encouraging girls to participate in computer science

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Encouraging Girls to Participate in Computer Science


Capitalize the K and G

TCEA’s Technology Applications & Computer Science Special Interest Group (TA/CS-SIG) President

Educational Technology Coordinator, Georgetown ISD, Georgetown, Texas

Former High School Computer Science and Webmastering Teacher

Presenter: Kim Garcia

What Percentage of Your Computer Science Students are Female?



Kim's CS EnrollmentMale Female

Did You Know?

In elementary school, girls like science as much as boys do

Girls and boys who take the AP Computer Science exam score equally

Source: Edudemic, “Why Are Girls Not Pursuing Computer Science Degrees?”, by Katie Lepi, October 12, 2013 http://www.edudemic.com/girls-computer-science-degrees/

Reasons Girls Might Be Avoiding Computer Science

1. Girls’ Perception of Computer Science

Computer Science doesn’t help people

Computer scientists are geeky guys who like to be alone at a computer or with a gaming console

Girls don’t feel they fit in to the computer science classroom / environment

Sources: Edudemic, “Why Are Girls Not Pursuing Computer Science Degrees?”, by Katie Lepi, October 12, 2013 http://www.edudemic.com/girls-computer-science-degrees/

“Ambient belonging: how stereotypical cues impact gender participation in computer science,” by Cheryan, Plaut, Davies, and Steele, December 2009 http://psycnet.apa.org/?&fa=main.doiLanding&doi=10.1037/a0016239

Reasons Girls Might Be Avoiding Computer Science

2. Girls’ Perception of Their Own Abilities

Girls feel people are born with fixed abilities, especially in math. Girls often give up instead of working through difficulties.

Girls perceive boys’ bravado or boasting means that boys are more knowledgeable than girls

Sources: Mind/Shift, “Giving Good Praise to Girls: What Messages Stick”, by Katrina Schwartz, April 24, 2013 http://blogs.kqed.org/mindshift/2013/04/giving-good-praise-to-girls-what-messages-stick/

Featuring the research of Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D. https://www.stanford.edu/dept/psychology/cgi-bin/drupalm/system/files/cdweckmathgift.pdf

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Can you recall a time when you felt uncomfortable as a learner?

Share your story with your elbow partner

Ways to Encourage Girls to Join or Stay in Computer Science

1. Recruit Proactively Message intentionally – Send a strong message that you want girls in

your classes and clubs

Invite female students to sign up for CS classes and participate in clubs

Hold a girls in Computer Science orientation

Current female students visit other classes to explain how computer science relates

Meet with guidance counselors, teachers, and parents to share opportunities in computer science

Reach out to female students through collaborative projects with campus clubs/organizations and classes

Sources: NCWIT, “Top 10 Ways of Recruiting High School Women into Your Computing Classes” https://www.ncwit.org/resources/top-10-ways-recruiting-high-school-women-your-computing-classes/top-10-ways-recruiting

Tricia Berry, “Exciting Girls (and All Students) About CS and STEM: Messaging, Imagery, & Attitude”http://www.thetrc.org/web/assets/files/pdfs/01-Presentation-Exciting-Kids-about-CS-and-STEM.pdf

Ways to Encourage Girls to Join or Stay in Computer Science

2. Adjust the Image of a Computer Scientist Discuss stereotypes with all students and find out what they

consider a stereotypical computer scientist to be

Invite computer scientists to speak to your class in person or via Skype, or take a field trip

Dispel the stereotype

Help students understand how computer science helps people

Be conscious that your students may not want to think of themselves as nerds or geeks

Sources:NCWIT, “Top 10 Ways of Recruiting High School Women into Your Computing Classes”https://www.ncwit.org/resources/top-10-ways-recruiting-high-school-women-your-computing-classes/top-10-ways-recruiting

Edudemic, “Why Are Girls Not Pursuing Computer Science Degrees?”, by Katie Lepi, October 12, 2013 http://www.edudemic.com/girls-computer-science-degrees/

Ways to Encourage Girls to Join or Stay in Computer Science

3. Show Female Role Models

Discuss pioneering and prominent women in the field of computer science

Invite former female computer science students to speak

Invite local female computer scientists to speak. • Make connections through your city’s Chamber of

Commerce or through one of the Top 10 Women in Tech Organizations: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/craig-newmark/10-women-in-tech-orgs-you-should-know_b_4005325.html

Sources:NCWIT, “Top 10 Ways of Recruiting High School Women into Your Computing Classes”https://www.ncwit.org/resources/top-10-ways-recruiting-high-school-women-your-computing-classes/top-10-ways-recruiting

Edudemic, “Why Are Girls Not Pursuing Computer Science Degrees?”, by Katie Lepi, October 12, 2013 http://www.edudemic.com/girls-computer-science-degrees/

