enever koii tnnlheed bdm. m - east carolina university · i. a*. . i » 1*f - • i financial...

I. a*. . I » 1*F - I FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 1913. The Mutual Life Insurance Co., /^SLJ/O Lanterns Strong and Durable For Fishing, Camping, and Hard Use under All Conditions. OF NEW YORK DECEMBER 31, 1913 KECEHTS Give steady, bright light. Easy to light. Easy to clean and rewick. Don't smoke. Don't blow out in the wind. Don't leak. At dealers everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY Piviniimi- Intervsl ami renl Supploinentiirv contract* Miscellaneous deposits and collcc lions Protits on real estate and securities sold Accrual of iliscoiiiil on bonds Waahinston. D. C. Richmond, Va. Norfolk. Va. New Jaiaayi BALTIMORE Chnrlott«-. N.C. Charleaton. W. Vl Charlrnton. S. C. DISBURSEMENTS Death claims s:.7.'.CI.u.MU»i Kni , ownl|1(1| s an j Mirraukr values •JT.IT.-./.^.V, Ammilll ,. IS... l' Dividends S'):J.3*>0.81 Mippleinentary contracts L»(i(i>.s".!»l Tax«t ... . - 8Q .,, Expenses (exclusive of taxes) l.ii—.- on real estate and bonds sold ,\ tiziitioii of premiums on bonds Other disbursements Total dislnirwnients Receipts in excess of disbursements . .20,1 |i».—>i'i.7."> O. 2,705.0-.'T.:Vl °> I7,201,730.4i> Ef. 351,0."i8.53 CO 1.254.754.CS g" 9.0*11 Jl.14.rtl Q 03.358.01 £ l-j:'i.7'.-'.T'.' c/> 50.770.47 . 5 TOTAL ^S(i,74i),490.43 TOTAL $74,850,079.73 Q_ U,89:J.810.70 <' 5- $86,749,490.48 2> Q- ASSETS LIABILITIES It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman s tonic. She says further: "Bel re I I in to use Cardui. mv back and head would hurt ! > bad, I thought the pain would kill me. 1 wa to do any of my housework. Alter taking thi . of Cardui, I began to feel like a new w m i. Is ri gained 35 pounds, and ri N, I ( swork, as well as run a big water 1 wish ever- sufl in w •-' The Woman's Tonic a il. 1 still use Cardui when 1 feel a I He bad, .. id it ; Iways does m « I." . dache, backache, s ache, nerv«-sness, fired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs oivuman- I. ubl!. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman s I n c. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Leal i -t:it.' Mortsiafie l"ans I Hi:- nil policies Loans nil roll;,!,Till lion - nnd stocks Interest and renl due and accrued I'lvmuims in course of collection C';i-ii iSI.-"'.. liMfci nt ii icrest t Deposited to pay claims TOTAL ASSETS $•193,013,506.00 3.540.-J5.1.9-I J 5.59X. —. $23,51S.020.90 Policy Reserves 133..s73.225.4ii Supplementary contract reserve —•.l-l.'iS''. I'- 1 Other policy liabilities I'OOOJMKMN) Premiums, Interest nnd rents paid in advance 1.901.34!>.IM UJ 8IC.!O75.070.59 Miscellaneous liabilities 549.10S.Ht w c, 7«s3M3 00 Taxes, License fees, etc., payable in IW4 05tl..25>, ^ |'.217'.9M.72 Dividends payable in LOU i S " ( l!^* :, l!!-? _ •>4.V>7323 UoM'rve for future deferred dividends "2.0.>.>.*M I.HO 10,967.500.22 _I1 52S.U3.45 Contingency reserve SSC07.057.014.50 TOTAL LIABILITIES -JA $007,057,014.50 " H. BENTLEY HARRISS, Manager For The Greenville District .:£-." :r SUE OF Hi:'I ESTATE. . . ,.: rale con- ..... , wortgago . ; . VV, U I' I s .i i Cores to Z. V. Hooker, as ' ; •'•' : ' ,..,..,. . ;. i ;• a .n the Get a Bottle Today! 1M. ? ' 3wH I -soQUICK! HI 'ft at < . ,•'.' ' * ' .- i : poifd ' IfW/ffd Uri. . D no m o i : . fine, r«! « . . i - c' >I. " hi i d I am RHD D2VIL LYC :..':"..". rAN*V GOOD STORE SAVE MY LABELS * » ~—'—»r--»r-vTif-rgS* ; ,, .... . .Igned will, oi lay, tin "Hi ' > o' Ii, 1914, ut 12 o"cl ick, noeo. ex- !„.-.. to pabllc sale at Uia court ,1 , r In GrePB'llle, 10 the I bidder, tor cash, the loUow- ln B i - .. : ir.„ u or parcel* ol land, to-wlt: L.>ins aad being in th« county <>' Pitt and Btate ol North Carolina and ... | , . ... rll : ia rolli w»: ,'IKSI TRACT. Bituated In Chleod township, boanded on the norUi I'/ the landi ol 3. K. Worthlngton ana Jam Edward*; "" 0"' "'-' ' '> ll " i .. ni .]• >•>• Nelaon and Dennbi i Bram h; on the aoath bj aaothm ' tract ol land ol W. I. F. Corey ami on the eaal by the landi oi Amy Hlnea, containing 306 acrea, nmre or I, . ,:, i being the same tract "f land on wh . Ut< Bald W. !•• '" Corej now realdi SEW 1 ORE SI VTE LEAC1 ! MEETIXtl ITHA. NT. ^ M irch I. Presl ' |, ,• , . || mid iIn 1 club ner« . f tin S V- « •- le licag 1 . ., .„.,, | ..,-,. i„ ,|iiv lo agree iipon] , ,.un.,. , i M-l-i lule H I coiu| Icle i llier nr- ENEVER KOII HEED BDM. M - - ^ 'I II I |,|- ., ' li.l "' " ol f the si IIMIII. express llicmselvesj n> optimislir over the prospects f, ,r ii M'ccesful year in their or ganizaiion. Tile circuit will re-, m,iin ii. tii same ^i~ last sensou. NOTICE or SALE OF I.AMI I'JiDKll NOUTGACiE. By virtue o' a mortgage executed t nir- by the Independent Loving I'nlon, executed on iii«' 23rd day "' July, 1912. and registered in i»>»k L- 10, page 508, of the Pitt county reg- istry, "• 'lini: forth certain terms aad Btipulatlon* which have not been com piled with, I herewith advertise foi sale to the highest bidder at Hie curt bouse on Wednesday, ti»' ISth day of March, 1914, at noon, the fol- lowing described property: Situated in nn near Wlntervllli id- j, inlng the lands ol Thomas Ci The Old Stond<ird Trove's Tasteless 1 Tonic is Equally Valuable as a General Tonic because cts en the Liver, Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the B! J and BuilJs tip the Whole System. ForGfOwn T: ; - and Children, You know what you nr* taking When you take C s't TasteleM chill Touie as the lormula is pdnted on every 1ab.-l showing ll...t .• contains the welllcnowa tonic properties ol QUININE and IRON. It ia as .V ig 88 tlie strongest bitter tonic and is in Tasteless Form. II lias no equal lo: Valaria, Chills and Fever Weakness, K eneral debility and Ls i,l appetite. C-v-s life and vigor to Nursing Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging Relieves nervous depression ami Sow spirits. Arouses the liver to action ana purifies the blood. A True T. inic and Sure Appetizur. A Complete Strengthenei No iamily should be without it. Cmrauteedby your Druggist. We mean it. 506 I i oxn TRACT. Situated in Chl-lhetrs, Dr. B. T. Cox, A. ''.. Cox and .,,,,• . iilo n' others. For better description, rot- I . ..' lining t lands ol erenre la given to deed bearing even . " and date of this Instrument giving descrip „i . res, n re or less ntcnt and boundnrj for S2 acres of tract ol land | ?n d, aald d< 'I i Ping made bs A ''• W. I. i.".'\ and wlfi to Independent Lovln* p. Corey I rded Ihe n '- I nlon ind I i the purchase ol ild In ivit booh land bv Independent living Union i'-. page |3 the said Indep udent Loving Union became Indebted to A O. Cox au.i THiRii TRACT Situated In Oil- ft|l (| ,. ( , (| of tru<t M s ,„. urlty cod township, on Jamea Paeosin, con- ONLY Make Your Own Paint! ^ YOU WILL SAVE 60 cts. PER GAL. THIS i"» row Buy 4 sals. I.. & ML SEMl-MIXKO REAL PAINT. at $2.10 per gal. - $3 40 And 3 caln. 1. rawed O.l to mix with it - - than mak ; '.. f ;• t for WftSQ i \i iVinfif ' aaa«1aa»Baa«aa aaaaaaBawaaa—•aaaaaaaaBiaBaa^. Anybody can 1 six th OIL with the PA ST. Whereaa, it" y >u t-y 7 Is. of i ad; .-.t in CANS, you pay $2.1 I or; 77„ I. n W ISAM MtXI i ' ' '•'» 1 , I\I and I ISSU .'<-/(.. rfh ' ' ' ' " '"" " use « «• «ui «>• «i»y LAM.PAINT yottisus . : . paint made, retunn lie i»ulnt aWd t.< t ALL i »< -' now . I J. JIL A J. U UfHt, liKEENVILLE. N. C KTHEKimiE-HKKS IIIIH. CO. WOW HILL, V C UASKILL now. en.. aTEWBBBlT, N f tslnlng 135 ai n n r ia. and i the land granted by the state ol North Carolina to S im iel Corey :c; appears of record in booh Y-n. [page iv.; Km RTH TRACT Lying and ba- ine in Bwlfi Creek township, adjoin- ing tho lands of Nashville Wilson VT. D Bland, H H 'larris and Bai- lie Bland, containing M acrea, mor-^ or leaa, FIFTH TRACT. Lying and being In Swift Creek township and on both sides ol the Waahlngton road, adjoining the lands ol it H. Oar- rls. Haywood Cox and others and containing 13 acres, more or lean." This salo will bo made for the purpose of satisfying the terms of said mortgage deed and the above described land will be mihuividcd Inlo Hnfflel ll.ll l'-' .tii't '" I I I for the same. Terms ol Bale cash. This the ltitii day of Pi bruary, 1114, A. ('. co\. Mortgagee. s. ,i. EVERETT, Attorney. IS YOUR COMPLEXION CLEAR? A clear complexion and a torpid liver cannot go hand in hand. Clear the bile duct* gently, but firmly, with Tutt's Pills At your druggist augar coated or plain. NOTICE. By virtue of tho power of Bale con- tained In a certain mortgage deed executed and delivered by Ellas E Grlce to \v. B. Brown on the 11th day of February. 1911, and duly re- corded iu the office of the registei 01 deeda of Pitt county, North Car- olina, in book O-'J page 341, tho un- di reigned will expose to put.lie sale before the court bou.se door iii Green- ville, to the highest bidder, on - I urday the nth day of March, 1914 nt 12 o'clock, noon, a certain tract or panel of land, lying and being in the Town of Wlntervllle, County oi Pitt, and State of North Carolina and described as follows, to-wlt- Beginning at Martha Crady's eorner i.inl runs west to mil street, thence about 7", feet south, thence parallel with firsl line to the railroad right of way, tin nee north about 7.", feet lo the beginning, being that portion or the Nashville Hardee lot which the house stood—for further description .-.» deed from S. J. Nobles to Ellen B. Grlee recorded in book T-9, page 298. Terms of sale cash. Thin February 12th, 1914. W. n. BROWN, Mortgagee MOORE & LONG, AttVB., Greenville, N. C. 2 20-27-6-13 IMPORTANT LANH SALE. By virtue of the power conferred upon me by a decree of the superior court of Pitt county made February ltitl., 11114. In a special proceeding* in which Joseph I Hobgood, ad- ministrator ol Richard Carr is plain- tin against Lydia stock.-, l.izzle Gil- bcrt, Ada Lane Nobles, Albert Carr C . John II Carr, Lena Fair- cloth. M;ii') i: Tyson and others heirs al law ol Richard Carr are de- fendante I »iti on Wednesday, March 1\ 1814, In front of the court bouse door In Greenville sell for sash te the highest bidder the following de scribed piece or parcel of land, slt- iiii.ii iii Contentnoa township, is I'itt county adj..inlng the lands of Al- bert Carr. Fiinnie Ron, the Frank- lin Trlpp land and others, containing eighteen acrea more or lcis and being the lands on which Richard Carr liv- ed at the time of his death. Said lot or pared of land will bo sold subject to tho dow Interest of Harriet Can widow of Richard Carr and the sale will take place about noon. This Fob. 16, 1914. JOSEPH L. HOI1GOOD. Admr. and Commleslonei 2 IX ltd 3w THF FARM both as a wholo and in subdivision to suit purchasers. This the 5th day of February. 1114 Z. V. HOOKER. Mortgagee 2 li Id 4w To Prevent (Mood Poisoning •aprr at once Ihe wonderful old reliable DR. POKTKR-a ANTISRPTlCII8AI.INr.oIl..aan» Kical fllMslag th"" relifYe* pain and hcala at ihcwatC-u. Nut* llaiauaL ?5c. S0c. tl-l* U the Basil of all Indmtry LIME : i, Ihe basil of all good farming. Write (or I bulletin by the be^I authority in the United BUtei on Lime on the Farm, and get price of the pureit Ums, Don't buy earth, nand, etc. A postal will give you reasons. POWHATAN LIME CO. STRASBURG VIRGINIA |S.S*S»- PATENTS mile niiirkii."i«'i'" >*;"t-«»M«in.-i B-TM s.11,1 III.-ill. lahlMnkM M |ilmti*e SMI'1 (.»*• .ni.iton tot FHt't SEARCH " ' ID[H"' MI imlfiitnlillilf. Hunk rrfi-iwwc". PATENTS BUILD FOHTUMI3 ' ' ,.,i, nn. |*rw '-v.liM-t.il l-i. •linltolnv.Ml Will.-t D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAW»IM, 303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. FUR SALEl IMHAN PH7NRBB BDCB eggs, beat layers of pure white Shell eggs. $1.00 per setting of 12. Mrs. E. C. King, Falkland. N. C 2 19 4tw Several of the Greenville Isvw- yew arc in Kalci^h utlcndiii(r supreme court. Is Yonr Skin Clear as a Baby's? -late «%*, 0'REEKYILIE IS THE HEART W EASTERN SOUTH CAROLINA, IT HAS A POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HVNL IND ONE. AND IS SUR- ROUNDED !!Y THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HAVE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN J . : WAT OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-D iTE IOB AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. ***. * «=• . ":-.r ; n inmasmi MS - ? s 1 —' ' ; kgrleiiltnre the »esl I...... H- Xosl Healthlsl. the Most 1 •:• 1 •' Ban-—Oeorg* V vhl WE HAVE A CIRCULA- TION OF TWELVE II ' DEED .1 VONG PI Ol I 1" . 1 .. UNA VD 1 . WHO , GOOD P a AY . 1 FEW L\i '. L< 77.7./", TH 7 11 .. ' - ' Ui ATTENTION. 01 i: A L ../•..' .'- ..'..' - ARE '< : . :. ' ' TION. vui.i MI: XXXIV. (JKKKN'VILLK.N.C.FHIDAY, •.i"n:i:Noo\. 1914. Only len Removed From Burned St. Louis Building FIND VAULTS 10 BE INTACT Woodmen of World Launch Worship Campaign 'Notorious Militant Damages a Painting Valued at It Win ReiialH Si era! Rajs t" Make a Complete Explore ol the li»- ers. Feared Man) Will Never be "foaad. 8T, LOUS, March 10.- Ten bodl« I bad been recovered late today iron the ruins ol the Miss.,uri Athletic club building which was destroyed by hi-, early Monday morning. Three bodii wore round today. The other Bet were recovered yesterday. Twenty bodies are thought to be ii ib< ruina, making the to-.a death toll 30. Hi the 10 bodies recovered elghl have been Identified as follows: Marshall llier, 35. bachelor, head ol Marshall Hi r and Company, fur deal- era, St. Louis. Lucius Ruff, 34, department head Simmons Hardware, company, bache- lor, son of Hr. L. P. Ruff of Cape Clirardcau, Mo., lived with mother In Dallas, Texas., (identification doubt- ful.) William J. Kinser, treasurer Kinser Construction company; engaged in construction of East Side levee. James B. Rlolly, 5G single, member contracting firm of Ware and Hielly St. Louis. John M.Rickey, 40, Chicago, treasu- rer Ford Manufacturing company; leaves wife and children in Chicago. William F. Erd, lawyer and real es- tate dealer. East St. Louis. Edwin C. Kesslor, 37, cashier Lud- low Saylor Wire Company. St. Louis; killed in jump form sixtl floor. E. P. Williams, bank promoter, San- tce Gs. Hays probably will elapse before the ruins are explored completed) and it Is feared many of the bodies never will he recovered. Fire Chief Cwingly today said the lire depart- ments work was about finished and others suggested that other city de- partmentS remove the debris. The vaults of the Boatmen's bank, which occupied part of the 1 lldlng, were found tatacl today. Nearly -.'..300,000 in coin and currency WS removed under heavy police guard to the vaults of the St. Louis Union Trust company to ho kept' until a place can be provided in the tempo- rary quarters of the Boatmen's bank. No satisfactory explanation of the fire has been found. Explosions heard during the fire were attributed by the chief of tho fire prevention bureau to gaB that escaped when the meters molted under the intense heat. Harry Davidson, night watchman for the club, was on the third floor of the building, where the lire was sup- posed to have started only laminates before the flames were discovered. He said ho found nothing that indicated flro danger. An Important meeting of Magnolia LONDON, March 10.