endangered animals

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Post on 14-Jun-2015




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By Bianca and Jacqueline


  • 1. Endangered Animals By Bianca Lam and Jacqueline So

2. Contents:

  • 1.Why are there so many endangered animals? 2. Is it necessary for people to kill animals? 3. When and why did people start killing animals? 4.Are we completely responsible for the state of the endangered animals and why? 5. Which endangered animals are most affected by our practices and why? 6. What can the public do to stop people hunting animals?
  • Bibliography

3. Why are there so many endangered animals?

  • Loss of habitat

4. Pollution 5. Competition 6. Illegal killing 7. Planet continually changing 8. Is it necessary for people to kill animals?

  • Partly

9. Accessories 10. Animal skin 11. Animal fur 12. Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming ALL other living beings, we are still savages. 13. -Thomas A. Edison 14. When and why did people start killing animals?

  • 1000s of years ago

15. Meat 16. Ancestors 17. Vegetables 18. Are we completely responsible for the state of the endangered animals and why?

  • Government

19. Humans 20. Cutting trees 21. Natural disasters 22. Disease 23. Which endangered animals are most affected by our practices and why?

  • Many great apes

24. Indus River Dolphin 25. Many endangered animals 26. What can the public do to stop people hunting animals?

  • Send letters

27. Contribute toorganizations 28. Try not to buy animals resources 29. Let people know 30. Bibliography Books:1) Morgan S. (2000), Wildlife in Danger, Australia, Franklin Watt 2) Wilkinson R. (2002), Endangered! working to save animals at risk, China, Colorcraft Ltd.Internet: 1)http://howstuffworks.com/mammals/anbergris.htm 2)http://in.answers.yahoo.com/questions/index?qid=2010012590248AA6ajPt 3)http://library.thinkquest.org/19689/data/esframe.html 4)http://library.thinkquest.org/5736/causes.htm 5)http://new.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/09/photogalleries/animal pictures 6)http://the wildones.org/animals/pand.html 7)http://www.perc.org/articles/article171.php 8)http://www .slate.com/id/2142547 Video Clip 1)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmp7VAuOfW0&feature=related 31. Thank you for listening to our powerpoint