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!" " # $!%&%’() * ++& (++ End User Training Manual for SAP HCM – Human Capital Management Process Name: Personnel Action - Joining Process No: TRF/R2R/4.1 Control Copy No: TRF/R2R/4.1/ ,- ,$ Doc Version Description Prepared by Date Reviewed by Approved by 00 Original Palani Dorai 24.12.2009 Amita Batra & Ankita Paul

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End User Training Manual


SAP HCM – Human Capital Management

Process Name: Personnel Action - Joining

Process No: TRF/R2R/4.1

Control Copy No: TRF/R2R/4.1/

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Doc Version Description Prepared by Date Reviewed by Approved by 00 Original Palani Dorai 24.12.2009 Amita Batra &

Ankita Paul


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Recruitment to Retirement process in TRF has the following business processes. �$(� �( �!� ���������������� �( �������� �� �

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For each of the above processes, separate End User Training Manuals are available

This document covers sl. No. 10 of the above list, that is Joining

This End User Training manual on Joining consists of the following sequence

of sub-processes

1. Joining Process – Personal Actions - Transaction code PA40


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In order to HIRE (Joining Action) an employee the following activities are to be completed.

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1. Joining Process - Personal Actions – Transaction Code – PA40

Procedural Steps

Menu Path

Access Personnel Action Screen, use the following menu path

• SAP Easy Access -> SAP menu ���� Human Resources ���� Personnel Management > Administration > HR Master Data > PA40 (Personnel Actions)

Transaction Code PA40


a) SAP Easy Access -> SAP menu ���� Human Resources ���� Personnel Management > Administration > HR Master Data > PA40 (Personnel Actions)


b) Enter the Transaction code PA40 in the command field (refer the following screen)


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Press <Enter> or key, the following screen will appear

On the above ‘Personnel Action Menu (transaction PA40)’, key-in the following information in the

fields as specified in the table below:

Field Name R/O/C Description

From Date R Enter the effective date of Personnel Action

Note: Be cautious, otherwise by default it will take the system date

Action Type R Select the row of the Personnel Action to be executed. For this particular

scenario (or document), The Action type “Joining” is selected. Once selected

the screen will look as shown below


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(Note: “R/O/C means > “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)

Press the execute button, the following ‘Action Info type (IT 0000)’ screen appears.

1. Actions – Infotype 0000

Actions are stored in the Actions info type (IT 0000). For each action a reason has to be

keyed-in. In this info type the employee is automatically assigned with an employment

status, which plays an important role while processing (payroll run, report generation etc.,)

of an employee data.

On the above ‘Action Infotype (IT 0000)’, key-in the following information in the fields as specified in

the table below:

Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Personnel Number C Each employee will be assigned and identified with a unique key. d

This employee number will be allotted from a internal numbering

range (based on the configurations made)

From/To R Start and End date of action

a) The date entered in the previous screen will be defaulted

here as the start date.

b) In SAP by default, The end date is always defaulted as

31/12/9999 (Known also as High date)

Action Type C a) The Action Type will be defaulted based on the Action Type

selected in the previous screen.


b) To select the Action to be executed ,

click on the drop down menu the to get a list of dropdown


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Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

of all the personnel actions, double-click on the required action type,

to populate the same in the action type field

Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Reason for Action R Click on the field, the ‘drop down’ icon appears at the end of the

field as shown.

Click on this icon to get the drop down list, and

select a reason from that list to populate the value on to this field.

Note: this field is mandatory field


pers. No.


Click on this ‘drop down’ icon


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Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Customer Specific N/A N/A

Employment C Employment status

The System defaults to 3, which means the active status. Active

means the employee is on company’s rolls

Special payment C Special payment status

System defaults to 1, which means standard wage type.

Position R a) Click on the position field, the ‘drop down’ icon appears at

the end of the field, and click on this icon , a search window

appears as shown below, click on ‘structure search’ to get a

window from which we can search and select the required


.b) If Position no is known without the above procedure, it can be

keyed-in in the position field.