4. Decorate Classroom with Non-Stereotypical Objects

x Star Trek and video games

Images of people creating, designing, programming

• Choose some images that include women: computing leaders, group pictures of students

• Girls notice pictures of women/girls working with computers or devices

• Boys notice pictures of the “things”: computers or devicesSources:NCWIT, “Top 10 Ways of Recruiting High School Women into Your Computing Classes” https://www.ncwit.org/resources/top-10-ways-recruiting-high-school-women-your-computing-classes/top-10-ways-recruiting

“Ambient belonging: how stereotypical cues impact gender participation in computer science,” by Cheryan, Plaut, Davies, and Steele, December 2009 http://psycnet.apa.org/?&fa=main.doiLanding&doi=10.1037/a0016239

Tricia Berry, “Exciting Girls (and All Students) About CS and STEM: Messaging, Imagery, & Attitude” http://www.thetrc.org/web/assets/files/pdfs/01-Presentation-Exciting-Kids-about-CS-and-STEM.pdf

Ways to Encourage Girls to Join or Stay in Computer Science

Ways to Encourage Girls to Join or Stay in Computer Science

5. Praise and Encouragement for Girls and Boys

Emphasize that computer science skills are learned through a process of setbacks and overcoming challenges

Praise students for:• The process or strategy they are using to think through a

problem or a segment of code

• Taking on a challenge and sticking to it

Sources:Mind/Shift, “Giving Good Praise to Girls: What Messages Stick”, by Katrina Schwartz, April 24, 2013 http://blogs.kqed.org/mindshift/2013/04/giving-good-praise-to-girls-what-messages-stick/

NCWIT, “Top 10 Ways of Recruiting High School Women into Your Computing Classes” https://www.ncwit.org/resources/top-10-ways-recruiting-high-school-women-your-computing-classes/top-10-ways-recruiting

Edudemic, “Why Are Girls Not Pursuing Computer Science Degrees?”, by Katie Lepi, October 12, 2013 http://www.edudemic.com/girls-computer-science-degrees/

Ways to Encourage Girls to Join or Stay in Computer Science

6. Change Your CS Vocabulary

Say Discovery, Design, Imagination, Innovation, Contribution

Say Create, not Build

Focus on outputs, career opportunities, making a difference in the world

Source: Tricia Berry, “Exciting Girls (and All Students) About CS and STEM: Messaging, Imagery, & Attitude”http://www.thetrc.org/web/assets/files/pdfs/01-Presentation-Exciting-Kids-about-CS-and-STEM.pdf

Ways to Encourage Girls to Join or Stay in Computer Science

7. Talk About Careers in IT

IT’s important

IT’s creative

IT’s team-oriented

IT’s valued, respected, and flexible

IT’s everywhere

Source: NCWIT, “Why Should Young People Consider Careers in Information Technology?”http://www.ncwit.org/resources/why-should-young-people-consider-careers-information-technology

Meaningful Work• Saves lives• Solves health problems• Improves the environment• Keeps us connected

High Salaries with a Bachelor’s Degree

Flexibility and Variety• Flexible hours, telecommuting, blend

career and family• Skills useful in many jobs

Ways to Encourage Girls to Join or Stay in Computer Science

8. Social and Hands-on Learning Activities Pair programming

Promote social and teamwork aspects of computer science in a blended learning environment (Schoology, Edmodo)

Allow students to choose projects focused on social and cultural problems important to them

Student Competitions• Provide ongoing encouragement for girls to enter• Host an open house or “how to” night

Sources: Edudemic, “Why Are Girls Not Pursuing Computer Science Degrees?”, by Katie Lepi, October 12, 2013 http://www.edudemic.com/girls-computer-science-degrees/

NCWIT, “Top 10 Ways to Increase Girls’ Participation in Computing Competitions” http://www.ncwit.org/resources/top-10-ways-increase-girls-participation-computing-competitions

Ways to Encourage Girls to Join or Stay in Computer Science

9. Computer Science Camps & Internships for Girls

University of Texas at Austin’s FirstBytes camp https://www.cs.utexas.edu/outreach/first-bytes

NCWIT Aspirations in Computing https://www.aspirations.org/participate/opportunities

Ways to Encourage Girls to Join or Stay in Computer Science

10. Introduce Programming Early Code.org’s Hour of Code & K-5 Curriculum

Texas Technology Applications TEKS Grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8 require that students be exposed to programming languages

Free Apps and Websites: Kodable (iPad), Hopscotch (iPad), Scratch, Alice

Robotics: Wonder Workshop Dash and Dot, Lego Mindstorms

Board Games: Robot Turtles

Source: Edudemic, “Why Are Girls Not Pursuing Computer Science Degrees?”, by Katie Lepi, October 12, 2013 http://www.edudemic.com/girls-computer-science-degrees/

Why Diversity is Important in Computer Science

Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education: “More Gender Diversity Will Mean Better Science,” by Sue V. Rosser, October 29, 2012 http://chronicle.com/article/More-Gender-Diversity-Will/135310/

May lead to innovation. People bring different approaches to problem solving.