—A militant Camp NO. 21S Woodmen oi the World suffragette inflicted severe damage to- Wlll be held Wednesday evening day on the famous Velasquez picture March lllh to discuss plans for the known as the "Uokeby Venus,' which thirty days membership campaign l>u»g In the National Gallery. 1 ra- that lias just opened in Pitt county 'algar Square. and all members of the local camp The picture waa purchased for $22J, are urged to attend this meeting. 000 In 1906 and presented to the na District Manager s. 0, Brlant, of Hon. Raleigh, will be present with Deputy . , nlzera A. O. Kill, who is In charge ol the Pltl county district and l.. u. Crawford, who has just returm I .. ni the I'a .... juri lictlon, wh« re .. located In Portland, Oregon, to take up organization work in North Carolina. These men will con- duit the pi-, sent campaign in Pitt county, Btate Manager K. B. Lewis of Kin- Bton, X. •'« ia in Greenville Tuesday in conference with ins staff ol depu- ties and everything Is now ready for what promises to bo the greatest cam pnlgn In tho history of Woodcraft in this section. The wonderful progress of the Woodmen of the World the past year is plainly shown in a statement just Issued by Manager Lewis to all of the Woodmen camps in North Caro- lina. 121,000 new members were accept- ed during the year of 1913 and there are now 692.447 Woodmen In the Sov- ereign Jurisdiction alone not count- ing those of the Pacific or Canadian jurisdictions. There was a net increase in the United States of 50,147 members $6.187.4009.00 was paid to widows and orphans during the year and 4.020 monuments erected to the mem- ory of deceased Woodmen. In North Carolina during 1913 there were 5,169 new members accepted and the state now has 19,000 members in good standing, a net Increase of over 3,256. The sum of $180,800.00 was paid out to beneficiaries in North Carolina on account of the death of 133 sovereigns the death rate being only 7.16 per thousand. Only three states in the Union had a larger numerical Increase of members than North Carolina, one of these being Texas. Prom the foregoing figures it is readily seen that Woodcraft is stead- ily growing in strength and fulfill- ing in every way iis mission, tho pro- tection of the American home. Art experts have estimated Us FFIGERS rj; r; Me LRDAQL ii PISTOL BATTLE West Virginia SherKf Kiiic UV. Train Aboard OTHERS HE SERIOOSLY New Raring Circuit Formed. BOSTON, Mass., March 11.—Tht completion here today of the organlza tlon of tho Bay State Short ship Cir- cuit assures Massachusetts of a long season of harness racing this year The season will open June 17 and .ontiuue until the second week of August. The circuit embraces tratka In Medford, TanntoD, Worchestei. Framingham, Providence, Havorhlll. Pitchburg and Springfield. County Teacher's AssoctstUs. The last meeting for this year will he held on Saturday 14, at the graded school building. This means that each teacher li- the county must be present. important announcements will bi made. Each teacher taking 4 year read- ing course must report on books read. The seperato departments will meet. Programs which will make these meetings the most interesting of the year are being arranged. H. H. McLEAN, President of Association. Parky McFarland says he will re- tire from the ring after he finishes with Mike Gibbons. To Produce Coke on Large Sesle. NEW YORK. March 11 A busy and prosperous year for the steel industry was forecasted In the reports present- ed today at the annual meeting of the Sloss-Sheflleld St«el and Iron com- pany in this city. In Ihe near future the company plans to spend |1,00,00 in building a great battery of coke ovens in connection with Its mills at I'irmingluitn. present market value at $50,000. The woman entered the gallery and attacked tho picture with a sharp knlfo, making six or seven had cuts across the canvass. She was arrested. Theporpctrntor of the outrage was tin. notorious militant BUffragcttc, May Richardson, who has been sen- tenced to several terms of iinprison- iinenl ilnce the beginning of the mill- tnnl movement She was arrested at Bristol on July 1, last year, for dropping a scroll of paper on the knees of King George las he waa driving through the city. After she had served three months' Imprisonment she was arrested again in November for burning a house at Hampton, but Immediately started a hunger strike and was released a few weeks later in a serious condition. Many of tho public art collections such as those at Hampton Court Pal- ace and especially galleries where val uable porcelain is on exhibition were closed a year ago on account of mili- tant outrages and have not been open- ed since. The National Gallery was closed after today's outrage. Tho magistrate committed Miss Rich ardson for trial and refused to grant bail. I..image About tT.'i.fHHI. The keeper of the National Gallery told tho magistrate that the selling price of the picture had been depre- preciated by the outrage by $75,000. The prisoner harangued the court, saying: "Reginald McKenna, the House Sec- retary, has turned tho criminal code into a farce. This Is the tenth time I have been brought before a magis- trate this year. He cannot coeroe me and cannot compel me to serve a sentence. He can only repeat th> farce of releasing me." Miss Richardson after her arrest said: "I tried to destroy the picture of the most beautiful woman in mytholo- gical history as a protest against the government for destroying Mrs. Km- meline Pankhurst. who is the most beautiful character in modern his- tory." Glasgow Police Khide Hostile Mili- tant. GLASGOW, Scotland, March 10.— Hands of determined militant suffra- gettes waited at railway stations In Glasgow today in readiness to fight for the rescue of Mrs, Euimcline Pank hurst. The militant leader, however, who was arrested last night, had bean removed from the station house to a suburban railway station early in the morning. Mrs. Pankhurst was carried from the cell to a waiting automobllo on a dashed off at high speed to a station on the main line of tho railway where she was carried on board the express train for Ixindon. Many of the policemen who assisted in Mrs. Pankhurst's arrest last night suffered severe scratches from the barbed wire which had been Stretcher 1 across the platform from which she was speaking. I. s. Marshall in Hospital and His Condition Considered ('r.ne. Car Was Well Filled With People. V. rXCIl, W. ' '. Il I" R. L Tayior, a depul) ski < of l-.'X. Mc- Dowell county, is dead; A. I). Beavers, a former United States deputy mar- shal ot Bartlcy, is In the w Ich hos- pital in a dying condition with a pis K,1 wound in the abdomen; D. W. lion - - . B deputy sheriff, and brother ol A, D, Beavers, waa shot through the leg, and T. E. Hlckey, a now ' batant, was shot through tho thigh, In i. pistol battle on a crowded Norfolk and Western train about 7 O'I loci this morning, between leegor am Berwln. The tragedy is said to be the result of a quarrel, started between the Hea- vers and Taylor, according to official reports of the conductor of the train at Roanoke, the men having been drinking when they left Welch an hour prior to the shooting. Taylor was shot and killed instant- ly. Shortly afterward A. D. Beavers was probably mortally wounded. Evans was arrested and lodged in jail here. All parties to the battle are promt nent and well known as officials Is the coal fields. The car In which the shooting occur od was crowded with passengers but the duelists shot true to their aim gen rally, only one non-combatant being hurt. Bob Evans, one of the party, was arrested and lodged in jail here. We Rank High In Many Respects But Mr. Editor: As per ehai.ee 1 had the pi. asure of apt ndlng last after- noon and night In the busy, wide-a- wake little town of Greenville, which has made the most wonderful lm- pr.A, in, ills and have grown the fast- est during the past five years whl< b have elapsed since my last visit to this town. Should the people contin- ue in the linos of progress thai they are presently (raveling, and with the rapidly ol the past five years. In course ot a lew years hence they will surely P ... b the outi r p 1 of a largt city, 1 notice iii numi r . is , ntcrprlse ,,;' varloua kinds which have been add . i to your midsl and Btlll more coi il g. All of Which goes to UB-1 and prosper a town. Th I ... I give to thes dlf both le re, and 11 n . pof Ible at am i avalla ble and \< Ihe i , her. to your ml t. MINISTERS IS SESSION HEBE Scholars Must Be Vaccinated Says School Board At a meeting last night, the Graded School Hoard passed a resolution pro viding that all children who have not have been vaccinated lor smallpox by- March 83rd shall be excluded from the graded school. This means that chil- dren who have not heretofore been successfully vaccinated must he vnc- cinated before the above date or be required to remain away from school. It was also reconinn ided that all who have not been successfully vac- cinated within live years bo vaccinated again as a matter of precaution. In case any parents are not able to pay the regular vaccination fee, the county physician. Dr. Skinner, will vacclnato free of charge. All this Is done for the protection of the community, nnd It is hoped that everybody will gladly do his part. HOY TAYLOR, Superintendent. toy i a i nlgl t, I I the plea-nv . " dit I ri James Admin Show, which la a won- derful and remarkable Floating Theatre and a grand show, which i said to be oneofthe leading ot ita kind. Bui on my way to this Grand Floating Theatre, my attention was called to notice tin' actions of the peo- ple of Greenville in showing 'heir ap- preciations for their home business wherein they "rank with others," that I notice at other places. On my return from Mr. Adams show is good of its kind, and I under- just near the county court house known as the Palace Thea're. I know not the manager of the home play house, but after making inquires In regard to this. 1 find that it is per- manent one in your midst, and that i> is here to stay and serve you good Now while I will admit Mr. Adams show is good of its kind and I under- stand the Palace Theatre is giving one of the cleanest shows of Its kind there is going. Now here is one thing I I wish to call the attention of the peo- ple of Greenville to. That Is, nt least 75 per cent of all the money you peo- pie give lo Ibis little home show Is not carried away from Greenville but spent h.r.- In your midst, While on the other hand, the many dollars you give to Mr. adama Show is taken away, never to return to QrcenvHle again. In my estimation you should very seriously consider things of this kind and strive ever to support a bus- iness which will stay in your town long as they are atrugglln to mak an honest living. Now the writer is not partial to w-ards either the Palace Theatre ,i Greenville, or Mr. Adams Floating Theatre. 1 only looked at it from a home business standpoint X. V. Z. Roanoks Association Meets With Mamiria! Baptist dwell FIRST niT MM Sr-eral Matter* l'i-: H--K! IN ' ,., (he Wart ">' Ihe l*seelal Confi renee l'l««< .1 With I this Vilernoon. .. . v. ' I ire] ; mo to Or ' ' . ; T" r< n nc> i church. Those b> re ari ' ' Scotland nt, J, M- MeKIr, in ;. !, flaj of vVashin G i .. ' -. \- n, R I. Ri Robersonville, J. W. N. I Monnl, .1. E. Kirk ol Farravllh Tin first Besslon of th" confer, n w-.is held Tuesday afternoon, when several matter* were discussed per- taining to the work ni 'he churches I throughout the association and en- largement along all lines, Tuesday night Rev. R. A. UcFar- land, pastor of Scotland Neck church, gave a most interesting discours. on •The Caro of the Church," taking n > several features of church work and the duty of members in bringing their church up to its real mission. There was another conference ses- sion this morning with other interest- ing discussions. In the early afternoon today a ban- quet to the visitors and several lay- men of the local church was served in the base-ient of the church, undoi the direct' of the Ladies Aid So- ciety. At .'.is there were brier talks both by ministers and laymen aa to the best means of church w..ri am (Mending Christs Kingdom. Most of the visitors will It avi f< r their homes on the evening tn Siuilht.mil Items, OLD HI ILIUM' WILL UK 11 IDE INTO RESIDBNCE Young Hugo Kelly is now fighting under the name of Frank DeMlce Hi S*S this Is his real name If the promoters of tho proposed Illinois State league are successful Ihe new organization will probably take over tho circuit of the Illinois-Mis- souri league rsr saa , In Hesilon in Calgary. CALGARY, Aha.. March IL—Sever al hundred delegate! assembled here today for the annual convention of tht Rural Municipalities' Association ol Alberta. The sessions will r mtinui three davs and will be deviled to th. consideration of a wide varieay of problems relating to the imprisonment and welfare of the rural towns and districts. —- The building on Third street, next door to the Reflector which wns re cently sold to Mr. F. M. Wooton by Mr J G. James and Dr. S. Hassel is being moved to the corner of Washing- ton and Second streets where it will be remodelled Into a very desirable dwelling. The lot on which it Is to be placed is very low. and It Is Mr Wooten's Intentions to place a brick walling beneath the structure of about nine feet which will he a sufficient elevation to allow a basement. On the lot from wMch tho old building was taken Mr. James nnd Dr. Hassel will erect a brick office building and material is now being placed lb-re for an eaiiy completion of the work. - .,; i IITOWN. N. C . Man Ii Mrs. ' i Ell Crawl died aud- ,i,II ') last Dday nigh! »' --i plexj Mr. C C. Cobb and wile ol Norfolk and Mrs. Kincaid ol Wilson is ap Ing sometime tit Cobbdale, Mr. J. II. Flanagan ol Fanovllll section was in our town Kriila> The farmers generally around here are re-sowing their tobacco beds. Arthur is on a boom whh threi new stores and the Christaln church paint- ed makes the town look n .Ule mom important. Mr. II. K. WUiOUghby and Miss Car- rie Bell Smith nttended the play at the K. C. T. T. S. Monday night. Mr. Mills Smith is having his oome remodeled. Smithtowu school is preparing for a commencement in April. Has Smallpox. Mr. J. L. Little, whose ilckncs* was mentioned yesterday and was iir..t thought to be threatened witli pneu- monia, has developed a case of small- pox. His friends hope he will have oi.lv a mild attack of il. ANNOUNCEMENT. Mv friends anil Customer* will tnd nic nt Ihe same old stand. •i-!)-2td-ltw. MBS. L GBIFFIN. General Hayes, who has umpired In the American association and Inter national league for sev, ral year;-, will call 'em as ho sees 'em In the Vaciliu Coast league this season. Mr and Mrs. Kllison ui \\ a-li"ig- ton are in town today.