Personnel Area R Click on the ‘Personnel Area’ field, the ‘drop down’ icon appears at

the end of the field, and click on this icon, to get the drop down list,

from which select the required personnel area (where the employee

is to be hired), and click on the ‘check mark’ , the value

selected will get populated in this field..

Employee Group R Click on the ‘Employee Group’ field, the ‘drop down’ icon appears

at the end of the field, and click on this icon, to get the drop down

list, from which select the required personnel area (where the

employee is to be hired), and click on the ‘check mark’ , the

value selected will get populated in this field.



R Click on the ‘Employee Subgroup’ field, the ‘drop down’ icon

appears at the end of the field, and click on this icon, to get the drop

down list, from which select the required personnel area (where the


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Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

employee is to be hired), and click on the ‘check mark’ , the

value selected will get populated in this field.

Additional Action


At the bottom of the screen is a grayed-out area called ADDITIONAL

ACTIONS. This is for informational purposes only; each action

executed for an employee will show here as history.

Also if more than one actions are performed on an employee on the

same day, all previous actions of that day will be moved to this

additional action screen

(Note: “R/O/C means > “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)

After keying-in the all the required details of info type 0000 (Action Infotype), click the check

mark at the top left corner of the screen. Check for message in the status line.

a) If any error message is displayed on the status line, the cursor will get positioned to the concerned error field and the colour of the field will be shown in yellow colour. Analyse the error message and correct the field accordingly

b) If ‘save your entries’ message appears in the status line, press the save icon to save the record. The system will assign personnel no to this employee and ‘Record Created’ message appears in the status line. And The system will show the ‘Organizational Assignment (IT 0001)’ screen as the next screen to be created.

Find below an example of an ‘Action info type (IT 0000)’, where all field s are keyed-in as per above instructions.


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2 Organizational Assignment – Infotype 0001

Details of the enterprise structure, personnel structure and organizational structure are captured in the

below shown ‘Organizational Assignment Info type (It 0001)’ .

On the Create Organizational Assignment Infotype (IT 0001), the following field details are

populated based on the details entered in the previous Action Infotype (IT 0000).

a) Start and To date fields b) Company Code (derived based on the personnel Area) c) Personnel Area d) Employee Group e) Employee Subgroup f) Position g) Job Key h) Organizational Unit And


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i) Percentage is defaulted to 100% j) Organizational key will be defaulted as per the configuration. k) Cost Center – if already assigned to the position, the system will default it here l) Based on cost center the business area will be defaulted

On the above ‘Organizational Assignment Infotype (IT 0001)’, key-in the following information in

the fields as specified in the table below:

Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Personnel Subarea R Click on the ‘Personnel Subarea’ field, the ‘drop down’ icon

appears at the end of the field, and click on this icon, to get the

drop down list, from which select the required personnel

subarea, and click on the ‘check mark’ icon, the value

selected will get populated in to this field..

Payroll Area C a) The payroll area will be defaulted, if it is correct go to the

next field, otherwise to change the payroll area do as

suggested in ‘b)’ below.

c) Click on the ‘Payroll Area’ field, the ‘drop down’ icon

appears at the end of the field, and click on this icon, to

get the drop down list, from which select the required

payroll area, and click on the ‘check mark’ icon,

the value selected will get populated in to this field..

Contract O NA

Pers Admin O NA

Time O NA

Payroll O N/A

(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)

After keying-in all the required details of info type 0001 (Organizational assignment Infotype),

click the check mark at the top left corner of the screen. Check for message in the status line.

a) If any error message is displayed on the status line, the cursor will get positioned to the concerned error field and the colour of the field will be shown in yellow colour., Analyse the error message and correct the field accordingly

b) If ‘save your entries’ message appears in the status line, press the save icon to save the record.


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‘Record Created’ message appears in the status line. And The system will show the ‘Personnel Data Infotype (IT 0002)’ screen as the next screen to be created.

Find below an example of an ‘Organizational Assignment info type (IT 0001)’, where all field s are keyed-in as per above instructions.


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3. Personal data – info type 0002

This Infotype is used to capture employee’s personal information.

The system performs a combination validation based on the gender and the form of address field, and

displays an error message as “ the form of address and the assigned gender are incompatible’, for

example, if when a Women employee is addressed as Mr.