Women have invented technologies useful in child care, for example, because of their unique experiences

More diversity (gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic background) helps guard against bias and may lead to new ideas that will improve life for everyone

Help boys and girls understand why diversity is important. Don’t exclude or marginalize boys in your quest to recruit and retain girls!

What Will You Do Differently?

Write down one thing you want to do differently when you return to your classroom

Share your idea with your elbow partner

Women in Computer Science Resources

University of Texas at Austin’s FirstBytes camp https://www.cs.utexas.edu/outreach/first-bytes

National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT): http://www.ncwit.org/

NCWIT Aspirations in Computing https://www.aspirations.org/participate/opportunities

Tricia Berry, “Exciting Girls (and All Students) About CS and STEM: Messaging, Imagery, & Attitude” http://www.thetrc.org/web/assets/files/pdfs/01-Presentation-Exciting-Kids-about-CS-and-STEM.pdf

UT Austin’s Women in Engineering Program on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/utwep/

Huffington Post: “10 Women in Tech Orgs You Should Know” by Craig Newmark on September 27, 2013 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/craig-newmark/10-women-in-tech-orgs-you-should-know_b_4005325.html

American Association of University Women (AAUW) supports computer science education – find your local group: http://www.aauw.org/article/hour-of-code/

National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology, and Science (Helping Educators Close the Gender Gap for Women in Technology): Recruitment: http://www.iwitts.org/proven-practices/topics/recruitment

Introduce Programming EarlyResources

Code.org’s Hour of Code & K-5 Curriculum http://code.org/

Texas Technology Applications TEKS http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter126/

Kodable app (iPad) http://www.surfscore.com/

Hopscotch app (iPad) https://www.gethopscotch.com/

Scratch http://scratch.mit.edu/

Alice http://www.alice.org/

Wonder Workshop https://www.makewonder.com

Lego Mindstorms http://mindstorms.lego.com

Robot Turtles http://www.robotturtles.com/

Presentation Resources

Edudemic: “Why Are Girls Not Pursuing Computer Science Degrees?” by Katie Lepi on October 12, 2013 http://www.edudemic.com/girls-computer-science-degrees/

NCWIT: “Top 10 Ways of Recruiting High School Women into Your Computing Classes” https://www.ncwit.org/resources/top-10-ways-recruiting-high-school-women-your-computing-classes/top-10-ways-recruiting

NCWIT, “Why Should Young People Consider Careers in Information Technology?” http://www.ncwit.org/resources/why-should-young-people-consider-careers-information-technology

NCWIT, “Top 10 Ways to Increase Girls’ Participation in Computing Competitions” http://www.ncwit.org/resources/top-10-ways-increase-girls-participation-computing-competitions

Mind/Shift: “Giving Good Praise to GiTricia Berry, “Exciting Girls (and All Students) About CS and STEM: Messaging, Imagery, & Attitude” http://www.thetrc.org/web/assets/files/pdfs/01-Presentation-Exciting-Kids-about-CS-and-STEM.pdf

Presentation Resources (continued)

Mind/Shift, “Giving Good Praise to Girls: What Messages Stick” by Katrina Schwartz on April 24, 2013 http://blogs.kqed.org/mindshift/2013/04/giving-good-praise-to-girls-what-messages-stick/

Huffington Post: “10 Women in Tech Orgs You Should Know” by Craig Newmark on September 27, 2013 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/craig-newmark/10-women-in-tech-orgs-you-should-know_b_4005325.html

The Chronicle of Higher Education: “More Gender Diversity Will Mean Better Science” by Sue V. Rosser on October 29, 2012 http://chronicle.com/article/More-Gender-Diversity-Will/135310/

The Stereotypical Computer Scientist: Gendered Media Representations as a Barrier to Inclusion for Women http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11199-013-0296-x

Ambient belonging: How stereotypical cues impact gender participation in computer science http://psycnet.apa.org/?&fa=main.doiLanding&doi=10.1037/a0016239

Questions & Discussion + Connect with Kim

Questions & Discussion

Connect with Kim Garcia

–Twitter: @DigitalLearners

–Website: http://texascomputerscience.weebly.com

–Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/digitallearners/computer-science-education/

–Diigo: https://www.diigo.com/user/digitallearners/Computer_Science

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