energysaver for 'bills all in' student accommodation and hmo's


Upload: philip-smith-lawrence

Post on 27-May-2015




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How to reduce energy consumption in student accommodation and HMO's without the need to engage with the students when they are renting on a 'Bills all in' basis.


Page 1: EnergySaver for 'Bills all in' Student Accommodation and HMO's



Page 2: EnergySaver for 'Bills all in' Student Accommodation and HMO's

Making warmth more affordable

Energy Saving Wet Heating Additive Saves 18%↑PA on

wet heating costs.What is Energy Saver? ✓EnergySaver is a proven energy saving,cost ! saving advanced ethical technology.

✓EnergySaver changes the way heat is ! transferred from the boiler tubes.!

✓EnergySaver makes radiators warmer = boiler ! use less = lower fuel bills.

✓EnergySaver reduces your CO2 emissions.

✓EnergySaver helps with your current Carbon ! Emissions Reduction Policy.

✓EnergySaver is Easy to install and supplied in ! a ready to use solution.

✓EnergySaver is an ‘install and forget’ solution ! as it works for at least three years.*

✓EnergySaver has been tested and proven to ! save 18.4% on heating costs.

✓EnergySaver supplied and installed in a full ! END-TO-END service.

* system leaks and burst will affect the effectiveness of EnergySaver and it is advised that the system be topped up with EnergySaver. If the system is drained down and re-charged EnergySaver should be re-dosed with an equal amount to the original dosing of EnergySaver. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! page two

Page 3: EnergySaver for 'Bills all in' Student Accommodation and HMO's

As an operator and /or owner of student accommodation and if you let your property inclusive of all utilities, you will be all too aware of the costs of energy, gas, oil or LPG, for providing heat and hot water to the student accommodation.

If it is a HMO or a purpose built student accommodation block that utilises a wet heating system the challenge of reducing energy consumption will be the same - how do I get the students to turn the heating down and not waste energy when they are not in the premises?

Unfortunately, I do not have a definitive answer to that question but EnergySaver can save up to 18% on the cost of fueling a wet heating system, without the need to engage the students.

EnergySaver has been proven to reduce energy consumption whilst maintaining the required heat-load. And with reduced energy consumption comes reduced CO2 emissions.

EnergySaver is easy to install into the wet heating system and lasts for three years - assuming there are no leaks, bursts or any major maintenance is undertaken on the system.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! page three

Page 4: EnergySaver for 'Bills all in' Student Accommodation and HMO's

How does EnergySaver Work?Hot water travels through radiators delivering heat to the room, it then returns to the boiler for reheating.

By engineering the dynamics of bubbles EnergySaver improves heat transfer significantly in central heating systems. In a conventional central heating system, water is heated by passing it through a boiler. Water passes through the boiler tube matrix where water in immediate contact with the tubes surface boils.

This nucleate boiling creates large irregular bubbles at the metal water interface and these bubbles carry heat into the main water flow. Very soon however, the size of these bubbles causes them to coalesce or combine, which in turn blocks heat transfer into the bulk water.

A typical heating system:



EnergySaver simply changes the way water actually boils at the heat source interface. When a central heating system is treated with Green Frog’s EnergySaver, something quite remarkable happens:A myriad of small bubbles form at the previous nucleation sites which efficiently then transfer heat energy away from the boiler faster than in untreated water. This phenomena has been known and is used in the aerospace industry, and has been tested extensively in laboratories globally. This proven technology is now utilised in environments such as hospitals, schools, domestic housing and care homes, resulting in up to 18.4% energy savings in the case of NHS Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! page four

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The change that EnergySaver makes to water....

! HIGH SPEED CAMREA - BOILER TUBE IMAGESwater only water and Energy Saver

By altering the size of the bubbles in the water of the heating system, it's energy efficiency is improved.

The EnergySaver Difference

1. It reduces the surface tension of the water.

2. It changes the nucleate boiling characteristics.

3. This changes the rate of heat flow from the boiler tubes into the bulk water.

Which means? ◆The bulk water achieves a higher temperature than untreated water, ordinary water. ◆The boiler tube cools down faster = flue gases on the fire tube are cooler. ◆The difference between the boiler tube temp and the bulk water temp is reduced.

What are the benefits?

✓✓Less fuel used to generate heat for the building, which means lower fuel bills.

✓✓Improved system efficiency from non corrosive, eco friendly natural ingredients.

✓✓Reduced CO2 emissions from your building = greener footprint.

✓✓A full END-TO-END service to enable your building to start to saving today.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! page five

Case study: Scarborough Borough Council.