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The Mutual Life Insurance Co.,

/^SLJ/O Lanterns

Strong and Durable

For Fishing,


and Hard

Use under All



DECEMBER 31, 1913


Give steady, bright light. Easy to light. Easy to clean and rewick. Don't smoke. Don't blow out in the wind. Don't leak.

At dealers everywhere



Intervsl ami renl Supploinentiirv contract* Miscellaneous deposits and collcc lions Protits on real estate and securities sold

Accrual of iliscoiiiil on bonds

Waahinston. D. C. Richmond, Va. Norfolk. Va.


Chnrlott-. N.C. Charleaton. W. Vl Charlrnton. S. C.


s:.7.'.CI.u.MUi Kni,ownl|1(1|s anj Mirraukr values JT.IT.-./.^.V, Ammilll,.

IS... l' Dividends S'):J.3*>0.81 Mippleinentary contracts

L(i(i>.s".!l Taxt ... . -8Q .,, Expenses (exclusive of taxes)

l.ii.- on real estate and bonds sold ,\ tiziitioii of premiums on bonds Other disbursements

Total dislnirwnients Receipts in excess of disbursements

. .20,1 |i.>i'i.7."> O. 2,705.0-.'T.:Vl >

I7,201,730.4i> Ef. 351,0."i8.53 CO

1.254.75 4.CS g" 9.0*11 Jl.14.rtl Q

03.358.01 l-j:'i.7'.-'.T'.' c/>

50.770.47 . 5

TOTAL ^S(i,74i),490.43 TOTAL

$74,850,079.73 Q_ U,89:J.810.70 .IM UJ

8IC.!O75.070.59 Miscellaneous liabilities 549.10S.Ht w c, 7s3M3 00 Taxes, License fees, etc., payable in IW4 05tl..25>, ^ |'.217'.9M.72 Dividends payable in LOU iS"(l!^*:,l!!-? _

>4.V>7323 UoM'rve for future deferred dividends "2.0.>.>.*M I.HO 10,967.500.22 _I1 52S.U3.45 Contingency reserve


$007,057,014.50 "

H. BENTLEY HARRISS, Manager For The Greenville District

.:-." :r

SUE OF Hi:'I ESTATE. . . ,.: rale con-

..... , wortgago . ; . VV, U I'

I s .i i Cores to

Z. V. Hooker, as ' ; '':' ,..,..,. . ;. i ; a .n the

Get a Bottle Today! 1M.

? '

3wH I

-soQUICK! HI 'ft at < .,'.' ' *

' .- i : poifd ' IfW/ffd Uri. . D no m o

i : . fine, r! . . i - c' >I. " hi i d

I am RHD D2VIL LYC :..':"..". rAN*V GOOD STORE

SAVE MY LABELS * ~'r--r-vTif-rgS*

; ,, .... . .Igned

will, oi lay, tin "Hi ' > o' Ii, 1914, ut 12 o"cl ick, noeo. ex-

!.-.. to pabllc sale at Uia court ,1 , r In GrePB'llle, 10 the

I bidder, tor cash, the loUow- lnB i - .. : ir. u or parcel* ol

land, to-wlt: L.>ins aad being in th county '

Pitt and Btate ol North Carolina and ... | , . ... rll : ia rolli w: ,'IKSI TRACT. Bituated In Chleod

township, boanded on the norUi I'/ the landi ol 3. K. Worthlngton ana

Jam Edward*; "" 0"' "'-' ''> ll" i .. ni .] >>Nelaon and Dennbi

i Bram h; on the aoath bj aaothm ' tract ol land ol W. I. F. Corey ami

on the eaal by the landi oi Amy Hlnea, containing 306 acrea, nmre or I, . ,:, i being the same tract "f land on wh . Ut< Bald W. ! '" Corej

now realdi


ITHA. NT. ^ M irch I. Presl ' |, , , . || mid iIn1 club > ner . f tin S . V- - le licag1

. ., ..,, | ..,-,. i ,|iiv lo agree iipon] , ,.un.,. i , i M-l-i lule H I coiu| Icle i llier nr-


II I |,|- ., ' li.l "' " ol f the si IIMIII. express llicmselvesj

n> optimislir over the prospects f, ,r ii M'ccesful year in their or ganizaiion. Tile circuit will re-, m,iin ii. tii same ^i~ last sensou.


By virtue o' a mortgage executed t nir- by the Independent Loving I'nlon, executed on iii' 23rd day "' July, 1912. and registered in i>k L- 10, page 508, of the Pitt county reg- istry, "'lini: forth certain terms aad Btipulatlon* which have not been com piled with, I herewith advertise foi sale to the highest bidder at Hie curt bouse on Wednesday, ti' ISth day of March, 1914, at noon, the fol- lowing described property:

Situated in nn near Wlntervllli id- j, inlng the lands ol Thomas Ci

The Old Stond*;"t-Min.-i B-TM

s.11,1 III.-ill. lahlMnkM M |ilmti*e SMI'1 (.* .ni.iton tot FHt't SEARCH " ' ID[H"' MI imlfiitnlillilf. Hunk rrfi-iwwc". PATENTS BUILD FOHTUMI3 ''

,.,i, nn. |*rw '-v.liM-t.il l-i. linltolnv.Ml Will.-t


303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C.

FUR SALEl IMHAN PH7NRBB BDCB eggs, beat layers of pure white

Shell eggs. $1.00 per setting of 12. Mrs. E. C. King, Falkland. N. C 2 19 4tw

Several of the Greenville Isvw- yew arc in Kalci^h utlcndiii(r supreme court.

Is Yonr Skin Clear as a Baby's?

-late %*,


















***. * =.

":-.r;n inmasmi MS

- ? s 1 '


kgrleiiltnre i the esl I...... H- Xosl Healthlsl. the Most 1 :1 ' Ban-Oeorg* V vhl



PI Ol I 1" .

1 ..

