energy. what types of energy are there? nuclear fusion fission mechanical (kinetic) potential...


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Page 1: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical


Page 2: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

What types of energy are there?

Page 3: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

What types of energy are there?


•Mechanical (Kinetic)•Potential



Page 4: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

Essentially all energy on Earth comes from a single source

Page 5: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical


Page 6: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

Every second, the sun converts 500 million metric tons of hydrogen to helium. Due to the process of fusion, 5 million metric tons of excess material is converted into energy in each second. This means that every year, 157,680,000,000,000 metric tons are converted into energy.


Page 8: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

Fusion 8

The SunThe sun flare

The corona during an eclipse The aurora

corona during an eclipsecorona during an eclipse

Page 9: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

Nuclear Fusion

• Nuclear fusion is the process by which multiple nuclei join together to form a heavier nucleus.

• It is accompanied by the release or absorption of energy depending on the masses of the nuclei involved..

Page 10: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

Fusion 10

Nuclear Fusion of Protons - hydrogen cycle

The hydrogen cycle:

H + H 2D (+e–) + + + 2D + H 3He + 3He + 3He 4He + 2 H

net 4 H = 4He (+ 2e–) + 2+ +2 + 2 + 26.7 MeV


Enough energy to keep a 60W light bulb on for 7 x 10-14 sec

The Sun derives energy from fusion of protons. There are many possibilities, but two detailed cycles were proposed.

Page 11: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

Fusion 11

Nuclear Fusion in Stars

Stars are giant fusion reactors.

Nuclear fusion reactions provide energy in the Sun and other stars. Solar energy drives the weather and makes plants grow.

Energy stored in plants sustains animal lives, ours included.

E = mc21H, 2D3T, 4He

Page 12: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

Fusion 12

Nuclear Fusion and the SunSun Mass is 333,000 times that of the Earth.

The sun is a big nuclear fusion reactor, 75% H and 25% He.

Sun radius (695000 km) is 109 times that of the Earth (6.4e3 km).

Sun emits 3.861026 watts, ~ 8 kwatt/cm2, 1.4 kwatt/m2 reach the Earth’s atmosphere (solar constant).

1 kwatt/m2 reaches the Earth’s surface

This is the energy that drives our weather.

Page 13: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

Matter and Energy

We have been taught that “matter and energy We have been taught that “matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed”cannot be created nor destroyed”

We now need to understand that Matter and We now need to understand that Matter and Energy are two forms of the same thingEnergy are two forms of the same thing

Page 14: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical


Matter can be changed into EnergyMatter can be changed into Energy

Einstein’s formula above tells us how the change Einstein’s formula above tells us how the change occursoccurs

In the equation above:In the equation above:E = EnergyE = Energym = Massm = Massc = Speed of Light (Universal Constant)c = Speed of Light (Universal Constant)

EnergyEnergy LightSpeedLightSpeed

E = mc2

Page 15: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

E = mc2

The equation may be read as follows:The equation may be read as follows:

Energy (E) is equal to Mass (m) multiplied Energy (E) is equal to Mass (m) multiplied by the Speed of Light (c) squaredby the Speed of Light (c) squared

This tells us that a This tells us that a small amount of mass can small amount of mass can be converted into a very largebe converted into a very large amount of amount of energyenergy because the speed of light (c) is an because the speed of light (c) is an extremely large numberextremely large number

Page 16: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

Fusion is a nuclear reaction whereby Fusion is a nuclear reaction whereby two light two light atomic nuclei fuse or combine to form a single atomic nuclei fuse or combine to form a single larger, heavier nucleuslarger, heavier nucleus

The fusion process generates tremendous The fusion process generates tremendous amounts of energy; refer back to Einstein’s amounts of energy; refer back to Einstein’s equationequation

For fusion to occur, a large amount of energy For fusion to occur, a large amount of energy is needed to overcome the electrical charges is needed to overcome the electrical charges of the nuclei and fuse them togetherof the nuclei and fuse them together


Page 17: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical


Fusion reactions do not occur naturally on our Fusion reactions do not occur naturally on our planet but are the principal type of reaction planet but are the principal type of reaction found in starsfound in stars

The large masses, densities, and high The large masses, densities, and high temperatures of stars provide the initial temperatures of stars provide the initial energies needed to fuel fusion reactionsenergies needed to fuel fusion reactions

The sun fuses hydrogen atoms to produce The sun fuses hydrogen atoms to produce helium, subatomic particles, and vast amounts helium, subatomic particles, and vast amounts of energyof energy

Page 18: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

Mass and Energy are two forms of the same Mass and Energy are two forms of the same thing; neither can be created nor destroyed but thing; neither can be created nor destroyed but mass can be converted into energy (E = mcmass can be converted into energy (E = mc22))

Fission is a nuclear reaction in which a heavy Fission is a nuclear reaction in which a heavy atomic nucleus is split into lighter atomic nucleiatomic nucleus is split into lighter atomic nuclei

Fusion is a nuclear reaction in which 2 light Fusion is a nuclear reaction in which 2 light atomic nuclei are combined into a single, atomic nuclei are combined into a single, heavier atomic nucleusheavier atomic nucleus


Page 19: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

Fusion 19

Nov. 1, 1952, the first H-bomb Mike tested,mushroom cloud was 8 miles across and 27 miles high;the canopy was 100 miles wide, 80 million tons of earth was vaporized. H-bomb exploded Mar. 1, 1954 at Bikini Atoll yielded 15 megatons and had a fireball 4 miles in diameter.USSR H-bomb yields 100 megatons.


