Conversations (gapped versions to interact)There is no audio for Lessons 25, 26 or 27.

Lessons Tracks19 18-2120 22-2521 26-2922 30-3323 34-3724 38-41



Encounters – English here and now follows a cyclical language syllabus. Language items are introduced and practiced in one lesson, and then used again in different contexts throughout the course. Some lessons focus on the structures of the English language. Others are more functional: they help the learners to communicate in different situations. A third group are topic-based: they develop relevant vocabulary to use in everyday situations.

The aim is to build up learner self-confi dence and a feeling of progression and everyday usability. The material is divided into three groups of eight lessons, plus a ninth lesson which recycles the key language from the preceding lessons in different contexts. Within each section, the lessons are organised on three cyclical grammatical syllabuses: structural, functional and lexical.


The course objective is to encourage the learners to use the language. The emphasis is on fl uency, but there are numerous in-built opportunities to check accuracy through short oral exchanges and consolidation activities, as well as back-up written exercises.


In the previous level of Encounters – English here and now, the key language skills are listening and speaking, since these refl ect the everyday reality of most service encounters. In the present level, relevant reading and writing skills are also developed, but always within the context of these encounters with foreign visitors in your country.

Since listening is such a key feature of this type of interaction, listening sub-skills are developed through a systematic program of ‘listening for gist’, ‘listening for specifi c information’ and ‘listening and interpreting’.

The speaking activities include the understanding, repetition and production of chunks of language, leading to guided role-play, in order to build up learner fl uency and self-confi dence.



The chunks of language refl ect the type of language used in typical service encounters within the learners’ everyday workplace reality.


The learners are likely to meet both native and non-native speakers of English. They will thus be exposed to, and have to cope with, a wide variety of types of English, including variations in pronunciation, grammar and lexis.

To prepare them for this, Encounters – English here and now uses a widely-accepted range of international English, and also includes and highlights specifi c examples of both American and British English.


The audio contains different types of listening material and activity for each lesson.

• Pronunciation Practice uses native-speaker models (both North American and British) as production models for ‘Listen and repeat’ activities.

• The Socializing Spot dialogs are short ‘fun’ exchanges between two speakers, refl ecting the communicative or factual focus of the lesson. Some are short, comedy dialogs. They can be used for ‘listening for pleasure’ and as springboards for student interpretation and invention.

• The Communication: Listening and Speaking conversations present native and non-native speakers of English interacting with local people in a variety of service encounters. These are the focus for a series of listening fl uency activities leading to oral production and role-play.

The foreign visitors represent a typical range of some of the nationalities and accents which the students may meet in their everyday service encounters. These non-native speakers provide authentic listening experiences, but they are not used as production models for pronunciation.



The use of location photos, showing local people involved in service encounters with foreign visitors, provides the framework for the listening fluency activities. They also provide immediate contextualization for the language practice.


There are links in the lesson notes to the Cultural Notes on page 175 of this Teacher’s Book. These contain short explanations of common cultural references or areas of potential confusion found in typical service encounters. They also annotate differences in American and British English usage.


Encounters – English here and now is a teacher-led course. A detailed framework for each lesson is provided in this Teacher’s Book. This contains a large number of suggestions for listening and speaking activities for you to do with your class before they encounter the written forms of the language in their Student’s Books.

The purpose is to encourage fluency, build up self-confidence, and make the lessons as dynamic as possible. They give you, the teacher, the opportunity to vary both pace and content to fit the individual class profile and personality,

These ‘lesson plans’ follow a common sequence of activity types. While you will probably want to vary some of the detail within each of these ‘steps’, it is advisable to follow the overall A-I sequence to use the material most effectively.

FOCUSRepresentative examples of the language focus of the lesson are shown at the beginning of each lesson in the Student’s Book. You may wish to draw the students’ attention to these at the beginning of the lesson, or during it.

A CHECK IT OUTA series of suggestions for linking back to the previous lesson, reusing Socializing Spot dialogs and the role-plays from that lesson, and checking the pronunciation done during it. This recap element is important, since many adults may miss classes for family or work reasons.

The Lesson Practice activities are designed to be done as homework, and it is important to check these during each lesson.

There are also suggestions for discussing the ‘For Next Time’ activities which the students may have prepared. These are designed to provide a link between the language of the classroom and the English which the students may encounter outside it.

B PRESENTATION (Student’s Books closed)A series of suggestions for presenting the new language or topic, using the classroom reality and the board. You are able to decide the pace, the amount of explanation and controlled practice needed. There are suggestions for oral practice of chunks of language, focusing on syllable stress and intonation. These are teacher-led.

C CONSOLIDATION 1A short writing activity for the students to consolidate the new language and recycle language from previous lessons. This can sometimes be used as the basis for a speaking follow-up.

Pronunciation practice of chunks of the new language, based on native-speaker models.

LN (Localization Note) indicates a place in the lesson notes where the context for an input activity can be adapted or discussed to encourage the students to personalize their output further.


D COMMUNICATION: LISTENING AND SPEAKINGA sequence of activities, moving from speculation to listening to speaking:

D1 Speculation and listening (LH/RH pages of SB + audio CD)The students speculate about the people in the photographs, the location, and the kind of interaction. They then listen to local people interacting with visitors and carry out a series of listening tasks, progressing from general understanding to listening for detail. It is advisable for them to do these without looking at the printed texts, to develop their listening and speaking fluency.

D2 Listen and practice (SBs closed)Teacher-led oral practice of chunks of the conversations.

D3 Listen and repeat (SBs closed + audio CD)You can replay and pause the CD, so that the students can repeat the local person’s role, interacting with the visitor.

D4 Listen and interact (SBs closed + audio CD)The students act the local person’s role, interacting with the visitor.

D5 Role-play (SBs open)The students role-play both roles, using the texts as a prompt if needed.

E CONSOLIDATION 2A writing activity to consolidate the language from the lesson.

Further optional pronunciation practice using the audio CD.

Direction to the supporting Language Practice activities to do for homework.

F LANGUAGE BACK-UPA short summary of the new language in this lesson, with a link to the Language Reference and Language Practice sections.

G SOCIALIZING SPOTA variety of short dialogs for listening for fun, and to use for student improvisation and interpretation. Some of these are recorded in a serious style, while others are in a comedy style.

H NOW I CAN...A focus for the students on what they can now do in English. The purpose is to give them a sense of progress at the end of each lesson, as well as encouraging them to reflect on individual problems.

I FOR NEXT TIMEA suggestion of practical ‘English here and now’ topics and ideas to reflect on, find out or try out before the next lesson. The aim is to make a clear connection between ‘classroom English’ and ‘real-life English’, as well as encouraging learner autonomy.


Language ReferenceA summary in tabular form of the key grammatical areas contained in the section. There is space for the students to add their own examples and/or translations.

Language PracticeReading and writing activities for each lesson, designed to be done for homework as further consolidation.

Quick check: word groups.A summary of the key lexical items and groups contained in the section.There is space for the students to write their own translations if they wish.A fuller alphabetical word list is provided at the end of the Student’s Book.



Each ‘lesson’ is designed to take around 75 minutes.

The exact time necessary for each part of the lesson will depend on you and your students. However, an approximate guide for timing is:


There is recorded material for lessons 1 to 8, 10 to 17, and 19 to 24.

There are four tracks for each lesson, which you can use and reuse in any order.

Pronunciation Practice

Content: Chunks of language for listening and repeating.The focus is on syllable and word stress, and intonation.

Voices: Male and female native speakers of English.

Uses: Production models for student production.

Socializing Spot

Content: short dialogues for fluency practice.

Voices: Male and female native speakers of English, of assorted ages and types.

Uses: Reinforcement of communicative functions from the lesson, listening for fun, and to provide an impetus for student interpretation and invention.

SECTIONS APPROXIMATE TIMING (in minutes)A Check it out 5-10B Focus and Presentation 5-10C Consolidation 1 5 (+ 5 for optional pronunciation practice)D Communication: Listening and speaking Role-play


E Consolidation 2 5 (+ 5 for optional pronunciation practice)F Language Back-up 5-10G Socializing Spot 5-10H Now I can... 5I For next time 5

Conversations (listening)

Content: Conversations with foreign visitors in typical Service English environments and situations.

Voices: Male and female native and non-native speakers of English.

Uses: To build up listening skills.To use with pausing for ‘listen and repeat’ practice.To use for role-play, discussion and speaking practice.

Conversations (listen and interact)

Content: As above, with the local speakers deleted.

Voices: As above (local speakers deleted).

Uses: To provide an opportunity to interact with foreign visitors.



Section A / Lesson 1


1As this is the fi rst lesson, and some or all of the students may be new and not know each other, encourage them to exchange personal information to get to know each other through real communication.

Begin by introducing yourself, and then progress from teacher-student to student-student exchanges.

This will give you an opportunity to assess individual levels and problems.

You can vary the greetings and levels of formality.

The students introduce themselves in a chain.In a big class, they can do this within groups.Encourage them to do this quickly, for fun.

2Draw smiley and unhappy faces on the board.Use these to practice:How are you?I’m fi ne./I’m OK./I’m tired.Ask for variations, e.g.I’m fed up./I’m great./Oh, not bad.Use facial expression and gesture to reinforce the meaning.

Ask the students to repeat the greetings in chunks.Focus on the word and syllable stress.

Ask the students to practice similar exchanges.Monitor their pronunciation and intonation, and word and syllable stress.If appropriate, explain how English uses different stress patterns from many other languages. There will be a lot of practice with these during this course, to help both understanding and production.

Receptive language

Here’s my card.She’s on a business trip.When will she be back?

Language production

Are you the new intern?What can I do to help?What’s her name?What’s your name?When did you arrive here?Where are you from?Who is it with?

Student’s Book pages 8 – 9


The lesson focuses on discussing personal information, and practices question words with simple present and simple past verb forms.

SB p. 8



1 Write both your names on the board and add fi rst name and family name.

Add given name and second name if appropriate.Ask the students:What’s your fi rst name?What’s your family name?

Write these prompt questions on the board.Explain the use of Mr, Mrs, Ms, and Miss.

Practice exchanges, T- Ss and then Ss - Ss.

The students practice similar exchanges.Encourage them to invent names for themselves if they wish, and add appropriate gestures (e.g. shaking hands).

2 Write these words on the board:namefamily nameoccupation

PracticeWhat’s your fi rst name?What’s your family name?What’s your job?/What do you do?

Ask the students to move around the class and fi nd this information from as many people as possible in 2 minutes. They can record it in their notebooks.

3Ask them to report their fi ndings, e.g.

If they seem confi dent, you can ask them to fi nd out one other thing about each person, e.g. age, where they live, favorite sport.

He’s Alexei.Alexei Serov.He’s an engineer.

She’s Natalya Fyodorova.She’s a student.




Ask the students to complete the form with their personal information.


1 Speculation and listening Ask the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They should not read the text of the conversations at this stage, but use the visual clues. You can tell them that one person in each conversation is local and the other is a foreign visitor. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the two people.

AnswersA Location: An offi ce reception.People: A female receptionist.A male visitor, Daniel Milton.

BLocation: An offi ce social area.People: A male offi ce worker, Andre.A female intern, Fiona Cameron

SB p. 8

Pronunciation practiceAsk the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

Audio script Listen and repeat.an a’ppointment.‘I have an a’ppointment.

a ‘business ‘trip.‘He’s on a ‘business ‘trip.

‘six ‘weeks.‘I’m ‘here for ‘six ‘weeks.

a ‘problem.‘there’s a ‘problem.I’m a’fraid there’s a ‘problem.

SB pp. 8 - 9


Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the visitor’s personal information.

You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to find out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and find the extra information themselves.

AnswersA Who is the man’s appointment with?(Marcela Nobre)What is the problem?(She’s away on a business trip.)When will she be back?(The receptionist isn’t sure.)What does the receptionist suggest?(He can see her assistant.)What mistake does he make?(He assumes the assistant is female.In fact, he’s a man.)

BWhen did Fiona arrive?(At the weekend.)How long is she going to stay?(Six weeks.)Where is she from?(Aberdeen, in Scotland.)What mistake does Andre make?(He assumes she is Scottish. In fact, she is English, but lives there.)

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about Daniel and Fiona, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups.

Audio scriptFocus on the personal information.AV: Good morning.B: Good morning. Can I help you?V: Yes. I have an appointment. B: What’s your name?V: Milton. Daniel Milton. Here’s my card.B: Oh, thank you. Who is it with, Mr Milton?V: With Marcela Nobre.B: Oh, just a minute... Oh, I’m afraid there’s a

problem.V: A problem?B: Yes, I’m afraid Marcela isn’t here today.V: Not here?B: No. She’s on a business trip.V: Well, when will she be back?B: I’m not sure. But her assistant is here.V: OK. What’s her name?B: No, his name! Her assistant is Vicente

Santos.V: OK, thanks!

BV: Hello.B: Hi. Are you the new intern?V: Yes, I am. I’m here for six weeks.B: Welcome! What’s your name?V: Oh, sorry. Fiona. Fiona Cameron. And you?B: Hi, Fiona. I’m Andre. Where are you from?V: From Aberdeen.B: Where’s that?V: It’s in Scotland.B: Oh of course. So you are Scottish.V: No, actually! I’m English. But I live in

Scotland...B: Oh, I see. When did you arrive here?V: At the weekend.B: So you are new! What can I do to help?V: Well...


2 Speaking Select appropriate chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing after the local speakers.They repeat the local person’s role and interact with the visitor.

4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the local person’s role and interact with the visitor.

Audio script AV: Good morning.Ss: ........................?V: Yes. I have an appointment.Ss: ........................?V: Milton. Daniel Milton. Here’s my card.Ss: ........................?V: With Marcela Nobre.Ss: ..........................V: A problem?Ss: ..........................V: Not here?Ss: ..........................V: Well, when will she be back?Ss: ..........................V: OK. What’s her name?Ss: ..........................V: OK, thanks!

BV: Hello.Ss: ........................?V: Yes, I am. I’m here for six weeks.Ss: ........................?V: Oh, sorry. Fiona. Fiona Cameron. And you?Ss: ........................?V: From Aberdeen.Ss: ........................?V: It’s in Scotland.Ss: ..........................V: No, actually! I’m English. But I live in

Scotland...Ss: ........................?V: At the weekend.Ss: ........................?V: Well...


5 Role-play SB p. 8 - 9Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs, they act out the roles.Encourage gestures, movement and facial expression if possible.They can use the texts to help them remember the conversation.

OPTION You can prepare strips with different details, e.g. names or nationalities, for the students to vary the conversations. They can also add their own ideas.

E CONSOLIDATION 2 Ask the students to choose the correct phrases to complete the conversation.They can do this individually or in pairs.Ask them to read out their words to check.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

AnswersV: I have an appointment with Ms Walton.B: What’s your name?V: Gibson, Charles Gibson. Here’s my card.B: What time is your appointment?V: At 3.30.B: OK, Mr Gibson. Oh, there’s a problem.V: Oh no!


Check the students recognize and can use the Wh- question words.You may like to ask them to make up example questions, which they can also use in the Language Reference table on page 26.Point out the Language Practice activities on page 29 to do for homework.

Language Practice: Answersa. Why are you learning English?b. When is his/her birthday?c. Who is this?d. What’s the time in New York now?e. Where do you live?

SB p. 9


LN In the second Language Practice email, different names have been used from those in the recorded dialog in order to localize this activity.



Ask the students to listen to the short exchange.M is male and F is female, but the roles are interchangeable.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.M: Hi.F: Hello.M: Do you work here?F: Yes, I do. And you?M: No, I’m a visitor. And you?

SB p. 9

H NOW I CAN ...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Exchange personal information.• Ask for further information.• Understand detailed information.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 9

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the student to think about the foreign people they know, and why they are here. Ask them to bring this information to the next lesson.

SB p. 9


Section A / Lesson 2


Receptive language

I can’t fi nd your offi ce.I have a problem.I’m in a hurry. I wonder if you can help?

Language production

I’ll check it for you.I’ll look.I’ll tell them you’ll be late.I’ll try Fabiana.What’s the problem?Where are you now?Which department?Who is it with?


1 Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the preceding lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.How many of them have a foreign friend or colleague?What nationalities are they?Are they here or in another country?How do they communicate?What language(s) do they use?

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the previous lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these people.M: Hi.F: Hello.M: Do you work here?F: Yes, I do. And you?M: No, I’m a visitor. And you?


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.

Student’s Book pages 10 – 11


The lesson focuses on asking questions, making requests and stating intentions using will.

SB p. 10



1Ask the student to suggest common problems when on the phone.e.g. The person isn’t there.It’s a wrong number.The receptionist does not understand them.

Write these models on the board.I’ll check.I’ll fi nd out.I’ll ask.

Explain that I’ll is a short form for I will.

Ask them to suggest possible responses for the problems.

2Practice exchanges where one student states a problem, or makes a request, and the other responds,using will.

S1: I feel sick!S2: I’ll call the doctor.

S3: We’re late!S4: I’ll call a taxi.

S5: Can I speak to Maria?S6: I’ll put you through.

3Write the affi rmative and negative forms on the board as models. I will and I will not (won’t).

You can also provide models for the question form,and questions with a Wh- word. These are used to ask about future intentions, or predictions.e.g. Will they be here on Sunday?When will your plane arrive?

Pronunciation practice Ask the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

Audio script Listen and repeat.‘time.‘much ‘time.I don’t have much time.

‘Which de’partment?‘How can I ‘help?‘What’s your ‘name?‘Where are you ‘now?‘When will it ‘fi nish?



C CONSOLIDATION 11Ask the students to use the cues to write a short phone conversation.

Ask them to act out their conversations in pairs. Encourage them to decide on their characters and to personalize it.

AnswersPersonal choices

2 Optional activityIf appropriate, you can ask them to extend the conversation with another one or two exchanges, either in writing or speaking.

SB p. 10


1 Speculation and listening Uniquely, this lesson contains four short conversations, not two. Ask the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They should not read the text of the conversations at this stage, but use the visual clues. They may notice that one person occurs in all the conversations. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

AnswersA Locations: An offi ce reception/not stated.People: A female receptionist. A female visitor on the phone.

BLocations: An offi ce reception/a metro station.People: A female receptionist.A female visitor on her cellphone

C Locations: An offi ce reception/not stated.People: A female receptionist. A young male visitor on his cellphone

DLocations: An offi ce reception/in a taxi.People: A female receptionist.An older male visitor on his cellphone.

SB pp. 10 - 11


Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of people’s feelings, e.g.Is the receptionist patient, helpful or irritated?Is the other person calm, rude, in a hurry, clear, nervous?You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to find out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and find the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings.

AnswersA Who does she want to speak to?(Ms Moura.)What is the problem?(She does not know which first name is correct.)What does the receptionist suggest?(She will try Fabiana.)How does the visitor sound?(Personal answers.)

BWhy is the woman calling?(She has an interview.)What is the problem?(She can’t find the office.)What does the receptionist suggest?(To check the name of the metro station.)How does the visitor sound?(Personal answers.)

Audio scriptFocus on the people’s feelings.AB: Good morning.V: Good morning. Is that Star Tourism?B: Yes, it is.V: Ms Moura, please.B: Ms Moura. Which department?V: Oh, Sales, I think.B: Moura... In Sales. Fabiana or Fabiane?V: Oh... I don’t knowB: Well, I’ll try Fabiana. Hold on, please.V: Thanks.

BB: Star Tourism.V: Oh, hello. I have a problem.B: How can I help?V: Well, I have an interview...B: What’s the problem?V: I can’t find your office.B: Where are you now?V: Ermm... at a metro station.B: Which one? What’s its name?V: Oh... I’ll look...

CB: Star Tourism.V: Hi! I want to speak to the Finance Director.B: One minute, please.V: I don’t have much time. B: OK. Just a minute.V: Look, I’m in a hurry...B: I’m sorry. She is in a meetingV: When will it finish?B: I don’t know. I’ll check it for you...V: OK. Please hurry.

DB: Good afternoon. Star Tourism.V: Good afternoon. I wonder if you can help? B: Yes, how can I help?V: I have an appointment.B: Who is it with?V: Mr Mendes. At 4.B: Is there a problem?V: It’s the traffic. I’m in a taxi.B: Don’t worry. I’ll tell them you’ll be late.V: Thanks.


CWho does the man want to speak to?(The Finance Director.)What is his problem?(He’s in a hurry.)What does the receptionist suggest?(She will find out when the meeting will finish.)How does the visitor sound?(Personal answers.)

DWhy is the man calling?(He has an appointment.)Who is it with? At what time?(Mr Mendes. At four.)What is his problem?(He’s in a taxi, in bad traffic.)What does the receptionist suggest?(She will tell them he will be late.)How does the visitor sound?(Personal answers.)

2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: de’partment?Ss: de’partment?T: ‘Which de’partment?Ss: ‘Which de’partment?

T: the ‘problem?Ss: the ‘problem?T: ‘What’s the ‘problem?Ss: ‘What’s the ‘problem?

T: for ‘you.Ss: for ‘you.T: I’ll ‘check it for ‘you.Ss: I’ll ‘check it for ‘you.

T: ‘late.Ss: ‘late.T: ‘you’ll be ‘late.Ss: ‘you’ll be ‘late.T: I’ll ‘tell themSs: I’ll ‘tell themT: I’ll ‘tell them ‘you’ll be ‘late.Ss: I’ll ‘tell them ‘you’ll be ‘late.


3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing after the receptionist.They repeat the receptionist’s role and interact with the visitor.

4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the receptionist’s role and interact with the visitor.

Audio script ASs: ..........................V: Good morning. Is that Star Tourism?Ss: ..........................V: Ms Moura, please.Ss: ..........................?V: Oh, Sales, I think.Ss: ..........................?V: Oh... I don’t know.Ss: ..........................V: Thanks.

BSs: ..........................V: Oh, hello. I have a problem.Ss: ..........................?V: Well, I have an interview...Ss: ..........................?V: I can’t find your office.Ss: ..........................?V: Ermm... at a metro station.Ss: ..........................?V: Oh... I’ll look...

CSs: ..........................V: Hi! I want to speak to the Finance Director.Ss: ..........................V: I don’t have much time.Ss: ..........................V: Look, I’m in a hurry...Ss: ..........................V: When will it finish?Ss: ..........................V: OK. Please hurry.


DSs: ..........................V: Good afternoon. I wonder if you can help? Ss: ..........................?V: I have an appointment.Ss: ..........................?V: Mr Mendes. At 4.Ss: ..........................?V: It’s the traffi c. I’m in a taxi.Ss: ..........................V: Thanks.

5 Role-play SB p. 10 - 11Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs, they act out the roles.Encourage gestures, movement and facial expression if possible.They can use the texts to help them remember the conversation.

OPTION You can prepare strips with different details for the students to vary the conversations. They can also add their own ideas.

E CONSOLIDATION 2 Ask the students to match the two parts of the exchanges, and to invent one of their own.They can do this individually or in pairs.Ask them to read out their words to check.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

Answersa. I’ll change the dates.b. I’ll call her.c. I’ll check them out for you.d. I’ll fi nd a cheaper one.e. I’ll look for a bigger one.f. Personal choices.