UNA VD 1 . WHO ,


a AY . 1 FEW L\i '. L<

77.7./", TH

7 11 .. ' - ' Ui ATTENTION.

01 i: A L ../..' .'-

..'..' - ARE '<

: . :. ' '


vui.i MI: XXXIV. (JKKKN'VILLK.N.C.FHIDAY, .i"n:i:Noo\. 1914.

Only len Removed From Burned St. Louis Building


Woodmen of World Launch Worship


'Notorious Militant Damages a Painting Valued at

It Win ReiialH Si era! Rajs t" Make a Complete Explore ol the li-

ers. Feared Man) Will Never be "foaad.

8T, LOUS, March 10.- Ten bodl I bad been recovered late today iron the ruins ol the Miss.,uri Athletic club building which was destroyed by hi-, early Monday morning. Three bodii wore round today. The other Bet were recovered yesterday.

Twenty bodies are thought to be ii ib< ruina, making the to-.a death toll 30. Hi the 10 bodies recovered elghl have been Identified as follows:

Marshall llier, 35. bachelor, head ol Marshall Hi r and Company, fur deal-

era, St. Louis. Lucius Ruff, 34, department head

Simmons Hardware, company, bache- lor, son of Hr. L. P. Ruff of Cape Clirardcau, Mo., lived with mother In Dallas, Texas., (identification doubt-

ful.) William J. Kinser, treasurer Kinser

Construction company; engaged in construction of East Side levee.

James B. Rlolly, 5G single, member contracting firm of Ware and Hielly

St. Louis. John M.Rickey, 40, Chicago, treasu-

rer Ford Manufacturing company; leaves wife and children in Chicago.

William F. Erd, lawyer and real es-

tate dealer. East St. Louis. Edwin C. Kesslor, 37, cashier Lud-

low Saylor Wire Company. St. Louis; killed in jump form sixtl floor. E. P. Williams, bank promoter, San-

tce Gs. Hays probably will elapse before the ruins are explored completed) and it Is feared many of the bodies never will he recovered. Fire Chief Cwingly today said the lire depart- ments work was about finished and others suggested that other city de- partmentS remove the debris.

The vaults of the Boatmen's bank, which occupied part of the 1 lldlng, were found tatacl today. Nearly -.'..300,000 in coin and currency WS removed under heavy police guard to the vaults of the St. Louis Union Trust company to ho kept' until a place can be provided in the tempo- rary quarters of the Boatmen's bank.

No satisfactory explanation of the fire has been found. Explosions heard during the fire were attributed by the chief of tho fire prevention bureau to gaB that escaped when the meters molted under the intense heat.

Harry Davidson, night watchman for the club, was on the third floor of the building, where the lire was sup- posed to have started only laminates before the flames were discovered. He said ho found nothing that indicated

flro danger.

An Important meeting of Magnolia LONDON, March 10.A militant Camp NO. 21S Woodmen oi the World suffragette inflicted severe damage to- Wlll be held Wednesday evening day on the famous Velasquez picture March lllh to discuss plans for the known as the "Uokeby Venus,' which thirty days membership campaign l l>ug In the National Gallery. 1 ra- that lias just opened in Pitt county 'algar Square. and all members of the local camp The picture waa purchased for $22J, are urged to attend this meeting. 000 In 1906 and presented to the na

District Manager s. 0, Brlant, of Hon. Raleigh, will be present with Deputy . , nlzera A. O. Kill, who is In charge ol the Pltl county district and l.. u. Crawford, who has just returm I .. ni the I'a .... juri lictlon, wh re

.. located In Portland, Oregon, to take up organization work in North Carolina. These men will con- duit the pi-, sent campaign in Pitt

county, Btate Manager K. B. Lewis of Kin-

Bton, X. ' ia in Greenville Tuesday in conference with ins staff ol depu- ties and everything Is now ready for what promises to bo the greatest cam pnlgn In tho history of Woodcraft in this section.

The wonderful progress of the Woodmen of the World the past year is plainly shown in a statement just Issued by Manager Lewis to all of the Woodmen camps in North Caro-

lina. 121,000 new members were accept-

ed during the year of 1913 and there are now 692.447 Woodmen In the Sov- ereign Jurisdiction alone not count- ing those of the Pacific or Canadian jurisdictions.

There was a net increase in the United States of 50,147 members $6.187.4009.00 was paid to widows and orphans during the year and 4.020 monuments erected to the mem- ory of deceased Woodmen.

In North Carolina during 1913 there were 5,169 new members accepted and the state now has 19,000 members in good standing, a net Increase of over 3,256. The sum of $180,800.00 was paid out to beneficiaries in North Carolina on account of the death of 133 sovereigns the death rate being only 7.16 per thousand. Only three states in the Union had a larger numerical Increase of members than North Carolina, one of these being

Texas. Prom the foregoing figures it is

readily seen that Woodcraft is stead- ily growing in strength and fulfill- ing in every way iis mission, tho pro- tection of the American home.

Art experts have estimated Us


ii PISTOL BATTLE West Virginia SherKf Kiiic

UV. Train Aboard


New Raring Circuit Formed. BOSTON, Mass., March 11.Tht

completion here today of the organlza tlon of tho Bay State Short ship Cir- cuit assures Massachusetts of a long season of harness racing this year The season will open June 17 and .ontiuue until the second week of August. The circuit embraces tratka In Medford, TanntoD, Worchestei. Framingham, Providence, Havorhlll.

Pitchburg and Springfield.

County Teacher's AssoctstUs.

The last meeting for this year will he held on Saturday 14, at the graded school building.

This means that each teacher li- the county must be present.

important announcements will bi

made. Each teacher taking 4 year read-

ing course must report on books

read. The seperato departments will meet.

Programs which will make these meetings the most interesting of the year are being arranged.

H. H. McLEAN, President of Association.

Parky McFarland says he will re- tire from the ring after he finishes with Mike Gibbons.

To Produce Coke on Large Sesle. NEW YORK. March 11 A busy and

prosperous year for the steel industry was forecasted In the reports present- ed today at the annual meeting of the Sloss-Sheflleld Stel and Iron com- pany in this city. In Ihe near future the company plans to spend |1,00,00 in building a great battery of coke ovens in connection with Its mills at I'irmingluitn.

present market value at $50,000. The woman entered the gallery and

attacked tho picture with a sharp knlfo, making six or seven had cuts across the canvass. She was arrested.

Theporpctrntor of the outrage was tin. notorious militant BUffragcttc, May Richardson, who has been sen- tenced to several terms of iinprison-

iinenl ilnce the beginning of the mill- tnnl movement

She was arrested at Bristol on July 1, last year, for dropping a scroll of paper on the knees of King George

las he waa driving through the city. After she had served three months' Imprisonment she was arrested again in November for burning a house at Hampton, but Immediately started a hunger strike and was released a few weeks later in a serious condition.

Many of tho public art collections such as those at Hampton Court Pal- ace and especially galleries where val uable porcelain is on exhibition were closed a year ago on account of mili- tant outrages and have not been open- ed since. The National Gallery was closed after today's outrage. Tho magistrate committed Miss Rich

ardson for trial and refused to grant

bail. I..image About tT.'i.fHHI.

The keeper of the National Gallery told tho magistrate that the selling price of the picture had been depre- preciated by the outrage by $75,000.

The prisoner harangued the court,

saying: "Reginald McKenna, the House Sec-

retary, has turned tho criminal code into a farce. This Is the tenth time I have been brought before a magis- trate this year. He cannot coeroe me and cannot compel me to serve a sentence. He can only repeat th> farce of releasing me."

Miss Richardson after her arrest

said: "I tried to destroy the picture of

the most beautiful woman in mytholo- gical history as a protest against the government for destroying Mrs. Km- meline Pankhurst. who is the most beautiful character in modern his-

tory." Glasgow Police Khide Hostile Mili-

tant. GLASGOW, Scotland, March 10.

Hands of determined militant suffra- gettes waited at railway stations In Glasgow today in readiness to fight for the rescue of Mrs, Euimcline Pank hurst. The militant leader, however, who was arrested last night, had bean removed from the station house to a suburban railway station early in the morning.

Mrs. Pankhurst was carried from the cell to a waiting automobllo on a dashed off at high speed to a station on the main line of tho railway where she was carried on board the express train for Ixindon.

Many of the policemen who assisted in Mrs. Pankhurst's arrest last night suffered severe scratches from the barbed wire which had been Stretcher1

across the platform from which she was speaking.

I. s. Marshall in Hospital and His Condition Considered ('r.ne. Car

Was Well Filled With People.

V. rXCIl, W. ' '. Il I" R. L Tayior, a depul) ski < of l-.'X. Mc- Dowell county, is dead; A. I). Beavers, a former United States deputy mar- shal ot Bartlcy, is In the w Ich hos- pital in a dying condition with a pis K,1 wound in the abdomen; D. W. lion- - . B deputy sheriff, and brother ol A, D, Beavers, waa shot through the leg, and T. E. Hlckey, a now ' batant, was shot through tho thigh, In i. pistol battle on a crowded Norfolk and Western train about 7 O'I loci this morning, between leegor am Berwln.

The tragedy is said to be the result of a quarrel, started between the Hea- vers and Taylor, according to official reports of the conductor of the train at Roanoke, the men having been drinking when they left Welch an hour prior to the shooting.

Taylor was shot and killed instant- ly. Shortly afterward A. D. Beavers was probably mortally wounded.

Evans was arrested and lodged in

jail here. All parties to the battle are promt

nent and well known as officials Is

the coal fields. The car In which the shooting occur

od was crowded with passengers but the duelists shot true to their aim gen

rally, only one non-combatant being hurt.

Bob Evans, one of the party, was arrested and lodged in jail here.

We Rank High In Many Respects But

Mr. Editor: As per ehai.ee 1 had the pi. asure of apt ndlng last after- noon and night In the busy, wide-a- wake little town of Greenville, which has made the most wonderful lm- pr.A, in, ills and have grown the fast- est during the past five years whl< b have elapsed since my last visit to this town. Should the people contin- ue in the linos of progress thai they are presently (raveling, and with the rapidly ol the past five years. In course ot a lew years hence they will surely P ... b the outi r p1 of a largt city,

1 notice iii numir. is , ntcrprlse ,,;' varloua kinds which have been add . i to your midsl and Btlll more coi il g. All of Which goes to UB-1 and prosper a town. Th I

... I give to thes dlf both le re, and 11 n

. pof Ible at am i avalla

ble and \< Ihe i , her. to your ml t.


Scholars Must Be Vaccinated Says

School Board

At a meeting last night, the Graded School Hoard passed a resolution pro viding that all children who have not have been vaccinated lor smallpox by- March 83rd shall be excluded from the graded school. This means that chil- dren who have not heretofore been successfully vaccinated must he vnc- cinated before the above date or be required to remain away from school.

It was also reconinn ided that all who have not been successfully vac- cinated within live years bo vaccinated again as a matter of precaution.

In case any parents are not able to pay the regular vaccination fee, the county physician. Dr. Skinner, will vacclnato free of charge.

All this Is done for the protection of the community, nnd It is hoped that everybody will gladly do his part.

HOY TAYLOR, Superintendent.

toy i a i nlgl t, I I the plea-nv ." dit I ri James Admin Show, which la a won- derful and remarkable Floating Theatre and a grand show, which i said to be oneofthe leading ot ita kind. Bui on my way to this Grand Floating Theatre, my attention was called to notice tin' actions of the peo- ple of Greenville in showing 'heir ap- preciations for their home business wherein they "rank with others," that I notice at other places.

On my return from Mr. Adams show is good of its kind, and I under- just near the county court house known as the Palace Thea're. I know not the manager of the home play house, but after making inquires In regard to this. 1 find that it is per- manent one in your midst, and that i> is here to stay and serve you good Now while I will admit Mr. Adams show is good of its kind and I under- stand the Palace Theatre is giving one of the cleanest shows of Its kind there is going. Now here is one thing I I wish to call the attention of the peo- ple of Greenville to. That Is, nt least 75 per cent of all the money you peo- pie give lo Ibis little home show Is not carried away from Greenville but spent h.r.- In your midst, While on the other hand, the many dollars you give to Mr. adama Show is taken away, never to return to QrcenvHle again. In my estimation you should very seriously consider things of this kind and strive ever to support a bus- iness which will stay in your town s long as they are atrugglln to mak an honest living.