On the above ‘Personal Data (Infotype 0002)’, key-in the following information in the fields as

specified in the table below:

Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Start and To Dates C The system will take the Date of birth of the employee as the start

date. That is this is the effective date of employee’s personal


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information. .

The To date is the default high date, i.e. 31/12/9999..

Title R

To select the Title, click on the drop down menu icon to

get a drop down list of titles. According to the gender of the

employee select a title.

Name Format C The name format is used while printing an employee’s name.

System will default a value, and leave it unchanged. .

Last Name R Enter the employee’s last name. If employee uses a combined

last name, then separate them by using hyphens.

Birth Name O NA

First Name R Enter the employee’s first name

Initials R Enter employee’s initial if required

Name Prefix O NA

N Prefix 2 O NA

Title O NA

Second Title O NA

Other Title O NA

Nick Name NA

Gender R

To select the Gender, click on the drop down menu icon

to get a drop down list of Genders. According to the gender of the

employee select a Gender.

Language R To select the Language, click on the drop down menu icon

to get a drop down list of Languages, and select a

language from that list in which the employee wants to


Birth Date R Enter the employee’s birth date in dd/mm/yyyy format.

Marital Status R Use the drop down menu to select the appropriate marital status.

Birth Place R Free text field, Enter the place of birth of the employee

Since R Enter the employee’s marriage date in dd/mm/yyyy format.

City of Birth R Enter the country of birth of the employee from the drop down list.

No. of Child C Free Numeric field, for entering a ‘number’ to represent the

number of children of the employee.

State R Select the State of employee, from the drop down list


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Religion R Select the Religion of the employee from the drop down list

Nationality R Use the drop down menu to select the appropriate nationality.

Occupational Code NA

2nd/3rd National NA

(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)

After keying-in all the required details of info type 0002 (Personnel data Infotype), click the

check mark at the top left corner of the screen. Check for message in the status line.

a) If any error message is displayed on the status line, the cursor will get positioned to the concerned error field and the colour of the field will be shown in yellow colour., Analyse the error message and correct the field accordingly

b) If ‘save your entries’ message appears in the status line, press the save icon to save the record. ‘Record Created’ message appears in the status line. And The system will show the “Address Infotype (IT 0006)” to create next, the ‘subtypes 1 (permanent Residence) of Address Infotype’ will be displayed

Find below an example of ‘Personnel data info type (IT 0002)’, where all field s are keyed-in as per above instructions.


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4. Addresses – Info type 0006

This Infotype is used to store address information of an employee and all employees must have a

Permanent Address, which is stored in subtype 1. Other address subtypes like: Temporary

Residence, Home Address, Emergency Address, Mailing Address, or address of Accommodation

provided by employer, if required, can be created in the same way.


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On the above ‘Addresses Infotype (IT 0006) – Address sub type 1’, enter information in the fields

as specified in the table below:

Field Name R/O/


User Action and Values

Start and To dates R The system will default the hire date as the start date. Key-in

the date on which the employee is living in this address.

To date defaults to 12/31/9999.

Address Type R The system will default to “1 – Permanent Residence” (since

that is what is selected from the window) .

C/O O Free Text field. If applicable, key in the care off details.

Street and House No. R Free text field. Key in the first line of the address

2nd Address Line O Free text field. Key in the second line of the address.

Postal Code R Enter the postal code of the city


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City R Enter name of city for address

District NA

Region O Enter a two-digit code for state name from the drop down


Country N/A

Telephone Number O Enter the std code and phone number.

Distance in Km NA

Company Housing NA

Bus route NA

(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)

After keying-in all the required details of info type 0006 (Address Infotype), click the check mark

at the top left corner of the screen. Check for message in the status line.

a) If any error message is displayed on the status line, the cursor will get positioned to the concerned error field and the colour of the field will be shown in yellow colour., Analyse the error message and correct the field accordingly

b) If ‘save your entries’ message appears in the status line, press the save icon to save the record. ‘Record Created’ message appears in the status line. And The system will show the ‘Planned Working Time Infotype (IT 0007)’ as the next screen to be created.

