energy2 fr de it es en:engy man fr · 2011-12-30 · electric shock. compex médical sa declines...

146 English INTRODUCTION Please read this manually carefully prior to using your Compex stimulator. You are strongly advised to read chapter I "Warnings" of this manual. ENERGY2 FR DE IT ES EN:ENGY Man FR 2/07/07 16:55 Page 146

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Please read this manually carefully prior to using your Compex stimulator.You are strongly advised to read chapter I "Warnings" of this manual.

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I. WARNINGS1. Counter-indications 1482. Safety measures 148

II. PRESENTATION1. Reception of equipment and accessories 1512. Guarantee 1513. Maintenance 1514. Storage and transportation conditions 1525. Conditions of use 1526. Elimination 1527. Standards 1528. Patents 1529. Normalised symbols 153

10. Technical characteristics 153


IIV. USAGE GUIDELINES1. Electrode positions 1562. Stimulation positions 1563. Adjusting stimulation energies 1574. Progression in the levels 157

V. THE 0 TECHNOLOGY 1. Practical rules of use 157

VI. HOW IT WORKS1. Description of the stimulator 1582. Connections 1593. Preliminary settings 1594. Selecting a motivation 1605. Selecting a programme 1606. Personalising a programme 1607. During the stimulation session 1618. Consumption and recharging 1639. Problems and solutions 164

VII. PROGRAMMES AND SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS1. Your motivation: Sport 1662. Your motivation: Health 1703. Your motivation: Aesthetic 173


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1. Counter-indications

2. Safety measures

Important counter-indications■ Cardiac stimulator (pacemaker)■ Epilepsy■ Pregnancy (do not use on abdominal

region)■ Serious arterial circulation problems

in lower limbs■ Abdominal or inguinal hernia

Precautions when using theCompex■ After trauma or a recent operation

(less than 6 months)■ Muscular atrophy■ Persistent pains■ Need for muscular rehabilitation

Osteosynthesis equipmentThe presence of osteosynthesisequipment (metallic equipment in contactwith the bone: pins, screws, plates,prostheses, etc.) is not a counter-indication for the use of Compexprogrammes. The electrical currents ofthe Compex are specially designed to haveno harmful effect on osteosynthesisequipment.

Important!■ Do not use Compex stimulator

programmes if you have sensitivityproblems.

■ Never use the Compex for prolongedperiods without medical advice.

■ Consult your doctor if you are in anydoubt whatsoever.

■ Read this manual carefully, inparticular chapter VII, which providesinformation concerning the effectsand indications of each stimulationprogramme.

What you should not do withthe Compex and the m system■ Do not use the Compex or the

m-4 system in water or in ahumid atmosphere (sauna,hydrotherapy, etc.).

■ Do not use the Compex or m-4

system in oxygen-rich environments.■ Never carry out an initial stimulation

session on a person who is standing.The first five minutes of stimulationmust always be performed on a

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person who is sitting or lying down.In rare instances, people of a nervousdisposition may experience avasovagal reaction. This is ofpsychological origin and is connectedwith a fear of the muscle stimulationas well as surprise at seeing one oftheir muscles contract without havingintentionally contracted it themselves.A vasovagal reaction causes heart toslow down and blood pressure todrop, which can make you feel weakand faint. If this does occur, all that isrequired is to stop the stimulation andlie down with the legs raised until thefeeling of weakness disappears (5 to10 minutes).

■ Never allow movement resulting frommuscular contraction during astimulation session. You shouldalways stimulate isometrically; thismeans that the extremities of thelimb in which a muscle is beingstimulated must be firmly fixed, so asto prevent the movement that resultsfrom contraction.

■ Do not use the Compex or m-4

system if you are connected to ahigh-frequency surgical instrument asthis could cause skin irritation orburns under the electrodes.

■ Do not use the Compex or m-4

system within X metre (see EMCtable) of short wave or microwavedevices as this could alter the currentsgenerated by the stimulator. If youare in any doubt as to the use of theCompex close to another medicaldevice, seek advice from themanufacturer of the latter or fromyour doctor.

■ Do not use the Compex stimulator orm-4 system in areas whereunprotected devices are used to emitelectromagnetic radiation. Portablecommunications equipment caninterfere with electrical medical

equipment.■ Only use stimulation cables supplied

by Compex.■ Do not disconnect any stimulation

cables during a session while thestimulator is switched on. Switch thestimulator off first.

■ Never connect stimulation cables toan external power supply. There is arisk of electric shock.

■ Only use rechargeable battery unitssupplied by Compex.

■ Never recharge the stimulator withoutfirst disconnecting the stimulationcables.

■ Always use the charger provided byCompex to recharge the batteries.

■ Never use the Compex or the chargerif it is damaged (case, cables, etc.) orif the battery compartment is open.There is a risk of electric shock.

■ Disconnect the charger immediately ifthe Compex "bleeps" continuously, ifthere is abnormal heating or smell, orif smoke comes from the charger orthe Compex.

■ Do not recharge the battery in aconfined space (carrying case, etc.).There is a risk of fire or electricshock.

■ Keep the Compex and its accessoriesout of reach of children.

■ Do not allow any foreign bodies (soil,water, metal, etc.) to penetrate theCompex, the battery compartmentand the charger.

■ Sudden temperature changes cancause condensation to build up insidethe stimulator. To prevent this, allowit to reach ambient temperaturebefore use.

■ Do not use the Compex while drivingor operating machinery.

■ Do not use the stimulator at altitudesof over 3,000 metres.

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Where never to apply theelectrodes■ In the vicinity of the head■ Counter-laterally, i.e. do not use two

poles connected to the same channelon opposite sides of the body.

■ On or near skin lesions of any kind(wounds, swelling, burns, irritation,eczema, etc.).

Precautions when using the m-4 system■ To access the Compex’s m technology

functions, it is essential to connect them-4 cable before switching onthe device.

■ Avoid connecting the m-4 cablewhen the Compex is switched on.

■ Do not disconnect the m-4

cable while the sensor is being used.■ To work correctly, the m-4

system must not be blocked orsubjected to pressure.

Precautions when using theelectrodes■ Only use electrodes supplied by

Compex. Other electrodes may haveelectrical properties that areunsuitable for the Compex stimulator.

■ Always turn off the stimulator beforemoving or removing any electrodesduring a session.

■ Do not place the electrodes in water.■ Do not apply solvents of any kind to

the electrodes.■ For best results, wash and clean the

skin of any oil and dry it beforeattaching the electrodes.

■ Attach the electrodes in such a waythat their entire surface is in contactwith the skin.

■ For obvious reasons of hygiene, eachuser must have his/her own electrodeset. Do not use the same electrodeson different people.

■ Never use a set of adhesive electrodesfor more than 15 sessions as theirbonding power deteriorates over timeand optimal contact is very importantfor both user comfort and efficacy.

■ Some people with very sensitive skinmay experience redness under theelectrodes after a session. Generally,this redness is completely harmlessand disappears after 10 to 20 minutes.Never start another stimulationsession in the same area, however, ifthe redness is still visible.