Now the writer is not partial to w-ards either the Palace Theatre ,i Greenville, or Mr. Adams Floating Theatre. 1 only looked at it from a home business standpoint

X. V. Z.

Roanoks Association Meets With Mamiria! Baptist dwell

FIRST niT MM Sr-eral Matter* l'i-: H--K! IN '

,., (he Wart ">' Ihe l*seelal Confi renee l'l< .1 With I

this Vilernoon.

.. . v. ' I

ire] ; mo to Or ' '.; T"

r< n nc> i church.

Those b> re ari ' ' Scotland

nt, J, M- MeKIr, in ;. !, flaj of vVashin

G i .. ' -. \- n, R I. Ri Robersonville, J. W. N. I Monnl, .1. E. Kirk ol Farravllh

Tin first Besslon of th" confer, n w-.is held Tuesday afternoon, when several matter* were discussed per- taining to the work ni 'he churches

I throughout the association and en- largement along all lines,

Tuesday night Rev. R. A. UcFar- land, pastor of Scotland Neck church, gave a most interesting discours. on The Caro of the Church," taking n > several features of church work and the duty of members in bringing their church up to its real mission.

There was another conference ses- sion this morning with other interest- ing discussions.

In the early afternoon today a ban- quet to the visitors and several lay- men of the local church was served in the base-ient of the church, undoi the direct' of the Ladies Aid So- ciety. At .'.is there were brier talks both by ministers and laymen aa to the best means of church w..ri am (Mending Christs Kingdom.

Most of the visitors will It avi f< r their homes on the evening tn

Siuilht.mil Items,


Young Hugo Kelly is now fighting under the name of Frank DeMlce Hi S*S this Is his real name

If the promoters of tho proposed Illinois State league are successful Ihe new organization will probably take over tho circuit of the Illinois-Mis- souri league

rsr saa ,

In Hesilon in Calgary. CALGARY, Aha.. March IL Sever

al hundred delegate! assembled here today for the annual convention of tht Rural Municipalities' Association ol Alberta. The sessions will r mtinui three davs and will be deviled to th. consideration of a wide varieay of problems relating to the imprisonment and welfare of the rural towns and districts.


The building on Third street, next door to the Reflector which wns re cently sold to Mr. F. M. Wooton by Mr J G. James and Dr. S. Hassel is being moved to the corner of Washing- ton and Second streets where it will be remodelled Into a very desirable dwelling. The lot on which it Is to be placed is very low. and It Is Mr Wooten's Intentions to place a brick walling beneath the structure of about nine feet which will he a sufficient elevation to allow a basement.

On the lot from wMch tho old building was taken Mr. James nnd Dr. Hassel will erect a brick office building and material is now being placed lb-re for an eaiiy completion of the work.

- .,; i IITOWN. N. C . Man Ii Mrs. 'i Ell Crawl died aud-

,i,II ') last Dday nigh! ' --i

plexj Mr. C C. Cobb and wile ol Norfolk

and Mrs. Kincaid ol Wilson is ap Ing sometime tit Cobbdale,

Mr. J. II. Flanagan ol Fanovllll section was in our town Kriila>

The farmers generally around here are re-sowing their tobacco beds.

Arthur is on a boom whh threi new stores and the Christaln church paint- ed makes the town look n .Ule mom important.

Mr. II. K. WUiOUghby and Miss Car- rie Bell Smith nttended the play at the K. C. T. T. S. Monday night.

Mr. Mills Smith is having his oome remodeled.

Smithtowu school is preparing for a commencement in April.

Has Smallpox. Mr. J. L. Little, whose ilckncs* was

mentioned yesterday and was iir..t thought to be threatened witli pneu- monia, has developed a case of small- pox. His friends hope he will have oi.lv a mild attack of il.


Mv friends anil Customer* will tnd nic nt Ihe same old stand. i-!)-2td-ltw. MBS. L GBIFFIN.

General Hayes, who has umpired In the American association and Inter national league for sev, ral year;-, will call 'em as ho sees 'em In the Vaciliu Coast league this season.

Mr and Mrs. Kllison ui \\ a-li"ig- ton are in town today.

Hi ._.


REFLECTOR ,'ji.cf week)

Published by ni BBI'LEtTOK COMPiM, lac


obnrlptlon. out yar, . . f Hi moutki SO

Adveu'.iig ralet ma; be bad upon apylioatiou at the buttiuee.j oiHce iu rtu Reflector Building, corner (Crane and Taird eiref.B

AH carda of ttianu aud rwolutloni if reaped nill be cbarged iA at 1 cent JUT word.

Take our word for itthis is ;oing to be Greenville's m

; eoiintv's best year in many.

Communication! adverusmg candl- *i: will b. tbar^cu (or at three oeuti per line up to fifty hues

Entered as aecond claja matter August 20, IS-Hi. at the poet office at Greenville, KorUl Carolina, uude. act ot March 3. 1S7


siii' s t wise i tow who never shown iiciw i.-.- n then we might have a play ground men in Chicago, and when it ,.,,,. .,.,-i,,us matter, Elcvevcr. a ame t i arresting oilier women ,,,,,,,( ,leal if-being-c.i out l>v va- they proved a failure as officers. ",,. sensational Pros* Bureaus Quite likch thei had to Stop to an,J [ u|ml is called "The Vel taki in the styli | Journals" to the effect

:MI invasion of Mexico by tin \ ng as New Vork continues I'nited States army Is

and park.


God made the first man; but He

(I,.,! must have seen His mistake, for the

scriptures say nothing of his having onlv a had a-iyth'iig to do with the rest of

The Alabama Senatorial contest

has ' omplished one good thing, it

... k >pl Mr. Hobaon from cluttering

II the pageB of 'in' Congressional

:,,,-,! for the pasi several months,


Congress has passed a law to keep

women in Ihe District of Columbia

- ! or than eight hours a day i' si ipe, '".l to proteel all

womea except those who keep ' is

vstronomera say the "Hig nipper'

You may crltise women and tin-ir

-lit skirts, as much as you phase.

itut w" have noticed that when a man

has a pair of silk socks he generally

manages lo lei people s, e them.

in feed and house a horde of nil- question of a very short while, ihem, lyeil. ii may be expected The fact of it is. that President

thai iliev will spurn oilers of Wilson is handling Mexico silua- work. Quite naturally they feel torn with a firm hand, and ptae- ihal it i- easier to be taken fare tically every Euro]>ean power of *,!l disappear. Hut not, we suppose of in idleness than to L'" out nny importance has approved until after the "milky way" goes and work for their support. Cut President Wilson humane policy. ,iry. ill" the free meals and the free The execution of Benlon. the Bnt- lodging and make the loafers go ish subject has called forth more , " to work. discs-,.., than anv other -vent wh re"' old 80 y0'""5 whcn tBrM

that has transpired within the lasi "' RaMartlle's citizens ages S3, ss The Atlantic Christian Col- ~ N months. Whether or not the and SO are to run a foot race a dis-

It-ge in Wilson i> to lie congratu- Insurgent General Villa was war- tance of three miles, it looks like :.,! thai a handsome appropria- rented in executing Benton haf ^ tha, ra|e gonu, of us m|g|1, , a tinn is to con,., to thai institution noj yel Ijeen determined but tl isbc ,,,,.,.,., Im)Vi. ug

I from the large educational fund heved that the investigation now

Captain Tommy Leach will And plei ly to do in keeping the Cubs, including the great Zlnii. line.

Few v,i,rans remain in the lineup of the New York Yankees this .- .i son. Manager Chance is out to de- velops a new team of youngsters.

Pitcher Elmer Koeatner, once with thc Cleveland Naps, is showing a lot of good stuff in training for a n gula job with (he Cubs at Tampa,

The Rochester, Toronto and Mon- treal clubs of the International league have been seriously crippled h> Ihe desertion or some of their stars to the Federals.

the religious Iicnly |S throughout the country.

being made will clear this matter up in a short while. If Ben ton's

It has been nearly sixteen years

since Dowej made that Oerman Ad-

miral Officer walk straight line at

Manila, and the Hermans are just now

getting mad about it.

Already the women's stockings were getting so thin as to hardly be seen, and now it is said another de. ice of fashion is not to wear any stockings at all. Simpson, the sockless hero, was living, he would say style is at last coming around his, wav.

Kaleigh is showing the real hctp-

condticl deserved death thai will iul spirit. One night last week thc end the mailer, and if it Is ascer- jenkins Memorial church building at tuned.ha. Villa was unwarranted llie Ml,Ihodi8l orphi.nRe m that city in this execution then the 1 nited States will eompell him to pay a was totro>ed "v nre- *'e satisfactory indemnity for taking '"lose of the fire had died away a

this mans life. subscription was started to rebuild o- ihe cl.urcb, and Inside of a week the

Marconi .-ays we will soon lie ialking acnis- the ocean by wire- less telephony. That will be a long 'hello" for sun-.

On all hands are heard words of fund .'aj i rown to above lour thous- praise of the entertainment in the and dollars.

Training School Monday night, anr" i o

every word of it is richly deserved. There ha- been a great deal of

Kven an origin;,! Wilson man finds it hard to realize that the administration has done >,, much already

Of course it happened in Allan la. and added to thai city's joy al keeping in ihe limelight.. This time it was a holdup m broad s"'i"r da*9 ' "1C *' w" ""- ' '''""">because they have not

irhi an walking into a fection itself and the splendid au- "sea tne general 1

Tie- presentation of Pandora' by 'criticism of the Commissioners of

Most all the time somebody is threatening to cross the Atlantic ill an aeroplane, bir waiting to gee somebody make m lo. I.

business office, covering th enpanl with a pistol and forcing the handing over of si:. with which he walked away.


'"' diencc that filled the auditorium

t the conn try or borrowed themoney to build a stock law fence on the old line

pressed delight aii through the piny 'a8 existed prior to the act of 1911, Every participant took her part with so as to relieve a certain territoy

the highest excellence. It was high- "f PittCOUntjl from the stock law. It seems lo us that such crili-

Ihe lostunies for I'nndiira

Mrs. Beckwltb aud Miss H. ainan

deserve gnat credit for the beautiful

artistic costumes In "Pandora," oue of the main features that made the play j, success. The play required color B"hemea thai would Byiuholize the character, and material that would lend itself to the lireek lines. It was a difficulty to and a costumer that had such costumes or that would carr> out original ideas. Mrs. lleckwilh consented to assure this difficult re- sponsibility. Special designs were diawn in New- York, and the material was bought there by the coach so that the color combinations could he cur- rli d out. The working out of the de- signs proved acquaintance with clas- sical ideas an artistic sense and skill rare combination. The designs ser- ved as a mere starting point. Mrs Reckwlth and Miss Heaman have add- eu many original ideas. The artistic

, ils wer- ( esigncd and mad I wholly by them. The marvclou.- beauty of the COttumai speaks elo- quently of the successful work of the two who created Hum. The class is ii deed greatly Indebted lo them for their untiring help in this fmportunt feature of the play.

rated on I In- lot now owned by the I Masons and Odd Fellows jointly

Mrs. A. L. Harrington of Kinston spent Saturday and Sunday here vlsit- irg her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. W. F. Hart, of South Aydi-n.

There will be an cut. rtalnment at Ihe auditorium ueit Wednesday night. also a reproduction of Ihe Musicle

, Thursday night that was given at the Dormitory last week.

Mc.-.-rs. J. K. Smith. J. F. Harwick. Stancil Hodges, and J. H. I


i u


,,,,1 MapgU'Ilnnlci-. Milioji 'v.,',ju' .l^nV" i!.i'.u'iil. my factor? ' William* ami Ititna Slmli^ Ui" ||( i-,-j1 M,,cr. anl flnrnl. Kli-. Al-xan ^' |inn,,.mil,le cheap mat '. I:.. I- -I. A M-.... ^ cr 11'H.lrr ami Martha.A. Ilr^ ,,; ,,, ,. f.,,,,,,1 , ,|. R. & .o.vncr.J I. l-; - - - I,I. i.ru I'lcmmiiiB and HOSM-IH I^ (. j

I', in . William M * ;""! Azclh' ' I i iriini'a


UXKI) KWl.l.l.lMi'lo t'OVKli II- llll'l I

SAI.ISDI l;V. March R. -An ,,. . npicnl 1 -'.! nee of Ih.' I

,i. i.. Wa near Spencer, v 11


,.;.. ( \. | iicker, lieoi' (turn I S SMITH to, lilchar.1 llar.l.e..l. II. Uu ''

kinatmi N?C n'.K. llelcher.W. II. lralor.l. Is"' """ * i.. D Klraiiiin. .1. - I'lttnmn.