Page 6: EnergySaver for 'Bills all in' Student Accommodation and HMO's

Upon notification of the case study authored by Jeremy Carter, Scarborough Borough Council’s Energy Manager, EnergySaver was installed in the administration block heating system of the NHS Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle.

The trial details are;

◆The Company: !Interserve Plc, Facilities Management, Interserve House, ! ! ! Cumberland Infirmary.

◆Location: !! NHS Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle, Cumbria.

◆Boilers: ! ! Twin Viessman 440kW.

◆Controls: !! Rondomat KR.

◆Burners: ! ! Riello RS50.

◆Fuel: ! ! Natural Gas.

After servicing, draining, cleaning and flushing the heating system, gas consumption data was recorded prior to the start of the trial and the gas consumption data was then monitored for a three month period.

After the trial, all data was collated and calculations made, adjustments using degree day data were also applied and the results have determined that a reduction of fuel consumption of 18.4% was achieved.

Comments: ! Steve Pearson, General Manager.“Savings of 18.4% are quite significant, however I would expect that around 5% of this must be attributed to Interserve’s robust maintenance regimes and system cleaning. Nevertheless, the adjusted 13.4% reduced gas consumption, and subsequent cost benefit achieved by installing the EnergySaver wet heating additive, are clear.Our estates engineering staff also noticed that the heating system appeared to be quieter in operation after the installation EnergySaver. All in all, I am very impressed and I will be reporting this success to the appropriate Interserve sustainability and carbon reduction staff.”! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! page six

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Pensioner’s 3 bed detached house, Watford.

Results“My test bed is my parents house - cold, 1935 north-facing 3 bed detached with solid walls. Very old boiler - about 1972 we seem to think. Upright boiler, floor mounted, with cast iron heat exchanger.

The boiler (NOT the pump,the boiler) had become noisy but was heating well. We have a water conditioning device (electro-magnetic coil thing round the inlet pipe).

We put the product into the header tank. Very quickly, BIG difference noticed in the noise from the boiler. Much more controlled sounding, less rattling and banging. So clearly the product has affected something.

It’s been warm and we have also recently had a pump change, so too early to notice any changes in the bills, but the parents are dead pleased. They feel like their old boiler is not being put under such stress.”

S.M.Smith - Watford.

EnergySaver - Domestic testimonials

Mrs M O’Melia - 3 Bedroom terraced House,



The system is 15 years old, has never been flushed and has no TRV’s.

Following a 3 month study heating bills were calculated to be cut by 26.7%, this includes degree day data adjustments.“I couldn’t sleep after EnergySaver had been installed, even after the heating timer had turned off the house didn’t seem to cool down.

I contacted Green Frog the following morning and the same day they sent one of their engineers out. He reduced the temperature setting on my boiler and my house is a similar temperature to what it was previously but running on low rather than high....amazing!”

Mrs.M.O’Melia, Cleveland.

“Having had my oil fired condensing boiler serviced in November 2013 and had the magna clean serviced I asked the engineer to add a couple of bottles of EnergySaver. We immediately noticed and improvement in the heat output of the radiators and were able to run the heating for a shorter period of time to get the same ambient temperature. Moreover we have noticed that the hot water is much hotter and we have reduced the temperature setting on the boiler by 30% to achieve the same temperature at the tap. So all in all I now think we are saving about 15 %on our energy bill for heating and hot water.”

Mr.C.E. - Worcestershire. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! page seven

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English Institute of Sport Sheffield (EISS) Energy Saver Trial

EIS Sheffield is the country’s largest multi-sports training centre making sports accessible for everyone - the local community, schools, general public, businesses and elite athletes. The world class facilities are home to numerous local and national sporting clubs and governing bodies and enable participation in more than 60 sports activities at all levels. 

Specialist facilities include a Judo Hall, Combat Hall, Netball and Badminton Halls, Multipurpose Hall and a 200m Indoor Athletics Arena. Gym facilities are available at the members-only Valley Fitness Suite and the sports halls are used for training and education and are available to hire for activities, events and special occasions 

On 31 March 2014, 110 litres of Energy Saver was added to the heating system fluid, via the make-up tank (EISS consumes an average of 2GWh of gas per annum).

In order to ensure all of the Energy Saver went into the heating system (not the expansion vessel), the expansion vessel was completely drained. Then a further 120 litres of heating fluid were removed from the system, prior to dosing the system with Energy Saver (ES).

EISS has a water meter fitted in the supply pipe to the heating system; this made estimating the system volume very easy. Firstly a desktop calculation was carried out in order to estimate the system volume, then this was checked against the water meter which supplies the heating, a very close match with the desktop and water meter reading was observed.