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Your kit contains:

514000 1 stimulator

68302x 1 charger

601131 1 set of black Snap connectors forelectrodes, colour-coded (blue, green, yellow,red)

602076 2 bags of small electrodes(5x5 cm)

602077 2 bags of large electrodes(5x10 cm)

88572x 2 user and application manuals

88562x 2 quick start guides "Test yourCompex in 5 minutes"

949000 1 belt clip

680029 1 travel pouch

2. Guarantee


1. Reception of equipmentand accessories 3. Maintenance

Do not sterilise the stimulator.Clean using a soft cloth and an alcohol-based, solvent-free cleaning product. Use only a minimum amount of liquidwhen cleaning the Compex.Do not attempt to repair the stimulator orany of its accessories. Never dismantlethe Compex or the charger containinghigh-voltage parts because of risk ofelectric shock.Compex Médical SA declines allresponsibility for any damages orconsequences resulting from unauthorisedattempts to open, modify, or repair thestimulator. This may only be done bypersons or repair services authorised byCompex Médical SA.Your stimulator does not requirecalibration. Each Compex stimulator isalways tested and validated prior todistribution. Its characteristics do not varyunder normal conditions. Nonetheless, as the Compex is a high-quality electrical instrument, its lifespandepends on the use that is made of it andthe care and maintenance it receivesduring its lifetime. If your stimulatorcontains parts that seem worn ordefective, please contact your nearestCompex Médical SA customer servicecentre regarding an upgrade.Medical and health professionals areobliged to service the unit in compliancewith relevant national laws andregulations. This involves testingperformance and safety parameters atregular intervals.

The Compex stimulator is coveredcontractually by a two-year guarantee.Register on our Compex warranty starts to run fromthe date you purchase the unit. Thewarranty covers the stimulator and thestimulation cable fitted for the m-4

system (parts and labour) but not thebattery unit, other cables and electrodes.All defects arising from substandardmaterials or workmanship are covered.The warranty does not cover damageresulting from impact, accident, improperuse, insufficient protection against damp,immersion in water, or repair workconducted by unauthorised personnel.This warranty is valid only if accompaniedby proof of purchase. Your statutoryrights are not affected by this warranty.

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4. Storage andtransportation conditions

The Compex contains rechargeablebatteries. This is why it must be storedand transported in accordance with thefollowing conditions:

Storage and transportation temperature:from -20°C to +45°C

Maximum relative humidity: 75%

Atmospheric pressure: 700 hPa to 1060 hPa

5. Conditions of useTemperature: 0°C to 40°C

Relative humidity: 30% to 75%

Atmospheric pressure: 700 hPa to 1060 hPa

Do not use in areas where there is a risk ofexplosion.

6. Elimination

The main purpose of the 2002/96/EECDirective is to prevent the creation ofwaste electrical and electronic equipment(WEEE) and to reduce the amount ofwaste to be disposed of by encouragingreuse, recycling, and other forms ofrecovery. The wheelie bin pictogram withthe bar through it means that theequipment cannot be discarded withhousehold refuse, but that it must becollected selectively. The equipment mustbe delivered to a suitable collection pointfor treatment. By doing so, you will becontributing to the safeguarding ofnatural resources and health. Batteries must be disposed of incompliance with relevant nationalregulatory requirements.

7. Standards

The Compex complies with currentmedical standards.To guarantee your safety, the Compex hasbeen designed, manufactured, anddistributed in compliance with therequirements of European Directive93/42/EC on medical devices.The Compex also complies with the IEC60601-1 standard on general safetyrequirements for electro-medical devices,the IEC 60601-1-2 standard onelectromagnetic compatibility, and theIEC 60601-2-10 standard on particularsafety requirements for nerve and musclestimulators. Current international standards requirethat a warning be given concerning theapplication of electrodes to the thorax(increased risk of cardiac fibrillation). The Compex also complies with Directive2002/96/EEC on waste electrical andelectronic equipment (WEEE).

8. Patents

The Compex incorporates severalinnovations with patents pending.

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9. Normalised symbols

Caution: Read User Manual oroperating instructions (symbol no. 0434 IEC 60878).

The Compex is a class II devicewith internal electric power and type BFapplied parts (symbol no. 5333 IEC 60878).

Waste electrical and electronicequipment (WEEE) marking according toEN 50419 standard.

The On/Off button is a multi-function button(symbol no. 5009 IEC 60878).

FunctionsOn/Off (two stable positions)

Waiting or on standby for a part of the unit

Stop (turns system off)

10. Technicalcharacteristics

General information941210 Battery unitNickel metal hybrid (NiMH) rechargeable(4.8V / ≥ 1200 mA/h).

68302x ChargersOnly battery chargers bearing thefollowing information can be used torecharge the batteries supplied withCompex stimulators:Europe

683020 Type TR503-02-E-133A03 Input 90-264V AC/47-63 Hz/0.5A max. Output 9V/400 mA/6WUK

683022 Type TR503-02-U-133A03 Input 90-264V AC/47-63 Hz/0.5A max. Output 9V/400 mA/6W

601131 Black Snap-connectionstimulation cablesDevice connector: 6-pin Electrode connector: female Snap Length: 1500 mm

601160 Stimulation cable fittedwith m-4 system (accessory soldseparately) Device connector: 6-pin Electrode connector: female Snap Length: 1500 mm

Protection indexIPXO (IEC 60529)

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Neuro-stimulationAll electrical specifications are given foran impedance of 500-1000 ohms perchannel.

Channels: Four independent and individuallyadjustable channels that are electrically isolatedfrom each other and earthed.

Pulse shape: Constant rectangular current withpulse compensation to eliminate any directcurrent component to prevent residualpolarisation at skin level.

Maximum pulse intensity: 100 mA.

Pulse intensity increments: manual adjustment ofstimulation intensity from 0 to 694 (energy) inminimum increments of 0.5 mA.

Pulse width: 60 to 400 µs.

Maximum electrical charge per pulse:80 microcoulombs (2x40 µC, compensated).

Standard pulse ramp-up time: 3 µs (20%-80% ofmaximum current).


The principle of electrostimulation is tostimulate nerve fibres by means ofelectrical impulses transmitted byelectrodes. The electrical pulses generatedby Compex stimulators are high qualitypulses - offering safety, comfort andefficiency - which can stimulate differenttypes of nerve fibres:1. the motor nerves, to stimulate amuscular response. The quantity and thebenefits obtained depend on thestimulation parameters and this is knownas electro-muscular stimulation (EMS).2. certain types of sensitive nerve fibresto obtain analgesic or pain-relievingeffects.

1. Motor nerve stimulation(EMS)In voluntary activity, the order formuscular work comes from the brain,which sends a command to the nervefibres in the form of an electrical signal.This signal is then transmitted to themuscular fibres, which contract. Theprinciple of electrostimulation accuratelyreproduces the process observed during avoluntary contraction. The stimulatorsends an electrical current impulse to the

nerve fibres, exciting them. his excitation is then transmitted to themuscular fibres causing a basicmechanical response (= muscular twitch).The latter constitutes the basicrequirement for muscular contraction.This muscular response is completelyidentical to muscular work controlled bythe brain. In other words, the musclecannot distinguish whether the commandcomes from the brain or from thestimulator. The parameters of theCompex programmes (number ofimpulses per second, contraction time,rest time, total programme time) subjectthe muscles to different types of work,according to muscular fibres. In fact,different types of muscular fibres may bedistinguished according to their respectivecontraction speed: slow, intermediate andfast fibres. Fast fibres will obviouslypredominate in a sprinter, while amarathon runner will have more slowfibres. With a good knowledge of humanphysiology and a perfect mastery of thestimulation parameters of the variousprogrammes, muscular work can bedirected very precisely towards the desiredgoal (muscular reinforcement, increasedblood flow, firming up, etc.).