Find below an example of ‘Address info type (IT 0006), Subtype 1 (permanent residence’, where all field s are keyed-in as per above instructions.


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This Infotype is used for recording the working time schedule (shift details and working times) of the


On the above ‘Planned Working time Infotype (IT 0007)’, enter information in the fields as

specified in the table below:

Field Name R/O/


User Action and Values

Start and To dates R The system will default the hire date as the start date. Key-in

the date on which the employee is living in this address.

To date defaults to 12/31/9999.

Work schedule rule R Click on the ‘work schedule rule’ field, the ‘drop down’ icon

appears at the end of the field, and click on this icon,


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to get the drop down list, from which select the required work

schedule rule, and click on the ‘check mark’ icon, to get

the selected value to populated in to this field..

Employment percent R System will default 100.00. leave it unchanged

Daily Working hours R Key-in 8.00

Weekly working hours R System will default a value, leave it unchanged

Monthly working hours R System will default a value, leave it unchanged Enter the

postal code of the city

Annual working hours R System will default a value, leave it unchanged Enter the

postal code of the city

Weekly workdays R According to the no of weekly working days of this employee,

key-in the value either 5.00 or 5.500 or 6.00 in this field.

After keying-in all the required details of info type 0007 (Planned Working time Infotype), click

the check mark at the top left corner of the screen. Check for message in the status line.

a) If any error message is displayed on the status line, the cursor will get positioned to the concerned error field and the colour of the field will be shown in yellow colour., Analyse the error message and correct the field accordingly

b) If ‘save your entries’ message appears in the status line, press the save icon to save the record. ‘Record Created’ message appears in the status line. And The system will show the ‘Basic Pay Infotype (IT 0008)’ as the next screen to be created.

Find above an example of ‘Planned working time info type (IT 0007), showing all required fields with values..


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This Infotype captures the information of basic salary payment details. For payroll

processing, details of this Infotype are one of the very basic information for running payroll

and for deriving or arriving at other allowances.

On above ‘Basic Pay (Infotype 0008)’ screen enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values Start and To dates R The system will default the hire date.as the start

date, and the end date is defaulted as 31/12/9999 (high date).


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Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values Reason R Use the drop down menu to select a reason for

changing this master data. For a new hire, enter “WO - appointment”

Pay Scale Type Note: The pay scale types are set up according to the collective agreement provisions that define the sector of industry for which the collective agreement is valid

R Use the drop down menu to select one of the following: T1 – TRF Officers T2 – TRF Workers.

Pay Scale Area Note: Pay scale areas are set up according to the collective agreement provisions for geographical/functional areas that defines the area in which the collective agreement is valid.

C Use the drop down menu to select one of the following: T1 – TRF Officers T2 – TRF Workers.

Pay Scale Group Note: A pay scale group is a criterion used for grading job evaluation, and is divided up into several pay scale levels.

R The system is configured for X different pay scale groups, use the drop down menu to select the right one.

Pay Scale Level Note: Subdivision of the pay scale group, which is also used as a criterion for job evaluation.

R Use the drop down menu to select the right one.

Capacity Utilization Level C Defaults to 100%. Do not change this percentage!

Work Hours/Period C Defaults from Planned Working Time (Infotype 0007). .

Next Increase O NA Annual Salary C Calculated by the system Wage types, Amount Number/unit Unit

R Will get defaulted automatically

Currency R Defaulted by the system

(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional) After keying-in all the required details of info type 0008 (Basic Pay Infotype), click the check

mark at the top left corner of the screen. Check for message in the status line.

a) If any error message is displayed on the status line, the cursor will get positioned to the concerned error field and the colour of the field will be shown in yellow colour., Analyse the error message and correct the field accordingly

b) If ‘save your entries’ message appears in the status line, press the save icon to save the record.


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‘Record Created’ message appears in the status line. And The system will show the ‘Bank Details Infotype (IT 0009)’ as the next screen to be created.

Thus we can find above the ‘Basic pay info type (IT 0008)’ in which all the required field are keyed in with values.


The Bank Details Infotype captures information related to the employee’s bank details so

that salary can be deposited to the employee’s account. If the employee opts for payment of

his salary by cash, in that case we need not capture his bank account details in this Infotype.