SB p. 11




will (intention)Ask the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page 30) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1A: We will be late for the meeting.B: When will we arrive?A: But we will arrive before 10.B: So we won’t be there for coffee!A: I will call the offi ce now. She says they will wait for us.B: How many people will be there?

2a. I will check the times for you.b. I promise I won’t be late.c. We won’t go there again.d. When will the movie begin?e. Where will you be next weekend?f. Where will your friends stay?

SB p. 11


Ask the students to listen to the short exchange.M is male and F is female, but the roles are interchangeable.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.F: Hello?M: Hello. Can I speak to Luisa?F: Luisa? There isn’t a Luisa here...M: Oh, is that Intrec?F: Intrec? No, this is Intrekker.M: Oh, I’m sorry. Wrong number.

SB p. 11

H NOW I CAN ...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand and respond to requests.• Make suggestions.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 11

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the student to make a note of local companies with English names.What kind of companies are they? International? Local?Ask them to bring this information to the next lesson.

SB p. 11


Section A / Lesson 3 Student’s Book pages 12 – 13


1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the preceding lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Companies with English names.What companies did they fi nd?What do they do (e.g. fi nance. commerce, tourism, language teaching)?Are they an international chain?What do the names tell you?Are they easy to pronounce?

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the previous lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleF: Hello?M: Hello. Can I speak to Luisa?F: Luisa? There isn’t a Luisa here...M: Oh, is that Intrec?F: Intrec? No, this is Intrekker.M: Oh, I’m sorry. Wrong number.


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


The lesson focuses on making requests and responding appropriately.

SB p. 12


Receptive language

Any more information? Can I see the manager?Can you show me?How much time do you think?We don’t understand this.

Language production

It depends.It’s downtown.Let me have a look.Take a bus from this stop.What’s the problem?



1Ask the student to suggest common problems when visitors do not understand the local language.e.g. They can’t read instructions.They can’t understand directions.They can’t talk to people.

Write these models on the board.Can you show me?Can you help me?Can you translate this?

Remind them that can does not change:Can I...? Can you...? Can they...?Ask for the short form answers:Yes, we can. No, he can’t.

2Practice exchanges where one student asks for help,using can, and the other responds.

S1: Can you tell me the time?S2: It’s four-thirty.

S3: Can you translate this?S4: No, I can’t. Sorry!

S5: Can you show me the way?S6: Sorry, I’m in a hurry.

3You can also provide models for questions with a Wh- word. e.g. When can we check in?Where can I change some money?

Pronunciation practiceAsk the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

Audio script Listen and repeat.to’morrow.at ‘this a’ddress.at ‘this a’ddress to’morrow.‘Meet me at ‘this a’ddress to’morrow.

‘Portu’guese.‘speak ‘Portu’guese.They ‘don’t ‘speak ‘Portu’guese.

‘this ‘stop.from ‘this ‘stop.‘Take a ‘bus from ‘this ‘stop.


LN You can also ask the students to practice as follows (no audio):

‘Russian.‘speak ‘Russian.They ‘don’t ‘speak ‘Russian.


‘That ‘corner.on ‘that ‘corner.‘It’s on ‘that ‘corner.

‘Turn ‘left.‘Turn ‘left and it’s on ‘that ‘corner.

C CONSOLIDATION 11Ask the students to answer the questions about themselves.Check their answers.

AnswersPersonal choices

2 Optional activityYou can extend this into a ‘Find some one who...’ oral activity.

SB p. 12


1 Speculation and listening Ask the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

AnswersA Location: A hotel reception.People: A female hotel manager. A female visitor.

BLocation: A hotel reception desk. People: A male receptionist.A female and a male visitor.

SB pp. 12 - 13


LN Remind the students the original people were in Brazil, so there are two references to problems with speaking Portuguese. In similar situations for visitors to Russia, their problems would be in speaking Russian.


Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the visitor’s requests for help.They should also notice how the manager and the receptionist respond.

You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to find out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and find the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests and suggestions.

AnswersA Why does the woman need help?(She doesn’t understand a message.)What type of message is it?(Instructions for a meeting.)What is special about this meeting?(It’s top secret.)What does the manager suggest?(To take a taxi.)Is the manager helpful?(Personal answers.)

BWhy do the visitors need help?(They can’t understand a message in Portuguese.)What type of message is it?(An invitation to a party.)What does the receptionist do?(He shows them the directions on their map.)Is the receptionist helpful? Are the visitors polite?(Personal answers.)

Audio scriptFocus on the requests and suggestions.AV: Can I see the manager, please.B: Yes? I am the manager.V: Oh, good. I want your help.B: Of course, What can I do?V: Well, I don’t understand something. B: What is it? Where?V: Here. On my cell phone. This message.B: Let me look. Ah... It’s in PortugueseV: Yes, that’s the problem.B: “Meet at my hotel tomorrow. 7.30. Don’t tell anybody. Top secret! M.”V: Ah, M... OK. Is that all? B: Yes, that’s all. Oh, and the name of the

hotel.V: Can you show me on the city map? Is it far?B: No, not far. Take a taxi, though. V: How much time, do you think?B: It depends. Allow 45 minutes.V: That’s not bad. Thanks for your help.

BV1: Excuse me...B: Yes? Can I help?V2: Oh yes, please. V1: It’s our first visit here...B: And what’s the problem?V1: We don’t understand this.V2: We don’t speak Portuguese, you see.B: Let me have a look.V1: Our friends left this message.B: It’s an invitation. To a party.V2: Oh, great!V1: Where? When? Any more information?B: 9 pm tomorrow. It’s downtown. V1: Where? Look, here’s our map...B: OK. Take a bus from this stop. Get off there. Then go along that street.V2: Yes...B: Turn left there, and it’s on that corner. It’s a big white building.V1: That’s great. Thanks very much.V2: Yes, thanks.


2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: to’morrow.Ss: to’morrow.T: ‘my ho’tel to’morrow.Ss: ‘my ho’tel to’morrow.T: ‘Meet at ‘my ho’tel to’morrow.Ss: ‘Meet at ‘my ho’tel tomorrow.

T: ‘this ‘stop.Ss: ‘this ‘stop.T: a ‘bus from ‘this ‘stop.Ss: a ‘bus from ‘this ‘stop.T: ‘Take a ‘bus from ‘this ‘stop.Ss: ‘Take a ‘bus from ‘this ‘stop.

3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing after the manager or receptionist.They repeat the manager’s or receptionist’s role, and interact with the visitors.

4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the manager’s or receptionist’s role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio script AV: Can I see the manager, please.Ss: ..........................V: Oh, good. I want your help.Ss: ..........................?V: Well, I don’t understand something. Ss: ..........................V: Here. On my cell phone. This message.Ss: ..........................V: Yes, that’s the problem.Ss: “..........................”.V: Ah, M. .. OK. Is that all?Ss: ..........................V: Can you show me on the city map? Is it far?Ss: ..........................V: How much time, do you think?Ss: ..........................V: That’s not bad. Thanks for your help.


BV1: Excuse me...Ss: ..........................?V2: Oh yes, please. V1: It’s our fi rst visit here...Ss: ..........................V1: We don’t understand this.V2: We don’t speak Portuguese, you see.Ss: ..........................V1: Our friends left this message.Ss: ..........................V2: Oh, great!V1: Where? When? Any more information?Ss: ..........................V1: Where? Look, here’s our map...Ss: ..........................V2: Yes...Ss: ..........................V1: That’s great. Thanks very much.V2: Yes, thanksSs: ..........................

5 Role-play SB p. 12 - 13Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or threes, they act out the roles.They can use the texts to help them remember the conversation.Encourage them to add their own variations, interpretations, and ideas.

E CONSOLIDATION 2 Ask the students to match the two parts of the exchanges.They can do this individually or in pairs.Ask them to read out their words to check.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

Answersa. Look, it’s here.b. It’s a kind of fruit.c. You can walk there.d. Can you come to my offi ce?e. Call this number.f. Can you come today?

SB p. 13



can (permission and requests)Ask the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Pages 30 and 31) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1a. Can I have a late check-out?b. Can you tell me the time?c. Can you bring me/us the menu?d. Can I park here?e. Can you show me the place?f. Can I change my/our reservation?

2Personal choice.

SB p. 13


Ask the students to listen to the short exchange.M is male and F is female, but the roles are interchangeable.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.M: Look at this.F: What is it?M: The directions.F: What’s the problem?M: Well, take a look.F: Oh, I see what you mean!

SB p. 13

H NOW I CAN ...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Ask about problems.• Understand problems.• Suggest solutions.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 13

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the students to write a note with directions from their house to their workplace.They can simplify these if they want.Ask them to bring this information to the next lesson.

SB p. 13


Section A / Lesson 4


Receptive language

What a view!What’s that building? What time do you close?What was it? When was that?

Language production

Is that all? Is there a problem?They are very good.The one on the left?The other one?Which one?

Student’s Book pages 14 – 15


1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the preceding lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Maps and directionsAsk them to use their maps to give instructions to foreign visitors.

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the previous lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spot Listen to these peopleM: Look at this.F: What is it?M: The directions.F: What’s the problem?M: Well, take a look.F: Oh, I see what you mean!


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


The lesson focuses on checking details and using the simple past tense for description of places and activities.

SB p. 14



1Check whether the students are familiar with the simple past tense and can use it confi dently.

Review the past of be with simple factual questions.e.g. Where were you yesterday evening?What was your fi rst school?What was your fi rst job?

Practice exchanges where one student asks for information,and the other responds.

2Check their familiarity with the simple past of regular verbs. If necessary, write models on the board.

Add any useful common irregular verbs, e.g. do/did, go/went, see/saw.

Practice exchanges where one student asks for information,and the other responds.

S1: What did you do on the weekend?S2: We went to the beach. What did you do?S1: I did my English homework!

3Ask them to think of local places whose use haschanged. Ask them to compare past and present uses, e.g.

It was a private house, but now it’s a hotel.It was a rail station, but now it’s a museum.It was a private garden, but now it’s a public park.

If appropriate, you can turn this into a guessing activity.

Pronunciation practiceAsk the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

Audio script Listen and repeat.re’ceptions.‘weddings and re’ceptions.a ‘favorite ‘placeIt’s a ‘favorite ‘placeIt’s a ‘favorite ‘place for ‘weddings and re’ceptions.to’morrow.a ‘presen’tation to’morrow.I ‘have to ‘do a ‘presen’tation to’morrow.



C CONSOLIDATION 11Ask the students to choose two objects.

Ask them to write the adjectives to describe each object’s color, size and shape, and one other detail.

AnswersPersonal choices

2 Optional activityAsk them to describe one of their objects to a partner, without naming it.Their partner tries to guess it.

3 Optional activityAsk the students to work in pairs. One of them describes an object. The other draws it. S/he can ask questions for clarifi cation.

They then reverse roles.

SB p. 14


1 Speculation and listening Ask the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

Answers A Location: A street, opposite a large building.People: A male passer-by. A female and a male visitor.

BLocation: Not specifi ed. People: A female shopping mall assistant (unseen).A male visitor.

SB pp. 14 - 15



Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the details.You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to find out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and find the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

AnswersA What is the building?(A hotel.)How does the visitor describe it?(The one with big doors.)What was it in the past?(A private house.)When did it belong to a rich family?(In the last century.)What happened to them?(They lost their money.)What is special about it now?(It is a favorite place for weddings and receptions.)Is the passer-by helpful?(Personal answers.)

Audio script Focus on the details.AV1: What’s that building?B: Which one?V1: Over there. The one with the big doors.B: The one on the left? Or the other one? V1: The one on the left. With all the cars outside.B: Oh, it’s a hotel now. Very expensive!V2: And what was it? Before it was a hotel? B: Oh, it was a private house. V2: Private? Goodness...B: Yes, it belonged to a rich coffee family.V1: When was that?B: In the last century. But they lost all their money.V1: And so they sold the house?B: Yes. And now it’s a favorite place for big weddings and receptions.V2: Well, it’s a beautiful place. And what a view!B: We can go and have a look, if you like.V2: Great idea. Let’s go!B: OK.

BV: Hello...B: Hello. Can I help you?V: Yes, I need some information, please.B: Yes?V: What time do you close?B: At 10pm tonight.V: Oh good. B: Is that all?V: No, is there a computer store there?B: Yes, there is.V: Oh, that’s great! B: Is there a problem? Can I help?V: Yes, it’s my laptop, I dropped it...B: Oh, no...V: Yes. And I have to do a presentation tomorrow. So – it’s a new laptop, I think.B: Well, they are very good. I’m sure they can help you.V: Thanks very much. That’s great!

LN In Brazil, some families got rich out of coffee in the past and built large houses. The students could suggest any local equivalents.


BWhy does the visitor need help?(He has a problem with his laptop).What precise information does he want to know?(If the shopping mall is open.)Why is it urgent?(He has to do a presentation tomorrow.)Is the assistant helpful? Is the visitor polite?(Personal answers.)2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: a ‘coffee ‘family.Ss: a ‘coffee ‘family.T: a ‘rich ‘coffee ‘family.Ss: a ‘rich ‘coffee ‘family.T: ‘It be’longedSs: ’ It be’longedT: ‘It be’longed to a ‘rich ‘coffee ‘family.Ss: ’It be’longed to a ‘rich ‘coffee ‘family.

T: ‘have a ‘look.Ss: ‘have a ‘look.T: ‘go and ‘have a ‘look.Ss: ‘go and ‘have a ‘look.T: ‘We can ‘go and ‘have a ‘look.Ss: ‘We can ‘go and ‘have a ‘look.

3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat the passer-by’s or assistant’s role, and interact with the visitors.

4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the passer-by’s or assistant’s role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio script AV1: What’s that building? Ss: ..........................?V1: Over there. The one with the big doors.Ss: ..........................?V: 1 The one on the left. With all the cars outside.Ss: ..........................!V2: And what was it? Before it was a hotel? Ss: ..........................V2: Private? Goodness...Ss: ..........................V1: When was that?Ss: ..........................V: And so they sold the house?Ss: ..........................V2: Well, it’s a beautiful place. And what a view! Ss: ..........................V2: Great idea. Let’s go!Ss: ..........................



Ask the students to put the words in the questions about a match into the correct order. They should choose a real one.They then write appropriate answers.They can do this individually or in pairs.They can also write the answers to each other’s questions, to make it more realistic.

Ask them to read out their exchanges in pairs to check.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

Answersa. Where was the match?b. What time did it begin?c. What was the score?d. Who were the winners?e. Which team did you support?

BV: Hello..Ss: ..........................?V: Yes, I need some information, please.Ss: ..........................?V: What time do you close?Ss: .......................... V: Oh good. Ss: ..........................?V: No, is there a computer store there?Ss: .......................... V: Oh, that’s great!Ss: ..........................?V: Yes, it’s my laptop, I dropped it...Ss: .......................... V: Yes. And I have to do a presentation tomorrow. So – it’s a new laptop, I think.Ss: ..........................V: Thanks very much. That’s great!

5 Role-play SB p. 14 - 15Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or threes, they act out the roles.They can use the texts to help them remember the conversation.Encourage them to add their own variations, interpretations, and ideas.

SB p. 15



Simple past (regular and irregular verbs)Ask the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page 31) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1a. The tourists were in the shopping mall.b. Their friends weren’t with them.c. They were in their hotel.d. I was in a taxi.e. The traffi c was very bad.f. I wasn’t happy.

2a. He dropped his computer yesterday.b. They worked in that hospital.c. That house belonged to my grandparents.d. It opened last week.e. We used this website to check the

information.f. A passer-by helped us.

SB p. 15

G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.M is male and F is female, but the roles are interchangeable.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.F: Is there a problem?M: Yes, it’s my phone.F: Your phone?M: Yes, it doesn’t work here.F: Well, use mine.M: Oh, thanks!

SB p. 15

H NOW I CAN ...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Talk about the past.• Check and give detailed information.• Understand requests for detailed information.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 15

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the student to choose a building.They might like to take a photo of it.They write a short description of it (without adding the name), to help a visitor.Ask them to bring this information to the next lesson.

SB p. 15



Section A / Lesson 5


Receptive language

I’m a bit tired. Is it serious? My eyes hurt. That sounds good.

Language production

I suggest you wear dark glasses.It’s an infection.It’s not serious.What about Sunday?What are you going to do?Why don’t you do something with us?Why don’t you rest?

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the preceding lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

BuildingsThey can either show their descriptions of a building to other students, and ask them to guess it, or they can read these aloud for the whole class to guess.

Also check homework.


Socializing Spot You can replay the dialog from the previous lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Listen to these peopleF: Is there a problem?M: Yes, it’s my phone.F: Your phone?M: Yes, it doesn’t work here.F: Well, use mine.M: Oh, thanks!


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.

Student’s Book pages 16 – 17


The lesson focuses on making suggestions and giving explanations, using the simple past tense where appropriate.



1Check whether the students are familiar with different ways of making suggestions.

Ask for a variety of suggestions. e.g.What about a coffee?Why don’t we take a taxi?How about a pizza?

Write these on the board to establish these patterns:What about...?How about ...?

Why don’t we...?Why don’t you ...?2Ask the students to practice making suggestions,and reacting to them.

S1: Why don’t we go for a coffee?S2: That’s a great idea. How about you?S3: No, sorry. I’m late!

3Point out the structure of What/How about ...? with a noun or a verb (-ing form).Write models on the board.

What/ How about a coffee?What/ How about having a coffee?

Ask the students to practice making moresuggestions,using these models, and reacting to them.

Pronunciation practiceAsk the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

Audio script Listen and repeat.the ‘week’end.‘What about the ‘week’end?

with ‘us?‘do something with ‘us?‘Why don’t you ‘do something with ‘us?

‘lunch?‘meet for ‘lunch?‘Why don’t we ‘meet for ‘lunch?

a ‘couple of ‘days?‘rest for a ‘couple of ‘days?‘Why don’t you ‘rest for a ‘couple of ‘days?




1.Ask the students to think of a situation where one person makes suggestions about plans and the other responds.They then complete the conversation.

Ask them to read their conversations aloud with a partner.

Answerspersonal choices

SB p. 16


1 Speculation and listeningAsk the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

Answers A Location: A social area in an offi ce.People: A female and male offi ce colleague. A female intern.

BLocation: A medical offi ce. People: A female doctor.A female visitor.

SB p. 16 - 17



Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the visitor’s reactions to the suggestions.They should also notice how the colleagues and the doctor respond.You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to find out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and find the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

AnswersA How does Fiona feel?(A bit tired.)Does she have plans for the weekend?(No.)What does one of her colleagues suggest for Saturday?(Lunch and a movie.)Why can’t the other colleague join them on Sunday?(He’s going to visit his family.)What does the other colleague suggest?(She and Fiona do something.)Are the local people friendly? What about Fiona?(Personal answers.)

BWhy does the visitor need help?(She has a problem with her eyes).What is the problem? What caused it?(An infection. Because of the heat.)What does the doctor suggest?(Use drops. Wear dark glasses. Rest for a few days.)Are the doctor’s suggestions helpful? Is the visitor still worried?(Personal answers.)

Audio script Focus on the suggestions.AB1: Hi, how are you?V: Fine. Well, a bit tired. But fine.B2: Well it’s Friday. The end of the week.V: Yes... it’s my second week, you know.B1: What about the weekend?V: The weekend?B1: Yes. What are you going to do?V: Oh... I don’t know.B1: No plans?V: No...B1: Why don’t you do something with us?V: Oh, really?B2: Yes, sure. We’re going to have a good one.B1: Yes, How about a movie tomorrow? V: That sounds good...B1: Why don’t we meet for lunch first...?B2: And what about Sunday? B1: Oh, sorry. I’m going to visit my family.B2: Well, you and I can do something, Fiona. V: That sounds great...

BB: Please sit down.V: Thanks.B: What’s the problem?V: It’s my eyes. B: Your eyes?V: Yes, they really hurt. And they’re all red.B: Let me look. V: Ow!B: Sorry. Yes, I see,V: What is it? What’s the problem?B: It’s an infection. Because of the heat.V: Is it serious? B: No, it’s not serious. I’m going to give you some drops.V: Drops? B: Yes, and I suggest you wear dark glasses.V: But it’s not serious?B: No. But why don’t you rest for a few days. Your eyes are very tired. V: Well... I am a bit tired. OK. Thanks for your help.


2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: with ‘us?Ss: with ‘us?T: ‘do ‘something with ‘us?Ss: ‘do ‘something with ‘us?T: ‘Why don’t youSs: ‘Why don’t youT: ‘Why don’t you ‘do ‘something with ‘us?Ss: ‘Why don’t you ‘do ‘something with ‘us?

T: ‘dark ‘glasses.Ss: ‘dark ‘glasses.T: ‘wear ‘dark ‘glasses.Ss: ‘wear ‘dark ‘glassesT: I su’ggest you ‘wear ‘dark ‘glasses.Ss: I su’ggest you ‘wear ‘dark ‘glasses.

T: a ‘few ‘days?Ss: a ‘few ‘days?T: for a ‘few ‘days?Ss: for a ‘few ‘days?T: ‘rest for a ‘few ‘days?Ss: ‘rest for a ‘few ‘days?T: ‘Why don’t youSs: ‘Why don’t youT: ‘Why don’t you ‘rest for a ‘few ‘days?Ss: ‘Why don’t you ‘rest for a ‘few ‘days?

3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing after one of the colleagues or the doctor.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.



4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the colleague’s or the doctor’s role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio scriptA.Ss1: ..........................?V: Fine. Well, a bit tired. But fine.Ss2: ..........................V: Yes... it’s my second week, you know.Ss1: ..........................?V: The weekend?Ss1: ..........................?V: Oh... I don’t know.Ss1: ..........................?V: No...Ss1: ..........................?V: Oh, really?Ss2: ..........................Ss1: ..........................?V: That sounds good...Ss1: ..........................?Ss2: ..........................? Ss1: ..........................Ss2: .......................... V: That sounds great...

B. Ss: ..........................V: Thanks.Ss: ..........................?V: It’s my eyes. Ss: ..........................?V: Yes, they really hurt. And they’re all red.Ss: ..........................V: Ow!Ss: ..........................V: What is it? What’s the problem?Ss: ..........................V: Is it serious? Ss: ..........................V: Drops? Ss: ..........................V: But it’s not serious?Ss: ..........................V: Well... I am a bit tired. OK.

Thanks for your help.


5 Role-play SB p. 16 and 17Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or threes, they act out the roles.They can use the texts to help them remember the conversation.Encourage them to add their own variations, interpretations, and ideas.


Ask the students to use their own ideas to complete the conversation with a foreign visitor. They make suggestions for the weekend.They can do this individually or in pairs.Ask them to read out their conversations in pairs to check.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

AnswersPersonal choices

Making suggestions (What/How about...?)Ask the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.