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Electrical pulse

Motor nerve

Stimulated muscle

Transmission of the excitation


Elementary mechanical response - twitch

2. Stimulation of the sensitivenervesThe electrical impulses can also excite thesensitive nerve fibres to obtain ananalgesic or pain-relieving effect. Thestimulation of the tactile sensitive nervefibres blocks the transmission of pain bythe nervous system. The stimulation ofanother type of sensitive fibres creates anincrease in the production of endorphinsand, therefore, a reduction of pain. Withpain relief programmes,electrostimulation can be used to treatlocalised sharp or chronic pains as well asmuscular pains. Caution: do not use thepain relief programmes for a long periodwithout medical advice.

Benefits of electrostimulationElector-stimulation is a very effective wayto make your muscles work:■ with significant improvement of

different muscular qualities■ without cardio-vascular or mental

fatigue■ with limited stress on the joints and

tendons. Electrostimulation thusallows a greater quantity of work bythe muscles compared with voluntaryactivity. To be effective, this work mustinvolve the greatest possible numberof muscular fibres. The number offibres working depends on thestimulation energy. The maximumtolerable energy should therefore be

used. The user controls this aspect ofstimulation. The higher thestimulation energy, the greater thenumber of muscular fibres that areworking and, therefore, the moresignificant the progress achieved. Tomaximise results, Compexrecommends that you complementyour electrostimulation sessions withother efforts, such as:● regular exercise● proper and healthy nutrition● a balanced lifestyle

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The use guidelines presented in thissection should be considered as generalrules. For all programmes, it isrecommended that you read carefully theusage information and advice presentedin chapter VII "Programmes and specificapplications".

1. Electrode positions

For optimal results, use the electrodepositions recommended by Compex. To dothis, refer to the pictures and pictogramsshown on the inside cover of the manual.

Each stimulation cable has two poles:A positive pole (+) = red connection

A negative pole (-) = black connection

A different electrode must be connectedto each pole. Note: It is possible and normal to have anelectrode arrangement that leaves oneelectrode connection free from a cable.Depending on the characteristics of thecurrent, efficacy can be optimised incertain programmes by placing theelectrode connected to the positive pole(red connection) "strategically". When working with a muscle stimulationprogramme (programme involving musclecontractions), it is important to place thepositive electrode on the motor point ofthe muscle.It is crucial to choose the right sizeelectrodes (large or small) and correctlyposition these on the muscle group youwant to stimulate to ensure the efficacy ofthe treatment. Therefore, always use thesize of electrodes shown in the pictures.Unless you have other specific medicalinstructions, always follow the placementdirections in the pictures.

Where necessary, look for the bestpossible position by slowly moving thepositive electrode over the muscle untilyou find the point that will produce thebest contraction or the most comfort foryou.

Compex disclaims all responsibility forconsequences arising from electrodesplaced in other positions.

2. Stimulation positions

This position will vary depending on theposition of the electrodes, the musclegroup you wish to stimulate, and theprogramme you are using. For programmes involving powerfulmuscular contractions, the muscle shouldalways be stimulated in an isometricfashion. You must therefore fix theextremities of your limbs securely. In this way, you provide maximumresistance to the movement and preventany shortening of the muscle during thecontraction, which could create cramppains and serious stiffness after thesession. For example, when stimulatingthe quadriceps, the user should be in aseated position with the ankles fixed withstraps to prevent extension of the knees.For other types of programmes (forexample, the Health and Active recoveryprogrammes), which do not involvepowerful muscular contractions, positionyourself as comfortably as possible.

To determine the stimulation position to beadopted depending on the chosenplacement of the electrodes andprogramme, refer to chapter VII"Programmes and specific applications".

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3. Adjusting stimulationenergies

In a stimulated muscle, the number ofrecruited fibres depends on thestimulation energy. For programmesinvolving powerful muscular contractions,you must therefore use maximumstimulation energies (up to 694), always atthe limit that you can endure, in order torecruit the maximum number of fibres.

4. Progression in the levels

In general, it is not advisable to gothrough the different levels quickly withthe intention of reaching level 3 as fast aspossible. In fact, the different levelscorrespond to progress withelectrostimulation. The simplest and most usual procedure isto start with level 1 and raise the levelwhen changing to a new stimulation cycle. At the end of a cycle, you may either starta new cycle at the next level up or dosome maintenance at the rate of 1 session


m stands for m usc le inte llig e nc e ™ (allitems referring to this technology arepreceded by the symbol m). This technology takes into account thespecific features of each of our musclesand thus offers stimulation adapted totheir characteristics.It’s simple, as the data is transmitted tothe stimulator automatically!It’s personalised, as each of our muscles isunique!The Energy stimulator bears the labelm-READY, as it can use certain functionsof the m technology if a stimulationcable fitted with the m-4 system(sold separately) is connected.

1. Practical rules of use

To access the m functions, makesure that the stimulation cable fitted withthe m-4 system (sold separately) isconnected before you turn on thestimulator. Avoid connecting the stimulation cablefitted with the m-4 system when theCompex is switched on.To work correctly, the m-4 systemmust not be blocked or subjected topressure.During the stimulation session, thestimulation cable fitted with the m-4

system must always be connected to anelectrode.

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m-4 (sold separately)■ This is a little sensor that links the

stimulator to the electrodes. The m-4 is the key componentthat lets you measure certainphysiological characteristics of amuscle, analyse them and adapt thestimulation parameters accordingly.This tailoring of each programme tothe changing condition of the muscleclearly enhances youíre your comfortcomfort and the therapeutic efficacy.


■ This function adapts theelectrostimulation session to thephysiology of each user. Just beforestarting the work session, m-3

probes the chosen muscle group andautomatically adjusts the stimulatorparameters to the excitability of thisarea of the body. It is a trulypersonalised measurement.

N.B.: The m-3 function is operationalas soon as a cable fitted with the m-4 system (sold separately) isconnected to the stimulator.■ This function is implemented at the

start of the programme by a shortsequence during which measurementsare taken (a horizontal bar scans thefigurine at the left of the screen).

■ Throughout the entire measurementtest, you must remain completely stilland be perfectly relaxed. The m-4 system is very sensitive: thesmallest contraction or the slightestmovement could disturb themeasurement test.

■ Note that certain people might feel anunpleasant tingling sensation duringthe test.

■ When the test is over, the symbolappears and the programme

can start.


You are strongly advised to carefully read the counter-indications and safetymeasures described at the start of this manual (chapter 1: "Warnings") prior to using yourstimulator.

1. Description of the stimulator






D1 2 3 4


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A On/Off button

B "i" button used to:increase stimulation energies in several channelssimultaneously

C Sockets for the 4 stimulation cables

D Stimulation cables

Channel 1 = blue Channel 2 = greenChannel 3 = yellow Channel 4 = red

E +/- buttons for the 4 stimulation channels

F Socket for the charger

G Rechargeable battery compartment

H Belt clip socket

2. Connections

Connecting the cablesThe stimulator cables plug into the 4sockets on the front of the device.Four cables can be connectedsimultaneously to the four channels ofthe device. Both the sockets and thecables are colour-coded to simplify useand facilitate identification of thedifferent channels. blue = channel 1 green = channel 2yellow = channel 3 red = channel 4

The Energy stimulator bears thelabel m-READY, in other words itcan use certain m technologyfunctions if a stimulation cablefitted with the m-4 system isconnected. This cable, soldseparately, gives access to the m-3 function. It is connected toany one of the four stimulationchannel sockets located on thefront of the device and twoelectrodes are "clipped" on to it inthe same way as for aconventional cable.

