energy charisma you - miche canada weekly-march-w1-2013.pdfspring catalogue-2013 & february...

& WEEKLY March 2013-WEEK 1 CANADA Table of Contents What you are really selling is you ; your energy, your -Linda Westwell. 2..............................................................Have YOU Heard the News? 3..............................................................................Huge Savings! 4 ...................................Spring Catalogue 2013 & February Swatch Cards 4.........................................................................Arm Candy Special 5..........................................................................Rep of the Month 6..............................................................................Winners Circle 8..........................................................................A Tip from Miche 9.......................................................................Rep Tip-Kim C.-NS 10..................................................Make it YOUR Goal- Party Animals 10........................................................................AVery Lucky Lady 10............................................................................Join the FUN! 11........................................................................2013 Miche Fests 12...............................................................................Linda Says

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Page 1: energy charisma you - Miche Canada Weekly-March-W1-2013.pdfSpring Catalogue-2013 & February Swatch Cards! Spring Catalogue 2013 Our new Spring Catalogue can now be found on HomeParty

&WEEKLYMarch 2013-WEEK 1


Table of Contents

What you are really selling is you ;

your energy, your -Linda Westwell.

2..............................................................Have YOU Heard the News?3..............................................................................Huge Savings!4 ...................................Spring Catalogue 2013 & February Swatch Cards4.........................................................................Arm Candy Special5..........................................................................Rep of the Month6..............................................................................Winners Circle8..........................................................................A Tip from Miche9.......................................................................Rep Tip-Kim C.-NS10..................................................Make it YOUR Goal- Party Animals10........................................................................A Very Lucky Lady10............................................................................Join the FUN!11........................................................................2013 Miche Fests12...............................................................................Linda Says

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&WEEKLYMarch 2013-WEEK 1


Have YOU Heard the News?

Statement of Policies & Procedures: Procedures & Policies Revised.pdf

Independent Representative Application: REPRESENTATIVE APPLICATION


If you have already signed a Rep Agreement it is not necessary to re-submit this document as there is no major changes. We will assume unless notified that you are in agreement.

Compensation Plan


Now more ways to earn with Miche! See Commission Chart below. For more information, and Q & A’s please see link to our Forum.

Corporate Announcement (Forum):

Title Commission Referral Bonus Recruits Minimum % Paid on Earned Active Monthly Personal Volume Active Down line Miche Canada Rep 20% N/A N/A N/A N/A Miche Canada Leader 20% $25.00 to $100.00 1 to 4 $300.00 2% Miche Canada Manager 25% $125.00 to $250.00 5 to 10 $500.00 3% Miche Canada Executive 30% $275.00 to $350.00 11 to 14 $750.00 4% Miche Canada Director 35% $375.00 + 15 + $1,000.00 5% For further information please consult the Compensation Plan.

Miche Canada Compensation Plan

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HUGE Savings!

Brown Chain Handles-MB9013 NOW ONLY $ 10.00!

Pair with: Alexandra, Brandi, Kendra, Joella, Cleo, Miley and more!

Our NEW LUXE COLLECTION is now in stock!

Don’t forget to check out our lower prices for our original Luxe Collection!

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We are posting all current Specials on our public Facebook page, Miche Canada.

All you have to do is hit the SHARE button to post the Special on your personal Facebook page or send to your friends and family, it’s that easy!

Arm Candy Special!February 25h, 2013-March 17th, 2013 buy ANY ITEM and receive a select Shell for 50 % OFF! (Pricing will be adjusted on your Rep site when promo begins). We have specifically chosen fresh spring colours just for the occasion!

Don’t miss out, spring is around the corner!

Arm Candy:

Spring Catalogue-2013 & February Swatch Cards!Spring Catalogue 2013

Our new Spring Catalogue can now be found on HomeParty Rep!

Check it out!

Swatch Cards

Swatch Cards for our February Releases can now be purchased for a price of $ 20.00. Swatches may not be purchased individually, they are only sold in monthly batches. February Release Batch also includes our red/beige January Releases.

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Rep of the Month!-Jennifer C.-ON

Our Rep of the Month Jennifer has chosenBaden from our new Luxe Collection!