I.I, W Durn v lr;l\eil.

i lock poll SKI OX/i II iVrYA".

i .1. \\ . Cniv ford. ' !'I;"l ., i ' i in i i >ath | lr. \\ |'. Hiu-nliill, .1. D. Vi

l*oi "' ,1,,-w . .1. .1. Martin. < tl Lil inn- I ' ' ' ' v'"; '''" lie, W II l'n| let' 11. \V. '

lmrne.1 in a mv^erioiH lire txln> nil re i ot koepine l-ittlr, It. A. (In kh ' D- " ' !! ',,,, hclievc the l.lnce I Me,, n, tllnterfllle. v. I ,,. ... II. I Jim*

ludtohLl. H theft. Afrei-rht ;.A. V Hem ,i i, -i, l,, I Spencer .ii mull

i ni-lii with llu'.looi if tun ,i, npen aiid n l"i "i '' i

i ' ( HRrers lodnj I


riming. Officer* to. I.J I ' f tUl'.\,,,v im:; -i pnj then, I ,, |e.,. Inrpe imclmiicj ol , ,. i,,.,,,,,. M.,,, i, UiorcoM will frei^hi had lcen thrown ..H .- { .^ ,,,,1,. ,,,,iili of Hpeneer in ironl ol I lie huildinu Imrned Bbmil dm

,.,... \\ .1. II HR..1 J. Sattei . > iiite. .1. T. \l ' I. C. Dm"

All pnrtiex owing town luxe ''''-,

, Conical

., .. |i ..nulle.


. : l .:" '

.,i, CIM and Noi 'Ik .


i . '

B-35 p. m. i iccpt 8u li . ti n.


3 is .. m ''"' ,., i Pullman ilacplat "'

Connect! aortli

uml i . i'


:; '

' II, B I.I:.\I;II


n \ WITT,

0R1 OI-K, \ \

ing were found a larito amount ot ronlcsinnls in the I'onj Lontcai i-emnuntH "i new clothing, - si ni:iri>''" r\ssi;i'i: TIIMNS ,..,,.11,.-i,-.i hj Riek'aGroeerj Store artivlea, ele. The crate In which .\.iBniI.- (',,..( L lligu I'afl Fur J Co., Mini

iiiiin were burned on tho railroad Ni N a 1S m No 72 mi p. m ir id The Rvfloctor < oniPnnj Hark near tho acenc of thi (In 'N() -._, t ..., ,, m N H ,-, 10 |, 1, will be ahnwn at the Palaeo Thea- ^ ' '..r,..ii. w i..,..,, 1,-., ,,., iln eniivii^ totnrdil , In Q(i

After having died out now 1 Ui-. season without a 'ess Will-

Horfall soiillit-ni, Ire "1. the eiinvii-. tomghl. In nu- Baal liouii.i Waal Boima dition t" Ihia, Davia >< Stoddard

Ma 1 I'M n in. No 3 319 a. if 1, on for the Drat half of the week r"S."" T " , N l M ,' ... N,. .7 T.M a. n, ' with high-claw vaudevi le, Alat.

MINTS'! KlfS t'l INI I KI Ni I 11 I" 1 1 Tn 1 "!i*'i

1 1 1 tinn -v- ill Iu heiv. in M rial M ipH 1 .huivh. loiiioi '> iil'i'i 1 1 M ei

I omori. f i.i" ii

In Me MeKnrlnnd. pa Hcntliind Ne,k ehureh


1,11 11 11,0111 m \MI nw \\\. 111'

Her. ii I:UI. 1 Ml \:.!.'.

IATT1B, Poini.i : -" I

MM 1 A TWELVE (IS) UA18' lot'lt

Via tl AII 111 e -. In- eliidln [I r the trl| HM (ft) |.A\s IX IIAI \N>

In, In.. '' Bl


' ...''

r. ' ' aoteli ''

..-.! '

ill detalli.

,. 11 ii- rot RIS1 W.IM ^ Raleigh. S. '

Emilv Stovons, a niece of Mi Piako. I I" bo slurred in 11 nev iiiiii.iiiiieeineiii of George

"* ;



Di*c Harrows, Drag Harrows. PuKerizang Harrows, Corn Planlers, Combinaticn Planlcrs, Fertilizer Distributors, Manure Spreaders. Oliver Chilled Plows, Tiger and Red Star Tobacco Transplanter, American Wire Fence, Galvanized Roofing. Prices always the lowest. Come to oee us for anything you need. We carry a complete Stock. You

remember our MOTTO is QUALITY

J. R. and J. G. MO YE

//i 'il!h it Wurth Saving, *;'"/ - Grt illt Peopli Know flow

to Save It.

Man\ Greenville pe iplo take their lives in their hanas by neg- lecting the kidneys when the) know these organs need help. Weak kidneys are responsible l"i a vast amount of suffering and il! healththe slightest delay is dan- gerous. Use Dean's Kidney Pills -a remedy that has helped thous-

ands f kidney sufferers. Here's i Greenville citizen's recommenda- tion:

Mrs. Fannie Moore. -.'14 Pitt St Greenville, X. t'.. says: "I fool very grateful for the relief 1 pot from I)onn"s Kidney Pills, pro- cured at tlie John L. Wooten Drug Co. Backache annoyed me and there was miioh lameness and weakness through my loins. My kidneys did not do their work as they should and tlie kidney secre- tions bothered me. Doan's Kid- ney Pills gave DM relief from these symptoms of kidney com- plaint ami improved my condi- tion In every way."

For sale by all dealers. Price 5d

rents. Foetcr-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo.

Now York, sole agent's for the Unit

cd States.

Romebcr the nameDoan'sanJ

take no other.

In Our Commercial Department We offer you every facility available in good sound and modern


In Our Saving Department We pay 4 per cent Interest Compound Quarterly. Deposits

received in the sum ol One Dollar and upward

"The Only Saving Bank In Greenville" "There is no batter protection than a

savings account"

Visit our place and let u.- expla.n our service toytu personally

Located on Dickinson Ave. Near A. C. L. Depot.

Open Saturday nights frcm 7 to 9 P. M.

THE FARMERS BANK Greenville, N. C.

B. T. Cox, Prest. F. A. Edmundson Cashier. R. R. Fleming, V-P. M. B, Bryan, AsstCash.

LAST CALL I will be at the following

places on dtftes given for the purpose ot collecting taxes for the year 1913. I'artalu- fA*nthip at Paelalas March 19

Meet me and save costs.

S. L Dudley, Sheriff,


Buy them now before they go higher



s>. 1 Attsnar at law

Land aad Drains*. Caaaa a Bpeclaltj

la sUlce formerly ossapaed y

Jarrtt art Blew.

iLBio* sun Atasteev at Law

Office In ahelburn Building, Third at

Practices whereever kla sw ileus an


Greenville. - - North Carolhu


Practice limited to dlaeaaaa of tie By*

Ear Nose and Throat

Washington, N. C Greenville, N. C

Office with Dr. D. L. James, Qreen

vtlle. day every Monday. I a m to I pn

Henry W. Savage, the mana-

ger and producer, has entered the

moving picture field and will pre-

sent in film form a number of the

popular plays which have been

produced by him, including "The

Sultan of Sulti." "'The Prince of

Pilson." "The College Widow"

and Madame X ." In making

photographs of these Mr. Savage

will put on with them many of

the plavors who appeared in the

original costs. The productions

will be made in London. New

York and Los Angeles.

Grace George, who has been

particularly unfortunate in her

choice of plays this season, is now

to be seen in "Jim's Marriage."' a

new play by Forrest Halsey and

Olive Porter.

Fresh Bread Every Day We are supplying a majority of

the homes with Fresh Bread and Cakes every day, whv a* * not you?

Our products better than ever

J. E. Williams Baker and Grocer - Telephone 113

FORD The) Universal Car

Prices Touring 550.00 Runabout 500.00 I o. b. Detroit

For Sale by

Phone 237. Ford Supply Co.

Greenville, N. C.


Attorney at Law

In Edwards Uulldlug. on the Cour

House Square

ARDING * 1'iHif i Lawyer*

Practlclnc in all the Courts

Offlca In Wooten Building on Thin

street, fronting Court House

L I. Moore W. H. Loss OOBE 4 LOUS AUeraeyi at Law

Oreenrllle, Nortk Carolina

Metropolitan Life Iniursnce Ce.

of New York

Assets 447.829.229.16.

George A. Forrest, Special Agent ;ii9 Brans St. Greenville, B C,



Life, Fire. Slcs and an-"

Office on Fourth street Bti !- - war nnses lett lu insure against, but the agent l.ud still another enrd up his sleeve.

'There an- suffragettes." he aald. "Wouldn't ran like u-. insure roiiraalf nralnii. damages from them?"

"Good Heavens. I forgot about Uen!" groaned th man. and liousbt another policy

$100 Reward. SIM Tlio rt-aiient of this pftrwr Bill h>

pleOJMd 10 I- ;irn lhat (hurt IH at 1- ast on- nrv.td'il dlStfaUM Ih.il hcit-tuc lultf b-'Ott tblc to cure in all iis RMC-H, an.l that I' Catarrh. Hair?* Catarrh Cure hi tiu *nt\ poeAtlvii cun' now known to tli' medical 'in. rnlty. Catarrh being a conatitutlona' HI-..!-(-. r^qulr. Forest *i Company's store is

quarter shoes for children, ladies and

ai.d gentlemen.

Miss Kate Champion returned TUCB

day from Baltimore where she has

hi on purchasing her spring and sum-

mer stock.

For cigars, cigarettes and trail set

j. Cox ftBon. li it is matting, ruga.drnggetts or

any kind of Door covering, you can

Bud It at II. 1). Forest *.- Co.

Dresa goods, dry goods., notions

ladies and children's ready to WCBI

clothes at B. D, Forest & Co's. The Winterville High School wll'

debate the Hell High School here Sat-

ur ay night. March 14. The query is

"Resolved: That all election officers

in North Carolina should he nominal

ed by a direct primary rather than

liy the convention plan.' Winter-

will up hold the affirmative and the

negative will be defended by the

Dell School.

Just arrived today, plenty of beef,

fish and oysters at It. W. Hail's.

Mrs. Lucy Hester spent the week-

end in Aytlen.

You will rind lime doors, cement

windows, dynamite caps, and fuse at

A. W. Ange & CO'B.

Mrs. A. B. Uraxton and Mrs. A. O.

Ileddard left this morning for Nor-

folk. Va.

See Harrington. Barber & Co. for

your work shirts and pui

Mr. J. R. Smith of Ayden was in

town Tuesday. Mr. J. F. Harrington went to Green-

ville on business yesterday.

H. W. Hail will have plenty of beef,

fish, oysers and barbecue Friday and

Saturday. Everybody come.

Cut squares, druggets. mattings

and linoleum at A. W. Ange & Co's.

Mr. 8. O. Robertson left Monday for

his home at llelcross as his health

would not allow him to remain in

school. He has many friends here

who hope he will soon be restored to

I.is health again. It will soon be time to sow your

fertilizer and to make it easy go to

Harrington. Harbor A; Co's. and get

ono of their fertiliser distributors.

Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Cox. and Misses

Dora Cox and Ruth Cook and Messrs

J. E. Green, S. Waters, A. J. Tucker,

and Ashley Speir, saw Pandora at the

Training School Monday night.

The concert Saturday evening given

by Misses Julutto Loving, pianist,

Kathorlne JobnBon, controlto and

Louise Futrell. viol)

College under the auspices of the

Winterville High School was well re-

ceived by the people of Winterville.

Every number was well rendered and

encores were frequent.



Greenville Banking & Trust

Company. ...,.... .,! ''- 'V TrrrT-nTaa Tr.nr.tasTsrri.-gi-i "ere SJsBsBBB

Beaver Dam township lies west ot

GreenvtUe and east of Contenea

Creek. Tho N. S. Railway runs

through it. Arthur is the chief city

with Smith, Joyner's NUhols and

and Marl Town (in the Southern

p;irt.l Cum, cotton, and bright to-

bacco are the principal crops while

peanuts and small grains are grown.

Lands aro worth from fifty to one

hundred dollars per acre. It also has

line climate, pure water, fertile soil,

under laid with clay. Good people

and beautiful maidens. Hvery body

has money, all are cheerful and hav-

ing tho time of their life. Wages are

high, all unemployed are wanted to

come to Heaver Ham where there is

no begging of fuel, lodging or food.