Connecting the chargerThe Compex has considerable operatingautonomy, as it uses rechargeablebatteries. To recharge them, use the chargersupplied with your device and connect itto the front of the device, then plug thecharger in a socket.Remove any stimulation cables connectedto the stimulator before recharging it.We strongly recommend you fully chargethe battery before using it for the firsttime as this will improve its autonomyand life span.

3. Preliminary settings

Before using the unit for the first time,you should select the working language ofthe device which is displayed on theoptions screen. Follow the instructionsbelow. Afterwards, for the greatestcomfort, the Compex offers you anumber of setting options (operatinglanguage selection, display contrastsetting, adjusting backlighting and volumesetting). To change any of these settings,bring up the options screen by holdingthe On/Off button on the left of thestimulator for a few seconds.

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1b Use the channel 1 +/- button to choose thelanguage you wish to use.

1c Use the channel 2 +/- button to adjust thecontrast of the screen.

1d Use the channel 3 +/- button to adjust thevolume.

1e Use the channel 4 +/- button to adjust thebacklighting.On: backlighting always on.Off: backlighting always off.Auto: backlighting activated whenever a buttonis pressed.

1a Press the On/Off button to validate theselected parameters. Your stimulator saves youroptions. It is now ready for use with the settingsyou selected.

4. Selecting a motivation

To switch on your stimulator, briefly pressthe On/Off button on the left of theCompex. A musical signal can be heardand a screen showing the differentprogramme categories is displayed.Before choosing a programme, youshould select the desired category.

2a Press the On/Off button to switch off theunit.

2b d Press the channel 1 and 3 +/- buttons toselect a different motivation.

2e Press the channel 4 +/- button to confirmyour choice and access the programme selectionscreen.

5. Selecting a programme

To choose a programme, it is particularlyuseful to consult chapter VII "Programmesand specific applications".

3a Press the On/Off button to return to theprevious screen.

3b Use the channel 1 +/- button to choose aprogramme.

3e Press the channel 4 +/- button to validateyour selection and, depending on whether theprogramme bears either the symbol ora) = the stimulation session startsimmediately. b) = a parameter setting screen appears.

6. Personalising aprogramme

The programme personalisation screen isnot available for all programmes!

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4a Press the On/Off button to return to theprevious screen.

4b Some programmes require manualselection of the muscle group you want tostimulate. This muscle group is shown in blackon a small figurine above channel 1. Use thechannel 1 +/- button to select your chosengroup. The seven muscle groups proposed areshown successively in black on the smallfigurine:

vb Abdomen and lower back

f Buttocks

c Thighs

j Legs and feet

m Forearms and hands

e Shoulders and arms

td Thorax and back

Current international standardsrequire that a warning be givenconcerning the application of electrodes tothe thorax (increased risk of cardiacfibrillation).

N.B.: If a cable fitted with the m-4

system (sold separately) is connected tothe device, the muscle group is selectedautomatically.

4c Press the channel 2 +/- button to stop thewarming-up sequence (closing the smallanimated rising convection symbol above theradiator).

4d Use the channel 3 +/- button to choose theprogramme difficulty level.

4e Use the channel 4 +/- button to confirm yourchoices and launch the programme.

7. During the stimulationsession

Preliminary m-3 test

The m-3 test is launched onlyif a cable fitted with the m-4 system(sold separately) is already connected tothe stimulator when this is turned on!

It is essential that you remain completelystill and relaxed during the entire test. If the m-4 system cable isconnected, the test starts immediatelyafter programme selection andpersonalisation.

5a Press the On/Off button to interrupt the testat any moment. To relaunch the test from thestart, press any of the 4 +/- buttons.

5e The m logo above channel 4 indicates thatthe m-4 cable is connected to thestimulator. The figures in channel 4 willautomatically change during the test as thesensor records different measurements. The 4 +/- buttons will be disabled for theduration of the test.Once the test is complete, you will automaticallybe taken to the default programme start screenand prompted to increase the stimulationenergies.

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Adjusting stimulation energiesWhen you start a programme, you will beprompted to increase the stimulationenergies. This is critical to the success ofany treatment. To find out what energy

Programme time inminutes and seconds

The animated risingconvection symbolrepresents thewarming-upsequence

Session progression scale.For details on how it works,see the following section:"Programme progression"

6a Press the On/Off button to place the unit inPause mode.

6b c d e The Compex "bleeps" and thesymbols of the four channels flash, changing from+ to 000: the four channels are at 000 energy.You must increase the stimulation energy so thatthe stimulation can start. To do this, press the +buttons for the relevant channels until thedesired setting is reached. If you want toincrease the energy level of all four channelssimultaneously, press the "i" button, locatedbelow the On/Off button. Press the "i" buttontwice to increase the levels in the first 3

7a Press the On/Off button to interrupt theprogramme momentarily To restart it, simplypress the channel 4 +/- button. The session willresume at 80% of the energy levels that were inuse prior to the interruption.

7 b c d e The different energies reachedduring the contraction phase are shown by aseries of black bar graphs. Active rest phaseenergies are shown by hatched bar graphs.

Session sequences Warm-up Work period Relaxation

Remaining time (inminutes andseconds) before the end of theprogramme

Time bar showingcontraction time and activerest time is shown onlyduring the work sequence

level needs to be reached for eachprogramme, refer to the applicationsmenu.

channels, and 3 times to increase the levels inthe first 2 channels. When you press the "i"button, the associated channels are highlighted inwhite on a black background.

Programme progressionStimulation actually starts when thestimulation energy has been increased.The examples reproduced below aresufficient to understand the general rules.

N.B.: Active rest phase stimulation energiesare automatically set at 50% of contractionenergies. These can be modified during the restphase. Once modified, they will be totallyindependent of the contraction energies.

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End of programmeAt the end of each session, a small flagwill be displayed on the screen and ashort melody will be played. To switch offthe stimulator, press the On/Off button.

8. Consumption andrecharging

Never recharge the stimulatorwithout first disconnecting the stimulationcables. Always use the charger supplied byCompex to recharge the batteries.

The Compex runs on rechargeablebatteries. The battery’s life depends on theprogrammes and stimulation energy used.We strongly recommend you fully chargethe battery before using your Compex forthe first time as this will improve itsautonomy and life span. If you do not useyour device for a long period of time,please recharge the battery regularly.

Electricity consumptionThe charge state of the battery isindicated by a small battery icon on thescreen.

If the battery icon contains just two lines,this means that power is running low.Stop the session and recharge the unit.If the symbol normally displayedabove the channel 4 +/- button is notvisible and if the battery icon is flashing,this means that the battery is completelydischarged. It is no longer possible to usethe device. Recharge immediately.

RechargingRemove all stimulation cables from thestimulator before recharging it. Connectthe charger to the mains and then connectthe stimulator to the charger. The chargemenu shown below will automaticallyappear on the screen.