I can’t tell you how surprised I was to receive an email telling me I was Rep of the month. I have only been a Rep since last fall and that was kind of a last minute decision. Between my daughter and I, we already owned three of the four sizes when the Miche Rep in our small town moved away. Myself and all of her other customers were dismayed and trying to figure out how we would keep up with our Miche addictions! I hummed and hawed and then the very last day Sonya was in town, I signed up to become a Rep. It was a great decision and I love every minute of it! My Mom and sister are now Miche lovers and almost all my friends are customers! It doesn’t get much better than having a job where you get to play with purses with your friends.I live in a small town in Northwestern Ontario and the support here is phenomenal! I couldn’t do it without the support of my husband and especially my daughter. I am fortunate to see customers every day at work, the coffee shop, even grocery shopping. This makes it very easy to keep in touch with my customers and keep them coming back for more. The purses are so amazing that they sell themselves. In a small town like this word-of-mouth is your biggest advantage, so being good to your customers and going that extra mile is extra important. I have even traveled 95 km away to a neighbouring town for a party and have another coming up there soon. I truly believe the key to being successful is being willing to do whatever it takes to keep your customers happy.

Thank you to all of the Reps on the Facebook Rep page for your advice and help. Thank you Head Office for all your support.

Simply add Michelle Shell as a friend using this link below and we will take it from there!!/profile.php?id=100002273467770

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As soon as you see your name here as a “Top Earner”, contact Moira at [email protected] and she will do up your certificate and take your Shell choice so it can be sent out with your next Party order. If you are a “Top Earner” and if you are still submitting orders the old

way, we will recognize you in the following month.

Top Earners!

Winners Circle!

Top Earners that have had $4000 in Home Party Sales earned $800.00 or more in the last commission period,

and $500.00 + in free Miche products. Top Earners may

receive the exclusive Shae or any Shell from our Luxe Line.

Do You Want to be a Top Earner?All you have to do is accumulate $4,000 or more in net sales during your commission period! Learn how to master your demonstration and book your calendar with Home Parties by reading our document, a Demonstration from A-Z!

Click the image!

$ 2, 000+ Parties

How to Join the $ 2000 + PartiesHave one Home Party totaling $2,000 in net sales! Find ways to book your calendar with Parties and make your Hostess your business partner. Read our Hostess Handbook to learn more!

Click the image!

HPR’s with $2,000 + parties as well as their Hostess may receive a Heart

Classic or Prima Shell or a Love Prima or Classic Shell or any Shell from a line of

their choosing for their wonderful work! (Excluding the Luxe Line)

NEW! ?

Kimberley L.-ABKim C.- NSMagali E.-QCBarbara M.-SKJennifer C.-ONKathy R.-ON

Crystal W.-ON- 2,213Jennifer C.-ON-2,017Judith L. QC-$2,272

Kimberley L. Kim C. Magali E.

Kathy R. Jennifer C. Barbara M.

Jennifer C. Judith L. Crystal W.

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Team Builders!

How to Build Your Team!Read over our Information Package, it is a great starter package for potential Representatives. Give your clients options, they too might be interested in becoming an Independent Miche Representative.

Click the image!

These Independent Miche Representatives receivedmonetary bonuses because the women they introduced to Miche Canada had their first Party! Thanks for sharing your love for Miche and building a team.

Way to go ladies, your future looks bright!

Welcome New Reps!

New Rep Checklist• Have you contacted your Account Manager yet?• Do you have access to the Member’s Login Area?• Do you have access to the Forum?• Are you a part of the Miche Canada Rep Facebook Group?• Have you read the Info Pack?• Have you read the Demo A-Z Handbook?• Have you read the Representative Handbook?• Have you read the Hostess Handbook?

Bonnie T.- AB-1Amanda B.- MB-1Debbie C.-ON-1Tammy A.-ON-1Cynthia N.-AB-1Virginie G.-QC-1

Vicki R.-ONJennifer M.-NSJoany B.-QCTheo S.-NSMegan F.-MBVivian M.-ABCindy P.-ONErin A.-ONDonna D.-ONGerlanda (Julie) G.-MBLeanne R.-MBKathllen R.-ONKaylee B.-SK

Bonnie T Amanda B. Tammy A.

Debbie C. Cynthia N. Virginie G.

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A Tip from Miche!

Time to Get Organized

An important point to remember: We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Time management is really self-management.

“Efficient” means: performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort; having and using requisite knowledge, skill, and industry; competent; capable.

“Effective” means: adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result

Key Point: The most fundamental principle of organization is to slow down and pay better attention to our actions. Mindfulness is the best organizational tool you’ll ever find.