And no doctor lives within her bor-

der. Iilind tigers are very shy since

Judge Allen was around two years

ago. There is seldom a drunken man

except he is returning from some

not far distant town.

To give you more evidence that it

Is the healthiest spot In the good old

county of Pitt. Aunt Clcmma Allen

In 96 years old, Mrs. Allie Joyner 84,

Aunt Rachel Nobles, colored, S5 Mrs.

Mary Fulford 75, Cncle Eastwood, an

old soldier of the 44th Regiment, SE,

Al.nt Judie Williams, colored. M. We

uo not call people old tint ill they past

the 70 mile post.

Wc have three splendid schools

uid six beautiful young

teach them. We challenge Pitt county that wo

have the strongest man or youth of

18. He can carry a sack of fertiliser

on his back and another under each

arm at the same time. His weight

i.< over 300 pounds. He was out to

the town of Arthur not long since

and the merchants could not weigh

him. He said he only got one side

weighed. This young Sampson is a

son of David Button who is a farmer

and was horn and resides in Beaver

Dam. After all Heaver Dam is only a

Buiall place on (he map.

We are pained to learn that E.

Stanley Parker, our old neighbor and

friend who has been confined to his

room of late.

Tobacco beds will he spare of


Gent. From Heaver Dam.

Grbaesland Items.

ORIMESLAND, N. C.March '..Mr S;>ruit of Nash was here last week.

Ml. J. W. Paul of Nash who repre-

sents F. Q. Paul A: Bros., was here

Friday. Mr. Church of Norfolk who repre-

sents Swift * Co., was here last Wed-

i esday. Mr. R. M. Elks went to Greenville

last week ou business.

Miss Mary Poctor spent the week

with Miss Eliza llronch, who Is teach-

hig BChOOl at Elk's school house and

returned home this morning.

Miss Ethel Lee Cullins relumed

from Nash Sunday p. ni., after spend-

'lie week end with Ulss

luunt Miss Jennie Proctor spent Sunday

with Miss Sallie Faucett near here.

Col. J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of

of State, who has been spending sev-

oral days with his people here re j

ti mod home to resume his work.

Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Clark and chil-'

dren spent Sunday near Black Jack

visiting relatives.

I he Rev, Daniel Lane filled his reg-

ular appointment here in the Moth- i

odlst church Sunday. He preached a

very interesting sermon.

There was quite a crowd from here

'went to Greenville this p. m. to at

tend tho play, "Pandora." Among

those who went , were: Mr. and'.

Mrs. T. F. Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. L. Y.

Holllday, J. L. Williams. Mrs. W. S.

Galloway. Miss Earlo Proctor, Lorane

Brltt, LoalB Dells Pittman. Eliza!

Branch, Messrs. Marshall Elks anr-1

Charlie and Marshall Buck. We hope

them a most pleasant time.

Dr. James Y. Joyner. State Superin-

tendent of Public Instruction ol

North Carolina will speak here on |

Thursday night March 12. at 7:30

p. m. The public is cordially invited

to come and hear North Carolina's

Great Educator and Orator. He al-

ways has something to tell his hear-


The board of county Com- missioners held a special meeting Friday to transact some business deferred from the regular meet- ing mi Monday. Among other things, the board closed a deal with Mr C. T. Mtinford, for SO acres of land on his Wilson farm, a mils north of town, as a loca- tion fur a new county home. The price paid for the land i- $65 an acre, ami the board has die privi- lege of taking a few more acres adjoining if they sboud wani this later tn square lip the plot to a new road ilinl will be

built on the west of it. The board purchased by the com

j missioners is that portion "f the farm lying to the north of the Tarboro road and fronting im-

imediatelv on the Atlantic Coast I Line railroad. The railroad alrea- dy has a side track abutting the property,

Il is the purpose of the oonimis,- Isioners to erect on the property a , modern rountv home.the buildings- Ito lie of brick, steam heated, and have every convenience for the comfort of the Inmates. The land will produce enough to supply the need- of the home.

The location is ideal for a county home, plenty near the town

land when the new home is com- pleted there will l>e a every assur- ance thai those who tire cared filt- hy the County will have every pom forl provided for them.

The hoard of county rommis- Bloners are to be commended for (hi- step. The new home will be ;monument to their wisdom, and will be pointed to with pride both I iv the Present and coming genra- tions. And the county is to h n- grnttilated upon having such a In tn d of commissioners.

EGGS For Hatching.

Ml COMB nuns Splendid Strain of H inter Layers

l.i-t Bie have your order lor eggs.

W.C.VINCENT t.lttKMill.Ll, >. I.

J. C. Lanier ei'iil'n Ul BBJLB BTtJ

. -tin.a , has left home and refuses to return. All persone are forbidden to hire him unless his wages nre paiil (o me

ROSA BARRETT l-td-3w. (Col.)



Practicing in all the Courts

Office In Wooten Bonding on Tilr.

itreet. fronting Court House

I. Moore 1 H Loan


i twrasta at Law rewnt.,1- North Carolina

Metropolitan Life Insurance C.

of New York

Assets 447.82H.L'29.16,

George A. Forrest. Special Agent 319 Evans St. Greenville, N. C.



Life Fire Silt ind ifflrn HI. t--

/- "U '->, %


*Sy& Lanterns Strong and Durable

For Fishing,


and Hard

Use i-nder All


Give steady, bright light. Easy to light. Easy to clean and rewick. Ds smoke. Don't blow out in the wind. Don't leak.

At dealers everywhere

STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington. D. C. Richmond. Va. Norfolk. V.


Chnrloltr. N. C. Chitrlcwlon. W. Va. Charleston, s. C


Majority of Friends Thought Mr. "a"", other medicines. I decided to take his advice, although I did not have

SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Hy virtue of a power of eale con-

tained in a certain mortgage deed (I ited and delivered by W. L. F

Core) sad wife N J i>. Corey to /. v. Hooker, >i>y ol Jan

! m the

u r I

in- d tract* i i i --1 lund

i . Ing In th ' Norl Carolina

ollows: FIRST TH tCT. Situated in I

U 11 "111 !'.>

the lands of S F. Worthing! n l ; b)

N Bll '

v. ;. ! of a a >r< i

. i.. P, I and wll

i OND i a M ; > iled in I p east side "'

Fork Swan id ' ' land josi ! G ' ,] "'',,:"-- and

. nlng 143 ii '', more or laea j and I lame tract of land conveyed bj Samuel Corey to \v. L.| P, Corey hj deed recorded in the re? Intel - '".i i in rut county In book E-5, i

THIRD TH KCT Situated in Chi- i o c. KTIIKHHH.F-HM KS HlltV. COd SHOW BILL, > C.



Hy virtue of a mortgape axectlted t me by the Independent Loving Union, executed on tha 2"rd day of July, 1913, and registered In book L- 1". pace SOS. of the I'ltt county reg- Iftry, setting forth certain terms and stipulation** which have not been com plied with, I herewith advertise for

; sale to the highest bidder at the court house on Wednesday, the ISth

| day of March. 1914, at noon, the fol- lowing described property: | Situated In an near Wlntervllle ad-

' joining the lands of Thomas Cannon heirs. Dr. B. T. Cox, A. O. Cor a"d others. For better description, r 'erence Is given to deed bearing ett-,i date of this Instrument giving descrlp ment and boundary f ir ""' acres of l;nd, said deed being made by A. G. ("ox and wife tn Independent Loving I'nion and to the purchase of said land by Independent Loving Union tha iniii Independent Loving i'nion

i: .1. bted t!) A. G Con an.i gives li'i* deed of trust as securit) inr the eame.

Terms of sale caab. This the leth day of February, 1914.

A. G. Cox. UortgafM, S. J. EVERETT, Attorney.


ft*CAMS ONLt\^)i

I am looking for WORK!!

I am a Soap-Maker. I an a Scrubber. I am a Cleaner. I am a Dirt Eater. I am a Diairfectaut.

t .rtft w"! rh'th** whiter anil with feu fnouiDg. it'a tli KL'li that ruiuH. I * i h-tiii Mlssoa.'!' nd will how you i'H BVS ceilUI.

I am Red Devil Lye _r i OH ORBAT BM CANS. O^- Half the usual price.


UPOBTAMT LAMI SALE Hy virtue of the power conferred

upon mo by a decree of the superior I'ourt of Pitt county made February 16th, iv 14. in a special proatadln.fi In whieh Joseph L. liobgood, ad- ministrator of Itlcbaid C'arr Is plnln

occasion of his seventieth birthday an- t|IT against l.ydla Stocks, I.lzzlo Gtl-

To Honor Former Chicago Judge.

CHICAGO, 111.. March II.- The In- dependent Order of Banal British has completed arrangements for a ban oui t to be given to former Judge Philip Siein tomorrow night sn the

niversary. Mr. Stein eame to this country from Iterlln In 18!i4. After to years he returned to Merlin, where he took up the study of law. After graduation ho again came ti America and was admitted to tho bar In Mil- waukee. In IK68 he came to Chicago, and began the practice of law. In

bert, Ada Lane Nobles, Albert Carr George. John H. Carr, Lena Fair- cloth, Mary K. Tyson and others heirs at law of Richard Carr arc de- fendants I will on Wednesday. Marcs is, 1-14. in front of tho court house door In Greenville sell for sash te the highest bidder the following de-

day of i larj ' ad dulj re- rdi I In tin office of the registei

01 deeds or Pitt county, North Car- olina, in book 0-8 page 341, tho un- derBlgni it will expose to public sale before the court I om s door in Green- ville, to the highest bidder, on Bat urday the 14th day of March, 1U14 at VI o'clock, noon, a certain trail or parcel of land, lying and being in the Town of Winterville. County oi Pitt, and State of North Carolina and described as follows, to-wit- Beginning at Martha Grady's corner and runs west to Mill street, thence about 75 feet south, thence parallel with first line to the railroad right of way, thence north about 75 feet to the beginning, being that portion of the Nashville Hardee lot which the houee stoodfor further description sea deed from 8. J. Nobles to Kllen E. Grlce recorded In book T-9. pago in.

Terms of sale cash. Thle February 12th, 1914.

w. n. BROWN, Mortgagee MOORE ft LONG, Attys.,

Greenville, N. C. 2 20-27-6-13

i nil i IMIIIM; A > i >.

\dl White Stella Vtliiclinrd. . . (.'India Bagwell.. Ednerd Everett.. i'atlie -in.i n Jlurj It. (Merlon.. Diehard Forrest lterl Moje


.VMM ...fl.-'U, aeVaas IM-8 II.I3U tMMfi U.11V MM

Koporl of the Conditfi .. HIE it \>K OF \ * Iu:%.

... the close of business March 4. 1914 Ajdell, >. ( .

Kesourees. ) nans and discounts.. m. rdrafi i s< ured, un-

S< N 'ir- 1 Banking houses, furni-




Having qualified as administra- tor of Anne K.Cruwford. ilecensed laic m l'i cougity, tiiia is to noti-

all persona having claims ii(fiii -( the estate of the uid de- ceased .ii exhibit them t the mi-

rsigned within twelve months from this date, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their reoovrjr- cry. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment.

This the Oth, day of March lfl I .1. IV. CRAWFORD.

Administrator, F. 0. .IAMKS Jc SON. Att'ys. lt.i ,Vtw.

VHi he was elected to the bench of bribed piece or parrel of land, Bli- the superior court, where he served uated In Contentnea township, la twelve years. | i>m county adjoining the lands of Al-

bert Carr, Fanule Roes, tliu Frank- Ntrayee. [lln Trlpp land and others, containing

One black poll and china boar, eighteen acres more or leal and being weighs a host 200 pounds, 12 months'the lands on which Richard Carr llv- cM. l*nm.-.-k"d ears, d-opp at end ad si the time of bis death Said lot little white around hoofs. Will pay|or parcui of land will bo sold subject all cost of keeatag Notify me ito the dow Interest of Harriet Carr

bus. l.l,anhor, Wlatervllle, N. C. widow of nichard Carr ana me sale will take pla-n about noon.