N.B.: If your Compex emits a beeping soundand the symbols under the active channelsbegin to flash, the stimulator is suggesting youincrease the level of the stimulation energies. Ifyou are working at the maximum tolerance level,simply ignore this message.

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The duration of the charging operation isshown on the screen (a complete chargemay take 10 hours).The battery icon is animated while thebattery is recharging. When fully charged,the icon will be full and the total timetaken to recharge the battery will flash onthe screen. Simply disconnect the charger:the Compex will turn off automatically.

9. Problems and solutions

Electrode fault

The Compex "bleeps" and alternativelydisplays the symbol of a pair ofelectrodes and an arrow pointing to thechannel where a problem has beendetected. In the example above, thestimulator has detected an error inchannel 1.■ Check that electrodes are connected

to this channel.■ Check whether the electrodes are old,

worn, and/or the contact is poor: tryusing new electrodes.

■ Try using the stimulation cable on adifferent channel. If the cable is stillshowing a fault, replace it.

Stimulation is not producingthe usual sensation■ Check that all the settings are correct

and ensure the electrodes arepositioned properly.

■ Change the positioning of theelectrodes slightly.

The stimulation effect causesdiscomfort■ The electrodes are beginning to lose

adhesion and no longer provide goodcontact on the skin.

■ The electrodes are worn and need tobe replaced.

■ Change the positioning of theelectrodes slightly.

The stimulator is not working

■ If an error screen appears while youare using the device, note the errornumber (in the example in fig. 12,error 1/0/0) and contact the nearestauthorised customer support service.

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VII PROGRAMMES AND SPECIFICAPPLICATIONSThe following applications are given by way of example. They will give you a betterunderstanding of how electrostimulation sessions can be combined with voluntaryactivity. They will help you to determine the best procedure to follow according to yourneeds (programme selection, muscle group, time, electrode placement, body position).You can also choose a muscle group different to the one indicated, depending on theway you exercise or the area of the body that you want to stimulate.The specific applications will provide you with information on electrode placement andthe stimulation position to adopt. This information is given as a number (electrodepositioning) and a letter (body position). These refer to the pictures showing placementof the electrodes and the pictograms showing the body positions on the inside cover ofthe manual.If the Compex is not fitted with the m-4 cable, the muscle group to be selectedin the device is shown on the small figurine. If this does not appear (-), there is no needto choose a muscle group: selection is automatic. If the Compex is fitted with the m-4 cable (sold separately), the muscle group isselected automatically. There is therefore no need to look at the small figurine.

8 G j


Inside cover of themanual

Endurance programme

For the 4 basic workout programmes: Endurance, Resistance, Strength, Explosivestrength, we advise you to consult the training planner on our website interactive question and answer system takes you to a personalised training plan.

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You are active and take part as often aspossible in a physical or sporting activity.Even if you are not a specialist in aparticular sport or a keen competitor, youare passionate about sport: you run, youswim, you cycle, sometimes you rollerskate or just walk: in short, you take everyopportunity to stay in peak physicalcondition! In this scenario, the Sportprogrammes will help you maintain yourenergy and vitality to benefit fully from allyour exercise and sports, so as to stay ontop form all year round.


EnduranceSpecially designed to improve oxygenabsorption by the stimulated muscles, thisprogramme allows you to exercise over along period. It is the ideal top-up if yourun, cycle, roller skate, etc.Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy(0-694)

ResistanceBy subjecting your muscles to intense andprolonged effort, this programme leads toimproved resistance to fatigue, duringsustained workouts lasting a long time. Italso develops certain muscles where goodcondition is important for everyday living(abdominal, dorsal, etc.).Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy(0-694)

StrengthThis programme is very interesting forincreasing your strength and musclecontraction speed during exercise or sportdemanding very intense effort over ashort time.Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy(0-694)

Explosive strengthExplosive strength, a key factor in somesporting activities of extremely briefduration, can be developed with thisprogramme. It significantly increases thespeed at which you will reach a highdegree of strength and improves theefficiency of explosive gestures (bursts,shooting, sprinting, etc.).Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy(0-694)

Active recoveryOwing to the increased blood flow andthe accelerated elimination of waste bythe muscle contraction which it induces,this programme helps your musclerecovery. It has a relaxing and cramp-countering effect after a particularlyprotracted muscle workout or demandingexercise.Stimulation energy: increase the stimulationenergy gradually until you obtain clearly visiblemuscular twitches

Muscle buildingThis programme will help you not only toobtain firm muscles which stand out, butalso to develop in a balanced way yourgeneral musculature (strength, volume,tone). This way, you will get an attractivefigure more quickly and more easily.Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy(0-694)

Body buildingIf you are seeking to increase your musclemass, this programme is designed for you.In addition to a hard workout, this willhelp you to achieve the results you’relooking for.Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy(0-694)

1. Your motivation: Sport

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Combined workoutBy subjecting your muscles to differentworkout sequences, this programmemaintains your overall physical conditionor reactivates your muscles after a periodof rest and before more intense andtargeted exercise or sport. Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy(0-694)

DemoRefer to the quick start guide "Test yourCompex in 5 minutes".

Specific applications

Your goal as a cyclist is toimprove your enduranceTo improve your endurance, you mustdevelop to the maximum the oxygensupply to muscles stressed by sustainedexercise. The Endurance programme willproduce a significant increase in theconsumption of oxygen by the muscles.The association of this programme withthe Oxygenation programme, which leadsto development of the intramuscularblood capillary network, is particularlyinteresting and will again improve yourendurance.

Duration of the cycle: 8 weeks, 2-3 times a week

Example for 1 week

Mon.: Rest

Tue.: 1 x Endurance 8G cWed.: Cycling workout 1.5 hours, then 1 xOxygenation 8◊ cThu.: 1 x Endurance 8G cFri.: Rest

Sat.: Cycling workout 60’, then 1 xEndurance 8G cSun.: Cycling outing 2.5 hours, then 1 xOxygenation 8◊ c

At the end of a cycle, you may either start a newcycle at the next level up or do somemaintenance at the rate of 1 session a week atthe last level reached.

You want to improve themuscular qualities of yourabdominal beltThe abdominal belt muscles play adetermining role for efficiency ofmovement in most exercise and in sport.However, improving the muscularqualities of the abdomen is all toofrequently neglected owing to the tediousnature of voluntary exercises necessary.The Resistance programme provides asolution for this problem by imposing anexercise regime that is perfectly tailored tothe physiological specifications of themuscular fibres that support theabdominal muscles.

Duration of the cycle: 6 weeks, 3 times a week

Programme: Resistance 10I v or 44I v (theentire abdominal belt), 11I v (rectus abdominus)

At the end of a cycle, you may either start a newcycle at the next level up or do somemaintenance at the rate of 1 session a week atthe last level reached.

You want to prepare for ateam sport before the seasonstartsDuring the preparatory pre-season periodfor team sports, specific musclepreparation is important. Stimulation ofthe quadriceps with the Strengthprogramme will lead to an increase of thespeed of contraction and muscularstrength. The practical benefits will beobvious: improvement in starting andmovement speed , jumping, kicking, etc.An Active Recovery session, taken afterthe most intensive workouts, acceleratesthe muscular recovery rate and reducescumulative fatigue during the period ofthe season when the amount of training ishigh.