10 time and self-management “secrets:”

1. The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. 2. Doing more things right is no substitute for doing the right things.3. The best way to predict the future is to plan it.4. The key is not to prioritize your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.5. People usually only change when the pain of NOT changing becomes greater than the pain of change itself. 6. The road to success is not doing the one thing 100 % better, but doing 100 things 1% better.7. She who fails to plan, plans to fail.8. Insanity is doing what you’ve always done, but expecting a different result. 9. You can never have the pleasure of one choice and the rewards of another.10. The secret of great time management is simply this: “FIRST THINGS FIRST!”

My Priorities

My “A’s” : The right and awfully important things-things like selling, booking, Hostess coaching. recruiting and developing others.My “B’s” : The things I’d better get done, but not necessarily at this moment-things like customer care and follow-up calls.

My “C’s” : The things that could get done when I have time-things like cleaning my office.

Always begin with the end in mind. -Stephen R. Covey

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Rep Tip! Share your tips with your fellow Miche Representatives!

Send your tips to [email protected]. If yours is featured, you will receive your choice of either the Tyra or Sadie Shell for Classic Bags!

Do you have a Tip?

Kim C.-NS-A GREAT follow-up letter!

Good evening, Miche Ladies I just wanted to let you know that your Miche Bag orders/warranty items were processed and shipped today; they are scheduled to arrive on Wednesday and will be distributed to you as soon as possible thereafter. Remember, you don't have to be at a Party to order more Shells for your purses....just let me know and I'll order them in for you. Prices for Shells are: Classic = $25 for each Signature or $20 if buying three Shells or more ($5 more for each Premium Shell)Petite = $20 for each Signature or $15 if buying three Shells or more ($5 more for each Premium Shell)Demi or Prima = $45 for each Signature or $80 if buying three Shells or more ($5 more for each Premium Shell) Don't forget to join my Facebook group at: well, you can also join the Miche Bag Canada Facebook group: as they sometimes have contests. Cleaning and Storing of Shells

1. Don't fold Classic/Petite Shells up tight (trifold like), as it will eventually stretch the material and they won't fit the purse so well.2. Always take your Classic/Petite Shell off from the top centre of the Shell; if you pull from a corner, the Shell will eventually get 'dog-eared'3. Store your Shells (all sizes) as they come in the package (single fold) and then with the feet of one Shell (Classic/Petite) placed on the inside material cover of the second Shell so the feet of the first Shell doesn't leave a small divot (hole) in the second Shell.4. Store your Shells either in the packaging they came in or with a sheet of scrap booking paper between them; the humidity can cause them to stick and sometimes get what is called “colour transfer”.5. Most of the Shells you can just wipe off as they are faux leather; however, it is always a good idea to Fabric guard Shells that are material (especially white/light material) to help ensure they don't get stained.6. White Shells (even if they are faux leather) should be Scotch-Guarded as they can be prone to colour transfer (my new dark jeans left a mark on a bright white Shell I was wearing)7. Miche Canada sells a closet organizer for Classic (holds 13 Shells) and for Prima/Demi (holds 6) for $30; they are a good investment (NEVER pressure to buy) - just like people to know.

Kim C. from NS sends a great follow-up email after every Party! Kim has different "blurbs / templates" set up so that she never has to retype the content; this saves time and helps keep the message consistent. For more information on follow-up emails ask the expert-Kim!

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To earn the coveted title of Miche Party Animal for any given week and see your name in print, you need to be a member of the HomeParty Rep system and do at least two Parties from Wednesday of one week to Tuesday of the following week. The Representative who does the most Parties is honoured as the Top Miche Party Animal of the Week.

NOTE: A party is a minimum of $300.00.

What is a Party Animal?

Make it YOUR Goal!

2 Parties!

Think you’ll be the top Party Animal of the week?

Send us your photo, we would like to highlight it with the announcement! Don’t be shy, it could be you! Send in your photo and make it a goal to see it next week. Send photos to [email protected]

Kathy R.-ON Marcela B.-BC

Kathy R. Marcela B.

3 Looks

With Miche it’s easy! Switch up your Shell, Accessories and Shoes and change your look completely! One little black dress can go a long way!

Try it! Send in your pics to [email protected]

1 DressTalk about versatility! Send pictures of yourself wearing your favourite outfit and sporting three different Miche Shell options! We will post our favourites on our Public Facebook over the next couple weeks. Go ahead ladies...flaunt your stuff! Remember, if your photo is chosen and posted on our site, use the Share Button to post it on your own personal Facebook as well! Your customers will love it!