.. - -- - . i This fab. 16. 1914. To Preveet Blood Px-Wag JOBBPH L H0BGOOD.

pply at once the wondrrfnl old reliable DR. , . , -, . , POKTKR'S AMTISRPTIC 11IJAI I St. Ill I. a sar. MILW. D.a LOIIimlMlOner flral dtenaing that relieved pain and heall , ., ,. . , w

Or*. Nut a Hanaaemt. He. 30c II.JU. - ,0 uu *w

A Fighting Cock

I fed like a fight ins rock " ia the expression of the main ivith an active liver he tackles Ills work with vim he is successful nine times out of ten you will find he takes

Tulfs Pills which have hewn used by a million people with satisfac- tory result. At your drug- gist'ssugar coated or plain.

The lirnt week of the I'ony Contest closed yesterday morning, and every- body is happy over the liual count ol votes for this short period. Noi withstanding that only a few of the contestants were busy the first week, a very good vote was polled.

There are several of those that have entered the contest that an evidently standing still, as their names were not found on any of the coupons when counted yesterday. It may be that they are holding back several thousand votes that they ex- pect to turn In some time before the close of the contest. This is all riKht in a way. but It makes it much harder on the places conducting the contest, as It would be much easier t > count each week's business every Monday than have to handle a por- tion of probably two or three weeks, You will greatly favor the business houses if you will do this

.Now if you have polled a good vote the first weak don't take a seat and think that is all that Is ncccossary. because it will he to your Interest to 0OI iiuc the light to the close, if you Wish to accomplish anything. Poll as many coupons this week as you did last, aud then some.

Eleven < nndldatrt for Muyor.

ST. FAIL. Minn.. March 11.The campaign for st. Pauls first prlmariei sine" the adoption of the commission plan of municipal government closes this week. On Tuesday next the pri- maries will be held for the nomination of candidates for mayor, eounellmen. city controller, municipal Judge and justices of the peace. Those receiv- ing the most votes in the primaries will get their names on the ballot at the final election in May. Eleven can didates contesting In the primaries it will be necessary to Issue the ballots n two sections.

lure and Bxtun s 10,291.61 1 ue from banks and hank

ITS 46.132.83 Cold coin 1K5.0" Silver coin. i:n hiding all

minor coin currency... 1,384.92 National bank notes and

other U. S. notes



S2S3,762.2r, Liabilities

Capital slock paid in 31,000.90 Surplus fund 31.000.0e 1 ndivided profits, less cur

rent expenses and taxes paid 14.653.70

Doposlta subject to check. 134.104. If. Savings deposits 72,800.2'-- Cashier's checks outstand-

304. IS

Total $283,762.2R Slate of North Carolina, County of

Pitt, ss: I, Stanclll Hodges, cast ier of th'

above-named bank, do soltnely swear that the above statement is true to he best of my knowledge and belief

STANCH.I. HODOEC, Cashier. Subscribed ami sworn to before me.

his March 9, 1914. I, O. C. HcGLOHON, Notary Public My commission expires February

!0, IP! 6. Correct-Attest:



THE FARM Is the Baiis of all Induitry

LIME is the basic of all good farminjr. Write for bulletin by the best authority m the United St.itrs on I jine on the Farm, Anil get price nt the purest lime. Don't buy earth, aand, etc. A pustal will give you reasons.


FOB BALKl IKBUlf BirjNKR IH.Th eggs, best layers of pure white

h'lell eggs. $1.00 per setting of 12. Mr= K. C. King, Falkland, N. C. 2 19 4tw

HtlSKELLS i in- application aooihea and h

; "i'-iya.ri(aii,l th';,i'|.f*.' 'nuirkry cur. tcieuij.rrys.r^lig,Tester, Uk*r

prrpT;.er W-dAor *t *n Itnw-t:

i f i '..sample aad ' n-H:. *..d JOHNsIOh, MOI.lOv Ui'.O

17' ftp, HB B*rdt4HI hi . rtall*. *a.

i a ": ^aV ekfrYeftVu m UkortatiJ % prrpaTuc. I

unfa. "i i ,d Beealr aV CO., _f








































Charges Against Ii. C. Smith, Employee ol National Bank

i ilnot ity Preside of the Two Banks. The

Accuser Kate Threatened Sui- cide. Mime) Lost is Specu-


GOLDSBORO March i". -For sever- al days past an expert bank oxaminei has been in the city Inspecting tin books of the Goulsboro Savings an Trust company and the National bank, being summoned here by George A. Norwood president of the National Ilauk who had suspected wrong was i.ine. on, but so quietly had the affair been kept from the public that not until only today was a shortage of the two above hanks given to the stock holders and the public in general. This afternoon the stockholders of the two banks gave out the following state- j ment: "That the Ooldsboro Savings and Trust company had discovered a shortage of r,o,ono and some few nun-; dred dollars and the National bank shortage of $2f,.000 a defalaction by H. C Smith an employe of the Nation-; al bank and for two years cashier of | the Ooldsboro Savings and Trust com

puny. The first shortage was dlsiOVSred in

the National bank but relatives of young Smith promptly made good tha! sum and the affair was kept quiet

Today an Inspection of the books of the Ooldsboro Savings and Trust com- pany disclosed a shortage of $50.0uO but the olss will only be $40.0u0 since Smith was bonded by an Insurance company for $10,000.

The stockholders held a meeting this afternoon behind closed doors with

result that George A. Norwood, orescent of tho two banks deposited $50 000 In cash with the stockholders as a personal loss of their money or Interest on same, and when the meet- ing had adjourned the above state- ment was given to the public.

The Stockholders were willing to share the loss with Mr. Norwood but he refused their aid and stated thai he felt as though he was rcsponhible for the condition of the two bank! and his conscience would not allow him to do otherwise thnn make good the defalcations personally Manv banks throughout the south have tele- graphed Mr. Norwood this nfternoor. off.ring their aid and If made Into r total would run up Into the hundreds of thousands.

Smith was also city treasurer hut no examination has been made of the books. I'P to this hour Smith has not been arrested.

While In conversation with Mr Norwood this morning Mr. Smith >alleged to have informed him that be intended to end his life, ns he now hail nothing to live for. The money, It Is suid was lost hy speculation.

Young Smith was prominently con- nected in this city and the affair has cast n gloom over the entire town.

Winterville and Kinston Will Cross Oats Next

Saturday wi.v! lur.ii.i.i:, March 18.The

baseball squad of w. H. s. has been working hard for the past few day:: in preparation for the opening gatin with Kinston High School bare . Saturday, The athletic field has ben put in excellent shape, and at present th.- team is in excellent condition. The probable line up for Saturday game will be Smith C, Davis p, Brickley ss. Croom il> Harnhlll 1 b. llumbell 2 b Corey if. v. Sbepperd c. f. and either Pierce, Scott, H. Bhepperd or Law- rence r f. Kinston Is said to have a very strong team this season and the home team is looking to have a hard : ghl to win The eame will he call. .1 i; :',::'.ii p. in. Tho probable batteries >oi be for Kinston either Hlnes or

I- eming and Tyndall and Winterville. .-nd Smith. An Interesting game is ex- pi ete.i Kverybody come.

I n ' I n il 11 l ' 'irumo "i a Hear Hindu" lr

Men Buried Beneath liebns *?*j?**z When Burned Club


ru Into iiiiilit)

of Bricks I'akea teeai the Wall, two (treated.

Between twelve o'clock last night and the w.e snia hour- ol this morn- ing a wholesale d< liver) arai from the county jail when i ighl uegr i prison) v.- made their escap< by b Bring

ST LOUIS, March 17 Al bast two down the brick walls. persons were kill.-d. 15 buried under They being: Squire Grafferee. John debris and in injured when the west Henry Clark. Charlie Burgess, be- wail of the Missouri Athletic clubbuild Gregory, Charlie Splvey, truest Pay tag. which was destroyed by lire in John Parker and Hill Taft.

One of [scaped Prisoners Is Causing Some Trouble

In Crimesland Section

Witch 30 persons lost their lives, a week ago, collapsed under a high wind lure late today and crashed through

It is known that they were aided by some outside party or parties a.- sev- eral necessary Instrument! such a;

a tour-story building occupied by the hack saws were found ... llie Jail lab

St l^iuis Seed Company morning. The iron door that covered the window was fastened with two

The wall of lb- Missouri Athletic oH tt,. window framing ami breaking "large pad locks from the Inside and club building which stood seven stories

high, crumbled when a 35-mlle wind veered to the northwest. A tew min- utes before the collapsed, Building Commissioner McKelvey,

these were sawed off. And after do Ing this tbey were enabled to get fair play at the window ; .il and framing

who was W|,i,.|i ,i.y tore into splinters am' directing 170 n i.. the work of ex- p|ai.,.,| [ a eell adjoining the wall ploring the ruins of tho Missouri Ath- -[-(,,. outside party tore awa) letC club, fearing the wall would fall j ,.!lou..h brick beneath the window to aud or.lered bis men out of the debris This action probably prevented a heavy

Gets Lest in Greenville

less of life. Th- four-story building occupied by

(Raleigh News and Observer.) "1 got lost in Greenville the other

day when 1 went home on a short Vblt," saiil Hon. A. L. Blow, clerk of the United Slates Court, after return- ing Tuesday night from Greenville.

How was il thai you lost your- sell " was asked of the Pitt county man," and why ia it that you could not make your way about over the town, as it has been only a shorl time j since you wire down there."

"Well, il has been only six weeks .in a 1 was there," he said, "but those six weeks have wrought wonders lr

' the looks of the town. 1 never In my I life saw as much building activities ' going on in a town as Is now the case | down there. No matter Which way ' you turn to look, you see something new going up aud 1 don't wonder

|: at the contractors are so hard push- . I to get labor.

"The new additions to the training school are now complete, and will be accepted by the committee in Just a few days. And that section of the town is one ol" the finest. Besides the new model school, which is a new department thai Is "dug added by the training school there arc also a number of residences that are going up in that part of the town. Many of them are being put up by profes- BOrs in the school, while residents of the town are taking advantage of tho line location to build homes for them- selves.

"And this Is only a small beginning ll-.at I have told you of. It would be a long list if I were to tell you of all that is going on. Greenville Is a good town, and our people are hustling In every line of business. They hav. faith In their town, and are Investing their money at home, with the ex p.elation of getting returns from It.'

allow the escape. One of the negroes. Charles Bur-

gess, only went a Bhort distance, as -, .be spent the remainder of the nlgbi

the St, Louis Seed company had weafc-jwl'h : Is family in town, and '"''me to eueil, apparently Oaring the burning of|th< sheriffs office bright and early tin- the Missouri Athletic club building, j morning and surrendered Hill ""aft which adjoined it on the east, and When was taken Into custody D Grim

tin brick wall crashed on be roof of th j four-story building, the walls of the I latter gave way and all above the Se-

cond Boor crumbled. Hours after the accident it was Im-

possible to determine how many had been buried in the ruins. Many doubt- less escaped and went away without giving their names but 10 persons are unaccounted for. Six Injured, three of them women had been taken from the ruins two were known to he dead and several still were In the debris.

laud today and brought back to jail It is reported he has revealed to sheriff Dudley the names of the out- side party Implicated in the delivery Hut their report could not be confirm- ed by the officer.

All of the negroes were In for minor charges except Bqulre Grafferee, who was charged with burglary of tin store of J. J. Elks at UrlmeslaBd.

Syuln (,..!n ouc ol the Di, nun escaped from the count] Friday night and who is thought to be tbe leader in making the oacape

I gome ol the citi m i county some uneasiness. When hi was lirsl arresti r tor burglarixh | ton of J. J Klks several week s

at llrlnii passed lb I ol Mr. W. O. Matthi ws b- .!.!I bis bicycle and took .. hi

. > tin armed they opened Ore and soon tiro

from a bundri it or more pistol and gun barrels Two of the

. i. ii having he. n shot in the legs, The oilers made a break fur '.i.. r'v an I iiiioti'i.h'h s and bleycles

.on in tbe (base anil within thr luartPrs of an hour after tho opening 11 tha battle every one . I the desperadoes were In tl e tolls.

Wi a and children were terror- , ,i net the tragic i n nl of Ihe morn*

ing Is still being dlsi III SI il

The negroes while in lag *< through .he woods, disposed ol lb r weapons and when Ihe smoki ol bat- tle hail cleared away only two ptatOlS were found among the whole bam h, They are no* behind lall bari in ibis city snd a dlrtli r set Is seldom i , a here An officer from Warsaw came over

I the goods stolen from Mr1. Best last night.

More building has started on Dickin- mn Avenue, opposite the Norfolk Southern depot.

KOJoy the pretty weather winl< lasts, as it may change soon.

