energy management for hybrid pv-wind system...

ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM Muhammad Alif Ridzuan Bin Rashid Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Industrial Power) JUNE 2013

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Page 1: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the



Muhammad Alif Ridzuan Bin Rashid

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering

(Industrial Power)

JUNE 2013

Page 2: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the

“ I hereby declare that I have read through this report entitle “Energy Management for Hybrid

PV-Wind System” and found that it has comply the partial fulfillment for awarding the degree

of Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Industrial Power)”

Signature : …………………………………….

Supervisor’s Name : …………………………………….

Date : …………………………………….

Page 3: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the



A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor

of Electrical Engineering (Industrial Power)

Faculty of Electrical Engineering



Page 4: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the

I declare that this report entitle “Energy Management for Hybrid PV-Wind System” is the

result of my own research except as cited in the references. The report has not been accepted

for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree.

Signature : …………………………………………….

Name : …………………………………………….

Date : …………………………………………….

Page 5: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the

To my beloved parent, sisters, brothers

and all my friend for their supports

and encouragements

Page 6: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the



First of all, I am greatly thankful to ALLAH S.W.T on His blessing to make this

project successful.

In preparing this report, I was in contact with many people, researcher, academicians

and technicians. They have contributed towards my understanding and thought. In particular, I

wish to express my sincere appreciation to my main project supervisor, Mr. Mohamad Na’im

Bin Mohd Nasir, for encouragement, guidance critics and friendship. Without continued

support and interest, this project would not have been same as presented here.

My gratitude also goes to my family who has so understood and supports me all the

times. Thanks for their support, love and emotional supports that they had given to me.

My fellow postgraduate students should also be recognized for their support. My

sincere appreciation also extends to all my colleagues and other who have provided assistance

at various occasions. Their views and tips are useful indeed. Unfortunately, it is not possible to

list all of them in this limited space.

Page 7: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the



This project is to study the energy management for hybrid PV-Wind system. The aim

of this project to analyze the energy management that produce from the combination of PV

system and wind system which is hybrid system to the light emitting diode (LED) lamp as the

load. In this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the energy and the output

of the energy control by two equipments which are solar charge control and hybrid charger.

The output of the both equipment connect with the battery as storage energy for this system.

To ensure the system can give supply to the load, LED light use as the load of this system. To

ensure the management of the energy of this project, software of Homer be use to simulate the

data to got the values the cost of the system. In this project, the solar system produce the best

energy compare the wind system and it reliable to charge the battery of the system.

Page 8: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the



Projek ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengurusan tenaga untuk sistem hibrid solar dan

turbin angin. Tujuan projek ini untuk menganalisis pengurusan tenaga yang menghasilkan

daripada gabungan sistem solar dan sistem angin yang merupakan sistem hibrid untuk

menghidupkan lampu diod pemancar cahaya atau dikenali sebagai (LED) sebagai beban untuk

sistem dalam projek. Dalam projek ini, solar panel dan turbin angin digunakan untuk menjana

tenaga dan tenaga yang terhasil dikawal oleh satu sistem kawalan yang mengawal proses

pengecasan kepada bateri dan keseluruhan sistem hibrid. Untuk memastikan sistem boleh

memberi bekalan tenaga kepada beban, lampu LED digunakan sebagai beban di dalam sistem

hibrid ini. Untuk memastikan pengurusan tenaga projek ini, perisian Homer akan digunakan

untuk simulasi data yang diperolehi bagi mendapatkan nilai kos yang dihasilkan oleh sistem

ini. Dalam projek ini, sistem solar menghasilkan tenaga yang terbaik membandingkan sistem

angin dan ia sesuai untuk mengecaskan bateri bagi sistem hibrid ini.