You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Pages 31 and 32) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1Personal choices

2Personal choices


SB p. 17

G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.Both of the speakers are female, but they could be male.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.F1: What do you want to do now?F2: I’m not sure.F1: A movie?F2: Umm... perhaps.F1: Or an exhibition?F2: Perhaps tomorrow.F1: The park? A mall...F2: Oh, I don’t know. You decide!

SB p. 17


H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand and react to suggestions.• Make suggestions.• Give explanations.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 17

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the student to fi nd information about movies that are on next weekend.Ask them to bring this information to the next lesson.

SB p. 17


Section A / Lesson 6


Receptive language

I like nature.I liked the south.I stayed in a really nice hotel. It’s a great place to visit.It was convenient. It was near the beach. It was on the corner.

Language production

What did it look like?What did you do there?What’s your favorite place?What’s its name? Where are you going next?Where was it?

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the preceding lesson. Some of them may have only just done one of these from an earlier lesson.Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Movie informationWhat did they fi nd out? What kind of information is useful for visitors?

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the previous lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleF1: What do you want to do now?F2: I’m not sure.F1: A movie?F2: Umm... perhaps.F1: Or an exhibition?F2: Perhaps tomorrow.F1: The park? A mall...F2: Oh, I don’t know. You decide!


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.

Student’s Book pages 18 – 19


The lesson focuses on ways of describing places and experiences, as well as giving more practice in using the simple past tense of both regular and irregular verbs.




1Check that the students remember the adjective + noun word order in English.

Ask for some examples of an adjective + a place.e.g.a big hotela favorite restauranta top club

Write their suggestions on the board.Ask them to decide if the adjectives are used in a positive, negative or neutral way.You can label these P (positive), N (negative, or NL (neutral).Notice if there are any disagreements, ie if an adjective can have different connotations for different people.

2Ask the students to choose a place and make lists of positive, negative and neutral adjectives to describe it.They can do this individually, or in pairs or groups.Ask them to read out and comment on their ideas.

3Ask one student to say a place. The others suggest adjectives to describe it. Encourage them to use intonation to reinforce their comments and to notice how this can change the meaning.

Pronunciation practiceAsk the students to listen to the native Englishspeakers and repeat the pronunciationmodels.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input asnecessary.

S1: A food store. S2: A huge food store.S3: An expensive food store.S4: A fantastic food store.

Audio scriptListen and repeat.‘nice ho’tel.a ‘really ‘nice ho’tel.I ‘stayed in a ‘really ‘nice hot’el.the ‘beach.‘near the ‘beach.It was ‘near the ‘beach.and the ‘business ‘district.It was ‘near the ‘beach and the ‘business ‘district.




1.Ask the students to choose a hotel, a restaurant or a club.Ask them to make a note of useful language to describe this place to a visitor.They then annotate these phrases with P (positive), N (negative) or NL (neutral).

AnswersPersonal choices

2. Optional activityThey can use these phrases to recommend or warn their partner about a specifi c place.

SB p. 18


1 Speculation and listening Ask the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

AnswersA Location: A tourism offi ce.People: A female tourism assistant. A female visitor.

BLocation: A café. People: A male tour guide.A female and a male visitor.



Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the visitor’s descriptions of places.They should also notice how the other people respond.You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to find out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and find the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

AnswersA What information does the visitor want?(To find a specific hotel.)Does she know its name or address?(No.)What does she remember about it?(Near the beach and the business district. Medium size with a good restaurant. On the corner of a street.)How does the tourism assistant react?(She shows a photo.)What does she suggest?(To make a reservation for the visitor.)Is the tourism assistant helpful?(Personal answers.)

BWhich places do the visitors mention?(Salvador, the Pantanal, Iguaçu).What did the woman like best?(buildings, music, heat, the south.)What did the man do?(He took photos.)What does the guide say abut the Pantanal?(It’s different.)Are the visitors enthusiastic?(Personal answers.)

Audio script Focus on the descriptions of places.AV: Oh, good morning.B: Good morning. Can I help you?V: Yes. I was here last year.B: Yes?V: And I stayed in a really nice hotel.B: I see. What was its name?V: That’s the problem. I can’t remember.B: Ah. Well.. where was it?V: It was near the beach.B: I see...V: And the business district, too, I think.B: I see. The beach and the business district. V: Yes. It was convenient. B: What did it look like?V: Erm... modern. Medium size... it had a very

good restaurant...B: Anything else?V: It was on the corner of a street. B: Look at this photo. Was it this one?V: Let me see... yes, yes, that’s right. It was that

one!B: So, do you want to make a reservation?

BB: Are you enjoying your trip?V1: Oh, yes we are. It’s a great place to visit.B: What’s your favorite place so far?V2: Favorite? That’s difficult...V1: I loved Salvador...B: What did you like there?V1: Oh, the buildings, the beaches, the musicV2: And the food. I had some fantastic fish...B: Yes, it’s good, isn’t it?V2: I like nature. My favorite was the Pantanal.B: It’s different, isn’t it?V2: Yes, I took some great photos. Take a look.B: Thanks. Oh, yes... V1: I liked the south, too.B: What did you do there? Where did you go? V1: Oh, Iguazu, of course. The falls... V2: And the lagoons. There were some great birds. I took more pictures there.B: Where are you going to go next?V1: Home!V2: Yes. This is our last day!


2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: a ‘nice ho’tel.Ss: a ‘nice ho’tel.T: a ‘really ‘nice ho’tel.Ss: a ‘really ‘nice ho’tel.T: ‘It was a ‘really ‘nice ho’tel.Ss: ‘It was a ‘really ‘nice ho’tel.

T: your ‘trip?Ss: your ‘trip?T: en’joying your ‘trip?Ss: en’joying your ‘trip?T: ‘Are you en’joying your ‘trip?Ss: ‘Are you en’joying your ‘trip?

3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.

4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They interact with the visitor.

Audio script AV: Oh, good morning.Ss: ...............?V: Yes. I was here last year.Ss: ...............?V: And I stayed in a really nice hotel.Ss: ...............?V: That’s the problem. I can’t remember.Ss: ...............?V: It was near the beach.Ss: ...............V: And the business district, too, I think.Ss: ...............V: Yes. It was convenient. Ss: ...............?V: Erm.. modern. Medium size... it had a

very good restaurant...Ss: ...............?V: It was on the corner of a street Ss: ...............?V: Let me see... yes, yes, that’s right. It was

that one!Ss: ...............?

LN Remind the students that the visitors are in Brazil. They could suggest any local equivalents for tourist attractions.


BSs: ..........................?V1: Oh, yes we are. It’s a great place to visit.Ss: ..........................?V2: Favorite? That’s diffi cult...V1: I loved Salvador...Ss: ..........................?V1: Oh, the buildings, the beaches, the music.V2: And the food. I had some fantastic fi sh...Ss: ..........................?V2: I like nature. My favorite was the Pantanal.Ss: ..........................?V2: Yes, I took some great photos. Take a look.Ss: ..........................V1: I liked the south, too.Ss: ..........................?V1: Oh, Iguaçu, of course. The falls... V2: And the lagoons. There were some great

birds. I took more pictures there.Ss: ..........................?V1: Home!V2: Yes. This is our last day!

5 Role-play SB p. 18 and 19Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs, they act out the roles.Encourage gestures, movement and facial expression if possible. They can use the texts to help them remember the conversation.


Ask the students to complete the questions about a trip with the appropriate verbs and the simple past. Note there are several possibilities for d and e.

They can do this individually or in pairs.Ask them to read out their questions to check.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

Answersa. Where did you go?b. How did you travel?c. How long did you stay?d. What did you see/like best/not like?e. What did see/like best/ not like?f. Which place did you like best?

SB p. 19


Simple past (review)Ask the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page32) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1a. I lost my glasses on the bus.b. My dad took hundreds of photos!c. My friends went to the country.d. The hotel gave her a special price.e. We had a big sales meeting yesterday.f. We saw a fantastic movie last night.

2Personal choices


G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.M: What’s your hotel like?F: It’s OK.M: Yes. But what’s it like?F: Big. Modern. A typical business hotel.M: Expensive?F: Of course. But they gave me a special rate.

SB p. 19

H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand descriptions of past events.• Exchange information about past events.• Request further information.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 19

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the students to visit a tourism offi ce and collect some information in foreign languages for tourists.They could also look on a local tourism website.Ask them to bring this information to the next lesson.

SB p. 19



Section A / Lesson 7

Receptive language

I had two kids behind me.I was near the back. The fl ight was awful. The plane was very crowded. They ran up and down.

Language production

People were really kind.Tell us about your trip.The people were really kind.They helped me with my English.What did they do?

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the preceding lesson. Some of them may have only just done one of these from an earlier lesson.Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Tourism informationWhat kind of information is provided for visitors? What languages is it in?Does this refl ect the nationalities of business visitors and tourists?

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the previous lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleM: What’s your hotel like?F: It’s OK.M: Yes. But what’s it like?F: Big. Modern. A typical business hotel.M: Expensive?F: Of course. But they gave me a special rate.


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.

Student’s Book pages 20 – 21


The lesson focuses on ways of describing personal experiences, as well as giving more practice in using the simple past tense of both regular and irregular verbs.




1Ask the students to suggest ways of describing personal experiences. Group these into positive, negative or neutral.

e.g.a vacationIt was wonderful!It was very expensive!The weather was terrible.The hotel was OK.

Draw attention to the most common adjectives or verbs used to describe positive or negative experiences,e.g. wonderful, fantastic, nice, cool...horrible, boring, tiring...I loved...I hated...

2Ask the students to choose a good or badpersonal experience and talk about it.They can invent and exaggerate.

S1: Yesterday was awful!S2: Why?S1: I woke up late. The traffi c was bad. My boss was angry. I had problems with my computer...S2: Stop, stop!S1: How about you?S2: Oh, I had a great day. It was my birthday!



3Ask them to tell the class about these experiences.Encourage the class to ask questions.Help with the past tense uses as needed.

Pronunciation practice Ask the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

Audio script Listen and repeat.‘awful.The ‘fl ight was ‘awful.

‘crowded.The ‘plane was ‘crowded.

a ‘great ex’perience.‘It was a ‘great ex’perience.

my ‘English.They ‘helped me with my ‘English.

‘Portu’guese.‘teach them ‘Portu’guese.I ‘tried to ‘teach them ‘Portu’guese.


Ask the students to write a Twitter post about a good or bad personal experience.

AnswersPersonal choices

SB p. 20


1 Speculation and listening Ask the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

Answers Location: A social area.People: Female and male colleagues/friends.

BLocation: An offi ce. People: A male colleague.A female intern.

LN You can also ask the students to practice as follows (no audio):‘Russian.‘teach them ‘Russian. I ‘tried to ‘teach them ‘Russian.

LN Remind the students that the male person is Brazilian.


Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the visitor’s descriptions of experiences.They should also notice how the other people respond.You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to find out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and find the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

AnswersA What was the flight like?(It was long and crowded. The plane was hot.)Was this trip a good or bad experience?(Bad.)Are these experiences typical?Are the colleagues sympathetic?(Personal answers.)

BIs Fiona having a good or bad experience?(Good).Why?(She’s learning a lot.)What about Andre’s experience?(It was good, too.)Where did he go?(Chicago)What did he like best?(The family.)Are Fiona and Andre similar or different?(Personal answers.)

Audio script Focus on the good and bad experiences.

AB1: Tell us about your trip.V1: Well, the flight was awful.V2: Yes, it was really long. 12 hours.V1: The plane was very crowded.B1: Did you have seats together?V1: No, I was near the back.V2: And I had a center seat.B1: Center? That’s not good.V2: No. And I had a big person on both sides!B2: Poor you. B1: And you?V1: Oh, I had two kids behind me.B2: What did they do? Did they sleep?V1: Sleep? No! They ran up and down!B2: What about their parents?V1: Oh... they slept!V2: And it was hot.V1: I hate travel!B1: But now you’re here...V2: Yes, and it’s great.V1: But there’s the return trip...V2: Let’s stay!

BB: So, how are things?V: Good. Really good. It’s a great experience.

I’m learning a lot.B: It is, isn’t it? I was an intern, too.V: Oh, really? Where?B: In Chicago.V: Oh. Did you like it?B: Oh, I loved it.V: What did you like best?B: The people, I guess. People were really kind.V: It’s the same here, for me. Where did you

stay?B: In a family. They were great.V: That’s important.B: Yes, they had two kids. They helped me with

my English.V: When you had problems?B: Yes. And I tried to teach them Portuguese,

too.V: Were you a good teacher?B: Of course! But they weren’t good students!


2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: ‘crowded.Ss: ‘crowded.T: ‘very ‘crowded.Ss: ‘very ‘crowded.T: The ‘plane was ‘very ‘crowded.Ss: The ‘plane was ‘very ‘crowded.

T: my ‘English.Ss: my ‘English.T: ‘with my ‘English.Ss: ‘with my ‘English.T: They ‘helped me ‘with my ‘English.Ss: They ‘helped me ‘with my ‘English.

T: ‘Russian.Ss: ‘Russian.T: ‘teach them ‘Russian.Ss: ‘teach them ‘Russian.T: ‘tried to ‘teach them ‘Russian.Ss: ‘tried to ‘teach them ‘Russian.T: I ‘tried to ‘teach them ‘Russian.Ss: I ‘tried to ‘teach them ‘Russian

3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.



4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They interact with the visitor.

Audio script ASs1: ..........................V1: Well, the flight was awful.V2: Yes, it was really long. 12 hours.V1: The plane was very crowded.Ss1: ..........................?V1: No, I was near the back.V2: And I had a center seat.Ss1: .......................... V2: No. And I had a big person on both sides!Ss2: ..........................Ss1: ..........................?V1: Oh, I had two kids behind me.Ss2: ..........................?V1: Sleep? No! They ran up and down!Ss2: ..........................? V1: Oh... they slept!V2: And it was hot.V1: I hate travel!Ss1: ..........................V2: Yes, and it’s great.V1: But there’s the return trip...V2: Let’s stay!

BSs: ..........................?V: Good. Really good. It’s a great experience.

I’m learning a lot.Ss: ..........................V: Oh, really? Where?Ss: ..........................V: Oh. Did you like it?Ss: ..........................V: What did you like best?Ss: ..........................V: It’s the same here, for me. Where did you stay?Ss: ..........................V: That’s important.Ss: ..........................V: When you had problems?Ss: ..........................V: Were you a good teacher?Ss: ..........................!


5 Role-play SB p. 20-21Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.Encourage gestures, movement and facial expression if possible. They can use the texts to help them remember the conversation.


Ask the students to look at their questions in Consolidation 2 in the previous lesson (page 19).

Ask them to think about one of their own past trips, and to answer these questions about it.They can do this individually or in pairs.Ask them to read out their exchanges in pairs to check.

They can do this individually or in pairs.Ask them to read out their questions to check.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

AnswersPersonal choices.

SB p. 21

Simple past (review)Ask the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box. You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page 33) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1Did + Personal choices2Personal choices



Ask the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.F: Oh, I’m tired!M: Why?F: It was a crazy week.M: At work?F: Yes. We had a lot of visitors.M: So what did you do?F: Oh, the usual things.

SB p. 21

LN In the writing activity 2, the names in the second email have been changed to Russian equivalents.


H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand good and bad personal experiences.• Exchange information about personal experiences.• Express personal opinions.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 21

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the student to talk to any friends or family have been to a foreign country. They should fi nd out if it was a good or bad experience.Ask them to bring this information to the next lesson.

SB p. 21



Section A / Lesson 8

Receptive language

Can I ask you something?Why are the shops closed? Why can’t people use their cars?What happens? You mean it’s because of the environment?

Language production

It’s a public holiday. It depends on the number plate.That’s correct.What are you doing?What do you want to now?

Student’s Book pages 22 – 23


The lesson focuses on ways of making and reacting to requests for information and explanations, and on asking for and giving reasons, using Why...? Because... .

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the preceding lesson. Some of them may have only just done one of these from an earlier lesson.Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Travel experiencesAsk them to tell the class about good and bad travel experiences. You might like to make a list of both positive and negative ‘useful expressions’ to describe these.

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the previous lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleF: Is this place open on Sunday?M: I think so. But I’m not sure.F: Let’s ask.M: Who? There’s nobody here.F: Well, look in the guidebook.M: Oh, I left it in the hotel


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.




1Write these words on the board:Why?Because

Ask the students to make up some Why? questions.e.g. Why are you learning English?Why are you tired?Why were you late?Then ask for reasons, using because.e.g.Because I want a good job.Because I work very hard!Because the traffi c was bad.

2Ask the students to practice asking for andgiving explanations.They do not always have to use because, where it is implicit in the reason. Why are you learning English?

S1: Why are you learning English?S2: Because I want to change my job. What about you?S1: Oh, I want to travel. English is useful for that.

3Ask the students to think of local customs orbehavior which visitors may not understand.e.g.public holidays, meal times, offi ce practice.Discuss these and make up some Why...? Because...exchanges together.

Pronunciation practice Ask the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

Audio script Listen and repeat.‘holidaya ‘public ‘holiday.

a ‘national ‘holiday.a ‘local ‘holiday.

the ‘reason?‘What’s the ‘reason?

‘under’stand.I ‘don’t ‘under’stand.

ex’plain?‘Can you ex’plain?



Ask the students to choose a festival.They complete the information about it for a foreign visitor.

AnswersPersonal choices

SB p. 22


1 Speculation and listening Ask the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

Answers Location: An outdoor area.People: A male passer-by and two male visitors.

BLocation: An offi ce. People: A male offi ce manager.A male intern.

Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the visitors’ questions.They should also notice how the other people respond.You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to fi nd out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and fi nd the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

Audio script Focus on the questions and answers.AB: What are you doing?V1: We want to buy something.B: I see. But the shops are closed.V2: I know. Why?B: Why?V2: Yes, why are the shops closed?V1: It’s not Sunday.B: No, it’s a holiday.V1: A holiday?B: Yes, it’s a big public holiday today.V2: Ah, now I understand.V1: Yes, all those people in the street...V2: And the music...B: Yes, it’s a really important day here.V1: What happens? B: Well, people often go out for lunch. With the family.V2: And are there offi cial celebrations, too?B: Oh, sure. Just watch television tonight...

LN The dialog takes place in Brazil.To reduce pollution, drivers cannot use their cars on one day a week. This is called the ‘rodizio’. The students could suggest any local equivalents.


AnswersA Why are the visitors surprised?(The shops are closed – but it’s not Sunday.)What is the reason?(It’s a public holiday.)What does the passer-by tell them?(It’s an important day.)What do the visitors want to know?(What people do.)What does the passer-by tell them?(People go out for lunch.)What does he advise them to do?(Watch TV.)Is the passer-by helpful?(Personal answers.)

BWhat does the intern want to know?(Why people can’t use their cars.)Does the manager understand the question?(Not at first.)Does the intern understand his explanation?(Yes.)What does the intern want to do?(Work at home one day a week.)Does the manager agree?(Not immediately.)Is the manager hepful?(Personal answers.)

BV: Can I ask you something?B: Yes, of course. What do you want to know?V: I don’t understand about the cars.B: The cars? V: Yes. Why can’t people use their cars?B: Sorry, I don’t understand.V: Well, some people work at home one day a week.B: Yes? V: They say it’s because of the cars. I don’t

understand..B: Oh. The rodizio. Yes, it depends on the

number plate. V: Why?B: It’s to save energy. And reduce the traffic. And pollution...V: Ah. You mean it’s because of the environment?B: Yes. Yes that’s correct.V: Well, I don’t have a car. B: No...V: But can I work at home one day a week?B: Ah... I’m not sure about that.

2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: ‘out for ‘lunch.Ss: ‘out for ‘lunch.T: ‘often go ‘out for ‘lunch.Ss: ‘often go ‘out for ‘lunch.T: ‘People ‘often go ‘out for ‘lunch.Ss: ‘People ‘often go ‘out for ‘lunch.

T: the ‘number ‘plate.Ss: the ‘number ‘plate.T: be’cause of the ‘number ‘plate.Ss: be’cause of the ‘number ‘plate.T: It’s be’cause of the ‘number ‘plate.Ss: It’s be’cause of the ‘number ‘plate.

T: ‘under’stand.Ss: ‘under’stand.T: ‘don’t ‘under’stand.Ss: ‘don’t ‘under’stand.T: ‘Sorry, I ‘don’t ‘under’stand.Ss: ‘Sorry, I ‘don’t ‘under’stand,


3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing after the passer-by or the office manager.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.

4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio script ASs: ..........................?V1: We want to buy something.Ss: ..........................V2: I know. Why?Ss: ..........................?V2: Yes, why are the shops closed?V1: It’s not Sunday.Ss: ..........................V1: A holiday?Ss: ..........................V2: Ah, now I understand.V1: Yes, all those people in the street.V2: And the music...Ss: ..........................V1: What happens? Ss: ..........................V2: And are there official celebrations, too?Ss: ..........................

BV: Can I ask you something?Ss: ..........................?V: I don’t understand about the cars.Ss: ..........................?V: Yes. Why can’t people use their cars?Ss: ..........................V: Well, some people work at home one day a

week.Ss: ..........................? V: They say it’s because of the cars. I don’t understand...Ss: ..........................V: Why?Ss: ..........................V: Ah. You mean it’s because of the environment?Ss: ..........................V: Well, I don’t have a car. Ss: ..........................V: But can I work at home one day a week?Ss: ..........................


5 Role-play SB pp. 22-23Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.Encourage gestures, movement and facial expression if possible. They can use the texts to help them remember the conversation.


Ask the students to notice the explanations in the two conversations.e.g. It’s a big public holiday. It depends on the number plate.

Ask them to read the questions and suggest explanations and reasons for them.a. There’s a big soccer match. d. It’s very popular!b. It’s the vacation season. e. It’s Sunday! c. They’re on strike today! f. The traffi c...

They can do this individually or in pairs.Ask them to read out their reasons and to comment on their different ideas.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practicetrack again for further consolidation.

SB p. 23

Asking for and giving reasons (Why ...? /Because...)Ask the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Pages 33 and 34) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1Personal choices.

2Personal choices.




G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.F: Is this place open on Sunday?M: I think so. But I’m not sure.F: Let’s ask.M: Who? There’s nobody here?F: Well, look in the guidebook.M Oh, I left it in the hotel.

SB p. 23

H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand requests for explanations.• Offer explanations.• Give reasons.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 23

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the student to make a list of all the public and local holidays this year and write the dates in English. They should think how they affect traffi c, stores and offi ces. What do foreign visitors need to know?Ask them to bring this information to the next lesson.

SB p. 23


Section A / Lesson 9



The title ‘putting it together’ implies an opportunity for the students to connect the language they have learned, and to use it fl exibly. The role-play activities provide a context of describing places, or making suggestions and giving advice. At this stage, the students are ready to develop the suggestions in relation to their own language needs.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the last lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Public holidays and daily lifeAsk them to tell the class about the effect of public holidays on daily life. Encourage comments and suggestions.

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the last lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleF: Is this place open on Sunday?M: I think so. But I’m not sure.F: Let’s ask.M: Who? There’s nobody here.F: Well, look in the guidebook...M: Oh, I left it in the hotel.