On the above ‘Bank Details (Infotype 0009)’ screen key-in information in the fields as specified in

the table below:

Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Start and To dates R The system will default the hire date.as the start date, and


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Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

the end date is defaulted as 31/12/9999 (high date).

Bank Details Type R Use the pull down menu to select the Bank

Payee C Name of the payee. The system will default the employee to

be the payee.

Postal Code/City C The system will default the details of postal code and City

that were entered while capturing the Address Infotype

(Infotype 0006).

Bank Country C The system will default ‘IN India’ as the Bank country. It is

the country in which the Bank is located.

Bank Key R From the drop down list, select the required bank key

Bank Account O Enter the employee’s bank account number,.

Bank Control Key O Specify 01 for checking account, 02 for savings account.. if

left blank system will assume as 01.

Payment Method R Select from the drop down list.

For example, Blank for cash payments

Purpose N/A

Payment Currency C The system will default INR as the currency.

(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)

After keying-in all the required details of info type 0009 (Bank Details Infotype), click the check

mark at the top left corner of the screen. Check for message in the status line.

a) If any error message is displayed on the status line, the cursor will get positioned to the concerned error field and the colour of the field will be shown in yellow colour., Analyse the error message and correct the field accordingly

b) If ‘save your entries’ message appears in the status line, press the save icon to save the record. ‘Record Created’ message appears in the status line. And The system will show the ‘Recurring Payments / Deductions Infotype (IT 0014)’ as the next screen to be created.


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This Infotype captures the information of payments or deductions which are recurring in

nature. For payroll processing details are taken from this Infotype. .

On the above ‘Recurring Payments / Deductions Infotype (IT 0014)’’ screen key-in information in

the fields as specified in the table below:

Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Start and To dates R Key-in the Start and End date till which the payment or

deduction is to be recurred. .

Wage tye R From the drop down list select the required wage type.

Amount C Key in the value of the amount, if required, as the case may


Number / Unit C Key in the Number and its unit of measurement, if required,

as the case may be.

Note: for a wage type either an amount should be entered or

a number with its measuring unit is to be entered.


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Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Assignment Number

Reason for change and

Payment dates fileds


(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)

After keying-in all the required details of info type 0014 (Recurring payments / Deductions

Infotype), click the check mark at the top left corner of the screen. Check for message in the status line.

a) If any error message is displayed on the status line, the cursor will get positioned to the concerned error field and the colour of the field will be shown in yellow colour., Analyse the error message and correct the field accordingly

b) If ‘save your entries’ message appears in the status line, press the save icon to save the record. ‘Record Created’ message appears in the status line. And The system will show the ‘Additional Payments / Deductions Infotype (IT

0015)’ as the next screen to be created


This Infotype captures the information of one time payments or deductions for a particular

month. For payroll processing details are taken from this Infotype. .

On the below ‘Additional Payments / Deductions Infotype (IT 0015)’’ screen key-in the

values in the fields as specified in the table below:

Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Wage tye R a) During creation the wage type will be defaulted

b) Otherwise, from the drop down list select the

required wage type.

Amount C Key in the value of the amount, if required, as the case may


Number / Unit C Key in the Number and its unit of measurement, if required,

as the case may be.


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Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Note: for a wage type either an amount should be entered or

a number with its measuring unit is to be entered.

Date of Origin R Enter last date of the payroll period, in which payroll run this

info-type’s amount is to be paid or deducted.

Assignment Number

Reason for change


(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)

After keying-in all the required details of info type 0015 (Additional Payments / Deductions

Infotype), click the check mark at the top left corner of the screen. Check for message in the status line.

a) If any error message is displayed on the status line, the cursor will get positioned to the concerned error field and the colour of the field will be shown in yellow colour., Analyse the error message and correct the field accordingly


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b) If ‘save your entries’ message appears in the status line, press the save icon to save the record. ‘Record Created’ message appears in the status line. And The system will show the ‘Education Infotype (IT 0022)’ as the next screen to

be created


This Infotype captures the education information furnished by the employee. It is suggested

that only after verifying the education documents this Infotype is to be created for an


During the relevant educational period, the following data for each educational history are captured:

• Educational establishment (e.g. primary school, college) • Name and location of the relevant educational establishment (e.g. Boston College) • The country in which the educational institute is located

Find below in the following screens, two educational qualification of this employee is captured. Each qualification is captured in a separate screen.