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Duration of the cycle: 6-8 weeks, 3 times a week

Example for 1 week

Mon.: 1 x Strength 8G cTue.: Collective training, then 1 x ActiveRecovery 8◊ cWed.: 1 x Strength 8G cThu.: Collective training, then 1 x ActiveRecovery 8◊ cFri.: 1 x Strength 8G cSat.: Rest

Sun.: Collective training or friendly match,then 1 x Active Recovery 8◊ c

At the end of a cycle, you may either start a newcycle at the next level up or do somemaintenance at the rate of 1 session a week atthe last level reached.

You want to improve theexplosive strength of yourthighs (long jump or high jump,sprinting, etc.)To develop explosive muscular strength,voluntary training relies on tiring muscletraining sessions that often include therisk of injury, since heavy weights arenecessary. Incorporating the ExplosiveStrength programme in training easesmuscular training sessions, obtaining bothbetter results and more time for technicalwork.

Duration of the cycle: 6-8 weeks, 4 times a week

Example for 1 week

Mon.: 1 x Explosive strength 8G cTue.: Voluntary training on stadium

Wed.: 1 x Explosive strength 8G cThu.: Voluntary training with technical workon the trampoline

Fri.: 1 x Explosive strength 8G cSat.: Rest

Sun.: Voluntary training on stadium, followedby 1 x Explosive strength 8G c

At the end of a cycle, you may either start a newcycle at the next level up or do somemaintenance at the rate of 1 session a week atthe last level reached.

You want to recover better andfaster after exerciseA session with the Active Recoveryprogramme, which accelerates drainage oftoxins, will help you to relax your musclesand to restore your muscular balancefaster, whatever the type of exercisetaken. This programme is normally usedbetween 15 minutes and 3 hours afterexercise. If the result is insufficient, thesession may be repeated immediately asecond time. A session can also berepeated on the following day, in theevent of persistent stiffness and cramp.An example of how to use thisprogramme is shown above in theapplication "You want to prepare yourselffor a team sport before the season starts".

You want to achieveharmonious shouldermusculature with moderateincrease in muscle volumeMost voluntary exercise, such as joggingor cycling, puts little stress on theshoulder muscles. This is why it isparticularly interesting to compensate thisunder use with electrostimulationsessions. The Muscle Building programmeimposes a lost of specific work on theupper body muscles and thus ensures theharmonious development of theshoulders, with firm and well-definedmuscles .

Duration of the cycle: 5 weeks, 4 times a week

Example for 1 week

Mon.: 45’-1 hour of voluntary exercise(jogging, swimming, cycling, fitness activity,etc.), then 1 x Muscle Building 17H eTue.: Rest

Wed.: 1 x Muscle Building 18C dThu.: 45’-1 hour of voluntary exercise(jogging, swimming, cycling, fitness activity,etc.)

Fri.: 1 x Muscle Building 17H e

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Sat.: Rest

Sun.: 1 x Muscle Building 18C dAt the end of a cycle, you may either start a newcycle at the next level up or do somemaintenance at the rate of 1 session a week atthe last level reached.

You want to develop yourpectoral musclesTo obtain well-developed pectoralmuscles, you must subject them tointensive work. In voluntary training, thistype of work involves exercises withheavy loads. But this kind of work can betraumatic for the joints and the tendonsinvolved.

Current international standardsrequire that a warning be givenconcerning the application of electrodes tothe thorax (increased risk of cardiacfibrillation).

The Body building programme is theperfect solution for effectively increasingthe muscular volume of the pectoralmuscles, without the stress related tovoluntary exercises.

Duration of the cycle: 5 weeks, 3 times a week

Example for 1 week

Mon.: Rest

Tue.: Voluntary training concentrating on thepectoral muscles, then 1 x Body building43C t, followed by 1 x Oxygenation 43◊ tWed.: Rest

Thu.: Voluntary training concentrating on thepectoral muscles, then 1 x Body building43C t, followed by 1 x Oxygenation 43◊ tFri.: Rest

Sat.: Voluntary training concentrating on thepectoral muscles, then 1 x Body building43C t, followed by 1 x Oxygenation 43◊ tSun.: Rest

At the end of a cycle, you may either start a newcycle at the next level up or do somemaintenance at the rate of 1 session a week atthe last level reached.

You want to adopt a variedmuscular training approachThanks to its eight sequences, whichfollow each other automatically, theCombined Workout programme imposesvarious kinds of stimulation on themuscles during the same session. It cannot give priority to a particularmuscular performance, but it achieves acorrect level in all muscular work modes(endurance, resistance, strength, explosivestrength).

Duration of the cycle: 6 weeks, 2-3 times a week

Example for 1 week

Mon.: 1 x Combined Workout 21D eTue.: Usual workout

Wed.: 1 x Combined Workout 21D eThu.: Usual workout

Fri.: 1 x Combined Workout 21D e(optional)

Sat.: Usual workout or other exercise in theopen air

Sun.: RestAt the end of a cycle, you may either start a newcycle at the next level up or do somemaintenance at the rate of 1 session a week atthe last level reached.

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2. Your motivation: HealthMinor localised aches and pains anduncomfortable physical sensations areoften the result of unavoidable andrepetitive daily situations: incorrectposture sitting in front of a computer,prolonged standing, hours and hoursspent in a car, a telephone regularly heldbetween the shoulder and your cheek, etc.If stress and fatigue are added to all this,muscular tensions, back pains and otherblood flow problems frequently appear.Using different stimulation principles, theHealth programmes will cause your painsand unpleasant sensations to disappear,improving your well-being and yourcomfort in daily life.


Pain management TENS All painful phenomena, in particular painsdue to sports-related pathologicalconditions, can be effectively alleviatedusing this programme that blocks thetransmission of pain by the nervoussystem.Stimulation energy: gradually increase thestimulation energy until a pronounced ticklingsensation can be felt under the electrodes

Chronic painThanks to its analgesic action, thisprogramme provides rapid relief in caseof chronic muscular pains (back, lowerback pains, etc.). It reactivates thecirculation, oxygenates and relaxes stiffmuscles.Stimulation energy: increase the stimulationenergy gradually until you obtain clearly visiblemuscular twitches

DecontractureThis programme provides an excellentmeans for reducing sharp and localisedmuscular tensions (for example, lumbagoor torticollis) and obtaining a relaxing andparticularly pleasant effect.Stimulation energy: increase the stimulationenergy gradually until you obtain clearly visiblemuscular twitches

OxygenationThrough a very strong increase of theblood flow and the improvement of themuscular oxygenation, this programmehelp to prevent muscular fatigue andmaintain a long-lasting effort for a longertime. This programme also improves therecovery rate.Stimulation energy: increase the stimulationenergy gradually until you obtain clearly visiblemuscular twitches

Heavy legsThis programme is intended to eliminatethe sensation of heaviness anddiscomfort in the legs which is felt inparticular circumstances (standing forprolonged periods, excessively highambient temperature, hormonalimbalance related to the menstrual cycle,etc.). It quickly brings a sensation oflightness and suppleness.Stimulation energy: increase the stimulationenergy gradually until you obtain clearly visiblemuscular twitches

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Cramp preventionBy restoring the balance of the bloodflow, this specific programme preventsthe onset of cramps during the night orafter physical effort.Stimulation energy: increase the stimulationenergy gradually until you obtain clearly visiblemuscular twitches

Relaxing massageThis programme is indicated for reducingunpleasant muscular tensions and creatinga relaxing sensation of well-being, inparticular after a tiring day. It induces astate of very pleasant optimal relaxation.Stimulation energy: increase the stimulationenergy gradually until you obtain clearly visiblemuscular twitches

The Pain management TENS, Chronicpain and Decontracture programmesmust not be used for a long period withoutmedical advice.