The water supply to the make-up tank was isolated and once the system had been depressurised and the system fluid removed, the tank was filled with Energy Saver, prior to switching on the pressurisation pumps to initiate the dosing process. 110 litres (approximately 1.1% of system volume) was added to the system before switching the water supply back on, allowing full system filling and pressure to be returned to the system.

ES can produce a large amount of suds during the transfer into the system tank, so care needs to be taken to avoid skin and eye contact (as the safety data sheet states the materials making up the Energy Saver can be an irritant), the wearing of protective footwear is also recommended, or! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! page eight

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Directly after the ES was installed the boilers were switched back on and the system observed to ensure the system returned back to its previous state, the gas meter reading was then taken, as a reference starting point for the recording of energy consumption from the heating system.

The heating system is powered by 2No. Hovel Cosmos 1MW boilers fitted with Weishaupt Monarch 300-1750 kW pressure jet burners (see below), each boiler is also fitted with a boiler optimisation unit.

Energy consumption at EISS is closely monitored, and Heating Degree Day (HDD) calculations are carried out on a monthly basis following the boiler optimisation.

There is a very good correlation between HDD and gas consumption at the venue, when calculating the Standard Deviation this is generally in the realms of R2= 0.958, so almost perfect conditions to run a trial with this type of technology.

CUSUM analysis of the site has shown over the past twelve months the boiler optimisation has delivered a 16% reduction in energy use, after HDD correction. Using the same analysis for the Energy Saver trial will demonstrate any changes to the energy consumption at the venue, this is then converted into a cash figure when calculating any saving shown in consumption against the prevailing rate of gas.

N.B. the data above shows a 33% saving in June; this was due to part of the building being closed for improvement.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! page nine

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By converting the energy into a financial figure we will be able to identify at what point the investment cost has been recovered, and from which point we start to realise a saving which we will continue to monitor for changes in performance.

April 2014 shows a combined saving of 28.8% on Degree Day predictions, so in order to see how much of this saving was attributable to Energy Saver the data was recalculated for the previous year and a new chart and analysis produced – as below.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! page ten

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The recalculation after taking into account pressure, temperature and calorific value of the gas supplied during the month of April 2014, that 15% of the reduction in energy was attributable to Energy Saver.

Applying the revised calculations of Heating Degree Days, shows that there was a financial saving in the region of £520 including CCL and CRC charges at 2.1p/kWh, and forecasting a saving of 322,632kWh (circa £8,000) for the year ahead (using the 20 year average temperatures in both cases), producing a carbon reduction of approximately 59 tonnes of CO2.

In this case study it is evident that the dosing of the wet heating system with Energy Saver, has made a significant contribution to the energy consumption and carbon emissions at this venue during a relatively mild April, and that the initial cost of the product will have been repaid in several months.

We are confident that the product delivers on savings and will be closely monitoring the performance of the system in the coming months; we are already considering which building we are going to do next.

The above SIV Ltd report was authored by Sean Midgley, GCGI, MCMI, Tech-IOSH, Energy & Environmental Manager, Sheffield International Ventures Ltd.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! page eleven

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What service do we provide for the installation of EnergySaver?

The services below are optional to all clients.1.We will test the water in your wet heating system, so we can determine if the system

is clean or dirty. We do this by taking a sample of the water in the system and sending it to a lab for test. A clean system will always produce better savings than a dirty system will.

2.We will calculate the volume size of the wet heating system and that will then tell us how much EnergySaver is needed.

3.Once we have the lab report back, based on the sample taken, this will then give us an indication if the wet heating system needs to be flushed or not.

4. If we need to flush the system we will drain it, re-charge it, dose it with inhibitor and the EnergySaver, and then the system will be back up and running and saving on energy consumption.

5. If we don’t need to flush the system, we will simply dose the EnergySaver into the system.

6. In all cases we would like to monitor the savings achieved once the EnergySaver has been dosed into the wet heating system.We will use our CUSUM monitoring system for this. From the client’s point of view, it is a very simple system to use. We simply monitor your gas consumption after the date of the installation of the EnergySaver and input that data provided by you, into CUSUM, along with other important data, and then we advise you of the savings and reduced energy consumption you are achieving.

If you would like to find out more about how EnergySaver can save you money, reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, then please contact;Phil Smith-LawrenceTel: 07748443805 Office: 0161-264-0939Email: [email protected] Web:


Green Frog Enterprises Ltd, The Business Centre, 15 Scarborough Street, Teesside, TS24 7DA.

Making warmth,more affordable.