Page 9: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the












1.1 Background 1

1.2 Motivation 2

1.3 Problem Statement 3

1.4 Objectives 4

1.5 Scope 4


2.1 Introduction 5

2.2 Phothovoltaic System 5

2.2.1 Definition 5

2.2.2 Operation of Photovoltaic 7

2.2.3 Equivalent Circuit Model 10

2.3 Wind System 12

2.3.1 Definition 12

Page 10: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the




2.3.2 System Component and 14


2.4 Hybrid System 19

2.4.1 Defination 19

2.4.2 System Component 20

2.5 Storage System 21

2.5.1 Definition 21

2.5.2 Methods of Electricity energy 22


2.6 Homer Software 23


3.1 Introduction 25

3.2 Flow chart of project activities 27

3.3 Photovoltaic System 28

3.4 Wind system 30

3.5 Hybrid Charger 33

3.6 Load System 36

3.7 Equipment for Recording The Data 39

3.8 Homer Software 40


4.1 Introduction 49

4.2 Photovoltaic System Performance 49

4.3 Wind System 55

Page 11: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the




4.4 Load System 60

4.5 Battery System 64

4.6 Hybrid PV-wind System 67

4.7 Energy Performance of PV-wind system 74

4.8 Homer Software Simulation 75


5.1 Conclusion 77

5.2 Recommendation 78



Page 12: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the




3.1 Electrical Specification 30

3.2 Part of the DS-300 31

3.3 Specification of DS-300 32

3.4 Specification of The LED SL-025-S1 37

4.1 Energy performance of PV-wind system 74

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1.1 Schematic of the proposed system 2

2.1 Simplified grid-connected PV system 6

2.2 A stand-alone PV system with optional generator 6

For back-up

2.3 Diagram of a photovoltaic-powered water pumping 6


2.4 Movement of photon in the Photovoltaic cell 7

2.5 Electrons flow 8

2.6 Photovoltaic cells, modules and arrays 8

2.7 I-V characteristic curve 9

2.8 The Maximum Power Point (MPPT) 9

2.9 P-V, P-V curve of PV under same temperature 10

and different irradiation level

2.10 The Equivalent Circuit of a Solar Cell 11

2.11 Types of wind turbines 13

2.12 A three-phase synchronous generator 15

2.13 Asynchronous generator 15

2.14 Basic component of inductance generator 16

2.15 (a) ; (b) 16

2.16 Operation of inductance motor 17

2.17 (a) The movement of stator. (b) The cutting of flux at 18

stator field

2.18 A self-excited inductance generator 18

2.19 Wind turbine generator output curve 18

Page 14: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the



2.20 Schematic circuit of current control of wind 20

side DC-DC chopper

2.21 Schematic circuit of voltage-current control loops of 20

PV DC-DC chopper

2.22 Hybrid PV-wind system block diagram 21

2.23 Equivalent circuit of the battery 23

2.24 Software of Homer 24

3.1 Schematic diagram of PV-wind stand alone system 26

3.2 Flow Chart of project 27

3.3 Hybrid PV-wind System use in this project 28

3.4 Sunlight Solar Lighting Controller 29

3.5 General View of the DS-300 31

3.6 Hybrid PV-wind System 33

3.7 Hi-VAWT Hybrid Charger WS320 34

3.8 Hybrid Charger System 34

3.9 Wiring Guide of Hi-VAWT Hybrid Charger WS320 35

3.10 Light Emitting Diode (LED) light 38

3.11 The LED light operates at the night 38

3.12 Fluke Meters to record the data 39

3.13 The system will use in Homer software 40

3.14 The PV inputs 41

3.15 Wind turbine inputs 42

3.16 The battery inputs 43

3.17 The load inputs 44

3.18 The converter input 45

3.19 Solar resource input 46

Page 15: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the



3.20 Economic Inputs 47

3.21 The wind resource input 48

4.1 Plot of the solar characteristic on 23rd to 24th March 50


4.2 Plot of the solar characteristic on 26th to 27th March 50


4.3 Plot of the solar characteristic on 3rd to 4th March 51


4.4 Plot of the solar characteristic on 8th to 9th March 52


4.5 Plot of the solar characteristic on 9th to 10th March 52


4.6 Plot of radiation on 25th March 2013 53

4.7 Plot of radiation on 3rd April 2013 54

4.8 Plot of radiation on 8th to 9th April 2013 54

4.9 Graph of wind characteristic on 23rd to 24th March 2013 55

4.10 Graph of wind characteristic on 26th to 27th March 2013 56

4.11 Graph of wind characteristic on 3rd to 4th April 2013 56

4.12 Graph of wind characteristic on 8th to 9th April 2013 57

4.13 Graph of wind characteristic on 9th to 10th April 2013 57

4.14 Graph of wind speed on 25th to 27th March 2013 58

4.15 Graph of wind speed on 28th to 29th March 2013 59

4.16 Graph of wind speed 3rd to 4th April 2013 59

4.17 Graph of wind speed 8th to 9th April 2013 60

4.18 Load characteristic on 23rd to 24th March 2013 61

4.19 Load characteristic on 26th to 27th March 2013 61

4.20 Load characteristic on 3rd to 4th April 2013 62

4.21 Load characteristic on 8th to 9th April 2013 62

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4.22 Load characteristic on 9th to 10th April 2013 63