Specific applications

You have hand and wrist pains(e.g.: shooting pain caused byprolonged use of a computermouse)Remaining for a long time in certaininappropriate working positions and themicro-traumas caused by the repetitiveuse of a computer mouse can lead to awide range of painful phenomena. Handand wrist pain is very common and can betreated very effectively using the Painmanagement TENS programme.

Duration of the cycle: 1 week, min. once daily,then adapt according to any change in the painIf required, the Pain management TENSprogramme can be repeated several times duringthe same day

Programme: Pain management TENS 39◊ -

You have muscular tensions inthe back of the neck, middle ofthe back or lower back regionPains in the back area or the back of theneck are due to a stiffness ture of themuscles, with accumulation of toxins. Thepain can then become continuous orappear after only a few minutes spentworking in an unfavourable position (forexample, working in front of a computerscreen). These chronic pains can betreated effectively with the Chronic painprogramme which, in addition tocombating pain, reactivates the circulationand relaxes the stiff muscles.

Duration of the cycle: 4 weeks, twice daily, with a10 minute break between the 2 sessions

Programme: Chronic pain 15◊ d (back ofneck), 13◊ d (middle of the back) ou 12◊ b(lower back)

You have recent and acutemuscular pains in the back ofthe neck or the lower backregion (torticollis, lumbago)Due to a sudden or inappropriatemovement, an incorrect sleeping positionor cold weather, a sharp pain may be feltin the back of the neck or lower backarea. The person then presents with anacute and intense contracture of themuscles in this area and sharp pain. Insuch a situation, you must always consulta doctor to receive appropriate treatment.As well as this, the specific Decontractureprogramme can help to relax the musclesand eliminate pain.

Duration of the cycle: 1 week, daily

Programme: Decontracture 15◊ d (torticollis)or 33◊ b (lumbago)

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You want to prepare for aseasonal endurance activity(e.g.: hiking, bicycle touring,cross-country skiing)Physical activities that last a long timerequire strong muscles with good capillarycirculation, so that the muscular fibres canbe properly oxygenated. If you don’t exercise, or not regularlyenough, this lack of muscular qualitymakes exercise uncomfortable and limitsthe speed of recuperation. It is alsoresponsible for many unpleasant sideeffects (feeling of heaviness, stiffness,cramps or swellings). To restore yourmuscles’ endurance and ensure fullactivation of the capillary system, theOxygenation programme offers a specificand very effective mode of stimulation.

Duration of the cycle: 6-8 weeks before beginningthe hike, 3 times a week, while alternating themuscular groups one day in two

Programme: Oxygenation 8◊ c andOxygenation 25◊ j

You want to prevent the feelingof heaviness and discomfort inyour legsThe feeling of heaviness in the legs is dueto a temporary deficiency in the venousreturn. The insufficient supply of oxygento the tissue, and in particular themuscles, that results from this situation,leads to this uncomfortable sensation inthe legs. Use the Heavy legs programmeto accelerate the venous return and obtaina significant relaxing effect on painfulmuscles.

Duration of the cycle: to be used on the calves,as soon as an occasional sensation of heavinessin the legs occurs

Programme: Heavy legs 25J -

You want to prevent calf crampMany people suffer from cramp in thecalve muscles, which can appearspontaneously during rest at night or as aresult of prolonged muscular effort. The phenomenon of cramp may in partbe caused by an imbalance in blood flowin the muscles. To improve the bloodflow and prevent the onset of cramp, theCompex offers a specific stimulationprogramme that will allow you to obtainpositive results.

Duration of the cycle: 5 weeks, daily, at the endof the day or in the evening

Programme: Cramp prevention 25◊ j

You want to preventuncomfortable musculartension in the back of the neck Remaining seated for long periods,associated with repetitive arm movements(as is frequently the case in front of acomputer screen), can provoke increasedtension in muscles in the back of theneck. Any other stress condition can alsolead to a state of excessive musculartension, which is often responsible forpainful or uncomfortable sensations. Thein-depth effects produced by the Relaxingmassage programme ease such painfulsensations, with a particularly relaxingeffect.

Duration of the cycle: to be used on the musclesin the back of the neck, whenever an occasionalsensation of painful muscular tension is felt; tobe repeated, if necessary, in cases of particularlystrong muscular tension

Programme: Relaxing massage 15◊ d

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3. Your motivation: Aesthetic

You are concerned about your well-beingand your appearance, and want to have awell-balanced body. However, a sedentarylifestyle, an inadequately balanced diet andtight schedules may all be factors with anegative impact on the harmony of yourfigure. The targeted effects of theAesthetic programmes will help you inyour efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyleand benefit from the positive effects ofintense muscular activity: well-tonedmuscles, a shapely figure and a firm body.Used regularly, these programmes willhelp you to regain or keep your figure.


ToningUsing this programme will help you totone your muscles and prepare thembefore the more intensive work offirming. You will quickly recover a toned,firm and shapely body.Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy(0-694)

FirmingThis programme is very useful if youwant to increase firmness, shape yourmuscles and restore the elastic quality ofthe supporting tissues. It alsocompensates for insufficient muscularactivity, by making certain flabby areaswork harder.Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy(0-694)

ShapingThis programme is your partner if youwant to define and sculpt your body,when your muscles are already firm. Yourfigure will be visibly reshaped.Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy(0-694)

AbsCombining the beneficial effects of theFirming and Shaping programmes,matched to the specificities of themuscles of the abdominal belt, thisprogramme will enable you to reduceyour waistline, while improving themuscular support of the abdominal wall.Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy(0-694)

ButtocksThis programme subjects the buttockmuscles to the most appropriate work forimproving your figure. Its hyper-tensoreffect is the ideal solution to restore orimprove the tone of the buttocks region.Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy(0-694)

Specific applications

You want to firm your thighsand sculpt your bodyThe Toning, Firming and Shapingprogrammes impose perfectly adaptedand progressive work on the muscles. This very intense muscular activity(hundreds of seconds of sustainedcontractions) first tones and firms yourmuscles, then redefines their contours tosculpt your body. In this example, theperson wants to work on her thighs, but itis of course possible to stimulate othermuscles as well.

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Moreover, this stimulation procedure canalso be applied to a number of musclegroups during the same cycle.

Duration of the cycle: 12 weeks

Weeks 1-4: 4 x Toning 8G c/week

Weeks 5-8: 4 x Firming 8G c/week

Weeks 9-12: 4 x Shaping 8G c/week

At the end of a cycle, you may either start a newcycle at the next level up or do somemaintenance at the rate of 1 Shaping sessionper week at the last level reached.

You want to reduce your waistand tone your abdominal beltThe Abs programme is specially designedto improve the support and firmness ofthe muscles of the abdominal belt. Thedifferent workout schemes, combinedwith a toning massage during the restphases, guarantee beneficial results foryour figure.

Duration of the cycle: 3 weeks, 4 times a week

Programme: Abs 49I -

At the end of a cycle, you may either start a newcycle at the next level up or do somemaintenance at the rate of 1 session a week atthe last level reached.