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


Student’s Book pages 24 – 25





1 Ask them to write an example for each of the key functions. They should choose examples which will be personally useful.

SB p. 24

Ask for suggestions.

Asking for and give explanations

Checking details

Describing places

Discussing personal experiences

Making and responding to requests

Making and responding to suggestions

Giving personal information

Requesting and responding

S1: What does this mean?S2: ..........................

S3: What time is the fl ight? And check-in?S4: ..........................

S5: My hotel’s a big, modern building. There’s a pool on the roof. What about yours?

S6: ..........................

S7: I had a great day yesterday. I went to...S8: ..........................

S9: Can you translate this for me?S10: ..........................

S11: Let’s take a sightseeing trip.S12: ..........................

S13: Where do you work? S14: ..........................

S15: Do you have a laptop cable?S16: ..........................

2Ask them to choose one of these and to write a conversation with a partner.They then act out them out.Encourage the class to comment and suggest improvements.



Make sure that they understand the instructions on the role-play cards.They can choose to describe places or make suggestions and give advice.As usual, encourage them to think about the characters and location, and to use gesture and facial expression.

Give them time to practice their conversations before acting them out.


Ask them to identify the four visitors.What do they know about them? What would they like to know?They choose one of them and write a short blog entry, with questions to discover more information.

SB p. 25

Language Reference sectionAsk the students to check the Language Reference section..They should make notes of any problem areas.They should also complete the Word Groups on page 35.

They can do the Language Practice on page 34. This asks them to refl ect on their English learning

Language Practice: AnswersPersonal choices.


G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk them to complete this Spot themselvesin their notebooks, with a partner.Then they can act it out.

A: Hi!B: How are you?B: I’m fi ne. How’s your English??A: Oh, ... And yours?B: Well,...!

SB p. 25

FOR NEXT TIMEAsk them to do any activities they missed, or add information to those they have done.

SB p. 25



Section B / Lesson 10

Receptive language

Can I walk there?Can you draw me a map?Can you give me directions?How far is it? How long will it take?How old is it? I want to go to the city museum.Is this the museum?

Language production

Go down that street.It’s more than a hundred years old.It’s next to the cathedral.It was an art school.It was built in the 19th century.This is the science museum.Which museum do you want?

Student’s Book pages 36 – 37


The lesson focuses on ways of giving and reacting to directions, and to information about public places, as well as describing location.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from Lesson 8. Some of them may have only just done one of these from an earlier lesson.Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Public holidays (further ideas)Ask them to tell the class about public holidays and their effects.What information do foreign visitors need? What questions might they ask?

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from Lesson 8. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleM: Is this place open on Sunday?F: I think so. But I’m not sure.M: Let’s ask.F: Who? There’s nobody here.M: Well, look in the guidebook..F: Oh. I left it in the hotel.


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.




1Check whether the students remember ways of stating location, using prepositions of place.above behind in in front of near next to on underThey can do this by describing the location of thingsin the classroom.

They can also do this as a guessing activity.

S1: It’s near the door.S2: Is it the picture?S1: No!S2: The whiteboard?S1: No!S3: The light switch?S1: Yes!

2Do the same with directions.Draw a simple street plan on the board, and askfor suggestions to locate buildings and spaceson it.

Then ask the students to select a starting point and and building, and to give directions. e.g.Cross the street.Turn left. Go down to the end of that street.Turn right.It’s on your left.

Practice saying the directions out loud, paying attention to the word and syllable stress.

Ask them to work in pairs. One person asks fordirections and the other gives them.

3Ask the students to think of a building or place theyknow. Ask them to describe it to a visitor.e.g.It’s an old building. It’s near the park.It’s opposite the subway station.

They can expand this into a ‘Describe and guess’activity: one student describes a place, and the others guess it. This can be a whole class or a pair/small group activity.


Pronunciation practice Ask the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

Audio script Listen and repeat.the mu’seum?‘Where’s the mu’seum?

the ‘city mu’seum.‘go to the ‘city mu’seum.I ‘want to ‘go to the ‘city mu’seum.

The ‘city mu’seum?No, the ‘science mu’seum.

‘that ‘street.‘go ‘down ‘that ‘street.

the ‘square.‘Cross the ‘square.‘Cross the ‘square and ‘go ‘down ‘that ‘street.

the ‘bus station.‘Turn ‘right‘Turn ‘right at the ‘bus station.

‘Turn ‘right at the ‘bus station, ‘cross the‘square, and ‘go ‘down ‘that ‘street.


1Ask the students to decide on a local starting place. They then write directions from it to a pharmacy, a bus station, a bank or their own choice of place for a foreign visitor.

They draw a map in their notebooks.

AnswersPersonal choices

2They use the map to role-play asking for and giving directions with a partner.

SB p. 36




1 Speculation and listening Ask the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.


Location: An outdoor area.People: A male passer-by and a male visitor.

BLocation: Outside a public building.People: A female passer-by.A female visitor.

Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the visitors’ questions.They should also notice how the other people respond.You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to fi nd out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and fi nd the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

Audio script Focus on the questions and answers.AV: Excuse me.B: Yes?V: Is this the museum?B: Well, it’s a museum. But there are several.

Which museum do you want?V: Oh, I see. The city museum. I want to go to

the city museum.B: No, this is the science museum. The city

museum’s in a different area.V: Oh, I see. How far is it?B: Oh, not very far.V: Can I walk there?B: Yes, you can.V: How long will it take?B: Oh, about twenty minutes.V: That’s OK. Can you give me directions?B: It’s next to the cathedral. Go down that

street, turn left, cross the square, turn right at the bus station, then go down the next street...

V: Wait, wait. Look, can you draw me a map?B: Sure. It’s really quite easy!


AnswersA Which museum does the visitor want to go to?(The city museum.)What is the problem?(This is the science museum.)What does he want to know?(The distance. The time. If he can walk there.)Does he understand the directions?(No.)What does he ask the passer-by to do?(Draw a map.)Is the passer-by clear and helpful?(Personal answers.)

BHow does the visitor describe the building?(It looks good.)Why does her friend like the building?(It has some of her favorite paintings.)What does the visitor want to do first?(Use the restroom.)What does her friend suggest ?(Going to a cafe and trying brigadeiros.)Are they both enthusiastic?(Personal answers.)

BV: This looks good.B: Yes, this is one of my favorite places. V: What is it? I mean, it’s a fantastic building.B: Yes. It was an art school, originally.V: How old is it?B: Pretty old. It was built at the end of the

nineteenth century. So it’s more than a hundred years old.

V: So, it was an art school? What is it now?B: It’s an art gallery. It has some of my favorite

Brazilian paintings.V: Can we go inside?B: Sure. That’s why we came!V: Just one thing.B: What?V: Can we have a coffee first? And I want to use

the restroom..B: Of course. I’m sorry...V: No problem. But we walked a long way. It was interesting, though.B: Come on, there’s a great café down this

street. That’s one of my favorite places! Oh... do you know what brigadeiros are?V: No...B: Ahh.. come and find out!

2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: a ‘different ‘area.Ss: a ‘different ‘area.T: ‘in a ‘different ‘area.Ss: ‘in a ‘different ‘area.T: The ‘city mu’seumSs: The ‘city mu’seumT: The ‘city mu’seum’s ‘in a ‘different ‘area.Ss: The ‘city mu’seum’s ‘in a ‘different ‘area.

T: the ‘nineteenth ‘century.Ss: the ‘nineteenth ‘century.T: at the ‘end of the ‘nineteenth ‘century.Ss: at the ‘end of the ‘nineteenth ‘century.T: ‘It was ‘built Ss: ’It was ‘builtT: ‘It was ‘built at the ‘end of the

‘nineteenth ‘century.Ss: ’It was ‘built at the ‘end of the ‘nineteenth



3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.

4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio scriptAV: Excuse me. Ss: ..........................?V: Is this the museum? Ss: ..........................?V: Oh, I see. The city museum. I want to go to the city museum. Ss: ..........................V: Oh, I see. How far is it? Ss: ..........................V: Can I walk there? Ss: ..........................V: How long will it take? Ss: ..........................V: That’s OK. Can you give me directions?Ss: .......................... V: Wait, wait. Look, can you draw me a map?Ss: ..........................!

BV: This looks good.Ss: ..........................V: What is it? I mean, it’s a fantastic building.Ss: ..........................V: How old is it?Ss: ..........................V: So, it was an art school? What is it now?Ss: ..........................V: Can we go inside?Ss: ..........................!V: Just one thing.Ss: ..........................?V: Can we have a coffee first? And I want to use

the restroom...Ss: ..........................V: No problem. But we walked a long way. It was interesting, though.Ss: ..........................?V: No...Ss: ..........................


5 Role-play SB p. 36 - 37Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.Encourage gestures, movement and facial expression if possible.


Ask the students to suggest appropriate places to visitors.

They can do this individually or in pairs.Ask them to read out their suggestions for comment.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

AnswersPersonal choices.

SB p. 37

LocationAsk the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page 56)) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1Personal choices.

2Personal choices


G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.Both of the speakers are women, but they could be men.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Listen to these people.F1: Oh, I’m hot. I want to sit down.F2: Me too. There’s a place over there.F1: Let’s go in.F2: It looks good. Oh, no!F1: What’s the problem?F2: it’s closed!

SB p. 37


LN In exercise 2, Russian names have been used as production models.


H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand requests for information.• Describe places.• Give directions.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 37

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the students to choose a local place and check it out on the Internet. They should make a note of the information in English, or other foreign languages.Ask them to bring this information to the next lesson.

SB p. 37



Section B / Lesson 11

Receptive language

Did you have any problems?Did you travel at all? The seasons. The weather. When you go to a restaurant, ....Where’s that?

Language production

Does that happen in your city?Lunchtime is really important for us.What are the biggest differences? What do you mean?

Student’s Book pages 38 – 39


The lesson focuses on ways of asking about and comparing experiences and places, and on using the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the last lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Tourist informationWhat information about places do foreign visitors need? What is available for them?Is it better on the Internet or in print?

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the last lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleF1: Oh, I’m hot. I want to sit down.F2: Me too. There’s a place over there.F1: Let’s go in.F2: It looks good. Oh, no!F1: What’s the problem?F2: it’s closed!


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practicefrom the last lesson again.




1Ask the students about different types of visitors to your city or region.e.g. business visitorsfamiliesforeign visitorsstudentstourists

Ask what things might be surprising for each group. Elicit the fact that it is not only foreignvisitors who can be surprised, or not understandlocal behavior.

2Check whether the students know how to usethe comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.

Ask them to compare two buildings or places thatthey know, using their personal opinions.

Pronunciation practice Ask the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary

Audio script Listen and repeat.‘every ‘day.‘kilo ‘restaurant‘go to a ‘kilo ‘restaurantWe ‘go to a ‘kilo ‘restaurant ‘every ‘day.

the ‘open ‘air.‘spend ‘more ‘timeWe ‘spend ‘more ‘time in the ‘open ‘air.


1Ask the students to choose two of the cities and think about the differences between them.They make note about these to help a visitor.

AnswersPersonal choices

2They discuss their comparisons in pairs or in small groups. How much agreement or disagreement is there? Any surprises?

SB p. 38

LN In Brazil, kilo restaurants are very popular at lunchtime. Customers select their food from a large buffet and pay by weight.See Cultural Note on page 175.The students could suggest any popular local equivalents.



1 Speculation and listening Ask the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

Answers ALocation: A social area.People: Two female colleagues or friends.

BLocation: An offi ce,People: A male colleague. A male intern.

Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the visitors’ questions and comments.They should also notice how the other people respond.You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to fi nd out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and fi nd the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

Audio scriptFocus on the similarities and differences.AV: I’m really enjoying my stay here.B: What are the biggest differences for you?V: Well, the weather! And the seasonsB: The seasons?V: Yes, it’s winter at home now.B: Oh, of course. I always forget! V: And the size of things. B: What do you mean?V: Everything’s so big. I mean, look at your

cities.B: Yes, that’s true. Anything else?V: Erm... Oh, yes, I know. When you go to a

restaurant, someone parks your car.B: Doesn’t that happen in your city?V: No way. Well, perhaps in very expensive

places.B: Yes, it’s good.V: And then you have people to help in the

house, too.B: Mmm... I suppose we are lucky.



AnswersA What are the biggest differences for the visitor?(The weather, the seasons, the size of things, car parking and domestic help.)Why is her friend surprised by the seasons?(Different hemispheres.)What does she ask the visitor about?(If people get their cars parked.)Are the visitor’s comments surprising?Are her friend’s comments surprising?(Personal answers.)

BWhat does the intern want to know?(About Andre’s experiences as an intern.)What problems did Andre have?(Lunchtime...)What was different?(People had sandwiches at their desks.)What other problem did he have?(He missed his friends.)What good memory did Andre have?(Travel.)Are their comments surprising?(Personal answers.)

BV: Can I ask you a few questions?B: Yes, of course.V: You were an intern too, weren’t you?B: Yes, I was. It was five years ago.V: Did you enjoy it?B: Well .. most of the time.V: Did you have any problems? In the office?B: Well, there was one thing...V: What was that?B: Lunchtime.V: Lunchtime? You mean, the food?B: You see, lots of people had a sandwich.

At their desks. V: Ah. I see. And here we all go to those kilo

restaurants every day..B: Yes, lunchtime is really important for us.V: I know! And those lunch places are great.B: And I missed my friends here, too.V: Mm. Did you travel at all?B: Yes, I did. In fact... I still have some photos

on my phone... Look...V: Oh, yes... oh, where’s that? It looks familiar...B: Recognize it? The Grand Canyon... fantastic!

2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: for ‘you?Ss: for ‘you?T: the ‘biggest ‘differences for ‘you?Ss: the ‘biggest ‘differences for ‘you?T: ‘What are the ‘biggest ‘differences for ‘you?Ss: ‘What are the ‘biggest ‘differences for ‘you?

T: ‘problems?Ss: ‘problems?T: ‘have any ‘problems?Ss: ‘have any ‘problems?T: ‘Did you ‘have any ‘problems?Ss: ‘Did you ‘have any ‘problems?

3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.


4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio script AV: I’m really enjoying my stay here. Ss: ..........................?V: Well, the weather! And the seasons. Ss: ..........................? V: Yes, it’s winter at home now. Ss: ..........................! V: And the size of things. Ss: ..........................? V: Everything’s so big. I mean, look at your cities. Ss: ..........................? V: Erm.. Oh, yes, I know. When you go to a restaurant, someone parks your car. Ss: ..........................? V: No way. Well, perhaps in very expensive places.Ss: .......................... V: And then you have people to help in the house, too. Ss: ..........................

BV: Can I ask you a few questions?Ss: ..........................V: You were an intern too, weren’t you?Ss: ..........................V: Did you enjoy it?Ss: ..........................V: Did you have any problems? In the office?Ss: ..........................V: What was that?Ss: ..........................V: Lunchtime? You mean, the food?Ss: ..........................V: Ah. I see. And here we all go to those kilo

restaurants every day...Ss: ..........................V: I know! And those lunch places are great.Ss: ..........................V: Mm. Did you travel at all? Ss: ..........................V: Oh, yes... oh, where’s that? It looks familiar...Ss: ..........................

5 Role-play SB p. 38 - 39

Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.Encourage gestures, movement and facial expression if possible.



Ask the students to use the adjectives to complete the comparisons.

They can do this individually or in pairs.Ask them to read out their suggestions for comment.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

AnswersPersonal choices.

SB p. 39

Comparisons and superlativesAsk the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page 57) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers 1 Personal choices. 2 Personal choices.


G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.Both of the speakers are women, but they could be men.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio ScriptListen to these peopleM: What do you like best here?F: Oh, lots of things.M: Yes, but what?F: It’s diffi cult... M: People? Places? Food? The climate?F: Everything! And you?

SB p. 39

H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand comparisons of places and behavior.• Compare places and behavior.• Make personal comparisons.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 39

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the students to talk to someone who has visited a foreign country (or to think about a visit they have made).They identify the similarities and differences.Ask them to bring this information to the next lesson.

SB p. 39


Section B / Lesson 12


Receptive language

Are they expensive?I want to buy some coffee.It’s a present.That’s a great display.Would you like to try them on?We just want to look around.We’ll come back.What do you recommend?

Language production

They’re last season’s model.We have some cheaper ones.We sell a lot of it to visitors.What type?


The lesson focuses on shopping situations, and on countable and uncountable nouns.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the last lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Personal experiencesWhat similarities and differences have people noticed when visiting a foreign country?Are these the same for most people? Any surprises?

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the last lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleM: What do you like best here?F: Oh, lots of things.M: Yes, but what?F: It’s diffi cult... M: People? Places? Food? The climate?F: Everything! And you?


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


Student’s Book pages 40 – 41



1Check the students understand the use of a and some with countable and uncountable nouns.

Ask for examples of uncountable nouns.e.g.coffeemilksugar


Point out that these can be modifi ed.A cup of coffeeA jug of milkA kilo of sugar

Ask them to suggest other examples, and use these in requests.e.g.I want some coffee, please.I want a coffee, and my friend wants a juice.Please bring me some milk.

2Check whether the students are familiar with the use of any in questions and negative statements.e.g.Do you have any salad?We don’t want any dessert, thank you.

Ask them to add more examples.

3Choose different places.e.g. A tourism offi ce Ask the students to make up suitable exchanges between a visitor and an assistant.

Pronunciation practiceAsk the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

S1: Do you have any tickets for the concert?S2: Sure. How many?S1: Two,please.S2: Here you are.

Audio script Listen and repeat.‘sunglasses?‘those ‘sunglasses?‘How much are ‘those ‘sunglasses?

‘cheaper ones?any ‘cheaper ones?‘Do you have any ‘cheaper ‘ones?

‘coffee?‘What type of ‘coffee?‘What type of ‘coffee ‘do you ‘want?



1Ask the students to choose a favorite personal possession. They write a description of it to help a visitor whowants to buy something similar. They add advice onwhere to go, and the price range.

AnswersPersonal choices.

2They can discuss their suggestions in pairs or small groups.

SB p. 40


1 Speculation and listening Ask the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

AnswersALocation: A spectacles and sunglasses store.People: A female assistant.A female and a male visitor.

BLocation: A coffee store.People: A male assistant. A female visitor.



Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the visitors’ questions and comments.They should also notice how the other people respond.You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to find out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and find the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

AnswersA What attracts the visitor to the store?(The display.)What does the woman like?(The shape.)How does the assistant explain the price?(He’s a top designer.)Does the woman think they are expensive?(Yes.)What does the assistant offer?(Some cheaper models.)Do you think the woman will come back?(Personal answers.)

BDoes the woman know exactly what she wants?(No.)What does the assistant want to know?(Where she is from.)What surprises the assistant?(She doesn’t drink coffee.)Is the assistant helpful?What advice would you give the woman?(Personal answers.)

Audio scriptFocus on the visitors’ requests and preferences. AV1: Hey, this looks like a good place. V2: Yes, that’s a great display. V1: Why don’t we go in? B: Hi. Come in! V1: Thanks... V2: We just want to look around.B: Sure. Take your time. V2: Thanks. Hey... look at those. V1: What? V2: Those sunglasses... B: They’re this season’s model. V2: I love the shape.V1: And the color.B: Would you like to try them on?V2: Oh, yes.B: They look really good on you.V2: Mm.. are they expensive?B: Not really. He’s a top designer...V1: Look, there’s the price. On the side...V2: Oh... oh, yes... Mm. Not for me. Well, not today!B: We have some cheaper ones. But they’re last year’s models.V1: Thanks. We’ll come back.B: OK. Any time!

BV: Hello.B: Hello.V: I want to buy some coffee.B: What type?V: Oh.. I’m not sure.. what do you have?B: Grains or powder?V: Oh... grains, I think. It’s not for me...B: No?V: No. it’s a present. To take home.B: Where are you from? V: From New York.B: Do you drink a lot of coffee?V: Me? Or my friends?B: Well... we sell a lot of it to visitors!V: Yes, all my friends love it. But not me!B: Not you? You don’t drink coffee?V: No, I prefer tea. But I want to buy some

coffee.B: OK. Now, what type?V Oh... erm... I don’t know. What do you



2 SpeakingUse these chunks as models for the students to repeat. Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: ‘cheaper ‘ones.Ss: ‘cheaper ‘ones.T: some ‘cheaper ‘ones.Ss: some ‘cheaper ‘ones.T: We ‘have some ‘cheaper ‘ones.Ss: We ‘have some ‘cheaper ‘ones.

T: some ‘coffee.Ss: some ‘coffee.T: to ‘buy some ‘coffee.Ss: to ‘buy some ‘coffee.T: I ‘want to ‘buy some ‘coffee.Ss: I ‘want to ‘buy some ‘coffee.

3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.

4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio script AV1: Hey, this looks like a good place. V2: Yes, that’s a great display. V1: Why don’t we go in? Ss: ..............! V1: Thanks...V2: We just want to look around.Ss: ............... V2: Thanks. Hey..look at those. V1: What? V2: Those sunglasses..Ss: ................ V2: I love the shape.V1: And the color.Ss: ..............?V2: Oh, yes.Ss: ..............V2: Mm.. are they expensive?Ss: ..............V1: Look, there’s the price. On the side..V2: Oh.. oh, yes... Mm. Not for me. Well, not today!Ss: ..............V1: Thanks. We’ll come back.Ss: .............!


BV: Hello.Ss: ..........................V: I want to buy some coffee.Ss: ..........................?V: Oh... I’m not sure... what do you have?Ss: ..........................?V: Oh... grains, I think. It’s not for me...Ss: ..........................? V: No. it’s a present. To take home.Ss: ..........................? V: From New York.Ss: ..........................?V: Me? Or my friends?Ss: ..........................!V: Yes, all my friends love it. But not me!Ss: ..........................?V: No, I prefer tea. But I want to buy some coffee.Ss: ..........................?V: Oh... erm... I don’t know. What do you advise?

5 Role-play SB p. 40 - 41 Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.Encourage gestures, movement and facial expression if possible.


Ask the students to match the places to the statements and question.

They can do this individually or in pairs.Ask them to read out their suggestions for comment.They can then suggest and discuss good local places.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

Answersa. pharmacyb. bookstorec. bankd. tourism offi cee. computer storef. fruit store Personal choices.

SB p. 41


Countables and uncountablesAsk the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Pages 57 and 58) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1a. I want some salad, please.b. I don’t want any meat, thank you.c. Do you have any sausages today?d. We want to buy a special gift!e. I want some medicine for a headache.f.. We want a big suitcase.

2Personal choices.


G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio scriptListen to these peopleM: Do you like this one?F: Mm, it’s not bad.M: Or that one?F: Yes, that one’s better.M: Let’s check out the prices.F: OK. But I really like that one

SB p. 41

H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand requests for precise objects.• Exchange and request detailed information.• Comment on personal choices.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 41

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the students to visit a shopping mall and fi nd out what information there is in English (or other languages) to help foreign visitors.Ask them to bring this information to the next lesson.