4.23 Plot battery characteristic on 23rd to 24th March 2013 64

4.24 Plot battery characteristic on 26th to 27th March 2013 64

4.25 Plot battery characteristic on 3rd to 4th April 2013 65

4.26 Plot battery characteristic on 8th to 9th April 2013 65

4.27 Plot battery characteristic on 9th to 10th April 2013 66

4.28 Graph voltage versus time for Hybrid PV-wind system 67

on 23rd to 24th March 2013

4.29 Graph voltage versus time for Hybrid PV-wind system 68

on 26th to 27th March 2013

4.30 Graph voltage versus time for Hybrid PV-wind system 68

on 3rd to 4th April 2013

4.31 Graph voltage versus time for Hybrid PV-wind system 69

on 8th to 9th April 2013

4.32 Graph voltage versus time for Hybrid PV-wind system 69

on 9th to 10th April 2013

4.33 Graph power versus time for Hybrid PV-wind system 71

on 23rd to 24th March 2013

4.34 Graph power versus time for Hybrid PV-wind system 71

on 26th to 27th March 2013

4.35 Graph power versus time for Hybrid PV-wind system 72

on 3rd to 4th April 2013

4.36 Graph power versus time for Hybrid PV-wind system 72

on 8th to 9th April 2013

4.37 Graph power versus time for Hybrid PV-wind system 73

on 9th to 10th April 2013

4.38 The optimized result 75

A1 Reading of Solar System on 23rd to 24th March 2013 81

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A2 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Solar 81