Your target is to improve thefirmness and shape of yourbuttocksThe considerable amount of progressiveand specific work of the muscles in thebuttocks region produced by the Buttocksprogramme effectively increases thefirmness of these muscles. The shape ofthe buttocks improves gradually, withbeneficial effects on the whole figure.

Duration of the cycle: 3 weeks, 4 times a week

Programme: Buttocks 9A,B,L -

At the end of a cycle, you may either start a newcycle at the next level up or do somemaintenance at the rate of 1 session a week atthe last level reached.

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VIII EMC TABLE (Electromagnetic Compatibility)

The Compex Energy needs special EMC precautions and must be installed and startedaccording to the EMC information supplied in this manual.

All RF wireless transmission systems can affect the Compex Energy.

The use of accessories, sensors and cables other than those recommended by themanufacturer may result in stronger emissions or reduce the immunity of the CompexEnergy.

The Compex Energy should not be used beside or stacked on top of any otherequipment. If you must use it side by side or on top of another system, you shouldcheck that the Compex Energy works properly in the chosen configuration.

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Emissions test Compliance Electromagnetic environment - guide

CISPR 11 RF emissions

Group 1

The Compex Energy uses RF energy only for itsinternal operation. Consequently, its RF emissions

are very low and are unlikely to interfere with any adjacent electrical device.

CISPR 11 RF emissions

Class B

The Compex Energy is suitable for use in anyestablishment, including a private dwelling and a place

connected directly to the low voltage mains supplywhich powers residential buildings.

Harmonic emissionsIEC 61000-3-2

Not applicable


oscillations IEC 61000-3-3

Not applicable

The Compex Energy is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below.

The customer or user of the Compex Energy should ensure that it is used in this environment.


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0,01 0,12

0,1 0,38

1 1,2

In the case of transmitters whose maximum output power is not shown in the table above, the recommendedspacing of d metres (m) can be calculated using the appropriate equation for the transmitter frequency, where

P is the maximum output power of the transmitter in watts (W) as set by the transmitter manufacturer.

The Compex Energy is designed for use in an electromagnetic environment in whichradiated RF waves are controlled. The buyer or user of the Compex Energy can

contribute to preventing electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimumdistance between RF portable and mobile communication appliances (transmitters) andthe et Compex Energy according to the table of recommendations below and according

to the maximum output power of the telecommunication appliance.


NOTE 1: At 80 MHz and at 800 MHz, the spacing for high frequency amplitude is applied.

NOTE 2: These guidelines may not be appropriate for somesituations. Electromagnetic wave propagation is modified by

absorption and reflection due to buildings, objects and persons.

0,12 0,23

0,38 0,73

1,2 2,3

10 3,8

100 12

3,8 7,3

12 23

Maximum transmitteroutput power W From 150 kHz

to 80 MHz d = 1.2 √P

From 80 MHz to 800 MHzd = 1.2 √P

From 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz d = 2.3 √P

Spacing according to the frequency of the transmitter mCISPR 11

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Compex Energy is designed for use in the electromagnetic environment stipulated below.

The buyer or user of the Compex Energy must ensure it is usedin this recommended environment.


NOTE: VT is the AC supply voltage before application of the testlevel.

Immunity test Test level IEC 60601

Electrostatic discharge(DES)

CEI 61000-4-2± 6 kV at the contact

± 8 kV in air

Rapid electrical transients inbursts of noise CEI 61000-4-4

± 2 kV for power supply lines± 1 kV for input/output lines

Surge currents CEI 61000-4-5

± 1 kV differential mode± 2 kV common mode

Voltage trough, short power cutsand voltage variations on power

supply input lines CEI 61000-4-11

< 5% VT (trough > 95% of UT)for 0.5 cycle

< 40% VT (trough > 60% of VT)for 5 cycles

< 70% VT (trough > 30% of VT)for 25 cycles

< 5% VT (trough > 95% of VT)for 5 seconds

Observance level

± 6 kV at the contact± 8 kV in air

Not applicable System battery-powered

Not applicable System battery-powered

Not applicable System battery-powered

Magnetic field at mains frequency

(50/60 Hz) CEI 61000-4-8

3 A/m

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Compex Energy is designed for use in the electromagnetic environment stipulatedbelow. The buyer or user of the Compex Energy must ensure it is used in this

recommended environment.


NOTE: VT is the AC supply voltage before application of the testlevel.

Electromagnetic environment - guide

Floors must be wood, concrete or ceramic tiles. If floors are covered with synthetic material, the relativehumidity must be maintained at a minimum of 30%.

The quality of the power supply should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment.

The quality of the power supply should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment.

The quality of the power supply should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment. If the Compex Energy user requires continuous operation during mains power cuts, we recommend

that the Compex Energy is powered by a UPS or a battery.

Magnetic fields at the mains frequency should be at the level of a representative site located in a typical commercial or hospital environment.

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Compex Energy is designed for use in the electromagnetic environment stipulatedbelow. The buyer or user of the Compex Energy must ensure it is used in this

recommended environment.


NOTE: VT is the AC supply voltage before application of the testlevel.

Immunity test Test level IEC 60601

RF immunity

IEC 61000-4-6

3 Vrms

150 kHz to 80 MHz

Radiated RF

IEC 61000-4-3

3 V/m 80 MHz to 2.5 GHz

10 V/m 26 MHz to 1 GHz

Observance level

Signal lines Not applicable for power supplies

of battery-powered systems

3 A/m

10 V/m

NOTE 1: From 80 MHz to 800 MHz, the spacing for high frequency amplitude is applied. NOTE 2: These guidelines may not be appropriate for some situations.

a The field intensity from fixed transmitters, such as radio telephone base stations (cellular/wireless) and amobile radio, amateur radios, AM and FM radio emissions and TV emissions cannot be predicted with anyaccuracy. It may therefore be necessary to consider an analysis of the electromagnetic environment of thesite to calculate the electromagnetic environment coming from RF fixed transmitters. If the field intensity

measured in the environment where the Compex Energy is located exceeds the appropriate RF observancelevel above, the Compex Energy should be monitored to ensure it is operating properly.

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Compex Energy is designed for use in the electromagnetic environment stipulatedbelow. The buyer or user of the Compex Energy must ensure it is used in this

recommended environment.


NOTE: VT is the AC supply voltage before application of the testlevel.

Electromagnetic environment - recommendations

Portable and mobile RF communication devices must only be used relative to the Compex Energy and its wiringat a distance which is not less than the spacing recommended and calculated using the appropriate equation

for the transmitter’s frequency. Recommended spacing

d = 1.2 √P

d = 1.2 √P 80 MHz to 800 MHz

d = 2.3 √P 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz

Where P is the maximum output power of the transmitter in watts (W) set by the manufacturer’s specificationsand where d is the recommended spacing in metres (m). The field intensity of RF fixed transmitters, as determined

by an electromagnetic survey a must be less than the observance level to be found in each frequency range b.

Interference may occur close to any appliance identified by the following symbol:

Electromagnetic wave propagation is modified by absorption and reflection due to buildings, objects and persons.

In the event of abnormal operation, new measures may then be imposed, such as realignment or movement of the Compex Energy.

b Above the frequency amplitude from 150 kHz to 80 MHz, the field intensity must be 3 V/m.

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