The Russian Tsar H-Bomb was the most powerful ever made

Tsar 2

Page 20: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

Fusion 20

Nuclear Fusion under Controlled Conditions

Humans had controlled fission chain reactions before testing bombs.

1952, Nov. 1. US tested the first H-bomb at Enewetak, controlled sustained fusion reactor has yet to be achieved.

High temperature and high particle density for long period of time are the conditions for fusion.

This has not yet been achieved in a context where more energy is produced than it costs to make the reaction happen

Page 21: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical


Fission may be defined as the process of Fission may be defined as the process of splitting an atomic nucleus into fission splitting an atomic nucleus into fission fragmentsfragments

The fission fragments are generally in the form The fission fragments are generally in the form of smaller atomic nuclei and neutronsof smaller atomic nuclei and neutrons

Large amounts of energy are produced by the Large amounts of energy are produced by the fission processfission process

Page 22: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical


Fissile nuclei are generally Fissile nuclei are generally heavy atoms with heavy atoms with large numbers of nucleonslarge numbers of nucleons

The nuclei of such heavy atoms are struck by The nuclei of such heavy atoms are struck by neutrons initiating the fission processneutrons initiating the fission process

Fission occurs due to electrostatic repulsion Fission occurs due to electrostatic repulsion created by large numbers of protons within the created by large numbers of protons within the nuclei of heavy atomsnuclei of heavy atoms

Page 23: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

A classic example of a fission reaction is that of A classic example of a fission reaction is that of U-235:U-235:

U-235 + 1 Neutron U-235 + 1 Neutron

2 Neutrons + Kr-92 + Ba-142 + Energy2 Neutrons + Kr-92 + Ba-142 + Energy In this example, a stray neutron strikes an atom of U-235. In this example, a stray neutron strikes an atom of U-235.

It absorbs the neutron and becomes an unstable atom of It absorbs the neutron and becomes an unstable atom of U-236. It then undergoes fission. Notice that more U-236. It then undergoes fission. Notice that more neutrons are released in the reaction. These neutrons neutrons are released in the reaction. These neutrons can strike other U-235 atoms to initiate their fission.can strike other U-235 atoms to initiate their fission.


Page 24: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical


The fission process is an a natural one as a The fission process is an a natural one as a French researcher found a natural uranium French researcher found a natural uranium reactor in Gabon, West Africa; it has been reactor in Gabon, West Africa; it has been estimated to be over 2 billion years oldestimated to be over 2 billion years old

Fission produces large amounts of heat energy Fission produces large amounts of heat energy and it is this heat that is captured by nuclear and it is this heat that is captured by nuclear power plants to produce electricitypower plants to produce electricity

Page 25: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical

Mass and Energy are two forms of the same Mass and Energy are two forms of the same thing; neither can be created nor destroyed but thing; neither can be created nor destroyed but mass can be converted into energy (E = mcmass can be converted into energy (E = mc22))

Fission is a nuclear reaction in which a heavy Fission is a nuclear reaction in which a heavy atomic nucleus is split into lighter atomic nucleiatomic nucleus is split into lighter atomic nuclei

Fusion is a nuclear reaction in which 2 light Fusion is a nuclear reaction in which 2 light atomic nuclei are combined into a single, atomic nuclei are combined into a single, heavier atomic nucleusheavier atomic nucleus


Page 26: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical


Which nuclear process produces large Which nuclear process produces large amounts of energy?amounts of energy?

A. FissionA. Fission

B. FusionB. Fusion

C. Both fission & fusionC. Both fission & fusion

D. Neither fission nor fusionD. Neither fission nor fusion

Page 27: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical


Fission is the process that _________ atomic Fission is the process that _________ atomic nuclei.nuclei.

A. CombinesA. Combines

B. Burns upB. Burns up

C. StoresC. Stores

D. SplitsD. Splits

Page 28: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical


Mass may be converted into energy.Mass may be converted into energy.

A. TrueA. True

B. FalseB. False

Page 29: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical


The fission process requires heavy The fission process requires heavy atomic nuclei.atomic nuclei.

A. TrueA. True

B. FalseB. False

Page 30: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical


Name a nuclear reaction that occurs Name a nuclear reaction that occurs within the sun:within the sun:

Page 31: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical


Fission is a natural process that occurs Fission is a natural process that occurs on the on the planet Earth.planet Earth.

A. TrueA. True

B. FalseB. False

Page 32: Energy. What types of energy are there? Nuclear Fusion Fission Mechanical (Kinetic) Potential Gravity Springs Chemical Light Heat Electrical


Explain this equation:Explain this equation:

E = mcE = mc22