SB p. 41


Section B / Lesson 13


Receptive language

Can you do seven?Early? Earlier?I can do eleven.I want to make an appointment.I’d like to come and see you.

Language production

How early?Make it fi ve.Tomorrow’s bad.When can you come?


The lesson focuses on discussing and making appointments, and practices adverbs and time phrases.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the last lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Information for visitorsFind out what useful information for visitors they found. How could it be better?

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the last lesson.You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleM: Do you like this one?F: Mm, it’s not bad.M: Or that one?F: Yes, that one’s better.M: Let’s check out the prices.F: OK. But I really like that one.


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


Student’s Book pages 42 – 43



1Check the students know the days of the week and months, and how to tell the time.If necessary, review these.

2Write these phrases on the board:early earlierlate later

before thatafter that

Ask them to exchange information abouttheir activities in the last 24 hours.

S1: What did you do this morning?S2: I went to the offi ce.S1: What time?S2: Oh, at 8.30.S1: And before that?S2: I took the kids to school. What about you?

3They can extend this to look forward,and discuss meeting in the next 24 hours.

Pronunciation practiceAsk the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

S1: Are you free at 9?S2: No, sorry. How about earlier?S1: I’m free at 8.S2: OK. That’s fi ne.

Audio script Listen and repeat.‘What ‘time?‘Which ‘day?

‘earlier?‘Can you come ‘earlier?

‘later.‘Let’s make it ‘later.

to’morrow?‘Are you ‘free to’morrow?

the ‘morning?‘meet in the ‘morning?‘Why don’t we ‘meet in the ‘morning?



1 Ask the students make a week’s plan for a foreign visitor.They should write one suggestion for each day. If appropriate, they can add times.

AnswersPersonal choices.

2They can discuss their suggestions in pairs or small groups.

SB p. 40


1 Speculation and listeningAsk the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

AnswersALocation: An offi ce / not specifi ed (phone calls)People: A male manager.A male visitor.

BLocation: A hotel / a medical offi ce (phone calls).People: A female doctor. A female visitor.



Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the visitors’ requests.They should also notice how the other people respond.You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to find out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and find the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

Audio script Focus on the visitors’ requests and preferences.AV: Hi. Luis... Is that you?B: Yes, Luis here. Who’s speaking?V: Daniel. From Los Angeles. Remember me?B: Oh, Daniel! Of course I remember you.V: Well, I’m here in Brazil... in the north-east.B: That’s great...V: And I’d like to come and see you.B: Sure. Business or social?V: Well, both. But business first.B: OK. When can you come?V: I’m flying in tomorrow. Early...B: No, tomorrow’s bad. Lots of meetings...V: Friday? Midday?B: Let me look... how about earlier?V: Mm. I can do 11. Or 5.B: OK. Make it 5. Then we can go somewhere

after...V: Sounds good. Remember that conversation

in Miami?B: Miami? Sure.V: Well, I have a proposition for you.B: Sounds interesting. See you Friday!

BV: Hello? Is that the medical center? B: Yes. Who do you want to speak to?V: Oh... I want to make an appointment.B: What’s the problem? V: It’s a little complicated... B: Yes? V: I can’t sleep. And I have a pain in my back.B: Well, when can you come in?V: That’s the problem. I’m on a business trip,

and I don’t have much free time.B: Well, how about this evening?V: No, I have to go to a dinner...B: Tomorrow morning, then?V: Early?B: How early?V: Can you do 7?B: Mm, that is early... let me see...V: Oh, one other thing...B: Look. I can give you a special appointment

at 7 am tomorrow.V: That would be excellent. Oh – could you

come here, to my hotel?B: To your hotel?V: Yes... Is that possible?


AnswersA Who is calling? Where is he from?(Daniel. Los Angeles.)Where is he calling from?(The north-east.)When does he want to meet Luis?(Tomorrow morning.)When does Luis suggest?(Friday at five.)Why does Daniel want to meet?(He has a proposition.)What type of proposition could it be?Do you think the Luis is really interested?(Personal answers.)

BWhy is the woman calling?(She wants to make a medical appointment.)What is her problem?(She can’t sleep. She has a bad back.)When does the doctor suggest?(This evening.)Why is this not possible?(She has to go to a dinner.)What alternative does the doctor offer?(Tomorrow morning.)What time and place does the visitor request?(7 a.m. at her hotel.)Will the doctor agree? What will she say?(Personal answers.)2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: an a’ppointment.Ss: an a’ppointment.T: ‘make an a’ppointment.Ss: ‘make an a’ppointment.T: I ‘want to ‘make an a’ppointment.Ss: I ‘want to ‘make an a’ppointment.

T: to’morrow.Ss: to’morrow.T: at ‘seven to’morrow.Ss: at ‘seven to’morrow.T: a ‘special a’ppointmentSs: a ‘special a’ppointmentT: a ‘special a’ppointment at ‘seven to’morrow.Ss: a ‘special a’ppointment at ‘seven to’morrow.T: ‘I can ‘give youSs: ‘I can ‘give youT: ‘I can ‘give you a ‘special a’ppointment at

‘seven to’morrow.Ss: ‘I can ‘give you a ‘special a’ppointment at

‘seven to’morrow.


3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.

4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio scriptAV: Hi. Luis... Is that you?Ss: ..........................?V: Daniel. From Los Angeles. Remember me?Ss: ..........................V: Well, I’m here in Brazil... in the north-east.Ss: ..........................V: And I’d like to come and see you.Ss: ..........................?V: Well, both. But business fi rst.Ss: ..........................?V: I’m fl ying in tomorrow. Early..Ss: ..........................?V: Friday? Midday?Ss: ..........................V: Mm. I can do 11. Or 5.Ss: ..........................V: Sounds good. Remember that conversation

in Miami?Ss: ..........................V: Well, I have a proposition for you.Ss: ..........................!



BV: Hello? Is that the medical center?Ss: ..........................?V: Oh... I want to make an appointment.Ss: ..........................?V: It’s a little complicated...Ss: ..........................?V: I can’t sleep. And I have a pain my back.Ss: ..........................?V: That’s the problem. I’m on a business trip,

and I don’t have much free time.Ss: ..........................?V: No, I have to go to a dinner...Ss: ..........................?V: Early?Ss: ..........................?V: Can you do 7?Ss: ...........................V: Oh, one other thing...Ss: ..........................V: That would be excellent. Oh – could you come here, to my hotel?Ss: ..........................?V: Yes.. Is that possible?

5 Role-play SB pp. 42 - 43Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.Encourage gestures, movement and facial expression if possible.


Ask the students to write their activities and appointments for the next 24 hours. They can invent imaginary ones.

They can do this individually or in pairs.Ask them to use these to discuss possible times and places to meet.

Answers Personal choices.

SB p. 43


Comparisons - adverbsAsk the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page 58) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1Personal choices.

2Personal choices.


G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.Both these speakers are men, but they could be women.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio scriptListen to these peopleM1: Suggest a good time.M2: Morning or afternoon?M1: Morning is better. I can do 8.M2: Mm. It’s not good for me. Midday?M1: OK. That’s good. And lunch?

SB p. 43

H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand suggestions for times and dates.• Negotiate times for appointments.• Agree or disagree appropriately

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 43

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the students to check the visiting times for a doctor’s or dentist’s surgery, or a medical center.Where is this information available? Is it easy for a foreign visitor to fi nd and understand?Is it available in different languages?

SB p. 43


Section B / Lesson 14


Receptive language

I couldn’t sleep last night.I didn’t know.I have a complaint.I want a different room.I want to see the manager.I’m sorry.What’s wrong?

Language production

Can I help?I’m really sorry.Is there a problem?Let me see what we have.Send another mail.Is there a problem?Why didn’t you ask?You spelled her name wrong.


The lesson focuses on making and dealing with complaints, and suggesting solutions, as well as reviewing the use of irregular verbs in the simple past.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the last lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Medical help and information for visitorsFind out what information for visitors they found. How could it be better?

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the last lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleM1: Suggest a good time.M2: Morning or afternoon?M1: Morning is better. I can do 8.M2: Mm. It’s not good for me. Midday?M1: OK. That’s good. And lunch?


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


Student’s Book pages 44 – 45



1Check the students can recognize and use the simple present and the simple past forms of these verbs in various everyday contexts.begin/begangive/gaveknow/knewsay/saidsend/sentsleep/sleptthink/thought

2Ask the students to suggest situations where they sometimes complain.What would they say in English?What might the other person say? Write these apologies on the board.I’m sorry.I apologise.

3Ask them to use some of these situations tomake complaints and apologise.

Pronunciation practiceAsk the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

Audio script Listen and repeat.com’plaint.I ‘have a com’plaint.

a ‘room.a ‘quiet ‘room.I ‘want a ‘quiet ‘room.

I’m ‘sorry.I a’pologize.I ‘didn’t ‘know.

‘ask?‘didn’t ‘ask?‘Why ‘didn’t you ‘ask?



1 Ask the students read the complaints and write suitable apologies for each one. It will be easier if they imagine the situation and the people.

AnswersPersonal choices.

2They can act out their exchanges in pairs.

SB p. 44


1 Speculation and listeningAsk the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

AnswersALocation: A hotel.People: A female manager.A male visitor.

BLocation: An offi ce.People: A male offi ce manager. A male intern.



Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the complaints.They should also notice how the other people respond.You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to find out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and find the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

AnswersA Why is Daniel complaining?(He couldn’t sleep because of noise.)Why is the manager surprised?(He says ‘last night’ but it was at 7 a.m.)Why was he so tired?(He had flown from Japan.)What was the cause of the noise?(Construction work.)What does Daniel want?(A quiet room.)How does the manager react?Was Daniel’s complaint reasonable?(Personal answers.)

BWhy does Luis want to see the intern?(There is a problem with head office.)What is the problem?(He gave the wrong dates. He chose the wrong hotel.He spelled the technical director’s name wrongly.)What does Luis suggest?(Send another mail. Say they have problems. Suggest a new hotel.)What advice does he give?(Ask next time.)Is Luis sympathetic? Is the intern sorry?(Personal answers.)

Audio script Focus on the complaints and suggestions.AV: I want to see the manager.B: Yes? I am the manager.V: Good.B: Is there are a problem? Can I help?V: I hope so. I have a complaint.B: Oh dear. What’s your name?V: Daniel. Daniel Milton. I’m in Room 1405.B: What’s the problem?V: Noise. I couldn’t sleep last night! There was

this awful noise...B: Last night? That’s strange...V: Well, this morning. Early.B: What time?V: Oh.. about 7.B: 7 am?V: Yes. OK, it’s not that early! But I arrived from

Japan last night. I was really tired.B: It’s the construction work?V: I’m sorry?B: The construction work. They’re building a

new apartment block opposite. They begin at 7...V: Well, I want a different room. A quiet one.B:. Let me see what we have...

BV: You wanted to see me?B: Yes, I did. Sit downV: Thanks. What’s wrong?B: Look at this...V: What is it?B: This mail. From head office.V: Yes?B: It’s from the new technical director.V: Yes. I sent her the travel program yesterday...B: I know. And look what she says... V: Oh, no... I gave her the wrong dates...B: Yes, the wrong dates. And you spelled her

name wrong. And the hotel...V: The hotel?B: Yes. She hates that one. She always stays

downtown.V: I’m sorry... but I didn’t know...B: Well, why didn’t you ask?V: I don’t know... I didn’t think.B: Well, send another mail. Say we have a few

problems here. Ask where she’d like to stay.V: OK. I’m really sorry.B: OK. It’s not your fault. But next time... ask!


2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: ‘problems ‘here.Ss: ‘problems ‘here.T: a ‘few ‘problems ‘here.Ss: a ‘few ‘problems ‘here.T: We ‘have a ‘few ‘problems ‘here.Ss: We ‘have a ‘few ‘problems ‘here.

T: ‘wrong.Ss: ‘wrong.T: her ‘name ‘wrong.Ss: her ‘name ‘wrong..T: You ‘spelled her ‘name ‘wrong.Ss: You ‘spelled her ‘name ‘wrong.

3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.

4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitors.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio scriptAV: I want to see the manager. Ss: .......................... V: Good. Ss: ..........................? V: I hope so. I have a complaint.Ss: ..........................? V: Daniel. Daniel Milton. I’m in Room 1405.Ss: ..........................? V: Noise. I couldn’t sleep last night! There

was this awful noise.. Ss: .......................... V: Well, this morning. Early. Ss: ..........................? V: Oh.. about 7. Ss: ..........................? V: Yes. OK, it’s not that early! But I arrived from

Japan last night. I was really tired. Ss: .......................... V: I’m sorry? Ss: ..........................V: Well, I want a different room. A quiet one.Ss: ..........................


BV: You wanted to see me?Ss: ..........................V: Thanks. What’s wrong?Ss: ..........................V: What is it?Ss: ..........................V: Yes?Ss: ..........................V: Yes. I sent her the travel program yesterday..Ss: ..........................V: Oh, no.. I gave her the wrong dates...Ss: ..........................V: The hotel?Ss: ..........................V: I’m sorry... but I didn’t know...Ss: ..........................?V: I don’t know... I didn’t think.Ss: ..........................V: OK. I’m really sorry.Ss: ..........................!

5 Role-play SB pp. 44 - 45 Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.Encourage gestures, movement and facial expression if possible.


Ask the students to use the suggestions to write complaints.They should add details of the location and the people involved.It may be easier to do this in their notebooks.

They can do this individually or in pairs.They can use their complaints in exchanges, adding a reaction.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

Answers PLACE: restaurantPEOPLE: waiter + clientCOMPLAINT: This meat is uncooked!Personal choices.

SB p. 45


Irregular verbsAsk the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page 58) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1Personal choices.

2Personal choices.


G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.M: What’s the matter?F: Look!M: Where?F: Well, look over there.M: Where? What? Oh... yes.F: That’s awful. Let’s go!

SB p. 45

H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand complaints.• Make and react to complaints.• Make appropriate suggestions.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 45

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the students if they have complained about anything recently.Suggest they think about the context, the reason, the people involved, and the outcome.They use the to write a short exchange.Ask them to bring this to the next lesson.

SB p. 45


Section B / Lesson 15


Receptive language

I bought my air ticket.I went to a party.We had dinner.We stayed until two.We went to a club.

Language production

What did you do?Where did you go?


The lesson focuses on talking about past events, as well as habitual activities, using Wh- questions with the simple past and simple present tenses.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the last lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Complaints: personal experiencesAsk them to act out their exchanges complaining, or reacting to complaints.Encourage reactions and comments from the rest of the class.

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the last lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleM: What’s the matter?F: Look!M: Where?F: Well, look over there.M: Where? What? Oh... yes.F: That’s awful. Let’s go!


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


Student’s Book pages 46 – 47



1Review the simple past tense and Wh-? question words quickly.

2They can use these to ask questions about past events.These can be personal, or more general.

3Review the English names for big festivals.ChristmasNew YearNew Year’s Eve Ask the students to say what they normally do on these.Then ask them to say what they did last time. Any surprises?

Pronunciation practice Ask the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

Audio script Listen and repeat.‘Christmas‘Christmas ‘Eve‘Christmas ‘Day

at ‘Christmas?‘What do you ‘do at ‘Christmas?

‘New ‘Year‘New ‘Year’s ‘Eve?‘What do you ‘do on ‘New ‘Year’s ‘Eve?

‘birthday?‘When’s your ‘birthday?

‘on your ‘birthday?‘want to ‘do‘What do you ‘want to ‘do ‘on your ‘birthday?


1 Ask the students write a blog entry about a family celebration for foreign friend.

AnswersPersonal choices.

2They can exchange and compare their blogs.

SB p. 46



1 Speculation and listeningAsk the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

AnswersALocation: An offi ce coffee area.People: A female colleague.A male visitor.

BLocation: An offi ce social area.People: A male colleague. A female intern.

Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the events.They should also notice how the other people respond.You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to fi nd out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and fi nd the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

Audio scriptFocus on the past events.AB: Hello. How are you?V: Oh... oh, fi ne, thanks.B: You look a bit tired. A late night?V: Yes, it was! I went to a party...B: A good one?V: It was my colleague’s birthday, you see.B: Ahh... what did you do?V: Well, we had a few drinks at the hotel fi rst.B: And then?V: And then we had dinner in a great place.B: Where?V: Erm... oh,I can’t remember the name. It was a

new Peruvian restaurant. The chef’s famous...B: Oh, I know. He’s on TV.V: Then we went to a club. And the music was

really special. B: Sounds good.V: So we stayed until around 2... listening to the

music, dancing, talking... you know.B: It sounds like a great night.V: Yes, it was. But now I have to do a big

presentation. And my head... ugh


AnswersA Why does the man look tired?(He had a late night.)What was the celebration?(A colleague’s birthday.)What did they do?(Had drinks, had dinner, went to a club.)What did his colleague say about the chef?(He’s on TV.)Is this a typical office conversation?(Personal answers.)

BWhat did Fiona do yesterday?(She bought her air ticket to go home.)What is the occasion?(Christmas and New Year.)What did Andre plan to do?(Invite her to visit his family.)Why is the weather important for Fiona?(It is the middle of the winter.)Do you agree with Andre’s last statement?(Personal answers.)

BB: Hi. How are things?V: Fine. I bought my air ticket yesterday.B: Where are you going?V: Home. For Christmas... and New Year, of

course.B: What a pity. I wanted to invite you to spend

Christmas with my family.V: Oh... thanks. So is Christmas a family thing

here, too?B: Oh yes, of course. We go to my parents.

Cousins, aunts, uncles, kids...V: Our families are a bit smaller, of course. But

Christmas is a real family day.B: What about New Year?V: Oh, that’s different. That’s for friends.B: Same here.V: And don’t forget I live in Scotland. It’s

different from England. Hogmanay... street parties and music – if the weather’s OK.

B: The weather?V: It’s the middle of the winter!B: Oh, of course. Well, we do different things in

different parts of Brazil, too.

2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: a ‘club.Ss: a ‘clubT: We ’went to a ‘club.Ss: We ‘went to a ‘club.

T: a’round ‘two.Ss: a’round ‘two.T: un’til a’round ‘two.Ss: un’til a’round ‘two.T: We ‘stayed un’til a’round ‘two.Ss: We ‘stayed un’til a’round ‘two.

T: ‘Russia.Ss: ‘Russia.T: ‘different ‘parts of ‘Russia.Ss: ‘different ‘parts of ‘Russia.T: We ‘do ‘different ‘thingsSs: We ‘do ‘different ‘thingsT: We ‘do ‘different ‘things in ‘different ‘parts

of ‘Russia.Ss: We ‘do ‘different ‘things in ‘different ‘parts

of ‘Russia.


3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.

4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio scriptASs: ..........................?V: Oh.. oh, fi ne, thanks.Ss: ..........................?V: Yes, it was! I went to a party...Ss: ..........................?V: It was my colleague’s birthday, you see.Ss: ..........................?V: Well, we had a few drinks at the hotel fi rst.Ss: ..........................?V: And then we had dinner in a great placeSs: ..........................?V: Erm..oh,I can’t remember the name. It

was a new Peruvian restaurant. The chef’s famous..

Ss: .......................... V: Then we went to a club. And the music was really special. Ss: ..........................V: So we stayed until around 2... listening to the music, dancing, talking... you know.Ss: ..........................V: Yes, it was. But now I have to do a big presentation. And my head... ugh!



BSs: ..........................?V: Fine. I bought my air ticket yesterday.Ss: ..........................?V: Home. For Christmas... and New Year, of

course.Ss: ..........................V: Oh... thanks. So is Christmas a family thing here, too?Ss: ..........................V: Our families are a bit smaller, of course. But Christmas is a real family day.Ss: ..........................?V: Oh, that’s different. That’s for friends.Ss: ..........................V: And don’t forget I live in Scotland. It’s different from England. Hogmanay... street parties and music – if the weather’s OK.Ss: ..........................?V: It’s the middle of the winter!Ss: ..........................

5 Role-play SB p. 46 - 47Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.Encourage gestures, movement and facial expression if possible.


Ask the students to answer the questions about themselves.They write two extra questions to ask a visitor about similar past activities.They can do this individually or in pairs.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

AnswersPersonal choices.

SB p. 47


QuestionsAsk the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page 59) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1a. What did you do last weekend?b. What did you do on your birthday?c. What did you eat for breakfast?d. What time did you leave home this morning?e. When did you begin to learn English?f. Where did you go last vacation?

2Personal choices.


G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio scriptListen to these peopleF: That was a great evening!M: Yes. It’s a good place.F: Fantastic music. M: And a good DJ. That makes a difference.F: Let’s go back on the weekend.M: Good idea!

SB p. 47

H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Describe past events.• Ask about past events.• Make comments about past events.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 47

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the students to check how different friends and families celebrate.They should decide what features would be interesting or surprising for a foreign visitors.Ask them to bring this to the next lesson.

SB p. 47


Section B / Lesson 16


Receptive language

Give me some information.I have a free weekend.I want to visit somewhere special.I’m a tourist here.I’m going to Peru.I’m happy to fl y somewhere.I’m only here for a day.

Language production

I can give you a list of famous places.I can make a special program for you.What do you want to know?What kind of trip?Where do you want to go?Why not go to a shopping mall?


The lesson focuses on talking about typical tourist requests for information and ideas for trips, as well as using What about...? and How about...? for making suggestions.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the last lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Celebrations: similarities and differencesAsk them to compare the similarities and differences in family celebrations.What would a visitor fi nd surprising or different?Encourage reactions and comments from the rest of the class.

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the last lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleF: That was a great evening!M: Yes. It’s a good place.F: Fantastic music. M: And a good DJ. That makes a difference.F: Let’s go back on the weekend.M: Good idea!


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


Student’s Book pages 48 – 49



1Remind the students of ways of making suggestions with What about...? and How about..?

Write the two phrases on the board.Ask them to make a series of suggestions with them.

Elicit the two patterns:How about (the north-east)?What about going to (the south)?

You can add a third pattern:Why not (visit a shopping mall)?

2Ask the students to use these patterns to make and react to suggestions .

S1: Why don’t we go to a movie?S2: Great idea!

3Ask them to make up short exchanges. The visitor says what s/he likes and the other person makes a suggestion.

Pronunciation practiceAsk the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

S1: I love modern artS2: How about going to this show, then?

Audio script Listen and repeat.‘famous ‘places.a ‘list of ‘famous ‘places.‘I can ‘give you a ‘list of ‘famous ‘places.

a ‘trip.‘go on a ‘trip.‘I want to ‘go on a ‘trip.

a ‘program.a ‘special ‘program.‘make a ‘special ‘program.‘I can ‘make a ‘special ‘program for you.


1 Ask the students to think about going on a foreign trip. What kind of information would they need? Clothes? Weather? Tourist information?

They write fi ve questions which they wouldwant to ask.

AnswersPersonal choices.

SB p. 48



1 Speculation and listening Ask the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

Answers ALocation: A street.People: A male passer-by..A female visitor.

BLocation: A tourism offi ce.People: A female tourist assistant. A male visitor.

Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the visitors’ requests.They should also notice how the other people respond.You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to fi nd out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and fi nd the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

Audio scriptFocus on the visitors’ requests and the suggestions.AV: Excuse me...B: Yes?V: Excuse me, do you speak English?B: Yes. Can I help?V: Oh, good. I’m a tourist here. I arrived last

night. B: Welcome, then! Is it your fi rst visit?V: Yes, and I’m only here for a day.B: One day?! It’s a big country!V: Yes I know. I’m going to Peru. But they

cancelled my fl ight. So I have one day here.B: Oh, I see. So, where do you want to go?V: Well, I love history. But not just old things.

It’s interesting to see everyday things, too.B: Well, I can give you a list of the famous

places. And then... why not go to a shopping mall?

V: A shopping mall?B: Well, if you want to see ordinary people,

doing ordinary things... I recommend a good mall. Prices, clothes, food, kids, old people... you can see them all there.

V: That’s a great idea.

LN The visitor in the second dialog is in a tourism offi ce in Brazil. Different regions there are famous for different types of music.The students could suggest any local equivalents.


AnswersA How long is this trip?(One day.)Why is it so short?(They cancelled her flight.)What does the passer-by recommend?(A shopping mall.)What is the reason?(You see ordinary life.)Does the visitor agree?(Yes.)Do you agree?(Personal answers.)

BHow long is the visitor’s trip?(A weekend.)What does he want to do?(Something different.)What is his special interest? Why?(Music. He plays in a group.)What does the tourism assistant suggest?(The north-east or the south.)What do you think she will suggest?(Personal answers.)

BV: Oh, I’d like some information please.B: Sure. What do you want to know?V: Well, it’s advice really.B: OK. Tell me..V: I have a free weekend... my plans changed.

And I want to visit somewhere special. Outside the city. Or in a different region.

B: I see. Well, what kind of trip? The country? Nature? Beaches? The south? The north-east? Rent a car? Historic cities? We have everything!

V: Hey, it’s only one weekend!B: But this is a big country!V: I know. Look, I love music. In fact, I play in a

group, back home.B: Ah, that’s easy. A few more questions.V: Sure. Something different. Not samba... I’m

happy to fly somewhere.B: OK. How about the north-east? Or the

south? The music there is very different.V: Hmm. OK, give me some information.

Flights, hotels, costs..B: OK... take a look here... I can make a special

program for you.V: OK... erm... let me see...

2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: ‘ordinary ‘things.Ss: ‘ordinary ‘things.T: ‘doing ‘ordinary ‘things.Ss: ‘doing ‘ordinary ‘things.T: ‘Ordinary ‘peopleSs: ‘Ordinary ‘peopleT: ‘Ordinary ‘people ‘doing ‘ordinary ‘things.Ss: ‘Ordinary ‘people ‘doing ‘ordinary ‘things.

T: ‘different.Ss: ‘different.T: ‘very ‘different.Ss: ‘very ‘different.T: The ‘music ‘there is ‘very ‘different.Ss: The ‘music ‘there is ‘very ‘different.

3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.


4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio scriptAV: Excuse me...Ss: ..........................?V: Excuse me, do you speak English?Ss: ..........................?V: Oh, good. I’m a tourist here. I arrived last night.Ss: ..........................?V: Yes, and I’m only here for a day.Ss: ..........................!V: Yes I know. I’m going to Peru. But they cancelled my flight. So I have one day here.Ss: ..........................?V: Well, I love history. But not just old things. It’s interesting to see everyday things, too.Ss: ..........................?V: A shopping mall?Ss: ..........................V: That’s a great idea.

BV: Oh, I’d like some information please.Ss: ..........................?V: Well, it’s advice really.Ss: ..........................V: I have a free weekend... my plans changed. And I want to visit somewhere special Outside the city. Or in a different region.Ss: ..........................! V: Hey, it’s only one weekend!Ss: ..........................!V: I know. Look, I love music. In fact, I play in a

group, back home.Ss: ..........................V: Sure. Something different. Not samba...

I’m happy to fly somewhere.Ss: ..........................V: Hmm. OK, give me some information. Flights, hotels, costs...Ss: ..........................V: OK... erm... let me see...

5 Role-play SB pp. 48 - 49Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.Encourage gestures, movement and facial expression if possible.



Ask the students to write six recommendations for a visitor who is visiting your city for 24 hours. They can do this individually or in pairs.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

AnswersPersonal choices.

SB p. 49

QuestionsAsk the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page 59) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers (or personal choices)1a. What’s the weather like? b. Is the program ready?c. Where’s the hotel?d. Do we have any free time?e. Personal choices.

2Personal choices.


G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.M: What shall we do tomorrow?F: Let’s take a tour.M: A tour? F: Yes, something interesting.M: OK. Any ideas?F: Well, look at this website.M: Oh, yes! They all look good.

SB p. 49

H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand detailed requests.• Exchange detailed information.• Make detailed suggestions.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 49

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the students to think about different types of music.Which ones are popular with visitors? Which ones are unfamiliar? How can they explain the differences?Ask them to bring their ideas to the next lesson.

SB p. 49


Section B / Lesson 17


Receptive language

I have a big problem.If I can’t use my card, I have a problem.It doesn’t work here.

Language production

Do you want to try it here?Let me see.Try this phone number.Try to remember.Why not call the company?


The lesson focuses on discussing problems and suggesting solutions, using the fi rst conditional.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the last lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Music Ask them for their ideas about the types of music that visitors will know and not know.What information would be useful? What suggestions would they give a visitor?

Encourage reactions and comments from the rest of the class.

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the last lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleM: What shall we do tomorrow?F: Let’s take a tour.M: A tour? F: Yes, something interesting.M: OK. Any ideas?F: Well, look at this website.M: Oh, yes! They all look good.


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


Student’s Book pages 50 – 51

SB p. 50



1Ask the students to think about possible everyday problems.e.g.I lost my phone.I woke up late.My computer crashed.

What are some possible suggestions to solve these problems?e.g.I’ll go back and look for it.I’ll get a taxi.I’ll call the IT department.

2Ask the students to use these patterns to state and react to similar problems.

Pronunciation practiceAsk the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

S1: I forgot my purse!S2: I’ll lend you some cash.

S3: My car has a problem.S4: I’ll come to your house.

Audio script Listen and repeat.‘this one.‘Try ‘this one.

re’member.‘Try to re’member. ‘What can I ‘do?

‘go?‘Where did you ‘go?

the ‘name?‘Can you re’member the ‘name?

the ‘company?call the ‘company?Why not ‘call the ‘company?



1 Ask the students to choose one day last week, and to list their activities in order, to make a sequence.

AnswersPersonal choices.

2They can discuss their sequence of activities with a partner or in a group. Who had heavy days? How varied were the activities?

SB p. 50


1 Speculation and listening Ask the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

Answers ALocation: A hotel reception desk.People: A male receptionist.A female visitor.

BLocation: An information desk in a shopping mall.People: A female assistant (not seen). A female and a male visitor.


LN The visitor is in a hotel in Brazil, which is why she says her Portuguese is not very good.


Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the questions.They should also notice how the other people respond.You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to find out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and find the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

AnswersA What is the problem?(Her credit card doesn’t work.)Why is this important?(She wants to use it in restaurants.)What does the receptionist recommend?(Trying again. Calling the company.)What does he offer to do?(Help with the phone call.)Is this a common problem?Is the receptionist helpful?(Personal answers.)

BWhat is the problem?(The man has lost his cell-phone.)Do the visitors know where?(No, they went to a lot of places.)What does the assistant ask them about the coffee place?(Its name.)What is the good news?(A bookstore has the phone.)Is this a common problem?Is the assistant helpful?(Personal answers.)

Audio script Focus on the problems and the suggestions.AV: Good evening. I have a problem.B: Yes? What is it?V: It’s my credit card.B: Your credit card.V: Yes, it doesn’t work here.B: Let me see.V: It was OK yesterday, but a restaurant refused

it at lunchtime.B: Do you want to try it here?V: Oh, that would be good.B: OK. Put your code in here. (pause)V: No. Look. When I put in the code, it says

‘Number rejected’.What can I do?B: Well, why not call the company. Do you have

their number?V: Erm, I think it’s on the back of the card. If I

can’t use my card, I have a big problem! B: Well, try this phone number. It’s the local

office.V: Do they speak English? My Portuguese isn’t

very good.B: I’m sure they do. But I can help you...V: Oh thanks. Now, what’s the number?

BV1: Oh, I say... can you help? B: Yes... what’s the problem?V1: It’s my phone.B: Your phone...?V2: Yes, he dropped it.B: Where did you drop it?V1: I can’t remember... that’s the problem.B: Well, where did you go? V1: Oh.. lots of places.B: Well, try to remember. If you tell me, I can

call them.V2: Well, first we went to a bookstore...B: Which floor. First or second?V2: Erm... second.B: OK, and then?V2: And then we looked for some shoes.V1: No, we didn’t. We had a coffee first.V2: Yes, you’re right. Near the elevators.B: Mm, there are a lot of coffee places. If you

can remember the name...V2: Oh... it had a yellow and brown sign.

(phone rings)B: Oh, excuse me... (listens on phone)

Well, good news, I think.V1: What?B: That was the bookstore on the second floor.

They found a cellphone...


2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: ‘this ‘phone ‘number.Ss: ‘this ‘phone ‘number.T: ‘Try ‘this ‘phone ‘number.Ss: ‘Try ‘this ‘phone ‘number.

T: their ‘number?Ss: their ‘number?T: ‘Do you ‘have their ‘number?Ss: ‘Do you ‘have their ‘number?

T: ‘call them.Ss: ‘call them. T: ‘I can ‘call them.Ss: ‘I can ‘call them.T: ‘If you ‘tell me,Ss: ‘If you ‘tell me,T: ‘If you ‘tell me, ‘I can ‘call them.Ss: ‘If you ‘tell me, ‘I can ‘call them.

3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.

4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio scriptAV: Good evening. I have a problem.Ss: ...........?V: It’s my credit card.Ss: .............V: Yes, it doesn’t work here.Ss: ...........V: It was OK yesterday, but a restaurant refused it at lunchtime.Ss: ............?V: Oh, that would be good.Ss: ............... (....)V: No. Look. When I put in the code, it says ‘Number rejected’. What can I do?Ss: ...............?V: Erm, I think it’s on the back of the card. If I can’t use my card, I have a big problem! Ss: ..............V: Do they speak English? My Portuguese isn’t very good.Ss: ...............V: Oh thanks. Now, what’s the number?


BV1: Oh, I say... can you help?Ss: ..........................?V1: It’s my phone.Ss: ..........................?V2: Yes, he dropped it.Ss: ..........................?V1: I can’t remember... that’s the problem.Ss: ..........................? V1: Oh... lots of places.Ss: ..........................V2: Well, fi rst we went to a bookstore...Ss: ..........................?V2: Erm... second.Ss: ..........................?V2: And then we looked for some shoes.V1: No, we didn’t. We had a coffee fi rst.V2: Yes, you’re right. Near the elevators.Ss: ..........................V2: Oh.. it had a yellow and brown sign...

(phone rings)Ss: ...............(listens on phone)...............V1: What?Ss: ..........................

5 Role-play SB pp. 50 - 51Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.Encourage gestures, movement and facial expression if possible. Ask the students to choose one of the situations.


Ask the students to complete the sentences with what they will do if certain things happen.

They can do this individually or in pairs.

AnswersPersonal choices.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

SB p. 50


QuestionsAsk the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page 60) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1Personal choices.

2Personal choices.


G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.M: Oh, no!F: What’s the problem?M: I can’t fi nd the address.F: Well, do a search.M: OK. Any ideas?F: OK. I’ll try on my phone.

SB p. 51

H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand problems.• Exchange information about problems.• Make suggestions to solve problems.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 51

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the students to think about some of the things they have lost.Where? What happened? How did they feel? What did they do or say?Ask them to bring their personal memories to the next lesson.

SB p. 51


Section B / Lesson 18



Like Lesson 9, this gives an opportunity for the students to connect the language they have learned and to use it fl exibly. The role-play activities provide a context of discussing problems or past events. At this stage, the students are ready to develop the suggestions in relation to their own language needs and interests.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the last lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Lost and foundAsk them to tell the class about their experiences.Encourage comments and suggestions.

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the last lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleF: Oh, no!M: What’s the problem?F: I can’t fi nd the address.M: Well, do a search.F: OK. Any ideas?M: OK, I’ll try on my phone.


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


Student’s Book pages 52 – 53




Ask for suggestions.

Checking details (tourism)

Checking places and directions

Comparing places and experiences

Discussing past events

Discussing problems (and solutions)

Fixing appointments

Making and reacting to complaints

Shopping: countable and uncountable nouns

S1: What time do we arrive?S2: ..........................

S3: Where’s the offi ce? What’s the address?S4: ..........................

S5: We had an awful trip! And you?S6: ..........................

S7: What did you do last night?S8: ..........................

S9: I can’t fi nd the address. What can I do?S10: ..........................

S11: Are you free on Tuesday? At 10?S12: ..........................

S13: This room is too hot!S14: ..........................

S15: I want some toothpaste. And a toothbrush too!S16: ..........................

2Ask them to choose one of these and to write a short conversation with a partner.They then act out them out.Encourage the class to comment and suggest improvements.


1Ask them to write an example for each of the key functions. They should choose examples which will be personally useful.

SB p. 52



Make sure that they understand the instructions on the role-play cards.They can choose to discuss problems or past events.As usual, encourage them to think about the characters and location, and to use gesture and facial expression.

Give them time to practice their conversations before acting them out.


Ask them to write speech bubbles for the three people.Then they can choose one of the characters in this book, and write a short mail to them.They introduce themselves, and ask about their trip

SB p. 53

Language Reference sectionAsk the students to check the Language Reference tables.They should make notes of any problem areas.

They can also complete the Word Groups on page 61.They can do the Language Practice on page 60. This asks them to refl ect on their English learning

Language Practice: AnswersPersonal choices.


G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk them to complete this Spot themselvesin their notebooks, with a partner.Then they can act it out.

A: Hi again. How are you?B: Not bad. Just a few problems.A: What kind of problems?B: Well, ...A: Oh, ...

SB p. 53

FOR NEXT TIMEAsk them to check out these activities, and do any that they missed.They can also fi nd out and add new information.

SB p. 53


Section C / Lesson 19


Receptive language

Tonight, if possible.We want to book a table.We want to stay two extra nights.When do you want to go?

Language production

I understand.Let me check.Let me see.We can see what happens.


The lesson focuses on making and reacting to requests.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from Lesson 18.Which ones are they doing for the fi rst time?What new information can they add now?

Ask them to compare and comment on their ideas.

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from lesson 17. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleF: Oh, no!M: What’s the problem?F: I can’t fi nd the address.M: Well, do a search.F: OK. Any ideas?M: OK, I’ll try on my phone.


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


Student’s Book pages 62 – 63



1Remind the students of ways of making requestswith We want a/some or We want to...

Ask them to think of typical requests in these situations.

You are staying in a hotel.You want to extend your stay.

You want to book a table in a restaurantfor a lot of people.

You have a personal problem.You want to take some time off from work.2Ask the students to suggest suitable reactions to these requests.Remind them they can be sympathetic or unsympathetic.This will depend partly on the people, and their relationship.

Pronunciation practice Ask the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

S1: I want to stay at home tomorrow.S2: Oh. Why?S1: I have a few problems.S2: What kind of problems?S1: Well, ...

Audio script Listen and repeat.‘go?‘want to ‘go?‘When do you ‘want to ‘go?

‘room number?‘What’s your ‘room number?

the ‘restaurant.a ‘table in the ‘restaurant.‘book a ‘table in the ‘restaurant.We ‘want to ‘book a ‘table in the ‘restaurant.


1 Read the requests in a work situation and write responses. They should decide who they are,to personalize their responses.

They can compare their responses withother people. Are they sympathetic orunsympathetic?

AnswersPersonal choices.

2They can discuss their sequence of activities with a partner or in a group. Who had heavy days? How varied were the activities?

SB p. 62



1 Speculation and listeningAsk the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

AnswersALocation: A hotel reception desk.People: A male receptionist.A female and a male visitor.

BLocation: An offi ce.People: A male offi ce manager. A male intern.

Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the requests.They should also notice how the other people respond.You may choose to do the same with each conversation in turn, or to focus on just one of them at a time.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to fi nd out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and fi nd the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

Audio scriptFocus on the requests and the suggestions.AV1: Hello. Are you free?B: Yes?V1: We want to stay 2 extra nights.V2: Is that possible?B: Let me see. What are your room numbers?V1: We’re in 1506.B: 1506. Let’s look. Two extra nights?V1: Yes. Until Sunday.B: Yes, that’s fi ne.V2: And one other thing. B: Yes?V2: We want to book a table in the restaurant.V1: For Saturday night.B: What time?V1: Oh... around nine.B: How many people?V2: Twenty, I think.B: Twenty?V2: Yes, we’re celebrating.B: Celebrating?V1: Yes, it’s a special date for us...B: Oh, I see. Let me check...


AnswersA What do they want to do?(Stay two extra nights.)Why?(They don’t give the reason.)What is their second request?(A table in the restaurant for Saturday night.)What is the reason?(They’re celebrating.)What are the possible reasons?Is the receptionist helpful?(Personal answers.)

BWhat is the problem?(His dad is sick.)What does he want to do?(To fly home.)How long does he want to stay?(He doesn’t know.)What does the office manager suggest?(Take a week’s holiday. Then see what happens.)Is he sympathetic?What do you think will happen?(Personal answers.)

BV: Are you free?B: Yes. Is there a problem? V: Yes... yes, there is. B: What is it?V: It’s my Dad... he’s ill.B: Oh dear...V: Yes, I had a mail from my sister. He had a

heart attack.B: Oh, I’m so sorry. When do you want to go?V: Tonight, if possible.B: And for how long?V: Oh, I don’t know... it’s difficult.B: Yes, I understand.V: I know it’s a bad time. With that big event

next week...B: Yes, it is! But look, don’t worry. Families are

important.V: I know... and they’re so far away. B: Look, take a week’s holiday. Go tonight – if

you can find a flight.V: Really?B: Sure. Then we can just see what happens,


2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: in the ‘restaurant.Ss: in the ‘restaurant.T: a ‘table in the ‘restaurant.Ss: a ‘table in the ‘restaurant.T: We ‘want to ‘bookSs: We ‘want to ‘bookT: We ‘want to ‘book a ‘table in the ‘restaurant.Ss: We ‘want to ‘book a ‘table in the ‘restaurant.

T: what ‘happens.Ss: what ‘happens.T: we can ‘see what ‘happens.Ss: we can ‘see what ‘happens.T: ‘Then we can ‘see what ‘happens.Ss: ‘Then we can ‘see what ‘happens.

3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.


4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio script AV1: Hello. Are you free? Ss: ..........................? V1: We want to stay 2 extra nights.V2: Is that possible? Ss: ..........................? V1: We’re in 1506. Ss: ..........................?V1: Yes. Until Sunday. Ss: .......................... V2: And one other thing. Ss: ..........................? V2: We want to book a table in the restaurant. V1: For Saturday night. Ss: ...........................? V1: Oh... around nine. Ss: ...........................? V2: Twenty, I think. Ss: ..........................? V2: Yes, we’re celebrating. Ss: ..........................?V1: Yes, it’s a special date for us...Ss: ..........................

BV: Are you free?Ss: ..........................? V: Yes...yes, there is. Ss: ..........................?V: It’s my Dad... he’s ill.Ss: ..........................V: Yes, I had a mail from my sister. He had a heart attack.Ss: ..........................?V: Tonight, if possible.Ss: ..........................?V: Oh, I don’t know... it’s difficult.Ss: ..........................V: I know it’s a bad time. With that big event next week...Ss: ..........................V: I know... and they’re so far away. Ss: ..........................V: Really?Ss: ..........................?

5 Role-play SB pp. 62 - 63Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.



Ask the students to complete the requests in a tourist situation.These can be serious or funny.They can do this individually or in pairs.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

AnswersPersonal choices.

SB p. 63

RequestsAsk the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page 82) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1Personal choices.

2Personal choices.


G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.M: I’m sorry I’m so late.F: Was there a problem?M: I missed the fl ight.F: Oh, no!M: It was the traffi c.F: Well, you’re here now. Let’s begin.

SB p. 63

H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand specifi c requests.• Discuss requests and make suggestions.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 63

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the students to fi nd out about rules, regulations and typical problems in different work situations.Ask them to bring their information to the next lesson.

SB p. 63


Section C / Lesson 20


Receptive language

Finally, ...First click on the icon.Next, put in your code.Then click here.

Language production

What next?Where?Which one?


The lesson focuses on asking for and giving instructions which involve sequencing, and using sequencing adverbs.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the last lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Work situationsAsk them to tell the class about work situations which involve rules and regulations.Encourage them to ask questions.What did he say? What happened? What did you do?

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the last lesson.You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleM: I’m sorry I’m so late.F: Was there a problem?M: I missed the fl ight.F: Oh, no!M: It was the traffi c.F: Well, you’re here now. Let’s begin.


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


Student’s Book pages 64 – 65



1Remind the students of ways of giving instructions, using the imperative.2Review the language for sequencing.e.g.First, ...First of all, ...Then, ...After that, ....Before that, ....Next, ....Finally, ...At the end, ...

Pronunciation practiceAsk the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

Audio script Listen and repeat.‘First‘Next‘Then‘Finally

the ‘symbol.‘Click on the ‘symbol.

‘pass code.your ‘pass code.‘Put in your ‘pass code.

‘date of ‘birth.your ‘date of ‘birth.‘Use your ‘date of ‘birth.

at the ‘top.the ‘icon at the ‘top.‘Click on the ‘icon at the ‘top.


1 Ask the students to write instructions for doingsomething on a computer or smartphone.They can add warnings about the things not todo, e.g. Don’t forget to save it.

AnswersPersonal choices.

2They can use their instructions with a partner.The partner can comment and ask questions,e.g.What do I do next?And then?I don’t understand!

SB p. 64



1 Speculation and listeningAsk the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

AnswersA Location: An offi ce People: A female IT person and Fiona, the British intern. BLocation: The streetPeople: A female colleague and a male business visitor.

Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the instructions and the sequences.

AInstructions and sequenceFirst click on the red star.Next put in your passcode.Now click on the icon on the top.

BSequencesHe had an early meeting.Then he made a few calls.Then he went shopping.Next, some more meetings.Then he will check out..

Play each conversation again and ask the students to fi nd out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and fi nd the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

Audio scriptFocus on the instructions and sequences.AV: Hi. It’s Fiona here. Help!B: Hi. What’s the problem?V: I can’t connect... and I have to do something

urgent.B: OK, OK. Don’t panic.V: No... but can you help?B: Sure. Now, did you put in your code?V: Erm... I think so.B: And your user name?V: Yes.B: OK. Let’s do it step by step.V: OK.B: First click on the red star.V: Where?B: Top right... got it?V: Oh, yes. (click)B: Next, put in your passcode.V: Erm... I can’t remember it.B: Use your date of birth. Date. Month. Year.V: Yes. (click)B: Now click on the icon...at the top.V: Yes... (click)... that’s got it. I’m in! Thanks so


LN Remind the students that Daniel is in Brazil, which is why he wants to buy some typical souvenirs to take home.The students could suggest any local equivalents.‘Havaianas’ are often called fl ip-fl ops in English.