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On screen Education (Infotype 0022), enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Start and To dates R Key-in the begin and end dates in to the education institute i.e.

admission for the education programme in to the institute and

leaving date after getting the certificate.

Educational est. R From the drop down list select the appropriate value.

Education/Training R Use the drop down menu to select the appropriate

education/training received at the designated institute

E&T Categories NA. System will default this value

Institute/location R Free Text. Key-in the educational Institute Name and its

Location, where the employee has completed the education or


Country Key R Use the drop down menu to select the appropriate country key


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Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Certificate R Use the drop down menu to select the appropriate certificate the

employee has received or acquired at the above mentioned


Duration of Course O This field has two separate entry boxes:

1) In the left box, enter the number for a specific time unit.

2) In the right box, select the time unit from the drop down list.

Final Grade C Free Text Field. Key-in the valuation of the final marks obtained.

Branch of Study 1 O From the drop down list select appropriate value.

Branch of Study 2 O From the drop down list select appropriate value.

(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)

After keying-in all the required details of info type 0022 (Education Infotype), click the check

mark at the top left corner of the screen. Check for message in the status line.

a) If any error message is displayed on the status line, the cursor will get positioned to the concerned error field and the colour of the field will be shown in yellow colour., Analyse the error message and correct the field accordingly

b) If ‘save your entries’ message appears in the status line, press the save icon to save the record. ‘Record Created’ message appears in the status line. And The system will show the ‘other / Previous Employers Infotype (IT 0023)’ as

the next screen to be created


This Infotype captures data relating to an employee previous employer details, before start

working for our TRF Company. For each previous employer one record is created. An

employee can have been created with as many number of Info type 0023 records as that

many employers he/she has worked previously..


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On the above screen ‘Other/Previous Employers (Infotype 0023)’, enter information in th fields as

specified in the table below:

Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Start and To


R Enter the date of joining and date of leaving that company as Start and

To dates..

Employer R Enter the previous employer name

City R A free text field. Enter the city in which the employee has worked in that


Country Key C From the drop down list select country as ‘IN India”

Industry O From the drop down list select appropriate industry

Job O From the drop down list select appropriate Job.

Work Contract O From the drop down list select appropriate work contract (like

permanent or on contract etc.,)

(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)

After keying-in all the required details of info type 0023 (Other /Previous Employer Infotype),

click the check mark at the top left corner of the screen. Check for message in the status line.


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a) If any error message is displayed on the status line, the cursor will get positioned to

the concerned error field and the colour of the field will be shown in yellow colour., Analyse the error message and correct the field accordingly

b) If ‘save your entries’ message appears in the status line, press the save icon to save the record. ‘Record Created’ message appears in the status line. And The system will show the ‘Monitoring of tasks Infotype (IT 0019)’ as the next

screen to be created


This Infotype captures data for reminder purpose. Since the concerned HR dept personnel’s

who are dealing with employee’s master data maintenance has to do many activities after a

period of time, those activities or tasks can be entered in to the system for reminding


The system does not make any beep sound alert, nor does a blinking light alert or a

message prompt when one open the system. We have to take a report from the system and

check up the list of items printed for that period and decide on tasks to be performed for

various employees as per the printed reminder document..


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To select the Task type, click on the drop down menu icon to get a drop down list of task

types (as shown in screen below) and select a task type from that list.



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Similarly, to select the ‘Processing Indicator’, click on the drop down menu icon to get a

drop down list of processing indicators (as shown in screen below) and select a processing indicator

from that. While creating a new task type for an employee, always select ‘New Type” as the

processing indicator.

Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Date of Task R Enter the Task type date on which it has to happen. In this example the

date (31.03.2009) on which the appraisal has to take place for the


Reminder date R The system will prompt this date based on the information keyed-in in the

next fields, namely, “Lead / Follow-up time” . Do not enter any date in to

this field, and leave this column Blank.