System on 23rd to 24th March 2013

A3 Reading of Solar System on 26th to 27th March 2013 82

A4 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Solar 82

System on 26th to 27th March 2013

A5 Reading of Solar System on 3rd to 4th April 2013 83

A6 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Solar 83

System on 3rd to 4th April 2013

A7 Reading of Solar System on 8th to 9th April 2013 84

A8 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Solar 84

System on 8th to 9th April 2013

A9 Reading of Solar System on 9th to 10th April 2013 85

A10 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Solar 85

System on 9th to 10th April 2013

A11 Reading of Wind System on 23rd to 24th March 2013 86

A12 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Wind 86

System on 23rd to 24th March 2013

A13 Reading of Wind System on 26th to 27th March 2013 87

A14 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Wind 87

System on 26th to 27th March 2013

A15 Reading of Wind System on 3rd to 4th April 2013 88

A16 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Wind 88

System on 3rd to 4th April 2013

A17 Reading of Wind System on 8th to 9th April 2013 89

A18 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Wind 89

System on 8th to 9th April 2013

A19 Reading of Wind System on 9th to 10th April 2013 90

Page 18: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the



A20 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Wind 90

System on 9th to 10th April 2013

A21 Reading of Load System on 23rd to 24th March 2013 91

A22 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Load 91

System on 23rd to 24th April 2013

A23 Reading of Load System on 26th to 27th March 2013 92

A24 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Load 92

System on 26th to 24th March 2013

A25 Reading of Load System on 3rd to 4th April 2013 93

A26 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Load 93

System on 3rd to 4th April 2013

A27 Reading of Load System on 8th to 9th April 2013 94

A28 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Load 94

System on 8th to 9th April 2013

A29 Reading of Load System on 9th to 10th April 2013 95

A30 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Load 95

System on 9th to 10th April 2013

A31 Reading of Battery System on 23rd to 24th March 2013 96

A32 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Battery 96

System on 23rd to 24th March 2013

A33 Reading of Battery System on 26th to 27th March 2013 97

A34 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Battery 97

System on 26th to 27th March 2013

A35 Reading of Battery System on 3rd to 4th April 2013 98

A36 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Battery 98

System on 3rd to 4th April 2013

A37 Reading of Battery System on 8th to 9th April 2013 99

Page 19: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the



A38 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Battery 99

System on 8th to 9th April 2013

A39 Reading of Battery System on 9th to 10th April 2013 100

A40 Graph Voltage (blue) and Current (pink) of Battery 100

System on 9th to 10th April 2013

B1 Solar Radiation Data by Nasa 101

C1 Wind speed Data in year 2012 by WeatherOnline 102

C2 Wind speed Data in year 2013 by WeatherOnline 103

Page 20: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the



V - Voltage

A - Ampere

DC - Direct Current

AC - Alternate Current

W - Watt

PV - Photovoltaic

LED - Light Emitting Diode

MPP - Maximum Power Point

Ipv - Photovoltaic Current

Io - Saturation Current

Rs - Series Resistance

Rp - Shunt Resistance

Vta - Thermal Voltage

Ns - Cell Connected in Series

q - Electron Charge

k - Boltzman’s Constant

HAWT - Horizontal axis wind Turbine

VAWT - Vertical axis wind Turbine

CO2 - Carbon Dioxide

W/m2 - Watt per Meter Square

KW/m2 - KiloWatt per Meter Square

m/h - Meter per hour

Km/h - Kilometer per hour

Page 21: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the




A Fluke Meter Graph 81

B Solar Radiation Data by NASA 101

C Wind Speed Data by 102


Page 22: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the



1.1 Background

The increasing of technology development today that causes high of demand energy.

More of equipments today need used energy especially electrical energy. Without electrical

energy, economic activity was paralyzed because all work today needed electrical energy

whether in office, industrial, transportation place, bank, and all around the world. Because of

the high demand in energy used, these can effect of decreasing the prime energy such as oil,

coal, and natural gas. Besides, the uses of the prime energy such as oil, coal and natural gas as

the demand to get energy also cause pollution to environment. It is about 40% of global

energy will cause emissions of carbon dioxide and this become increasing up to 58% in 2030.

Because of those problems, the alternative energy will be introduced to solve it. The

concept of alternative energy that will use is relates to sustainability, renewability, and

pollution reduction. The various form renewable energy will be introduced such as solar

energy, wind energy, biomass energy, hydro energy, geothermal energy, wave and tidal

energy. Based on the increasing of renewable energy technology development today clearly

shown it will becomes as alternative energy to replacement the fossil fuel energy that will be

used today in the future.

Page 23: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the


1.2 Motivation

This project is to study the performance of energy management of the hybrid PV-wind

stand alone system. In this case, the PV and wind generator were chosen as renewable energy

and prime energy to generate the energy to supply direct current (DC) load which is LED light

as the load of the system. PV and wind turbine were chosen because it is easy to used and can

be used anywhere. Besides, it is easy to install and not need the extra space to build this

system. The system will consist of the several parts which are wind turbine, PV panel, charge

controller, storage and the load. Figure 1.1 shows the schematic of the proposed system.

Figure 1.1: Schematic of the proposed system [1].

This project is to research the energy management of hybrid PV-wind stand alone

system. In this case, the performance of the energy in this system will be analyzed by taking

the measure of the output energy of the system. Besides, the problem that will facing today

which is the storage of the extra energy that generated by the prime energy like PV and wind

turbine can be consider in this study as the one of the part of energy management. On the other

hand, energy controller charger which is the important part in this system also will be analyzed

and the performances will be investigated.

The type of the inverter also was been identify as the part in the controller. As the load

of the system, the LED light of the system will be used. The energy that will produce at the

load and when load is connect to system will be analyzed to find it performances in the


Page 24: ENERGY MANAGEMENT FOR HYBRID PV-WIND SYSTEM … this project, the PV panel and Wind turbine used to generate the


1.3 Problem Statement

The increasing of electrical demand in the world will affected the natural resources

such as oil, gas, and coal becomes deficiencies. Besides, the uses of natural resources to

generate the electricity also will cause the pollution to environment by emission of carbon

dioxide gas. To resolve this problem, the alternative energy will be introduced. Alternative

energy, which is related to sustainability, renewability, and pollution reduction, is the energy

that will be used in the future. Renewable energy which is solar energy, wind energy, hydro

energy, and biomass energy is example of alternative energy. The new development in

renewable energy such as solar and wind energy also has problem based on its reliability of

their function.

In this case, this renewable energy which is stand alone renewable energy has a low

reliability and flexibility on the system and it maintenance of each application. On other hand,

the output energy that will produce by stand alone renewable energy not consistent as the

system not achieved the specification needed. To overcome this problem, the renewable

energy needs to be combining to make it more efficient. The best ways of combination of

renewable energy is the hybrid PV-Wind system which is combination of photovoltaic system

and wind turbine system.

In this combination both systems can help to solve the problem such as when the PV

system will not operate during gloomy or night time, the wind turbine system can support to

produce the energy and when the sunny day if no winds blow the PV still can produce the

energy to the system.

By adding the hybrid application on the system, it will make the energy produce

become more efficient. Besides, the other problem is about the energy storage. In this case,

battery will use as the storage that will be control by the hybrid controller. To ensure the

system is effective, the management of the energy of this system needs to be investigated.