AnswersA Why does Fiona look worried?(She can’t connect on her computer.)Who does she call?(The IT person.)What does the IT person suggest?(To go step by step.)What does Fiona say when she puts in her passcode?(“I’m in!”)

Is the IT person helpful?Is Fiona calm?

BWhat did Daniel buy?(music CDs, chocolates, havaianas)Who are these for?(His kids.)What time is his flight?(9pm)

Is the passer-by happy to see Daniel?Is Daniel having a good trip?

BV: Hi! What a surprise! Nice to see you.B: Hi, Daniel! How are you? How’s the trip.V: Pretty good! B: So, what are you doing this morning?V: Well, I’m pretty busy. I had an early meeting.B: And then?V: Oh, then I made a few calls to the US office.B: Everything OK?V: Well, there are a few problems.. but nothing

serious. Then I had a free hour.B: So what did you do?V: Oh, shopping!B: Shopping?V: Yeah, it’s my last day. So I wanted to buy

some gifts.B: Where did you go? What did you get?V: First, some music CDs. Next, some

chocolates. Then, some havaianas... B: Havaianas?V: Yes... for my kids. They wanted some real

Brazilian ones. Very cool, they say.B: And what now?V: Oh, another couple of meetings, then I check

out. My flight’s at 9.B: Well, good to see you. Have a good trip.

2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: ‘code?Ss: ‘code?T: ‘put in your ‘code?Ss: ‘put in your ‘code?T: ‘Did you ‘put in your ‘code?Ss: ‘Did you ‘put in your ‘code?

T: a ‘few ‘calls.Ss: a ‘few ‘calls.T: ‘made a ‘few ‘calls.Ss: ‘made a few calls.T: ‘Then I ‘made a ‘few ‘calls.Ss: ‘Then I ‘made a ‘few ‘calls.

3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.


4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio scriptAV: Hi. It’s Fiona here. Help! Ss: ..........................?V: I can’t connect... and I have to do something urgent.Ss: ..........................V: No... but can you help?Ss: ..........................?V: Erm... I think so.Ss: ..........................?V: Yes.Ss: ..........................V: OK.Ss: ..........................V: Where?Ss: ..........................?V: Oh, yes. (click)Ss: ..........................V: Erm... I can’t remember it.Ss: ..........................V: Yes. (click)Ss: ..........................V: Yes... (click)... that’s got it. I’m in! Thanks so much!

BV: Hi! What a surprise! Nice to see you.Ss: ..........................V: Pretty good! Ss: ..........................?V: Well, I’m pretty busy. I had an early meeting.Ss: ..........................?V: Oh, then I made a few calls to the US office.Ss: ..........................?V: Well, there are a few problems... but

nothing serious. Then I had a free hour.Ss: ..........................?V: Oh, shopping!Ss: ..........................?V: Yeah, it’s my last day. So I wanted to buy some gifts.Ss: ..........................?V: First, some music CDs. Next, some chocolates. Then, some havaianas... Ss: ..........................?V: Yes.. for my kids. They wanted some real Brazilian ones. Very cool, they say.Ss: ..........................?V: Oh, another couple of meetings, then I check out. My flight’s at 9.Ss: ..........................


5 Role-play SB p. 64 - 65Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.


Ask the students to write a sequence of instructions, using the suggested words.They should choose the situation fi rst. e.g. a recipe, instructions for setting up a computer, jobs to be done.

They can do this individually or in pairs.Ask them to read out their words to check.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

SB p. 65

QuestionsAsk the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page 82) for homework.

You can ask them to write similar sequentialinstructions, jumble or cut them up, and givethem to a partner to reorder.

Language Practice: Answers1First, heat the pan. Add a small piece of butter.Next, break 3 eggs into a bowl.Then beat the eggs.When the pan is hot, add the eggs.After that, stir the eggs in the pan.After two minutes, add the fi lling to the omelet.Then fold the sides to the center.Finally ....




G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.F: Write your name here.M: Here?F: No, at the bottom. There.M: OK. And then? F: Add your home address. And your passport number.M: There you are.F: Now, sign here, please.

SB p. 65

H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand a request for instructions.• Give appropriate instructions.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 65

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the student to think about the souvenirs and gifts they bought on a trip.Who were they for? Where did they fi nd them? Did they fi nd the things they wanted?Ask them to bring this information to the next lesson.

SB p. 65



Section C / Lesson 21

Receptive language

Do you have something darker?I want a bigger case.Like this one?Those ones are too dark.These ones.Which ones?

Language production

Can you tell me exactly what you want?How about the ones on the right?Is it this size?Like this, then?You can see all the options there.


The lesson focuses on typical conversations when shopping which involve making comparisons and choices, as well as using comparative and superlative adjectives to describe and compare objects.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the last lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Souvenirs and giftsAsk them to tell the class about the gifts and souvenirs they bought on a trip. Why did they choose them? Was it a good choice?

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the last lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleF: Write your name here.M: Here?F: No, at the bottom. There.M: OK. And then? F: Add your home address. And your passport number.M: There you are.F: Now, sign here, please.


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


Student’s Book pages 66 – 67



1Remind the students of ways of making comparisons.Ask them to practice comparing things they can see in the classroom.2Remind them other ways of commenting on objects.eg.It’s too (big).It’s not (interesting) enough.I want something less expensive. 3Ask them to choose a shopping situation andmake up short exchanges between an assistant anda customer.

Pronunciation practiceAsk the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

Audio script Listen and repeat.‘darker?‘something ‘darker?‘Do you have ‘something ‘darker?

‘dark.‘too ‘dark.They’re ‘too ‘dark.

‘size?‘What ‘size?‘Is it ‘this ‘size?

‘big‘biggerIt’s ‘bigger than ‘that.


1 Ask the students to name the stores where They can fi nd the objects listed.

Then ask them to add a local recommendation for each one.

Answersair tickets: tourism offi ce/airline offi ce/onlineDVDs: music store/ onlineforeign currency: bank/tourism offi cefruit: fruit store/supermarket/ marketmagazines: bookstore/newsstandmedicine: pharmacytypical local objects: craft market

2Ask them to compare their local recommendations.

SB p. 66



1 Speculation and listeningAsk the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

AnswersA Location: A gift storePeople: A male assistant and a female visitor

BLocation: A general storePeople: A female assistant and a male visitor.

Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the visitors’ requests.

ARequestsShe wants to buy a present for her mom’s birthday.

BRequestsHe wants to buy a new laptop case.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to fi nd out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and fi nd the extra information themselves.

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

Audio scriptFocus on the visitors’ requests. AV: Good morning.B: Good morning.V: I saw some glasses in the window.B: Yes? Which ones?V: Those ones on the left.B: They’re nice, aren’t they?V: Yes. But do you have something darker?B: Darker?V: Yes, a darker red. Those ones are a bit too

bright.B: I’m not sure. How about the ones on the

right?V: No, they’re too dark. And I don’t like the

shape.B: I see. V: They’re for a present, you see.B: I understand. Well, can you tell me exactly

what you want.V: It’s diffi cult to explain. You see, it’s for my

mom’s eightieth birthday... Something really special


AnswersAWhat did she see in the window?(some glasses.)What does she ask about them?(If there are some darker ones.)What does she not like?(The second ones are too dark and the wrong shape.)Why is it a special present?(It’s her mom’s 80th birthday.)

Does the woman know exactly what she wants?Is the store assistant helpful?

BWhy does he say “How stupid of me”?(He can’t remember the size of his laptop.)What color and material would he like?(Green/leather.)Where does the assistant tell him to look at the choices?(Onscreen.)

Does the man know exactly what he wants?Is the store assistant helpful?

BV: Hello. B: Hello. V: I came here last month.B: Oh, yes, I remember.V: You sold me a cable. For my laptop...B: Yes, I remember.V: I still have it! But now I need a new laptop

case.B: I see. What size?V: Oh... I’m not sure. How stupid of me.B: Well, is it this size?V: No, no, I think it’s bigger than that.B: Like this, then?V: Yes, yes I’m sure that’s right.B: OK. Now, color? Material?V: Oh... The green one’s nice. B: And the material? Leather? Plastic? V: Leather. But it depends on the price.B: Take a look on the screen. You can see all the

options there...V: Thanks... erm... let me see...

2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: the ‘right?Ss: the ‘right?T: the ‘ones on the ‘right?Ss: the ‘ones on the ‘right?T: ‘ How a’bout the ‘ones on the ‘right?Ss: ‘ How a’bout the ‘ones on the ‘right?

T: ‘want?Ss: ‘want?T: ‘what you ‘want?Ss: ‘what you ‘want?T: ex’actly ‘what you ‘want?Ss: ex’actly ‘what you ‘want?T: ‘Can you ‘tell meSs: ’Can you ‘tell meT: ‘Can you ‘tell me ex’actly ‘what you ‘want?Ss: ‘Can you ‘tell me ex’actly ‘what you ‘want?

3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausingThey repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.


4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio script AV: Good morning. Ss: .......................... V: I saw some glasses in the window. Ss: ...........................? V: Those ones on the left. Ss: ..........................? V: Yes. But do you have something darker? Ss: ..........................? V: Yes, a darker red. Those ones are a bit too bright. Ss: ..........................? V: No, they’re too dark. And I don’t like the shape. Ss: .......................... V: They’re for a present, you see. Ss: .......................... V: It’s difficult to explain. You see, it’s for my mom’s eightieth birthday... Something really special...

BV: Hello. Ss: ..........................V: I came here last month.Ss: ..........................V: You sold me a cable. For my laptop...Ss: ..........................V: I still have it! But now I need a new laptop case.Ss: ..........................? V: Oh.. I’m not sure. How stupid of me.Ss: ..........................?V: No, no, I think it’s bigger than that.Ss: ..........................?V: Yes, yes I’m sure that’s right.Ss: ..........................?V: Oh..The green one’s nice. Ss: ..........................? V: Leather. But it depends on the price.Ss: ..........................V: Thanks... erm... let me see...

5 Role-play SB pp. 66 - 67Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.



Ask the students to choose several contrasting objects and to write descriptions of them, noting the similarities and differences.

They can do this individually or in pairs.Ask them to read out their descriptions to check.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

AnswersPersonal choices.

SB p. 67

QuestionsAsk the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page 83) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1Personal choices.

2Personal choices.


G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.M: I want to buy some T-shirts.F: For you?M: No, for my kids.F: How old are they?M: Eight and ten.F: What color do you want?M: Ah... what do you recommend?

SB p. 67

H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand descriptions and requests.• Make and understand comparisons.• Request further information about objects.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 67

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the student to think about something they bought as a birthday gift.Who was it for? How did they choose it? Was it diffi cult to decide? Was it a good choice?Ask them to bring their ideas to the next lesson.

SB p. 67



Section C / Lesson 22

Receptive language

How is it cooked?I like everything!Is it spicy? Some people don’t like it.Still or sparkling?

Language production

Do you like palm oil?How about some fi sh?There are lots of local versions.We can grill it.What do you like?What’s in it?What kind of water?


The lesson focuses on checking and specifying details relating to food and personal likes and dislikes, including methods of cooking.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the last lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Birthday presentsAsk them to talk about their experiences choosing, buying and giving presents.

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the last lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleM: I want to buy some T-shirts.F: For you?M: No, for my kids.F: How old are they?M: Eight and ten.F: What color do you want?M: Ah... what do you recommend?


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


Student’s Book pages 68 – 69



1Ask the students to think about food, or methods of cooking, which they like or dislike.They can ask each other about these.Provide any vocabulary they need.2Ask them to state their favorite or least favorite dish. Can they give their reasons?

3Ask them to suggest local specialties for a visitor.What is special about these?Does everybody agree?

Are there any problems for vegetarians, orpeople with allergies?

Pronunciation practice Ask the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

Audio script Listen and repeat.‘like?‘What do you ‘like?

pre’fer?‘Which do you pre’fer?

‘want?‘What do you ‘want?

‘sweet?Is it ‘sweet?

‘spicy?‘Is it ‘spicy?

‘Still or ‘sparkling?‘Red or ‘white?

‘Meat or ‘fi sh?‘Hot or ‘cold?


1 Ask the students to choose a local food specialty.They list the ingredients and then write a short description of it for a foreign visitor.

AnswersPersonal choices.

2Encourage them to compare and discuss their choices.

SB p. 68



1 Speculation and listeningAsk the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

AnswersA Location: A business restaurantPeople: A woman is entertaining a male business colleague.

BLocation: A relaxed restaurantPeople: A male waiter and two female foreign visitors , one British and one Spanish.

Then ask them to close their books.They listen to the conversations without reading the texts.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the visitors’ requests.

ALikesThe visitors likes everything, especially local food.


BLikesNone mentioned.

DislikesThe British woman does not eat meat.The Spanish woman can’t eat tomatoes, nuts, or fried food.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to fi nd out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and fi nd the extra information themselves.

Audio scriptFocus on the visitors’ requests.AV: This looks a nice place.B: Yes, it’s one of my favorites. The food’s good.V: It’s quiet, too.B: Yes. It gets busier later, though. Now, let’s

order. What do you like?V: Oh... I like everything! No problems...B: That’s easy, then. How about some fi sh?V: That sounds good.B: Do you like palm oil?V: Palm oil? Yes, I think so. Why?B: Some people don’t like it. They cook the fi sh

in it.V: That’s fi ne for me. Is it a local specialty?B: Yes. Moqueca. There are lots of local

versions, of course.V: Well, I prefer local food. B: OK. And we can start with some salad.V: Your buffets are amazing, you know. I wish

we had those at home...

LN The two visitors are in a Brazilian restaurant.Fish is often cooked in oil from palm trees.Moqueca is a typical fi sh stew.Many restaurants offer a big salad buffet for the fi rst course.The students could suggest any local equivalents.


AnswersAWhy has the woman chosen the restaurant?(It is quiet and the food is good.)What ingredient does she ask her guest about?(Palm oil)What local dish are they going to order?(Moqueca)What is amazing for the visitor?(The buffets)

Does the woman look after her guest well?Is he easy to entertain?

BWhy can’t the British woman eat meat?(She is a vegetarian.)What do they want to know about the fish?(If it is fresh.)Why can’t the Spanish woman eat nuts?(She has an allergy.)What kind of water do you think they will order?

Is the waiter polite to the visitors?Are they easy to look after?

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

BV1: Waiter!B: Yes?V1: Can we order now?B: Sure. What do you want?V2: We have a few questions first.B: OK. V1: I don’t eat meat. What do you have for a vegetarian?V2: And I can’t eat tomatoes, Or nuts. I have an allergy.B: How about some fish?V1: Mm. Is it fresh?B: Fresh?V1: Yes. Is it today’s fish?B: Oh – I think so.V2: And how is it cooked? I can’t eat fried food.B: No, we can grill it.V2: That’s fine. I’ll have grilled fish, please.B: And you?V1: Oh, I don’t know... give me a few more minutes.B: Fine. Can I get you something to drink. Some water?V2: Yes, please. But no ice...B: Still or sparkling...?

2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: ‘local ‘versions.Ss: ‘local ‘versions.T: ‘There are ‘lots of ‘local ‘versions.Ss: ‘There are ‘lots of ‘local ‘versions

T: some ‘salad.Ss: some ‘salad.T: ‘start with some ‘salad.Ss: ‘start with some ‘salad.T: ‘We can ‘start with some ‘salad.Ss: ‘We can ‘start with some ‘salad.

T: to ‘drink?Ss: to ‘drink?T: ‘something to ‘drink?Ss: ‘something to ‘drink?T: ‘get you ‘something to ‘drink?Ss: ‘get you ‘something to ‘drink?T: ‘Can I ‘get you ‘something to ‘drink?Ss: ‘Can I ‘get you ‘something to ‘drink?


3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.

4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio scriptAV: This looks a nice place.Ss: ..........................V: It’s quiet, too.Ss: ..........................?V: Oh... I like everything! No problems...Ss: ..........................?V: That sounds good.Ss: ..........................?V: Palm oil? Yes, I think so. Why?Ss: ..........................V: That’s fine for me. Is it a local specialty?Ss: ..........................V: Well, I prefer local food. Ss: ..........................V: Your buffets are amazing, you know. I wish we had those at home...

BV1: Waiter!Ss: ..........................?V1: Can we order now?Ss: ..........................?V2: We have a few questions first.Ss: .......................... V1: I don’t eat meat. What do you have for a vegetarian?V2: And I can’t eat tomatoes, Or nuts. I have an allergy.Ss: ..........................?V1: Mm. Is it fresh?Ss: ..........................?V1: Yes. Is it today’s fish?Ss: ..........................V2: And how is it cooked? I can’t eat fried food.Ss: ..........................V2: That’s fine. I’ll have grilled fish, please.Ss: ..........................?V1: Oh, I don’t know... give me a few more

minutes.Ss: ..........................?V2: Yes, please. But no ice...Ss: ..........................?


3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.

4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio scriptAV: This looks a nice place.Ss: ..........................V: It’s quiet, too.Ss: ..........................?V: Oh... I like everything! No problems...Ss: ..........................?V: That sounds good.Ss: ..........................?V: Palm oil? Yes, I think so. Why?Ss: ..........................V: That’s fi ne for me. Is it a local specialty?Ss: ..........................V: Well, I prefer local food. Ss: ..........................V: Your buffets are amazing, you know. I wish we had those at home...

BV1: Waiter!Ss: ..........................?V1: Can we order now?Ss: ..........................?V2: We have a few questions fi rst.Ss: .......................... V1: I don’t eat meat. What do you have for a vegetarian?V2: And I can’t eat tomatoes, Or nuts. I have an allergy.Ss: ..........................?V1: Mm. Is it fresh?Ss: ..........................?V1: Yes. Is it today’s fi sh?Ss: ..........................V2: And how is it cooked? I can’t eat fried food.Ss: ..........................V2: That’s fi ne. I’ll have grilled fi sh, please.Ss: ..........................?V1: Oh, I don’t know... give me a few more

minutes.Ss: ..........................?V2: Yes, please. But no ice...Ss: ..........................?

5 Role-play SB pp. 68 - 69Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.


Ask the students to plan a special meal for visitors.Write the menu, and write a short description of each item in English.

They can do this individually or in pairs.Ask them to read out their words to check.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

SB p. 69

QuestionsAsk the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Pages 83 and 84) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1Personal choices.

2beef/meat oranges/fruitchicken/meat pineapple/fruitcoffee/drinks pork/meatlamb/meat potatoes/vegetableslettuce/vegetables salmon/fi shmango/fruit shrimp/fi shmilk/drinks tea/drinksmushrooms/vegetables tomatoes/vegetables/ octopus/fi sh fruit water/drinks water melon/fruit



G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.F: Do you like fi sh?M: Yes, I do. If it’s fresh, of course!F: Ah, it’s all fresh here. Look.M: Mmm, it looks interesting.F: Yes, it’s my favorite place.M: OK, let’s go in, then.

SB p. 69

H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Understand and state preferences.• Ask about preferences.• Make suggestions about food and drink.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 69

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the student to think of something unfamiliar they have eaten. Ask them to remember why they chose it, and their reaction. Would they recommend it to other people?

Ask them to bring this information to the next lesson.

SB p. 69



Section C / Lesson 23

Receptive language

Can you look at these fi gures? How often do I take them?I want you to check something.What happens if ...?What is it for?When do you need it?

Language production

Don’t miss a meal!I want you to check something.Look at the percentages.The fi gures don’t look right.You need to rest.


The lesson focuses on discussing problems and suggesting possible actions and solutions, including asking for and providing further details.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the last lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Unfamiliar foodAsk them to tell the class about experiences withunfamiliar food. Were these funny? How did they feel? Did they ask for help? What was the problem?

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the last lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleF: Do you like fi sh?M: Yes, I do. If it’s fresh, of course!F: Ah, it’s all fresh here. Look.M: Mmm, it looks interesting.F: Yes, it’s my favorite place.M: OK, let’s go in, then.


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


Student’s Book pages 70 – 71



1Write these phrases on the board:How much...?How many...?How often...?How far...?

Ask them to think of situations when they might use them, and give examples.

e.g.How much does this cost?How many people are there?How often do you come here?How far is the airport?

2They choose situations and practice appropriate exchanges.

Pronunciation practice Ask the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

S1: How often do you come here?S2: This is the fi rst time.

S3: How far is the airport?S4: About 40 kilometers.S3: Oh no! That’s too far!

Audio script Listen and repeat.‘serious?‘Is it ‘serious?

a ‘problem?‘Is there a ‘problem?

su’ggestion?‘What’s your su’ggestion?

‘check ‘this.‘Can you ‘check ‘this.

the ‘fi gures!‘check the ‘fi gures!‘Always ‘check the ‘fi gures!

‘meals!‘miss ‘meals!‘Never ‘miss ‘meals!



1 Ask the students to make suitable suggestions in reaction to these situations.

AnswersPersonal choices

2They can extend the exchanges in pairs, so that the fi rst person reacts to the suggestion.

SB p. 70


1 Speculation and listeningAsk the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.

AnswersA Location: An offi ce work areaPeople: The male offi ce manager is discussing a problem with the female intern.

BLocation: A doctor’s room.People: The female doctor is discussing a health problem with the male business visitor.

Ask them to close their books.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the problems.

A Problem:Some fi gures do not look right, and the managerhas an important meeting.

BProblem:The visitor can’t sleep.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to fi nd out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and fi nd the extra information themselves.

Audio script Focus on the problems.AV: Hello. Were you looking for me?B: Hello. Yes. Are you very busy?V: Well... quite busy!B: I want you to check something for me.V: Oh. Yes, yes, of course.B: Can you look at these fi gures?V: Of course. What are they?B: It’s the feedback from our client survey...V: Oh, the one we did last week?B: Yes. The fi gures don’t look right.V: OK, I’ll check them. What’s the problem?B: Look at the percentages. And the graph...V: OK. When do you need it?B: This afternoon. I have a meeting at 2...V: OK. I’ll do it now.B: Thanks. It’s really important.V: Yes, I know.


AnswersAWhy does the manager ask Fiona if she is very busy?(He wants her to help him with a problem.)What are the figures from?(Feedback from a client survey.)Is Fiona familiar with this survey?(Yes – she knows they did it last week.)What kind of figures are they?(Percentages and graphs)Why is it urgent?(He has a meeting at 2.)

Is Fiona helpful?Is the manager grateful?

BWhat is the prescription for?(Sleeping tablets)When should he take them?(An hour before he goes to bed.)What about the other tablets?(For indigestion – two before every meal.)When does the man think he might miss a meal?(If he is working.)What is the doctor’s advice?(Never miss a meal!)Why?(It’s part of his health problem.)