Lead R Enter the no of days / weeks / months / years in numerical value in this



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Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Follow-up time R Click on the ‘follow-up time field’, the ‘drop down’ icon appears at

the end of the field, and click on this icon, to get the drop down list (as

shown in the screen below) from which select the required time unit (for

the number keyed-in in the Lead field), and click on the ‘check mark’

icon of the drop down list, to get the selected value to populated in to the

‘follow-up time’ field..

For the next field i.e “operator” for the “Lead / Follow-up time” field (shown below)


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Click on the ‘Operator’ for the “Lead / Follow-up time” field, the ‘drop down’ icon

appears at the end of the “Operator” field, and click on this icon, to get the drop down list (as shown in

the above screen) from which select the required operator, and click on the ‘check mark’ icon of

the drop down list, to get the selected value populated in to the ‘Operator’ field..

The drop down list, displays the following three options,

a) Blank – For specific task types

b) – (minus) – Lead time: Reminder takes place before task date / dead line

c) + (plus) - Follow-up time: Reminder takes place after task deadline.

Note: in this example, a – (minus) operator is selected, meaning that the system has to remind 30

days before the date on which the “Appraisal” task ahs to take place for the employee.

After selecting the option, click the enter key or the check mark icon at the top left corner of the

screen. The system will make the values in the ‘Lead / follow-up time’ fields will disappear and a date,

in our example 01.03.2009 (30 days before the task date 31.03.2009) will appear in the Reminder

Date field (refer the screen shown below)

Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Comments R This is a 3 line free text field. Any relevant Information or action or

information on the task can be keyed-in in these lines. (Refer screen



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Once the comments are keyed-in and saved the maintain text icon will appear. (Refer above

two screens of Info type 19)

Double click on the maintain text icon the following screen is shown. If required, In this screen

the text can be

After keying-in all the required details of info type 0019 (Monitoring of Tasks Infotype), click the

check mark at the top left corner of the screen. Check for message in the status line.

c) If any error message is displayed on the status line, the cursor will get positioned to the concerned error field and the colour of the field will be shown in yellow colour., Analyse the error message and correct the field accordingly

d) If ‘save your entries’ message appears in the status line, press the save icon to save the record. ‘Record Created’ message appears in the status line. And The system will show the ‘Communication (IT 0105)’ as the next screen to be



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This Infotype captures data relating to an employee’s various forms of communication /

contact details. The system is configured to capture various communication details, out of

which the following are captured mandatorily.

a) System User Name

b) E-mail

c) Telephone number at work

The screen below shows the different form of communication details which can be captured

for an employee. Select the required ‘communication sub-type’ or form of communication.

For example the ‘communication sub-type’ E-mail is selected.

On the above Communications (Infotype 0105) screen, key-in the information in the fields as

specified in the table below:

Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Start and To dates R The system will default the hire date as the start date, and the

end date is defaulted as 31/12/9999 (high date).


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Field Name R/O/C User Action and Values

Type R From the drop down list, select the communication sub-type. In

this example official E-mail is selected as the type of

communication detail to be captured for this employee..

ID/Number R Enter the official E-mail Id of the employee. (refer screen


(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)

After keying-in all the required details of info type 0105 (Communication Infotype), click the

check mark at the top left corner of the screen. Check for message in the status line.

a) If any error message is displayed on the status line, the cursor will get positioned to the concerned error field and the colour of the field will be shown in yellow colour., Analyse the error message and correct the field accordingly

b) If ‘save your entries’ message appears in the status line, press the save icon to save the record. ‘Record Created’ message appears in the status line. And

The system will show the Personnel Action menu screen (Transaction PA40) as shown

below for creating a new Action for an employee.


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End of Hiring Action (Transaction PA40) document


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Once above Hiring Action is completed in SAP HR Module System , the

Applicant is allotted with an Employee number, shift details and the

department details where he is going to work.


The Applicant is declared as “joined” the company as an Employee.

After joining the company,

The employee undergoes Induction Training

End of document on - Joining Process TRF/R2R/4.1