Join the FUN!

WIN Linda’ s own Classic Shell if your pictures are chosen and posted!

A Very Lucky Lady!The Reps listed below are no longer required to send in invoices via fax or email! Soon enough it

will be you! Keep up the great work ladies!

HPR online system means less work for you and MORE SALES!

Join Now! France B-QC

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Confirmed Dates:

April, 27th 2013-St. John's NL, Delta St. John’s HotelMay, 25th 2013-Red Deer AB, Black Knight Inn

June 15th 2013- Ontario E./ Quebec, Chateau Cartier

September, 2013-Halifax, NSOctober, 2013-London, ON

2013 Miche Fests!

This year we are giving the "Ladies of the Rock" more opportunity to grow their Miche team and earn FREE product! If you have been to a Miche Fest before you know it can be very "Oprah like", with Swag bags (big kid loot bags) and lots of

prizes! Newfoundland Reps, start spreading the word! Miche is coming to town!

Share with your customers how much fun and how rewarding it is to be a Rep, invite them to join you at Miche Fest. For $75.00 they will have a great day, lunch and a swag bag full of goodies. If they decide to join our program and become an Active Rep they will receive a $75.00 credit towards Miche product and you as their team leader will receive a $75.00 credit too!It gets even better...why not fill up your car with potential Reps, let us educate them and excite them about Miche and you will

earn the $75.00 credit over and over again...WOW! Don't wait Newfoundland, START TODAY! Sign up your new Reps now so they can start earning right away and you both can earn the stock credits at Miche Fest! Thinking of staying the night? Why not make a weekend of it! We are currently in the process of booking a block of rooms at a discounted rate! Our group rate for NL is $170/rm (regular rate is $189). We have 7 rooms blocked until March 27th, 2013...take advantage now ladies!

If you have been to a Miche Fest before, you know you learn, laugh, cry, get motivated, meet old friends, make new friends and grow! We would love to see you there! Make sure to mark your calendars now!

Exciting News!

Newfoundland Invite Link:

Alberta Invite Link:

East Ontario/Quebec Invite Link:

[email protected]


*Registration Fee: $75.00

Date: Saturday May 25th 2013 Time: 9:00 am - 3:30 pmLocation: Black Knight Inn 2929 50 Avenue Red Deer, AB T4R 1H1 (403) 343-6666

See New Miche Product Meet Active Miche Reps

Learn How to Sell & ExcelBecome a Rep Today!

today! 1-866-228-6173



WIN-WIN at Miche Fest! Join our team & receive a $ 75.00 stock credit towards

future orders! Reps expand your team during this promotion* and receive $ 75.00 stock credit!

LIMITED SEATINGR.S.V.P before May 13th!

•Registration fee includes morning refreshments followed by lunch!

*From now until May 3rd 2013 to be eligible, Rep & recruit must attend event.•$ 75.00 stock credit is non-commissionable and may not be used towards a Sales Kit purchase.

Opportunity – It’s in the bag !

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&WEEKLYMarch 2013-WEEK 1


Linda Says!This week, like thousands of other Canadians I am going on Vacation! Hurrah, sun here I come. I can't wait.... So really quickly: • Check out the new Miche Online Catalogue...I love the lifestyle photos!• Say hello to your fellow Reps on the Private Facebook group for me (separate from the public site) • Remind your customers who loved the Luxe Shells that the original collection has new lower prices and that we now have new fabulous styles to choose from! Now for what I am really thinking... What Miche products should I take with me this trip? Prima or Petite, wristlet or hip bag and which Shells? My mind is already wandering away from the business side of Miche to the fun, versatility of our bags!

I think I will take the Prima base with me. It is so practical while traveling. I put my passport and tickets between the Shell and the base...easy to find when needed. Inside the Prima I carry...just about everything; magazines for the plane, water, earphones, iPad, candies and this time I am going to add in the Carmel Convertible Wallet. I have a plan! Once I get to the hotel I will have the option of pulling out the convertible wallet and traveling around town light and fancy free.

Now that I have decided on what bags the next question is what Shells...hmmm let me think of my options: Harmony because I am proud to be Canadian, Delilah for the Beach (lots of pockets). Grace for the sun, Sienna for around town (love that it converts to a backpack) and for the evening perhaps Hilary, Melanie, or Amanda? Enjoy your March break, talk to you soon!