Is the man worried?Is the doctor sympathetic>

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

BV: So it’s not serious?B: No. But you need to rest.V: Rest? But I’m on a business trip!B: I know. But try!V: Well, OK. Anything else?B: Yes. Here’s a prescription.V: What’s it for?B: Some tablets. To help you sleep. Take it to

the pharmacy.V: OK. How often do I take them?B: Take those ones at night. An hour before you

go to bed.V: OK. And those ones?B: Those are for indigestion. Take two before

every meal.V: Every meal?B: Yes. V: And if I miss a meal? If I’m working...?B: Don’t miss a meal! That’s part of your

problem. Never miss meals!

2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: ‘for me.Ss: ‘for me.T: check something ‘for me.Ss: ‘check ‘something ‘for me.T: I ‘want you to ‘check ‘something ‘for me.Ss: I ‘want you to ‘check ‘something ‘for me.

T: your ‘problem.Ss: your ‘problem.T: ‘part of your ‘problem.Ss: ‘part of your ‘problem.T: ‘That’s ‘part of your ‘problem.Ss: ‘That’s ‘part of your ‘problem.


3 Listen and repeat

Play the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.

4 Listen and interact

Explain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio scriptAV: Hello. Were you looking for me? Ss: ..........................? V: Well... quite busy! Ss: ..........................V: Oh. Yes, yes, of course. Ss: ..........................? V: Of course. What are they? Ss: .......................... V: Oh, the one we did last week?Ss: .......................... V: OK, I’ll check them. What’s the problem? Ss: .......................... V: OK. When do you need it? Ss: ..........................V: OK. I’ll do it now. Ss: .......................... V: Yes, I know.

BV: So it’s not serious?Ss: ..........................V: Rest? But I’m on a business trip!Ss: ..........................!V: Well, OK. Anything else?Ss: ..........................V: What’s it for?Ss: ..........................V: OK. How often do I take them?Ss: ..........................V: OK. And those ones?Ss: ..........................V: Every meal?Ss: ..........................V: And if I miss a meal? If I’m working... ?Ss: ..........................!

5 Role-play SB pp. 70 - 71Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.



Ask the students to write questions to get more details about the suggested situations.They can do this individually or in pairs.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

SB p. 71

QuestionsAsk the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page 84) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1 Personal choices.

2 Personal choices.


G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.M: This doesn’t look right.F: What’s the problem?M: Well, look at these fi gures.F: Yes?M: And look at that total.F: Oh, yes, I see what you mean!

SB p. 71

H NOW I CAN...Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Ask for and give detailed advice.• Make and respond to requests.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 71

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk the students to think about possible problems at work. Encourage them to talk to their colleagues. Are there any solutions? Encourage them to bring a personal story to the next lesson. It can be real or imaginary.

SB p. 71


Section C / Lesson 24


Receptive language

Can I get a bus?Can I walk?How can I get there?How far is it?

Language production

I’ll write the directions for you.When do you want it?When do you want to go?Where do you want to go?


The lesson focuses on talking about typical tourist requests for information and ideas for trips, as well as using What about ...? and How about ...? for making suggestions.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the last lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

Work problemsAsk them to tell the class about their work experiences.Encourage them to ask for more details, to sympathize, and to react appropriately.

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the last lesson. You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleM: This doesn’t look right.F: What’s the problem?M: Well, look at these fi gures.F: Yes?M: And look at that total.F: Oh, yes, I see what you mean!


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


Student’s Book pages 72 – 73



1Remind the students of ways of discussing andcomparing options.e.g.Can I take that bus?The number 21 is better.

Which fl ight is cheaper?The one in the afternoon.

Can we take a tour?Morning or afternoon?

2Ask the students to use these patterns to discuss options and make choices.

Pronunciation practiceAsk the students to listen to the native English speakers and repeat the pronunciation models.Concentrate on word and syllable stress.Pause the audio and repeat the input as necessary.

Audio script Listen and repeat.‘go?‘want to ‘go?‘Where do you ‘want to ‘go?

‘How do you ‘want to ‘go?‘When do you ‘want to ‘go?

the ‘prices.‘Here are the ‘prices.

the ‘bus‘Here’s the ‘bus.


1 Ask the students to read the requests and questions from a foreign visitor.Encourage them to answer them with real information.

AnswersPersonal choices.

2They can use the questions and their answers as a role-play activity with a partner.

SB p. 72



1 Speculation and listeningAsk the students to look at the photos and to speculate about the people from their appearance. They can also speculate about the location, the topic of the conversation, and the relationship between the people.AnswersALocation: A tourism offi ce.People: A female tourism offi cer is on the phone.She is interrupted by a male visitor.

BLocation: A street.People: A male passer-by is stopped by a female visitor.

Ask them to close their books.Select one conversation.Ask them to listen and make a note of the requests and suggestions.

ARequests:He wants to hire a minibus for the weekend.Suggestions:She gives him the pricelist.

BRequests:She wants to go to Praça Tiradentes, but sheis lost. She asks the passer-by to help her get there.Suggestions:He offers to go with her on the fi rst bus and to write the directions.

Play each conversation again and ask the students to fi nd out some extra information.

You may like to put key focus questions on the board, or let them listen and fi nd the extra information themselves.

Audio scriptFocus on the visitors’ requests.AV: Hello, I need some help...B: Good morning sir.

Just a minute, please. I’m on the phone..V: Oh, OK. I’ll take a look at the brochures.B: (on phone) I’m sorry... Yes, of course. I’ll call

you back. Goodbye. Now, how can I help you, sir?V: Oh. Yes. I want a minibus.B: You want to hire a minibus?V: Yes. For eight people. B: I see. A minibus for 8. With a driver?V: Of course. We want to have fun!B: When do you want it?V: Tomorrow. For the weekend.B: And where do you want to go?V: Oh, I don’t know. A good beach? Some

clubs. You know...B: I see. Well, here are the prices.V: OK. I’ll show my friends. I’ll be right back.B: Thank you, sir.

BV: Oh, hello. Can you help me?B: Sure. V: You see, I’m lost...B: Where do you want to go?V: To... to... look, it’s here on the map. I can’t

pronounce the name!B: Let me see. Ah... Praça Tiradentes.V: How can I get there? Can I walk?B: Well, it’s quite far.V: Oh. Can I get a bus?B: Yes, you can. Well, two buses. V: Oh dear.B: Don’t worry. It’s easy. V: I hope so! I don’t want to get lost again...B: Look, I’m going in that direction. We can get

the fi rst bus together.V: Oh... oh, really? Are you sure?B: Yes, sure. No problem. And I’ll write the

directions for you.

LN The visitor is in Brazil and wants to go to a famous square called Praça Tiradentes.The students could suggest local equivalents.


AnswersAWho does the tourism person say “I’m sorry” to?(The person she is speaking to on the phone.)Why?(Because she is on the phone when the man comes in. He interrupts her.)How big is the man’s group?(Eight people.)Where do they want to go? Why?(To a beach and clubs. They want to have fun.)

Is the man polite?Is the tourism person helpful?

BWhy does the woman ask the man to look at the map?(She can’t pronounce the name.)Why does she say “Oh dear”?(Because he tells her to get two buses.)What does he suggest?(He will go on the first bus with her.)Why does she say “Fantastic!”?(Because he is going to write the directions for her in English and Portuguese.)

Is the man helpful?Is the woman grateful?

You can then ask the whole class what they have learned about each person, or ask them to tell each other in pairs or groups. Encourage them to decide their own interpretations of the people’s feelings and the way they handle the requests for details.

V: In Portuguese?B: In Portuguese and English!V: Fantastic!B: Now, come on. Here’s the bus!

2 Speaking Use these chunks as models for the students to repeat.Concentrate on syllable stress and intonation.

T: to ‘go?Ss: to ‘go?T: ‘ want to ‘go?Ss: ‘want to ‘go?T: ‘Where do you ‘want to ‘go?Ss: ‘Where do you ‘want to ‘go?T: to’gether.Ss: to’gether.T: the ‘bus to’gether.Ss: the ‘bus to’gether.T: ‘We can ‘get the ‘bus to’gether.Ss: ‘We can ‘get the ‘bus to’gether.


3 Listen and repeatPlay the audio again, pausing.They repeat these roles, and interact with the visitors.

4 Listen and interactExplain they will now hear the same conversation with gaps after the visitor.They act the other role, and interact with the visitor.

Audio scriptAV: Hello, I need some help...Ss: ...................V: Oh, OK. I’ll take a look at the brochures.Ss: (on phone): .............?V: Oh. Yes. I want a minibus.Ss: ..................?V: Yes. For eight people.Ss: ..................?V: Of course. We want to have fun!Ss: ..................?V: Tomorrow. For the weekend.Ss: ..................?V: Oh, I don’t know. A good beach? Some

clubs. You know...Ss: ...................V: OK. I’ll show my friends. I’ll be right back.Ss: ...................

BV: Oh, hello. Can you help me?Ss: ..................... V: You see, I’m lost...Ss: .....................?V: To... to... look, it’s here on the map. I can’t

pronounce the name!Ss: .....................V: How can I get there? Can I walk?Ss: .....................V: Oh. Can I get a bus?Ss: ....................V: Oh dear.Ss: ....................V: I hope so! I don’t want to get lost again...Ss: ....................V: Oh... oh, really? Are you sure?Ss: ....................

5 Role-play SB pp. 72 - 73Ask the students to choose one of the situations.In pairs or small groups, they act out the roles.


Checking optionsAsk the students to check they recognize and can use the items in the box.You can suggest they do the Language Practice for this lesson (Page 85) for homework.

Language Practice: Answers1Personal choices



Ask the students to listen to the short exchange.They can then speculate about the people and their relationship.They use this as a basis for their own interpretation and invention.

Audio script Listen to these people.F: What’s the best way to go?M: Bus? Taxi?F: Can we go by subway?M: I’m not sure. Let’s ask.F: OK. I’m sure it’s quicker.M: Yes, no traffi c problems.F: Of course, you can’t see anything...M: But you arrive on time!

SB p. 73


Check the students can relate these items to the language used in the lesson.Ask them to give examples of each.

• Discuss options.• Give advice.• React to suggestions.

Check if there are any problems.

SB p. 73

I FOR NEXT TIMEAsk them to think about a ‘dream’ foreign trip. Encourage them to choose the place and to research as much as they can about it. Before doing so, they should decide what they want to fi nd out and where they can do so. Factual information? Personal advice? Warnings?

Ask them to bring this information to the next lesson.

SB p. 73


Ask the students to write suggestions of local places for the man in the tourism offi ce to visit with his friends.

Pronunciation practiceYou may like to use the pronunciation practice track again for further consolidation.

SB p. 73


Section C/ Lesson 25



The title ‘putting it together’ implies an opportunity for the students to connect the language they have learned and to use it fl exibly. The role-play activities provide a context of making plans or discussing problems. At this stage, the students are ready to develop the suggestions in relation to their own language needs.

The lesson also focuses on talking about personal likes and dislikes in relation to food and drink, and on reviewing and reusing the language functions from this section.

1Check if the students did the ‘For next time’ activity from the last lesson. Allow time to discuss and compare their results.

A foreign tripAsk them to tell the class about their plans for a trip, and the kind of information they need.Encourage comments and suggestions.

Also check homework.


Socializing spotYou can replay the dialog from the last lesson.You may prefer to ask the students to ‘perform’ it without the audio.If so, give them time to rehearse fi rst.

Socializing spotListen to these peopleF: What’s the best way to go?M: Bus? Taxi?F: Can we go by subway?M: I’m not sure. Let’s ask.F: OK. I’m sure it’s quicker.M: Yes, no traffi c problems.F: Of course, you can’t see anything...M: But you arrive on time!


Pronunciation practiceYou may also like to use the pronunciation practice from the last lesson again.


Student’s Book pages 74 – 75



1Use the context of personal likes and dislikes (food and drink)to revisit the seven functional areas.

Ask for suggestions.e.g.Discussing options

Discussing plans

Getting detailed information

Giving instructions

Making and responding to requests

Making choices

Stating likes and dislikes

S1: Do you want fi sh or meat?S2: What do you recommend?S1: The fi sh looks good.S2: OK, fi sh. What about you?S1: Oh, I prefer meat. A steak for me!

S3: What are you planning to cook?S4: Some pasta? Or pizza?S3: I like both. You choose!S4: OK, pasta. Now, what about the sauce? S3: ..........................

S5: This is delicious! What’s in it?S6: Tomatoes, some spices,..S5: OK. Which spices? And how many tomatoes?S6: ..........................

S7: How do you make this?S8: Oh, it’s easy. First of all, ...

S9: Can you recommend a good restaurant?S10: What kind?S9: How about Peruvian?S10: Well, ....

S11: Let’s order some water.S12: Sure. Still or sparkling?S11: ..........................

S13: Do you like hot food?S14: No, I don’t! I hate it! How about you?S13: ..........................

2Ask them to choose one of these and to write a conversation with a partner.They then act out them out.Encourage the class to comment and suggest improvements.



1 Ask them to write an example for each of the key functions. These need not relate to food and drink.They should choose examples which will be personally useful.

SB p. 74


Make sure that they understand the instructions on the role-play cards.They can choose to discuss plans or problems.As usual, encourage them to think about the characters and location, and to use gesture and facial expression.

Give them time to practice their conversations before acting them out.


Ask them to write a short blog entry, based on their role-play.

SB p. 75

Language Reference sectionAsk the students to check the Language Reference sections again.They should make notes of any problem areas.

They can do the Language Practice on page 85. This asks them to refl ect on their English learning

Language Practice: AnswersPersonal choices


G SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk them to complete this Spot themselvesin their notebooks, with a partner.Then they can act it out.

A: What are your plans?B: Plans?A: Yes, for the vacation..B: Oh, I want to ..... And you?A: Well,.....B: Good luck!

SB p. 75

FOR NEXT TIMEAsk them to check out the pronunciation practice at home.

SB p. 75


Section C/ Lesson 26



The lesson focuses on various aspects of travel and tourism, and gives the students another opportunity to put together the structural, functional and lexical language they have learned during the course.

1Ask the students to identify the four people in the photos.What can they remember about each one?What can they speculate about them?Who would they like to meet?

2Ask them to choose one of the mails, to read it, and then link it to the appropriate person.

AnswersA/3 B/2 C/1 D/4

3In groups of four, they tell each other about the mails from ‘their’ character.

4They write a short reply in their notebooks.


Student’s Book pages 76 – 77


The photo shows the same people and places as in Lesson 10, page 37.You may want to replay the audio for that, as a reminder.

Check that they understand the instructions on the role-play cards.They use them to make up a new conversation outside the art museum.

As usual, encourage them to think about the characters and location, and to use gesture and facial expression.

Give them time to practice their conversations before acting them out.

LN In Lesson 16, the woman in photo 2 was fl ying to Peru. Here she is on a different trip to Warsaw - with a similar problem.



Ask them to write a short blog entry about a famous place.It should include useful information and opinions for a visitor.

SB p. 77

Language Reference sectionAsk the students to check the Language Reference sections again.They should make notes of any problem areas.

They should also check out the Word Groups on page 86 and add any useful words.

They can do the Language Practice on page 85. This asks them to write their plans for continuing to improve their English learning.

Language Practice: AnswersPersonal choices


SOCIALIZING SPOTAsk them to complete this Spot themselvesin their notebooks, with a partner.Then they can act it out.

A: How’s your English now?B: ..... How about yours?A: ............!B: Will you continue?A: Oh, ..... And you?B: ..................

SB p. 77

FOR NEXT TIMEAsk them to check out all these activities again. They can add new information, and do any that they missed.

SB p. 77


Section C/ Lesson 27


Student’s Book pages 78 – 79

GAME SB pp. 78 - 79

Explain that this is a board game to play in groups of 4 to 6. On each square, there is an instruction to carry out a communicative action in English.

Each group needs a dice, and a counter for each player. One person in each group is the Organiser.The Organiser throws the dice and says the number, also choosing A, B or C.e.g. B3. S/He also chooses one person to be Player A. Player A moves to this numbered square.

The Organiser reads out the instruction on that square,e.g. ‘Tell the group about your vacation plans.’Player A carries out the instruction and names Player B to respond appropriately.

The group vote on whether Player A:- understood the instruction (1 point).- carried out the instruction accurately (1 point).

They also vote on whether Player B:- understood the request (1 point)- responded accurately (1 point)

The group can award a bonus point for exceptional invention by either Player A or Player B.

The Organiser then chooses a new Player A.The game continues either:- within an agreed amount of time.- until every person has had a turn as Player A.- until a player has reached an agreed number of points.


• Communicate effectively in English with visitors and colleagues.• Identify my problems in communication in English.• Develop my English communication skills further.

SB p. 79



Language and culture are inseparable. This is especially noticeable in face-to-face encounters between people from different cultural backgrounds. Communication takes place through personal behavior, facial expression and gesture, as well as through words.This is increasingly important at a time when more and more people are in contact with colleagues from other cultures within their own workplaces, and international tourism is increasing.

PERSONAL RELATIONSFamily membersMom / mum / mummyAmericans use “mommy” and British use “mummy” as an affectionate form of “mother”. The American English abbreviation is “mom”, while the British English one is “mum”.Kids“Kids” used to be used primarily in American English as a short form of “children”, but it is now used widely in British English as well.PartnerIt is increasingly common for unmarried couples to use this term for both mixed-sex and same-sex relationships.Greetings: shaking handsDifferent cultures greet people in different ways. Shaking hands is common in many parts of the world. Kissing people you do not know well has its own behavior patterns in different cultures.Names: using family names and first namesMany foreign visitors will expect to be addressed by their family name and title, rather than their first name. In many English-speaking cultures, first names are used mostly between friends or in informal situations.Personal information Mr, Mrs, Ms, MissIncreasingly, women use the neutral title ‘Ms’, rather than Miss (unmarried) or Mrs. (married). Ms. is usually pronounced /miz/.

AMERICAN AND BRITISH ENGLISH USAGENames of stores/shopsIn American English, ‘store’ is the general word, while ‘shop’ is more usual in British English.elevator/ liftSpeakers of American English use “elevator”, while British English speakers use “lift”. Both are used in international communication.

Meal names and timesMeals are given different names, or have different connotations, by different people.Breakfast: for British people, a “continental breakfast” implies juice, toast or croissants, and tea or coffee. A “full breakfast” would imply items such as cereals, bacon, eggs, and other cooked food. Lunch: this is only used for the meal taken between 12 and 2pm. However, some people refer to this midday meal as “dinner”.Tea: this may refer to a cup of tea in the afternoon, or a more substantial meal with sandwiches and cakes.Supper: this name is often used within families for an informal evening meal.Dinner: this is used for a more formal evening meal, especially one involving guests or eating out in a restaurant.Mealtimes: Many North Americans, Germans and Dutch eat their evening meal early, from 6pm, while people from Southern Europe will expect to eat much later, around 10pm. The students should be prepared for a variety of requests.

MUSICMusic types: local musicIn many countries, visitors are only aware of a few types of local music, while this can be a popular tourist attraction.Many visitors are aware that Brazil is a very rich country for music, but may not be aware of anything other than “samba” or “bossa nova”.Depending on the class, it may be worth spending time checking out ways of describing local varieties and styles of music, and notable groups or performers, in English.

fall/autumnAmerican English speakers use “fall”, while most British English use “autumn”.on/at the weekendAmerican English speakers typically say “on the weekend”, while British English speakers use “at the weekend”, although younger people may use the American English form.Both are used in international communication.restroom/toilet...Speakers of American English use “restroom”. British English speakers use “toilet” or (more colloquially) “loo”.subway/ metro/ underground“Subway” is used in American English, while British English speakers use “metro” (as in French), or “the underground” or (especially in London), “the tube”.

FOOD AND DRINK Ingredients and local foodVisitors will often be curious about typical local foods, and may also want to know the ingredients. This may be from general interest, but it may also be because they are allergic to certain ingredients – or simply do not like them.Depending on the class, it may be worth spending time checking out ways of describing local specialities in English.Water: still or sparklingEnglish speakers may refer to “water with/ without gas” or “still” or “sparkling” water.Both are used in international communication.

EATING HABITSKilo restaurantsThese typical Brazilian restaurants, with their extensive buffets and pricing by weight, are unfamiliar to most foreign visitors.



The locationsThere are two groups of people in the location photographs: visitors and local people, interacting in a range of local environments. Some of these locations are workplaces, such as offices. Others are public places, such as restaurants and hotels. And others, again, show informal social situations. These represent the range of everyday situations in which both Service English and General English encounters take place.

The charactersThe “characters” reappear throughout this level. There is no storyline, but the students are encouraged to note the developing relationships between some of the characters, for example Fiona, the British intern, and Andre, her local colleague. There is also no precise timeline. Some of the characters reappear on different trips.

Listening and interpretingIn the listening activities, there are increasing suggestions that the students listen in order to interpret feelings as well as to find out facts. In Section C, especially, they are encouraged to interpret and discuss their individual ideas. This is an important aspect of developing listening skills.

Native and non-native speakersThe visitors fall into two groups: native and non-native speakers of English. Again, this represents the reality of encounters here and now. Some of these visitors are tourists; others are visiting on business. There are two interns: Fiona, from Britain, and Paul, a male intern from the U.S.

Names and informationThe names of the characters are not given in the conversation transcripts, unless they occur naturally, for two reasons. One is to allow the students to decide this for themselves, as part of “getting to know” that person. The second is for space reasons. “B” represents the local Brazilian person and their Russian local equivalent, and “V” is used for the visitors.You may like to encourage the students to collect and note information about all the characters during the semester. As well as providing human interest, this will be useful in those Language Practice activities which involve writing mails or blog entries.

Summary of the visitors and nationalities


LESSON Conversation A Conversation B (+C, +D) 1 Daniel Milton US) Fiona Cameron (UK)2 Luisa (Spanish) Silvia (German) + Paul (US) + John (UK)3 Laura (US) Barbara (UK) and Bob (UK)4 Kate (Irish) and Ken (Irish) B (Bob (UK)5 Fiona (UK) Barbara (UK)6 Laura (US) Kate (Irish) and Ken (Irish)7 Silvia (German) and Paul (US) Fiona (UK)8 Bob (UK) and John (UK) Paul (US) 10 Daniel (US) Anya (Polish)11 Silvia (German) Paul (US)12 Kate (Irish) and Ken (Irish) Laura (US)13 Daniel (US) Laura (US)14 Daniel (US) Paul (US)15 Bob (UK) Fiona (UK)16 Luisa (Spanish) Ken (Irish)17 Laura (US) John (UK) and Mary (UK)19 Bob (UK) and Barbara (UK) Paul (US)20 Fiona (UK) Daniel (US)21 Laura (US) Ken (Irish) 22 Daniel (US) Luisa (Spanish) and Barbara (UK)23 Fiona (UK) Daniel (US)24 John (UK) Laura (US)

Socializing SpotsThe voices in the Socializing Spots are ‘types’: the audio recordings are designed to provide funny and absurd examples of communication, as well as serious ones.Some students will find that this type of input will help their own output, by removing a fear of making mistakes.